#also the irony of me answering the question about my fave cake in the same way luke does from molly's new fic
kaleidoscopeminds · 3 years
hello !! i came to say hello but your inbox says cake topics so now i have to ask you about cake topics i suppose. what's your favorite kind of cake to make? what's your favorite kind to eat? in fact what is your favorite thing to bake in general and is it the same as your favorite baked thing to eat? i realize that isn't necessarily cake related but i'm kind of just going with the flow now. circling back: if you encountered cake as in hood/hemmings what cake as in baked good would you want to make them? is this nonsense? maybe. i'm having a cup of tea and when i'm done with it i will have another and i love you!!!!!! let's do a puzzle soon. xoxo bella
hello babe! @clumsyclifford thank u for joining me on cake topics! man these are some QUESTIONS ok i am currently walking to my booster vax appt let’s do this
i love making birthday cakes. and i don’t mean this in the traditional birthday cake sense, i make all sorts of different cakes for birthdays often with many layers and flavours, but making a cake specifically for someone on their birthday is the best. 
i feel very strongly about not choosing my favourite cake to eat because i like so much cake. a chocolate fudge cake that’s perfectly moist, a victoria sponge filled with strawberries and cream, a lemon drizzle that’s zesty and sweet at the same time, coffee cake (that actually tastes of coffee) is so good
in terms of everything else love baking bread when you knead it by hand because it’s very therapeutic, but i also like making fun little fancy fiddly things like macarons and meringue kisses. i really like a bakewell tart to eat but don’t often make them myself because there’s lots of steps and it takes a long time
i’d like to invite hood/hemmings to a tea party. i think if i got that opportunity i would go all out; breads, scones, cakes, mini tarts, macarons, the whole shebang. with a big pot of tea and my matching cups and saucers. i would ask calum about his carrot cake recipe and discuss bread with luke
i realise i have not answered a single one of these properly but i hope they will suffice as answers 🥰 i invite any more cake discussion at any point
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queenharumiura · 7 years
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting||🍀 = a ship I wish to write (I’m so not surprised this would be the one you’d send XD)
We know how I am, this got long so under a readmore it goes!
Ehhhhhhh okay, so like here’s the thing. I used to write a lot of fanfiction. I still do... kinda... when I have the motivation to do so. I am like the Queen of shipping, let me tell you. 
It really all started with me being a stubborn as heck person because every time I looked up Haru online, I just kept seeing all these people hating on Haru (and Kyoko but the point of this story is Haru so... //gently sets Kyoko in a box) and that just really upset me?  
Like what is with me and liking the girls who get so much hate? You know my other fave who gets so much hate? Sakura fucking Haruno, that’s who. Like damn, chill guys. Why y’all gotta hate so much? QnQ So here I am like cool cool, the fandom is severely hating on Sakura AND Haru. That’s cool. That’s fine. 
So I’m just hella stubborn and I started getting into fanfiction writing for KHR centering Haru. I focus on Haru and write all kinds of stories... for Haru. I love Haru and this is what i’m willing to do. As a joke, I started to ship GokuHaru because of a time I cosplayed Haru with a friend who was a Gokudera. I forget what was going on, but at a convention we went to, there weren’t any seats and my friend was basically like ‘just sit on my lap’. 
Someone snapped a pic, it was put onto LJ somewhere, and someone made the comment ‘I see who is on top in this relationship.’ I just found it hella funny at the time, so I jokingly started to crack ship GokuHaru and then it kinda just became a thing. Started to try writing a story for it. 
Now, I hardcore love Hibari. You know the moment I turned 18, that was like a day to celebrate. (same with 21, and I know you know why that is lol) My love for Haru kinda stems from the fact that I was reading the Kokuyo arc, and i’m just raging at the fact that Haru IS NOT REALIZING SHE’S IN MORTAL DANGER. LIKE GIRL, LOOK BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!!! YOU AGGRAVATE ME SO MUCH LIKE OMG WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS. Yes, I actually did not like her to start, the irony. Meanwhile, my friend is behind me doing the same exact thing, just hovering behind me ready to strike. 
As soon as I move away from that scene, she jump scares me by putting her hands on my shoulders and screaming ‘YOU ARE HARU.’ Thinking on it some more we do share a few similarities and discussing it with her, she was telling me how I should try cosplaying as Haru. So I did. Essentially it started as an inside joke but then the joke turned into hardcore adoration. lol
So anyways, I really really love Haru and I really REAAALLY love Hibari. So much in fact, my friend (same friend) goes ‘you should just ship 1886′. At first, I just scoffed bc what kind of world-ending crack ship is that? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
So then my ass started to write for 1886, and ironically it became one of my favorite ships, bumping 5986 out of first place. Also ironically, did you know I didn’t like Yamamoto? I just. Didn’t. I couldn’t do it. Then maybe it was volume 5 or something when suddenly I was just: YOOO I LIKE HIM. YOOOOOO WHY DID I HATE YOU AGAIN???????????
I was thinking on it and was like ‘huh... you know...? I think they would be nice together’. Then started my small thing with Yamamoto x Haru as well. 
Now with fanfiction, I just wanted to write stories because they are fun and maybe I could get people to like Haru more. (I’m proud to say that I’ve converted a few Haru haters and I’ve gotten people to ship random Haru pairings with me ahahahahahaahha) When I found out that Hibari, Yamamoto, and Haru are all taurus, I started like 3 way shipping em? Only because then I can make the ship name Taurus Trio and I find it funny. 
Anyways, I had this 100 oneshot challenge project where people suggested Haru pairings for me to write for given a theme and I’ll do my best to write something up. Taurus Trio and the Bermuda Triangle (Goku, haru, and Bel) came to be because of this project. 
Let me tell you, some of these people didn’t let me take it easy. I never did put a limit on how many people you could suggest in a pairing so I think I got tasked for a love pentagon once. My hands broke that day. 
I’ve written for just about any Haru pairing you can think of. It’s been a while since I’ve looked through my work so I may be forgetting a few things, but off the top of my head: all the vongola guardians (minus Lambo, I can’t do it), Enma, all of the first generation, the Arcobaleno, Squalo, Belphegor, Fran, Xanxus(lol), Chikusa, Ken, Lanchia, Byakuran, Shoichi, Ganma, and Dino. I can’t remember if I wrote for any of the other Shimon famiglia members. I also can’t remember if I wrote for anyone like Genkishi, or the other funeral wreaths. I don’t think so--- but I could be wrong. 
Basically I wrote stories or oneshots for a hell ton of these characters. 
Challenge me to do it and there’s a good chance i’ll find a way to ship it-- and I will. WATCH ME.
I do not feel the same way when it comes to rp though. I don’t really feel so inclined to ship, if you feel me? I dunno, it’s just different, shipping in rp-verse rather than shipping in fanfiction. There are just a lot of things to take into consideration. 
Though really, I just really really really like character development and also chemistry. I cannot ship if I think it’s going too fast. I like a more gradual kind of shipping process. I don’t like it if it goes too fast because it kinda just ruins it for me somehow? If I don’t see the chemistry, and if I don’t feel a certain ~vibe~ , then I can’t ship. 
It’s like, I get this gut feeling where it’s like, ‘yo you could totally ship with this person’ and I let things go down their course. If I don’t feel that gut feeling, I just can’t get myself into shipping with them. Kinda stupid, but that’s how I am. 
I’m just tiresome to work with, so I just say that I’m not really interested in shipping. Just because it’s just a tiring process if you want to ship with me, as you know with Shugarl and Arashi. Bwuahahahahahah. Don’t even get me started on Vasco and Ichimatsu. Those two are so slow, even turtles seem cheetah fast. 
So yeah, to answer the question, there isn’t really a ship that I wish to write in thread form. I won’t fight it if anyone is interested in trying to ship, but I won’t be bothered at all if I never end up shipping with her. 
Friendship or absolute angst is what i’m going for. Also brother-sister relationships. GOTTA GET HARU ALL THE BROOOOOSSS. 
TLDR: I’ve practically ‘written’ any ship with Haru in existence already. Not on tumblr but in fic form. If I really want to write, i’ll just write fics again. I’m mainly looking for friendship and things out of tumblr threading. 
I’m not against shipping with Haru, but I need to see a lot of chemistry to even consider it a possibility. I like to take things slow so as of right now, I can’t really say there is a ship i’d like to write for on tumblr. 
OH! Except for Haru x cake. That is my OTP.
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