#my batim au fanfiction
softichill · 9 months
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kamdicegirl · 1 month
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Phew! That took longer than I thought but it's done.
After the cup brothers land in jail for breaking and entering a cookie factory, they attempt to break out but failed miserably. That is until they catch the attention of 3 inmates, Charley, Barley and Edgar who are also planning to bust out of prison and need some extra hands. Can they trust them?
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thatonecrookedsmile · 4 months
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From the depths of the studio - where darkness prevails and the voices of the puddles grow louder - a message is echoed to the rest of the world. A promise filled with hatred and,at the same time,with conviction. Words coming from someone who was more than confident that their blasphemy would come true.
A message that is directed to one creature,and one creature only...
"I will become the very being You never could be"
----- "A Promise Sent from Below" - Return to the Studio AU.
Oh hey, I have an AU, I forgot about that (lie)
I've had a similar idea in my head for a month now. It wasn't possible to do it last month, but no problem. May would make more sense. I did something with this little guy for 414 last year, and I wanted to do something with him again. April 14th of this year would not be possible, but May 14th or 15th? Oh yes. These dates are better because it was between these two (actually it was the 14th I think, but I consider both dates) days that I created this guy above! Consider this drawing a celebration made for…well, me. Of course, he wasn't created with the design above in mind. His original, main design is quite different from this alternative (and less original) iteration. The drawing above shows his current situation in the "current" moments of the RTTS AU.
His creation, which dates back to 2020, was the result of some Bendy-related thoughts of mine intersecting on the day. These being about new things in canon lore that came out at the time (plus speculation about this new information), a theory that at the time I started to understand better (which maybe based on the drawing, you probably know which theory I'm talking about ) and a funny bug found in one of the games (do you remember Ghost Bendy by any chance?) And then,boom. I created Atlas. I remember at the time I was thinking of other names for him because Atlas was just a codename that I had in mind to refer to him while I thought of a definitive name for the guy. But the codename ended up sticking. Plus, Atlas is a cool name and I wanted to give an OC that name.
Even though some details changed over time, I think I eventually managed to solidify his place in the AU. Not that his story is 100% thought out and completed. Hell, my AUs that I have are still not 100% thought out either, so what to expect from their characters. But I think that, currently, I have at least decided on the general idea of his place and purpose in RTTS, and I am happy with what I have come up with.
I don't know when the next time will be that I will show him again. In general, showing things from my AUs is not and probably will never be my strong point lol. But I'd like to draw him again eventually. So uhhhhhhhhhhh, one day. When that "one day" will be, it's up to you to decide
Happy Birthday Atlas. You and your other 2 alternative versions are cool to think about. Here's to another 4 years of chaos for you. 🙌
I can't believe it's been 4 years now, damn.
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me white knuckling gripping the bathroom sink staring at my reflection in the mirror: you don’t need to be GOOD at what you do for FUN you don’t need to be GOOD at what you do for FUN you do not need to hold yourself to incredibly high standards and feel guilty about not meeting them when you are doing a HOBBY for something you LIKE and it takes TIME you are not being judged and you don’t need to be GOOD at what you do for FUN
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immortal-ink-blog · 2 years
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I drew the book cover to my wattpad BATIM/BATDR fanfic “You’re Safe Now/Immortal Ink”! It has a lot of chapters- I have been working on it since the beginning on the year! It’s really just to write about my au a bit more, but also for ppl if they want to read it, my wattpad is “GoldenLove615” if you wanna check it out!!!
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spooksfanartzone · 2 years
I am empty inside.
I’m well aware of this. I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember.
Growing up I had a hard time connecting with anyone. understanding others, especially regarding anything emotional.
I’ve been told I’m cold, callous, and cruel.
“How can you not see how your actions hurt others?”
How could I explain too anyone that I lack whatever they have in that regard.
But I’m awfully clever. I learned how too pretend too have what they had inside that I didn’t. I learned how to be the perfectly cheery, hopeful, nice person I am today.
Is it any wonder I got into acting as a job? It’s what I do every hour of every day, might as well get payed for it.
People say that Joey Drew and I are a lot alike. We aren’t.
Joey has what i lack inside. I’ve heard people call him heartless, but no, he has one.
If there’s anyone in the halls of this studio that’s heartless it’s me.
Not that I would ever let them know. The heartless don’t get anywhere.
Alice used too be popular, started to outshine that little devil Joey goes on and on about.
She lost all of it when I started voicing her.
“You don’t put any heart into your performance.” The music director once told me.
How do I explain too him that I don’t have a heart.
Thomas Conner loves me. I don’t know if I can feel the same, if that’s something I’m even capable of.
But I think he’s fun, and determined, and someone who could use a good distraction.
I’m happy to play that part.
I’ve learned all the steps in the dance, all the words too the song.
But I can never hear the beating music everyone else can hear.
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musicalhistorical · 2 years
part two of the batim au
I have chapters one through seven now posted on ao3 as musicalhistorical. I kind of forgot to post the other chapters here, but I figured that I might as well since people are reading it.
  “Hey kid, slow down. What are you saying?”
  This was…well, at one point you determined that such an occurrence would have been straight out of a dream…back when you didn’t have a job or bills that needed paying.  
  Now you were certain that you’d come back homeless and without a job. Goosebumps spread down your arms like a rash just to think of it. 
  “Listen, this may be a lot to take in…but I know what’s going on.”
  Henry pinched his nose, inhaling through his mouth. You had to hand it to the guy; he was taking this better than you were. The two of you hung out in the employee’s break room, with Henry taking a seat at one of the tables and you leaning against a wall.
  “So...I’m a character in a video game. And you can only play through one loop?”
  “That’s right. Um, there’s a lot of theories…and I’m sorry, did you just say one loop?”
 He laughed, though there was no mirth behind it. “Thought you said you knew everything.”
  Frowning, you decided to throw darts to think. “Well, I kind of do. I know what to expect and what happens in this place. Back when I was really into this place, I’d develop the craziest theories about why you couldn’t leave,” you rambled, aimlessly throwing darts somewhat near the target. “Time loops were considered, but I think I moved on before seeing all of those theories.”
  “Okay, so you’re in over your head and are terrible at darts. Anything else I should know?”
 “Nobody’s died as a result of my dart game! That’s something.”   “...You managed to hit everything in that area except for the target.”
 You rolled your eyes but took the darts out of the wall as you were supposed to. “Maybe I need to imagine hitting someone I despise…” you muttered. “That helped me with golf.”
  “Well, I hope you’ve got that figured out because we have to go. Since you know a lot about this place, want to split up to get the items?”   Diving across the room, you got to Joey Drew’s book before Henry could go for it. “Let’s make it a competition then!” You challenged him. “I’ve already gotten ahead of you old man!”
  “Call me an old man, will you?” Henry laughed, racing to get to the stairs. “I know this place like the back of my hand!”
  You scrambled after him, but even with your temporary lead, Henry overtook you quickly. You both knew exactly what this was going to do…but you were never one to simply lie quietly. Why not have some fun, at least for the time being? 
    “Hey, kid. Are you sure you want to go through this with me? I mean…that hoodie looks nice. Wouldn’t want it to get ruined.”
  This only got a shrug. “If it gets ink on it, and I can’t get it out, I’ll find a way to make it look cute. Besides, I’m trapped here now, remember?”
  ...that only weakened your resolve. You didn’t belong in this world, not to mention the studio. Had Joey planned this? Was Billie in on it? Was there a way back home? 
  “Oh...Oh no. Henry, if I can’t go back home I’m going to just…take a walk. In the snow.”
   “That’s not going to happen, because you’ll get home. I’m going to get everyone out, and now you fall under that category. Come on, kiddo. Let’s go meet a series of bad life decisions together, alright?”
  You bit back a groan. “This isn’t going to be fun…at all.”
 “Not with that attitude!” He said cheerfully. “Come on, let’s get it over with.”   Now praying that Henry wouldn’t start becoming more like a father figure than he was already (you didn’t want him to spout all the good dad jokes before you did), there was nothing else for you to do.   “Can I check the door? I want to make sure I can’t go back first. You know, spare the trouble?”
  He nodded. “No need to ask me. Go ahead! If it works…well, it was nice to meet you.”
  “Oh no! I would never…okay maybe. I’ll be right back!” You said, jogging to the exit. Henry watched until you were out of view before going to meet Bendy…and starting the worst or best cardio workout ever.   “Alright, front door time..” you sighed, rubbing the palms of your hand on your shirt. “Let’s see if this works.”
   The wood groaned beneath your feet, but it was an old building, and you were supposed to fall so…you thought nothing of it. That is until heavy footsteps came closer and closer. The ink suddenly flooding the corridor gave you enough answers, but Henry was still maybe three feet away when the flooring gave out.
 “Henry you son of a guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!” You screeched, flailing in the air as you fell. 
  But the fall…didn’t kill you. It should have. You weren’t involved in any of this. But…well, guess this now confirmed it.   You wouldn’t have been that mad about it if you had been able to keep the hoodie somewhat clean. As it was, you probably needed a new one as soon as possible. “Hey Henry!” you shouted. “You got two seconds to jump or I’m draining the ink and letting you take the consequences that would follow. I mean it!” 
 Just to emphasize your point, you sloshed as loudly as possible to the valve in the room. 
  Just as good that you did, for not a moment later did a splash sound out. “Wait let’s..let’s not do that.”
   You rolled your eyes and turned the valve. “Well, if you hadn’t gone to see the demon without me, I wouldn’t have considered such a threat.”
 “Well, do you know what’s next?”
  Of course. Sammy. “Don’t…don’t remind me. I am not looking forward to it.”
  “You could always wait in a miracle station. I don’t mind coming back for you.”
  …Well, you have to be honest eventually. 
  “No, I’ll be fine. I just have…the worst sense of humor. Like…well, you’re gonna see eventually,” you shrugged. “It’s my defense mechanism.”
  “It’s not…bad? Well, let’s go meet the prophet then. Whenever you’re ready.”
   You nodded, starting to go for a fist bump only to realize that it hadn’t been invented yet. So a handshake instead. “I was born ready.”
  “I don’t know what I did to warrant a punch but thank you for a handshake instead,” he laughed.
  “One of these days, I’m gonna show you a pretty nifty invention. It’s gonna blow your mind.”
  “I’m trapped in a time loop with ink monsters trying to kill me. But hey, maybe the invention is…a…giant…fan.”
  “Oh come on! What would someone even do with that?”
  He shrugged, picking up a couple of cans of bacon soup. “Maybe you could pretend to fly.”
   “Would be safer than jumping off the Eiffel Tower in a faulty parachute.”
  “Yeah…it would. Oh, look! We’re in the music room. Let’s get you a weapon and let’s get some soup!” Unless you felt like pelting enemies with soup cans…there weren’t a lot of options to choose from. “You think I could find a piece of wood somewhere?” You asked.  
  It took far longer than expected; you hadn’t realized how hard it was to find a piece of wood that Henry declared safe for you to use. Splinters would not be fun down here. 
  “Alright, are we done with our makeup? Come on, let’s get ready to go.”
   “We’re getting there, no worries. Just had to make sure you were prepared.”
  Now that you were armed, making it to the music room was a…creepy stroll in the studio.
  “Okay, so how should we do this?” You asked. “Can you still run after the demon?”   He shrugged but went to the projector room. “Pretty sure this whole thing counts as a workout for me at this point. You know the order?”
  Of course. You’d gone over it many times. Though the audio log changed each time- probably to keep players on their toes- you and Henry had listened to this one…a lot. “Violin, drum, piano, trumpet, cello. I’ll be quick.”
  So off you went, Henry up the stairs and you to the pit. As soon as the projector started rolling, you played the instruments and hoped Henry would make it.
 He clambered down the stairs like a bat out of hell, arriving just as you played the final instrument, despite cringing at the horrid shriek. 
 “It’s not so bad, I suppose,” you told Henry as the door opened. “Perhaps one day, people will adore shrieking violins.”   “That would be a truly tone-deaf world.”
  You shrugged in a “you’d be surprised” kind of way and continued walking. “So…when does mister music director not cult leader show up?”   “Sheep…Sheep…it’s time for sleep.”
 ‘Aha! I summoned him!’ you thought even as darkness overtook you. At least you got a laugh.  
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croissantlover24 · 2 months
Hello, Internet! I think it’s about time I made an introduction post. I am, as you can see from my username, CroissantLover24 (“croissant” or “pastry” for short). On here, you’ll see me reblog a plethora of Sun and Moon Show, FNAF, Undertale, Deltarune, Stardew Valley, BATIM, and Minecraft content. I am a sex-and-romance-repulsed Aro-Ace/Quoiromantic and all of my characters are sex-repulsed asexuals (please don’t ship them together unless they have been confirmed to not be Aro-Ace as well). Feel free to ask me anything! My asks are almost always open for any questions, comments, or similar concepts.
Tag Explanations:
#pastry-polls is a tag for any polls I post.
#pastry-loses-her-almost-perfect-grammar-for-sun-and-moon-show-drama-again is my Sun and Moon Show venting tag.
#pastry-writes is usually what I tag my posts where I follow prompts or add my own advice/commentary to a separate post with.
#pastry-loves-science is my science tag. This is where I’ll ramble about science, add onto the ramblings of someone else, or mention which scientific fields I’m currently interested in.
#pastry-rambles is where I’ll ramble about theories or ideas I have, such as the “Third Person Bias” article I wrote about the Sun and Moon Show audience, or add onto the ramblings of someone else.
#pastry-answers is my ask tag! Any asks I get will be tagged with this.
#pastry-draws is something I plan on using in the future on my artworks, as few as there are on here.
Please do not interact with me if you…
-are trying to discuss the allegations against Shattered-Sparks. Leave me alone. I don’t want to talk about it.
-harass people who don’t (or do) ship SolarMoon (gore askers)
-think the gore anons aren’t real (Stay far away from me. I know there are very few of you, but that’s awful.)
-are going to vote for Donald Trump in November (I don’t care if you don’t like him but are still voting for him. If you are going to vote for him, please do not interact with me, thanks)
-are an Israel supporter (this is a blog that supports Palestine)
-are just a bad and rude person in general
Thank you for reading and have a great day! :)
Sun and Moon Show Vent Blog:
Firewall’s Malware AU Ask Information:
Firewall’s Malware Fanfiction:
Ruins of Rust Fanfiction:
Writing requests are open. Art requests are closed.
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corruptimles · 4 months
Remember those really popular 'Henry saves everyone' BATIM AUs that were really popular back in the day? I found a game that literally does that as a true ending.
My Friendly Neighbourhood has a true ending where the protagonist Gordon restores sanity to all the puppets, helps them out by giving them back their eyes/ giving them food/ fixing their piano/ watching a movie with them etc, and at the end they reboot the show and live happily ever after. I was watching a bunch of the cutscenes today and the voice acting is great! I have no idea why it didn't reach the popularity BATIM did.
ooh i remember watching the demo for that game and I enjoyed it but you're right, it didn't take off as much after that. I also wonder why? maybe its mascot designs didn't feel enough to blorbo-ify? (mascot in loose terms) not enough popular youtubers played the full version? marketing? the demo didn't have enough for people to create several headcanons and theories and fanfiction about that compounded on itself to an insane degree before the release of the full game so it didn't have the effect other media that released in chunks get for better and for worse? it didn't get memed on?
the popularity and success rate of indie horror will always be a fascinating thing to me
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scratchgeist · 9 months
BATIM Discord Server!
DISCLAIMER: This is not my server, I am advertising it for the Server Owner upon request! I am just a server member! ^^
Everything below is written by the Server Owner. - Scratch
🎇Welcome to the Bendy and the Multiversal Revival server!🎇
Note: We are a 15+ Server! Anyone under 15 is not allowed!!!
Have you ever wanted to find a server where you can rp with your own BATIM AU characters, or gush about them without having to worry that people will judge you? Here at the BATMR server, you can do just that!
We are -🔴🟠🟡LGBTQ Friendly🟢🔵🟣 -💃System Friendly💃
We have -AU Forum to discuss Aus made by yourself and fellow members -🎭Roleplaying forums, Including Chapter tags, OC Hangout, and a Multiverse Lounge and Bar! -🎨Art Department for WIPs, Art Trades, Both Bendy and Non bendy themed art -✏✏Writing Department for Fanfiction, sharing stories and drafts! -Spoiler Channel to gush about new Canon Content -No RP Character Claiming! -LGBTQ and System Friendly Staff -Tupper AND PluralKit for System Members! -Comic Corner forum for Artists who have a Bendy Themed Comic Series -Monthly Rp Events that are hosted by fellow members
Whether you enjoy making Aus, Ocs or just enjoy the fandom, We would love to have you here!
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libbworl · 3 months
Hello, welcome to my blog. I am libbworl Abry Watterson. Libb is my nickname but my actual name is allibia. (None of these are part of my real name, just for rp and entertainment reasons)
I will do roleplay, but for now, my TAWoG stuff is unavailable rn, my TAWoG posts are my oldest ones.
For now I am posting gravity falls crap, and I like making au's.
do not ask me for money.
You can as lili and dipper stuff. (You can even do actions, I'm fine if you toture the two, or tell them to do embarrassing things)
List of franchises I like or can talk about: up
-gravity falls
-adventure time
-happy tree friends/htf
-five nights at Freddy's/fnaf
-bendy and the ink machine/batim
-cuphead (the show & game)
-undertale (Au's as well)
-hazbin hotel/helluva boss/zoophobia
-cartoon cat/Trever Henderson stuff
-regular show
-over the garden wall
-star vs the forces of evil/svtfoe
-the amazing digital circus/TADC
And a note: I WILL make gore and bloody things sometimes.
Last thing: when I filter things as violent it just means there's gore.
You are aloud to:
-make fan art of my OC's and au's
-make fun of my OC's and aus
-add my OC's to ur own au's.
-go ahead and make your own fanfictions of my fanfictions!!
I have a Wattpad account now, my username is libbworl but I go by addicted to gravity falls/killer dipper, go ahead and find me on Wattpad. I'm working on some stories.
I also have a ask blog of dipper & lili
@ask-dipper-pines-and-lili and @lilipinesmaccinson
Also, I want to be nice to my friends, so plz visit their blogs.
@gravityfallsaddict124 @eliqwerty-1206 @thestrangelyalwaysconfused and @cartoon-cat7241
And do not call my characters furries as a joke, or you will be blocked
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kamdicegirl · 14 days
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Sweet Temptation:
The boys learn a harsh lesson on self-control, when they stumble into Sugarland, a paradise made of candy and desserts. Their sweet tooths get the best of them and transform into candy, which garners Baroness von Bon Bon to want to devour them and must escape with their lives!
BTW, Bendy is suppose to be a stick of black licorice!
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snakewithawitchhat · 6 months
There are literally no rules here. Aside from laws, but WHO NEEDS EM! (For legal reasons this is just a very silly haha joke)
About me:
♡I'm a genderfluid afab person, and I use any pronouns but prefer they/them a lot of the time
♡My Y/N is mostly afab—because I am—but I'll try to include other sex's
♡I have no idea how to use/or properly post on Tumblr, so be patient if you want any content.
And if I do something weird.
10/10 times it was probably an accident.
♡I genuinely don't care whether people see my stuff and like it or not. I just wanna get some of my writings out. I love sharing the products of my creativity online
♡I don't bite. Ask me junk, be my friend, hate my writing, idc. I'm just glad you took the time to acknowledge my existence.
Fandoms I'm Into:
♡Lmk (currently watching s3)
♡Undertale Aus (mostly the Sanses)
♡BATIM (first game)
♡Imaginary Friends Asylum
♡Cuphead (My own AU)
♡MLP G4 (I will not write ANY smut or angst or xreader fanfiction on this. I'm not comfortable with it. AUs I might)
♡The Amazing Digital Circus
♡Gravity Falls
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
what did you think of batdr?
So, grain of salt, at time of writing, I have not played or watched BatDR all the way through; I got it liveblogged to me by a friend (which honestly was an ideal experience) and then watched some cutscenes. INITIAL FEELINGS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
When BatDR’s release date was announced, I told friends that I thought it was going to be a pretty tight balancing act – if BatDR was REALLY GOOD, it could kill the enthusiasm for the fandom; yknow, a lot of times when you get what you actually want out of a story, the fervour fades. If BatDR was REALLY BAD, I could become too embarrassed about this franchise and not enjoy playing in it anymore. It has to be the perfect balance of messy and unresolved, but not TOO sloppy or thoughtless, and unfortunately for my ability to stop thinking about it, I think it kinda nailed it. BatDR has some heartfelt and startlingly compelling ideas that it executes sort of incoherently, which makes it FASCINATING.
The joke I keep making is that it’s not a sequel, it’s not a prequel, it’s a fanfiction. And I don’t mean that as a diss – it has a fanfic off-the-rails willingness to commit to a wild, self-indulgent take and just go with it, and I think that’s great. But it’s also sort of… disconnected from the original BatIM, in a way? It doesn’t follow BatIM’s themes at all when you think about it. Conflicts and questions in the original game (the downfall of the Studio, Who Was The True Creator Of Bendy, etc.) are strangely brushed aside in this game, rather than developed or resolved. 
Which is why you get weird things like, there’s a REAL ACTUAL NEAR-PERFECT TOON BENDY wandering around, but the original BatIM characters (Joey, Henry, Sammy; people you’d expect to have some kind of big feelings about a true toon Bendy) don’t ever get to interact with him because their feelings on toon Bendy aren’t the point here. BatDR explains what the loop in BatIM was, but that’s not something you discover yourself, because the loop is obsolete now – it’s just explained briefly in order to get to the real focus of this game, Joey Drew having a daughter. Even before you get to timeline questions/possible inconsistencies, the game feels less to me like an actual sequel that builds on the previous game, and more like a neat AU with its own headcanons bouncing off of and interpreting the previous game. 
Anyway, some random specific thoughts that come to mind:
They really coulda done something with the family theme if they’d just had Wilson go ahead and say who he was early on. Why did that have to be a surprise? I don’t think saving it really added anything.
Everything about Audrey being Joey’s daughter is AMAZING and I can’t stop thinking about this. Absolutely fascinating development. Have a lot of conflicting feelings on how this was handled but THATS FOR ANOTHER POST; I really do like this, though.
I RLY LIKE THE DESIGNS FOR HENRY AND JOEY. I was surprised to find that the way my brain parsed them was like, they’re the designs for the BatDR AU. Like BatDR is a new fan showing off their designs for their crew, and I’m drawing fanart for their cool AU.
The Ink Demon/ Bendy stuff uh, resolved very strangely. Am very into Bendy and the Ink Demon being the same entity but wish that had been explored a little more!
I actually like Sammy’s cameo(s). I’ve always gotten the feeling that the creators of BatIM were never entirely sure what we all saw in Sammy, so if they didn’t have anything they were particularly hyped to do with him, I think cameos were the right call. The Subject 418 moment is PERFECT. NO NOTES. His 5 seconds before getting shot at the end is like, it’s silly that he died immediately and we all joke about it, but also there’s an element of OH, IM SO GLAD HE GOT TO BE HERE FOR THIS for me, too.
GENT being all OOOOO LOOK AT ALL THEIR SUPER UNETHICAL SCIENCE, LOOK HOW SINISTER THEY ARE is kinda uninteresting to me. Something like, a single audiolog going “huh, that’s weird, when GENT left for their new building, all the ink left, too….” would be way more unsettling than explicit confirmation of GENT taking over and doing lethal human experimentation. And like, idk, I feel one of the things that made BatIM compelling was that it had all these spooky tropes, but motivated by a startlingly mundane desire – people believing in a cartoon so strongly that it accidentally veers into unhinged science and dark occult worship along the way. As soon as they’re just doing normal unethical science with ambiguous motives that seem totally disconnected from the studio, it becomes kinda generic.
Nothing about Wilson is coherent, to the extent that I honestly wonder if the original plan for Wilson was different and he had to be shuffled around for some reason.
What else happened in this game….. Im glad alice got a murder party but I don’t know why she’s here. That One Scene with her and Allison feels very fanservicey but not in a bad way lmao.
Probably other stuff but I think this post is long enough!!
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Just went through this old thing and purged almost everything. Gonna start posting fanfiction here, so we’ll see how that goes.
Also maybe art too, we’ll see. My Instagram is really where I put art but I might sprinkle some in here occasionally.
Shoot me a message if you have a request I suppose.
Fandoms I know are Harry Potter (both movie and book), Fantastic Beasts, Hogwarts Legacy, Hollow Knight, BATIM, Batman, Danny Phantom, Warriors, Wings of Fire, Owl House, Amphibia, and Pokemon.
You can request other things but characters might not be super accurate because I won’t know them as well.
I’ll do Reader Insert, shipping, fluff, angst, AUs, crossovers, and horror.
Might consider others if you pitch them to me as well but I reserve the right to say no for any reason so please do respect that, thank you!
Hopefully I’ll have something to post soon :3
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theuniversalguardian · 3 months
(Last updated 22 July)
(Link to my Wattpad account at the end of the post)
Greetings fellow human, my personal info is unimportant because it's information that belongs to me only, but you can call me Archel (Not my real name)
If any of my followers are wondering why I haven't posted jack shit in an unusual amount of time, I'm on a writing binge
Also ✨life✨
(Unless it's been months, in which case I'm probably dead)
Important info about my persona and an OC of mine:
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My persona is a Gacha character I made that's black and white themed with face paint and a devil tail. I call it by whatever pronouns, so if you ever see me calling it him or her, don't mind it. Sometimes I forget it's my persona and not an OC, it's not a confirmation of my own gender. It doesn't have lore, it's just me. The day I give myself lore is the day I start worshipping bread and sauce.
I call the OC Archer, he's supposed to be the BATIM version of me, and in the AU I made, he's a version of Bendy so he's technically male. I'm still working on his lore, but I opened up a new blog where I roleplay as him and people can ask him questions while I come up with new ideas for his story. The blog is @askarcher
I only use Tumblr, Wattpad and Quotev. I spend most of my time on Wattpad because it's the first fanfiction platform I've ever had an account on, and it's currently the only place I can talk to my best friend of almost 2 years, Mason. Well, atleast until I can afford to fly overseas. So far I've only published Aphmau SMP and My Inner Demons fanfics. I'm planning on writing a fanfic about season 1 of Evbo's Parkour Civilization though, and I don't think I'll be writing Aphmau fanfiction again aside from ASMP one shots until MyStreet season 7 is released. I don't really do anything on Quotev. Point is if you see me anywhere else, it's definitely fake. I do have an AO3 account, but I do literally nothing with it.
On Wattpad, I just post random stuff while I gather motivation to write, and I make some things about my Gacha ocs, though nobody really seems interested. Right now, my blog is only focused on Aphmau and Evbo. Just like many others, I've returned to the Aphmau fandom after the announcement of MyStreet season 7. And I really love Evbo's Parkour Civilization. I sometimes post about the progress of my Evbo fanfiction, or even just random things. I also draw fanart in my free time, I use a cartoony art style since my real art style might attract people I know irl to my profile and I don't want that. Example image:
Tumblr media
Don't mind that writing in the corner, it's from another drawing- I don't really draw digitally all that much, it's annoyingly time consuming and hard because I don't have a stylus and all I have is a phone and ibisPaint to work with.
My Wattpad account:
On Wattpad, you can see what fandoms I'm in and used to be in through my reading lists, and they're sorted from favourite to least favourite, my favourite being at the top of the list.
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