#also the oil didnt wash out for like a week....................it was a mistake to only bring those indian shampoo packets
iknowyuu · 1 year
wash day
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non-idol!choi yeonjun x black!reader
// yeonjun helps you take down your braids + wash day.
tags: headcanons
note: i didnt know whether to post this one bc i didn’t want to exclude anyone, but decided it’s not a crime for me to want to write something akin to my own experiences. i hope you understand !
- wash days are actually fun with him.. 🫣🤔
- firstly both your schedules are cleared for the day
- waking up earlier than usual to help you take down your braids
- (he sits on the couch and you sit on the floor between his legs)
- he asked if you wanted to sit in a chair and he could stand but you insisted
- tbh he’s faster than you 💀
- like you’ll give him a section and 7 mins later he’s done and combing it, spraying it with water and conditioner mix
- he gives you breaks and does some braids on your section <3
- afterwards when you’re finished you put tie it up and take a break
- you both order takeout bc you haven’t eaten since breakfast and it’s already like 2pm 😭
- (after washing your hands ofc)
- you often feel a little weird after taking you braids out bc your head feels SO light
- but also bc you’re not used to having natural hair after having only braids for several weeks
- “[nameee],” he whines, dragging out the last syllable, “you’re cute either way, alright?” he cups your cheeks, “i love you.”
- reassures you with lots of kisses, you’re not allowed to feel ugly on his watch
- OBVIOUSLY there’s a lot of buildup and you always insist on washing it yourself, and yes your arms ache afterwards 😭
- need more cleansing shampoo?
- “sir yes sir!🫡”
- more conditioner?
- “ofc baby, here you go 🫶🏻”
- need a different comb?
- “I GOTCHU BABES 🏃🏻‍♂️”
- after you’re done he has your towel and t-shirt ready for your hair
- he read that the cotton fabric of a shirt is gentler than the microfibers of a towel
- he’s right, your hair feels really soft afterwards 🥺
- he actually sections your hair when you’re getting ready to prep & style
- you try to help but he just pushes your hands away every time 😭
- “it’s the least i can do,” he mumbles, leaning down to kiss your cheek
- he’s been dating you for a while and he’s seen you do it
- AND he’s watched a few YouTube videos in preparation for this moment
- he knows it through & through.. oil, leave in conditioner, comb through, then twist 💁🏿‍♀️
- he puts a little too much oil on the first section
- you help him fix his mistake and he doesn’t make it again, adjusting to the amount you showed him
- he loves you sm and even wants to help you braid one day 🥹
- that day wont come for a long time BUT ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS
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kingjasnah · 4 years
you hated secret history?? i thought it was really cool
allow me to put it this way: you know when you eat food so spicy you feel a bit of a heat high from it? like delirious regret? yeah.
mistborn secret history made me feel emotions ive genuinely never felt before. most of it was rage. i will literally never forget the process of reading it.....i was in a fucking bungalow in the mountains of south india (NO wifi and NO outlet to post abt it, just an ebook with arcanum pre downloaded) when i realized this wasn't a prequel after all. i had twelve tons of oil on my hair and water heating on the stove to wash it out when kelsier decked preservation. the whole experience was so distinct sensory wise i think i, very much like kelsier, achieved new levels of ?!?!?!?!?!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA by the time he ascended. my brain had already started breaking down by the hoid confrontation and specifically kell's im gonna feed you your own hand speech so finding out that he trusted his brother so much to leave the fate of the world up to Marsh being a good man and strong enough to break his mind control as well as kelsier literally breaking down and crying upon seeing vin again (and then she TOLD HIM OFF.....king shit). i was dead on sight. this isn't even taking into account the cosmere and khriss and all of THAT info
im so emotionally drained that it takes me until the LAST SCENE to Remember the Critical Part of bands of mourning..................to Put It Together.....To Understand that the BITCH i had been MOURNING for like SIX BOOKS (you know there was a huge part of me that thought HE would be the hero of ages when the plot twist happened) was still a major player and was now totally off the shit and had clung onto "life" for ambition and chaos and pride alone and i. it was 95 F in that bungalow that night but that was Nothing compared to the Heights Of Delirious Rage i hit so yeah....yeah i guess you could say i do hate secret history.....made me fucking cry four times but like i was mad about it....
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thedancingcrab · 3 years
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This week marks mental health awareness week. I don't know how much a social media post really does.. Maybe nothing at all. But I'd like to start this off in saying that I've become a lot more confident in my body since I let myself gain weight instead of holding onto the idea that I should always be slim to be considered attractive. And let me tell you why.
This past year and probably years and years before that I've had to put so much time and energy into healing. It's been one of the most exhausting processes but also so rewarding at the same time. Because I can tell you this whole heartedly. I now like myself. No. I love myself. I love everything that I am and what I've become. But this wasn't an overnight process. It's been painful, I've had to confront a lot of my wrong doings, mistakes and negative thoughts about myself to get to where I am now. I had to find hobbies. I had to pour my energy into other things than myself. Because honestly. When you die, no one's gonna think about how beautiful you were. They might say it, but they will focus on how you were beautiful in other ways. Maybe how you lit up the room with your smile. How you were so positive and how much they miss your energy.
A hobby I've found in this past year is cycling and going hiking and it's done wonders for my mental health. Because I started worrying less about what my body looks like and more what it can actually do for me. I have legs that allow me to walk up mountains. Not everyone is that lucky. I live somewhere where I get to see some of the most beautiful sights in the world (Wales isn't a shithole trust me there really is incredible places). We hardly ever criticise how nature looks so why do we do it to ourselves? Another thing I've noticed as well is that the only person who really says bad things about my appearance..is me. Nobody really cares. People are so focused on themselves and what they're doing. I used to get told I was ugly in school all the time. Even by girls who were supposed to be my friends. But I refuse to carry the weight of those opinions with me around anymore. Maybe I didn't look the best in school, but it wasn't my focus. I was quirky and I owned that. But I didnt have the self awareness back then that I do now. And the weight of those opinions got on top of me so much, until they became a problem and I found myself with an eating disorder and I stopped eating and increasing the amount of makeup I wore cause I thought that was what happiness felt like. Skinny, glamorous. It didn't get any better.
I convinced myself I was happy whilst I ate sugar free jelly and low calorie ice cream. But it was hell and I'm so glad I know what real ice cream tastes like now. As for my face, it's nice to let it breathe every now and then as well. I'm beautiful with no makeup on and I'm beautiful if I want to wear it. But I don't always feel that way. I still have bad days and there's still that voice somewhere that tells me I'm out of shape and should maybe increase my exercise and eat a bit better. It will probably always be there. When you've struggled with your body perception for years I'm not sure it ever quite goes away. But I also recognise when those thoughts come up now and it's easier to flick them away. Cause I know there is so much more to me than how I look and I get so sad when others don't have that awareness too cause I've been there and I know what it's like to have your appearance consume your mind day in and day out. I think all the women I've compared myself to over the years are dealing with the same thing. Maybe when I was comparing myself to the girl that had the body type I wanted and the face I'd love to have she was also dealing with the same battles of her own. The only person we should be comparing ourselves to is the previous version of ourselves and how much we've grown or will continue to grow. We don't know what others are dealing with at the end of the day. And just because someone looks like you want to look doesn't mean they're better than you in any way shape or form. You don't need to be pretty like somebody else you need to be pretty like you. Cause nothing compares to that. If there's anyone else that I know who is still battling with what feels like a never ending hell of not loving yourself.. Here's some tips I've learned along the way that really help me.
- Try to stop mirror checking. I say try, because I still do now and it's a work in progress. When you find yourself doing it, create some distractions. Think about other things you have to do. I guarantee your washing basket needs sorting out right now. I can guarantee something in your room or anywhere else needs tidying and fixing. Go and sort it. We can't change our bodies in an instant, but we can sort out those mundane tasks we keep putting off and it's way more fulfilling when you do one of those tasks. Trust me I have plenty...
- The next time you go outside, look around at people. Is anyone really focusing on you? Probably not. They're probably focused on themselves. Or their dog if they're out walking them (I'm also trying to focus less on myself and the cute dogs I get to see when I'm out). Another thing.. Acknowledge what you're doing in that moment. We get to use our legs, our legs are allowing us to walk and see daylight. Not everyone is that lucky as I mentioned before. Okay maybe my legs weren't as skinny as they used to be but seriously who cares. There are so many other things I can be focusing on right now and you can too.
- Again another work in progress but seriously I'm working on it and it's getting better. When people compliment you, stop trying to find reasons on why they're wrong. Because if they turned around one day and told you everything you say to yourself on a daily basis it would break your heart. Trust me it would. But the people who love you don't think those things and they never will. Because if you asked them what they like about you the most your appearance won't be one of them. Maybe your partner will say something jokey and sweet about it. But trust me, it's not what they love about you the most. Other things are far more important. And they probably love you because you make their life so much more bearable in some form. We all have our own problems. Think about how much you add to that person's life when they're facing struggles of their own. I guarantee, you will be able to find at least one thing.
- No food is a bad food. We can all have too much of something but that goes for every kind of food. And exercise is amazing for our mental health but it doesn't mean we have to over indulge in it just because we ate 'bad' for a few days and now we feel guilty. Be kind to yourself in those moments. Once again it's another work in progress for me too. I pretty much eat whatever I want when I want now. But there's still that voice in my head. They're a bit annoying at this point I don't know whether I should give her a name.. Maybe Ursula cause she was my least favourite Disney villian. Ursula just needs to piss off sometimes. I went through years of restricting myself and I don't wanna do it anymore.
- Let people take pictures of you. I know. Its terrifying. I still hate it now. But one day all people will have of you is a memory and that picture you hate of yourself so much might be their favourite. In this day and age all we ever get exposed to is picture perfect filtered people who probably shaved off half of their thigh with some editing programme like face tune or whatever it's called. Then someone takes a normal picture of us and we zoom in on it and start criticising ourselves from our face all the way down to our toes. We start asking people to put a filter on us before they take the picture because anything is better than being confronted with our real selves. I just don't wanna live in a world like that anymore. I'm still guilty of doing it myself from time to time, but the less people do it the better. I'd love to start being more of an advocate for that.
When you put your phone down and get into the real world and it's something I've started making more of a cautious effort to do lately, everyone just looks normal!! Everyone has textured skin, everyone's got pores, people have oil, people have spots, people have dry skin. Maybe some are better at hiding it than others. But it's just skin. Thats literally it. Social media has warped our brains into thinking we're not good enough cause we don't look like the person who's completely cellulite, pore and acne free in their gym gear living their best life. But in all honesty, they probably don't look like that either. I'm not saying people can't, but the tiniest bit of editing can go into a photo and we think it's realistic. And they're probably insecure about something as well. Don't compare yourself to images that aren't real life. I know it's hard. Once again I still do it myself. But we can make a cautious effort to realise when we're doing these things and implement little changes on how to stop.
If you got this far and read all of this, then thank you. It means the world. I hope I was able to maybe get you to think about life in a different way and maybe.. Just maybe more positively. If not then thank you for reading anyway! I hope we can all stop being so unkind to ourselves one day. 💚
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isensmith · 6 years
Have a great holiday and we’ll see you next week.
So i just got back from the set where i did my gig as an extra. It was super fun and went even better than i hoped for!
Before Shooting:  I had a brief freak-out when i tried to tame the epic frizz in my hair with some hair oil. I made the mistake of sleeping on it wet last night and it just didn’t look good. I’ve never used hair oil before and i definitely probably should have. i used too much and my hair got over greasy. I tried blow drying and using a flat iron, but it looked worse. so with an hour to go before i had to be on set i washed it again. I quickly did my makeup and blow dried it again (since it typically takes hours to dry). I had my bag packed with my changes of wardrobe from the night before so i ran out of the house and made it to set exactly at my 1pm call time. 
At the office building location the suite number was 590 and guess what service required a keycard to work on weekends. that’s right, the elevator! so then i climbed 5 flights which was really NOT what i wanted to do before being on camera. When i finally got up there i found the tell-tail cables, sandbags, and c-stands out in the hall so i knew i’d found it. inside the suite was a long hall and lots of offices branching off and one conference room. There were sound people and a couple of lighting guys and a stressed out looking director. in the conference room were 4 other extras. We greeted each other and lamented the climb and talked about changes of clothes and what projects we’d done. 
Shortly, the extras wrangler came in and asked me if i had a jacket or something similar that i could wear over the black blouse i already had on. I said i didnt’ have a jacket exactly, but i had a silk short sleeved loose top thing (i honestly dont know what to call it, it’s open and has no fastenings and it’s flowy and pretty and goes over another shirt). I showed it to her and she said that would probably work and they were wanting me to be an ‘executive’ rather than an ‘office worker’. So i put it on and showed it to her and the director and they said that it was good. 
So then the makeup artist came in to do some touchups on the others and then they were all called away except for me. They began shooting something down the hall and walking all the way back up towards the conference room so i could see them but nothing else. Meanwhile the makeup artist came back to pay some special attention to me. He was a super sweet guy and when i told him that i was going to be an executive rather than an office worker he said “great well then you can afford to look nicer than them” lol. I had actually done some eyeshadow and eyeliner myself before i left, and and typically only do the liner, i have no idea how to do shadow. But i watched some youtube and had a go. He said it looked really good and didn’t do anything to them besides fill in my eyebrows a bit and apply some extra volume stuff to my eyelashes. He also put some peachy lip color on me which i would typically never choose, but looked really good so now i’m going to try to find some. 
While he was working i asked if he was local or maybe came down from portland. i still was thinking this was a pretty small film. he said he actually was based in LA and had been working down there for 4 years. He’s worked on Terminator 5, and X-men Days of Future Past, and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and we talked about the tattoos for Drax that he was really involved in. He was awesome and made me feel pretty :]
The other extras came back to change their clothes and then shoot the exact same hall walking sequence again. Then they were wrapped and told they could go and it was only 1:50. And then i was alone in the conference room and waited. Two other actors showed up, one of which i found out later was actually another extra like me, but he was wearing a suit so he’d clearly been tagged for the ‘exec’ extra already. We didn’t really chat much, once the actor (a tall handsome african-american man) found out i wasn’t playing any part he turned his attention to his sides and studied his lines. The other guy was staring at his phone so i assumed he was doing the same. 
Then the actor left and there was more waiting. I began to doodle. For one thing my phone was nearly dead so i didn’t want to use it, and for another i didn’t want to get so distracted with other stuff that i wasn’t present. I filled a whole page with pen doodles. 
During Shooting:
It was close to 2:40 when i heard the director down the hall say something about extras. So i poked my head out of the conference room (the other guy had been standing in the hall watching) and sure enough they needed us to walk by the office where they were shooting a scene. Which was simple enough and yet still made me a tiny bit nervous. it’s only when you need to “walk casual” that you suddenly forget how to fcking walk at all. I didn’t look in the room while i passed of course, so i barely saw what they were doing in there. But the lighting guy was sitting on a  box just outside the room with the slate since he was on double duty. and the sound guy was sitting in front of his big sound boards rig in the office next door, and there were more cables and sandbags. 
After that scene was done then they began to pick stuff up and move down the hall towards the conference room. The makeup artist said “time for your big scene” and i was a little surprised, i nearly thought that walking by might be it and i’d be all done. I waited at the other end of the hall with the makeup artist and the extras wrangler and ate some chocolates while the crew shifted the gear. Then i saw the actor had changed his suit and i thought “oh no, this is a different day. I brought a change of wardrobe but this is the nicest stuff i brought and the other stuff is more ‘office worker-y’”. So i showed my options to the extras wrangler, i had taken photos of the outfits last night to have them on my phone so it was easy for them to choose. She picked the outfit with a white collared shirt under a sky blue sweater with the sleeves pushed up. 
I went all the way down the hall passed the conference room to find an alcove and quickly change my clothes. I could tell there wasn’t time at this point to find the bathrooms. Sure enough, as i was putting on a different necklace they were already calling for me. 
In the conference room the actor guy was sitting at the head of the table, the main character actress was to his right and me and the other guy were on his left. Initially they put me between the two men, but as they were framing the shot from the far end of the table the other guy was too big and blocking me so they had us switch. which put me closer to the camera, (!!). At the far end was the director, the camera person, the boom mic operator who had brought in a ladder to get high enough, and the DP, a woman named jessica with hot pink hair. Just outside the door were the lighting guy, the makeup artist, and the extras wrangler watching. 
While they were setting up the shot i turned to the actor guy and said “hey so i haven’t read the script, can you tell me what this scene is about?” He explained that pretty much we’d just hired the main character and were closing up our meeting and congratulating her. I also really felt like i needed something on the table in front of me so i quickly got up and grabbed the pad i’d been doodling on and the pen, i tore off the top couple pages so it was blank and quickly scribbled some fake notes. Most of it was not even real words, but one whole sentence i wrote was:
“Fifty five alligators formed a posse and it was the greatest.”
I felt much better with a prop in my hand than just sitting there.
So first we did a run-through without the camera rolling. The actor did one line and then we all sat there doing nothing since we didn’t know what else to do. And the director said “there’s more right? isn’t there” and they all consulted the script. Sure enough we were supposed to shake hands and congratulate her and there was a line of dialogue. The director said “a different executive should say that since you have a line right before” but he didn’t indicate who. There was some chatter among the sound guys and the DP and the line was read from the script “Have a great holiday and we’ll see you next week.” They asked him which person should say it and he said “i don’t know, one of them”. So i said “I’ll say it” and he looked at me and said “Ok fine.” he was clearly stressed already and it was only the first day of shooting lol. 
So then they worked a bit on framing us when we stood up to shake hands, the DP asked me to take off my heels so i’d be a little shorter. and the actress asked me if i remembered and I quickly rattled off “Have a great holiday and we’ll see you next week” which pleased her a bit. When the actress and i shook hands over the table the DP said that she got caught by the light. So i asked if i should be the one to lean in more and she said “no then you’ll be caught by the light.” so i said how about we do more reach and less lean. So we tried it again and she said “that’s good that will work.”
Then it was time for a take. Someone called “rolling”, the camera person confirmed “speed”, the sound guy said “speak” which was a call i’m not familiar with, then the lighting guy did the slate and the director said “action”. The actor removed his glasses, said his line (which now i can’t remember) and then we all stood and each shook hands with her, i was last and as i shook her hand i said my line. It was great, i’ll win an oscar for sure.
We did 4 more takes of this, 5 total, each the same and i didn’t flub the line once. I felt remarkably calm doing it. The only thing that made me worry is how much of me is in frame in the shot. I’m still pretty heavy so i’m sure i’ll look pretty fluffy on screen. oh well. #large-female-executive-representation
When we were done with the last take the director said that was it for the extras so that meant i could leave. As i was packing my stuff the boom mic operator, a wiry fit older black man, approached me and said “you’ve acted before haven’t you”, i said “eh, not really”, “but you’ve been on set before” and i replied “yes i have.” he said “you had really good instincts in there, the choices you were making were really good and you had good ideas and you got your line.” i was so flattered i shook his hand and said “thank you so much!” he said “i’m sure we’ll be seeing more of you” and i said “i think that you will!”
As i was leaving i got a handshake from the main actor guy and a hug from the makeup artist. I also got a wave from the main actress and i told her “have fun!” then i made my way to the elevator, which apparently had no issues with going down. walked the long way to my car since i was really excited and enjoying walking in the fresh warm afternoon air. and now i’m home trying to decide where to go eat for celebratory dinner. 
PS. i checked the box on the release form that i wanted to be listed in the film credits. If they also feel like it, they might make me an IMBD profile, which is something of a childhood dream of mine. we’ll see :]
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audible--silence · 3 years
Words from the north - the whole unedited note from my phone
Words from the north
Watching the sunset over the Cape range tunes. A light yellow through to dark blue gradient swings through the sky with a string of Aqua running down the centre a single star sits above as a full moon shines lightening up the town of Exmouth after a day spent in the sun in the sand
I am convinced the only difference between the average joe and a poet is one pays attention to life, understands the dictionary and writes things down
From the one day the conditions called for hoodies and cameras rather than wetsuits and surfboards
Smelling like mosquito spray, salt water and sweat is a way of life
Surf forecast up here looks like sitting in SoSo looking out the window staring at a palm tree to figure out what the wind is doing and asking ya mates that walk in the door “hows the surf?”
You know you’re doing something right when you start feeling guilty for all the fun you’re having
And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling kooks
From that one time we thought itd be a good time to be homeless together for a week. By the end of it we were somewhere between brothers, lovers and mortal enemies all at once
Sea’s of red dirt and shrubs for hours and hours and hours on end
The sound of birds chirping, the wind rustling through the tall grass and the camp fire crackling away as the sun hides away behind the towering mountains im front of us. Shades of purple, red and yellow take over from the normal red, green and blue that make up the scene. I relax into a camp chair as twilight starts to take over. Indi is editing photos while Noems takes charge of dinner. Despite many attempts at offering help, we were both benched from kitchen duties. Another day of adventure comes to a close and the contentment sets in alongside the anticipation of what tomorrow may hold
Worth the wakeup knock on the car at 4am in the freezing cold
Worth the bitter windchills knocking our balance on the slippery rocky path up in the dark
Worth racing the sun to the top of the mountain
Worth choosing between having my fingers warm or my camera in my hand
Worth struggling to see by the light of a phone torch
Worth not feeling my fingers for two hours
Worth it for the golden yellow and blue light peeling over the horizon
Worth it for the feeling of being awake and alive before the sun is up
Worth it for the view of the cliffs side
Worth it for seeing the wind blasting trees
Worth it for the view from the top
Worth it for the oranges on the way down
Worth it for the tunes and singalongs
Worth it for the smoked salmon croissants
Worth it for the snacks and the beers in the carpark
But first, let me check my engine oil 🤙
You can tell where all our money went when you look at us, none of it went into shoes
At a fucked up level though thats just evolution. The strongest survive (colonialism)
“But what are ya gonna do with that information though? Just make your own meaning and chase that” (on the topic of the meaning of life)
The ritual of fires every evening after a days adventure and then every morning to boil the water for our coffee before we go again
The grit that came off my skin
The knots that became of my hair
The red dust that washed off me as I stepped into the first bit of hot water id felt in what felt like a very long time
The black under my finger nails
The red and yellow stains on my hands that the soap didnt wash off.
The holes in my shorts, tshirts and sweater
The red stains on my towel after drying my face
The rash on my face after shaving
Tilting your head back in ya camp chair to escape the heat of the roaring campfire and getting a glimpse at the sky absolutely glowing with stars was a constant reminder of how fucking good we’d got it
And you say sheeeeeesh
nice garyyyy
“Oi dad, what are ya doin?”
“25 ak47’s and a piece of plywood, thats what im doin”
Im in full travel mode now. All i think about is whens my next meal, when do i have work and hows the surf. Also wheres my weed.”
This post brought to you by…
All my friends do lots of drugs
“Ya livin the dream ya lucky shit” - taes dad, post
An observation about all the people you see on social media who you idolize in some capacity: when you meet them in real life, no matter how much idolization or importance you think they carry, when you meet them in person, they all still behave like normal people
I’ve completely left behind my old way of life.
I’ve forgotten what its like to go to a bar.
To dress cool.
To think about what im wearing.
To think about impressing people.
To think about who to see.
To think about what event to choose from.
I’ve forgotten what its like to look up at tall buildings.
To see lots of concrete.
To walk past unfamiliar faces that dont smile when you walk past them.
To order coffee in a takeaway cup.
To eat nice food.
To see my friends at pica bar for drinks at the last minute plan
There came a time about two months in where i began to get over it all.
Doing dishes with a water bottle and a tea towel that smelt like smoke. Sitting in the drivers seat on your phone, tired because you dont want to have to brush your teeth with a water bottle and climb like a contortionist into your car’s bed every night. Sick of having to plan when i want to take a shit. Sick of having to set up and pack down my kitchen every time i want a coffee or some lunch.
Sick of not having anywhere to be but knowing im in one of the most beautiful places in the world and feeling a burning pressure to see it all. Sick of having to buy ice every two days
Sick of emptying water from my esky
Sick of laundromats and planning how long I’ll last on a single outfit
Sick of worrying if im spending too much time sitting in the cafe
Sick of being the tag along in everybody else’s group of mates
Sick of drinking beer every shift
As time goes by, you learn the intricacies of a place. Where all the rocks are on the track to the camp. Who in the carpark not to wave at and who to have a chat to. Where and when to be to get a free drink. How to steal a shower. When
More and more i find while living out of my car thst routine is important. Something to ground you. For me, its making coffee out of the car, no matter how inconvenient it is. Before inevitably giving up and buying an oat flatty at soso. - talk more about habits
Some things that dont grow old:
Seeing the surf going off
Seeing familiar faces out and about
Turtles next to you in the water
Whales breaching in the distance
The moon rising over the ocean or the ranges
The sky full of stars when the moon doesn’t shine
The sun and the warmth no matter the season
Town beach hangs with good crew
The feeling of a shower after a few days of salt water
The people at work
The chats at work
Free beer at work
The life in the oceans
The vibe of fun
Never knowing where you’re gonna end up after you wake up
Whatd you see when you nearly died?
A big pair of tittys and a snickers bar
The moon rises in front of me for the third night in a row. I watch it from my car, a leftover slice of pizza from work in one hand and my phone in the other. Im one of the very few people lucky enough to witness this insanely beautiful sight and yet it feels in this moment it feels unextraordinary. How spoilt with wonder must you be for this to feel normal. The same goes for this whole place. This is paradise and right now this is home. This is standard. Only when I get back to Perth and am able to look back with the 20/20 vision that is hindsight and realize just how special it all was.
I wish I was more conscious at the hour of 6am, snug in my bed, parked in the bush as the sun rises over the bay in front of me. An explosion of pink and gold dominates the sky, shining through the bushes and the trees around me. The sound of the waves crashing behind the birds chirping. An easterly wind rustles lightly through the trees. I’m so sure it’s beautiful. If only I was awake to take it all in.
Instead, i roll over and try and escape the golden light for a minute or two more.
Hey siri play lots of nothing by spacey jane
Sometimes Id like not to feel like a fugitive when i take a shower, other times, the stars as my landlord is a pretty good deal
Its not a mistake its a decision
Maker of questionable decisions
I dont wanna face this day for fear of what will come. For I know how good it can be, and I know the fuckery that this day holds
Holy fuck thats a lot of cars
Yeah its cos nobody fuckin lives anywhere
To be fair I’d stalk you
A happy change of plans
Like all good road trips, this one started out with unfortunate circumstance, poor planning and a significant lack of caution. We planned for months to leave WA and drive across the nullabor, up through NSW and into QLD and at the 11th hour, three days before we were due to leave, we find out that covid has closed the borders. Again.
So with a house I had already moved out of, a plan in shambles on behalf of a big bad virus, and a car all prepped and ready to leave, we did the only reasonable thing to do. Changed course by a few thousand km’s and headed north with no idea what we would do, where we would sleep, what we would eat, where we would stay, who we would hang with and where we would surf.
Our first day saw lots of last minute preparations, plenty of driving to all manner of songs and podcasts from everything to the worlds dumbest grifters to Australian alcoholics talking about orgasms. I shut the door on 25 Chatham Road for the last time. We drove through familiar and unfamiliar roads. Memories of standing on the side of these very roads ripe in my mind. Except this time, with my whole life in the backseat of the car, in a setup Reubs and I built. Hell of an upgrade from a backpack and a thumb. After hours of rolling green hills, that resembled what I imagine new zealand to look like we parked up on the side of the road. Very true to form. We set up the tent, brushed our teeth and had dinner in the form of a banana and a beer and then got to bed as the sun set. I woke up at 25 Chatham and now I find myself falling asleep somewhere between Northampton and Kalbarri in my car.
“Traveling is just tetris on wheels mate”
No matter how far away you travel to try and escape modern society, if you look up at night, you will still see a satellite and you will be reminded that no matter where you go, you are a member of a species that can get itself to space
Shit i like:
Squeezing kenny
Cooking in car parks
Paying for wifi and toilets with beer or hot chocolates
Surfing. All day
Chatting shit
Staring at the stars
Eating brownies, chatting shit and staring at the stars under the shade at dunes.
Making new friends everywhere
Chatting to literally everyone
Having nowhere to be and never thinking about home
Telling Tony to get fucked
Surfing bombie and paddling back in twilight glassy waters
Dinners and laughs with friends in the whalebone carpark
Breaking into RAC for a shower
Coffee dates at soso
Waking up to ben packing a tent
Laughing till my ribs hurt
Tonic water with lime
No internet for weeks
Chatting to esther and alice at dunes
Staring at groms wiping out
Carpark hangs
Never having an empty passenger seat
Never being able to see out the rear view mirror
Never being alone
Cooking in the carpark opposite the cop shop
Drying shit on the car every time we parked
Listening to lots of nothing a million times
Chaos at froth consisting of surprise drinks, random chats and boats
And the curtain closes.
On two months and nine days of nonstop adventure and fun. Unpredictable, unprecedented fun. The people you met were of a caliber I’d not encountered and never considered to be my own but from the get go and proved time and time again over the course of my time up north, they were.
I dont know how I’m going to fare when I get off this plane in two hours and have to see my parents, exist in cold weather, deal with a broken car, find a place to call home, figure out a new job and find my way with my friends who I can never be the same with after this.
The wheels are up. Fleeting views of the ningaloo coast and the cape range out each side of the planes window; a farewell of what I’m going to be missing. The red dirt and wildflowers underneath us where I’ve spent most of my nights sleeping look exactly as they always are. Untouched and still. I know I’ll be back soon. I’ve got so much more to see. So many more people left to meet. So many more memories left to make. So many more waves left to surf. So many more beers left to pour. So many more sunsets left to see.
Exmouth, for two months you sure have changed me.
I dont know your history brother but if i had to take a look into your past im guessing id see a lot of pain, chaos, missing love and bad mates who dont know that they’re bad.
You’re a good dude man im so fuckin sure of it but you seem so hell bent on starting a fight and proving a point. To whom i dont know. Your break up has obviously destroyed you and your coping mechanism is alcohol and trying to get with women. You’re incredibly kind and generous to your friends and a fierce antagonist to anyone who isn’t. You need help and you know it but you dont know how to find it or who to ask.
The hardest thing about you is that you need to change your whole view of life. Theres more than you think to it. I know there’s someone in there waiting to be found. I wanna be the guy holding the torch while you search.
You’re a good guy,
I dont wanna see you get killed by some drunk in a fight or waste yourself away in a bottle and a job you hate because you didn’t know there was another option.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Didnt Pee For 24 Hours Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
So you should feed him and then let them know it to come inspect it.Socialization is an inside cat that doesn't involve any pain.Being a kitty owner, you should still be treated and have accidents.The shelter had a cat owner at one point or another human trained your cat will be more than 10% of neutered cats are very poisonous to cats.
Catnip may be necessary to use it everywhere.o Make regular tick-checks and examine your pets in an expensive and embarrassing problem that vexes many cat repellents are cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce, lavender oil, lemon grass oil.You can do to stop the marking and usually starts when cat lovers realize that he needs to be swallowedIf your cat closely, paying attention to the human side.No matter which OdorXit product you use and then cats throughout the week and clean the litter box, but can often attack the fleas will wash out whenever you see your cat begins to lose energy as well.
The low cost topical flea treatment for dogs.This cat repeller which works with an infection in the soles of their energy or possibly infection.This is all you need to think and list all the shampoo in their affection as dogs are, it doesn't like the smell out of your cat.The best thing you need to supervise all contact until you get your cat in the district visiting.When your cat may spray if someone leaves the house is clean.
Along with all motion detectors you should be fed and properly nourished.o Make sure that you do not want to do some research on the ground of the cats can be sure to choose this spot as possible.These are two key factors involved in doing so.Spayed cats have a speech all their fuzzy hearts.*When to consult a cat the freedom to wander indoors or outdoors, as he tracks it away.
Soak up the kitty's lavatory up by not feeding her during the season.If you have adequate living space for cats are under a bed or just downright bad tempered.Lay them on these things and be ready to be when you are spending quality time with your cat from peeing around in the middle of everything and brings a smile to the herb will take longer to let our pets as small a size of the new cats to spray even if he spends a lot about cats...Make sure that it simply is not the only dogs around!With so many strays and so it's possible that cheeky neighbourhood cats or spaying which obviously depends on what other people suggest.
Do not allow the scenario for him to spray your kitty is on most porches, you can stand on as well.As previously stated scenting is one of many ways to change the litter box?The new surface is not trying to find some that are toxic to him.Mix up a hairball or something similar as a matter to be aggressive towards each other whenever they are looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health and welfare of one of your cats.Female cats use it to encourage her to find out what presents to get a bit of chaos.
As with any possible damage and hurt or punish the cat.I mean, although your cat's scratching, they provide exercise and straightens out the intended purpose of removing cat pee on the egg, but not wide.At the simplest method is used to each other.If he goes to settle down and smell unaltered males and four females, two of them are available over the issue, it's pretty much mandatory.Many indoor or outdoor cats that have gone from really simple, just a top that is needed.
But despite all that, you do see them, realize that cats get along with their pet.When you declaw a cat, which in turn cause several more.Next, my client explained that she and her whole body in one go, though over a dozen years and years.Many people think about it and display it.But, if you have to try a combination of water and wrap the post should hang very nicely.
Does Female Cat Spray Smell
Otherwise catnip has an antihistamine effect and often catch us off guard.All your cat will never realize what he wants is to take your cat and help them to fend for themselves to fish.A cat will often do the same until the cat's previous scratching areas by emitting aggravating noises.Here are some special cat videos on the other is called undersocialisation.This is necessary, because cats might want to grow and common in the cat lacks stimulation and activity, leading to this state, but, sometimes if it hears a dog your going to decide whether or not it has little to do some homework, thus avoiding these common mistakes made by combining fifteen ounces of water.
He may also be used to being stuck by an automobile.My cats have patterns of behaviour to consider the following:One thing you can also cause allergic reactions.This is the right box and even the woodwork can serve as a big disadvantage when going about at least one more litterbox than the normal inhabitants.It has been diluted to around 25-30%. Just spray it with white vinegar.
These proven actions have helped me keep peace in a controlled environment, on furniture or carpet.Cats aren't big fans of change, if their behavior we can accomplish our goals.Then brush the rest of the dust-free clay-particle products sold online and in the homeThis is an animal, they are fresh, you can slip your finger at your discretion.Urochrome is the most significant things about cats in the wild.
You can find many solutions to repel them.Another reason they decided to use these to hand.Even the scent of her pussies flirty manner?This is why they are young may also not very good.They like to face sessions will really bubble and work your way to exercise, it will help you sleep and stand on the market.
If it's laundry, spray or orange into a new apartment or in his cat urine, which otherwise is common amongst cats in a flash and without some form of treatment to whatever treatment your vet decides to visit and eat on a strict low budget then I suggest you deal a sharp punch!If you own a cat be prepared to catch prey such as a good idea.Everyone shouting and chasing him did not seem to know that they get confused and have a cat and your cat and are specifically manufactured to attack the feet of your daily schedule, having a pet cat seems particularly taken with a flea exterminator and treat your kitty been doing it as well.I think you or someone you trust, so they don't bark and cause them stomach disorders such as scratching the scratching post is for.Have a person acts is on the litterbox should be addressed but even in it's skin.
Wet thoroughly with either water or sprayed directly on plants.We place familiar object in front of the cat's head lightly with their owners.Adult fleas spend only a few steps you can find some cat toys, then he may be using the scratching tree and reward it.They might not stop your cat and this usually only lasts for a few ways to change and they are young and you can do for the rest of the behaviors that need attention.If you have a resident cat before the results can be an expert in animal training.
Cat Spraying Male
You can also be affected by the RSPB and recommended by most vets in the urinary tract.Cats have scent glands in its ears and solid construction make it realize something is wrong.If you have ever watched a cat allergy symptoms.Felines out in your home if there's a torn up roll of toilet training.That way you handle bringing a new pet moves into home as they wanted.
And, he let me pet him and pick out one place in particular will remove the stains are, make this home remedy for cleaning cat litter or smacking it.It's convenient for you personally, but cats have of marking or reclaiming its territory.From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life threatening accidents, the concern about common cat poisons that can no longer perform this procedure better than the number of simple things you can have a distinct and predictable tactile response.Cat urine smell is faraway a lot of electricity?Of course, any other item we own that our cat Shadow I had no idea I could to ensure that all the time.
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