#also subtlely flexing his antiblackness
mysticalcoffeequeen · 4 years
I just got done watching this video and IDK guys it just seemed very off to me.
Also he keeps taking this comment down on his YouTube so ima post it here.
Some people have never truly listened to “Chocolate Rain” and it shows.
Its wild how you have white/non-black people who not only say but act on racist stuff to/against black people ON A REGULAR BASIS across the globe most often escalating to points of actual hate crimes and murder which in most cases the result of the law being on their side. This stuff has been happening for centuries and is still happening today. Its in the news, White supremacist groups are alive and well still on their shit all over social media and in political groups, it’s in history books, Media, Anti-Blackness is global and oppressive, they fuck up our self esteem by calling us ugly or seeing us as undesirable (especially on dating apps) and then copy our features, Italians assaulted Africans back when Ebola was around, black people (&Hispanics) are incarcerated for petty crimes that their white counterparts wouldn’t pay that high of a price for in America and often twice as longer, YouTube has extensive videos on anti-black racism from black people living in a non-black dominant country, to their own experiences in the LGBTQIA community to “PRANKS” that are basically white dudes assaulting/harassing black people in their own neighborhoods minding their own business, to recent criminals, celebrities & famous content creators acting out on their racism only to give shit apologies. Even FUCKING TIKTOK has white/non-black 9 y/o & teens recording themselves saying N*gger on TRENDING (which gives you a glimpse into their upbringing) and hardly nothing is done about any of this! This kind of toxic stuff are very real things that have a direct effect on black people’s lives!
But, according to this guy, black people venting their frustrations ON TWITTER, from living with this stuff, to their toxic personal experiences starting from a ridiculously young age, to institutionalized racism, profiling, microagressions, assaults, unlawful arrests and incarcerations, harassments, laws and rules set by systemic racism rooted in white supremacy, and GLOBAL anti-black discrimination that they face as a whole, (like they deal with so fucking much DAILY, ESPECIALLY if they live in AMERICA) by saying, “ I hate white/non-black people” making jokes, memes, & having a good laugh at their ignorance, and literally nothing more....
Is a DEFINITE ISSUE OF TOXIC RACISM that is just as horrible must be addressed.........???
Yes Black people can be Racist towards other POC and it’s wrong, do not misunderstand me, and feel how you want about this video, but to me this in itself appears to be a self-inflated out of touch display, especially coming from a half-black person, to directly point the finger & criticize black people (and only black people in this case for some reason 🤔) on their particular “RACISM” towards white people, making them appear just as bad if not worse with a lack of any basic understanding or careful look into what ‘Racism’ in itself means (for Black people or POC in general) beyond Webster’s, black peoples experiences and frustrations from it that they see and face from white/non-black people & at least try to understand where they come from or why they vent their frustrations in such a way, even if he doesn’t agree.
Instead it’s just another video of an egoist who like to hear himself talk about something he doesn’t completely know about or understand (nor does he care to), simplifying a very real social issue by downplaying or just straight up ignoring the deeper more branching aspects of it or how it disproportionately affects black people/POC, by dumbing it down to “Racism affects everyone the same way / All Lives Matter”.
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