#also the dude who came up with the love languages isn’t a licensed counselor or anything
always-andromeda · 1 year
What's your love language?
Okay, goodness gracious, I hate to be such a contrarian bUT. I haven’t really subscribed to the whole love language theory for like years now just because I don’t think the way it’s emphasized and used, especially for relationship advice isn’t always the most helpful?
Because honestly, out of the big five love languages, I prioritize almost all of them pretty equally? Like I don’t think any one of them fulfill me more than another? Basically all five have nearly the same amount of importance to me!
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Headcannons about what Alex, Luke, & Reggie were like back in 1995? Please??
Okay so decided to divide this up by boy and then do some group ones
Reggie Headcanons
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* Okay but if Reggie’s house was on a BEACH in L.A then he has got to come from money.
* I feel like his mom and dad were definitely rich but Reggie never wanted any part of it. I also feel this could be one of the reason why his parents were always fighting and on the verge of divorce. 
* His parents would try to give him stuff to make him act more proper and classical but he would refuse. He didn’t want what his parents got him, he wanted to do things on his own and be his own person.
* Younger Reggie told his parents that he wanted to start playing an instrument. So his parents thought maybe piano or something that reflects the upper class. So when they went to music store and 10 year old Reggie picked out a bass that was larger than he was, his parents were very disappointed.
* Nevertheless they still bought him the bass in hopes as he got older and more mature maybe he would want to learn Piano and realize how silly a bass is. 
* I think is family went to his one and only one of his gigs. At first he would always if his parents wanted to go the show he was performing at but they wouldn't be caught dead in dingy bar.  At some point they went to one show just to shut Reggie up. After the show they would say that the band was not good and that he needs to focus on school.
* He was so disappointed,
* I think they would also use work as an excuse as to why they wouldn’t come.
Alex Headcanons
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* I don’t think Alex was as rich as Reggie and his family, but I think they were comfortable if you get what I mean.
* I could definitely see Alex having anxiety.
* Like his parents thinking he was being over dramatic a lot. But maybe something happens at school one day and Alex has to go to a guidance counselor. They end up having a meeting with his parents and they suggest Alex should go to therapy. 
*Naturally his parents disagreed, mainly because they didn’t want to be known as the parents with a “mentally ill” son.
* I’m not even going to get into him coming out cause his parents piss me off
* But they took him anyway. His therapist notices how he always has to fidget. weather it’s something in his hands, or bouncing his foot. His main thing however was tapping his figures on his leg on whatever surface was in front him.
* His therapist is the one who suggest he should get into music, specifically drums.
* Alex told his parents and of course didn’t want to get him drums. They were too loud and obnoxious. 
* Until his parents bought him a cheap drum set, he would go into the band room before and after school and use the drum set there. He walked in one day and saw a boy with shaggy brown hair and a beanie in the practice room strumming his guitar. 
* part of me thinks Alex got job and saved up for his drum set while another part of me thinks his parents got them for him. I’m not too sure.
Luke Headcanons
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* I think his parents were supportive of him and his music as a hobby, not as a career.
* His parents bought his guitar when he was middle school. Like the rest of the boys, he is self taught.
* Luke met Alex one day before class. He was in a practice room when he heard Alex playing.
* He popped his head out and saw him playing rather hard. Like he was pissed about something. When Alex stopped playing and noticed Luke watching he apologized for being so loud/ He tried to grab his stuff and leave but Luke stopped him.
* “Dude, I don’t know if that was just you letting out your anger of what but all I know is that you sounded tight.”
* After school they would meet up and play together. 
* Slowly and surely Reggie would join them and eventually Bobby. 
* Nobody’s parents approved of Luke. 
* But Luke’s parents loved the boys in the band. They thought that were good people and at first welcomed them. It was when the band started to take over Luke’s life and he stopped caring about school that his parents no longer approved.
* They just wanted Luke be smart about his future but Luke knew what he wanted to do with his life. 
Band Headcanons 
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* Luke is the main songwriter but I think Reggie and Alex also secretly write songs. 
* We know Reggie wrote some country songs but I feel like he wrote more than just that.
* Luke wrote a lot of songs about the future and chasing after your dreams. Reggie wrote some silly country songs but he also wrote some that were based off of his homelife. Mainly his parents fighting and about how lonely he felt when he was home. He often worried about how he wasn't good enough for them or the band. Maybe he wrote a love song here and there, after all he is a major flirt. Alex at first would write songs about how he wanted to be “normal” not gay, maybe some on unrequited love after he came out. 
* Alex is clearly the band mom. He was the first to get his license and would drive the band around to gigs. 
* Luke is constantly working on promoting the band and trying to gigs.
* They would play at beach and pier near Reggie’s house, much to his parents disapproval. Their beightboors would come up them and ask “Isn’t that your son begging for money on the beach?” 
*Reggie is most definitely a flirt, but when he meets the right girl he a absolute mess. He tried to act confident and a little cocky but deep down she makes him crazy.
* Idk why but Reggie loose girls to Luke. Maybe it’s the whole oh he’s the lead singer thing but most girls go after Luke before and after shows. 
* Luke sometimes thought girls were a distraction and wanted to focus on the band.
* I’m not opposed to Luke and Alex dating in the 90′s, but part of me feels like touch is just Luke’s love language cause I’m the same way. I know the cast has said that they did but i’m just going to wait on the writters or kenny to say so. However, if Luke did date Alex, he doesn't identify as being Bi. Infact, I don’t think he labels himself. Alex needs a label cause he is constantly stressing and he just needs to be sure about one thing. But I think Luke doesn’t care, to him he loves who loves. 
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