#also sorry if im asking for too much for too little plat idk how the market is on Octavia Prime Chassis blueprints aside from looking at
heirofnepeta · 1 year
Heyyyyyyyyyy do ANY of y'all who follow me play Warframe and by chance have an Octavia Prime Chassis blueprint you're willing to sell to me and if so what's the uh. price?
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xxcheeziexx · 7 years
THIS IS JUST ME VENTING, ENJOY THE VIDEO BUT DONT FEEL THE NEED TO READ THIS SHIT. So I'm 21 and going through a tough time with my depression. It does not help that I'm feeling alienated and ignored by my group of 'friends'. To make it easier for anyone reading I'm going to give my group names there's me cheezie, my bestie in the group who's had a baby, she'll go by Red, her fiance who will go by white, one of the girls who works at hjs with me who'll go by HF and her boy friend HM, one of the younger guys Dw, two of the guys who were in the same year as me Bear and hipster-douche(if you can't tell I don't like him much), and another of my besties Plats (this isn't all of the group just the main players for me to explain this). It started when Dw had his 19th and invited everyone, but me. Honestly it kinda hurt at the start when I figured out that no they weren't just having a drink up at HF and HM's place but were actually going out somewhere, but I got over it because Red had her baby, so I wasn't the only person who didn't end up going(even if white didn't have an option) and I was busy making her a gift basket. And while yes the next day while visiting Dw and Hipster-douche were also there and I may have throw a little bit of shade in the form of a questioned 'so how Was last night?' I got over it and went home and got ready for a besties (who is not a part of the group) 21st birthday. While there HF was the only person I really felt all that comfortable talking with and she had offered to run me home afterwards, so we were chatting and I had asked how it was and I kinda maybe had a bit of a whine over not getting invited to come, and she said 'Oh I thought you hated each other?' Que heartbreak. I legitimately thought that Dw and I were besties, but either way I put it out of my mind. I ended up having four drinks and going home early with my mum picking me up(I had been planning an all nighter to celebrate with my bestie). It really messed me up for the rest of the night. But again I tried to put it out of my mind for the rest of the week. It worked. Until it was coming up to hipster-douches 21st. It was messing with me so badly, I had a 21st to go to before hand and was getting a lift with bear who was also going to this 21st too, I was freaking out the whole time I was at the other 21st because I was thinking bear had just ditched me there. But either way we go to hipsters and went to the backyard to catch up with them all. As soon as I could I dragged Dw aside and talked with him about it, I asked him to tell me honestly if he hated me or what, he of course went to thinking it was just cause I wasn't invited but I cleared up that no it's because apparently HF thought we hated each other. He made sure I knew that no he didn't hate me etc ect and we went about having a good time with everyone. He then later pulled me aside and told me he had a thing for me and that he just wanted to tell me. We of course discussed this and made sure we both knew where we stood and everything worked out (I'm pretty sure I was just a sorta rebound because he had a thing for plats before hand and she's going out with someone now and I'm the only other single girl In the group) and it was a good night otherwise, the only good 21st I've been to in the last two months (even my own ended in me crying in my bed at 2 in the morning while everyone continued on at someone else's when they left where I had my party) the next weekend we had HFs 21st I had it all planned I was going to stay the night and we were going to have a good night, it started out good but then I started to take a drop around 9 9:30 so I removed myself from the party, sat in my car and talked with my only best guy friend who I'll call Ham, to try and pull myself out of the funk, around 10:30-11 I was starting to feel better and was about to get out and go back to the party when people started leaving. No one came looking for me. No one searched for me to say bye or anything. The worst part was watching DW and White leaving, they were parked in front of my car. They didn't even try to find me. So much for liking me huh? Either way after wards I plummeted again. I was not staying the night now. So I packed up made sure I was well and truly safe to drive (as I had been drinking my last drink I had finished at 9:30ish and had another to drink that I didn't end up opening.) I rejoined to say goodbye, I had only two people talk to me about how I looked(I had been crying) bear who was well and truely pissed and a younger girl who I know and she was the only one to realise I was more upset then anyone realised. Either way I left and no one was worried that I was leaving after having been drinking with everyone. Can feel the love can't you? 🤷‍♀️ but that's not the end. Today Dw had a grand final day so everyone went over there, im sick so I wouldn't have gone anyway because I don't want to pass it off, and I hate not being invited like personally, because I feel massively uncomfortable. It makes me feel like I was unintentionally invited. So I didn't reply to the group chat. I ignored it. I had to watch while everyone tried to convince bear to come. I had been having a good day too because my niece and nephew were over, I spent money on them and I was being loved by them 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤗 surprise i crave affection. But through this whole thing, no one even thought to go, ' jeez I wonder where cheezie is?' I'm over reacting I know that but fuck it's killing me legit. I know I should just go when they do group chat plans but I hate going because I just feel like I'm forcing myself on them. But idk like I said at top this is just me vent hope you enjoyed it if you even read this far it's very poorly written just because I'm writing it as I think of it, so sorry about that but you'll be right. I'm just gonna go cry now ✌️
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