#also sorry if this isn't 100% lore accurate lmao
zombieluver · 7 months
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The doll's hunter.
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The Hunter. 
The good hunter as she called him.
Covered in blood and viscera of the beasts he kills, lays by the gentle dolls side. She's unfazed by his gorey appearance, smiles kindly at him even.
She takes his hat off and gently cards her fingers through his hair.
He sighs, the touch relaxing him.
"Oh, Hunter." She says softly, "You mustn't push yourself so hard."
He mumbles something softly, pushing his head further into her side, seeking whatever comfort he can from her.
She wraps an arm around him, pulling him closer, seemingly not caring of dirting her delicate clothes.
"My Hunter, please take care for yourself when I am unable to." She says.
He tightens his hand around her side, balling up in her clothes, throat closing up. He can't stay here forever, but he would if he could.
"You will have to wake up eventually... You cannot live in this dream forever."
He knows that.
That soon he will wake, weapons in hand, prepared to hunt again.
But for now, he lies close to the Doll.
"Sleep now, my good hunter." The Doll says quietly, "I will protect your form here while you rest."
The Hunter nods slightly, sinking into her kindness. Her layers of clothes masking the hard body of the porcelain, and creating something of a nice cushion for when he awakes.
He awakes by a lamp.
The small souls hold his free hand, while his other hand rests atop the lamp itself.
His head hung, looking as if he were silently praying.
He lifts his head with a frown, he's no one to pray to. Cept maybe the Doll.
She'd hear his prayers and respond in kind. Unlike the Great Ones the Church prays to.
He stands, the small souls releasing his hand with groans as they sink into the ground.
He grabs at his Saw Cleaver, whipping it out into its second form.
He wants blood, he wants gore, he wants revenge for whatever thing woke him here and not in his Doll's comfort.
The Hunter wants the beating heart of a beast, still beating in his hand, to be crushed between his fingers. The blood splattering against his face.
He craves their flesh to be stripped from their tainted bodies.
He needs to hunt.
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amrv-5 · 6 months
T R H for ask prompt :))) happy holiday <3
HELLO LIVV and HAPPY HOLIDAY!! wishing you continuing safe travels...!!!! Also this is so fucking long I'm so sorry. It was the writers question. It got me................
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
Heh. I have a distaste for anything that -- this isn't a wildly common trope, notably, just one I see on occasion -- anything that portrays Hawk as helpless / passive. I think he gets fandom-ified sometimes into somebody who Needs Saving (and given some canon events, like, I Get It), but part of why I love him as a character so terribly much is his ridiculous scrappiness. He really doesn't take mistreatment / his situation / even his own negative emotions lying down. Guy's a fighter, even when he wishes he wasn't, and I don't really gel with fanon takes that leave him without some degree of agency in action (with the notable exception of him being literally drafted).
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
[sickos voice] YES!!!! HAHAHA!!! YES!!!! I'm sure I've said some of these before, so sorry for repeats, but addition of fanwriters makes this particularly exciting yaaaay okay.
Non-fanfic: Well. God. Sorry for the particularly cancellable white-male-loquaciousness double-whammy of Thomas Wolfe and David Foster Wallace. Always chasing Wolfe's sort of deeply poetic, emotional, very sensitive way of writing--how reflective he is, his insane force / presence on the page, and some other intangible quality that just makes me go "jesus fucking christ I have felt exactly this, how did he put it into words" every other page. Makes me insane. As for DFW, well, sorry again -- get a lot out of that sort of grounded intellectualism-feel in his writing (we can argue about its value / veracity forever, but push to shove it really works for me as a reader).
Uhhh Vonnegut obviously, so much so that I almost feel like I don't need to say it 'cause I'm always transparently in writing trying to be even 1/100 as funny, sensitive, and useful in my cynicism as him.
Virginia Woolf!!! Man to render somebody's internal state of being so so vividly. I think I clearly ripped her off in S2G2 ch4, but my god how can you Not she's brilliant. Following from that Alison Bechdel because, talk about your intellectual prose. Man. Can I say fucking Voltaire without anybody getting mad at me. Sorry. Candide novella ever and probably the only thing that will get me through learning French.
Now. Fanfic authors --
First and foremost, cleanwhiteroom, wherever they are. I got into Pacific Rim late, but Designations Congruent with Things is genuinely one of the most meaningful texts I have in my life, fanfic or no. Insane. Brilliant, intellectual, warm, approachable, funny, wildly original. Also, Parker lore, 80% of the reason I was a physicist until I wasn't.
Uhh I can't possibly list everyone in MASH right now, but a quick skim -- Granspn (brilliantly written and beautifully imagined), yukiawison for skillful inventiveness and tackling exactly the themes I always want to see, yaroantheo for the just. MAN!!! the so-well-rendered warmth and depth of feeling and kindness in Homecoming, Remyfire's grasp of physicality and vivid tangibility, gayfranzkafka for really effective formatting play, raven/singlecrow for a Hawk I'll never forget. I am CERTAIN there are others, these are just top of the head.
And, maybe a surprise contender given that I don't talk a ton about BCS -- jimmymcgools does things with landscape and light that make me fucking nuts. I've gone back and just stared at their descriptions of place, light shape and quality, land, etc. -- master at work fr.
H: How would you describe your style?
I do not think there is a single question I could possibly be less objective or accurate on LMAO. My first thoughts in order were: Bad (nonspecific and too mean to Parkers Past), Sprawling (this seems accurate), Concerned With Realism (not actively ATTEMPTING it, notably, but -- concerned. I am Concerned with Realism. Feels true). Melodramatic but maybe not with as much pejorative sentiment as the word usually carries. Verbose. I try to gesture in the direction of comedy? In general summary: Freakin' weird, dude.
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