#also there is most certainly space for a part 2 ๐Ÿ‘€
destinyc1020 ยท 2 months
Zs projects after M&M were Space Jam 2, NWH, Euphoria, Challengers and Dune 2. She also participated in the documentary about the black supermodel Bethann Hardison and the Elvis Mitchell documentary about 70s Black cinema "Is that Black Enough for You?". She had signed to Spidey, Dune and Euphoria before she did M&M. Space Jam 2 had a black creative team and Ryan Coogler asked her to join the project relatively late (a white voice actress had already done some of the recordings) because they wanted another popular actor to help sell it. So I think this concern about Z abandoning her black roots is greatly exaggerated. We know that she's careful about taking roles from dark skinned actresses, so have anons considered that the parts that Black creatives have offered her are ones that Z thought would be better taken by a dark skinned sister? If people don't have a concrete example of a project from a Black creative that Z has turned away, they shouldn't just make it up in their mind. Z mentioned how she was supposed to work with Nia DaCosta but the project fell through (many fans think that the project was A While Lie, which was about a light skinned black woman that was passing as white in the early 1900s)
I see what you're saying Anon. And honestly, we don't know how long she's been looking at this role with Robert Pattinson. This could have been smthg she has been looking at for a while, maybe even before she did "Challengers"? ๐Ÿค”
Sometimes, it takes AGES for films to come to fruition before they even start filming.
We know that she's careful about taking roles from dark skinned actresses, so have anons considered that the parts that Black creatives have offered her are ones that Z thought would be better taken by a dark skinned sister?
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Errmmmm.....I would have totally agreed with you Anon had Zendaya NOT done "Challengers". Tashi was a role that was most certainly written with a Black woman in mind in the script.
So, that argument worked for a while, but after "Challengers", that excuse kinda goes out the window for me? Coz all that tells me is that Z doesn't mind taking roles from Black women as long as it's with the "right" Director. ๐Ÿ‘€
Look, I love โค๏ธ Z to death (you all know that), but I gotta call out things how I see it. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ And smthg isn't adding up lol ๐Ÿ˜†
The math ain't mathing, as they say!
Hey, maybe she just really wanted the chance to work with Luca. Nothing wrong with that! But she needs to stop saying that she's turning down other "Black" roles because she doesn't want to take roles made for monoracial "Black actresses" in that case. ๐Ÿ‘€
We could have had a monoracial Black woman in "Challengers". That's how the script was written.
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I can only imagine the type of weirdness that would have ensued though with a Black woman actress having a threesome with two White men onscreen though. ๐Ÿ‘€
I'm not even talking about just Hollywood, I'm talking about Black Twitter. Rofl ๐Ÿคฃ
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simplysparrow14 ยท 9 months
Iโ€™d love to hear about all your writing, but you know me: the one titled โ€œWe are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dreamโ€ immediately piqued interest ๐Ÿ‘€
ahhh Thank You!!
This fic is mainly inspired by Snow White, more importantly, just the themes of Snow White in general. The notion of friendship and friend-groups, dreaming of love, finding a home that accepts you as you are, regardless of circumstance just really spoke to me.
The entire premise is that Caleb, after years of abuse from Trent in the Soltryce academy, finally gets the courage to escape. He leaves behind Astrid and Eadwulf in his desperate flight and traverses Wildmount, never stopping because of the fear that Trent and the rest of Academy are hot on his trail. He tries his best to steer clear of towns and large cities, and in the process becomes a street-rat, scrounging for food in trash bins and waste disposal carts, even going so far as to threaten normal, unwilling people on the roads, demanding their food (he still regrets the one couple he robbed on the highways; it had been snowing and so very cold, and Caleb had been so hungry. They looked rich. They sounded of money. Calling forth his magic, he threatened the wife with fire. The husband had been fast, and in his fear, Caleb burned him. He ran into the night with their wallet, the cries of anguish still in his ears, and he's sorry, so very sorry...)
In the daylight, Caleb is nothing more than a wandering miscreant, But at night, he is a dutiful student, practicing his charms and cantrips. It puts him at ease knowing that, at the end of the day, after his escape, he still has something to call his own.
Eventualy, Caleb comes across The Fletching and Moondrop Traveling Carnival. In this version, the entire M9 are circus performs (Yasha as a strongman, Jester as a general clown/magicians assistant, Veth and Beau as part of a 2-person acrobat show, Fjord as a swordsmaster.) In this version, Caleb is brought into the group by Molly (insert Muppet charismas carol "Who did NOT die") to be the circus' newest magician. It does take a few weeks for Caleb to be comfortable with everyone but the days that follow are some of the warmest and happiest that he's had in a long, long time.
Caleb is instantly loved by the small children (and by jester) who adores his intricate magic. He makes glowing animals and trinkets out of thin air and during one particularly rowdy show, he turns his magic toward Jester, creating for her the pink horses and lollipops she loves dearly. Jester is instantly smitten with him, charmed by his quiet stance, his intense eyes. He's nothing like the magicians who called the circus home. He's nothing like her, who delights in tricks but scoffs at gifting (she's still learning). Each piece of magic that he crafts for the children is special and unique, thoughtful in a way that none of the other's had been before.
Admittedly, Caleb also becomes smitten with Jester. In the after hours of the shows, she's the first to greet him in his rooms. She sits with him, marveling at the amount of books and tomes he's managed to fit within the small space. At every opportunity, she's smiling at him, and the way his heart flutters at the sight is nothing short of electric. He likes everything about her, including her super scuffy slightly-dead looking ferret who somehow survives She's nothing like Astrid and certainly nothing like the other people he's had clandesdine crushes on. She's a dream made real to him and he's more than willing to waste his magic on simple circus tricks if it means
Eventually, things between Jester and Caleb start happening. She and Caleb start preforming acts together (think a very Zendeya/Zack Efron "Rewrite the Stars" moment) delighting the crowd with their grand shows. Caleb, for the first time in his life, feels appreciated and loved, and most of all safe.
However, all of it comes crashing down when Astrid and Eadwulf arrive one day, along with Trent, who's disguised himself as a simple old man. Releaved that his is alive, Astrid and Eadwulf beg him to return, that Trent, in the event of Caleb's escape, has changed his ways. However, when the two are far from ear-shot, Trent returns to his absuive and manipulative ways. He's been at the circus before, watching Caleb from a distace, and has noticed how he looks at the pretty little tieflight clown.
With whisperd words, Trent preforms the same spell that he used on Caleb to destroyed his parents, twisting his memories. Trent then gives Caleb a peice of food (I cant decide on either a powerderd donut or a cupcake) to give to Jester. As Jester is about eat the food, Caleb snaps out of it just in time to wresle Jester for it, and in his haste to get it away from her, Caleb takes the plunge and eats it. The poison within the food actives and Caleb falls into a death like sleep.
That's about as far as I got with the outline. Obviously it'll end with a Trent vs M9 fight, Jester kissing Caleb awake and a happy, perfect ending.
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friendlybowlofsoup ยท 2 years
GotRM Progress Update
Hello, Everyone!
It has certainly been a minute, and I am sorry again for the constant silences on my end. I had some life-changing events happen at the start of this year, which resulted in me getting into my dream grad program far earlier than I had anticipated.
As excited I am about this, it also meant that all of the professional plans I had made for the next two years had to be accomplished within this summer. To say I have been scrambling does not even begin to describe the last four months, and I am only just now starting to feel things lessen.
Thus, GotRM is finally back on my schedule! I have made more changes, and have resumed writing, though the absence has made my writing tone wonky again, so I might be picking up some asks to practice (keep an eye out!).
For space, I will leave my plans for GotRM below the cut.
Larger Changes:
I am in the process of reevaluating how I write some characters. I spent a lot of free time adding to my character outlines, and I want to change how I've portrayed some of them, particularly Min He, Go Ro, Xinyi and Chun.
I am also figuring out how to write dialogue, since I have always felt that was the most awkward part of my writing. The way I want to write dialogue often translates weirdly, so I'm working on overcoming that.
I have changed how I view MC stats. GotRM is a choice-based game first and foremost, and while I've always had this emphasis, I don't think it reflected well in how I've originally done stats/calculations. I will be exploring new ways to incorporate stats to make them feel more unique to GotRM, and will share more when I have the system finished.
Smaller Changes:
Fixing some descriptions of Foxes and their banner to make it more consistent overall.
Thinking of renaming some titles (i.e. Kaski's role over the mountain), but not sure yet.
Making an active effort to streamline my writing style so it's not too...much.
I have mentioned this before, but I'm expecting the next beta update to have all finished paths of chapter 2, which should wrap up the character and premise introductions. There's a lot of fun goodies to come in that update (including new stuff in chapter 1, maybe? ๐Ÿ‘€), so I'm dying to get it out there.
Thank you again for sticking around, and I will be back with asks relatively soon!
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