#oc: ridge pinciotti
tophsazulas · 8 months
July 26, 1995; After Leia leaves and they watch Clueless
Delilah: You know, Cher and Josh are kinda cute.
Ridge (scoffs): Please, Josh is a total dud. She deserves to be with a stud, like me.
Mitch: You do realize their parents were married and they were were step siblings, right?
Delilah: Their parents were “barely married” and were already divorced by the time they got together.
Darline: It’s like you guys have forgotten that Cher is 16 and Josh is like 19 and in college.
Kristie: Okay, you know what I think? Cher Horowitz is totally a lesbian. I mean she and Dionne are like best friends to lovers excellence. And don’t even get me started on Cher and Tai. Cher was clearly in love with her and that’s the real reason why she didn’t like Tai wanting to date Josh.
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tophsazulas · 11 months
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What’s going on?
Summary: More scenes of Kristie, Delilah, and Darline. Takes place in Summer Storm.
Pairings: Kristie & Delilah & Darline friendship, Kristie & Alex
Tagging: @that90sshowgoldencouple and @disneymbti
Outfits: Kristie’s: https://pin.it/1uyKKej, Delilah’s: https://pin.it/1Z4WAB0, Darline’s: https://pin.it/5DrcTFT
Scene 5; Kristie’s bedroom
“Kristie, what’s…” Delilah trailed off when taking in Kristie’s appearance. Her hair was messy and her eyes were red. Kristie yawned, “Oh hey Liles. What’s up?”
Delilah’s jaw dropped in shock. Ever since she and Laurie threw eggs at Bernie’s house, Kristie had been acting different. Right then, Darline entered through the window into Kristie’s room. “Hey girl, how are—WHAT THE HELL!”
Darline shook her head, “Did you even get out of bed at all?” She’s known Kristie since they were five and the only time she’s seen her like this is…
Kristie sighed, “I know what you’re thinking and no, my dad didn’t come to visit.” Delilah sat on the bed, “I still don’t get why you’re even giving him any importance. He walked out on you and your mom eleven years ago.” Darline chimed in, “And he gave you a stick of nails as a ‘gift’ when you were a child.”
“I know you guys are right. But I just…I need to know why at least. I just want it all to stop.” Kristie spent years wondering why he left and wanted to know why. Before, it was so she can convince him to come back but now it was because she needed closure. At this point, Kristie could tell that it was pointless trying but she needed to know.
Delilah sighed and looked at Darline. Seeing Kristie like this was always a gut punch for them. And it was all because of her douchey dead beat daddy. Well, also her mom’s chaotic dating life. They love Laurie, but her taste in relationships, not so much. Darline smirked right then, making Delilah and Kristie confused. Darline leaned towards Delilah’s ear and began whispering. Delilah chuckled, “Totally!” She turned to Kristie, “There may be a way to cheer you up!”
Scene 6; Kristie’s closet
Kristie come out of the closet, wearing a long black sleeved shirt with a white blouse underneath. She was also wearing a black shirt and tights to go with it. She let out some hair before putting the rest in a ponytail.
“You’re right. I do feel better!” Kristie exclaimed. She turned to her friends, who were also dressed up. Delilah was wearing a long sleeved crop top with ripped jeans along with white athletic shoes. Her hair was down and in luscious curls. Darline was wearing a red tank top with a beige cardigan on top. She was also wearing a short jean skirt and red converse to go with it.
Darline chuckled, “We told you!” Kristie sighed, “No all I need is Rachel.” She headed towards the nightstand and went through her drawers only to find nothing. Kristie raised an eyebrow, “What the hell?” She turned towards the the girls. “I swear I kept Rachel in here.” Kristie scoffed when it dawned on her. Kristie muttered, “Those dumbasses.” Darline and Delilah raised their eyebrows. Kristie shook her head, “Be right back.”
Scene 7; Forman Basement
Kristie ran downstairs and began looking through the drawers. She could feel Leia and her friends giving her a weird look but didn’t care. “Okay, which one of you took Rachel? Last time I checked, she was in my room but now she’s missing.”
She examined their faces and could tell they genuinely didn’t know. Now that she thought about it, what would they even need Rachel for? Kristie snapped out of it to continue her search. She opened the last drawer to find the nail stick and grabbed it.
“There she is!” Kristie began to snuggle with her nail stick, making everyone give her a weird look. She ignored them and continued to cuddle with it. “You carry a stick full of nails?” Ozzie asked, completely freaked out. Oh yeah, some people don’t know what I’m capable of.
Kristie scoffed, “This isn’t just some stick Osmund. This thing is my baby. Got me through some tough times.” She kissed the tip of the stick before walking upstairs. “She still sleeps with that thing?” Gwen asked. The blonde scoffed again, “She can hear you!”
Darline and Delilah were waiting for her in the kitchen. Darline chuckled, “You ready?” Kristie nodded and was about to open the door until a big flash of lightning struck.
“Oh yeah, Jenny reported that there was gonna be a huge storm today.” Kitty sighed. The girls grumbled in response. Kitty chuckled, “Oh you know what? You girls can help clean out the attic.” They all just stared briefly before looking back at Kitty. “Sure.” The girls replied.
Scene 8; Forman attic
Kristie, Darline, and Delilah just sat down in exhaustion. “So…heavy…” Delilah panted. She turned to the girls, “Maybe we should call Mitch and Ridge.” Darline shook her head, “No way. You and Mitch and gonna end up fucking in the corner of the attic.”
“What’s the deal with you two anyways? I saw you guys being all lovey dovey at Leia’s party.” Kristie noted. Despite Delilah saying that she and Mitch were purely friends with benefits, Kristie had a hard time believing that since whenever they all hung out, Mitch would always have his arm around Delilah and Delilah would call him ‘babe’ and ‘baby’.
Delilah chuckled, “That’s just how we act around people. It’s not like we’re dating or anything. This is purely casual.” She looked down and blushed, thinking about Mitch. Darline and Kristie did not believe her but also didn’t want to press her on anything.
She turned to Kristie, “How are you feeling?” Kristie sighed, “I still want answers on why my dad left, but…maybe staying up all night tracking his every move isn’t the best idea.” Darline and Delilah nodded and hugged her gently.
Scene 9; Forman attic
"Oh my god." Mitch gasped while looking through one of the photo albums. Ridge chuckled, "Yeah, who knew Grandma Kitty knew so many hot chicks?" Everyone just punched him in arm for that remark.
"What the hell!" Ridge exclaimed. He shook his head and continued going through the stuff in the basement.
Darline took out a pink feather boa, looking impressed. “Damn, who knew Mrs.Forman had so many cute clothes.” She put it on and turned to Delilah, who was wearing a black hat. Delilah took another and put in on Darline.
Delilah chuckled, “Matching black hats ‘cause we’re sexy like that.” Darline laughed, “Damn straight.” They clinked their wine glasses together.
Ridge grinned, “Check it out! There’s all this alcohol and cheese puffs!” The gang looked at each other, smiling.
Scene 10-Scene 14; Forman attic (still)
What did her daddy do?
What did he put you through?
The gang was dancing to the music, moving their hips to the beat. Mitch pulled Delilah into a dip before kissing her passionately. Kristie and Darline were moving to the beat while playing with the props.
Janie's got a gun
Her dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Ridge did the splits and began to cartwheel all around. Kristie and Darline caught him in their arms and squirted champagne. They proceeded to dance like crazy for the next few minutes.
Scene 15; Forman Kitchen
“You don’t think Mrs.Forman knows about us getting drunk and messing with her stuff, does she?” Darline whispered. Kristie chuckled, “God I hope not.”
They walked closer to the table and put down the boxes. Mitch and Delilah were carrying boxes together into the kitchen and put them down near the table. Delilah turned to Mitch, “You look tired. You need any more sugar baby?” Mitch nodded, “Yeah.” Delilah took a tangerine out her pocket and began feeding each piece to her lover.
Darline panted, “Damn Mrs.Forman. Are you storing some sort of circus there?” Delilah turned to her, “Funny thing, there was a whole bag of circus stuff there.” She took out a red bag and grabbed the clown costume. Kristie and Darline raised an eyebrow in confusion. Kitty sighed, “This all belonged to Eric and Laurie. Back then they were little, they’d do these little circus acts.”
Kristie chuckled, “Mom and uncle Eric did circus acts?” Kitty nodded, “I think there are some tapes of them in attic still there.” Ridge, who was right behind them, took out a black cassette tape. The gang chuckled, “Sweet!”
Scene 16-17; Kristie’s bedroom
“Oh Erica, where will I be able to take these lovely dresses?” Laurie asked. She was wearing a poofy purple dress with clown makeup all over her face. Eric came over to her side in a blue dress and red lipstick all over. “Oh don’t you fret Lauren the Great! I’ll get those away in no time. For I have poof!” He waved his arms, “Magic!”
The girls laughed at that video while eating their popcorn. “Man, we’ve totally got to use this against your mama at one point.” Darline remarked. Kristie laughed, “Totally!”
“Kids, where are the boxes!” They heard Kitty yell. The girls sighed and got back up. Darline took out the record. “We’re totally gonna watch this later.” Kristie and Delilah chuckled, “Oh definitely!” They got up and began carrying the boxes together.
Kristie shook her head, “Where are Mitch and Ridge?” The boys just came out of the room, wearing Hawaiian shirts and fedoras along with flower crowns. Ridge ran a hand through his hair before taking pictures of himself making different poses. “Gonna take these to the mailbox later.” Delilah chuckled, “Who would actually take those?” Darline smirked, “Girl, that’s just mean. What else would they use to wipe their asses with if they ran out of tissues.” Everyone with the exception of Ridge just laughed.
Scene 19; Joy house
The gang entered the house, looking completely soaked. Joe chuckled, “You guys look like shit.” Darline rolled her eyes, “Real funny.” Delilah grinned, “Glad to see the rain hasn’t affected your hotness.” Mitch glared in jealousy, making Ridge laugh. “Looks like someone has a bad case of ‘I’m jealous’.” He exhaled, “So glad I’m single.”
Darline shook her head when seeing two sheets of paper on the kitchen table. She grabbed it, eyes widening when noticing what’s being said. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” She screamed, making everyone just stare at her in shock. Before anyone could say anything, Maddie ran down towards the kitchen with Oak. “What the hell sis? You could’ve killed my ears!”
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tophsazulas · 1 year
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand - For any characters you want to answer this for!
Ridge - What’s its like to face discrimination lol
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tophsazulas · 1 year
Ridge and Lina realizing that they’re the perfect match.
Ridge: Look, I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. You’re funny and cool and awesome. I was just worried that I’d drive you away if saw who I was. Someone who likes one stands, living large, messing with people. All while looking like a sexy business man.
Lina: Are you kidding? All of that stuff you listed is what I find so sexy about you in the first place.
Ridge (shocked): Really?
Lina (chuckles): Yeah. Ridge…I never liked being in a traditional relationship. I’ve tried to several times. I’ve seen my friends in them. Jules and Don, Green and Ellie, and now Gigi and Julie. At first, I thought there was something wrong with me.
Ridge (shakes his head): Are you kidding? How could there be? And who knows, that may actually turn me on more.
Lina: What? That I watch porn in my free time while painting my nails?
Ridge: Are you kidding me? That's the hottest thing I've ever heard.
*Their friends were watching them with disturbed looks on their faces.*
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tophsazulas · 6 months
Writing prompt: One of your gay characters comes out in a group of straight characters. A straight character turns to them and sticks their hand out for a handshake, saying "looks like we have a similar interest. Welcome to the club."
Kristie exhaled, “I need to tell you guys something. And promise me you won’t freak out.” She was in her bedroom with her cousins Ridge and Mitch.
“I’m…gay.” Both boys remained silent for a few moments. “Looks like we have a similar interest. Welcome to the club new wingman.” Ridge stuck his hand out for a handshake.
Kristie shook her head, “Man I’m never gonna be your wingman.”
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tophsazulas · 1 year
The Weird Confrontation; Ridge and Lina walk up to each other.
Lina (pissed): What the hell was that? That’s not what was supposed to happen.
Ridge (sarcastic): I’m sorry sweetheart, did I foil your little plan? Now you know how it feels.
Lina (shakes her head): You were supposed to be crying and begging me for another shot. Beg now!
Ridge (crosses his arms): No! You beg! You spoiled my plan first by hitting and quitting! You were supposed be the one bothered!
Lina (still pissed): I wouldn’t even beg if you begged me to!
Ridge (also pissed): Well I not begging you, so you have to!
Lina (pissed): Oh fuck no!
*Lina pulled Ridge in for a kiss and sloppily tongued him. Ridge responded immediately, slamming everything off the table and sitting her there.*
Darline (weirded out): Okay, this is actually sweet…in a really weird and twisted way.
Mitch (chuckles): Looks like Ridge did find love after all.
*They all left the restaurant right then. Ridge breaks off the kiss.*
Ridge: Let’s go to my place.
Lina: No, we’re going to mine.
Ridge: Yours in in Chicago. We’re in Point Place.
Lina: Good point.
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tophsazulas · 1 year
When things don’t go Ridge’s way…
*Ridge storms into the house in anger*
Ridge: I hate her! That manipulatively sneaky minx!
Kristie (drinking tea on the couch): What happened now?
Ridge: I was supposed to fuck her, dump her, and she’d leave crying. Not the other way around. Lina totally messed with my system!
Kristie (smirking): And you remembered her name.
Ridge (annoyed): This is not a joke Kristie.
*Kristie stops an gives an apologetic look*
Ridge: Well if that’s how she wants to play it…two can play that game. I’ll ignore her so hard that she’ll be thrown off by my game. You’ll see!
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tophsazulas · 1 year
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Characters: Layla Kelso and Ridge Pinciotti
Status: Ex-Fuck Buddies
Timeline: Sophomore year
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tophsazulas · 1 year
August 3, 1995; Ridge and Kristie are in the car.
Ridge: You may see the first day back at school as a snooze, but I see it as a gateway to more pussy. Not to be a pussy.
Kristie: First of all, I am not a pussy. Secondly, stop saying pussy.
Ridge: It’s not a big deal. I like pussy. You like pussy. We both like pussy.
Kristie: Why the hell did I decide to go on a car with you?
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tophsazulas · 1 year
That 90s Show characters/ocs bdays in my verse
- Jared Forman (Jan 1, ‘22)
- Alex Flargunbargun (Jan 7, ‘58)
- Aria Chingkwake (Jan 12, ‘42)
- Jonah Shaland-Mitchell (Jan 12, ‘99)
-Buddy Morgan (Jan 12, ‘60)
-Gregory James (Jan 12, ‘60)
- Betsy Kelso (Jan 15, ‘79)
- Alexis Doilybug (Jan 17, ‘56)
- Paula Mitchell (Jan 17, ‘56)
- Devon Hunter (Jan 17, ‘19)
- Carolyn Rockwell (Jan 19, ‘30)
- Jordan Chingkwake (Jan 24, ‘65)
- Julio Martinez (Jan 28, ‘39)
- Kimmy Mendoza-Martinez (Jan 28, ‘39)
- Kim Raymond (Jan 30, ‘59)
- Lydia Martelli (Jan 30, ‘79)
- Marty Forman (Feb 1, ‘34)
- Gwen Runck (Feb 10, ‘80)
- Chris Kelso (Feb 12, ‘62)
- Jay Kelso (Feb 12, ‘80)
-Oak Kelso (Feb 12, ‘81)
- Quinn Martinez-Doilybug (Feb 12, ‘82)
- Erin Martinez-Doilybug (Feb 12, ‘82)
- Donna Pinciotti (Feb 13, ‘60)
- Celia Stearwater-Kelso (Feb 15, ‘62)
- Charlie Richardson (Feb 21, ‘60)
- Elaine Miller (Feb 29, '56)
- Eliza Kelso (Feb 30, ‘25)
- Marilyn Flargunbargun (March 10, 1935)
- Kristie Forman (March 10, 1979)
- Lulu Mitchell (March 11, ‘96)
- Ridge Pinciotti (March 12, 1979)
- Lisa Mitchell (March 12, 1960)
-Darnell Smith (March 12, ‘77)
- Leah Chingkwake (March 13, 1949)
- Mitch Pinciotti (March 15, 1979)
- Maddie Joy (March 17, 1981)
-Ian Harris (March 20, 1980)
- Lola Reed (March 23, ‘63)
- Lia Martelli (March 25, '64)
- Kat Hyde (March 25, ‘96)
- Reggie Hyde (March 25, ‘96)
-Joe Joy (March 25, ‘76)
-Josie Takada-Marshall (March 28, 2013)
-Suzy Simpson (March 29, ‘57)
- Sam Garcia-Velasco (March 30, ‘65)
- Jake Mitchell (March 30, ‘56)
-Emiko Takada (March 30, ‘63)
- Ozzie Takada (Apr 3, ‘80)
- Margie Kelso (Apr 9, ‘99)
- Lizzie Kelso (Apr 9, ‘99)
- Anne-Marie Kelso (Apr 9, ‘99)
- Tina Pinciotti (Apr 13, ‘62)
- Jacques Benoit (Apr 13, ‘79)
- Louis Jean-Paul Josephine (Apr 13, ‘79)
-Sophia Kamiśka (Apr 15, ‘79)
- William Barnett (Apr 16, ‘32)
- Nate Runck (Apr 18, ‘79)
-Samantha Marlon (Apr 27, '57)
- Trevor Canton (May 3, ‘78)
- Becky Rockwell (May 4, ‘50)
- Brooke Rockwell (May 4, ‘50)
- Elaina Kelso (May 11, ‘73)
- John Kelso (May 12, ‘28)
- Rose Guzman-Queimada (May 12, ‘96)
-Michael Bosko Rossi (May 12, ‘80)
- Brian Bloomberg (May 15, ‘55)
- Sherri Runck (May 15, ‘55)
- Teresa Megan (May 17, ‘79)
-Leonard Smalls (May 26, '55)
- Dale Reed (May 30, ‘62)
- Clarance Chen (May 30, ‘65)
- Nikki Velasco (Jun 5, ‘80)
- Alex Kelso (Jun 7, ‘74)
- Jeannette Valentine (Jun 7, ‘62)
- June Miller (Jun 12, ‘39)
- Gia Mitchell (Jun 12, ‘65)
- Mitch Miller (Jun 12, ‘60)
- Bernard Mitchell (Jun 12, ‘54)
- Etienne Marshall (Jun 12, ‘80)
-Marco Contreras (Jun 12, '95)
- Zia Chingkwake (Jun 13, ‘95)
- Gina Mitchell (Jun 14, ‘35)
- Chloe Müller (Jun 15, ‘80)
-Owen Nicholas (Jun 20, ‘80)
- Rhonda Tate (Jun 26, ‘59)
- Clara Shaland (Jun 28, ‘57)
- Eva Chingkwake (Jun 30, ‘60)
-Joanne Stupak (Jul 2, ‘40)
- Darla Doilybug (Jul 3, ‘32)
- Paul Doilybug (Jul 3, ‘54)
- Mira Chingkwake (Jul 3, '45)
- Kate Stephford (Jul 12, ‘58)
- Tom Garcia (Jul 12, ‘65)
- Angie Barnett (Jul 12 ‘56)
- Gabby Muñoz (Jul 12, '57)
- Bob Pinciotti (Jul 14, ‘39)
- Laurie Forman (Jul 15, ‘58)
- Leia Forman (Jul 19, ‘80)
-Jess Nightly (Jul 22, ‘81)
- Leo Chingkwake (Jul 29, ‘19)
- Jordan Mitchell (Jul 30, ‘35)
- Fez (Aug 4, ‘59)
- Aliana Guzman-Queimada (Aug 7, ‘55)
- Mikayla Patel (Aug 12, ‘80)
- Jared Kwan (Aug 12, ‘78)
- Ryland Barnes (Aug 13, ‘78)
- Serena Marotti (Aug 15, ‘78)
-Annette Berkardt-Miller (Aug 18, ‘58)
- Michael Kelso (Aug 28, ‘59)
- Sharon Adams (Sep 12, ‘80)
- June Guzman-Queimada (Sep 13, ‘99)
- Jonas Hernandez (Sep 15, ‘78)
- Jackie Burkhart (Sep 24, ‘60)
- Priya Shanti (Sep 30, ‘78)
- Kelly Shaland (Sep 30, ‘78)
- Dana Chingkwake (Oct 12, ‘78)
- Kira Kwan (Oct 12, ‘98)
-Paula Sigurdson (Oct 13, ‘33)
- Kitty Forman (Oct 13, ‘33)
- Dave Wilde (Oct 13, ‘61)
-Darline Joy (Oct 13, '78)
- Eleanor Moore (Oct 15, ‘79)
- Amaya Callesti (Oct 23, ‘77)
- Jo Mitchell (Oct 29, ‘79)
- Steve Jordan (Oct 31, ‘78)
- Joe Rockwell (Nov 1, ‘28)
- Casey Kelso (Nov 10, ‘56)
- Liv Rodriguez (Nov 12, ‘55)
- Maya Rodriguez (Nov 12, ‘55)
- John Bartlow (Nov 12, ‘78)
- Alisha Callesti (Nov 12, ‘78)
- Connor II Runck (Nov 12, 2010)
- Jordan Runck (Nov 12, 2010)
- Sammy Runck (Nov 12, 2010)
- Jazzy Runck (Nov 12, 2010)
- Steven Hyde (Nov 28, ‘59)
- Midge Pinciotti (Dec 3, ‘30)
- Red Forman (Dec 7, ‘27)
- Marion Marotti (Dec 9, ‘58)
- Joan Marotti (Dec 9, ‘64)
- Loni Paris (Dec 12, '62)
- Layla Kelso (Dec 13, ‘78)
- Paige Hart (Dec 13, ‘61)
- Eric Forman (Dec 14, ‘59)
- Valerie Pinciotti (Dec 19, ‘57)
- Delilah Reed (Dec 19, ‘79)
- Sarah Mitchell (Dec 21, ‘80)
- Charles Timothy-Cruz (Dec 24, '44)
- Julie Kumar-Monét (Dec 25, ‘79)
- Fenton (Dec 27, '47)
-Edna Hyde (Dec 30, ‘29)
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