#also the thought of drawing hiro as team rocket just feels so good
teabiscs · 10 months
also i think in the new year im gonna start drawing a beyblade x pokemon cross over. just the bladers as trainers with whatever pokemon i think fits them best.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Okay I know that kingdom hearts has a bad reputation for sticking crucial plot information on obscure spinoff games but HOLY SHIT I just finally watched a lets play of the fuckin digimon tcg game and found out it ACTUALLY HAS A GODDAMN CONCLUSION TO ANALOGMAN FROM DIGIMON WORLD 1
like 90% of the damn game has no plot whatsoever let alone indicating its a digimon world sequel! and then suddenly in the last battle without being foreshadowed whatsoever analogman returns and gets possibly the best boss battle ever IN A GODDAMN TCG GAME
holy shit his whole fight is framed as ‘this is literally the same guy from digimon world 1, hacking another game’, the interface wigs out and a bunch of fake command windows pop up with rapidly scrolling code of the game supposedly falling apart. And then his boss battle flips the entire gameplay system on its head by giving him fourth wall breaking special moves that pull overpowered effects by “hacking the engine”, with cool animations to fit. Fuckin badasssss!!
digimon world’s conclusion was so rushed, you never even meet the villain until the final battle and it ends all weird with just “something” going wrong that causes him to get sucked into a portal or something while screaming dramatically in weirdly high resolution terror faces??? the tcg game confirms that this was him attempting to flee back to the human world after you defeated him, but one of the stray attacks from the battle damaged his machine and it caused him to essentially commit accidental suicide when he turned it on.
the game had some sequel bait hints that maybe analogman is somehow still around and that the portal explosion just turned him into “corrupted data” so he can never return to the human world. and i always thought it would be super ironic if he actually got turned into a digimon aka the thing he hates more than anything
he appears in this game as a malomyotismon who does a damn good vexen face during the fight, lol. And he’s all “gahh that stupid kid ruined my plans but this accursed body at least improved my hacking abilities!” Tho its implied that his corrupted state is more like a bodyless cloud of data that can possess/copy different digimon, which would be REALLY FUCKIN CRITICAL to explaining the goddamn plot of Digimon World Next Order!
Seriously wtf is up with this series? Digimon World 2 is not the sequel to Digimon World 1, all the numbered games are entirely separate individual stories with wildly different genres from pet sim to roguelike strategy. The real sequel is fucking DIGIMON THE CARD GAME THE GAME and then Digimon World Next Order a bazillion years later for the ps4. In which i am STILL REALLY SALTY that they have a FUCKIN RAD remix of analogman’s boss theme yet he doesn’t appear in the game. The added context of this damn tcg game confirms once and for all that the Ambiguous As Fuck Ending actually WAS him appearing in the game, this unexplained “oh wait the villain was good all along and he was just possessed by an evil virus” was supposed to be corrupted-digi-analogman and seriously WHY DONT THEY JUST FUCKIN EXPLAIN IT!!! this tcg game wasnt even released in europe!! and even american fans probably had no clue it was linked to this entirely separate subseries! You have to friggin piece it together with context clues like the battle music and the fact analogman’s signature mon was machinedramon. I mean vjesus christ Next Order is a litera; sequel with the grown up version of Digimon World’s protagonist as a badass home ec teacher who still defends the digital world in his free time yet you couldnt spare ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE mentioning the name of the villain?? and summarizing the fuckin tcg game everyone missed??? AND CONFIRMING THAT THE VILLAIN IS INDEED MAKING A REAPPEARANCE POSSESSING THIS GUY??? oh god everything makes SENSE, thank you terrible card game adaptation. ehh but i do still love Next Order for making Hiro/Mameo’s canon partner Mamemon, he’s even more badass as this big tough bishie version of himself with a tiny adorable pal that can shoot rocket fists through space and time. (its funny tho cos the DW1 intro movie showed metalmamemon and metalgreymon and the american boxart flipped a coin and decided metalgreymon must have been the one the protagonist was using in that scene. Whoops!)
anyway even with the added context that IT WAS INDEED GODDAMN ANALOGMAN, the final boss fight in Next Order was as terrible as the rest of the plot. So I’m glad trash gramps got a suitably badass boss fight after all, even if it was a CARD GAME VERSION! lets all celebrate the awesomeness of this obscure fuckin spinoff game’s obscure fuckin intercontinuity cameo with the boss fight music that other game wasted
seriously fuckin hell the biggest challenge in that final boss was that i was so distracted by SHEER OFFENDEDNESS at the cool music not matching it that it was hard to keep focused
its not just a great boss theme for a terrible boss, its a really fuckin EMOTIONAL song for anyone whose childhood was fuckin defined by the first game!!!
and look you had a PERFECT FUCKIN EXCUSE for a REALLY GOOD boss battle against MY MAN GRUMPY GRANDPA OF THE COOL DAMN NAME. Seriously guys analogman was THE FIRST digimon villain! digimon world came out before the anime, digimon world was the BETA FOR THE ANIME! this was the first place they had the ideas for file island, so much of the areas in the game are awkwardly mistranslated versions of stuff that would later appear in the anime in a different form. before this digimon had never been anything more than a fuckin 2-bit graphics tamagotchi and this was (after the manga) only the second goddamn time these monsters had an actual full colour character design! all of those charmingly janky 90s gross out show styled tcg illustrations? that was concept art that this game was working from! fuckin hell this game thought up the idea for metalgreymon’s changed design that ended up becoming the iconic partner of tai in the anime. (you can also see beta tai in the manga with a beta veemon as a partner instead! o_O)
I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT ANALOGMAN OKAY!!! he’s a badly written guy with only like five sentences across all the videogames but fuckin hell he was such an Iconique part of the development of this series that they named him fucking ANALOGMAN
like dude you could have SO EASILY made me scream at my tv in a more positive way by bringing him out as the surprise villain and showing us wtf his deisgn is even supposed to look like cos god all we have is a blurry faceless early ps1 model buried under the glow filters of Mt Infinity’s funky background effects.
slap a fuckin O on this man and LITERALLY LET ME BEAT HIM UP
like dont even give him a team or anything, just let me fight THE MAN HIMSELF
you canonically fuckin said he’s a digital ghost now and basically the same as a digimon
let me beat the shit out of a regular businessman in a suit and tie while he pulls his badass ‘i’m hacking the game i’m in’ bullshit from the GODDAMN TCG GAME THAT WAS MORE CLIMACTIC THAN YOUR SHITTY CASH GRAB FAKE SEQUEL
man god i didnt expect a fuckin TCG GAME to revive my righteous fury from back when i first played that piece of shit. i hate it cos Next order is so pretty and its gameplay is so good and i really loved my twin digis but there were SO MANY bugs and cut corners and missing content and really bad writing and GOD it made me so sad that the dub team really really tried, they tried so hard that they got fuckin renamon’s original voice actress back even though the renamon in this game has nothing to do with the anime one. THE DUB WAS REALLY GOOD BUT IT COULDNT SALVAGE THAT SCRIPT!! THE MUSIC WAS REALLY GOOD AND THE ART WAS REALLY GOOD AND THE DIGIMON THEMSELVES WERE MY BEST DAMN FRIENDS FOR THAT MONTH OF MY LIFE BUT THE GODDAMN FUCKIN SCRIPT!!! the postgame was MORE FUN because FINALLY everything opened up like the sandbox of the first game and you could just fuckin hug u digis without being distracted by constant cutscenes butchering your childhood nostalgia
man i wanted to write a fic/draw a comic about my headcanons on how to fix it but i never managed to do it cos holy shit it was basically “throw everything out and make a different game geez” I COULD RAMBLE FOR HOURS ABOUT THE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SEQUEL THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN!! and a fuckin!! tcg game!! was closer to that sequel!!!
fuck it im gonna do draw myself decking business gramps in the face
oh! and the female protagonist design! thats another rare good part of that thing! i loved the pixellization effect on her ponytal, way better than the male equivelant having a very ordinary costume design just with a pixel corner taken out of his jacket. also why did the plot never actually make a thing out of that? like you’d think that ‘unlike every other digimon tamer i’ve got this scar of my digitization’ would be a plot point. like they didnt give everyone else a cool pixel squares mark! they could have at least used it as an excuse why the protagonist is the Only Chosen One who can do all this plot shit. or if it was me i would have made it early foreshadowing for the Return Of Business Gramps, like you were partially infected by the Oooo Mysterious Unexplained Digi Virus (seriously why did they not just have ONE SENTENCE explaining its the fuckin original villain returning????) during the prologue and i dunno somehow that gives you powers to break analogman’s control on the digimon he possesses. or maybe the pixel thing is like a tracking device he put on you? or just give that cool design trait to the protagonist of digimon cyber sleuth instead, whose entire plot is that theyre a digimon human hybrid with literaly the power to pixellize themself into computers.
ALSO!!! actually do something!!! with mameo!!!
they really fuckin hyped up in all the prelease materials that the digimon world 1 protagonist was gonna be in this game and he’s all grown up now. and then he does NOTHING in the plot except babble exposition and stand around your home base. and has one line about how he’s a badass teacher now and his partner is mamemon but hey we made a bullshit excuse for why his digimon is sealed away and he never gets to fight :<
give me an actual cool teamup of new protag girl and her cool teacher dude beating the shit out of business trash with their bare fists and also their digimon’s bare fists while THE BEST DAMN MUSIC GOES UNWASTED
...fuck i sure do Feel Intensely about nostalgic games lol. i wonder if i’ll be so rambley when i play kh3? maybe itd be a really shitty lp, aaagh...
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bigherosixfeels · 6 years
Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle REVIEW
Mochi deserved to go viral I'm so proud of him. 
The episode starts in the nerd lab where Hiro has made a functional ping-pong bot. Gogo is up against it, ready to beat the bot, but Fred storms in with alarming news. He shows the gang there's a factory on fire and they need to stop it from spreading any further. Their gear is apparently at Fred's, so they head over there, but the suits are not in their designated spot. Honey Lemon then remembers they left them at her and Gogo's apartment so they go there and suit up. By the time they arrive on scene, the fire department has showed up and the fire is out. Hiro realizes they need to figure out a better way to suit up. 
The next morning in the cafe, Cass wants everyone to see Mochi's latest trick. Honey Lemon is ready to film this and Mochi slow claps. It's indeed adorable and Honey posts it online. Fred remembers that he has an extra ticket to Maximum Insane Obstacle Challenge. It's the number one online game show where contestants have to compete in, you guessed it, obstacle challenges that are insane to the max. Hiro is too busy working on their issue with suiting up to go. Wasabi claims he'll be busy organizing his organizer. Gogo makes it clear that there is nothing anyone can say that will make her want to go. Honey would go, but she's throwing another sticker party. Gogo, remembering the last sticker party (in which stickers are put literally everywhere in their apartment), Gogo agrees to go with Fred. She can't do another sticker party. 
Later in the day, they're at the studio where the game show is held. Fred has on a raincoat poncho because their seats are in the 'maximum insane gross zone'. He only brought one poncho. The game show begins and the host is none other than Mr. Sparkles! I admit, he's good at his job. The sound of a chicken clucking goes off which means it's time to find out who the first contestant will be. An egg rolls its way to Mr. Sparkles and when he cracks it, he calls out the seat number revealed inside. The man in that seat is beyond excited to play the first challenge which is called Sushi Limbo. He has to dress as a piece of sushi and jump through huge chopsticks. If he gets caught by them, they'll dip him into soy sauce. The man starts out doing really well, but what looks to be the last pair of chopsticks gets a hold of him and he falls right into the sauce. Some sauce gets on Fred and Gogo, but don't worry; it's low sodium. 
Next, a crying baby sound effect goes off and it's time to Feed The Baby! The goal is to squirt a bunch of milk into a hungry baby, but the baby is also not feeling well apparently. The next egg is cracked and Gogo's seat is the lucky number! She's not fond of the idea of feeding the baby or having to dress like a baby (that's the insane part). She doesn't want to look like an idiot in front of everyone, but Fred says not to worry about what others think and he came prepared to be humiliated. He's wearing nothing, but a diaper under that poncho. Gogo passes on being a contestant. 
Meanwhile, Hiro has Baymax, Honey Lemon and Wasabi in an open field. Hiro wants to demo the long-ranged capabilities of their new suit delivery system. Currently, the suits are at Fred's, which is on the other side of the city. With a press of a button on his phone, Hiro has their super suits fly themselves across town. They arrive well, however, the suits place themselves on the wrong person. Hiro is wearing Wasabi's, Honey is wearing Baymax's, Baymax is wearing Hiro's and Wasabi is wearing Honey's. It's quite the sight to see. Hiro isn't sure why there was an error, but Honey assures it's just a fluke. 
Back at their apartment, Honey is thrilled to announce to Gogo that the video she got of Mochi slow clapping has gone viral. He's an internet star! 
Meanwhile at Mr. Sparkles' studio, people are taking photos of him. His phone buzzes, and he now sees that Mochi's viral video is gaining more popularity. His game show video is currently the most viewed video of all time and he wants to make sure he stays on top. He jumps on a trampoline in a cowboy outfit and then sticks a landing on a...horse body with a wiener face? It's not impressive to his slowly fading audience and he begins noticing that his merchandise is being replaced by Mochi (aka 'Slow Clap Cat') merch. Mochi's video hits number one and Mr. Sparkles is more determined than ever to get his spot back. He hits fragile objects with a huge fish while rollerskating and dresses up like a doll, but to no avail. Mochi's video is trending incredible well and Mr. Sparkles video has plummeted significantly. 
In his dressing room, he's giving himself a pep talk when one of his employees comes in to announce that Yaki Taco will no longer be sponsoring him. Yaki Taco now presents Mochi. This angers him further, saying that no one can take away his sparkle. 
Later on in the night, Hiro is presenting the next version of the suit delivery system to Baymax and Wasabi. The suits arrive in a large circular container, but the suits were supposed to pop out upon their arrival. Hiro is now frustrated that it won't work and Wasabi decides to leave, but the container starts rolling downhill and it's headed for Wasabi. Wasabi does well out-running it as Hiro chases after it (with Baymax slowly following behind). Wasabi jumps between two trees. The container hits these trees which activates the machine to shoot out the suits. 
Now caught up to him, Baymax notes Wasabi has a minor abrasion on his elbow and Hiro apologizes for this. He doesn't understand why his brain isn't coming up with the proper solution and it hasn't been working out for him lately. Wasabi suggests that Hiro is experiencing what all scientist fear...inventors block. Hiro is shocked by this and one of Baymax's rocket fists hits Hiro in the face. Hiro says it's a seven before Baymax can even finish asking his usual "how would you rate your pain" question. 
The next day, Hiro is continuing to draw a blank on a new idea. He flops on his bed admitting that he does have inventors block. Baymax scans him and states that his condition may be psychological. He suggests therapy and Baymax attempts an exercise with Hiro. He asks him what his childhood was like, but Hiro doesn't understand what that has to do with inventors block. He explains that self improvement is a life-long process, but Hiro needs faster results. 
Later on, Mr. Sparkles tries to enter his own studio, but the guard (Felony Carl) says they're at full capacity. He's upset by this, but despite explaining who he is, he's still not getting inside. Anyway, Cass is riding a bike next to the building with Mochi in a front basket. Everyone outside is excited to see Slow Clap Cat (Mochi loves the attention too), but Mr. Sparkles continues to grow angry at becoming a nobody to everyone around him. He ominously backs away, saying "we'll see who has the last clap". 
In the nerd lab, Wasabi is working on something and Hiro still hasn't thought of anything new. He worries about never getting over his inventors block. Wasabi asks when he last took a break, but Hiro doesn't do breaks. Wasabi explains that he's had his best ideas when he wasn't trying and "breaks can lead to breakthroughs" which is really good advice. He then persuades Hiro to meditate with him. During the meditation, Hiro imagines he's floating on a fluffy, white cloud and one of the clouds next to him shapes into a laptop. Wasabi's face appears in another cloud, displeased with Hiro brainstorming during meditation. Hiro makes Wasabi's face cloud disappear, but in real life, he's actually slapping Wasabi's face. 
On the news, Bluff Dunder has Cass and Mochi on to talk about Mochi's video. Cass admits it's exciting about how his video is the most viewed ever. Going on commercial break, Cass thanks Bluff for having her on the show. He offers to give her an autograph and even though she turns it down, he still gives her one anyway. Meanwhile, Mochi gets distracted by a wind up mouse and goes after it. Let the fun begin. 
Later on, Fred comes into the cafe to show a video of Mr. Sparkles. He's announcing his brand new show called Totally Lethal Unfair Obstacle Challenge. The camera zooms in on Mochi inside a rocket. Mr. Sparkles is challenging everyone to beat his obstacle within the next hour. If someone succeeds, Mochi goes free. If not, he'll launch Mochi will go into space. The countdown begins! The gang is determined to save him within the hour. Hiro's latest idea for getting their suits delivered is using a voice command on his phone. He instructs to have the suits delivered to the Lucky Cat Cafe, but the voice command mishears him terribly (twice) and sends the suits to the middle of the ocean. They don't have backup suits either. Cass shows up at the cafe and says she needs to hang up fliers. Hiro tells Baymax to go with her and to make sure she doesn't find out that Mr. Sparkles has him. The rest of the team will start "searching". Hiro tells his friends to buy him some time at the studio. Hiro now knows what to do and how to do it. 
The gang manages to sneak into the studio (since it's boobytrapped). The only way to save Mochi is to complete the obstacle. Twenty minutes are remaining. The challenge they all have to try to beat is called Scream Of Broccoli. They have to wear a broccoli suit, clear a pot of fon-doom (there are ropes to hold onto). Then they have to run on a conveyor belt and avoid getting hit by swinging broccoli. Fred is all in for this challenge and goes first. He makes a run for the ropes, but he doesn't grab on and falls right into the melted cheese. Hiro is currently working on another new design, gaining inspiration from his ping-pong bot. With Mochi on a computer screen (and 15:30 left on the timer), he tells him to hang on. 
Wasabi is up next for the challenge and successfully gets through the first part of the obstacle. He manages to dodge a few swinging broccoli pieces, but one does knock him flat on his face. He's still going, but huge carrots come rolling his way and another broccoli knocks him into a tomato pit. A robotic hand picks him up and dumps him into ranch dressing. He gave it some good effort. 
Cass is putting up fliers for Mochi, confessing she'd fall to pieces if something happened to him. Baymax blocks her view of seeing Mochi on TV and gives her a warm hug. During this hug he lifts her up and gets her away from seeing what's really going on. 
Honey Lemon is now going against the obstacles. She gracefully gets through the first part and hops on rolling barrels as if she does so everyday. Mr. Sparkles then shows off an unfair part. He makes part of the belt disconnect and Honey goes flying. She gets dunked in the ranch too. There's only five minutes left and time for one last contestant. Gogo isn't fond of looking like an idiot, but she is wearing the broccoli suit and passes through the fon-doom challenge with ease. Mr. Sparkles strikes her down with some of the cheese, but she grabs a carrot and swings herself back on the belt. She dodges a heavy blast of ranch and slides onto another belt. She grabs onto a carrot and smacks everything that comes in her way. She's close to winning, but there's one major obstacle left and it's the most dangerous one Mr. Sparkles has ever designed. 
It's a giant blender and the blades actually work. Luckily there are rings for Gogo to swing across. Only one minute to go now. She's getting across well despite losing a shoe, but Mr. Sparkles adds a watermelon canon into the mix. Pineapples fall from the ceiling too and some of the juice gets onto Gogo's last ring. She slips, but his holding onto the edge of the blender. Gogo struggles, but successfully pulls herself up, makes a run for it and hits the button with a second to spare! 
Gogo demands to have Mochi, but Mr. Sparkles goes against his word and launches Mochi anyway. Mr. Sparkles exits the studio on a giant rocket shaped chicken because why not. The gang is upset thinking that Mochi will be gone forever, but Hiro shows up with his newest idea. Pressing a button on his phone, his own rocket flies on in and chases after the rocket Mochi is in. Hiro increases speed on his rocket and with a few more presses, hands appear from the bot, take the window off and carefully gets a hold of Mochi. The bot comes back and makes a smooth landing. Everyone is happy to have Mochi back safe and sound and Hiro is excited that his bot worked. Mochi slow claps for Hiro and everyone else joins in on the clapping. 
The next day at the cafe, Fred comes in with exciting news that 'Slow Clap Cat Reunites with Owner' has become the most viewed video ever. Wasabi asks Hiro how he got over his inventors block. He figures seeing Mochi in trouble made him forget he was blocked in the first place. The idea he came up with led him to something else. He re-purposed the bot (who is now known as Skymax) to be their new suit delivery system. Skymax shows up with the suits and Fred asks if he can also clean them since his is starting to stink, but Skymax shakes his head. 
Meanwhile, Mr. Sparkles is thrilled to see that his latest game show hit ten million views. He thinks everyone wants his sparkle, but in reality, he's wanted for what he did. 
This episode was pretty interesting! 
I really liked that the show had an episode where it shows that it's not easy to suit up right away. They can easily forget where they last had their suits and I think Hiro trying to figure out a better way to have their suits brought to them was such a good idea. I'm really hoping to see Skymax being used for this in future episodes. 
I'm glad we also got an episode where Mochi gets some spotlight. Cat videos definitely go viral and it was great to see that his slow clap became the most viewed video. He deserves all the merch he can get! Where can I get a Slow Clap Cat t-shirt? 
Mr. Sparkles is pretty cool. I like that the creators turned a scrapped villain from the movie into one of many villains for the show. He's definitely more of a humorous villain than dangerous. I mean yeah, his obstacle to get to Mochi was indeed lethal (Gogo could have slipped and died if she had fallen in the blender, not cool man). I think it makes sense that he's more on the comical side. He's good being a game show host, but he likes the spotlight being on him. Still, I would love to see him again. 
Gogo did spectacular in this episode. She didn't want to be a contestant on the show, but with Mochi's life being on the line, she took action and she did amazing! Actually, it was really awesome to see the whole gang do their best on trying to save Mochi. It's really sweet that the gang loves him as much as the Hamada family does. 
Seeing Hiro work through inventors block was cool. It did feel like a similar theme to Failure Mode, but instead of Hiro deciding to give up, he was able to figure something out and not only did it save Mochi, but it is now the answer to their super suit problem. 
I'll admit, when Baymax asks Hiro what his childhood was like, I was so ready for it, but I'm not disappointed that he didn't get into it. Due to how the episode played out, I think him discussing his childhood would have been out of place, but maybe we'll get into it another time when the time is right. 
On a scale of one to ten...I'd rate Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle an 8.2!
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