#also the thought of world famous rockstar doing improv for like twenty people is so funny to me
morganbritton132 · 1 year
okay so i picked up beaded bracelet making as a hobby recently after your post about eddie doing the same and literally spilled pony beads all over my work desk today 😂
if you have any other stories about eddie and steve’s hobbies i’d love to hear them!!! (like has there ever been a time when their hobbies overlapped?)
What’s funny is that I made that post after I bought pony beads to make a beaded frog keychain. I didn’t spill them, but I did really enjoy sorting the beads out by color.
Most of the time if they have a ‘hobby’ that overlaps, it means that Steve signed them up for a couples class. He’s pretty good at finding things that they’d both like to do or at least, is interesting enough to keep Eddie’s attention. Though, sometimes it doesn’t keep Eddie’s attention for good reasons.
Their brief stint with indoor rock climbing nearly gave Eddie a heart attack.
Eddie is very creative so when Steve sees that the community center nearby is hosting Paint and Sip classes, he signs them up for it. Steve’s no artist and he hates having that put on display, but he likes wine and he likes spending time with his husband. And honestly, it is a fun thing to do even if the art teacher doesn’t know what to do with Eddie’s painting of a Ringwraith.
They drank so much wine, they had to Uber home.
After that, they did a pottery class together. Eddie was unnaturally bad at it so he did not sign up for the next class. Steve did.
They tried an improv class together, but Steve hated it so much that he only went to one class. He did go to cheer Eddie on when they put on a show for the public.
The one thing they’ve discovered that they like to do together is swimming.
Max actually recommended a water aerobics class to Eddie to help with his body pain so when Steve saw that there was one at community center, he signed him up for it. Eddie initially refused, just not wanting to be around other people and having to explain his scars, so Steve signed himself up for it too, “Now, if someone asks, I’ll be there to tell them to mind their own fucking business.”
And it’s actually fun.
Most of the people in the class are old ladies that are sweet on Eddie and Steve immediately or other people with disabilities and chronic pain. No one even asks why Eddie wears a shirt to the first couple lessons and no one would dare ask about his scars when he doesn’t wear a shirt. Not with the way that Steve looks like he’d drown someone if they did.
They do, of course, have some overlap that cames naturally with being together for as long as they have. Steve will play D&D on occasion and Eddie complains, but he likes going hiking. And even though they don’t share a lot of the same hobbies, they are hobby adjacent.
They will sit in the same room and work on their own stuff and just be happy to be there together.
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