#also sorry i dont mean any offense by cropping people out
coridallasmultipass · 6 months
I'm still internally laughing about that goth Dirk post, so I dug up the pics from the time I did a goth Dirk Strider to an NYCstuck meetup in like 2014/15ish... and this first pic is sending me lmao... it's so cringe and perfect.
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My caption on the selfie:
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anarchoromantic · 6 years
OMG you have ocs ?? Would you mind sharing a lil bit abt all of em?? Just some basic things I'm interested now :0
hewwo!!!!! always comin to the rescue huh hcjdbc 💙💙
okayokay i have A LOT of ocs but the main characters for my most favourite universes are
1) aix (pron. eye) is a dude who i love, hes part of an anti-police detective agency who have become the protectors of a city in the south-eastern united states bc the police department are corrupt and violent (lmao). theyre all humanoids (not human): ‘monsters’ are very common but are oppressed and discriminated against in society. (there are two categories: humanoid and creatural. creatural are more like wild animals but some small species have been accepted as household pets. humanoids are intelligent and sentient beings who have always lived alongside, but not among, humans.) aix has a mouth where his eyes should be and no eyes anywhere and hes got fangs and hes punk rock and he uses sign language to communicate to others, especially his best friend whos head became disattached from her body one day and thats how she found out she had humanoid blood bc shes still livin and breathin and she sometimes loses her head. theyre both in the field division and act as bodyguards a lot hehe. aix is trans and gay and he has a boyfriend named alexavier whos got eyes on his arms who is also trans n hes bi and theyre in love. alexavier works in the computer divison and he specializes in technological security bc hes a Smart Boy. they have a creatural pet named november who is sweet but cant control her claws very well and sometimes scratches people all over but she doesnt mean it \: aix used to live by himself secluded bc he was scared of humans but now he has a big happy family of anti-cop anti-capitalist anti-fascist gays and i think thats fuckin beautiful
2) jamie!! he can see ghosts and there are some ghosts who have moved on but were assigned by The Boss to come back to earth and collect recently dead ghosts and guide them to the afterlife n these ones are the reapers (obviously not original but i wuv coming up with this shit). theres a reaper named green who jamie sees everywhere who doesnt meet his quota every month bc the town he and jamie live in is very small so not a lot of people are dying and he has to stay until his quota is filled (that sounds bad but its how they keep the death to birth ratio balanced and also if theres too high a concentration of ghosts in one area it can mess with living human affairs) so hes stuck on earth and jamie thinks hes just some homeless guy and he feels bad for him so hes like “yo heres some food” and greens like “huh. what. how do u see me. also i cant eat solids” and jamie is like “what the fuck are you talking abt” but they keep talkin n they become friends and jamies house becomes greens home base and then they fall in love. jamie has some friends named steph, arrow, and nim and they only see green when he wants them to.
3) barley is one of my older ocs n hes a dragon shifter and he used to live among dragons but his herd was killed by hunters and he alone was rescued by some hired adventurers and he tagged along w them and their leader was really shitty and manipulative and barley eventually left after a few years and met some better people and now hes adventuring with them and makin money like he deserves. one of them is named siire and hes a trans merman and he gets carted around in a wheelbarrow bc hes stubborn and likes to come with barley who he has a huge crush on. the other is arsenic who is a bard with skeletal hands so he cant play string instruments very well jvjdhcd
4) anik is very new!!!!!! shes a hijabi gnc bi girl who can control fire and shes dating a butch lesbian named eri whos very tall and likes art and anik supports them so much theyre in love (: i dont have a lot of story abt them so far but i want to hcjdbcksjc
5) hermes is a messenger but instead of some greek nerd who wears a winged helmet and robes hes got booty shorts and a crop top and dyed blue hair and he delivers across universes !! this is more of a comedic conscept that i thought was cute hcjsjcksc but he owns a delivery service and he travels the galaxies with his coworkers/underlings, hawk and carneval. hawk is a lesbian and carneval is a twink who i made in like… 2014 and just repurposed hcjdbckshf they work very hard to deliver mail to all the planets and its kind of just an exploration of what i could do with interplanetary travel and different cultures, aliens, etc etc bc im gay
thank u for asking gfjshckjsjc these are long and not explained well and im sorry if any of what i said might be offensive i know the whole humanoid monster thing might come off as a less-than-savory metaphor but really im just a monster fucker ackk ily!!!
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