#also technically Lonan is wearing Harrison’s jacket here (and does so for the entire book) BUT I HAD TO INCLUDE IT HE LOOKS SO CUTE
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“You’re sure you want to do this?” | Moth Work
THE DARKROOM ISN’T HAUNTED, but a dead man owns it—and they know which one. It sits in the forest like a rejected organ, misplaced and veiny with perennials. Negatives and cigarette butts litter the entrance, clinging to the steel panel door. From an aerial, they might look like misplaced stars.
Harrison shoulders the door first, traps it open with his boot. Dust and sunrays rake his back as he combs through cardboard boxes and mountains of photo paper. Lonan follows silently, still wearing Harrison’s jacket. Trails of smoke from his cigarette catch in the negatives pinned up by clothespins, chemical peeling between layers of ink. In one hand he tends to his smoke, and in the next, lugs in the canister of gasoline they found in the cabin’s cellar. As Harrison fumbles for his flashlight, Lonan sets it down by the table, and it sloshes like the Pacific. He stares at his fingers, the tools, the opened bottles of developing fluid—anything but the pictures. Harrison clicks his flashlight on, and puts it face up on the table.
“You’re sure you want to do this?”
Spent the evening drawing a movie-still style image of Harrison in the opening scene of Moth Work! It’s been a goal of mine to do this for forever & now I can die happy lol.
Harrison & Lonan set out to burn down a darkroom (circa 2019).
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