#also sorry guys i havent felt like drawing for the past few days ive been facing the horrors
lumikore · 9 months
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(for Tiny Little Baby's)
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i havent been drawing or writing pokemon stuff for ages and im currently too busy to make something new in time for drew appreciation day so i thought id post some wip respectshipping stuff under the cut that i dont THINK ive posted before?? if i have im sorry, im a bit dry on drew content rn!!
for context the scenes are taken from a sequel to my respect oneshot, sparks, set during a pride festival!
Ash slipped his hand into Drew's, and Drew glanced at him rigidly.
“What are you doing?” he asked. He didn't need to look to know that May and Brock had noticed, and were giving each other knowing smiles.
“Holding your hand?” Ash said, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I know that. Why?”
Ash furrowed his brow. “Why am I holding your hand? We're... well, together, Drew.” It felt weird to say it out loud, and his frown melted into an elated smile. “We're boyfriends. And this is a festival celebrating the kind of relationship we have. Isn't this the best time to do it?”
Drew's cheeks began to burn under the unspoken pressure. Of course, he liked to touch Ash in private, hold his hands and cup his cheeks and kiss him, but public displays of affection had never been his thing. Giving out roses was different, of course – it was part of the charming persona he put on. He wasn't ashamed of his sexuality, and he certainly wasn't ashamed of Ash; but there was a time and a place for physical affection, and in the middle of a crowded street wasn't what he considered an opportune moment.
“We... we don't do this out in the open, Ash,” he reasoned. Ash shrugged.
“If you're sure.”
Ash dropped his hand, and at first Drew felt relief. But just moments later, he realised how cold his hand suddenly felt without the familiar warmth of Ash's.
With a huff, he grabbed it back.
“I'll only enter this contest if you enter the battle tournament.”
“Like hell. I don't get my kicks from raw power battles, sorry.”
“And I don't get my kicks from showing off how pretty my pokemon can be, but I'm willing to compromise. This is like, a couple activity. You know, so we can bond.”
“You know contests are about so much more than beauty, Ash. For the record, they say it's healthy for couples to not do everything together.”
“And we don't! We hardly see each other when we're travelling, so this'll be a special occasion!”
Ash and Drew were bickering again, as usual, though Brock had to admit it was far more entertaining seeing them argue over trivial matters such as 'couple activities' than having to watch them stew in their own feelings for the past few years. Getting to see them comfortable around each other was refreshing.
“Look, battles aren't romantic – contests aren't romantic! It's about you and your pokemon, not about you and your pokemon and your annoying boyfriend and his pokemon.”
“But I already told my mom we'd be battling together! She's recording it!”
“Your mother needs a new hobby that doesn't involve snooping on our relationship at any given moment,” Drew quipped, but he seemed a little less defensive at that. “She's really gonna be watching us?”
Ash patted his shoulder. “I told you she's trying to be supportive. She was excited when I mentioned the festival to her, actually. She asked me to pick her up a souvenir, like a badge or a wristband or something? And she was all, 'tell Drew I said hi!' so... yeah, she said hi.”
“And you're only mentioning this now.” Drew threw up his hands in exasperation. “Didn't it cross your mind to tell me earlier?”
“That she said hi?” Ash quirked an eyebrow. “My bad? Look, she asked me to call her tonight. If you want, I'll let you listen in.”
Drew clasped his hands together. “Maybe I'll... say hi back,” he said, licking his lower lip nervously. Ash grinned.
“You know, I think she'd like that.”
“This is heart-warming and all,” Brock smirked, finishing the last of his coffee, “but if you guys don't hurry up and compromise, you'll run out of time to sign up.”
And with that, their bickering was back to square one.
Delia's face appeared on the screen and she smiled warmly.
“Well hello there, Ash! Are you enjoying the festival so far?”
“Oh yeah! It's amazing. I never knew how big Sinnoh's gay community was until now.”
“Well, I'm glad you're having a good time. You're participating in the tag team battle tournament tomorrow, right?”
Ash's face fell slightly.
“I don't know. I was meant to be taking part with Drew, but he isn't so big on battling, so we haven't signed up yet.”
“Well, I'm sure you'll work it out,” Delia said with a sympathetic smile. “And how is Drew doing? Did you tell him I said hello?”
Ash's eyes lit up.
“Yeah, he's doing great! Actually... he talked about saying hi back. If you wanted to speak to him.”
Delia blinked in surprise.
“Oh, he wanted to talk to me?”
Ash smiled consiprationally.
“He'll never admit it to me but he really wants to make a good impression on you, Mom.”
Her cheeks were pink with pride and she chuckled lightly.
“Very well, hand him over.”
Unsurprisingly, Drew stepped out from just beyond view of the camera – Delia realised he was listening in the entire time, but decided to keep this revelation to herself for the time being.
“Why hello there, Drew. I suppose this is the first time we've talked since you two made the announcement.”
He nodded sheepishly.
“Yeah. Um, Ash and I don't travel together often. We parted ways after the visit, so... yeah. You're looking well, ma'am.”
“Oh please, call me Delia,” she said with a dismissive wave, then smiled. “I'm so excited to see the two of you compete in the tag battle tournament tomorrow!”
If Drew had been on the fence about it prior, he certainly wasn't anymore.
“Yes! Uh, we're looking forward to it, aren't we, Ash?”
Ash, looking both flabbergasted at the turn of events and also ecstatic at the news, nodded hastily.
“Yep! That's right, and the day after we're entering the pride contest! Since we're trainer and coordinator, we thought we'd do both!”
Ash grinned at his mother (mouthing how did you do that?? towards her) and she gave him a knowing wink in return.
“How wonderful! I've heard your coordinator skills are marvellous, Drew! I'm looking forward to it. It's a shame I couldn't be there in person.”
“Not sure this is your kind of scene, Mom,” Ash said with a laugh. “But it's been great! I got you a wristband, it's rainbow like a pride flag!”
“How sweet! Did you pick one up for Mimey too?”
Ash beamed and fished a pair of wristbands from his pocket.
“You know I did! Nothing but the best for you guys!”
“Mimey's been so excited for you too, dear. We'll wear them with pride!” She giggled at her own joke, and then clasped her hands together.
“By the way, you two, I was wondering how you would feel about the three of us sitting down for a meal in Pallet Town after the festival.” Her gaze flickered between the two of them. “You know, so that Drew and I can get to know each other better.”
Ash found the scar on the end of his ring finger suddenly very interesting to stare at.
“I don't know, Mom. I mean... maybe the timing isn't-”
“Sure, Mrs – uh, Delia.”
Ash glanced up in surprise at Drew, whose facial expression didn't give away his nerves like his shaking hands did, carefully out of Delia's view.
“Drew, you mean it?”
“Of course.” He offered Ash a quick smile. “Delia, I look forward to visiting again.”
“Wonderful!” Delia clapped her hands together and beamed. “Well, boys, I have to be going, but I'll be taping the matches! Good luck, both of you!”
The moment the call ended, Drew trudged back up to the rooms and headed over to his bed, flopping down rather ungracefully face first. Ash perched on the end of his own bed.
“Your mom is nice,” Drew said after a while, face emerging from his pillow. Ash chewed his lower lip.
“She means well, she really does want you to know each other now we're dating, but... we don't have to do this dinner if you're not ready for it.”
Drew opened his eyes to peer at Ash incredulously.
“What? No. I didn't just agree to it because your mom was giving me the same look you give me when you want something. I'm ready for this, you know? I want your mother to like me. I want to know the person who helped make you who you are.”
He took a deep breath.
“May finding out about us... it opened my eyes. For years I worried about what people would think of me if they knew. Then I realised, the world isn't one big contest. When it comes to who you are, the only one whose judgement matters is you.”
“You mean a lot to me, Ash. I want to be a part of your world, and I want to introduce you to mine.”
“You sap.” Ash moved over to Drew's bed and rested his head against Drew's shoulder. “I'd really like that, though. I know our journey has been pretty rocky, but I just love being around you. And now we can be open about it, I've gotten so excited.”
Drew pressed a kiss to his forehead, and grinned.
“Now who's the sap?”
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