#also thanks to all the likes from the previous posts about rambling kinnporsche !!!! you are so sweet
Hi, it's me, Kinnporsche anon!!!
First I just wanna that I also love reading your reponse!!! Feel good to share ous excitement together!!
Now, I just finished episode 6 and the special epiose2, and it was everything!!!!!!
Like I love how we can see their relationship developing in front of our eyes! All the really cute moment we got from this episode, my heart cannot handle it 😭
Kinn is so precious when he doesn't have all the pressure on his shoulders. What a cute bean. I really love this side of him, and I hope we can see it in the futur episode.
I don't know where to start, so many thing happened??? I just wanna tell you the whole episode, everything was so good.
I love the banter that they share, like Porsche teasing Kinn with the fire, it was too precious. When they hold hands ajhhhh!!!!
AND they finally have a conversation!! It was time. Kinn apologize to Porsche and realizing that he did Porsche wrong, and being sincere omg!!! They really open to each other, now they can take their relationship to the next level!
Also, I can't believe we had two kiss this episode!!! The one in the water was chief kiss. But the one where Porsche run back to Kinn and kiss him was my favorite. The whole scene was so perfect. First, we had Porsche willing to loose a hand for Kinn. Then we had Kinn doing a love declaration to Porsche!!! Like I got teary, Kinn was ready to loose Porsche just to let him be happy. I think he already have feelings for Porsche!!! And Porsche running to kiss him. The kiss was perfect, like how he hold into Kinn to kiss him. Porsche also have feeling for Kinn. When Kinn broke down after Porsche left broke my heart, poor baby!!! And then he get attack, I hope he can catch a break soon!!
Then Porsche coming back to save him, and Kinn taking a bullet from him!! I just love this episode!???
I hope we can get more Kinnporsche centric episodes in the future!!
The side story was so soft omg!! The only problem was it was too short. They were shy with each other, so cute!! Oh and Kinn letting Porsche calling Chay was also precious (Chay is also too precious for this world, he loves his brother so much!!) . He is falling real real hard. Also the way Porsche hold Kinn hand and caressed his family ring, this have so many signification!!!
I cannot wait to know what happen after!!! Like, how are they going to pretend that nothing is happening between them in front of everyone?? I don't think they are going to be open with their relation, Kinn is still the boss. (I do think the one close to them will know, Pete already know!). I dont' want to think about this drama, I'm so happy that they finally deal with their shit and can be happy together!!!!
(also, when Porsche mentioned his parents death I was 👀 I knows he said that they died in a car accident, but he also said that he doesn't remember anything and it was his uncle who tell him what happened. It could be a lie, and they died in another way. I do really think that they died bc of his uncle. Maybe money problem?? He owns money from Korn or something, since he didn't paid, Korn makes him paid in his way 🤔)
(also Big and Vegas this episode, they were so hot)
Have a good day/night!! I will see you next episode!!!! 💜
Hi sweetie!! I just finished answering your anon and I don't know what happened and it erased 😭😭 it was super long !! I hate Tumblr hahaha I'll try to do it again!!
SO NOW EPISODE 6 AND SIDE STORY HERE WE GO!! I really love this episode! I was smiling and crying all the time.
They are so cute! Kinn being able to open himself was so good! He really is so different from Kinn's mafia eldest son and Kinn being free!! It was so sad to watch because he only want to be free, sing and be with his baby Porsche 😭😭😭 he deserves happiness too!!
The first part of the episode was fun! Like they going in circles and Kinn being 'I know how to survive in the jungle' and Porsche like 'I don't think you know lol' peak comedy really. One of the best parts of the episode was them having a real conversation!!! I was so happy!! Like Kinn apologising and Porsche saying 'I've already forgiven you 🥺️🥺️ So heart warming!!!
OK, NOW THE KISSES!!!!! the first one in the river or lake was amazing!! I love when they were kissing and Kinn pull away from Porsche because he didn't want to overstep Porsche before having a conversation and apologises!! Kinn is really improving!!! <3
THE SECOND KISS OMG THAT KISS !!!!!! that scene was perfect!! 💗💗 I think is the first time in a long time Kinn is not being selfish and does something that really hurt him because we know he really wants Porsche, he doesn't want to let him go but know is the best for Porsche, he can't watch Porsche losing his essence for Kinn's type of living and he really wants Porsche happy!! 😭😭😭 and then Porsche came back to him and kissed him!!!! they cling to each other bodies so much, that we can feel they don't want to be apart that they need each other but that right now is not the time. Porsche knows that's the best for him and his brother but still 😭😭 (crying again haha) and then Kinn tearing apart for all the pain he was feeling!!! I was overwhelmed!!! The actors did a fantastic job portraying all that emotions!! Give them their awards already!! My babies!!! 😍😍😍
And then the fighting and Porsche coming back to save Kinn, and Kinn taking a bullet to protect Porsche!!!! AAAAAAAA I mean if that's not a love declaration I don't know anymore!!!!!! 💕💕💕 I can't!! too much for my heart haha
THE SIDE STORY NOW!!!! first, our king Tankhun is back again!!! I love him!! Then we have Kinn and Porsche being the cutest together!! The way they are so soft and delicate with each other!! How Porsche was 'I'm here so you are not gonna get away from me so easily now' 😢😢 it was so precious! the way they hold hands and how Porsche rested his head on Kinn's body!! They are really gone for each other right?? I love them so much!!
And then we have Vegas lol, like honey no, get away with your flowers we don't want them hahaha also Kinn really hates his cousin hdhjdhj he was 'you again bitch get lost' so funny!!
Also you are not ready for the next episode!! NOT READY  🔥 🔥 I can’t wait to read your reaction and comments!!! 
I can’t wait for Saturday!!!!! I need episode 8 already!!!! and everybody is so hot in this show like ‘I’m always looking respectfully’ hahaha  👀 👀 🥵️ 
Well I think that’s all for now haha (sorry for yelling so much haha I was too excited) and it looks like the same as the previous response I wrote so yey!!! See you!!! Have a great day!!!  💗 💗 💗 😘 😘
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