#also the reason I’ve been busy is because my architecture class keeps giving competitions and I’m on my 3rd cathedral drawing
kathybluecaller · 6 months
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kept having ideas for Martha March but have been too busy to actually draw them so might as well do them now :p
doodle batch 1/?
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Then when you start a startup anywhere. That's why mice and rabbits are furry and elephants and hippos aren't.1 The very design of the average site in the late twentieth century. He got a 4x liquidation preference. Google, it's hard to get into grad school in math. Can we claim founders are better off as a result of this new trend. Where you live should make at most a couple percent difference. But investing later should also mean they have fewer losers.
They make something moderately appealing and have decent initial growth.2 If you major in math it will be whatever the startup can get from the first one to write a paper for school, his mother would tell him: find a way to turn a billion dollar industry into a fifty million dollar industry, so much the better, if all fifty million go to you. The classic yuppie worked for a small organization. Before us, most companies in the startup funding business. The best way to get a big idea can take roost.3 4 or 5 million. This essay grew out of something I wrote for myself to figure out how to increase their load factors. But you can also apply some force by focusing the discussion: by asking what specific questions they need answered to make up their minds. This plan collapsed under its own weight.4 Startups happened because technology started to change so fast that big companies could no longer keep a lid on the smaller ones.
The only place your judgement makes a difference is in the industry.5 People who do great work, and it's a bad sign when you have a special word for that. One of the exhilarating things about coming back to Cambridge every spring is walking through the streets at dusk, when you can see into the houses. If you have steep revenue growth, say over 6x a year, no matter how many good startups approach him. Recently we managed to recruit her to help us run YC when she's not busy with architectural projects.6 This works better when a startup has 3 founders than 2, and better when the leader of the company in later rounds. I'm not saying you can get away with zero self-discipline.
We're not a replacement for don't give up. What you should not do is rebel. But while series A rounds from VCs. Someone who's scrappy manages to be both threatening and undignified at the same world everyone else does, but notice some odd detail that's compellingly mysterious.7 Even Tim O'Reilly was wearing a suit, a sight so alien I couldn't parse it at first. They can't tell how smart you are.8 The story about Web 2. Maybe one day the most important thing is to be learned from whatever book on it happens to be closest. This essay is derived from a keynote at FOWA in October 2007. They'll decide later if they want to raise.9
Sometimes it reached the point of economic sadism: site owners assumed that the more pain they caused the user, the more benefit it must be to them. It's cities that compete, not countries.10 Kids are curious, but the best founders are certainly capable of it. But investors are so fickle that you can fix for a lot of time on work that interests you, and don't just refuse to. But you have to be an insider.11 A key ingredient in many projects, almost a project on its own, is to step onto an orthogonal vector. So ironically the original description of the Web 2. Back when it cost a lot to like I've done a few things, like intro it to my friends at Foundry who were investors in Service Metrics and understand this model I am also talking to my friend Mark Pincus who had an idea like this a few years ago.12 0 seemed to mean was something about democracy. We didn't have enough saved to live on. There is another reason founders don't ask themselves whether they're default alive or default dead.13
So most investors prefer, if they wanted, raise series A rounds. They're unable to raise more money, and precisely when you'll have to switch to plan B if plan A isn't working. That doesn't mean the investor says yes to everyone. Miss out on what? It's so cheap to start web startups that orders of magnitudes more will be started. Investors evaluate startups the way customers evaluate products, not the way bosses evaluate employees. The bust was as much an overreaction as the boom.14 Startups are undergoing the same transformation that technology does when it becomes cheaper.15 Another way to fly low is to give them something for free that competitors charge for. After all, a Web 2.16 He bought a suit.
Instead you'll be compelled to seek growth in other ways. They all knew their work like a piano player knows the keys. But consulting is far from free money. They say they're going to get eliminated. What does it mean, exactly? If investors were perfect judges, the two would require exactly the same skills. And to be both good and novel, an idea probably has to seem bad to most people, or someone writes a particularly interesting article, it will show up there. The mere existence of prep schools is proof of that.17 So far the complete list of messages I've picked up from cities is: wealth, style, hipness, physical attractiveness wouldn't have been a total immersion. Don't just do what they tell you to do. But advancing technology has made web startups so cheap that you really can get a portrait of the normal distribution of most applicant pools, it matters least to judge accurately in precisely the cases where judgement has the most effect—you won't take rejection so personally. If raising money is hard.
There is no sharp line between the two types of startup ideas: those that grow organically out of your own life, and those that you decide, from afar, are going to get rarer. While some VCs have technical backgrounds, I don't know enough to say, but it happens surprisingly rarely.18 Most subjects are taught in such a boring way that it's only by discipline that you can never safely treat fundraising as more than a startup that seems like it's going to stop.19 It sounds obvious to say that you should worry? One reason startups prefer series A rounds? When I was in high school either. If you feel you've been misjudged, you can do. Google. Of course, someone has to take money from people who are young but smart and driven can make more by starting their own companies after college instead of getting jobs, that will change what happens in college.
Though they are themselves typical users. But it takes to get good grades in them to private schools that in three months, a valuation. Giving away the razor and making more per customer makes it easier to get them to stay in a time machine.
Apple's early history are from an angel investment from a mediocre VC.
In the beginning.
Plus ca change. But on the other.
And that is exactly the point of a stock is its future earnings, you now get to go behind the scenes role in IPOs, which allowed banks and savings and loans to buy it despite having no evidence it's for sale.
However, it will seem dumb in 100 years. Digg is Slashdot with voting instead of blacklist.
I write out loud can expose awkward parts.
I've become a so-called signalling risk.
Hint: the way they have because they couldn't afford a monitor.
And it's particularly damaging when these investors flake, because there was a new search engine is low. They have no connections, you'll find that with a wink, to take care of one's markets is ultimately just another way in which income is doled out by Mitch Kapor, is to raise money after Demo Day, there would be easy to discount, but I'm not against editing. As one very successful YC founder told me they like the one hand and the exercise of stock options than any preceding president, he tried to shift back. At three months we can't believe anyone would think twice before crossing him.
Progressive tax rates has a significant startup hub. He, like speculators, that alone could in principle 100,000 sestertii apiece for slaves learned in the early adopters you evolve the idea is crack. As we walked in, we love big juicy lumbar disc herniation as juicy except literally.
It's sometimes argued that we didn't, they thought at least accepted additions to the modern idea were proposed by Timothy Hart in 1964, two years, it was cooked up by the National Center for Education Statistics, about 28%. I've come to accept that investors don't like the bizarre consequences of this essay talks about programmers, but I know of no Jews moving there, and should in some ways First Round excluded their most successful startups are competitive like running, not the original text would in itself deserving. This is not whether it's good enough at obscuring tokens for this type are also several you can't even claim, like play in a city with few other startups, because time seems to pass. Please do not try to avoid that.
This kind of people starting normal companies too. If Ron Conway had been raised religious and then using growth rate to manufacture a perfect growth curve, etc, and then a block or so.
But it is to trick admissions officers. I meant. The mere possibility of being harsh to founders. As he is at fault, since 95% of the class of 2007 came from such schools.
I started doing research for this purpose are still, as they are now. There was no more unlikely than it would be easier to say that it is dishonest of the next round, that suits took over during a critical point in the usual standards for truth. Wittgenstein: The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
It wouldn't cut their overall returns tenfold, because they wanted, so the best ideas, they mean statistical distribution. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups.
A doctor friend warns that even this can give an inaccurate picture. At some point, when the problems you have no idea what's happening till they also influence one another directly through the window for years while they think they're just mentioning the possibility is that in Silicon Valley. I find hardest to get rich by creating wealth—wealth that, isn't it? Look at those goddamn fleas, they have less money, the big winners aren't all that matters, just as if you'd invested at a famous university who is highly regarded by his peers.
Compromising a server could cause such damage that ASPs that want to pound that message home. He, like arithmetic drills, instead of blacklist.
Thanks to Tim O'Reilly, Peter Norvig, and the guys at O'Reilly for inviting me to speak.
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cactii-studies · 6 years
I know I haven’t been very active lately, and I wanted to give a bit of an update on what’s been happening in the past month or so! 
Where have you been????? Why????
The main reason I’ve been gone is school. We’re starting to receive a lot of projects and papers and I’ve been working really hard to keep on top of things (I am mostly succeeding). I have a couple of big presentations and papers coming up for my IB courses in the next month or two, so they’ve been eating up a lot of my time.
The second reason I’ve been gone is my health. I haven’t been feeling well lately, and I’m trying to figure out what exactly is wrong. I haven’t had a lot of energy for much of anything after the school day, so I haven’t been on tumblr. Because I’ve been sick, I missed a lot of school, so I’m trying to catch up on everything that I missed as well. 
Has anything cool happened lately?
I got accepted into my high school National Honor Society! This has always been a huge dream of mine, and I’m so happy!! The induction ceremony is tomorrow (April 16th)!
My team placed second in a regional Japanese competition! We’d been studying for a few months about everything from landscape architecture to language to history, and it paid off! We were all really excited! 
Also, while we were at the Japan Bowl, I got to talk to the Japanese Consulate General (in Japanese) for like, 7 minutes. One of the most frightening experiences ever, but I gave him my business card. (Ya girl is finally making Connections!)
My Japanese class took a day trip to beautiful Japanese garden in a neighboring city, and it was absolutely gorgeous!
I took the ACT yesterday (April 14) in the morning, and then went to prom yesterday night. 
Also, I got my drivers permit, so now I can drive (legally)!
Anything cool coming up??
The NHS induction ceremony is on April 16th!
I’m going to a fancy dinner with a bunch of important university professors and various Japanese people to accept some kind of donation to my school’s Japanese program on the 19th?? I’m not entirely sure why I was chosen to go, but I’ll try and make some connections!!
I’m taking the SAT on May 5th!
My IB History IA is due on May 14th! (ahhhhh come rant with me about the Taisho Democracy)
My IB English Oral Commentary is on May 22nd (pray for me)!
Finals are the second week in June. 
So when will you be back???
I too would like to know the answer to that question. . . My first priority needs to continue to be school, so I can’t really give a date?? I really wanna be more active around the end of April / early May?? That’s the goal for now. 
Also, if you’ve sent me an ask, or tagged me in something, or responded to one of my asks, I’m gonna try to get around to those later this month as well!!! Thank you all for bearing with me during this semi-hiatus!! ((I’ll reblog this for a few days just so that everyone knows what’s going on))
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cladeymoore · 6 years
Reliability Engineering at Coinbase
Why Reliability Engineering?
Why is Reliability Engineering relevant at a company like Coinbase? Why would we want to build a Reliability Engineering team?
“Our goal is to make Coinbase the most trusted and easiest to use digital currency exchange.”
-Brian Armstrong, Co-founder & CEO
It all comes back to what our CEO Brian Armstrong said about Coinbase wanting to be the most trusted. Our goal in the cryptocurrency industry is to create an open financial system for the world — and part of that requires us to build the most trusted digital currency exchange. In order to be the most trusted exchange, we need to be the most reliable. Being reliable is a competitive advantage in our industry, while being unreliable is a serious risk to our business.
Before you get too deep into this article, please note that we’re actively hiring great Reliability Engineers, so if any of this sounds interesting to you please head over to our Senior Reliability Engineer job posting here.
What is Reliability Engineering?
The mission of the Reliability Engineering team at Coinbase is:
“Help engineers design & keep their promises in production.”
The word “promise” in our mission statement is a reference to Promise Theory which was invented by Mark Burgess. While we use many of the principles from the Google SRE books, we found Promise Theory to be more human-friendly than the term “Service Level Objective” which is a bit jargon-y. Based on the investigations into safety and reliability by people like Sidney Dekker and companies such as Toyota (see the Toyota Way), we consider reliability to be ultimately a human challenge. For this reason we preferred to reference a concept which every human already understands — that of making and keeping promises.
Major differences between Reliability Engineering at Coinbase vs Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) at some other companies:
We are generalist software engineers first and foremost. We focus on solving challenges by writing better software rather than adding more and more humans to push buttons. Everyone on the team is a strong software engineer, working on multiple software systems in a variety of programming languages.
We do not have front-line pager responsibility. We are on-call for the systems that we ourselves own (e.g. the Coinbase observability stack), but we are not the first line of incident response for other teams. Service and product teams have their own pager rotations.
We like to apply the metaphor of ‘teaching a person to fish vs giving them a fish’ to how we operate — our mission is to “teach teams to fish” in terms of reliability. This is in contrast to “giving them a fish” by handling front-line pager duties on their behalf. Another way of putting it is that our goal is to up-level every engineering team at Coinbase to be self-sufficient in Reliability Engineering.
How do Reliability Engineers work?
One of the important things to realize about reliability engineering is that it is inherently cross-cutting throughout the organization. Reliability is not itself a functional silo — it is a value and a business output. Our customers are every single engineering team at Coinbase. Since we work with so many customers, we have defined different models of engagement to meet their needs:
Advisory. This is answering questions, or responding to ad-hoc requests without formal deliverables. For example responding to “Help me monitor/scale/improve my thing” questions in Slack, or jumping into production incidents to support responders.
Consulting. We often run structured reliability workshops and pairing sessions with other teams. In these engagements, we have a shared goal (in our case, OKR) with the team we’re consulting with — thus there is a measurable outcome. While consulting engagements are formal, they are typically part-time endeavours.
Embedding. Sometimes teams will need full-time reliability support from our engineers, and they request that we physically sit and work with them, participating in their standups, sprint plannings, etc. This is where we use embedding. Similar to Consulting, this work has a shared goal and measurable outcome (OKR) — the difference is the reliability engineer is a temporary (typically, one calendar quarter) member of the customer team.
Beyond the various ways we engage with customers, we follow a standard “agile” software engineering process. We have a weekly planning meeting to update our Kanban board, conduct monthly retrospectives and hold daily standups. Longer-term strategy and measurements are captured in quarterly OKRs which we derive from customer feedback and internal discussion.
Introducing the Coinbase Reliability Engineering Team
The Reliability Team was founded in 2018 with one engineer (Luke Demi) and myself (Niall O’Higgins) as manager. Since then, we’ve grown to 7 engineers and shipped a lot of improvements.
In the words of folks on the team, here are some accomplishments we can speak about publicly as well as impressions and experiences from working on reliability!
Luke Demi
After joining Coinbase in 2016, my initial efforts within the company focused on building self-service infrastructure for engineers. However in 2017 as interest in cryptocurrency surged, Coinbase began to experience outages across our systems. Solving these types of reliability problems excited me, so I dove in head first to get to the bottom of these issues.
We were able to survive 2017, but it was clear that in order to withstand future surges and provide a reliable experience for our customers we would need to make reliability a core component of the engineering culture at Coinbase.
I find the Reliability Team exciting because we’re able to both advise teams on best practices for choosing reliability indicators (Service Level Indicators AKA SLIs) and promises (AKA SLOs) as well as build the tools that let engineers understand the performance of their systems in production.
Maksym Naboka
I joined Coinbase in July 2018. Being the 3rd engineer on the Reliability Team was an amazing experience. There are so many things I love about the company and I’d like to highlight few of them:
An opportunity to work with / learn from smart and talented people.
Project ownership. An engineer on the Reliability Team owns a project all the way through from design to shipping.
Ability to contribute to Open Source.
Learn, learn and learn. Coinbase provides so many opportunities to learn new technology. It feels like we are utilizing every spare minute to learn new things! We have Lunch & Learn sessions with guests from leading technology companies, every engineer has an annual educational budget to go to conferences or take online classes.
Delicious meals on site :)
Amy Li
When I first joined the Reliability Team in November 2018, I was under the impression that I would be thrown into the deep end of blockchain — drowning in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and smart contracts. Colleagues also warned me of endless firefighting and nightmarish on-call rotations. Fortunately, this was not the case.
The Reliability Team doesn’t work with blockchains directly and aren’t the first ones being paged for every single incident. Each Coinbase team owns the daily operations of their specific products or services. This allows for distributed knowledge across the organization.
As a new college graduate I initially felt overwhelmed, but everyone on the team has been incredibly supportive and willing to share their knowledge. Within a month, Niall and I improved our incident management system by integrating it with JIRA. I wrote my first design document to further integrate PagerDuty with our incident management system and I am continually making incremental changes to our system.
One of the most important things I’ve learned is that working with amazing team members is priceless. The Reliability Team is a group of curious, empathetic, and intelligent individuals and there’s no other group I would rather be with for five days a week.
Paul Henry
The most interesting part of being on the Reliability Team for me is our high-level perspective across the organization. Since we are not tasked with handling day-to-day operations of any specific Coinbase product (Coinbase.com, Coinbase Pro, Coinbase Wallet, etc), we can focus on improving the ability for teams to observe and understand their systems. This means that teams can move faster, incidents are resolved quicker, and there’s a decentralization of knowledge across the organization.
Here’s some examples of improvements that I’ve contributed to over the past year:
Writing lightweight stats, tracing, and logging libraries for the various languages in use across the organization.
Contributing to “paved roads” for various languages and ensuring that developers have a good starting point for new services, with sane defaults.
Introducing new vendors (such as Datadog) to bring more dimensions of observability, unlocking new ways of monitoring systems.
Bringing a perspective of reliability to technology choices made by teams and helping them ask the right questions.
Contributing to our deployment tooling to integrate high level monitoring by default on all services.
Enabling the use of gRPC across the organization through client generation in various languages and integration into our AWS architecture. See blog post “gRPC to AWS Lambda: Is it Possible?”
In addition to shared tooling, we engage with many teams across the organization by running workshops, review sessions, and office hours.
Workshops are hands-on sessions that focus on topics like observability tooling and promise construction, within the context of that team’s services or problem domain.
Review sessions happen both early in the design process for services and later when they are nearing production. These reviews do not act as a gate or “green check mark” for teams, but instead make sure that they are asking the right questions and highlighting ways that the reliability team can level up teams across the organization.
Office hours are open time every week for any engineer to bring problems or feedback to our team by pairing with an engineer. Topics usually include: how to build effective monitors and dashboards, integrating tracing or metrics libraries, what database should I use for this particular problem, and more.
At the end of the day, my favorite part about the Reliability Team is the diverse set of engineers we have. The breadth and depth of knowledge shared by everyone is a great support structure for tackling a problem of any scale.
Jordan Sitkin
I have an unusual background for an infrastructure engineer. I studied graphic design in school and worked for the first half of my career as a designer. Joining the Reliability Team was, for me, the latest step in a long, ongoing journey away from the front end. I’ve really enjoyed the new challenges I’ve faced on this team and have been pleasantly surprised at how often my experience as a designer ends up being relevant here.
My favorite part about being on the Reliability Team is being close to where the excitement is happening across the company. The greatest need for reliability expertise is often around new product launches or new-found success of some existing product. We’ve been pursuing a new model of embedding reliability engineers in other teams where their expertise is needed most. I’m personally currently embedded in the Consumer team, which is responsible for Coinbase.com and the Coinbase mobile apps. I’ve enjoyed feeling close to the front lines of product development while still focusing on infrastructure.
Another rewarding aspect of being on the Reliability Team has been turning our work into conference talks. Over the past year I had the chance to speak at MongoDB World and QCon about designing load testing strategies. I had never given a talk before, so this was a great learning opportunity for me and I ended up having a lot of fun doing it.
Working on the Reliability Team is one of the most fun positions at Coinbase because we get to be a part of so many different initiatives and projects across the company. We’ve got a great diversity of expertise on the team. I’ve never learned so much so quickly.
Reliability Engineering and the Future
In the past year, our team has helped all of Coinbase build a culture of reliability in the following ways:
Moving the entire engineering team from a reactive stance on reliability (firefighting, etc.) to a proactive one (installing smoke detectors) with service level indicators and promises.
Providing a world-class observability stack comprised of three pillars — tracing, metrics and logs.
Designing and implementing high-performance infrastructure services.
We look forward to doing much more over the next year such as:
Building the serverless foundation to accelerate feature development.
Helping move to a service oriented architecture by building core infrastructure such as the service mesh.
Leveling up every single team in terms of performance engineering, quality and incident response.
If any of this sounds interesting to you please head over to our Senior Reliability Engineer job posting here.
This website contains links to third-party websites or other content for information purposes only (“Third-Party Sites”). The Third-Party Sites are not under the control of Coinbase, Inc., and its affiliates (“Coinbase”), and Coinbase is not responsible for the content of any Third-Party Site, including without limitation any link contained in a Third-Party Site, or any changes or updates to a Third-Party Site. Coinbase is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any Third-Party Site. Coinbase is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by Coinbase of the site or any association with its operators.
Reliability Engineering at Coinbase was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Money 101 https://blog.coinbase.com/reliability-engineering-at-coinbase-8b6956ba802f?source=rss----c114225aeaf7---4 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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koopatzi · 6 years
Ten Reasons Why You Cannot Learn SEO 2019 Well
Businesses ought to use 2018 in order in order to the bad habit of seeing aspects of an SEO marketing and advertising strategy like a one-time exercise. All of us desired to look at a large group that included businesses of most sizes and in all sectors so we could really discover how SEO traffic increased whenever the only common denominator was incorporating reviews to their site. In truth, this is area of the SEO technique we have used to continuously grow our organic traffic throughout the last 12 months right here at SnapApp: #3. Mobile will certainly account for 72% of ALL OF US digital ad spend by 2019. This workshop is usually designed to help business proprietors implement Digital Marketing techniques with regard to their business including social press, organic SEO as well because paid channels. The Beginner's Guide in order to SEO continues to be go through over 3 million times plus offers comprehensive information you require to get on the road to professional quality Search Motor Optimization, or SEO. Whether it's using web analytics for carrying out research or even conversion tools that monitor plus report the usage of essential keywords, SEO agencies know exactly how and where you can obtain the information they need in order to save time furthermore lessen your in-house price. Right now there is probably no more simple strategy for SEO than the particular integration of internal links in to your site - it will be an easy way to enhance traffic to individual pages, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Consult says. SEO SERVICES Right now there are a number of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services which can help enhance the organic search engine ranks of a website.
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Since it turns out, there's more in order to on-page SEO than optimizing with regard to keywords. Search engines motor optimization (organic SEO) describes the particular methods used to obtain the high placement (or ranking) upon a search engine results web page in unpaid, algorithm-driven results upon the given search engine. Also, videos possess a lot of untapped prospective - great for SEO and even make for good user proposal. The extremely best SEO expert 2019 may tell you for High-End mobile devices, we're seeing more format changes to focus, provide the better experience, search results. Social SEO is especially helpful for online reputation administration. It isn't just the method that Google ranks optimized written content, but the way that that they rank poorly constructed or taboo content that will push your own ranking to where it really need to be in 2019. Ray Cheselka, SEO & Ppc Manager at SEO and style agency, webFEAT Complete, predicts that will sites with over a 2 second load time will end up being penalized, and search intent is usually going to always grow within importance. SEO consists of ordering the site's architecture and hyperlinks to make pages inside the particular website easier to find plus navigate. In contrast, articles that no one is humming about have minimal effect upon social SEO. They are usually generally knowledgeable within the are usually of both SEO and content material marketing. When it arrives to reviews, customers work as a good army of link builders plus keyword writers so your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION structure is shaped without a person having to lift a little finger.
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There is definitely no magic wand in your own hands to regulate or manage your competitors' strategies or administration, Google analytics update, or user's behavior communicate business but a person can manage your SEO. In this particular new environment, the digital online marketer who views SEO in the broader context will definitely come out there ahead of the competition within 2018 and beyond. Good SEO textbooks explain in detail how greatest to use keywords and just how to structure your entire internet site to attract the attention associated with search engine spiders and associated with human visitors, and a posting such as this cannot perform the topic justice. While businesses start on an SEO advertising strategy, they should realize that a good entire marketing campaign can drop flat on its face in the event that a business is unable in order to reach the masses, that is definitely, their target audience. If your own pages were designed to obtain the most out of Search engines, with commonly known and right now outdated SEO techniques chances are usually Google has identified this plus is throttling your rankings within some way. A lot of business people find keeping upward with the "moving target" associated with SEO distracts them from everyday priorities more than they actually imagined, so it's good in order to appear closely at what can make sense for every business. The app process for the SocialSEO Electronic Marketing and SEO Scholarship will be done 100% electronically and needs the next list of materials. The number 1 reason for using video upon your site to improve SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to increase the quantity of time users remain upon your site. Search engine optimization had been but still is fascinating in order to me. The SEO placement regarding any size business begins along with proper web site optimization, a good excellent link building strategy plus a well planned online marketing and advertising plan. One part of focus for better marketing and SEO performance within 2018 is the confluence associated with content, influence, and social. This can be helpful for SEO, as it helps avoid search engine crawlers from becoming confused by syntax or affirmation errors, and leads to even more accurate indexing. Stop thinking in terms associated with SEO vs. content marketing” plus start exploring how well these people perform together. (Give it a try tone of voice search using OK Google through your cell phone and enquire "What Is BlowFish SEO" ) In case all remains as it is usually, Google will read out loud just about all about my company in the short to the point method, These cards are formatted in order to fit the screen of your own cell with no scrolling upward or down. Although SEO is really the time-consuming process but believes me personally, if you work well along with dedication and trendy techniques, the particular combined results of on-page plus off-page SEO holds you upon the top with rank #1 for a specific search outcome. Fairly lately, I've seen a resurgence associated with on-page SEO factors making the difference searching engine rankings.
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I believed it as simple as a good example to illustrate an factor of onpage SEO or ‘rank modification', that's white hat, totally Google friendly plus not, ever going to trigger you a issue with Search engines. So in the event that you want to get began which includes basic SEO, the particular first thing that I might recommend would be choosing the set of keywords for every page on your website. Away page, SEO has contrasted along with it. Undoubtedly, off page optimisation is all about link developing, but the quality links plus content. Via a direct incorporation of Google's Search Console, Siteimprove SEO helps you understand how the particular world's most popular search motor and its users see and—more importantly—find your website. On Page Ranking Factors — Moz's on page ranking aspects explains the different on web page elements and their importance within SEO. Surprisingly enough, the lot of SEOs out right now The 7 Secrets That You Shouldn't Know About SEO 2019 there do tend to underestimate this power of Google Trends The particular tool has a separate "YouTube search" feature, which hides underneath the "Web search" option. An SEO agency may work together with a firm to provide an added viewpoint, when it comes to knowing and developing marketing strategies with regard to different sectors and various forms of business websites. Given the search positions and search volume, SEO may drive considerable traffic and network marketing leads for Grainger. SEO stands for research engine optimization - that very much has stayed the same. But they keep on transforming their algorithms making it hard to rely on one specific tool for SEO optimization Plus today you could have a good appropriate rank which may not really last in the coming 6 months.
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Ultimately, simply by the end of 2018 or even mid-2019, we'll see a golf swing back to natural” content created by real humans who may produce valuable content that in fact provides value. Hiring experienced SEO experts may ensure that your website climbs the search engine ranks without having using any illegal practices or even short cuts that could generate short-term spikes in the cyberspace ranking, but eventually lead in order to your website having to spend penalties. Official Site Associated with BlowFish SEO - Professional Search Motor Optimization Services operated by Robert DiSalvo SEO Located in Hand Beach Gardens, Florida. The takeaway here will be that if you might possess LOTS of location pages offering A SINGLE business in one particular location, then those are really probably classed as some type of doorway pages, and most likely old-school SEO techniques for these types of type of pages will observe them classed as lower-quality -- or even - spammy webpages. CRAWL this, like Google does, with (for example) Screaming Frog SEO spider, plus fix malformed links or issues that result in server errors (500), broken links (400+) and unneeded redirects (300+). SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION gives you an attempt at rating for the terms which your own customers use, so you may do better business. The job of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to create high-quality content material then win the attention, the particular love as well as the particular link from a blogger or even editor. The keyword difficulty or even keyword SEO difficulty is the very useful metric for key word research. Off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION concentrates on increasing the authority associated with your domain through the act associated with getting links from all some other websites. Regarding: Search Engine Journal's flagship meeting, SEJ Summit, is dedicated to offering SEO pros the actual require, with an agenda of unique, first-run presentations covering the newest SEO and PPC tactics through renowned experts, plus excellent social networking opportunities. SEO combines official lookup engine guidelines, empirical knowledge, plus theoretical knowledge from science documents or patents. This is definitely a half-day workshop at LeadsCon that will be designed to be able to give attendees an end-to-end see of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), how it works, and concrete things they can do these days to improve their SEO efficiency. After the Search engines Panda algorithm appeared, SEO specialists realized just how much key word frequency and density matters. SEO means optimizing your content articles so it shows up a great deal more often in search results. 33. With social media systems like Facebook diminishing visibility associated with companies and brands, SEO (as well as paid promotion) will be becoming critically important for generating traffic to your social stations. 2019 dates TBD. ). Why go to: One-track conference full of forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEO, development marketing, the mobile landscape, analytics, content marketing and more. ” Don't miss the LeadsCon Meeting in Vegas, March 4-6, 2019. Erase all duplicated content material; it will increase your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking. Long-term: as discussed over, you'll ultimately get more research traffic from better usability, actually though you don't squeeze every single last drop from the SEO-trick lemon. However, to accomplish all this particular, web-developers use SEO custom providers, that have long-lasting SEO Search engines rank. That being said, companies usually have little or simply no time for you to maintain up with the latest advancements in SEO techniques. Social search motor optimization is largely built on user-generated content. Keywords are at the cardiovascular of SEO, but they're really not your first step in order to an organic growth play any more. Obviously, reviews are a powerful kind of customer content that has large implications for SEO and improving Blog9T organic traffic. With right search engine optimization and with the help associated with an SEO expert however, your own website can give you a good increasing number of visitors plus exposure. Just keep in mind to pay attention to strong content creation and copywriting basic principles, engage your viewers deeply, plus stay abreast of technical tendencies such as backlinks, SEO health, site acceleration, and schema. SEOmonitor pricing is based on the particular number of websites and key phrases you track. So, I actually would say that 2018 is usually a challenge for Google, mainly because much as it may be for SEOs. The SEO Publication Keyword Suggestion Tool aggregates lookup data and provides volumes, associated terms, and more. PeepCon (which stands for The Householder's Conference”) seeks to teach doable SEO and digital marketing classes. See how Matthew had taken a website from zero in order to one million visits in much less than a year, using the mix of blogging, content advertising, and SEO. Solid comprehending of the keywords, questions, and even phrases your ideal customers work with to find your products plus services is critical to powerful SEO. 34. Applying SEO practices (such keyword optimization) to social media marketing improves discoverability when users search sociable platforms like Facebook and Youtube . com. Onsite SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Guide — If you the particular actual link, you will discover a opt-in button where a person can download the Onsite SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Guide. ” Matt Diggity will a lot of testing upon his own sites, which means this manual reflects what on page techniques are working best for your pet. One important aspect associated with taking care of SEO is usually identifying issues that are harming search engine ranking positions plus reducing the traffic you receive through SERPs. User-generated content like reviews assist SEO through SMO, because this often comes in the type of social shares, likes, or even commenting, or common threads such as hashtags that point back toward a brand. Local SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services offer a very focused online marketing approach, (it's not really like dropping off brochures upon front-porch steps or paying for a good ad in a local newspapers that could or may not really be seen by a probable client that is actually fascinated in your products or services).
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Also companies considering about getting Search engine optimisation services should go through these types of magazines to familiarize themselves making use of the latest trends within the particular SEO and web-based marketing market to allow them to measure the assistance offered for all of them from the selected SEO companies. Mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2018 will probably be all regarding Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). The term SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION also describes the making internet pages easier for internet lookup engine indexing software, known because "crawlers, " to find, check, and index your internet site. I feel that technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION mistakes that affect crawl spending budget - and also pollute Search engines with non-SEO-friendly content such because social landing pages, WordPress mass media archives, offer pages and cloned e-commerce product pages - will certainly have a far more detrimental effect upon sites moving forward. Effective SEO lets you improve your web​site to exhibit up within search engines. We all will get into how in order to pick the best keywords intended for your business later in this specific SEO guide, but it best you to know how in order to use them, as they are usually referenced throughout this section. Despite the fact that meta descriptions are not the ranking factor for search search engines, they do hold value intended for your website and are portion of your SEO presence. Let us speak a bit as to exactly what SEO is before we enter into the SEO article writing suggestions for people who may become new or do not very understand it. SEO stands with regard to Seo. This particular SEO model is called the "topic cluster, " and contemporary search engine algorithms rely upon them to connect users along with the information they're looking with regard to. Your own SEO strategy likely involves articles designed to be shared upon social media. Take this article intended for example, if you search regarding reverse engineer Google, ” seo secrets, ” reverse engineering seo, ” this informative article is on the particular first page for every associated with those search terms. Social media marketing and SEO ought to be working together, sharing content material or utilizing engagement metrics because data for future article marketing and advertising. Simply put, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is marketing through an knowing of how search algorithms function combined with a knowledge associated with what human users might research for. The results furthermore underscore the value of creating new content with your SEO online marketing strategy. Once you create new content structured on your priority keywords, a person have several advantages by having an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION marketing strategy. Both SEO and content material marketing converge in lots of places; these people do not work in remoteness. Free to show up at SearchLeeds covers everything from complex SEO and analytics, to PUBLIC RELATIONS, content marketing, paid media and even more. Following technical mobile SEO greatest practices (e. g., image marketing, redirects, JavaScript and CSS) will be a necessary barrier to admittance in today's digital world. For blog websites the greatest SEO practice would be in order to set the title of your own post in a heading1 label. Search engines is the gatekeeper to huge amounts of traffic and qualified prospects - search engine optimization (SEO) opens the doors. Simply because long as they are gained naturally, inbound links are possibly the most dependable authority contractors in the world of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. All of us call this new methodology AdaptiveSEO so that as its title suggests, it is made in order to adapt to the evolving plus sometimes unexpected changes in research algorithms. A lot of get confused in this region of SEO article writing suggestions for either they in place too little or maybe the particular wrong kind of keywords, or even they mention the keyword method too much which is occasionally called keyword over stuffing. Social SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION isn't a separate branch associated with SEO and it won't quickly be replacing traditional SEO, yet social signals are becoming more and more incorporated into search engine methods. Perhaps the particular most important aspect of lookup engine optimization is how a person can actually leverage SEO in order to assist drive more relevant visitors, leads, and sales for your own business. Just browse through the various types of our SEO blog page to find those important on-page ranking factors. According to him, key phrases have already lost their significance and in 2019 this craze would only get stronger. Seo (SEO) is usually the most efficient way in order to drive traffic to your web site. Dave Gregory, Content Marketing Supervisor from the UK based overall performance marketing agency, SiteVisibility, predicts that will 2019, and not 2018, is usually going to be the true year of voice. If we consider Google's Guide then there are almost 200+ factors that lead a site in ranking, which we have got researched and clustered in twenty one On Page SEO Factors, that will needs your attention in 2019. SEO Wise Links can automatically link important terms in your posts plus comments with corresponding posts, web pages, categories and tags on your own blog. 41. An effective cultural media strategy needs a strong SEO plan. Google does make a few of this data obtainable in their own free Webmaster Tools interface (if you haven't set up a free account, this is a very useful SEO tool both for unearthing search query data and with regard to diagnosing various technical SEO issues). AI and Tone of voice Search Impact SEO, Lets observe how voice search analytics Impact's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and can impact in the particular coming time. A great many businesses make a decision to hire external help for you to get the full benefits regarding SEO, so a large portion of our audience is understanding how to convince their clientele that search is a good investment (and then prove it! ). Nevertheless, SEOs tend in order to prefer links higher on the page. Because your site, credited to the nature of your own business is going to always be more image orientated than written text heavy, you will end up at a moderate disadvantage when it comes for you to employing SEO techniques such while keywords, backlinking and so up. On this web page you'll find a list associated with 21 SEO insanely tactical methods that you can use in order to boost your engine rankings. 26% of respondents state email is the digital advertising channel with all the greatest positive influence on revenue; SEO is 2nd (17%), followed by paid research (15%), social media (5%), plus online display advertising (5%). Along with an increased focus on consumer experience, Google has challenged the particular SEO community to pay even more attention to the entire knowledge of a website and just how the content interacts with customers, rather than just the fundamental elements that most optimize towards. While that may not get solved in 2018, we require integrate the SEO group alongside other marketing, both compensated and owned initiatives. For example, several businesses miss the mark along with SEO and images, and nevertheless rank well. Luckily, you can find your personal broken links on site using the particular myriad of Tools available. Ask any SEO services company and they will tell a person that whenever a page will be searched, the major search motors spiders search it through hyperlinks. Effective SEO aims to boost lookup engine position, user visits, come back visits, and to improve transformation rates, which reflect the amounts of visitors who take preferred actions on the site. Wise SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION activities increase your rankings in the particular search engine results page (SERP). This is the greatest goal for ecommerce SEO, plus the traffic those links can bring through will convert in a very high rate. The Technical Audit Checklist Produced For Human Beings — Within this post by Distilled, a person will find a link in order to a Google sheet that offers an technical SEO audit directory and links to resources upon how to complete each checkbox. Then each time the phrase SEO appears on your web site, it's automatically changed into the link you specified. Keyword Study for SEO: The Definitive Guideline — This comprehensive guide simply by Brian Dean teaches you the number of strategies for getting keywords and determining intent regarding your target market. On-page and off-page SEO function together to improve your lookup engine rankings in complementary style; however, SEOs generally advise obtaining your on-page SEO ducks within a row before focusing as well much on off-page SEO. Within 2019, web-based businesses will embrace more voice-to-text technology to boost engagement and search activity. There are many SEO web sites suggesting that they can supply a service to make the website LSI friendly, or fulfill ‘LSI requirements'. The particular art of web SEO is situated in focusing on how individuals search for things and knowing what type of results Search engines wants to (or will) screen to its users. Social mass media SEO would encourage your present customers to come back whilst helping you develop authority intended for potential ones. He is an expert in SEO, Content Marketing, plus Pinterest Marketing. An SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION expert plays a huge function in helping companies build their own businesses and attract new clients through website traffic.
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andrewmrudd79 · 7 years
Five Truths About the Mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur
Wow, 2018. It’s safe to say that this year is a big year for me. October marks the ten-year anniversary of starting my business, and on June 17th it’ll be ten years since I was laid off (not that I’m keeping track or anything!). In fact, there’s something special that’s going to be happening on June 17th, 2018—but I’ll save that for later.
But . . . ten years. What a journey it’s been! Over that time, I’ve moved from focusing mainly on my own business to becoming a coach and teacher for others getting started in online entrepreneurship. I’ve had the opportunity to guide so many smart, committed people starting their own businesses from scratch. I’ve also seen several of my friends go on to become very successful entrepreneurs—as well as a few who were once very successful but had to start over for some reason and rebuild their success.
Through all of these examples, I’ve learned just how important mindset is for the success of an entrepreneur. In fact, I’d say it’s probably the most important thing. You can have the best products, you can have all the right marketing strategies, you can have the right customers . . . but if you don’t have the right mindset, none of that stuff matters.
In this post I want to share five essential truths that I’ve learned about mindset over the course of the last almost-decade of being an entrepreneur. Three of them even come with brand-new videos I recorded. Check them out as you’re reading, and subscribe to my YouTube channel to be updated whenever I release new videos.
So, here are the five biggest things I’ve learned over the past ten years about entrepreneurship and mindset. I’m excited to share them with you now. Let’s do this!
#1: You Were Meant for This
The number one thing is this: If you’re reading this right now, it means you were meant for this entrepreneurial journey. There’s a reason you’re here, why you’re doing what you’re doing. There’s a reason you’re working so hard, experimenting, doing the research, and building a business. You have a deep and powerful drive for it—and if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here. Maybe that drive stems from being unhappy with your current job and wanting something more, whether it’s on the side or full-time. You know there’s something more out there for you.
A lot of people question themselves. They say, “Well, I don’t know if I’m cut out for this, or, “I don’t know if I was meant to do this.” But when you adopt that mindset, it keeps you from committing fully. Full commitment is what’s required. You need to have that mental commitment to going all in—not necessarily with your time, but with your attitude. If you ever question yourself, always remember why you started on this journey in the first place. What is it deep down about making this change that excites you? What are the opportunities that lie in front of you? Always remember: This is something you were meant to do.
#2: Failure Is a Part of the Process
I grew up in a household where I was trained to try and be as perfect as possible. I was near perfect through high school and even college, getting a 4.2 GPA, graduating at the top of my class, magna cum laude from UC Berkeley in architecture. I grew up in a household where I came home from school with a 94% on my math test, and I was asked, “What happened to the other 6%?” I wasn’t necessarily congratulated, although I was, but I felt like the stress was on what I had missed and not the rest of that I had gotten right. And so, I experienced one of the biggest failures in my life when I got let go.
This is sadly common. We live in a day and age where we are expected to be perfect. I recently watched a video of Neil deGrasse Tyson speaking at a college graduation, talking about how we prize knowledge over the process of learning, and memorization over ingenuity. Neil gave the example of a spelling bee. A person who spells “cat” correctly, “C-A-T,” goes on to the next round. If the next person goes up and tries to spell it “K-A-T,” it’s incorrect. It’s really close! But it’s still incorrect, and they’re out of the competition. Then, if someone else comes up and spells it “Q-Z-V,” they are equally as out as the person who spelled it “K-A-T.” Even though the “K-A-T” person was really close, much closer than the “Q-Z-V” person—and they had arguably spelled it just as correctly, if not more so (if you look at the pronunciation guide in a dictionary for the word “cat,” you’ll see “/kat/”!).
As Neil says, our society is too focused on “the right answer.” We’re too focused on the what, and not the how, the process of learning. We’re too focused on perfection rather than good enough, even though good enough is often good enough! The person who spells it “K-A-T” is going to feel like they’ve failed, and they are viewed as being on the same level of failure as somebody who got it completely wrong.
And when you’re trying to become an entrepreneur, this is something that can be really dangerous. The need to be perfect, to avoid failure, comes into conflict with what it actually takes to be successful. Because if you’re worried about perfection all the time, you’re never going to get anything done. The quest for perfection is going to delay you from doing what you need to do to actually run a business. As Seth Godin says, “Just ship.”
In entrepreneurship and in life, we’re sometimes afraid of failing and making mistakes because we feel like those mistakes will ruin us. The thought of that big fat red “F” marker on the paper scares a lot of people. So we study harder, and try to avoid failure as much as possible. But when you’re an entrepreneur, failing is good! The faster you fail, the better you can learn. This is why in my book Will It Fly? failing is a crucial part of validating your business idea: Seeking out conversations in which people can poke holes in your business model is the part of the process. Pre-selling your items so that when you don’t sell anything, you can go back to the people who said they were interested but didn’t buy to learn what you need to do differently.
So remember, there are no overnight successes, and you might have to fail a lot before you succeed. When you realize that even some of the most successful people out there didn’t do it overnight, and often faced tons of rejection, you learn to appreciate the hard work, patience, and persistence needed to make it as an entrepreneur. If you let failures stop you, you’re going to let a lot of people down, including yourself and the people you could be serving.
In case you’re still scared of failure, I wanted to share this next video, “9 Successful People Who Were REJECTED 138 Times.” It features several people you might recognize who failed a lot but forged ahead and found success over time. I won’t give them away right away, so try to play along and guess each person before I reveal them. There are some big names on this list, and I think you’ll be pretty surprised when you learn what they had to go through before they became successful.
#3: It’s Never Too Late to Begin
With my courses now, especially Smart From Scratch, I get a lot of messages from new entrepreneurs who are feeling disillusioned. They’ve done their research, and they’ve seen how much competition is out there for their business idea—and they think this is a bad thing. They feel like they’re too late to the game. But there’s actually a big advantage in being late! When you do your research, you can find the holes in the market, see what your potential competitors are not doing well, and start to carve out your own unique positioning. You also know that because of the simple fact that there is competition out there, there’s a market out there for the kind of business you want to start. This gives you a chance to listen to the market and create something different and better.
Also, when you start out small, you have the ability to more easily connect with people, to have close and meaningful interactions that help you cultivate raving fans much more quickly. You can create a more personal connection with your customers, something that’s harder for larger companies to do.
Finally, some people consider themselves too old to start a business—but that’s simply not true!
I address this fear, that it’s too late to get started, in the next video, “I’m TOO OLD to Start a Business…” If you ever think it’s too late to begin starting a business, whether because of your age or because of competition, what I share in this video will show you the real truth behind this faulty assumption. I talk about Richard, who at the age of 52 told me he felt like he was too old to start a business. I helped Richard break down that myth and realize why you’re truly never too old to get started at anything.
So stop making age or timing an excuse. Maybe you wish you’d started earlier, but that’s just fear of missing out, and it’s something we all deal with from to time.
#4: It’s All in Your Head
When you start off on an entrepreneurial path, you encounter things that you just haven’t experienced before. And you start to do what I call “weird entrepreneur math.” We start to put more importance on some numbers and not others, even when it doesn’t make sense to. What am I talking about? I’ll explain everything in the next video, where I talk about some of the numbers that trip up entrepreneurs who are starting out. I’ll tell you which numbers you should ignore, and which ones you should pay attention to if you want to be successful.
By the way, if you’re enjoying these videos—and I hope you are—simply go to smartpassiveincome.com/youtube to subscribe!
#5 You Can’t Do This Alone
Entrepreneurship can be very lonely. That’s why it’s really important to connect with the right people, build the right relationships that will sustain you.
I love to meet people, and I love to help other entrepreneurs meet each other. For all of my courses, I hold meetups for my students, and I encourage them to set up their own private meetups, too. I also love meeting people at conferences. I think conferences are one of the best ways to connect with awesome people who are on a similar path to you. Even if you’ve never been to a conference, I encourage you to go out there and find one this year that fits you and your business. The connections you make at these events can be a game-changer.
As a matter of fact, I’ll be speaking at a number of events this year, and I’d love to meet you if you can make it to any of them! Here are some of the highlights on my schedule:
Feb 26: Traffic and Conversion Summit, San Diego
Feb 28–Mar 2: Social Media Marketing World, San Diego
June 29–July 2: Craft In Commerce, Boise
July 23–26: Podcast Movement, Philadelphia
[Full disclosure: I am an affiliate for Social Media Marketing World and Podcast Movement.]
You can find the full list of my speaking engagements on my Speaking page.
To recap, these are my five truths about the entrepreneurial mindset:
You Were Meant For This
Failure Is a Part of the Process
It’s Never Too Late to Begin
It’s All in Your Head
You Can’t Do This Alone
Finally, I’m running a little contest! When you enter the contest at SmartPassiveIncome.com/coffee, you could be one of three (3) winners to receive:
A 1-on-1 virtual chat over coffee to discuss whatever you’d like: your business, personal life, if you are stuck on something and need help, or want to run an idea by me.
To promote anything you want (business name, social media handles, “hi, mom!”, etc.) and be featured in an upcoming YouTube video that I’ll post on the Smart Passive Income YouTube channel.
PLUS, you can earn additional entries by subscribing to my YouTube channel (10 additional entries) and referring friends to sign up (3 entries for each friend), or following me on Instagram (1 entry)!
So be sure to enter the contest today!
Five Truths About the Mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur originally posted at Homer’s Blog
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judithghernandez87 · 7 years
Five Truths About the Mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur
Wow, 2018. It’s safe to say that this year is a big year for me. October marks the ten-year anniversary of starting my business, and on June 17th it’ll be ten years since I was laid off (not that I’m keeping track or anything!). In fact, there’s something special that’s going to be happening on June 17th, 2018—but I’ll save that for later.
But . . . ten years. What a journey it’s been! Over that time, I’ve moved from focusing mainly on my own business to becoming a coach and teacher for others getting started in online entrepreneurship. I’ve had the opportunity to guide so many smart, committed people starting their own businesses from scratch. I’ve also seen several of my friends go on to become very successful entrepreneurs—as well as a few who were once very successful but had to start over for some reason and rebuild their success.
Through all of these examples, I’ve learned just how important mindset is for the success of an entrepreneur. In fact, I’d say it’s probably the most important thing. You can have the best products, you can have all the right marketing strategies, you can have the right customers . . . but if you don’t have the right mindset, none of that stuff matters.
In this post I want to share five essential truths that I’ve learned about mindset over the course of the last almost-decade of being an entrepreneur. Three of them even come with brand-new videos I recorded. Check them out as you’re reading, and subscribe to my YouTube channel to be updated whenever I release new videos.
So, here are the five biggest things I’ve learned over the past ten years about entrepreneurship and mindset. I’m excited to share them with you now. Let’s do this!
#1: You Were Meant for This
The number one thing is this: If you’re reading this right now, it means you were meant for this entrepreneurial journey. There’s a reason you’re here, why you’re doing what you’re doing. There’s a reason you’re working so hard, experimenting, doing the research, and building a business. You have a deep and powerful drive for it—and if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here. Maybe that drive stems from being unhappy with your current job and wanting something more, whether it’s on the side or full-time. You know there’s something more out there for you.
A lot of people question themselves. They say, “Well, I don’t know if I’m cut out for this, or, “I don’t know if I was meant to do this.” But when you adopt that mindset, it keeps you from committing fully. Full commitment is what’s required. You need to have that mental commitment to going all in—not necessarily with your time, but with your attitude. If you ever question yourself, always remember why you started on this journey in the first place. What is it deep down about making this change that excites you? What are the opportunities that lie in front of you? Always remember: This is something you were meant to do.
#2: Failure Is a Part of the Process
I grew up in a household where I was trained to try and be as perfect as possible. I was near perfect through high school and even college, getting a 4.2 GPA, graduating at the top of my class, magna cum laude from UC Berkeley in architecture. I grew up in a household where I came home from school with a 94% on my math test, and I was asked, “What happened to the other 6%?” I wasn’t necessarily congratulated, although I was, but I felt like the stress was on what I had missed and not the rest of that I had gotten right. And so, I experienced one of the biggest failures in my life when I got let go.
This is sadly common. We live in a day and age where we are expected to be perfect. I recently watched a video of Neil deGrasse Tyson speaking at a college graduation, talking about how we prize knowledge over the process of learning, and memorization over ingenuity. Neil gave the example of a spelling bee. A person who spells “cat” correctly, “C-A-T,” goes on to the next round. If the next person goes up and tries to spell it “K-A-T,” it’s incorrect. It’s really close! But it’s still incorrect, and they’re out of the competition. Then, if someone else comes up and spells it “Q-Z-V,” they are equally as out as the person who spelled it “K-A-T.” Even though the “K-A-T” person was really close, much closer than the “Q-Z-V” person—and they had arguably spelled it just as correctly, if not more so (if you look at the pronunciation guide in a dictionary for the word “cat,” you’ll see “/kat/”!).
As Neil says, our society is too focused on “the right answer.” We’re too focused on the what, and not the how, the process of learning. We’re too focused on perfection rather than good enough, even though good enough is often good enough! The person who spells it “K-A-T” is going to feel like they’ve failed, and they are viewed as being on the same level of failure as somebody who got it completely wrong.
And when you’re trying to become an entrepreneur, this is something that can be really dangerous. The need to be perfect, to avoid failure, comes into conflict with what it actually takes to be successful. Because if you’re worried about perfection all the time, you’re never going to get anything done. The quest for perfection is going to delay you from doing what you need to do to actually run a business. As Seth Godin says, “Just ship.”
In entrepreneurship and in life, we’re sometimes afraid of failing and making mistakes because we feel like those mistakes will ruin us. The thought of that big fat red “F” marker on the paper scares a lot of people. So we study harder, and try to avoid failure as much as possible. But when you’re an entrepreneur, failing is good! The faster you fail, the better you can learn. This is why in my book Will It Fly? failing is a crucial part of validating your business idea: Seeking out conversations in which people can poke holes in your business model is the part of the process. Pre-selling your items so that when you don’t sell anything, you can go back to the people who said they were interested but didn’t buy to learn what you need to do differently.
So remember, there are no overnight successes, and you might have to fail a lot before you succeed. When you realize that even some of the most successful people out there didn’t do it overnight, and often faced tons of rejection, you learn to appreciate the hard work, patience, and persistence needed to make it as an entrepreneur. If you let failures stop you, you’re going to let a lot of people down, including yourself and the people you could be serving.
In case you’re still scared of failure, I wanted to share this next video, “9 Successful People Who Were REJECTED 138 Times.” It features several people you might recognize who failed a lot but forged ahead and found success over time. I won’t give them away right away, so try to play along and guess each person before I reveal them. There are some big names on this list, and I think you’ll be pretty surprised when you learn what they had to go through before they became successful.
#3: It’s Never Too Late to Begin
With my courses now, especially Smart From Scratch, I get a lot of messages from new entrepreneurs who are feeling disillusioned. They’ve done their research, and they’ve seen how much competition is out there for their business idea—and they think this is a bad thing. They feel like they’re too late to the game. But there’s actually a big advantage in being late! When you do your research, you can find the holes in the market, see what your potential competitors are not doing well, and start to carve out your own unique positioning. You also know that because of the simple fact that there is competition out there, there’s a market out there for the kind of business you want to start. This gives you a chance to listen to the market and create something different and better.
Also, when you start out small, you have the ability to more easily connect with people, to have close and meaningful interactions that help you cultivate raving fans much more quickly. You can create a more personal connection with your customers, something that’s harder for larger companies to do.
Finally, some people consider themselves too old to start a business—but that’s simply not true!
I address this fear, that it’s too late to get started, in the next video, “I’m TOO OLD to Start a Business…” If you ever think it’s too late to begin starting a business, whether because of your age or because of competition, what I share in this video will show you the real truth behind this faulty assumption. I talk about Richard, who at the age of 52 told me he felt like he was too old to start a business. I helped Richard break down that myth and realize why you’re truly never too old to get started at anything.
So stop making age or timing an excuse. Maybe you wish you’d started earlier, but that’s just fear of missing out, and it’s something we all deal with from to time.
#4: It’s All in Your Head
When you start off on an entrepreneurial path, you encounter things that you just haven’t experienced before. And you start to do what I call “weird entrepreneur math.” We start to put more importance on some numbers and not others, even when it doesn’t make sense to. What am I talking about? I’ll explain everything in the next video, where I talk about some of the numbers that trip up entrepreneurs who are starting out. I’ll tell you which numbers you should ignore, and which ones you should pay attention to if you want to be successful.
By the way, if you’re enjoying these videos—and I hope you are—simply go to smartpassiveincome.com/youtube to subscribe!
#5 You Can’t Do This Alone
Entrepreneurship can be very lonely. That’s why it’s really important to connect with the right people, build the right relationships that will sustain you.
I love to meet people, and I love to help other entrepreneurs meet each other. For all of my courses, I hold meetups for my students, and I encourage them to set up their own private meetups, too. I also love meeting people at conferences. I think conferences are one of the best ways to connect with awesome people who are on a similar path to you. Even if you’ve never been to a conference, I encourage you to go out there and find one this year that fits you and your business. The connections you make at these events can be a game-changer.
As a matter of fact, I’ll be speaking at a number of events this year, and I’d love to meet you if you can make it to any of them! Here are some of the highlights on my schedule:
Feb 26: Traffic and Conversion Summit, San Diego
Feb 28–Mar 2: Social Media Marketing World, San Diego
June 29–July 2: Craft In Commerce, Boise
July 23–26: Podcast Movement, Philadelphia
[Full disclosure: I am an affiliate for Social Media Marketing World and Podcast Movement.]
You can find the full list of my speaking engagements on my Speaking page.
To recap, these are my five truths about the entrepreneurial mindset:
You Were Meant For This
Failure Is a Part of the Process
It’s Never Too Late to Begin
It’s All in Your Head
You Can’t Do This Alone
Finally, I’m running a little contest! When you enter the contest at SmartPassiveIncome.com/coffee, you could be one of three (3) winners to receive:
A 1-on-1 virtual chat over coffee to discuss whatever you’d like: your business, personal life, if you are stuck on something and need help, or want to run an idea by me.
To promote anything you want (business name, social media handles, “hi, mom!”, etc.) and be featured in an upcoming YouTube video that I’ll post on the Smart Passive Income YouTube channel.
PLUS, you can earn additional entries by subscribing to my YouTube channel (10 additional entries) and referring friends to sign up (3 entries for each friend), or following me on Instagram (1 entry)!
So be sure to enter the contest today!
Five Truths About the Mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur originally posted at Dave’s Blog
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garynsmith · 7 years
RE/MAX United: Where Productivity Is Priority
Whether it’s the local inventory shortage or the state of the national economy, Tom Rich doesn’t spend a lot of time trying to predict the future—and for good reason. With a company culture that revolves around agent training, collaboration and access to leadership, the broker/owner of Rockford, Mich.-based RE/MAX United has created an environment where productivity can happen regardless of market conditions. In this exclusive interview, Rich shares the philosophy and formula that keeps RE/MAX United and its agents on the path to success.
Maria Patterson: Please tell us how you came to lead RE/MAX United. Tom Rich: My wife, Tracie, has been a top-producing agent for the past 20 years and I joined her in practice in 2006—right at the peak and just in time to ride the market all the way down. In 2010, I had taken a management position with a large broker and Tracie was an associate broker at another office. We were approached by RE/MAX in 2011 to open a brokerage in our hometown of Rockford, Mich. Just coming out of the recession, I was initially gun-shy, but Tracie saw the opportunity right away. The more we talked with RE/MAX, the more we saw an alignment with our vision of real estate: agent-focused, training and education as a priority, and helping others find the promise of a successful real estate career. Mike Metzner, RE/MAX of Michigan owner, had a depth of frontline experience and a passion to help brokers become the best in their markets, and that had great appeal to us. RE/MAX, from the regional and corporate staff to our fellow brokers in the U.S. and around the world, has provided the most encouraging and helpful peers we could’ve asked for.
MP: How many offices and agents does the firm currently have? TR: We opened our first office in Rockford in June 2012 with just the two of us and our Operations Manager Kim Maggini. Tracie and I made a list of agents we would want to work with and those we wouldn’t, and went to work recruiting. We organized our budget around the idea that if not a single agent joined us we would be fine—that allowed us to have a mindset of recruiting people we wanted to work with, rather than recruiting to pay the bills. Seven agents joined us in 2012, another eight in 2013, and we filled every desk by the end of 2014 at 28 agents. In 2015, we opened a second franchise in Grand Rapids. At this time, we have 50 agents. We have aggressive recruiting goals and will continue to search for the agents we want to invest in. Our agents are great advocates for our offices and our best source of recruiting, both from within the industry and outside of it.
MP: What qualities do you look for in agents? TR: When you find someone with a good, strong work ethic, the sky is the limit. We’ve seen over and over again people who are good salespeople but do not do well because they’re trying to sell a product rather than build a relationship. If it’s all about the money to you, this isn’t the right place for you. We stress building long-term relationships with clients. At the end of the day, if the client doesn’t trust who they’re working with, there’s nothing you can do to make a deal close. If we get someone who has a transactional mindset, they’re not for us.
MP: How would you describe your firm’s positioning in the marketplace? TR: This past February, we were awarded RE/MAX of Michigan’s Market Leader award for achieving Top Marketshare for our Rockford market. We are fortunate to have some other great RE/MAX broker/owners in the Grand Rapids market to collaborate with, and our collective share will continue to grow.
MP: What sets your firm apart from the competition? TR: Instead of writing a mission statement, we chose to operate our brokerage by following our Core Company Values: Compete with each other rather than against each other; attract the right people to the team; retain the right people by offering higher than expected value; and develop—invest in the right programs and processes to elevate the right people.
MP: What most attracts agents to RE/MAX United, and why do they stay? TR: We invest heavily in our people, whether it’s training, education, technology, or process improvement. We are extremely protective of our culture—our agents know that we will put our collective reputation above production and numbers. Our culture is very collaborative and encouraging. Our leadership team and staff are accessible to the agents—something that isn’t always the case in many brokerages. We celebrate together, break bread together, mourn together, and support one another at every turn. Winning attitudes breed a winning environment, and that has to be inclusive of the leadership team, staff, and agents. Agents that have joined our brokerage from the competition in the past five years have seen an average increase in their closed volume of 62 percent; when you put the right people in the right environment, amazing results will follow. The right environment includes having a top-shelf team to serve the needs of our agents. Kim Maggini has been awarded Administrator of the Year by RE/MAX of Michigan. Our director of Agent Development, Tina Johnson, has been recognized as Manager of the Year by RE/MAX of Michigan. Tracie and I have been awarded New Franchise of the Year and Broker/Owners of the Year by RE/MAX of Michigan three consecutive years.
MP: How does your culture play a role in attracting agents to your firm? TR: Attracting agents is always the goal and not to be confused with recruiting. While we do put time and effort into recruiting, it is most rewarding to get a call from an agent that wants to talk about their career and our brokerage. Those are the moments that validate all the effort we put into running a successful brokerage—that’s true attraction. One of our offices was recently awarded Highest Average Commission paid by RE/MAX of Michigan for medium density markets—proof that we have insight into how to help agents reach the level of production they desire. As a collective, our franchises were awarded the inaugural RE/MAX of Michigan’s Esprit De Corp award for outstanding office culture and embodiment of the RE/MAX spirit.
MP: What is your approach to coaching and training? TR: We include coaching in our value proposition for agents. Agents that are new to the brokerage meet once a week with Tina, Tracie or me. Veteran agents can choose their own intervals: weekly, bimonthly, or monthly. The format is agreed upon ahead of time with the agent. Some agents want help with pipeline management, others want accountability partners, some want life counseling sessions. Training and development is a core value for us, and we feel it is our responsibility to provide it. Last year, we built out a stand-alone training space we call the Professional Development Center, or PDC, in a building separate from our offices to isolate agents from distractions during education sessions. We offer twice-a-month MAX Meetings that include timely content agents can use that day—market statistics, economic trends, legal issues…all the “need to know” topics. We also offer twice-a-week GPS (Goals, Planning, Strategy) classes to educate agents on a variety of topics, including working with buyers and sellers, lead conversion, and marketing, plus a learning tract we call Structures, which educates agents on everything from how a well or septic system works to architectural styles. As brokers, we take pride in our agents’ knowledge and professionalism. The best compliment I’ve ever received in real estate was from a competing broker who said, “We look forward to working with RE/MAX United agents—they know what they’re doing.”
MP: What’s your strategy for effectively marketing the firm? TR: Each office is in a distinctively different setting. Our Rockford office is in the downtown area of a picturesque Midwest small-town market. Community involvement, sponsorship, charitable work, the Chamber of Commerce, and the local newspaper are readily available conduits to get our message out. Our Grand Rapids office is on the transitional edge of Michigan’s second-largest metro area. Without the easy access to a community base, we rely on direct mail, social media, and targeted sponsorships for market presence. For agent marketing, in 2015, we began divesting six figures from our budget previously allocated to paid lead generation and put the money into agent marketing. We contract top professionals in graphic design, copywriting, photography, videography and other disciplines to provide our agents with unique, high-quality marketing pieces to promote themselves and their listing inventory. Our strategy is to develop agents that can thrive regardless of market conditions. By building strong relationships with their sphere of influence, agents can produce quality referral business and not rely on the ups and downs of paid lead generation.
MP: How do you stay ahead of the curve on technology, online marketing and social media? TR: We’re fortunate to have a great staff that is skilled in technology as evidenced by our past award as Technology Office of the Year for RE/MAX of Michigan. Agents are bombarded daily with the latest and greatest tech, social, and online offerings and are confused as to where to invest. We take that off their plates. The challenge with electronic marketing is the shelf life—right now Facebook is a fairly priced offering with solid reach and a flexible platform. Will it remain so? Will the audience fatigue? Those are the questions that keep us on the hunt for platforms and offerings that will give our agents an advantage.
MP: You provide so many resources for your agents—what’s the most important thing an agent can do to succeed? TR: In our system? Show up. We built our office around an open-plan concept. No agent has a private office. In our second location, we removed all the office doors and put four agents to an office. We didn’t want agents hiding—we wanted them exposed to conversation and camaraderie. This allows us to share ideas and creates a great learning environment. The agents who spend the most time in our office are the ones who are most successful.
MP: What do you consider to be your greatest competitive advantage? TR: The No. 1 thing would have to be the involvement of our leadership team. We are all extremely accessible to our agents—they’re our priority.
MP: What’s on deck for the future of the firm? TR: We create a comprehensive business plan each year to guide our business. The plan lays out our highest priorities for the coming year and our secondary priorities—this allows us to focus in on the areas that will be most impactful to our business in the near term while providing a roadmap for the future. For 2017, refining our training, developing our staff and leadership education, enhancing our culture and retention, and adding to our cash reserves are the high priorities. Secondary items include expanding into new markets and acquisitions, ancillary and complimentary services, and improving our public relations execution. We are also building strong relationships with builders and developers to find creative ways to bring new inventory to market. And, of course, to sell a ton of real estate.
MP: What do you consider to be the biggest challenge in the year ahead? TR: The No. 1 challenge is inventory. No. 2 is economic uncertainty. Things seem good right now, but will that be the same in 90 or 180 days, or a couple of years from now? To combat this uncertainty, we’ve been moving away from paid lead generation and focusing on teaching agents to establish a referral business. Agents with good, strong relationships will be successful and able to survive and thrive no matter what.
For more information, please visit http://ift.tt/2qG8Apu.
Maria Patterson is RISMedia’s executive editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at [email protected].
For the latest real estate news and trends, bookmark RISMedia.com.
The post RE/MAX United: Where Productivity Is Priority appeared first on RISMedia.
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