xxcheeziexx · 6 years
Zombie Apocalypse
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
*overwhelmed at the adult toy store* *whispering under breath* The wand chooses the wizard. The wand chooses the wizard. The wand chooses th…
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
Aliens have invaded and are taking over. Their technology, intelligence, and power is unstoppable. They just didnt plan on one thing: The old gods returning.
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
Anonymous said:
Could you please do a clip of Team Rocket using insults that are a lot heavier than “twerp”?
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meowth, control yourself
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
why the hell are we still on this stupid website
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
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Don’t expect society to put up with your little brats
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
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This whole thread is cool and wholesome.
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
The Onion’s review of Mamma Mia 2 is the only one I need
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
I just watched a man release every Pokemon he caught except for a level 5 Magikarp, waste all of his money and throw away all of his items at the Pokemon center just before the elite four in Pokemon red in order to trap himself in an unwinnable game. He couldn’t beat the elite 4 with a level 5 magikarp, and it couldn’t learn the hm moves necessary to leave victory road, and Magikarp only knew splash and had absolutely no chance of beating the level 40ish Pokemon there so… This guy wanders around victory road hoping a Geodude or Graveler would use selfdestruct or explosion in the first turn of an encounter and miss his Magikarp, which is technically possible because even moves with a 100% hitrate have a 1/256 chance to still miss. It happened eventually, and he beat the elite four with a level 100 gyarados
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
I had a dream recently...
That I was out playing pokemon go, and people all over the world had started seeing this new pokemon popping up. Like out of nowhere this little thing started appearing occasionally. No word from Nyantic or The Pokemon Company about when or why they had released it. The pokemon was called “sleepytired” and it looked like this.
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And you couldn’t catch it, the ball would just go straight through it. People were data mining and shit trying to figure out how to catch this thing but they couldn’t. Eventually they would just have to give up and leave the encounter.  After a few weeks of people reporting sightings of it, and no word from Nyantic, some creepy shit started happening…
What started happening was, if you entered an encounter with a “sleepytired” with the AR on it would manifest in the real world. But it wouldn’t do anything. It would just float there, watching. 
So people being curious started doing this whenever they could, and these things would just manifest and stay there. Obviously this was causing problems because these things would just be floating menacingly in local parks and in the local McDonald. And they couldn’t be moved, because anyone who tried to move them or touch them would be struck by sudden, intense, chronic fatigue that seemingly had no cure. 
The last part of the dream I remember was watching a news broadcast telling people that pokemon go was now illegal, and to avoid touching or disturbing the creepy little things that are now just about everywhere.
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
I just want to be happy
I don't know why he yells
I don't know why she cries
I don't know why I sit here and think
Will it be this time?
I don't know why I wish he'd die
I don't know why she stays
I don't know why he's like this
I just don't know why
I wonder did we anger some kind of fate
I wonder how she's made it to this point
I wonder why he's like he is
I wonder if I'll end up in the same spot
I wonder why the arguing started
I wonder why he thinks she'd cheat
I wonder if there's a way to end it all
I know I love my mum
I know I hate my dad
I know even then that I still love him
I know this won't be the last argument I'll be around
I know that he is mentally ill
I also know he won't get help
I know that I won't leave her by herself
I'll be here for her no matter what
I hope that this is the last time
I hope that it won't escalate
I hope it won't end in red
I hope it won't be long
I hope I'll find the one
I hope that no one says to me
A daughter wants a man just like her father
I will be better for this
I will be sad because of this
I will never forget each and every time and word
I will always love my mum
I will always have my family
I will not end up like mum
I will not trap myself with someone like my father
I will not let this defeat me
I will be stronger
I will not let my demons win
I just want to be happy
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xxcheeziexx · 6 years
The most common cause of female infertility – polycystic ovary syndrome – may be caused by a hormonal imbalance before birth. The finding has led to a cure in mice, and a drug trial is set to begin in women later this year.
Polycystic ovary syndrome affects up to one in five women worldwide, three-quarters of whom struggle to fall pregnant. The condition is typically characterised by high levels of testosterone, ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual cycles, and problems regulating sugar, but the causes have long been a mystery. “It’s by far the most common hormonal condition affecting women of reproductive age but it hasn’t received a lot of attention,” says Robert Norman at the University of Adelaide in Australia.
Continue Reading.
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xxcheeziexx · 7 years
action movie about a guy who pretends to be a hitman and does the whole “25% up front and the rest when the job is done” thing but then just keeps the down payment, doesn’t kill anybody, and stops responding to the client’s calls, knowing that they can’t sue him for breach of contract without confessing to trying to hire a hitman. problem is now a lot of people who are comfortable with the concept of paying someone to kill someone else are mad at him
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xxcheeziexx · 7 years
this is the only snl video I’ve ever watched
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xxcheeziexx · 7 years
Holy hell tho
fun personality quiz here  :) don’t take it if you’re paranoid but you agree with the results let me know!
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xxcheeziexx · 7 years
Taste closed
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xxcheeziexx · 7 years
“car c AR CAR CAR CAR” was probably one of my favourite parts of @markiplier‘s stream, honestly.
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