#also the mods said i can publish lobster!dex later
forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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Hello @larkral​, @martsonmars​, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe​, @thnxforknowingme​, @cutestkilla​ and @ivelovedhimthroughworse​ for the tags! Happy Easter, ramadan mubarak, chag Pesach sameach and happy one day after Thatcher died day. I have nothing to show, so I am just saying hi!
I did submit my contribution to the AU, Please! fest, but it will be posted somewhere between the 10th - 14th. I, unfortunately, had to drop the other prompt, since my thesis is kicking my ass and I knew I wasn’t going to able to finish it on time, but the mods were very understanding. (Lobster!Dex, you will forever be in my heart!)
Since I have no new fic sentences, instead have an actual no-context sentence that I uttered today: “I cannot believe I am talking about kink during Easter brunch.”
Small thesis update: I have conducted 6 of the 13 interviews by now and I am having a lot of fun, especially since I already love how varied the responses are. This will be hell for me when I need to analyse it, but it is a hoot. I had a person talk about how sci-fi is the best genre for queer rep and then the next person spent most of her time talking about how sci-fi is queer unfriendly. Or then I have a respondent talk about how queer representation is terrible, one-sided, and conformist, only for the next person to celebrate how diverse the many queer representation is. I am enjoying it so much I even like transcribing (🤯🤯🤯🤯) since I love rereading what they said. I don’t love it, though, since it is still tedious and it makes my back hurt, but I cannot reiterate enough that I enjoy doing my thesis purely because the research topic is the shit.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos​ @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin​ @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith​ @captain-aralias​ @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade​ @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​​ @nausikaaa​/@wellbelesbian​ @artsyunderstudy​ @facewithoutheart​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans
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