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quackkaz · 1 month
Virgil : The light sides asked how I deal with Janus and Remus so easily. The secret is, I don't. I have no control over them whatsoever. Earlier, Janus called my name and when I showed up to see what was going on, Remus shot me in the throat with a nerf gun.
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raspberry-bat · 1 year
hey yous here’s some art. yknow, the thing i made this account for? what have i become.
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my first time actually drawing kisses, be nice
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korruptbrekker · 2 years
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Decided to give @cak3art ’s Color This In Your Style challenge a shot, and I’m actually really pleased. It was a nice chance for me to try a more painterly render and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. :)
Click for better resolution.
If you like, please reblog. <3
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After OVER A YEAR I have finally managed to update my fanfiction! I love this story with all my heart and as I try to rebuild my reader base it would mean the world to me if you would give it chance! I cannot thank my beta reader remuskinn enough for sticking with me through this! Happy Christmas in almost June everyone LOL!
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ashtonisvibing · 7 months
had my bestie give me more ships to bingo-ify
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they're not okay but like,,, in the best way possible
but tbh any ship that involve remus is not okay in the best way possible
they both fix each other and make each other worse and honestly i love that for them <3
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they are so fucking in love you don't UNDERSTAND
they are a shy goober nerd and a sassy magical cat and they literally kiss and cuddle so much
they are married they have two daughters they have a house and a dog they give each other flowers and so much love and
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honestly, i really do see the appeal to this ship
but them being friends is just- so valuable and important to me that it's personally not a ship of mine
look i just love them as buddies too much okay?
literally best friends that play video games and cuddle
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another ship that i see the appeal of but just isn't for me
everyone talks about moceit divorce about nobody talks about prinxiety divorce
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i think that this screenshot from said bestie and i says everything that needs to be said for them
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they have a lab rat/mad scientist relationship to me
their idea of a date is logan dissecting remus and studying his insides
remus has, multiple times, ripped his heart out and said "you've stolen my heart~" to logan
logan then proceeds, every time, to jump that man's bones, cuz god that's hot as fuck
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years
Janus: Ree, come over here, I have a present for you.
Remus: And I have one for you! {walks in shirtless, wearing a huge bow around him}
Janus: On second thought, I’ll open my gift first…
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myfaux-bias · 2 years
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Demus is back! This time not as pole dancers but instead as… Them.
Also I have fallen in love with Naga!Janus (as if I wasn’t before)
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miguel-manbemel · 2 years
Roasting of Love
Inspired by an incorrect quote by @/S0NOFLUCIFER on Twitter. CW Dukeceit/Demus/Receit (so many names for a single ship)
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rosafs007 · 1 year
Você que ama um lanche rápido e gostoso, precisa conhecer essa delicia. Arepas colombianas.  
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Remus about Janus: He's evil, manipulative, two-sided and cold to you. To me he's my husband.
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quackkaz · 7 months
Remus : You f*ckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon!!
Janus : A spear?
Remus : BLOCKED.
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raspberry-bat · 2 years
Today on another episode of I read a fic and never saved it so don’t know how to find it- help me find a fic!
It’s a dukeceit oneshot, they’re playing two truths and a lie and Remus is all like “*random fact I don’t remember*, I have green eyes, I’m madly in love with Janus” and everyone’s like omg Remus ur so silly ofc the lie is Janus! Because Remus has green eyes and Janus is all upset bc ugh it’s not funny joking about being in love with me. BUT! Roman to the rescue because he reminds Janus that AH AH AH! ROMAN has blue eyes. Therefor Remus must have blue eyes. Temus wears contacts DUNNDUN DUNNN Then they make up wah wah happy ending
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donadecasacriativa · 2 years
Receita de churros caseiro
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Faça essa delícia em sua casa! Que tal um doce delicioso e muito rápido de se preparar? Em nossa dica de hoje trazemos uma receita de churros caseiro perfeito para você mesmo fazer.  INGREDIENTES 250 ml de água 2 colheres (sopa) de açúcar 2 colheres (sopa) de margarina ou manteiga sem sal 1 pitada de sal (se a margarina tiver sal, dispensar a pitada) 300 g de farinha de trigo 3 ovos óleo para fritar açúcar e canela misturados para passar os churros depois de fritos doce de leite ou o recheio da sua preferência. MODO DE PREPARO Aqueça a água em uma panela, abaixe o fogo e acrescente a margarina e o açúcar. Mexa bem, até dissolver toda a margarina. Acrescente aos poucos a farinha de trigo, mexendo sempre, até que a massa desprenda da panela. Tire do fogo e acrescente os ovos um a um, mexendo bem até misturar toda a massa. A seguir, coloque a massa num saco de confeiteiro com o bico em formato de pitanga, ou na forma própria para churros. Aperte, já dentro da frigideira com o óleo quente, o tamanho fica a seu critério, corte com a ponta dos dedos ou com uma faca. Depois de frito, coloque em papel toalha para que absorva a gordura. Por fim, passe pelo açúcar com canela e recheie com doce de leite usando o bico que já vem junto com a forma. Read the full article
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hwiyoungies · 2 months
there's a trend going on on carat twitter that is posting a pic of your bag and like its contents and more shit with the caption "member girl" and not to be a hater on main but i find it hilarious because it's just a way of them showing off their designer stuff LMAO
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Looking back through my gallery at a ton of old sanders sides art, especially the whole fusion thing, I’m so curious to see how a lot of them would look in my current style 👀
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