#also the reptiles protecting their babies uwu
memoriamp4 · 6 months
Hiccup Haddock and Owen Grady with their reptiles
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catharrington · 5 years
Been dreaming of a small Au. Older Steve who forgoes college to work at a local zoo or sanctuary around Indiana. They are not big but they have their own share of animals including goats for a petting zoo, a donkey and horse that was rescued from a circus, a whole area of outside bird cages with eagles and owls, some local reptiles that schools love to visit and teach about, and a small pack of wolves.
Steve decides that he wants to take care of others but was never one for the gore of nursing, so he applied to be a keeper and was given the job of cleaning the wolf enclosure. He cleaned it diligently while listening and learning from the keepers who took care of the wolves.
Eventually he gets a promotion? To start helping feed the wolves more hands on. Cue Steve struggling with buckets of meat lol.
Steve realizes he loves and feels a want to protect these wolves just like how he babysat the kids and it makes him so happy to have found something he cares about that he can do for a living.
Billy is still living in town as a struggling musician playing gigs as he can get them. Thankfully with his Camaro he can travel out of town and into larger cities so he isn’t without work. He just doesn’t get paid or tipped for shit.
Steve and Billy because friends after Billy was released from the mind flayer and rescued by El and Hopper. Yeah he’s not dead thanks. They relate with the struggles of living in a shitty small town and dealing with fighting monsters.
They don’t see each other much and that’s okay because Steve has to hide how he likes likes Billy ;) but Billy visits when he is in town. He knows to come to the wolf enclosure. And even tho he won’t tell Steve he loves to watch him at work. Mutual thirst and not saying anything because what he’s not gay that’s weird to ask.
Robin is still Steve’s friend so she’s been very helpful in realizing that he’s bisexual and that’s okay but also don’t force yourself on straight people, dingus.
Jump to the conflict I’d love some big wig marketing company coming down and trying to rebrand the sanctuary into something it isn’t. They want to remodel it only for children and make it more hands on about learning and models and charts.
Steve questions does that leave room to actually see the animals? And the big wig says some animals are not great for children. They want to condense and focus on their strengths.
Aka the big animals have to go.
Like the wolves.
Steve is taken a back. These are all rescued animals that have no where else to go you can’t just pull the plug on them because a kid can’t pet them? The big wig says they will release them into the wild where they can live their life fully. But these wolves have never been in the wild they don’t know how to hunt or mate like a wild wolf they would die for sure.
Steve tries to tell everyone but they all don’t listen because sure the wild sounds like it would be nice. There is the older man who taught Steve all about the wolves who agreed it’s dangerous but he has no fight and just lets them decide without him.
I’d love to see Steve hopping around to the sanctuary owner, the wolf keeper, and the big wig getting flustered and stuttering but demanding to be listened to. It all falls on deaf ears tho.
Steve is meeting up with billy for drinks one night and he jokes about kidnapping the wolves and taking them to a better place but it’s a joke. Billy sees that this means so much to Steve so he tries to come up with something else.
Billy tells Steve about he heard that the land might be up for sale and that’s why the owner is rebranding so they can get enough money to not go bankrupt. Steve is confused about how Billy heard of that but he takes it at face value.
They look into it with Hopper who is still sheriff and for sure the sanctuary is almost upon foreclosure, they haven’t been paying their bills and Hopper knows about it because some people have reported that they haven’t been paying their workers.
Steve is heartbroken. He thought the place was heaven but not so much. Steve gets another idea to buy the sanctuary out from the owners and run it much better. But that would still cost thousands of dollars and Steve doesn’t just have that laying around.
Firstly he tries to get it from his parents and that doesn’t work because his dad says he should be working harder if he wants that money. And these wolves are just dogs just pets who cares what happens to them.
That makes Steve angry but he doesn’t know what to do. Even with loans and his stashed savings he doesn’t have half the money. He asks around the sanctuary and no one can donate much. And some people are hateful and don’t want to donate.
Some people even report to the big wig uUgh cue this ass hole being mean to Steve and pushing him around, gross old man get your hands off me and shit.
Steve just won’t give up tho he has to fight for his wolves!
Billy has his own plan to get money for Steve. He has some savings and plans to get money with a show dedicated to the sanctuary. But Billy has a secret. He’s got a sugar daddyyyy
This older man who books gigs for a bar outside of Hawkins promised Billy steady work and good pay for a good time. Billy agreed be sure he needed the work and the man isn’t bad looking. Salt and pepper hair and he takes care of himself but almost to an egotistical way. He reminds Billy a little of how he doesn’t want to turn out.
Billy mentions it to him that he would like to do a fundraiser instead of a typical gig and the man shoots it down. Saying that’s some kid friendly crap no one would care about. It wouldn’t make money.
Billy gets angry and says that it’s not about making money. The sugar daddy says isn’t it all about that, that’s why they are together for the money. Billy jumps to cutting their relationship off. He tells him to shove it and shove his shitty bar.
In hindsite Billy is pissed at himself for cutting it off but it was about time. If he was serious about his music he couldn’t have anything holding him back. Except who he wanted to grow with and help. That’s Steve baby.
Billy reaches out with the kids who are now much older and organizes a show for raising money for the sanctuary. They rent out the movie theater that is almost extinct and get all of Billy’s equipment and a small stage set up inside.
Steve is taken aback with how much the kids and Billy, who until then Steve thought still hated them, have worked to make this great.
Now they just needed the people. And they rally the town like Joyce to hand out flyers at the store and Hopper to go around and hang posters. The kids plaster the school with posters and even tho they are nerds Billy is just popular enough of a musician that other kids agrees to go.
Omg now it’s epic show time. The kids suggested the movie theatre because it’s old and cheap but also with the classic projecter screen they recorded and clipped together some film of Steve and the wolves in the sanctuary. Mostly the wolves but we can’t help but to film cute Steve with such a bright smile. What if Billy confessed his love for Steve after the last song right behind the big red curtain uwu
The raise lots of money and buy the sanctuary and pay all the workers and keep all the animals and shit it’s a happy ending.
Ugh I might write this thanks for coming.
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marbarwantsbacon · 5 years
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Was watching Wolf Children again, and then an AU idea came up ;w;
Wolf Snake Children AU! ft. Deceit x Remus
Keep reading for more info because this is hella long ;w; (Also kind of spoiler for those who haven’t watched Wolf Children yet. So yeahh be warned for spoilers) 
If I have to be honest, I might get bored of this idea after I upload this (Just like my other AUs huhuhu) So Imma just explain it all now than ever lmao (Waring: This is so long lmao Im so sorry)
Summary of the entire AU:
Remus is a singer that is new to the business industry. He meets this charming man who goes by, “Deceit” and offers to be his manager. Entranced by his intelligence, wit, good looks, and has a clear evidence of experience, Remus hired him. Deceit true intentions with Remus at first is to make him big, make him as famous and rich as he can get, and nothing more than to be his trusty manager. But as months pass, they fell in love. 
Started to be more comfortable with each other, and shared personal infos. Like how Remus ran away from his strict parents to pursue his dreams of becoming a big time celebrity, or how he was named Remus because he was over-shadowed by his more favored twin brother, etc. And then, one night Deceit asked Remus to have a small breeze-walk date with him in the forest, at night time. Confused, but intrigued because he likes nature, and the thought of a possible bear attack or a psychopath trying to murder at night excites him, he agreed to the idea. 
When they were already there, the more matured of the two asked for his employer to close his eyes for a surprise. The curious one that Remus is, he didn’t follow suit and simply peak for a little. What he didn’t expect though, to see his boyfriend to grow scales on his face, his entire eyelid to turn yellow, and his pupils to a black sharp shape. 
Nobody at all:
Remus: “Does this makes me a furry now?”
“Jfc Rem-”
So basically, Deceit is what they call, a “Reptile”. For years, people theorize the existence of shape-shifting Reptiles. Deceit basically confirms this as true, but it has to remain a secret for obvious reasons. Apparently, there are indeed more Reptiles that exists, but not as many as Deceit is one of the few snakes who survived up to this day. 
After that, Dee and Remus got married privately and basically do all the cute things couples do. But one day, in a seemingly rainy day, Deceit came back with two reptilian babies crying.
“Their mother left them in the side of the rode, you know what would happen to them if they...”
Remus, not ready to be a mom just yet, but seeing Deceit really wanting to be a parent and protect these kids, he reluctantly agrees. And so, more cute moments of the bois taking care of the two kids. Like how Remus cooks for them, and Deceit teaching them how to shape-shift. All the fluffy things.
Until one day... Deceit hasn’t came back for dinner, which got Remus worried. He went outside to find him with the two babies, while it’s also raining really hard. He searched everywhere, and then he stopped by a river to see a couple of garbage men carrying a dead creature. That’s where he realized,
It was Deceit.
He’s in his snake form, eyes wide open and covered in blood. Looking at the scene before him, it’s likely that Deceit, in his snake instincts died while hunting food for the children. As evident by the dead bird near him, and the snake bite mark at it’s wings. 
Remus was devastated. 
He begged for the men to give him the snake corpse, but simply ignore him for being crazy and said that “They’ll take care of it.” As they throw the dead reptile at the back of the garbage truck like it was nothing. He sobbed in the rain as he watches the truck drove off. People watched him confused as to why he was crying about a dead snake, while he also get his two kids be wet in the rain. 
His sobs continue until he gets home.
He’s all alone. Left with two children that he doesn’t even know how to take care of. How is he going to raise them all on his own? How is he supposed to keep them a secret for long as his career of being a famous singer might get them into trouble?
Despite all that, he stood and looked at his husband’s picture and swore, for his family and his husband, to protect and raise their children, even if it means sacrificing his success, fame, and riches and live somewhere far away to keep everyone from finding out that his children are reptiles. 
Now, it’s up to you guys to decide who the children will be. It can be OCs, or my version where the children are Remy and Critic Sanders (Since Thomas himself confirmed that they are siblings) So basically after that, the plotline will still be similar to the actual Wolf Children movie. Remus will be living a life of farming in the countryside, and one of the children will go live normally as a human, while the other decides to become a full time snake. But all the details are all up to you guys oWo 
The reason why I made this is because I really love ship AUs where OTP become parents and so I made my own X3 Another reason is because I really need more sympathetic Remus since I love it where the characters that you wouldn’t expected to be the caring type actually have children and basically become a total mom XD So anyway, if you read up to here already, then take you so much for reading, hope you like it! uwu
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