#also spoiler alert: miras powers arent from genetics
lunarifie · 1 year
The Hollow Super-Hero School AU
Taking place in a world where 40% of the population has super-powers, super-hero schools have been established. Made to help students with controlling their powers, while at the same time, educating them in a high school curriculum.
(Old post explaining the main 6s last names)
How The Hollow kids got their powers
— student info data —
Vanessa Kaarina
Age: 15
Power discovery age: 9
Power(s): Flight
Power(s) source: Genetics
Parental status - divorced
Parental Power(s): Mild Floatation - Normie
Parental Occupation(s): Fashion Designer/Tailor - Accountant
Introduction: Vanessa was the first to volunteer for the Power Assessment in the training facility (a side building specifically crafted for all types of powers. It is where the SuperHero Course takes place). She presents her flight, proudly demonstrating stunts the instructor provides.
Reeve Barima
Age: 17
Power discovery age: 6
Power(s): Levitation
Power(s) source: Genetics
Legal Guardian - Grandmother
Guardian Power(s): Normie
Guardian Occupation(s): Kindergarten Teacher
Parental status - Deceased
Parental Power(s): Levitation - Light manipulation/illumination
Parental Occupation(s): Super-Heroes
Introduction: Reeve was the second out of the main 6 to participate in the Power Assessment. He completed the tasks effectively if not disinterestedly, rolling his eyes at Vanessa for her obvious showman-ship.
Mira Lou Jones
Age: 16
Power discovery age: 4-5
Power(s): Commune with animals and water abilities
Power(s) source: Unknown (possibly genetics)
Parental status - Adopted
Parental Power(s): plant manipulation - calming energy
Parental Occupation(s): Gardener - Therapist
Introduction: Mira was the third out of the main 6 to do the Power Assessment. She is taken to the aquatics area as well as asked to converse with a student that could shapeshift into any animal as confirmation on her ability.
Bernard “Skeet” Moss
Age: 16
Power discovery age: 7
Power(s): Speed
Power(s) source: Chemical substance
Parental status - Single Father
Parental Power(s): Minimal Healing
Parental Occupation(s): Nurse
Skeet participates right after Mira, fist bumping her as she rejoins her classmates. Skeets assessment is quick, only checking to see what his limit is in speed and his coordination with difficult terrain.
Kai Parnall
Age: 15
Power discovery age: 15
Power(s): ??? Fire Manipulation
Power(s) source: Unknown
Legal Guardian - Caretaker
Guardian Power(s): Normie
Guardian Occupation(s): Butler
Parental status - Mother and Father
Parental Power(s): Heavy Persuasion and Enhanced Memory - Night Vision and Durability
Parental Occupation(s): Estate agent - CEO
Introduction: Kai is reluctantly picked and forced to explain how he isn’t quite sure what his power is. The instructor, unconvinced, has him go through the tests with little to no success. He is embarrassed, especially when a student with super strength and agility goes right after him, burning with jealousy.
Adam Gomez
Age: 16
Power discovery age: 10
Power(s): Strength and Agility
Power(s) source: Bestowed
Parental status - Mother and Father
Power(s): Normie - Normie
Occupation(s): Diner owner - Middle school teacher
Introduction: Adam winces at the students display of no powers, confused as to why he was enrolled in the SuperPower Course. He’s called up right after, given a thumbs up from Mira before completing the Assessment successfully.
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