#also the whole family having beast traits go brr
Beauty-Beast family headcanons
Besties, I’ve been ruminating about Rosabella and her family for a year now, so here’s what I’ve come up with:
Rosabella most definitely has siblings, I have very little proof but no doubts.
You know how in the original story, the Beauty is the youngest of 13, and the siblings actually play an important part in the story? Well, in order to fulfill her destiny she needs to have siblings, older ones too.
But on that note, I don’t think her parents had more than one kid just to fill in the parts for the story, nonono, they know better than that. They just struck me as the kind of couple that would want to have lots of kids to raise, love and whatnot. The fact that their kids have a roll to play in a story is very secondary to them, if not even tertiary, bottom of the priority list.
This leads me to my second point: their kingdom’s succession system.
I’m very into the idea that Destiny Laws (mentioned in Rosabella’s doll diary) control a huge portion of Ever After’s societal norms to maintain an order that would allow stories to be retold as accurate as possible.
So, this would mean that in Rosabella’s kingdom, the heir to the throne is the elder son (who would inherit the role of The Beast) or the youngest daughter (who would inherit the role of The Beauty). This is by law, of course, and we know Ever After is a very traditional and conservative society that would never allow to have a girl be a beast, god forbid. And if you’re nb you’re doomed, I’m sorry :(.
This has some very interesting consequences:
1. Beauty and the Beast did not choose for their kids to have ‘Beauty’ as their last name, bc their heir was going to play that role. No, they did it bc of all the stigma that would surround their kids to be associated with the Beast family (I headcanon the previous beast to be an abusive dipshit that almost drowned their kingdom, so everyone just asumes Rosa’s father is the same). It did not prevent them from getting at least a little bullied, tho.
2. They didn’t have the destiny talk with their kids until they definitely decided to stop having children, so Rosa and her siblings’ formative years were free of the pressure that comes with destiny.
3. Because of that, the Beauty-Beast siblings are quite close. They never had dumb rivalries based on who got the better destiny growing up. This, despite knowing one of them would eventually be the heir to the throne - their parents were very adamant on treating them equally.
Anyways, it’s safe to say I’m very frustrated with her wasted potential,,
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