#also the fact that they just straight-up did overboard as a christmas movie and even gave the love interest the last name russell? inspired
eugeniedanglars · 2 years
i'm only 30 minutes into the movie but whoever said lindsay lohan's falling for christmas (2022) is the citizen kane of christmas movies was so dead on. more christmas movies should have the heroine's shitty boyfriend get stuck in a survival horror b-plot
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cherryb0yri0t-blog · 7 years
Secret Santa Gift to Peachu-Doodles
This is for @peachu-doodles for the @jjba-secret-santa. I had a lot of fun and trouble writing this. I hope this is a decent length for a gift I feel like I should’ve done more tho. Nonetheless, I hope you like it! ^^ 
With his chin being held up by a propped arm, Josuke tried to listen to the lecture but after a long night of playing Earthbound his consciousness was fading in and out.
“-ead line 14 Higashikata.” He heard his name and he dazedly looked up at his teacher. His teacher frowned and sighed at him before he repeated the order. “I asked you to read line 14.” Josuke sighed inwardly before standing up to read the English text. He knew he had an accent with it, but compared to his peers he felt more competent in regards to the subject. Maybe it was when his father was around that he picked up how to speak it better. The old man did have trouble understanding Japanese and would switch to his native tongue for most of his stay.
Once he read the line he sat back down and returned to his earlier position until he felt a tap to his back. Making sure the teacher wasn’t watching he looked behind and saw Okuyasu give him a huge thumbs up. It looked like he had something to say so he leaned backward and let him speak.
“You’re so good at English Josuke! I could hardly understand what you were saying!”
He felt his cheeks turn hot and with the excuse that they were going to get caught he turned back in his seat and looked outside. He tried to think of anything besides the cute smile his best friend wore. Best friends… That is what they were and were probably going to be that way for the rest of their lives. Josuke was content with being friends, but he also wanted something more. Too often he had dreams where him and Okuyasu would be hanging out and then they would suddenly kiss and hold each other. Those dreams left him waking up flustered and unable to do anything but curse the fact that it was a dream.
He tried to focus his attention to a bench outside to quell those emotions, but that was stopped when he felt Oku grip his shoulders softly. He nearly jumped out of his skin at the touch and then Oku leaned over his own desk to get closer to him.
“Josuke look! It's snowing!” Josuke glanced back out and smiled at the white flakes that began to cover the bench he previously watched. Nearly everyone else joined in at watching the first snowfall in Morioh and over spoke the teacher in their excitement. It took quite a while for the teacher to gain his student’s attention once more but he was eventually able to continue his lesson. However, Josuke looked back to watch the snowflakes cover the ground
 Just like always, Josuke and Okuyasu met up with Koichi and Yukako at the school’s front doors.
“Hi guys!” Koichi called out while Yukako finished wrapping the handmade scarf around his neck. “It sure is snowing. I'm surprised they didn't let us out early.”
“Yeah. True.” A revelation suddenly hit Josuke and he yelled. “Oh come on! My poor shoes are going to get snow in them!”
“Why is that any different than the rain?”
“You don't understand Koichi, these Bally shoes are expensive. They took numerous allowances to even afford.”
“They don't look that expensive…” Josuke gasped and pointed to them.
“Lemme teach ya something Koichi. You see, these Bally shoes are genuine leather and just look at this craftsmanship. Absolutely beautiful!” Koichi rolled his eyes and started to walk out, Yukako in hand.
“Whatever you say Josuke. C’mon we better get going before we’re snowed in.”
Josuke agreed but with a sigh. He really wasn't looking forward to walking in this snow. Okuyasu noticed Josuke’s sad demeanor and decided to try something. He knew he wasn't as smart as his two friends, but he thought that this might work.
He ran ahead of the group, and trekked through the snow until he was on the sidewalk. Then he called The Hand and erased the snow covering it. It was as clean as if someone had been asked to professionally shovel it. He then turned back to his smiling friends. Josuke wore the largest smile and he ran over to Okuyasu and pulled him into a side hug.
“Thanks man! You're the best!”
Okuyasu felt his face burn from the praise; he always loved it when Josuke would give him compliments.
“Aw it's nothing. I didn't want you to get your shoes ruined, bro.”
“You're too thoughtful but that's what I love about you!” The two boys laughed and held each other until Yukako walked past them.
“Let’s go Koichi, it's cold,” she said and Koichi turned back to the others.
“Are you two coming or not?” The other two let go of each other and ran towards the couple, only slowing down when they were right behind them.
“Hey Oku, you wanna hang out? We can play some Super Mario World. You wanna hang too Koichi?”
Koichi shook his head, “Sorry Josuke, but I already promised Yukako a date.” He looked up to his girlfriend who smiled and blushed. Josuke shrugged and told him it’s alright.
Josuke and Okuyasu turned to go down the street leading to their homes and they bid Koichi and Yukako goodbye. Okuyasu decided to take the lead so that he can use The Hand to keep cleaning the sidewalk. Meanwhile Josuke bent over and silently packed a snowball in his gloved hands. Then without warning, he threw the cold ball at Oku’s back who ‘oof’ed’ at the sudden action.
Okuyasu turned around and stared at Josuke, “Oi! Did you do that?!”
“Do what?”
“Uhh,” Okuyasu thought for a moment. “Something hit my back and I don’t know who did it.”
“Pfft,” Josuke had to hold back his laughter. “Wasn’t me. I have no idea who would hit your back dude. Maybe you imagined it.”
“Maybe.” Feeling content with the answer, Oku turned around and Josuke threw another one resulting in the other teen yelling and turning around once more. This time Josuke whistled to contain his emotions.
“There’s someone targeting me! Josuke help!”
“Are you sure it wasn’t the wind?”
“Then that’s some hard wind, but maybe you’re right.” And once again Oku fell for Josuke’s trap as a third snowball hit him straight in the middle of his back and he yelled. “There’s a Stand user after me!” He growled and The Hand got in a battle-ready stance. Josuke couldn’t help it anymore and he laughed hysterically. He nearly doubled over when Oku cocked his head to the side in confusion.
“O-Oku, it was me all along. S-Sorry,” he wheezed. Okuyasu stood still in thought but then he bent over and grabbed a snowball, pelting it at Josuke’s chest which landed with a hard splat.
Okuyasu chuckled but stopped when he saw the dark look Josuke had.
“Oh shit, bro I’m sorry if I hurt you. I didn’t mean to throw it so hard,” he tried to apologize but stopped when Josuke looked up with a micheivious glint in his eyes. Suddenly he had a whole pile of snowballs in Crazy Diamond’s arms and Oku knew he had to run or be decimated.
As Josuke threw the balls, Okuyasu used The Hand to shield him as he made his own ammo. Both boys laughed at the fight and Okuyasu ran into a neighbor’s yard to find more snow. Josuke yelled at him that he was cheating but the shorter boy refused to get out of the snow and used Josuke’s weakness against him. He wanted to get one in Josuke’s face but he aimed too high and it was like time stopped as it hit the holy pomp. Okuyasu internally screamed as Josuke suddenly stepped into the snow and ran towards him.
It was too late for poor Oku as Josuke easily picked him up and threw him in the snow. “Don’t kill me! I wasn’t meaning to bro!” he pleaded as the taller teen stood over him. Right as Okuyasu started to pray to the gods for forgiveness, Josuke’s kind demeanor came back and he laughed.
“Got you!” he teased. It took a moment for the words to register, but when they did Oku gave a huge sigh in relief. “I didn’t go overboard with the joke, did I? You did look a little pale,” he smirked and held a hand out for Oku who used it to pull Josuke into the snow with him. “HEY!”
He pulled himself up from the frozen ground and shook the remainder of snow off his hair. “Now you asked for it!” He joked and playfully pushed Okuyasu into the snow and before they knew it they were both covered in the cold material and worn out from the jovial fighting.
They relaxed in the snow close together for a moment. A moment that Josuke took straight to his heart. He was a natural romantic and it occurred to him that what just happened would probably be similar to those cheesy Christmas movies his mother sometimes watched. Okuyasu turned his head to his and smiled that dorky but genuine smile that made his heart soar. They’ve been through so much and Josuke knew that what he felt was true, but he didn’t want to ruin their friendship. It hurt him so much but he told himself that hiding his feelings was for the best. The snow underneath chilled him and he reached out and grabbed Okuyasu’s hand before standing up, and by extension Oku, up.
“Let’s get going before Mom comes home and sees our soaked uniforms.”
 The two teens sat side-by-side and shoulder-to-shoulder while playing Super Mario World. Usually Josuke played as Mario, but anytime Okuyasu was over and wanted to be Mario Josuke would let him. At first, Okuyasu was terrible at the game but with enough practice he became just as good as Josuke was and now the two were breezing through levels. They were at the level before Bowser’s castle and the atmosphere was tense. Their lives were low but they were so close. Sure they could always load a save if they died, but defeating a game when the odds would be stacked against them like at this very moment was part of the adrenaline and fun. Finally it came, the battle against Bowser himself. Now, Josuke played this game before and read on how to defeat the koopa king, but he always got stuck at this part. He just moved a little too closely to a fireball when…
“Oh no!” He exclaimed and pouted. “I guess it’s all up to you Okuyasu.”
“Me? Jeez Josuke I don’t know if I can. Maybe you should take charge you’re better at this than I am anyway.”
“No way! We’re doing this fair and square. Besides I believe in you.” They looked at each other for a moment and the shorter teen sat straighter.
“You’re right Josuke! I can do this!” With renewed hope and belief in himself, Oku took full control of the situation. The air felt frozen in time as the music intensified and fireballs were thrown in Mario’s direction. Mario shrank for a moment until Peach came in with the most needed mushroom and Josuke sighed. He watched the screen for a while until he began to watch Okuyasu’s facial movements. His tongue slightly poked out to wet his lips in pure determination and Josuke wondered just what those lips would taste like. His thoughts were just thinking about how much he thought of Okuyasu and how wonderful and beautiful he is that he didn’t hear the sounds coming from Bowser’s clown car or the happy music signifying that the princess was saved.
Okuyasu turned his head to Josuke with a bright smile, “I did it! I beat Bowser!” Hearing this, Josuke snapped out of his thoughts for a moment and looked at the screen in awe.
“You did it!” He cheered and without thinking nor hesitation he did the first thing his instincts told him to do and that was to kiss the winner. Their lips melded awkwardly and just like that, Josuke quickly pulled away. “Oh..shit s-sorry I-I didn’t mean to I-“ he couldn’t believe he just did that and he wanted to die right then and there as he felt that he just ruined everything.
Okuyasu’s eyes were wide and one of his hands went up to touch his lips, his cheeks were dusted with a light pink which Josuke was sure was pure anger, however Okuyasu’s next words dispelled these worries.
“H-Hey that felt kinda nice…”
“O-Oh yeah, it did..”
“Can we do it again?”
“Really?” Josuke was sure his heart was going to pop right out of his chest.
“Yeah bro.” With a shaking hand, Josuke gently held the other teen’s cheek in his hand and he glanced into his eyes for a moment before bringing his lips upon the other’s once more. The kiss had more direction this time and Okuyasu got into it by bringing his arms around Josuke’s waist. Josuke wanted to cry and he hoped that this meant that his feelings were reciprocated. The kiss went on for a minute or so, time seemed to cease to exist in this blissful state, until Josuke pulled back.
“Okuyasu, I like you.”
“I like you too.”
“No. I mean I really like you,” he emphasized and for a split moment he believed he was a fool.
“Josuke, I may be dumb, but I know what you meant and I mean it when I say that I like you,” Oku grinned and was instantly pulled into a large hug.
“I’m so glad! I was so afraid I ruined my friendship with you. You’re the best friend a guy like me could ask for!”
“What about Koichi?”
“Well Koichi’s great too,” the pompadour proud lad smirked. “But he’s not as cute as you Oku.”
“Aw shucks Josuke, you flatter me too much!”
“Good because you deserve it! And I mean it, I really mean it.” He watched in humor as Oku’s cheeks darkened and then covered as Oku became too embarrassed to show his face.
 Later that night, Josuke ran to the phone and called Koichi.
“Hey hey guess what?”
“What? Did something happen?”
“Yep! Okuyasu and I are now dating!”
“It’s about time.”
“Huh?! Why don’t you sound surprised?”
“Oh I saw this coming months ago.”
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#12: The Christmas that was Cancelled…Almost.
The Christmas that was cancelled is a well known story around our holiday table or over a few beers.  In some ways, I’m almost embarrassed to tell it to people outside my inner circle. Many might judge me as a bad parent or a Scrooge.   Although it was painful at the time, I think my kids look back on it as a classic family tale.  If not, I’m sure they will get their revenge when I’m old and gray and they shove me in a nursing home.  Any hoo, grab a cup of hot chocolate, warm your feet by the fire, sit back and enjoy the adventure.
Many, many years ago when my girls were still young enough to believe in Santa (at least the youngest), we had an unfortunate incident happen a couple of weeks before Christmas.   As a working mom, my time was tight so, as I purchased gifts for the family, I shoved them on top of a cedar chest in my walk in closet.  Now in my defense, the clothes hanging above the chest touched the top of the chest, thus creating a perfect hiding spot for my bagged gifts…or so I thought.  My plan was to wait until the kids were out playing, lock the door and wrap all the presents at once.  After all, I had plenty of time to get them under the tree and time was limited.  Apparently, I wasn’t as clever as I thought. 
  Upon returning home from work one day, I noticed my closet light was on and the door cracked open.  Thinking I must have forgotten to turn out the light and shut the door, I dismissed this error on my part and went about my evening.  However, the next day, when I came home from work, once again the light was on and the door was cracked open.  A pattern was beginning to emerge.  So the next morning, I paid close attention and made sure the light was off and the door was closed.  Would the closet fairy return? We shall see.
To my horror, when I got home from work, the light was once again on and the door cracked open.  Someone was snooping in my closet.  Now what?  Since the items were all in bags, did they see everything?  Is Christmas ruined? Suddenly the answer appeared in front of me in the form of my youngest child.   Although she was a smart child, the emotion of Christmas overwhelmed her and common sense went out the window. Excitement  took control of her like truth serum.  With her big brown eyes and her body twirling to and fro, she blurted out to me, “Mommy, I know I’m not suppose to say anything, but……” as she hesitates to continue, “I just love the slippers you got me for Christmas!” Busted!   Better than a line up in a cop movie, the guilty (or at least one of them) confesses before the questioning begins.  Under further investigation, the little one spills the fact that the oldest found (and I use the word loosely, more like searched) the Christmas stash, and dragged her little sister into the dirty deed.  Mortified, I panicked.  What should we do?  Being an only child and from parents that went through the Great Depression, I never thought of peeking.  Who cares what color my new panties or shoes are?  It certainly wasn’t worth getting into trouble for.  
I asked my husband for advice since he came from a family of 6 children who grew up in a very small house.  Surely, with that many kids, he must have experienced an incident of peeking.  To my dismay, he couldn’t remember any slip ups.  As we huddled in our bedroom in search of a plan of action, we called his father for advice.  Surely, he would tell us a good story and offer some words of wisdom.  After telling him about the closet fairy and the confession, we asked him, “Has this ever happened to you?  What did you do?”  His response, “I can’t give you any advice, it never happened with our kids.  We weren’t dumb enough to store the gifts at our house.  We always kept them at our neighbor’s house a couple of doors down.”  There it was, the cold hard facts, we were dumb parents.  
Trying not to feel defeated, we came up with a plan to teach our girls a lesson.  We would cancel Christmas or at least lead them to think their actions caused them to lose their gifts.  I know, we are mean, but it seemed like a good idea at the time and we were desperate.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. We called the children into the living room and gave them a long lecture on peeking pros and cons 101.  “Do you realize that peeking ruins the surprise of Christmas?  What is the point of having wrapped presents if you know what is inside?  We’re calling Santa and telling him to take all the presents back since there is no point in keeping them.  Your actions have ruined Christmas so don’t expect any presents under the tree this year.”  Yeah, I know, we went overboard.  They cried and whimpered off to their rooms.
The next day, we wrapped all the presents, shoved them into several black large leaf bags and while the kids were outside telling their friends of the horrors of the Christmas Nazi, we shoved them up into the attic space, and out of sight.  Now if we can only keep a straight face, we can fool them.  We agreed to let them sweat it out and to postpone Christmas by one day, thus creating the illusion that all the gifts were indeed sent back to Santa.
The days leading up to Christmas were grim in our household.  Each day they would come home from school and check to see if any presents were under the tree.  When the lack of gifts was questioned, I reminded them that Christmas was cancelled and the gifts were indeed sent back as promised.  Yes, I lied.  Yes, I’m going to hell and I’m driving the bus.  
Tension mounted.  Finally Christmas morning arrived and the tree was bare.  No presents, no stocking stuffers, no joy.  We managed to ruin their Christmas; shame on us.   Later that morning, as all kids do, it was time to go outside, to play and compare gifts with the neighborhood.   The look on their faces was almost too much to bear.    How could they admit their shame and tell their friends they were so bad that they received nothing.  Parent guilt was also becoming unbearable.  How could we make it through another 18 hours? After a long morning of sad faces, the charade was too much and the suffering of our children too great.  We couldn’t stand another minute of disappointment in their eyes.  It’s time to turn it around and bring Christmas back. 
  While the kids continued to sulk outside, we quickly brought down the black bags and loaded the presents under the sad tree.  Calling the kids into the house, we sat them on the steps by the front door and in a final attempt to burn an impression into their minds, we threw at them one more lecture on how their peeking had ruined Christmas for everyone.  With tears in their eyes, and apologies to never do it again, we sternly told them to get into the living room.  Upon entering the room, their little hearts lit up with joy and delight to see that the presents had indeed returned. Christmas was back.  All was well in the household.
Months later, we became friends with some of the neighborhood parents, and over a few beers, this tale of woe was told.  The couple across the street began to laugh and said, “Oh, so you are the parents that didn’t buy any gifts for your kids.”  She proceeded to tell us her own tale of woe. Apparently, her kids came running home on Christmas day upset and distraught their friends had nothing for Christmas. She in turn got upset too.  How terrible of those parents to not get their kids ANYTHING. What kind of parent’s are they?  Something must be done to save Christmas! She proceeded to tell us her plan to borrow the credit card so she could run out and buy those babies a present.  To our shame, we admitted to being those bad parents. 
Our plan of making a teaching moment out of a bad situation only made the children saints and us notorious. No lesson was learned by the children, only by the parents….don’t be stupid.  To this day, my oldest still picks up each package, checks to see whose name is on it, if her and her sisters have the same number of presents, and I’m sure when I’m not around, she peeks.  Oh well, you can’t say we didn’t try.  
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92 Questions Tag
tagged by: @court-ships (now @bujo-ie )
LAST: 1. drink: probs water (tbh i dont like water much but you gotta sTaY hyDrATed) 2. phone call: i ran out of credit ages ago and haven’t bothered to recharge it so i haven’t called anybody recently, but mum has called me, so i guess that counts. (actually thinking about it i can’t remember the last time i called someone) 3. text message: to my best bud (cause i was wallowing in the depths of despair for like 3 weeks cause i felt like she was ignoring me so i finally got the courage to text her about it last night :) i think we’re going to be good) 4. song you listened to: K I’M LISTENING TO TEAM BY LORDE RIGHT NOW AND I LOVE IT FOREVER AND ALWAYS  5. time you cried: tbh like last weekend (see point number 3)
HAVE YOU: 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anybod 8. been cheated on: nup, thankfully 9. lost someone special: i have lost relatives but i never really knew them? i have lost quite a few pets tho :/ 10. been depressed: not ‘officialy’ but past couple weeks have been bad (once again, see point 3) 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never been drunk, only ever had small sips of alcohol (i’m way to young)
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: ohh so hard i don’t really have a fav, but i guess all blues (with and emphasis on teal) and like nearly all pastel colours.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yeah, but not like super close 16. fallen out of love: nah 17. laughed until you cried: maybe, but not very much 18. found out someone was talking about you: i don’t know? like this one isn’t very clear 19. met someone who changed you: sort of, i became closer to best bud, who i guess has changed me a bit 20. found out who your friends are: yes, but like also no? one of my few good friends left (for england of all places, but she is coming back), another’s moving schools, and once again see point 3 for other friend 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no lol i don’t even have facebook
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see point 21 23. do you have any pets: YESS SO MANY a dog, two cats, like 8 horses (only one’s mine tho), 3 ducks (one i’ve had since i was like 4), around ten chickens... yeah i kind of live on a farm without all the big herds (also a lot lot smaller than a farm lol). fun fact: we used to have like 7 peacocks, they’re actually the coolest birds to have around. 24. do you want to change your name: no way, i actually quite like mine :) 25. what did you do for your last birthday: pool partay! tbh i went way overboard with the decorations, i spent hours making little paper flowers for everyone (they looked pretty cool, actually) 26. what time did you wake up: probs like 6;30, but stayed half asleep until 8:20 (shhh it’s a sunday i can do what ever i want 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleepinggg (sadly without my radio on bc mum wanted me to ‘try sleeping without music’ mum how i can i i need it ON 28. name something you can’t wait for: DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL #BILLISBACK GET PUMPED!! also PINOF 9 and halloween baking videos from dan and phil, also, any album coming out from any of my favourite artists for the next like 104585 years. ALSO I’M GOING TO MONGOLIA IN LIKE 2 WEEKS HOW DID I FORGET THAT 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like half an hour ago we were running about in the rain putting the horses back in their yards 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: world peace, there are too many people (and animals) that are a victim of unhappiness they will never deserve
31. what are you listening to right now: A WORLD ALONE AKA THAT LORDE SONG THAT I RELATE TO ON AN OTHERWORLDLY LEVEL 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah, there’s one in my grade and he speaks fluent french (at least he did last time i checked which was like 2 years ago) 33. something that is getting on your nerves: tbh like all homework ever, plus this giant self-directed project we’re doing this year, it’s the most stressful thing ever. also, once again see point 3 34. most visited websites: umm i guess youtube, school’s home page, tumblr (although i’m mainly on mobile for that and that’s an app) reddit and ao3 (one my phone)
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. mole/s: nah not really 36. mark/s: nah, but i got beeg stretch marks on the sides of my hips bc i am gROWING FAST 37. childhood dream: i think a vet or zookepper. also i really wanted to publish a book that said ‘new york times bestseller’ on the front bc that’s what all my favs said on them (tbh i still dream of this) 38. hair color: blonde ayyy (but it’s getting darker underneath) 39. long or short hair: i guess medium - long (little below my shoulder blades) 40. do you have a crush on someone: not really i haven’t had one in literal years unless you count that time i sorta thought i had one one on my best friend even though im 98% sure i’m straight 41. what do you like about yourself: my creativity, like i’ve learnt not to say ‘oh i’m horrible at art/writing’ when i’m actually not that bad. also, i’m a total weirdo 42. piercings: confession: i don’t even have my ears pierced yet?? like, i do want them pierced, but i literally can’t be bothered atm lol 43. blood type: idk, although i did get a blood test like last monday, so i should know soon 44. nickname: i don’t really have any (there’s not much you can do with ‘lilly’) although i have one friend who calls me lilpil. 45. relationship status: single and probably staying that way for a while :) 46. zodiac: capricorn (but i don’t bother with zodiacs bc i am NOTHING like a capricorn) 47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite TV Show: OMG I HAVE SO MANY BUT I’M A FRIGGIN HUGE DOCTOR WHO AND SHERLOCK FAN COME SCREAM ABOUT THEM TO ME also if you ship johnlock that’s even better!! 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left hand: right handed 51. surgery: nope 52. hair dyed in different color: never done, probably never going to (i change my mind ALOT) 53. sport: tbh i hate sport but i do horse riding and with school i do sailing and hockey (bc a summer and winter sport is compulsory)  55. vacation: OK LIKE I SAID I’M GOING TO MONGOLIA AND I CAN’T GIVE AWAY TOO MUCH BUT I DID HAVE TO APPLY TO GET IN AND I’M RAZZED 56. pair of trainers: i’m not to particular, i just have shoes for sport (alTHOUGH, i do have an awesome pair of white sneakers with a bit of gold round the back)
57. eating: it’s father’s day and we had a GIANT breakfast and lunch so i don’t know if i’m even having dinner 58. drinking: i could KILL for a milo right now (it’s like, my version of tea or coffee) but parents have stopped buying it because ‘there’s too much sugar’ TIM I DON’T CARE I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT 59. i’m about to: idk i need to practice guitar, work on my bujo (bc i’m super behind), keep writing my fic, and i guess other general stuff 61. waiting for: nothing really, it’s sunday night so i’m sad bc it’s monday tomorrow 62. want: lots of things (who don’t amirite) but one is getting my bedroom walls gyprocked and painted (they’re wood panelling and i hate it) 63. get married: tbh whenever i meet the right person :) 64. career: FILM DIRECTOR YO i know nothing about film but i still really want to do it.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: OMG HUGS HUG ME PLEASE 66. lips or eyes: eyes, literally everybody’s eyes are beautiful, it’s great 67. shorter or taller: taller 68. older or younger: older i guess 70. nice arms or nice stomach: nice personality ;) 71. sensitive or loud: sensitive, like me tbh i’m so sensitive raise your voice at me and i will burst into tears  72. hook up or relationship: relationship always 73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant, also like me
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: definitely no 75. drank hard liquor: nopeity no 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have ‘em 77. turned someone down: technically yes? there was this new kid at school and he was literally asking every girl out, i was a bit confused. 78. sex on the first date: definitely no  79. broken someone’s heart: sadly i think so (but we’re like best friends no so it’s all good) 80. had your heart broken: no 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes, aforementioned relative i barley knew (still sad tho)  83. fallen for a friend: sortofnotreally
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: yes, at least i try my very hardest 85. miracles: in a way, yes 
86. love at first sight: not really
87. santa claus: when i as like 3, yes 
88. kiss on the first date: maybe?
OTHER: 90. current best friend name: ezri, my smol bean (also person from infamous point 3) fun fact: we’re both pretty sure she’s named after her character from star trek, ezri dax (her parents are giant nerds just like ez and i) 91. eye color: blue/gey with a bit of green 92. favorite movie: ARGHHH I CAN’T PICK I HAVE SOOO MANY, LIKE EVERY ONE BASED OFF BOOKS I LIKE, i really can’t pick, but one that is quite special to me is ‘my house in umbria’, my grandma and i used to watch this together all the time
Ok whoa this took me LITERAL HOURS but now that i’m done i just want to tag anyone who wants to do it! :)
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