#also thank you to pippin who’s on a mission to help me name this stupid story sksksksks
sexynetra · 8 months
This one is dedicated to @thecollectionsof who managed to kick my ass into writing gear yesterday and got us that much closer to seeing the Olympic fic (and the soup fic 😉)
“I know. It’s not the same, but I appreciate it nonetheless. I just wish I could shake these stupid nerves, and you’re the only one who knows how to get me out of my head.” She frowned, looking back at Crystal.
“I know, and I’m right here. And Geeg, no matter what happens out there, I’m gonna be right here, cheering you on and being the proudest person in literally the entire universe, even more than your mom which is saying something, and you’re gonna make the entire world fall in love with you,” Crystal said decidedly. Gigi felt like her heart was blooming.
“Thanks, I needed to hear that. I can do this. I know I can. I’m gonna ace this, give you something to be proud of.”
“I’m gonna be proud no matter what, even if you fall on your ass on every component–”
“Don’t speak that into the world! God!”
Crystal laughed brightly. “Even if you fall a million times and forget half of your routine. Which would never ever happen because you are a consummate professional. I’d still be stupidly proud, even then.”
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