#also sorry but for some reason it won't show the tite cover drawing so sorry all
Inky Terrors Of The Past Chapter 1- Back To Hell
                              A.N: heya guys this is the official chapter of my au's story after an long. Whole while of thinking I just felt the need to rewrite this entire story but its not gonna be fully canon with the actual game itself. Without futher to do hope you all enjoy! ---- 30 years have passed ever since Henry had left his dream job. He was in his room looking a an picture of him with bendy on his first ever birthday he looked so happy in that "....." He sighed he really missed him his creation, he just wished he could of brought him Along "Jess would of liked ya bud.." He said to the picture. Just then Jessica came running in "hey there kiddo" Henry said to his daughter. "D-dad, I have an letter for y-you" he looked confuse "who in earth would sent me an letter" Jess muttered "you'll never guess.." Henry grabbed the letter and opened it while Jess walked upstairs about to look like she was gonna scream. "Dear Henry, its been an while since we worked on cartoons together, 30 years really slips away doesn't it? If your back in town come visit the old workshop. There's something I need to show you, your best pal, Joey Drew" The letter kept playing in Henry's head as he drove towards the studio he remembered how to get there even after 30 years. "What does Joey have to show me  that's been belated for 30 years?" He talked to himself as he reached the studio he looked at it "been an long time since I was here" he said as he parked and got out of his car. He opened the door to the studio and entered it. "Alright Joey I'm here, let's see what you wanted to show me" he said as he walked. An lot has changed in the studio. For one there was no one around it almost looked abandoned, he saw the projecter on "heh this thing still works?" He said as he waved his hand slightly on the lighten of the camera smiling slightly. He explored around in the studio as he saw how much has changed. He looked at the board of ink pressure. "Wow looks like Joey really was ruined without me to help" he muttered to himself as he jumped over an pipe and saw an balcony with chains. He walked over and saw that there was an generator and a machine. He rubbed the back of his head confused "alright so how do I get this thing to work?" He said as he looked to see the power box was missing two boxes he grabbed one and found the other in a box and placed it in the slot and turned on the lift "this lift could use an few drys, let's see what's your hiding down there, old friend" he said to himself as he saw the ink machine being rose up "so this thing is still standing even after all this time?" he said as he inspected the makeover it received "huh gotta say joey must of done some improvements with it.." he figured how he should turn it on than he remembered the flow ink room he walked out of the ink machine room and came across the gate that was closed before now opened. he was curious and walked through it "how much did joey change this place?" he said as he walked observing the oak wood red colored floorboards  as this place sure got old when he last left he walked into one of the other rooms and saw the ink pressure was off and there were these six small pillar that looked like they each held something "hmm..." he looked at each picture "looks like those are the items i need" he said as he turned around to go look for them when he suddenly got jumpscared by the cutout he gasped before breathing "who put this here?!" he said as he looked around before shaking his head "scaring me with your cutouts this time kid?" he said to the cutout who did not response as henry rolled his eyes and kept walking. soon enough he found the gear, the music disc, the doll, the book. He just needed to find the wrench and the inkwell. He looked for the wrench first but came as shocked from seeing the strapped corpse of Boris the wolf "oh god... Joey what were you doing?" He said to himself as he looked at the message of "who's laughing now?" He saw many other messages before he got to the room like "dreams come true" Henry stared with an sad look on Boris's corpse "how long has he been dead...?" He wondered to himself as he saw the tool box he opened it and was left now guilty. There was an bone in there now he was mad did they lure Boris Into here he clenched his fists "I swear Joey you and I are gonna have an talk.." He said to himself as he sadly got the wrench out of boris's chest and had to cover his mouth when he saw ink starting sporting out of the wound. He started hearing whispers in the ink "this is getting weird" he said to himself as he walked away. Along the way he found one of the tapes showing Wally he had an smirk on even in all of this wally's catchphrase never cease to amaze him. He went back to the main room and saw something he did not noticed. The closest door that was closed has an stained unknown substance. He slowly opened the door and got jump scared by an corpse as it landed on the ground how long had the corpse been there he had no clue. He saw something stuck in the corpse's back he pulled it out it was an large sharp hunting knife with strange markings and words on it he felt like this was Joey's and putted the knife in his belt loop. after staring at the inked corpse henry then walked off and found his old desk but no inkwell “hey here’s my old desk, I wasted so much time on this chair” he said as he turned around and said an room that wasn’t there before “huh, that wasn’t there before” he said as he walked in “looks like joey knocked down an hole here, must of took an few people to replace me” he said as he looked around admiring the doodles and saw one certain doodle that kept changing it’s pose whenever henry looked away he smiled at one of them that had the little devil laying on the ground with his hands under his chin with an cheerful expression “how you doing buddy? miss me?” he said to the drawing while smiling slightly as he saw the inkwell “ah okay that’s all of them” he said as he did’int noticed ah figure moving slowly towards him. henry picked up the inkwell “alright, now ba-” before he could talk more he felt something slammed against the back of his head and henry’s vision darkened. it only took more than 20 minutes for him to wake up as he was still in the same room he goraned which he heard an startled reaction coming out of whoever hitted him he turned slowly and his eyes widen as did the figure he saw someone he never expected to see again but he couldn’t believe it. same dark hoodie, same blue jeans, same green gloves and the same face “b….bendy?” bendy stared eye wided he couldn’t believe it himself but he was looking at his creator he tried closing his eyes and opening them but he was still there same kind voice, same jeans same grey shirt and same green vest. he had an big smile on his face he was right he told alice that henry would come back one day and he was right! he finally did came back!  his big happy smile then turned to an big frown as he dropped the mallet as huge inky tears dripped down sniffling “h-h-h…..hen–ry?” he said his voice cracking and breaking. henry smiled and opened his arms to which the little devil ran up to his creator and hug tackled him crying as henry hugged back as the little devil cried into his shoulders “i missed you so much henry…” henry shush him as he rubbed the little devil’s head “i know buddy… i’m here now alright? it’s gonna be alright” he said as bendy kept hugging him sobbing into his shoulders. it wasn't long before henry had to let go of the hug and got back up "henry... where are you going?" the little devil asked "well to put these back in those pestidals i guess" bendy's eyes widen "h-henry w-why would ya do that?" he asked him as henry turned around the corridor realizing the cutout is gone as he putted the offerings on where they need to be "because i need those in order to turn the mac-" bendy stopped him "woah woah woah! henry trust me you do not wanna turn on that damn machine!" bendy said grunting as henry noticed he needed to flow the ink not really paying attention "kid i seen weirder things than thist but believe me. why should i be afraid now?" bendy growled "henry trust me really, you. do. not. wanna. turn. on. that. machine!" henry kept walking and was jumpscared by another cutout "old man, your not scared of anything but your scared of one of those cutouts peeking out?!" henry glared at bendy "it surprised me!" henry stopped before sighing "sorry... did'int mean to push ya buttons hen.." bendy said now feeling guilty "no it's fine bud... but please do understand once i turn on the machine then we can talk all you want. alright?" bendy shook his head "no henry please listen there's a reason why the machine is turned of-" henry pressed the button to flow the ink and a pipe burst causing the room to be flooded. the two saw the projecter turned on by itself as they heard an whistling sound coming from every direction. when it ended henry grew concerned and walked out of the room quickly with bendy following. the two heard an clanking sound from the ceiling as it looked like someone was crawling above them. henry quickly pressed the button to the power as the room suddenly dimmed down. "okay... that should be it" bendy was still crossing his arms while muttering "don't say i did'int warn ya..." henry looked at him with an confused look "what was that?" bendy quickly shutted up "nothing!" Henry noticed ink sprouting out of the boris corpse as he looked midly disgusted by it as he walked off with bendy following "come on henry you gotta hear me out!" henry payed him no mind as he stepped over the pipe "henry please!" it was too late bendy knew as they saw the ink machine room now boarded up  "what the..." he said as he walked closer and closer until he about an inch to the boards when suddenly something slapped him "H E N R Y" henry looked horrorfied as bendy helped him up and dragged him "what in the hell is that?!" henry yelled out "questions later! RUNNING NOW!" modern said as the two ran and ran as the ink demon roared and broke out of the boards and chased the two down. it wasn't long when he leaped foward slashing henry by the leg from behind as the animator fell. bendy looked in horror and quickly distracted the ink demon by slamming an chair. the ink demon hissed in annoyance and punched bendy hard in the stomach and threw him aside. it noticed henry trying to crawl away as it's unmoving grin grew wider as it grabbed henry by the leg and threw him at the pouring ink like wall barrier hearing an thud like crashing sound as henry was thrown to it and crashing onto crates. henry weakly pulled out the strange knife but he was thrown yet again out of the ink pouring wall as he hit the wall with an thud. the ink demon walked towards henry as it raised it's claws but then something slammed into the inky beast. it was bendy but he was different for one he was taller and ink was covering his face. he roared and kept clawing at the ink demon with his clawed hand as henry got up and slowly ran towards the door. the ink demon grabbed bendy and threw him at henry the two falling through an hole in the floor as the ink demon watched them fall from the upper floor to sammy's floor, he walked off taking the long way. Henry got up slowly while holding his side as the knife was foreceally stabbed into his stomach during the fall. he slowly got up while holding the wound as he slowly drained the ink well. suprised to see bendy still up and about but in a daze "H....HENRY?" he asked "y-yeah bud i’m still here" he said wincing "c-can you.... t-turn back?" he asked him as he nodded and reverted back to his toon form. after minutes of walking and draining the valves that made it to an clear room. henry cleaned again the wall with the "THE CREATOR LIED TO US" message as he bit down on an strange looking object that seem to be a gun as he pulled out the knife as he grunts in pain. bendy was now worried more "i-im alright buddy... j-just gotta.... take it slow" he said as he putted the object away and the knife back in his belt loop as he looked towards the axe and picked it up "this will come in handy" he said as he carefully made an path for him and bendy. when they arrived in a room suddenly the path behind them caves into the ink "h-henry!" bendy said as henry suddenly had an headache as he dropped the axe when he stepped onto the pentagram flashes of visions filled his mind as he couldn’t handle it as he passed out with bendy running to his aid in a hurry.
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