#also the Grammar series was where I first learned abt categories of words
hoodieimp · 2 years
Misc. OC thought of the day:
Dizzy would genuinely enjoy math and be really good at it--it's just that no one's ever bothered to properly teach her. She came into existence with basically all of her background knowledge from her cartoon self, which included stuff like basic arithmetic (or at least addition and subtraction), but Joey's plans for her were solely based on being a performer and singing and dancing for people (plus he's not exactly the type to sit down and teach her)
That being said, if you sat Dizzy down with a bunch of those Mad Minute math worksheets and timed her, she'd absolutely love it. Challenge her! Get her to use her brain in a way she's not accustomed to! It's enrichment!
Or better yet, show her the Schoolhouse Rock series. Learning her times tables AND getting to sing along to a fun little song? Best of both worlds baby!
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