#also that sun/moon symbol between the flags is sort of moot point for this post but its supposed to mean which world the characters live in
liquidstar · 4 years
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;-; You’re all so nice.... Thank you...... yes of course I will talk about these ocs, though I guess I should point out that they're actually kind of old but I just haven't worked on them in a while so they're still very much a wip (also the art is slightly old too but not by too long) I’m really sorry I haven't been making more oc content lately, my arms still hurt but they're getting better :) but all that aside I will talk about the dreamworld ocs now
Right off the bat I should probably say these characters are in a completely seperate story from my main ocs in Anthea, their story is a different one in a different universe. The world that the characters grew up in is really just the normal world, not anywhere fantastical. The fantasy element comes into play when they go to sleep: They’re sent to a parallel world in their dreams (basically an isekai anime with less commitment lol)
I haven't figured out all the specifics of how everything operates just yet, because like I said its a wip, but one important thing to note is that aside from the two main protagonists the characters all live in different parts of the world (Also this means a couple of them have incredibly questionable sleeping schedules that I’ll have to come up with excuses for lol) and in the real world they’ll really only communicate virtually. Also These characters are really the only ones ive come up with so far, and since its a wip aspects of them are bound to change along the way in terms of design personality and maybe even their names.
For now ill show you what I have under a readmore, I put their names ages and pronouns in a mini bio but ill elaborate a little bit more on them too, I also added flags for any lgbt orientation they may have and the country they live because that'll obviously be important to know if they don’t all live in the same place. 
Anyway more under the cut
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Abby is an upbeat and friendly girl who lives in Tacoma, Washington. She’s only started dreaming in the dream world (Better name TBA) very recently and at first believes that she’s just a lucid dreamer, until she meets Wednesday in her dreams and realizes it’s all very real. Note: The pink things on her head in the dream outfit are the tips of a very big bow
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Wednesday is a girl who recently moved to Tacoma and started attending the same school as Abby, though they didn’t really interact for a while since typically she has a very shy and anxious demeanor, but she’s also been dreaming in the dream world the longest and in there she’s able to find her own inner confidence that she struggles with in “real” life.
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C.J. is a character who I have yet to come up with an actual first name for but somehow the C seemed fitting. He’s sort of the goofball type, the type to make people laugh, he just likes to see people smile! He also lives relatively close to Abby and Wednesday in Vancouver, Canada
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André is a boy from Salvador, Brazil, he’s the type of person who’s incredibly hard working, maybe overly so, and hasn’t been in the dream world for very long but he still sees it as a place where he can let go of any frustrations or anxieties he may have in “real” life and feel more free. He sees it as somewhere where doesn’t have to try as hard and just relax.
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Note: I should point out that the character’s first name is Thao, but since in Vietnamese names tend to be written surname first I chose to do it that way in the reference image, but I’m still saying this to avoid confusion! Anyway! Thao is a boy who just unfortunately never got out of his edgy middle school phase so you can bet that the second he woke up in a fantasy world he knew exactly what was going on and was going to dress in black and red with hot-rod flames, that was a given. He lives in Hue, Vietnam.
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Mehazabien is a bookish and academic girl who lives in Mansoura, Egypt. She’s been in the dream world for a few years now and she knows the ropes better than anyone because she loves to learn all she can about it. She got sent to a fantasy world and decided to read more, that’s just how she has fun.
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Elie is the last kid of the bunch, they live in Lille, France. They’re new to the dreamworld but they’re absolutely foaming at the mouth to explore it as soon as they can, everything about it excites their imagination and they wanna see it all. Note: The moon emblem that all the other kids have somewhere on their body is not viable here because it’s on their back.
That’s it for now! Again these are all just wips and they can change as I develop them and the story more, so I welcome any and all input on them, please don’t be shy! Also if you have questions feel free to ask those too since it forces me to think about stuff :p it’s helpful. I may revamp the designs a bit too since the art is slightly old, we’ll see....
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