#also sunshine mentioning that the s1 finale would’ve taken place when Clueless came out
tophsazulas · 8 months
July 26, 1995; After Leia leaves and they watch Clueless
Delilah: You know, Cher and Josh are kinda cute.
Ridge (scoffs): Please, Josh is a total dud. She deserves to be with a stud, like me.
Mitch: You do realize their parents were married and they were were step siblings, right?
Delilah: Their parents were “barely married” and were already divorced by the time they got together.
Darline: It’s like you guys have forgotten that Cher is 16 and Josh is like 19 and in college.
Kristie: Okay, you know what I think? Cher Horowitz is totally a lesbian. I mean she and Dionne are like best friends to lovers excellence. And don’t even get me started on Cher and Tai. Cher was clearly in love with her and that’s the real reason why she didn’t like Tai wanting to date Josh.
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