#also that was very sweet of u to send the ask regardless hehe ty Cheddar <3 you didn't have to do that haha
manasurge · 1 year
scoots into your asks about the commander love interest prompt.
i dont know who to ask you about so take your own pick but can i get uhhhhh 1, 4, and 10?
Omg I'm actually just hoarding these prompts atm (for later when I've had more time to post more of her fleshed out lore so it isn't all just in note form on my end sjldfsf), but for you, I'll still bite! (Tho a lot of answers could be subject to some change in the future based on what might develop down the road aslfjsf)
Fortunately (or unfortunately) I only have the one OC (Mourynn) bc otherwise it'd be too overwhelming for me lksjflksdf. Anywho! 1. Who are they and what's their dynamic with the commander? The main pairing I have is Mourynn x Caithe, and since they're both Firstborn (albeit Mourynn was a very late bloomer, like... a year late. More on that later), they have a couple dynamics going on. First being (what I've always interpreted as) the intrinsic bond Firstborn share. With Mourynn being the youngest (at least in my timeline), she looks up a lot to Caithe (and the others), and Caithe is also one of the only ones who can read her social cues and is patient with her (especially in the early years), and especially so since the Shadow of the Dragon still appears in her dream, so they still have that shared link + Wyld Hunt (though if anything it was more like a rescue mission as Mourynn would've died too it/was too physically weak at this time, and only remembers the bit at the end of the dragon attack. So Caithe is a bit of a hero to her to some degree as well). There's another dramatic lesbian arc in between involving Faolain as well (all 3 actually), but that's a hot mess for another day. During the Commander era, since basically her whole Commander arc is "Imposter Syndrome the Musical™", and with Mourynn feeling constantly behind the other Firstborn Luminaries, and trying to fulfill an important role that's partly due to trying to prove to herself (and others) that she is indeed capable. She is a bit naive in the beginning with trying to impress Caithe and fulfill their shared Hunt, and feels lost/depressed when she isn't around during these times. Basically there's a lot of slow burn and silent gestures and quiet intimacies and moments going on, but there's still the extra layer of the Faolain break up that Caithe is also struggling with, making Mourynn is too afraid to tread further due to the sensitive situation. In general they more or less have the same loner vibe, but Mourynn's a bit more whimsical and accident-proned. They're just glad to have each other around and lean on each other in different ways, a comforting bond with a bit of a mentor dynamic sprinkled in. Caithe is also one of the only ppl who understands Mourynn's weird quirks.
4. What was their initial opinion of the commander? Has that changed at all? I guess most of this was already answered above (lol). I'd say Caithe became a bit more proud to see her grow into her role as time went on and became more of her own person (and get a little bit more confidence). The dragon thing was a bit of a shocker though. Other than that, I'd say, surprisingly, opinions shared remains fairly constant (mostly bc they've known each other for so long) 10. Are there any events in the story that happen differently because of/to/involving them? UHM A LOT TBH. I'm lowkey using Mourynn's lore to also change a lot of points in the game story to better fit what I like best and want to see a bit different. In the case with Caithe, I'm having her involved a lot more (for self indulgent reasons), and bc there's a lot of situations I could expand upon. Also I'M INCLUDING ALL THE STUFF NOT INCLUDED IN THE ORIGINAL HoT STORYLINE!!!!!!! One very notable moment I have down is involving the Exalted and Aurene's egg. The Exalted DO NOT like Mourynn (jungle dragon reasons and all, they see her more as a threat sent by Mordy, and Mourynn will wind up hating anything gilded/gold bc of them bc of Exalted trauma), and with Caithe taking the egg first, that combo makes them both fairly distrusted by the Exalted (and others), which is... kinda bad. They both have to defend each other AND Aurene's egg, all while trying to convince the Exalted they are trustworthy (along with like, everyone else...). Then there's the Vinetooth Faolain fight... (that's gonna be fun :3c firstborn x firstborn Wynne mirroring, plus just the dynamic the 3 of them have in general. Mourynn almost dies, but that's normal. Caithe will get to do more fun things during the fight too)
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