#also there's a new trend over here of guys asking fathers for their blessings again before they propose
Still not over when my little brother's youth pastor told him that dating was bad like what's he meant to do??? Watch a woman from afar for six months then ask her father for her hand?????
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Dan + Shay - Bigger Houses
Ever since the decline of bro-country in the late 2010s, something has needed to fill the void within country music, and really, a couple of things have come up, such as pop-country, which was happening a lot during the 2010s, but there is a bit more of a traditional twist on it now, and what a lot of people call “boyfriend country,” which is the opposite of bro-country. The style of boyfriend country is that it’s more pop-focused and the lyrics are sweeter and gentler than bro-country’s blatant misogyny. A lot of the boyfriend country tropes I’ve noticed are about how getting married, falling in love, and all of that stuff, but I suppose you could lump heartbreak songs into that, too.
When it comes to the big names that are apart of this style, there’s one name that comes to mind above the others — Dan + Shay. Members Dan Smyers and Shay Mooney have been around and kicking for the last decade, starting with their debut album in 2014, Where It All Began. I’ve only heard that, and their follow-up, 2016’s Obsessed, but they’re a good band. Their debut especially is very catchy pop-country with very sweet lyrics that bucked the trends at the time, and I had a soft spot for it. I haven’t listened to the album in years, but who knows, it might hold up.
All of these years later, they’re still going, and they just dropped their new album, Bigger Houses, their first in a couple of years. I thought I’d check it out just because I’ve been on a country kick, and I wondered how these guys sounded in the last seven years since I’ve lasted listened to them. I got some good and bad news after listening to this a few times — the good news is that, well, it’s pretty good, but the bad news is that, for the most part, it doesn’t do anything they haven’t done before, although it does sound updated to a degree and I have to respect that. The lyrics are more mature this time around, despite being about heartbreak, love, and marriage, but that’s the key — their early stuff wasn’t necessarily about marriage or being married, but now that they are older, they have that experience.
This album is kind of a mixed bag, but not because some of it is good and the rest is bad, it more so has its peaks and valleys. There are a handful of wonderful, albeit generic, songs, and there are some that don’t do anything for me. The ones that stick out are opener “Breakin’ Up With A Broken Heart,” “Heartbreak On The Map,” “Always Gonna Be,” “Let’s Get Married,” and the closing track which is also the title track. My favorite is “Let’s Get Married,” which is a ludicrous song about a guy randomly meeting someone and he immediately says they should get married on a drunken whim, so the hook jumps into a bluegrass hoedown with the cliches of a shotgun wedding in Las Vegas and it’s so much fun. The other songs that work here have a mixture of solid lyrics that are very heartfelt and sweet, as well as solid vocal and instrumental performances.
A few tracks just don’t stick the landing, namely “For The Both Of Us,” and this doesn’t work for me in the same way that Ian Munsick’s “More Than Me.” That song is about how a man’s bride and her father remark that God loves her more than them and it just makes me cringe, because as someone that isn’t religious at all, I can’t imagine putting a deity over anyone else in your life. This song, however, is about how a man is asking his girlfriend’s father for his blessing to marry her (already kind of weird and outdated), but he’ll love her for the “both of us.” Does he mean love her enough for both her and his girlfriend, or does he mean he’ll love her enough for both him and her dad? That’s so weird, and while the hook is nice, the lyrics are so weirdly old-fashioned.
A few other tracks on the album just feel like lesser versions of ones they’ve done before, or that sound the same compared to other songs on the album, including “Then Again,” which is sort of interesting in terms of talking about the “what if’s” if he didn’t meet his wife, but it just amounts to “I’m lucky to have you,” which is exactly what the title track does at the end, as it talks about how “happiness doesn’t live in bigger houses.” That’s not a new sentiment, but it’s a good one.
This album’s biggest strength is being super slick and catchy, as these guys have always been solid songwriters, but there is some nice traditional instrumentation here, including fiddle, pedal steel, and banjo that pop up from time to time. Sure, Bigger Houses is nothing out of the ordinary, and it isn’t a unique album, but it’s a short and catchy one, so despite not having listened to these guys in years, it’s a nice surprise. Nothing that will make my yearend list, mind you, but this record is really pleasant and nice to listen to it, especially if you want some solid hooks with some sweet and heartfelt lyrics that you may have heard many times over already.
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energonbunny · 3 years
I got to see V2 today and here are some of my very Important notes:
-During an argument about what V can eat, Eddie responds that the two chickens they have in their apartment have brains and Venom goes “I MOST PASSIONATELY DISAGREE!”
-Venom also refuses to eat the chickens because they’re “friends” with each other
-The tire swing is there for Venom to bite when he gets really mad
-The holes in the ceiling are from 1. V+E chilling on the couch in the Venom suit and standing up and punching a hole through the ceiling with their head 2. Venom shoving Eddie into the ceiling
-Eddie literally grabs on to Venom’s goo and manhandles him. Venom allows this to an extent
-Venom grooms Eddie on their way to see Anne
-”Eddie, I apologize I cannot mend the heart” and then two seconds later “Must pull up your big boy pants and suck it up”
-so Eddie is still going around talking to himself and doesn’t even really bother too much with explaining it or hiding it
-This convo: Venom: YOU SUCK Eddie: *walks into the prison and to the guard stand* You suck! Guard Lady: Excuse me?! Eddie: ... Yeah, I don’t have an explanation for that
-”This is a ME thing and not a WE thing“ (which unless is in the comic I think is just a fanon thing? so that’s great)
-Eddie and Venom are arguing so Venom forces Eddie to just type ‘dik dik dik dik dik’ on his computer
-Eddie lying on the floor after chasing Venom out of him and smiling because Peace but then he hears smashing and yelling and looks out the window to see Venom destroying his bike lmao
-”SAYONARA” venom yells as he flicks Eddie off with an extended arm out of the new meat suit he hitched to
-”What would Venom do?” Eddie asks himself when he finds out Cletus has gotten out. I need #WWVD to start trending
-During the festival a woman in a mask says “Hello, gorgeous” to V and he responds “Sorry, no, not my type!”
-So during the festival there is a lady singing the song VENOM up on a stage and Venom literally hears his name called and looks dead at her as she keeps repeating the word and he thinks she’s calling him up to the stage. Like... that’s why he fucking goes up there lmao he thinks she’s inviting him up there
-Venom takes the mic from her and stands there for a few seconds and goes “Oh, shit...” because he doesn’t know what to say lmao
-What he says during his little speech at the very beginning literally makes it sound like Eddie has made him keep their relationship on the DL because they’re gay and in the closet and the crowd is appropriately horrified
-”I wish you could have seen me tonight, Eddie” MY HEART
-Eddie takes the chickens and abandons them in like a fountain area?? For some reason?? And has like a “you know this would have never worked out” moment with them, obviously in place of a missing Venom
-So Cletus gives Frances a warning before he reveals Carnage because he doesn’t want her to get scared and C+C bring out some tentacles and Frances goes “That is SO hot!” and honestly same girlie same
-We have actual confirmation that Venom did not need to tongue-fuck Eddie’s throat to go back to him after riding in Anne. In this movie Anne and Eddie hug and Venom transfers over! No kiss needed. Hell, I don’t think there was even any bare skin contact. I’m thriving
-This convo: Eddie: Looks like we’re going to a wedding Venom: Will there be canapes? Eddie: You bet your ass!
-A combined Venom+Eddie enter the church to confront Cletus and Frances. Cletus+Carnage combine and we get this winning conversation: Carnage: There you are! Death to you, Father! The priest that was kidnapped to marry C+F: NOOOOO Carnage: Not you, Father... *points to Venom* You, Father!
-Venom sees Carnage and immediately nopes out, leaving just Eddie. Carnage for some reason then does the same, leaving Cletus and Eddie just staring at each other. Eddie hits a new stage of grief as he tries to get Venom to come out again
-”OH YEAH” this is like the second koolaid man moment Venom has
-Venom and Eddie going in to fight Cletus and Carnage: Venom: Time to die! Eddie: That’s the spirit! Venom: I mean us, we are going to die!
-Venom and Eddie speaking in unison: TOGETHER WE ARE THE LETHAL PROTECTOR
-Just learning in general that Venom loves the idea of being a superhero and wants a superhero name very badly
-Dan and Anne forming like a pillar type thing for Venom to go into so he could then go out of them in time to beat Eddie to the bottom of the church floor and save him
-Eddie and Cletus having a Moment: Cletus: I wanted your friendship. Eddie: I’m sorry, Cletus. Venom, taking over again: FUCK THIS GUY *eats his head*
-Venom tells Dan to take care and then tells Eddie they didn’t really need him and he didn’t really help lmao
-The cop somehow has a symbiote?? Or idk Frances’ powers? I didn’t see him take in any blood so I am very confused but okay
-Eddie takes Venom to the park where he like left the chickens to have a Deep Talk and THE CHICKENS ARE STILL THERE?? It’s been at least a day if not more and by all appearances they’ve not left the grassy area
-Eddie goes to say “We are Venom” and Venom yells over him when he hits the “Ve” part
-Okay the ending has them on a beach. Like literally on a beach. Sitting on the sand watching the sunset together.
-Venom quotes something that basically says ‘the people you love’ Eddie: Did you just say you love me? Venom: Uhm...
-Eddie making V very happy when V asks where they’ll go: Eddie: Anywhere that needs a lethal protector, I suppose Venom: OH YOU REALLY MEANT IT
-Venom’s head comes out of Eddie’s body and like the last shot is them both looking into the sunset
-There is a after credits sneak peak thing and it starts with a Spanish telenovela/soap and Venom is super into it
-This brought up by the stupid Spanish soap: Venom: We all have a past, Eddie Eddie: Are you hiding something from me???
-okay so technically Venom does say ILU first but Eddie I think shows it first because he puts aside what little hope he was clinging to of a Normal Life and staying on the Down Low so they’d be safe so he could instead travel around with Venom protecting people and making his symbiote happy
-like yeah we get that little scene where Venom makes Eddie breakfast but I think it’s partially because Anne said to take care of him and Venom is not the Best At It yet but he tries bless him
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atinybitofau · 4 years
S E O N G H W A ⥈ mafia au series
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RECAP: you finally have to close the deal with the devil and you meet with Hongjoong one last time before becoming a married woman. you also decide to postpone a honeymoon for another time.
word count: 2010+ , tags: angst
characters: ateez (ensemble), fem!reader
character list . prologue . one
Turns out Jongho had a thing for weeding out the imperfections, flaws in a woman. It was easy for him, arriving no later than 11 in the morning to join both you and San after your dress fitting to do your hair.
“I can fix the hair.” The city turned country gangster’s lips grimace at the dark bags under your drooping eyes. “The makeup.. you’ll have to do on your own, sweetheart.”
You clutch on the silver necklace he’s handed you before he put his hands on your head, the thought of blessing Seonghwa with an engagement gift beyond your intentional rights. You play with the small compass charm between your fingers and gaze at your reflection in the mirror.
So you look like complete shit: lack of sleep, lack of encouragement, lack of pride. This was you in your most pitiful state and the boys could only spare mercy in your absence of excitement. You’ve always dreamed about family and weddings— the trends in modern life you were never entitled to try. Seonghwa was already giving you parts of the world you’ve always wanted and you couldn’t hate him for that. The arrangement however was something you’ll have to hold against him.
“You look beautiful.” Yunho nods in your direction after Jongho fluffs at your curled hair. “Y/n, you do. Now stop frowning and making it worse.”
You let out an upheaval sigh. “Remind me again why I have to dress up for such a casual occasion.”
San scoffs from the side still nitpicking his sleek suit. “This is your wedding, y/n. Have some respect for yourself. It’s the least you can do.”
“It’s a wedding with a man I don’t even want. And he said so himself this was more a partnership than ties of love.” You force yourself to retort in the nicest way possible. “Seonghwa has good intentions and that’s great. But my place in his heart is not something I earned and I’m far from pleased.”
“You rather woo Seonghwa? Then do it, at least, after your wedding.” Yunho charmingly places his chin over your shoulder to face you in the mirror. “This wedding is passed formalities but something he sought good for the both of you. He wants you to feel comfortable and that’s leeway enough to your heart. Accept it as it is and maybe you won’t get shot.”
You hear it so many times, you ponder over thought of maybe wanting to get shot at this point. Why was Seonghwa so prideful? What else was he hiding?
“The day he ever wants to shoot me is the day I end this partnership of his he claims is good for the both of us.”
The trio behind you pause in their movements and let your answer sink in. It’s not everyday they get to see a woman get ready to marry a man they assume to be their best friend. It certainly isn’t every day they get to see a woman as beautiful as you sit in front of them with a personality as fierce as their empty hearted boss. Although they’re intimidated, they feel a particular sense of relief knowing you’re fully aware of your circumstances. They didn’t sign up for meddling in an innocent life though you’re far from innocent.
“We have to meet some of our partners..” San clears his throat as you fumble with the jewelery in your hand. “I’m sure you won’t mind if we leave you with your thoughts for a bit.”
“Not at all.” please.
They hum in response before setting out prompt, your thoughts a little more blind in your head than they think. You look in the mirror after they leave and think to yourself that you’re just a penny of satisfaction. The best way for you to accept all this is to breathe and let it go. It’s gotten you this far.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” A voice echoes through the slit of the door. “If you haven’t tried killing yourself already.”
Your eyes light up like a child on Christmas Day. “Hongjoong.”
His lips quirk at your tone of admiration. “You look beautiful, babe.”
Your own lips quiver and you’reholding back the years of tears. “Can you hug me please? Just this once?”
He sighs softly before coming over to take you into his arms. The homey embrace of someone you trusted— no someone who trusts you was enough to end some misery. The one thing Seonghwa could grant you that you’d thank him for was this. Hongjoong was far from what you deserve but he’s someone you wished you could have. Life served you another platter and you can’t just complain and ask for a refund.
“Of all the years I’ve known you, y/n, seeing you in a wedding gown would be the last thing I’d ever imagine.”
You roll your eyes at the city mobster before turning in your chair. “I’m surprised he let you imagine let alone show up today.”
Hongjoong presses his lips together and fumbles with his tie. “There’s a lot of things you’d be surprised by.”
You sniffle mostly to undermine all the overwhelming thoughts in your head. Hongjoong sees right through you though.
“I’m sure Seonghwa’s got good intentions. Despite the fact, obviously, I’m not all for the things he does—Beyond what he does, y/n, he’s a good guy.”
You scoff his way, looking elsewhere in your reflection afraid of his words.
“Are you here to patronize the enemy some more or walk me down the aisle?”
He chuckles wholeheartedly, coming over to plant a reassuring kiss on the top of your head. Where your father lacked, Hongjoong picked up. You can’t name a single man— no person on this planet who has made you whole enough as Hongjoong does and maybe why Seonghwa is threatened. Hongjoong is a force no one is reckoned to feel accustomed to. The city monster had ties everywhere. Feeling sorry for your father was one thing; feeling sorry for you was little of what the truth was.
“You are a gem.” He annunciations through a genuine smile. “Be it Seonghwa nor I aren’t lucky to have. You’re a blessing.”
You look into Hongjoong’s eyes with a type of everlasting loyalty you can’t define. “How can you be okay with Seonghwa having me? I was already yours..”
“Your father was mine and I let you have the benefit of the doubt.” His comment sharpens at the end.
“Losing him was nothing but means to end for you. Don’t act like it was more than that.” You try to rebuttal.
“It was something I didn’t like but it sure as hell made you happy. And so I heard.”
Hongjoong’s very casual. He likes to be hands on in a moment and is, trend wise, very different from your future husband. It’s not like you loved Hongjoong romantically or anything. It just felt wrong to need to love someone else that’s all.
“Walk down the aisle.” He whispers again against the crown of your ear, hand hovering over your bare shoulders with hesitance and grace. “I’ll always be right here when you need me the most.”
It’s some misdirection partly. Also partly your fault that you’ve gotten here. Now you’re walking down an aisle with Southside’s very own devil standing at the alter awaiting you. You don’t look back on purpose. That and Hongjoong’s grip right beside is not one on par with a fatherly gesture. Hongjoong probably wanted to wring Seonghwa for what it’s worth too.
“Past formalities?” Hongjoong mumbles when you two get one step closer to the end of your suicide mission.
“Definitely past that.”
“Knock em dead, sweetheart.”
Let the party commence.
There was little shared words between you, your new husband, and the pastor. With what seemed like false devotion and empty promises, the wedding reception began. You two sat together on a podium where it’s pretty obvious Seonghwa’s treated like royalty. You were right in his district and with first impressions comes clear boundaries to be made. He wanted you to know where he stands. You two sat together as husband and wife but complete strangers. It was awkward watching the sight of men come and go to prove that Seonghwa was nothing but a merciless mafia boss. The gifts weren’t even of your benefit either.
Hongjoong left early (something you’ll press against him some other day forward) and you were stuck thinking about when this cursed day was going to end. Somehow someway it did and you were in a car fraternizing with the enemy this time.
“— So you married me instead?”
The air gets thick. It almost gets so thick you think you’re getting some type of allergic reaction to his face in the confinement of his wide vehicle. Staring at him was no gut wrenching eye sore but it’s not something you were used to just yet. Seonghwa’s eyes matched the color of war— red with fury and relent. There was something there that his calm tone didn’t quite express to it’s fullest capability.
“You’d rather be dead?”
His coldness reflected on you. It’s probably your body’s natural mechanism of defense coming to play because you’re sure as hell you’re not gonna let some man control you for the rest of your life. No, you may not get that right to speak up and say something that might as well get you killed but you still aren’t gonna let him walk all over you.
“Are you gonna get out of your dress or did you want me to strip you out of it for you instead?”
His tone persists as he emerges from the bathroom to see you sitting on solemn. You glance up tiredly at the cheeky bastard who’s lips perk at your attention. You look away without a word at all before taking your dress off without further notice.
His throat clams up at the sight, unsure of how long his self constraint would last even for the night. The sight of your broadened narrow shoulders— bare and ready to taste— was something he was definitely not prepared for. His hands tremble as the damp towel between his fingers drops and you glance to look at him.
“Tempted?” You rasp in the most taunting voice you could fabricate. “Mind me, but you asked if I was going to get out of my dress, Seonghwa. I’m showing you that I can follow basic instructions, was that not what you asked of me? Of this partnership.”
He chokes on that, jaw clenched. “Pressing my buttons, honey, is not something I suggest you test.”
You hold your dress up back to your chest as you turn to face him. “I’m just letting you know what kind of wife you gambled to marry, my sweet husband.”
He nearly screams the moment you slam the bathroom door. Not realizing on both sides that either of you were ready to combust. You shower the anger, the resentment away and Seonghwa just lays back on his bed staring at the bathroom door.
He needs to stay away from you at any time possible. Until he learns to control himself at least. Living with a woman, a woman of his absurd dreams, was proving itself difficult. You weren’t just gonna give yourself up to him just like that either.
“Sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow.” Is all he says before turning on his back when you shut the lights off.
You stare at it. Like the night before when he got in bed without even saying a word, feeling cold.
“J-Just me?” You ask propped still on your elbow in the dark.
“I have business to take care of in the city. You’ll have San and Yunho tomorrow.” His voice lulls deeper as he’s getting pulled to his exhaustion. “It’s training you have to endure just in case. Hongjoong informed me you never took part in your father’s extravaganza’s and I need to know my wife is safe while I leave.”
“You want me to learn how to fight?”
“Something like that..”
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shippostshitpost · 5 years
“Boyfriend” does my make up challenge part one.
“I need a boyfriend….” Izumi Midoriya mutters more so to herself.  The greenette was normally content with her life as it was, but she had made the mistake of looking at the tending makeup challenges. She, like any streamer, wanted to make sure she kept up with what was trending. It just so happened that  with Valentine's Day coming up everyone was doing the “my boyfriend does my makeup videos and streams.” 
She never really considered dating. Growing up she was the quirkless kid on the playground, the living punching bag. Kaachan may have backed off but that didn’t mean everyone did. So dating never crossed her mind. Then when Kaachan gave her the idea to start her own makeup channel and talk about heroes her life became busy. She would pick a hero, work on a basic analysis or break down a singular fight. She would spend days making sure she had the look planned out and enough allowance if she needed to pick up something. Then one for all entered her life, crash training had dissolved any free time she had left. Attending UA it was only that much worse. No, she never had the time and she didn’t have the time now. She scolded herself for even thinking about it. It couldn’t happen. 
And even as she told herself that, she found herself drifting away in her own mind as she watched what had to be her 20th video in a row. Her favorite are the videos with the shy boyfriends. They always seemed anxious and worried, like they truly valued how important make up was to their girlfriend. They would apologize and fidget, even going against the rules of the challenge to check with the product was for.  She also enjoyed the joker ones she called them jokers because they seem to make a joke out of everything. They openly admitted it they knew absolutely nothing about makeup and we’re just winging it. She thought it hilarious the ways they would use some of the products. Sometimes it be brow powder as an eyeshadow, and then they would be confused as to why it wasn’t super pigmented. One guy, and she wasn’t sure how this happened, tried to use liquid liner and lipstick. It was the only time his girlfriend said absolutely not. She couldn’t help but imagine if she had a boyfriend like either of those. Given that she herself was pretty shy, she wasn’t sure A shy boyfriend would be a good idea. But she did like the idea of a bold boyfriend with a good sense of humor. She could imagine herself pushing him away as he tried to insist that a product was for one thing when it was for another. The two of them laughing as he reminded her that he knew nothing about makeup.  The third category a boyfriend she came across were the ones that seem to know how to do make up. In one video it was a Gothic boyfriend, he was amazing with the eyeliner. She was almost jealous of how well he did, she still couldn’t get her eyeliner to be a sharp as his was.
“...Or a girlfriend…” she sighed, letting her mind jump. Her favorites included, the shy bashful girlfriend who is good at Sweet looks, lots of pinks and soft blues maybe a little bit of purple here in there and a lot of white. And maybe some face jewels, the kind that were stickers you could get at your local crest store. Not the glue on ones, never the glue on ones! She had tried that once and regretted it. She also loved the challenges we’re both girls were doing the others makeup. They will do matching looks based on famous couples or even TV shows they liked. She also had a soft spot for the girlfriend that just couldn’t do makeup. The one who had the more natural look that wore the red flannel, and combat boots. The lumberjack girlfriend. Izumi giggled at the idea but swooned all the same.
She pulled at her bottom lip muttering at several hundred words per minute. Her thin bows were pulled tight together while freckled cheeks were dusted pink, her green hair slightly messy as the curls broke away to do as they pleased. She was completely oblivious to the world around her, and the fact she was in the common room.
1-A was in utter shock. Had she really just said that? Izumi Midoriya wanted a boyfriend? Or girlfriend? She wanted to date? They could hardly believe what they were hearing! It would be a lie to say that none of them had tried. Bless her heart, the green haired girl was a bit dense. She was incredibly intelligent in matters pertaining to heroism. She excelled in strategy, went above and beyond when it came to quirk history, she could tell you anything you wanted to know about any quirk including her own, using this knowledge to try and dominate the battlefield. But when it came to other people, and subsequently romantic interests? She seemed to know nothing or maybe she was just ignoring them? They found it hard to believe that she would brush off their feelings  without acknowledging them. And she always seemed worried about hurting people's feelings, no they had decided that she was just oblivious.
But now? This was a complete game changer. The poor girl didn’t realize what silent competition she had set for her classmates. And there wasn’t a single one that wasn’t taking it seriously. While she scrolled away day dreaming the class seemed to be planning.
Tenya Iida of course began devising a strategy. Being that they were close he knew her schedule, her common interests, and when she had free time. After all regardless of romantic attraction he didn’t want to intervene with her personal schedule. And certainly not with her school or training schedule!  Though he did have the advantage of being a class representative, meaning he could easily ask for her help on something. What exactly? He wasn’t sure. He also began scrolling through her social media trying to find things she might be excited about they could make great conversational topics. As well as sending a text to his older brother. Izumi was a woman not a girl, he couldn’t expect her to swoon over any position he held nor his family name. No, he would simply have to show her that he was a superior option to the rest of his competition.
Ochaco radiate confidence. Izumi was her best friend, and have been since they started at the prestigious hero school. If anyone knew her it wa Ochaco! She knew it would be effortless to get her attention, she could simply ask for a little help in a class here or there. If there was one thing she knew about the mumbling angel, it was that just by being her friend she could gain the attention she wanted.
Tokoyami began conversing with dark shadow. The two were trying to figure out a strategy to show their little ray of light that the darkness was a safe place to be. Tokoyami was always a little anxious about his power, but he wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to win the girl of his dreams. He could already see them strolling in the moonlight, him dressed in a dark cloak and her in a pure white kimono. The thought alone was enough to motivate him. He would write her poetry, letters, and pay her compliments. Traditional love languages were the most effective.
Mina was already working on a playlist. She and Midoriya enjoy the same music, and it just so happened that a new album had dropped. They could listen to it together Mina would have the opportunity to show her that she could be the fun girlfriend. The girlfriend that she could let loose with.
Momo  wondered if she even stood a chance against the others. She was more shy, and really lacked the confidence that Midoriya seem to carry. Then again that wasn’t always a bad thing, after all Momo could be the shy one, and Midoriya could be the outgoing one who had all the confidence. She began to daydream about that dynamic, they would surely be the cutest couple on campus.
Kaminari and Sero had decided to work together. After all, they were both very aware that she was out of their league. But maybe if they could both get her laughing she would choose one of them. They also didn’t mind if she chose both.
Shouto didn’t even bother to think about it. He didn’t want to think of the how, he only thought of what would happen after they got together. Surely if they got married he would take her last name. And they would be the power couple of UA. He would show her how deep his love was, using both of his powers to rise to the top with her. He would be a good husband unlike his father. 
Kirishima, well his plan was simple. He was aware of how strong she was, and the fact that she didn’t really need a man to complete her. She wasn’t weak or fragile and had more than once kicked his ass. No his strategy was to show her how well they work together. That they could be an unstoppable team.
While the class plotted,  and Izumi watched her video, Katsuki had a moment to reflect. He wasn’t unaware of the intentions of his classmates. He had always known that half-and-half bastard had a thing for her. And it wasn’t hard to figure out that almost everyone else did too. But where did that leave him? He was under no illusions, he had put her through hell and made her life miserable. She didn’t owe him forgiveness and he wasn’t going to ask for it. he wasn’t sure how he felt about her, she was his childhood friend. And he did truly believe that. Regardless of how he felt, he wasn’t going to let anyone in that room just try and waltz into her life. They would have to get through him first.
“Game on extras, may the best man or woman win…” He thought with a smirk. This was going to be fun. 
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mentalcurls · 6 years
11. Una scelta stupida
Episode 11! The end of S1! I almost can’t believe I made it, I’m emotional. So this is I think the longest of all my analysis/ramblings posts of season 1 (almost 6 pages on GDoc) so good luck to any all brave souls who read this! Hopefully you’ll find interesting my opinions on trophy husbands, pregnancy scares, new and old headcanons on Elia and Edoardo and boys seldom facing the same consequences girls do for their actions. And of course at the end you can find the results for the Bechdel test!
look how cute the girls look in Eva’s pjs!
ok, so Eva’s parents are not home and she has the house to herself… except she hesitated quite a bit the night before to tell the girls she was available to take Silvia (and the rest of them) in; that’s not Eva-like tbh, the only reason I can see to do that is if her parents had somehow found out about Edoardo and Silvia’s rendezvous and had forbidden Eva to have anyone over
Eva’s mom has such a cool job, from the way Eva tells it she’s a textile buyer or seller (aka the dream for me): she’s one of the people who decide a couple of years before we see the runways what will trend in fashion as far as materials and print go
Giorgio Brighi is a trophy husband and he knows it and enjoys the perks
Sana being the icon she is and not drinking coffee, but tea
Federica. Fede. Girl. You had a perfectly good cutting board to put the oranges you already squeezed on. Why didn’t you??
btw, ok, I get it, orange juice is breakfast-y, but it’s JUNE which is not exactly prime orange season. Why force it? Put Fede to prepare toast with jam, she can make a mess of crumbs
if I’d just woken up all disoriented like Silvia, Eleonora crossing her arms at me would have scared me like shit
still, bless Eleonora Sava and her no-nonsense approach to the following conversation: Silvia can’t not eat, nothing special happened the night before, there’s a question they need to ask, how sure is she, ok so they’ll go to the free clinic this week, all without paraphrasing or being vague or judging Silvia; that is definitely the best way she could have handled it
and it is of course so important that the two people who talk to Silvia the most are Eleonora and Sana, the one who she had the most problems with, the ones she’s the most convinced will hate her
look at her! Silvia apologizing for being unwell and throwing up because she made a fuss! She was not low maintenance, she was actually so high maintenance she couldn’t anything by herself, she inconvenienced all the girls and forced them to take care of her and she made a scene! She doesn’t really know, but of course she imagines she made a scene at the party, arriving drunk at the party and making a spectacle of herself, fainting, making people worry about her. It is the very worst thing for her because she simultaneously acted not at all like a proper, refined girl and was super high maintenance: the stuff of nightmares for her
and if this scene isn’t a mirror of the very first scene of the series, where Gio and Marti mocked Eva for her mark in the history test and Gio “tried” to cheer her up saying that she was good at other things (I’d link to my post about ep.1 for my thoughts on that, but Tumblr would disappear my post from tags so 🤷‍♀️): except here the girls tell Silvia she’s good at something that genuinely is hard work and she actually is good at and worked to be good at and makes her proud of herself, even though the atmosphere is still silly and light and there are still jokes to make her laugh
I so empathize with the girls all looking at one another when it’s time to ask Silvia is she’s pregnant cause none of them wants to say it
Silvia can’t find her voice to answer them verbally 💔
Sana putting her mug down and exhaling, Fede inhaling sharply, opening her mouth like she wants to say something but can’t find the words
Eva is the one to think to ask, albeit indirectly, if Silvia took a test and she’s the one who reads the test and recognizes what it means: so she is pretty familiar with pregnancy scares and all that goes with them apparently, but wait a minute, why, exactly? Eva??
and really, I’d like to take a minute and appreciate Eleonora Sava here, because for all that she insisted on Silvia having safe sex, on taking her to the free clinic the first time around, for all she was pretty pissed when Silvia told them she and Edo didn’t use a condom, now that she could say “I told you so” in a multitude of ways from the most direct to the most subtle, she says nothing and offers Silvia an actionable plan for the near future to make her feel supported and comfortable 👏👏👏
honestly, Eleonora being able to just say entire sentences backwards is cool yet slightly creepy
yeeees the theatre kids are back! I missed them 💖 (they’re so passionate and they don’t care what people think of them and they reach out to people! Fucking role models)
theatre girl keeps sneaking looks at Ele, is there some unrequited crushing going on here???
Ele’s thumbs up cracks me up
bless him, theatre guy really wants people to believe there are almost no spots left, he’s so cute
I just realized who theatre guy goes to harass after Eva and Eleonora: he yells “Santini!” and while that is a pretty common surname, I know deep in my heart of hearts that he’s talking to Elia, so Elia used to be in the theatre group too when his, Eva’s, Gio’s and Marti’s class was in Succursale NEW HEADCANON ACCEPTED you can now pry it from my cold dead hands
so Edo has been texting Ele for a couple of weeks and she hasn’t answered any of his texts and, still, he waited at least ten days before trying to talk to her again: my headcanon that he thinks he’s some sort of mysterious romance novel guy a là Edward Cullen gets stronger and stronger (honestly, check out Brooding YA Hero on Twitter, half of the tweets are Edo, the other half are Nico when he’s trying to impress Marti. Honestly: these guys)
and again with that stupid “Eduardo” when they could have gone with gems such as Eriberto
his “Buongiorno, eh” that implies that she should have been the one to greet him first and she ignored him instead, even though he was standing behind her, find his perfect match in Ele’s “Wow” which shows exactly how impressed she is that he finally had the balls to at least actually talk to her face to face again
OMG the way he says her full name like he expects to get a prize or something for discovering it, like he expects her to be impressed and for that to woo her into his arms, instead of sounding borderline stalkerish
in fact, Eva is supremely unimpressed throughout the conversation
backwards compliments will get you nowhere Edo: if you tell her she’s smart, you don’t say she doesn’t show it the next minute (but again, this is a typical Brooding YA Hero move)
that “Everytime you say no to me, I only want you more” is straight out of some clichè romance novel like GOD, can you be more obvious Edo?
Ele’s unimpressed raised eyebrow gives me life
and when nothing else works, like any good asshole, Edoardo goes goes for simple shock value, goes for the thing that will make Ele look stupid and uptight and a jerk if she gets mad about it, goes for words she can’t have a rebuttal for, goes for fake vulnerability and kindness (as proven by the way he smiles smug like he knows exactly what he is doing), goes for physical attractiveness which can imply objectification and sexualization (especially when you think about the fact Edo complimented her intelligence but immediately backtracked a couple of line earlier)
Eva saved you there, Edoardo. Ele might have been taken aback for a second, but when she saw you smirking, she started gearing up for one hell of a roast and I honestly struggled to think how you would have survived another one
the girls just march into the doctor’s office unannounced???
Sana’s eyebrow raise at the doctor’s “Salam aleikum” is 💯💯💯
for realsies though, how sarcastic is that “Benissimo” from the doctor?? Like, she spent what I expect was an excruciating amount of time teaching Silvia how to put on a condom (based on how scared Silvia was of the fake dick she would have had to practice on) and now it seems she didn’t even use it? She’s over it
oh, but Ele and Sana have both been thinking bout this, they’ve planned how things will go for Silvia: in Ele’s mind how she’ll have to have an abortion, she doesn’t even need her parents permission since she’s 16 but at the same time she’s just 16 and the father is not in the picture as well as an asshole, she has the maturità next year and she can’t really handle a pregnancy and a newborn baby at the same time as school and her exams and the psychological aspects, and she has the beginning of an ED on top of all of that; Sana on the other hand is planning for Silvia keeping the baby, influenced by her being religious, but she’s a practical girl nonetheless and thinking of adoption I expect, then of how Silvia will have to face the music at home and at school and the girls will have to support her, but also of how a pregnancy might be in some ways good for her because it will make her have a completely different relationship with her body and food and boys and even with her family
and Silvia doesn’t speak. Silvia doesn’t have an opinion in this. She tried to “kill Edoardo’s baby” the previous week, but here she doesn’t speak, even when it is her body and potentially her baby on the line
the only thing she’s insistent about is that she took a test, even when the doctor is prescribing some actual medical tests (not saying pharmacy bought pregnancy tests aren’t accurate, but they can sometimes be wrong)
she’s just so resigned
Silvia and the other girls don’t seem to know what an ovulation test is?? But they were so well informed about contraceptives in ep.5! Fall of a myth
Silvia’s poor cousin who wants to have a baby but can’t check if she’s fertile so she can have sex at the right moment 😕
the relief on the other girls faces when the doctor says Silvia’s not pregnant
and the doctor is good, she saw right through Silvia and understood immediately what was the actual problem, but I’m kind of mad she didn’t say anything more than “You can’t live on love and air” to Silvia about eating better, she’s a doctor ffs
woman-on-a-mission-Eva is back and walking towards Marti, I’d be scared if I were you bby, she even wore the heavy boots to kick your ass better
aaand he tries to act  like nothing’s wrong; Marti, did you really think you’d get away with it??
Eva is so impressed Marti called her to talk and all he talks about is Gio and not telling Gio about how he knew of Eva cheating and the mess he made
and I can’t even imagine how betrayed Eva feels right now: not only she finds out about more lies Gio told, but it is also confirmed that someone she relied on, someone she thought was on her side, at least back then, was not, ever
and I said it before, but Gio and Marti would happily take a bullet for one another, Eva was a bit naive there thinking Martino would side with her; sure, it turns out he didn’t exactly side with Gio for the last part of this story, acting in a self-serving way, but he sure as hell never really spared much thought to Eva
just so you know, I’m torn: half of me is like “he did all of that and now he has the nerve to CRY?” and wants to grab him and shake him out of stupid; the other half is going “my baby! my poor baby! OMG, this is breaking my heart make it stop” (S2 I blame you)
“un po’ un’infamata”/”a bit of a shitty thing” UN PO’? UN PO’???? (imagine me pulling a full Captain Raymond Holt reacting to Agent Rosa Diaz telling him he and his husband need to “bone”)
everytime Eva turns to Marti, then turns away, she gets more disbelieving and a piece of her heart breaks a bit more
and all the pieces fall into place, finally, so Eva finally feels like she has the full picture of when and how her life fell apart: she takes a step back while listening to Marti, look at it attentively, and she can’t help but pinpoint one specific moment as the one where it all went to hell
yes, great choice telling a kid with a mentally ill mother he’s a “psycho”
also, look who’s been taking lesson from bodice-ripper-clichès-spouter extraordinaire Edoardo Incanti *drumroll* Martino, and the pupil is already better than the master cause he’s far more convincing
and I can’t really begin to pretend to understand what goes through Eva’s head here, why she decides to joke and forgive Marti this quickly: is it because she’s seen the big picture and come to her decision and has decided thing would have come to this one way or another anyways? Is it because she’s gotten attached to the idea of Marti being into her and she’s planning to give him a chance, like she obviously does at the end of the year party? Is it honestly because she feels like it’s karma/the universe paying her back for how she hurt Laura? Is it because her and Marti were really close even before she dated Gio? (which makes only half sense to me since they’ve only known one another four year tops, and yeah, okay, it’s four years, but it’s also just four years)
that shot where Eva leans her head on Marti’s shoulder though. Poetic cinema.
and WHAT ARE THE ODDS? Gio is there
and like, why’s Gio so worried about justifying who he’s with, when he and Eva are on a pause??
also he’s in red again here with his brother. But he’s in dark green at Eva’s the next day, which is in his normal palette of cold colors
“There was a very real possibility you would’ve rejected me or that a mess would have happened.” and that’s it. The possibility of a mess never actually happened in Gio’s view of things, because he never really face much consequences of his cheating on his girlfriend: Laura dumped him, sure, but she made her peace with him, he still goes to her house even; his friends are still his friends and support his new relationship (Marti wanting to break them up is not because of the cheating, is because of his own reasons so it doesn’t count rn), no one really holds a grudge against him, he doesn’t have a bad reputation, he doesn’t feel insecure at all, actually going from girl to girl like that probably boosted his self esteemed and raised the opinion his friends have of him
and while with Canegallo Eva didn’t actually kiss him first, so at least she had that; with Gio she did, she kissed him first, so she probably feels like she deserved all the shit that happened to her
and really, these kids waiting for signs from the universe through playlists on shuffle, who do they think they are, Romeo and Juliet? (They probably do.) (They should have seen the break up coming then, though, cause Romeo and Juliet don’t really have a “ and they lived happily ever after”)
and finally Eva lies it all out on the table for him, all the thing he never fully understood she had to go through because of him, of them
and maybe this hurt him, but as Eva says, she’s been hurting for a whole year and he never got that, he never hurt, he never tried to really understand and support her, he was just same old Gio and a good boyfriend by his own standards, but I doubt he ever stopped to ask Eva what she really needed (and like, it’s fine. He is 16 years old, he’ a kid, he’s allowed to make mistakes, but he needs to be put face to face with them to see them and grow, and I love him so much anyways, he’s my favorite always)
on a less profound note, those shoes. They really look like a perfect Tumblr aesthetic pic when they hug and their feet are close, the Eva gets on her tiptoes
and I’d kind of forgotten how they show of the sex scene? again, like I said in ep.2, 7.6 Due ore and the red room scene in 8.5 Tu non sei di Milano are perfect and I love them and I wouldn’t change a thing, but it objectively true Evanni sex scenes are more “graphic” than Nicotino sex scenes
confirmed that staring contests are Evanni’s version of post sex-cuddles
Maria Sorgato is back! Look at her being a queen and rocking that black Gucci-esque top and playing MC
oh, God, Canegallo sounds like one of the guys who run the rides at local fairs and hypes up 13-year-olds to take those 5-for-the-price-of-4 deals on ride tickets
now, I’m Italian, I went to 4 end of the year parties during my 5 years of high school and we never, not once, did something so cheesy as this, nor did a 1995 song ever play at such a party, nor any Renato Zero song, and definitely not “I migliori anni della nostra vita” (which I’ve read someone call “somewhat of a hymn for Italian teenagers” and I was like W H A T? Where? When?) so I can say for sure this is terrible representation of Italian culture, but a cute-ish scene on its own
Alice waving to Eva, awww 💕
Gio waving to Eva, double awww 💕 + bonus Elia and Peccio hugging like there’s no tomorrow next to Gio 💕
Eva lately doesn’t have much time or patience for niceties with Marti, she goes straight to the point
woah, such enthusiasm from Marti at the news Eva is finally single!
awww but it’s because he’s a good friend, he’s worried about how she feels, if she’s hurting! (Ok this is me being bitter, he actually is a cutie about this)
what is Marti looking at when Ele is checking her phone? What draws him to the bar as fast as possible? Gio??
YASSS for surprise hugs and amends! Good for you Laura, you’re looking like a nicer person already without all those grudges
oh, Silvia’s dress is so cute, except why does it fit so poorly? The neckline is all skewed and the armhole gapes! It’s her Revenge dress™! She’s been planning her look for 3 weeks! It should be tailored for the gods!
on the other hand, look at Silvia walking out of the woods, both the real-but-fake ones that are part of the decor and the metaphorical ones of the last few months
and in fact, look, they make light of the incident at Alice’s friends party!
except then the monsters of months past (Edo) come visit and start looming over Silvia
Edoardo jumping over that fence thing to go talk to Silvia is 100% Olio Cuore romance novel clichè
Silvia actually takes a few step backwards as he get closer to talk to her, she’s honest to God scared of what he wants to tell her, she fully expects him to be there to make fun and humiliate her again
and then he kisses her on the cheek! Why? Dude, I went off William og in my previous discussions of your behaviour towards Silvia and that means you don’t want Silvia around you because she’s too clingy and you don’t want her to believe you have feelings for her: why kiss her on the cheek then? You apologized, you were nice, you could have just said “See you around at school next year” and be done with it, leave her without any delusions; instead you went for the one act that might give her hope she has some of your affection. Why? Is is your inner Harlequin hero taking control of your body? Is it just that you secretly enjoy having a harem of girls pining for you? (oh, soz, you do enjoy that, I’d forgotten)
look how excited Silvia is! She was expecting the worst and she got almost the best instead! Of course she’s enamoured with Edo all over again, he’s not even a monster anymore!
at least he says bye to Eva too
this party has been pretty amazing for Eva up till now, whereas it must have been so fucking stressful for poor Ele?! She has to manage Edoardo, both making sure he fulfills his promise and keeping him at bay re: their date, she has to find fricking Silvia and on top of that she finds gay porn on Marti’s phone
btw, how did that happen? Ok it’s in his favorites, but you don’t exactly see browser favorites from the phone app 🤔 girl you wanna tell me something? Were you planning some nasty surprise for him cause Eva told you he was the one who triggered the fight, the school-wide rumors, the whole mess with Gio? (Look at Ele hitting back for her girl, cause sure she’s into Eva but she also just wants her to be happy and Marti made her definitely not happy 😡 also Evanora always on my mind)
and then 30 seconds straight (lol) of Eva being baffled and confused and just generally shook
Bechdel test: this episode passes the test! The conversations that make it pass are the two conversations at Eva’s house in the morning, despite a brief mention of her dad and the almost-ever present ghost of Edoardo over Silvia, and the conversation at the free clinic with the doctor.
Thank you so much for sticking with me through this!
This post is part of my complete series of meta about Skam Italia season 1. If you’d like to read more of my thoughts about the other episodes, you can find the mastepost linked in the top bar on my blog under SKAMIT: EVA. Cheers!
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Rewatch 113: Morning Star
Just a passing thought but how come nobody comments on how Valentine shares his family name with Lucifer? I’d expect Simon to make a quip like “dude’s last name is the same as the devil, no wonder he’s messed up.”
Anyway, last episode of season 1!
I’m glad Clary doesn’t spiral down with Jace when he starts to have a meltdown. The choice of making Jace throw angry hissy fits whenever things get messy has been present all season long and, although it’s not my favorite trope, it’s consistent and makes sense for a character indoctrinated to push down his emotions.
I still don’t get how Alec, the Act Head of the New York Institute, is supposed to know nothing about the current High Warlock of Brooklyn. I get Magnus not knowing about Alec since Alec was just holding the position while his parents were gone, but the notion that Alec had zero info on Magnus or his reputation is ludicrous to me.
Hearing Magnus say “don’t underestimate a parent’s love” breaks my heart.
Enough with the praising of Lydia for not standing in the way when Alec backed down from the arranged marriage. I get Alec doing so because he’s a shadowhunter and therefore dumb, but Magnus? Nope. Magnus knows better than to follow this medieval logic that Lydia did anything more than being a decent person.
Act One
Because of the lack of tension in Hodge’s betrayal in the last episode, I’m not invested in this reveal. I also never saw the Lightwoods treating him like family: at most I saw Hodge clear favoritism with Alec. Once again, there’s no build-up, so there’s no pay off here.
Oooh, that’s why Hodge summoned Valentine in the middle of the training room. So the shadowhunter foursome could figure out why he betrayed them. Or, rather, so Clary could figure things out. Izzy, Jace, and Alec are all wrong at some point in this conversation. Anyway, good use of the footage to speed-up Valentine removing the Circle Rune from Hodge. I don’t get how he did it, but he did it and that’s what matters.
Why are they repeating the exposition? The audience has been told again and again what Valentine wants to do with the Cup. We know he wants to create a shadowhunter army. We know the process kills mundanes. We know this is bad. Just because Clary didn’t care about it for the most part of the season, doesn’t mean we forgot.
Valentine ascending 40-something years old will never not be funny to me. Where did these mundanes come from? Why do they want to risk their lives like this? But, anyway, it’s a good thing they develop this into him going for young and fit mundanes in the next season.
Clary giving Jace the “the world doesn’t revolve around you” lecture falls so flat. Nothing in her journey taught her that lesson: she was able to use the Cup to get her mother back and then save Izzy from exile. Simon forgave her for turning him into a vamp. Clary herself is now a praised and trained member of the shadowhunters. Not even indirect consequences happened: Alec didn’t have to marry against his will after all. Clary had her cake and ate it too. If anything, her journey confirms that she can only think of what she wants because the consequences will solve themselves around her.
This doesn’t count as Luke using the pack for the benefit of the shadowhunters because it’s in the interest of the werewolves to keep the Cup away from Valentine.
Hodge’s tone when he asks about Jace and Clary is interesting. Does that mean he cares about them?
This conversation between Clary, Izzy, Simon, and Raphael is all over the place. Why does Raphael think Camille would make things worse if Valentine has the Cup? Why does Clary say they are supposed to be allies?
The amount of overacting in this Jace vs Hodge confrontation is astonishing. Also, I want to know if the Lightwoods really pinned their crimes on Hodge or not. We had zero interactions between Hodge, Maryse, or Robert. The only time they were even in a scene together was at Alec’s wedding and there was no indication of any animosity.
Jace going for the kill is a nice touch in his descent to darkness. I’m also glad to see how Alec deals with Jace fits of anger: he speaks rationally and tells Jace to calm down. Oh, one more thing. In the score of “stopping you from doing something you’d regret” is now tied.
WAIT A SECOND. I don’t remember “Michael” calling Jace by “Jonathan”. That was Valentine all along. Why would he start to do it now? Only because now the audience knows Jace is short for Jonathan Christopher?
Act Two
“We’re not so different, you and I.” Valentine has read and written every book on being a supervillain in an action show.
The fact that there is only talk about Jace eventually killing innocent people and not Valentine tricking him into killing an innocent person is disappointing. I know villains tricking or forcing Jace to kill innocents will be a trend in 2a and 3a, but the fact that it doesn’t happen here should prove to Jace that he and Valentine are not the same.
Yeah. Where are Clary and Simon? How did Izzy end up alone with Raphael at all? There is a missing scene that would explain how Clary, Izzy, and Simon managed to create this scenario.
And, with that, Izzy made the first attack. As of now, Clary, Izzy, and Simon have officially crossed the line and attacked the vampires.  
What similar thing? Did Valentine struggle with the knowledge that his father was a sociopath who traumatized him on purpose? Didn’t know that.
OMG. THIS SHOW AND ITS NON-LOGIC. Awaking up Jocelyn doesn’t stop Hodge from giving Valentine the Cup. It doesn’t even give them any new information on Valentine’s plans because they already know his plans. There is no connection between these two things. Stop forcing one.
Act Three
I wish we’ve gotten more on the bond between Camille and Simon. She expected Simon to come and save her, but Simon wouldn’t have if Clary didn’t need to talk to Camille. And we know there is a bond because Camille wins the argument. Why don’t they, you know, make it into the plot?
I love how Camille is written. She has her own motivations, her own goals. She doesn’t feel like a character put there just to help or foil Clary, she feels like she would have her own story if Clary was there or not. Every relatively prominent character should feel like that.
How awkward it is to know that Dot was Camille’s favorite costumer now that we know their respective stories with Magnus?  
So, if Camille told Clary and Simon where debukofdewyt is, why don’t they just tie her up again and leave? One of the vampires has to know where her “Upper East Side apartment” is.
Still not buying Jace’s motivations.
The whole Izzy vs Raphael confrontation bores me to death. The amount of coincidences that had to happen for this to work: Raphael let Izzy alone after he figured out the betrayal, Izzy found exactly which wall to burst through and the exact time to do it, the fact that there are no other paths that Raphael can take to get to them or vamps in the hotel. In the words of a wise old warlock: Yawn.
Act Four
A Writ of Transmutation? It’s a cool world-building concept the show is going to forget they introduced this season. Cleaning up her name for killing and turning mundanes? Yeah, Camille won’t care about that in the next episode. She’ll be too busy making vampire dens all over town.
Again, they don’t need Camille’s help. She already told them where the books is. They are not even trying to get the apartment’s exact address through other sources. Magnus is right there. Ask him if he knows it.
Okay, now the connection between waking up Jocelyn and defeating Valentine makes sense. They should’ve gone with that.
As good as this scene debate between Magnus and Camille is – and it’s great; in the last episode we were told Camille doesn’t believe in love and now we see her stating that -, my favorite part is how Camille is willing to go the extra mile of villainous and assault Magnus right when she knew his newest boyfriend would see them. Camille doesn’t want a relationship with Magnus but she also doesn’t want him to have a relationship with anyone else.
Magnus is so confused and scared in this scene. My heart is breaking. Someone hug him. Someone tell him it’s not his fault Camille is a monster.
Note to self: Simon says “take us to the apartment, bring us the book. Then, I’ll sign.”
The overacting continues. Also, Valentine is smarter than Jace – especially when Jace is in a crisis. I wonder who could’ve predicted that? Oh yes, not Clary or Alec or Simon. They just figured it’d be fine to let Jace ran lose in the city.
Act Five
Guys! Guys! We got a scene where we see the heroes being followed! They are building up the tension!! I’m so happy right now.
Note to self: Simon signed before Camille gave them the book. And with Clary’s blessing. They are so stupid.
Okay, so Jace warns Clary that the Circle is on their way and she… ignores it? It’s not the book is going anywhere. Valentine doesn’t know why they went to Camille’s. They can leave and wait out until the Circle Members are gone.
Act Six
Not to be dark, but there is no reason for the Circle Members to keep either Simon or Izzy alive. Or Magnus, for that matter. Alec gets a pass because if he dies, Jace gets… incapacitated? Though Valentine lost his Parabatai bond and he’s fine. Maybe killing Alec is exactly what Valentine should want to do, to make Jace feel even closer to him.
… They are free and they outnumber Valentine and the Circle Members. In fact, that’s four shadowhunters, one vampire, one warlock against five shadowhunters. And that’s before all the minions leave and Valentine turns his back at them. Why wouldn’t Alec put an arrow at the back of Valentine’s head? Why wouldn’t Izzy throw a dagger? Or why can’t Magnus knock Valentine down with magic?
Alec saves Clary’s life. Just wanted to point that out.
I like this conversation between Clary and Simon, though I’m confused about what Clary’s expression mean by the end of it. She seems conflicted, but is it because she’s worried about Jace or because she just told Simon she loves him? It could be either one.
Love that the takeaway of Camille’s manipulations is Alec getting worried about hurting Magnus once he dies. Also love that Magnus gets to say that, just because logic says he’ll outlive Alec, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t date.
The whole scene of Magnus waking up Jocelyn is gorgeous and an excellent pay-off to the entire season. From episode one we follow Clary in her journey to get her mom back. She finally does. That is satisfying even if the whole journey wasn’t. In structure terms, this is the last scene of the season and it accomplishes its structural goals perfectly.
The scene with Valentine and Jace at the boat is an add-on, a cliffhanger for the next season. Well done and somewhat exciting, but an extra. Particularly, I could go without it, but it’s a good set up for what season 2a will be all about.
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breakingmllc · 4 years
I Just Want To Drive A Muscle Car And Ignore All Of My Old Man Problems Vintage T Shirt
Every player should get a I Just Want To Drive A Muscle Car And Ignore All Of My Old Man Problems Vintage T Shirt golden ball in sweden what they did will be remembered forever thank you for the show. I’m only up to the part where olivia has come back from being kidnapped she hasn’t let anyone in hasn’t talked about it with anyone hasn’t cried she is showing signs of a breakdown and yet as intelligent as she is she should recognize the signs she hasn’t reconnected with either fitz or jake does she blame them for what happened to her she came back and jumped right into the fray again a mistake she clearly is suffering with ptsd but refuses to face her fears as her father taught her to do everyone is not where they should be abby is not with david huck has given up olivia and the group for his wife and son everything sucks damn I want olivia back with fitz where she belongs he loves her where is her head at this point she’s smarter than this but. Epilogue while I am promoting my causes here in parma I might as well spread this missing person s flyer throughout the nation she is very likely in another state or even country by now as are most missing children after a day or less a local search becomes national as parma s self appointed national spokesperson I feel obligated to include her poster not necessarily with the blessing of the parma police please copy and paste this posting and spread throughout social media or even print some of the flyers and spread throughout the world save cats save parma dale save the world return parmadale back to its former glory since a period of 1989 to 2014 the center of the world for goodness and social services gradually became a ghost town and for about 8 years has lied vitually empty and in the terms of a former resident wanting to rot away into it s natural state as usual and expected by most everyone who reads me on social media I propose the ultimate solution and salvation to everything save cats save parma save the world inspired by my number one activist nicole curtis it’s absolutely unforgivable for catholic charities to let 180 acres and possibly 300 000 square foot of usable area with nearly turnkey facilities not be used for anything for 8 to 28 years I can t possibly look at a single picture dvr vcr youtube of nicole curtis nor even wear or even have her shirt without honoring what would make her sick at the intentional decay of these 16 to 20 buildings whose manifest and owners are about saving the world it s also fairly unforgivable that nicole curtis hasn t responded to any of my crusades promoting her causes and if she has some problem with people called steve the two guys who ditched her with ethan than that is just ridiculous there are good steve s in the world my proposal is to have parmadale be the site of a tv genre called parmadale s resurrection pr each cottage is temporary home to people who well need homes and have problems that cats and dogs help cure where the school and church are cat shelters and the gymnasium is the dog shelter and each the cottages houses for example a homeless cottage an aids cottage a domestic abuse cottage an alzheimer s cottage etc residents would be required to make efforts to graduate from parmadale and find regular housing which would be a dramatic point in each shows storylines the tearful good bye episode on friday with the welcome of the new resident on monday s episode complete with the usual flash backs with the friday cliff hanger about whether or not they took their favorite cat to live with them or left it for the new person in addition to the cottage storylines would be the fact that between the school and church parmadale would have the largest cat shelter s in the world and the dogs who s night time home would be the gymnasium could wonder about with plenty of room for walks both cats and dogs could take field trips to holy family home and mt alvernia both helping those people and providing cute little sub storylines like the dog that barks like crazy every time a storm is about to come or the cats that just never want to go back to their cage the school itself has maybe 5 times the usable turnkey area as did the parma theater the church maybe 4 times the gymnasium maybe 3 times the new buildings maybe 5 times the cottages each just as much usable area in all parmadale s resurrection would have 38 times more usable area that could be ready to start filming within a week of catholic charities decision as would have had the parma theater so where should I be putting my effort maybe mt alvernia residents could be taken by their families to the shelters to visit their favorite cats and dogs maybe getting family to adopt them for a possible return home or maybe just to provide pleasure of both cottage residents and mt alvernia residents when they hear of their adoptions imagine how adorable it would be to see cats walking all over mt alvernia asking residents if they need any cat love today and dogs frolicking around like the orphans used to each cottage has its own show under the umbrella title parmadale s resurrection the homeless cottge parma s resurrection aids cottage etc catholic charities of course provides the capital and stuff to get the cottages back up but the first residents provide the sweat equity of advertising profits advertising revenue minus whatever percentage all the various networks would want 50 would go to catholic charities thus turning parmadale into a fund raiser 20 would go to whatever nonprofit is associated with each cottage s cause and 30 goes to animal welfare organizations throughout the world with parma s resurrection at ridge and snow there would be one show that donates 100 to animal welfare organizations but parmadale s resurrection would be 16 shows providing 30 of like 510 of advertising revenues not just one show but 16 parma s resurrection would be one show at one time theoretically based on dvr s etc paramdale s resurrection would be 13 shows airing seemingly all day long the former parma theater site I call the incarnation site of social cause tv parmadale s resurrection would be the epicenter the amount of money raised for animals other causes and for catholic charities which deals in hundreds of concerns can t even be calculated or even fathomed like phantom of the opera just open up your mind let your fantasies unwind thus all in one decision catholic charities could incarnate a fund raiser public awareness medium and service provider having all 12 to 16 shows produced and shot in a single location would make cross overs historically simple providing limitless storylines the domestic abuse show crossing over with the child molestation show those who were molested with the sharia law survivor shows and how they use pet therapy for the unconditional love they aren t ready to again try to have with humans the whole area looks like it s a site for exterior shots in 1980 s soap operas when you go to parmadale don t you just feel like you are on the set of fraternity row with megan dying of lupus or some exterior shot in springfield with phillip professing his love for mindy or oakdale and katie sitting on a bench checking out brad or alexis having a picnic with samantha christine and moly or greenlee throwing kendall in the mt alvernia pond after finding out she slept with ryan despite professing undying love for zach or the much better version of ridge ron moss sitting on the bench to the stairs leading to camp corde thinking of the day caroline told her she was dying and to let brooke into your heart and love again there would be thus 12 to 16 different shows on 12 to 16 different networks depending on what the new buildings would be used for providing catholic charities not just a chance to gain public awareness of social causes but provide a surreal amount of fund raising far beyond any costs associated with operations a single commercial break would provide funding for all the operations of each of the shows along with providing surreal fund raising for each of the 12 shows causes there could even be a show about mount alvernia if the ratings on the aids show went down they could replace it with the down s syndrome show residents in exchange for free living there would take care of the cats and have their favorite s return back to their cottage after public adoption hours are over thus every cat at some point would get a night out of their cages the storylines would focus on how the cats are making the residents better cats and dogs would come from the public animal control officers etc the school would have community cats that are socialized and ready for adoption and the church would have those that aren t quite ready catholic charities has thousands of employees who know exactly how each service would be best provided for it s unlikely that any social problem isn t dealt with by some branch the advertising profits from just one commercial break on just one show would provide the entire renovation expenses then the second commercial break or you could call it the next the operating expenses for an entire year love conquers all I Just Want To Drive A Muscle Car And Ignore All Of My Old Man Problems Vintage T Shirt
I Just Want To Drive A Muscle Car And Ignore All Of My Old Man Problems Vintage T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women
I Just Want To Drive A Muscle Car And Ignore All Of My Old Man Problems Vintage T Shirt
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janakimurali · 4 years
Galata Kalayanam
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Galata Kalayanam, a play 
Janaki Murali
(I wrote Galata Kalyanam in 2011, for the Rotary Club, Bangalore. It was performed by Rotarians on Tamil Night. The riotous romp was inspired by the Tamil Brahmins’ (or Tam-Brams’) obsession with IIT-IIM grooms for their daughters. It was also a parody on ‘the boy seeing girl’ ritual in Indian arranged marriages. A young Indian-American couple in love try to beat this trend with the help of a wily astrologer. Picture of a house in Thanjavur)
 The characters:
Thyagu: The father, a singer of sorts.  
Sita: The mother, a good cook.
Meena: The bride, a computer engineer, from the USA.
Bankim/Balu: The groom, who works in Wall Street.    
Sarasa Athai: The know-it-all busybody.  
Pichu Mama: Swears by The Hindu newspaper.
Konkona/Kanchana: Bankim's sister, a staunch Bengali.
Andal: Meena's pesky sister, who is an encyclopaedia on Tamil films.
Narayana Iyer: The wily astrologer.
Paati and some neighbours.
(Somewhere in the US)
Meena: Arranged marriages cannot be faulted, not in my home…
Bankim: Tell them you fell in love…
Meena: They won’t understand - if I fall in love, it has to be with a Tam Bram...
Bankim: Hunh? You mean, when you meet someone, your first question to them would be, are you Tam Bram…I can be a Tam Bram…
Meena: Exactly…
Bankim: What? Did I just get manipulated?
Meena wasn’t listening to him. She was already on the phone.
Meena: Narayana mama how are you—hmm—hmm—I want your help mama...
Meena walks out of the stage still speaking. The rest of the conversation is not audible, except the last line of the conversation from behind the scenes.
Narayana Iyer: You don’t worry my child, I will help you, tell your young man not to worry either...  
Act II
(In the small town of Thanjavur, South India)
Paati is in the background grinding something in her mortar and pestle and mumbling to herself.
Thyagu: Adiye, there is an email from Meena, she is coming for a fortnight. We must get her married before she leaves this time…
Sita coming on stage: This is great news naa.  Don’t waste time, go right now to the astrologer Narayana Iyer and ask him to give you a good boy’s horoscope that matches with Meena’s.
Thyagu: Yes, Yes, I am going right now…
Narayana Iyer walks in right then.
Thyagu: Ada! Look who has come in—Narayana Iyer, bless you with 100 years of life. We were just now talking about you. Meena is coming down from America for a fortnight, and…
Narayana Iyer: Besh! Isn't that a coincidence? I came to see you because I have an excellent groom in mind, a perfect match for our Meena. He works in America too.
Thyagu: Is that so? Do their horoscopes match?
Narayana Iyer: I would not be here if they did not match. You won't get a better boy than this!
Sita: I hope there is no dosham in his horoscope. My daughter's horoscope is a shudha jadhagam, you know.
Thyagu: Yes, yes. Look at Paati over there? She had a flaw in her horoscope and never got married. Paawam.
Narayana Iyer: There are no flaws in this boy’s horoscope. Our Meena and this boy will be very compatible.  
Thyagu: Is he a computer engineer? You know my daughter is a computer engineer…
Narayana:  No, he is not a computer engineer… Hmm, he works on Wall Street, I think…
Sita: Oh, but our daughter passed out in flying colours from IIT and IIM! What will people say if our son-in-law is not an IIT- IIM? Enna, please tell him how important this is to us.
Narayana: Well it’s your choice, you can always reject this. But I tell you, you won't get such a perfectly matched horoscope ever again. Lakshmi mami is looking for a good horoscope for her girl. I think I will give this to her…
Thyagu: No, no, please don’t go, let’s proceed with this. A good horoscope is hard to come by. What should we do next?
Narayana: You are very lucky, Mama, the boy has come to India to see some girls, and he and his sister have agreed to come to Thanjavur to see Meena…
Sita: Why sister? Why aren't his parents coming?
Narayana: They have gone on a pilgrimage to Kasi to pray for a good bride for their son. But Mami, you must make your famous soji-bajji! The boy loves soji-bajji. He went to see some 12 girls and rejected all of them, because the soji was soggy and the bajjis were not crisp!
Thyagu: Oh, you don't have to worry about that! My Mrs makes the best soji-bajji in the world!  
Sita: Pongo naa, I feel so shy when you praise me like this...
The entire household and the neighbours are all anxiously waiting for the arrival of the groom’s party.
Pichu mama: I can hear the auto. They’ve come. Is everyone ready?
Sarasa Athai: Make way, make way, we have to take the arati.
Sarasa and Sita perform the arati for Bankim and Konkona as they come on stage. Everyone settles down.  
Pichu mama: What do you do, Mappilai?
Bankim: I am in finance… I work on Wall Street…
Sarasa: What? You are not a computer engineer. Are you at least from IIM?
Bankim: No, but I am from...Whar…
Sarasa:  He’s not an IIT-IIM! Anna, what type of boy have you got for our Meena?
Bankim: I was going to say Wharton…  
Pichu Mama: All this doesn’t matter as long as you read The Hindu. Which section of The Hindu do you read, sports, editorial?
Konkona: We read only The Statesman.
Everyone in the room is shocked into silence. Andal breaks it.
Andal: What is your name?
Sita: Yes, what are your names, it all happened so fast. We all forgot to find out from Narayana mama.
Bankim: Ban...I mean Balu, yes it’s Balu. My sister here is Kon…I mean Kanchana.
Sarasa: At least your names are good, even if your parents did not send you to IIT–IIM.
Andal: Do you watch Tamil films? Who is your favourite hero?
Bankim: I watched Sivaji…
Andal: Oh, so you like Rajni, that’s sooper, Thailava.  But my favourite is Dhanush.
Konkona: Who's Dhanush?
Andal in a shocked tone: You don't know Dhanush?
Bankim: Isn’t he the Kolaveri Di guy?
Konkona: I only know Konkona Sen, haven't you watched her films? She was so good in Mr and Mrs Iyer.
Andal: Who is she?
Bankim: Er…can we see the girl now? (He glares at Konkona)
Konkona: Yes, I am waiting to meet Boudhi…er…Me…the girl. We are also waiting to taste auntie’s…er…Mami’s famous soji-bajji (phew! In an aside)
Thyagu: Of course, of course, you should see the girl. Sarasa, bring Meena, and Adiye, bring your famous soji-bajji.
Sita and Sarasa leave the stage.
One neighbour: Mappilai is really fair and handsome, isn’t he?
Another neighbour: What do you think his salary would be?
Neighbour: Do you think he eats non-veg in America?
Neighbour: They all eat. It doesn’t matter, he looks like a good match for our Meena.
Sita comes with the soji-bajji.
Sarasa Athai brings Meena.
Bankim can't take his eyes off her. Meena too takes a peek at him and smiles at him. When no one is looking she gives him a thumbs up sign.  Bankim smiles back at her.  Konkona catches the couple making eyes at each other.
Konkona in an aside: Don't stare Dada, you will give the game away.
Bankim: I can’t help it. She looks so beautiful in her Kanjeevaram sari. I have seen her only in western clothes…she’s done something to her hair too…. and Konkona, whatever you do, don’t ask Meena to sing.
She can’t sing to save her life!
Konkona: Of course, I am going to ask her to sing!
Bankim: Konkona please, even Mami's soji-bajji can't save us from Meena's singing.
He picks up a bajji to bite into. Konkona also picks up a bajji.
Konkona: Aunty-er-Mami, where did you get such nice steel plates?
Sita: They are all from Ranganathan Street in Chennai.
Bankim: Mami, your soji-bajji is excellent. You must publish your recipes.
Mami blushes, giggles and hides her face behind her sari end.
Konkona: Okay, it’s time to ask Boudhi…er…Meena to sing. We need to know if she has a sweet voice.
Everyone is visibly agitated at the idea of Meena singing.
Pichu Mama: No, no, please don’t ask Meena to sing.
Thyagu:  Besh! Meena will definitely sing! I have taught her so much in music. Thara na na naa—
Sarasa Athai: Thyagu, why don’t you sing instead of Meena?
Konkona: Uncle…I mean Mama, do you know Rabindra Sangeet?
Thyagu: There is nothing to compare to Carnatic music.
Andal: But Appa, there is nothing to compare to A.R. Rahman’s music!
Bankim: I like Rahman too. I loved his Jai Ho.
Andal: But his best was Roja—(singing) Chinna Chinna Asai...
Pichu Mama: Why don't we listen to Andal sing, instead of Meena?  
Bankim: Yes, yes, that's a good idea.  
Thyagu:  Shiva, Shiva – this is sacrilege! No cinema songs and all. How can you compare film songs to Carnatic music? Meena --why don’t you sing a kirtana I taught you?
In an aside to his sister Sarasa: Take Andal inside, she is attracting too much attention. The boy is going to say afterwards, he likes her and not Meena.
Sarasa drags Andal off the stage. Meena clears her throat and the neighbours look at each other in dismay and start leaving the stage in a hurry.
Pichu mama picks up his Hindu, always known to save any situation. Paati grinds a bajji in her mortar and pestle. Thyagu slaps his thigh in tune with the taalam. Bankim covers his face with his hands.
Meena launches into a totally off key kirtana of sorts. Thyagu is the only one listening and keeping beat to Paati grinding away in her mortar and pestle. Konkona has doubled up in laughter.
Konkona: Oh Dada, this was worth all the trouble you two put me up to!
Bankim interrupts Meena’s off key singing.
Bankim: Please don't do this to me Meena! Please don’t sing. Ammi Tumake Balo Bashi. I will do anything you want me to…I will read The Hindu every day…I promise to learn Tamil…I’ll watch all Rajinikanth films…I will go with you to Chennai and buy all the steel vessels to take back home with us. I will even wear dhoti on the weekends…but please stop singing!  
Meena: You will do all this for me, Bankim? You are so sweet--naa unnai kaadhali kkaren…
Meena stretches her hands out to him and he takes them holding them close to his heart.  
Thyagu and Sita stare at them in shock.
Paati is oblivious to what is going on and so is Pichu mama immersed in his newspaper.
The End
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
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@tessavirtue  @CharlieaWhite  @msKOSTNER  for a spectacular #pyeongchang2018 pls read and RT now. Thanks, your #GodsTinyDancer 
To all of you, the sole crowning glory of the Nation of Godhead in these last days, our hope, glory, life and all, On behalf of your entire Commondominion of Christ and her Central Administration, I and my whole clan would like to most solemnly congratulate you for yet again being enabled by Godhead to convene for the Olympics, where we expect to foster old friendships and make new ones under the spark of sharing our talents and expertise with each other as Godhead has Granted all of you as Their most beloved creatures, that is Yokebearers (REVELATION 4). You well understand that Yokebearers hold the highest office in the Commondominion and the greatest rank in her leadership (JOB 7, JAMES 1), therefore you understand too that as much as Empire's praise and approval is only but vain and fleeting, please believe us when we say that any tear shed over competition is only but wasted (PSALM 147, Revelation 21). You know very much from all that we had told you in the past that competition can and will never be in the vocabulary of a true Yokebearer of Godhead because he or she only endeavors to give glory and honor to Godhead alone and not to men, nor even to themselves, through their talent (Isaiah 51). What they rather endeavor is to keep brotherhood and unity with their fellow yokebearers (EPHESIANS 4). Therefore I hope that such would be your continual faith not only through these days, but more so throughout your lives (Hebrews 6). I hope that you may while your time reading this not only as you go to Pyeongchang if you are not yet there by the time that I finish this, but also on your free time while you're there. I hope you may spend some time with me pondering and reflecting on the current plight we're in with each other (1-2 Timothy, Philippians 1). After all, if you are to ask Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the Olympics, he would really be most likely angry with how his professed successors (Matthew 23) had been going along Empire agenda as you already know yet choose to be silent for your own wrightful safety or had been held under secret oath to sustain either against your will or not. Coubertin, I most verily tell you, would rather stand by our side and not with the Empire, because he envisions a full sustainable holistic approach of accelerating the potential and capacity of the individual yokebearer, and that, according to his very own life, does not only comprise physical training, but more so spiritual and religious formation (ROMANS 8, 2 Corinthians 11). Guys, if you are to do good on this, you will prove yourselves then to be worthy of being true, genuine Olympians. We know that holding your peace for your safety is good, but breaking your peace for a more lasting salvation in the afterlife is far more better. That's why I ask you, that as much as you could, wherever you may find yourselves to be, please- never give in to any Empire pressure or agenda. You must make good of each and every second to make sure everybody you meet and know gets the testimony of your witness for us and your Godhead. This latest Winter Olympics is a most appropriate time to rededicate ourselves to the task we are supposed to do, which the great Coubertin is expecting us from heaven to do with his spirit bidding and rallying us to do so, and why not we must do this- just this week alone Empire reads Psalm 24, their official psalm for the memorial for Christ's dedication in the Temple (February 2) for two times this week. Let me walk you now again to why you must be only in our side wright here alone, and how you can do it. Your servant Joseph Stirling Steinfeld Sykes had asked me to opt him out of co-writing this Epistle, because he fear that you may not heed him yet again as you may have done in the past, in spite of the fact that he served over 8 years of his life in your service. Therefore I would like to reintroduce you to him, citing Empire's (2 Corinthians 3) proofs itself (so that you may be left with no reason to doubt or boast or rationalize that you had been just fooled by Empire), halfway through our study. We hope also that we may also serve al your most beloved and indeed truly blessed loves ones and friends, therefore please grant us most mercifully your favor that you may share this article with them as well as with any other that you know. You must remember that Godhead has already Told us last year that we here, your most wretched Central Administration, is now granted to have full powers over the Roman Empire during Winter Adult Olympics and all editions of the Youth Olympics, but Empire would be only powerful during Summer Adult Olympics, therefore we hope you may get full avail of this through endeavoring to fully commit yourselves to do good on all that we would be telling you in this letter. That means somehow that Olympics would be ours alone wright here alone, and not the Empire's, on all its editions save the Summer Adult one. I must admit that I'm very, very happy therefore to literally and figuratively at last have all of you in this most auspicious occasion, therefore you would need to do nothing not but to enjoy our presence and bask in our spirit as you savor this Letter (PSALM 136). That means that this Epistle is not in anyway to pressure you, or to drag you to doing anything, because we would never allow ourselves to insist ourselves unto you, for we know Empire is already doing to insist themselves unto all of you. We know that (1 Timothy 1) Godhead already Enables you to do good on Their Good Pleasure (JOHN 15) without any external interference, even by us, yet we would like to talk to Empire concerning you through this Letter, so that we may show them, with all that they're doing against you and us as well, even before, perhaps during, and certainly after these Games, that we are indeed not allowing them to win over you and your salvation. You must also know that stand we're doing, therefore we decided to address you also in this letter. Inasmuch as many of our fellow allowed (Galatians 4) themselves not only to offer tribute to the Novus Ordo Inquisitional Vatican 2 in so many instances now, and as much as our fellows also allowed the same Vatican to touch the Olympic flag in Brazil, and as much as those who went before us had allowed a Pope to speak before them in 1960, then all the more you should be allowing us to address you, most especially that you have here a fellow yokebearer named Joseph in your service.
YOU MUST KNOW THAT THREATS ARE UP AGAINST YOUR SOULS THESE HOURS, NOW MORE THAN EVER. (PSALM 138) It is really indeed very difficult to be Christian these days, said Paul (2 Timothy 3), as Empire would make you stressed with the cares of this life through making you work for Empire and therefore left (Lamentations 3) with no time for us, that is your time for Godhead (Matthew 13, Romans 13, Luke 17,21). If you would not work for Empire, you know that they have all the means to get not only your life, but also the lives of your loves ones and friends. Guys, I think that you should be no longer silent as you could see not only your souls and duties, but also my and your Joseph's ministries respectively, being challenged and besieged by Empire's rampant and blatant opposition to the ardent desire of your Godhead to give you the best life ever should you determine and endeavor to fully give yourselves to living covenant with Them through us. Never we had asked you to desert your yokebearing, and never also that we shall ask you to do so. What we as of you is that as you do your duties, wherever you may be finding yourselves, al you have to do (Romans 10) is this simple gesture- lead others to us. If we are to be holistic in our development as yokebearers, then it is very integral for us to stand up against the current that Empire manages and conducts (PSALM 124). That means we have to be unique and different than what they try to feed us with. We must not be allowing ourselves, or anybody of our beloved fellows, to just ride on any fad and trend that Empire would insist unto us, just like their agendas of ecumenism, sodomy, feminism, and the like. If you are to know guys, how much it is very personally (Psalm 116) sickening for your Joseph to hear how the Empire reproaches us here day in and hour out, I could not do anything to help him because I'm stuck by Empire here at jail. Your Joseph also is at jail, virtually, through his fanatic Empire household, who makes him always annoyed, pissed and angry with flashing him Empire propaganda airing over the Empire's television stations, not to mention the other media outlets Empire uses to please you and unleash any remaining (Godhead forbid) wanton (Romans 6) in us. Joseph wants to go away from all of these yet he could not do it because he could not go anywhere, he has to suffer all day and night long listening without his intention all Empire propaganda against him and against me, therefore all these propaganda is palpably against you as well (JOHN 8). He knows very well that you should not be even giving a listen to all Empire blasphemes against Godhead. You should be very, very angry therefore not only on this, but also on how Empire continues to dishearten all our governors across the globe with the same propaganda that challenges our wright here for your sake (ACTS 14). Please guys, at least we hope that with the Hailleey Spirit within you, you may comfort us at least that you may get our word out here-the only way we at least could fight back to all these scathing, grandstanding, showy-off, pabebe indictments. But what much more (Philippians 1) gives us grief guys, is that we hear and see for ourselves how your fellow yokebearers such as Rachel Denhollander, McKayla Maroney and Aly Raisman, had chosen to blindly fall off the pit of Empire propaganda advancing male genocide (HOSEA 1). There may be also some males in your company guys, who ride along the Empire byword 'Sexual preference is not basis for talent'. This year began with Empire sending at once a huge barrage of successful attempts to drag your fellow yokebearers, both in the thespian and music fields, into falling the same pit too. Please never get us wrong guys: never we shall allow any kind of sexual harassment to women, in fact we here has the highest utmost regard for women because in fact we love talking to them here more than men about the Gospel Lowe. Yet we could not allow Empire to take more than is supposedly required (JOB 38, 2 Corinthians 10, Proverbs 10,30,14), that they would be already indicting those who had even never touched a woman in their whole life. Empire has also failed to emphasize also any sexual harassment that woman could be doing to men, but would only allow and even approve and encourage, sexual harassment between man and man, and woman and woman. We would not also condone any discrimination on reasons of race, nationality, or skin color, yet as usual Empire also asks more than necessary, because they had been calling for white genocide already, and as you can see, the riots and lootings that radicalized refugees, radicalized 'illegal immigrants' and radicalized black people commit against citizens prove so, even towards their own compatriots should they find these compatriots to be already only siding with us. It would happen that such criminal chaos and disorder that leads to lost of life would be only rationalized and justified should you give in to what Empire desires over this issue, and should Empire report 'white people' to be doing such atrocities, you already know that such is only a #fakenews. For example, Israel cries out foul for Palestinian terrorism, and I believe it is true, but I also believe that it is also true that Israelis also commit terrorism against Palestinians, therefore they're no better than each other. If can do any petty crime just because a government has failed them to give proper living conditions, then such crimes are (2 Timothy 2, COLOSSIANS 1, Revelation 14,16, 1 Peter 1,4, 1 Thessalonians 4-5) at least bearable, but if that already consist of slaying someone and more so if it's done only in the name of the Empire and not of their living conditions, therefore such crime is unbearable. Now as for 'sexual preference', let me explain to you why Empire imposes abortion- it is in support of sodomy. Empire hates how Godhead designed marriage as procreation of babies, therefore if they're not going to make these babies as homosexuals when they grow up, then they have to kill them instead while they're babies. Any heterosexual couple therefore who loves having a baby and yet at the same time supports sodomy with all their heart, might and being is a deceiving hypocrite. Here then guys, we can know the danger now coming all around us: Empire wants us to fake our being yokebearers, Empire produces fake yokebearers, while if you rather choose to listen to us alone here (JOB 28), we can tell you that you would have a proper perspective of all things that Empire seeks to corrupt, and therefore if you listen to me and most especially to Joseph then you'll going to be a true yokebearer- genuine yokebearers (ZEPHANIAH 3)- because you belong not to us (1 Peter 5, Hebrews 13, Acts 20), but to Godhead, because you are no longer of the Empire (John 17, 2 Corinthians 11). We would say yea, your talent is important, your race, skin color, nationality, your right not to be sexually held against your consent, is all important, but would you inquire of all these things to someone [the Empire] who is not important at all (Jeremiah 12-13, Psalm 2) because Godhead has cast him away already (Titus 1, Isaiah 41, Jude Thaddeus 1, 2 Peter, MATTHEW 8) for their wicked agenda, therefore is no more important in your lives and thus deserves no more attention (Galatians 4) from you? (1 Corinthians 6, Mark 4, Matthew 24, Colossians 4, MATTHEW 13) Take for example Job himself, which the Empire quotes this week. All his 4 fake 'friends' had been trying to hijack Sacred Text Scriptures just to rationalize making Job believe that he sinned purportedly when in fact he, like you, had been keeping Sacred Text Scriptures not to himself but for real in his life. In the same way this 4-legged Roman Empire (Daniel 2) is encouraging you to foster recall on sinning, familiarization in sinning, and therefore passion for sinning (JAMES 1). It is very evident that Job had built recall on all of what his fake friends are telling him, therefore he had been very dismayed and disappointed in his feelings as we could see in his words, being dragged to be pressured and stressed. Yet as we could see Job had never allowed himself to be overtaken by the showy-off grandstanding (PSALM 138) of the 4 Empire-infiltrated, self-righteous orators (1 CORINTHIANS 2). I have full faith and hope that you would also choose to overcome the Empire just like Job. Job rather sought to get the facts straight from Godhead Himself (Job 40,42) and not from this Empire, as much as his name itself implies in English 'work, duty, office', that is you- your yokebearing (COLOSSIANS 1). Hence we most humbly and solemnly charge you (Isaiah 63, ROMANS 8), to get the facts for yourselves, as much as we here alone have Godhead (PSALM 148), we had enough of Empire propaganda on all its legs. It's now time for you to get the word straight from us instead (PSALM 147). You an while all your time (Ephesians 5, Titus 2, 1 Timothy 5) spending it with our congregations, online channels and posts, of which links we are inclosing at the end of this Epistle (Psalm 16), which we hope you can also show to all your friends and loves ones. And besides, if you don't like even listening to us, we have full faith that you would already know what to do, because Godhead would Instead Teach It to you Straight. All you have to do, is that you ask Godhead (ISAIAH 6). If you would not tell others about us, at least please don't promote the Empire to others. We here are alone content that you would just promote what do YOU experience and learn from Godhead. And why Godhead would not do it, for They’re already Within you and is in you (Matthew 28, JOHN 15). Guys, we here recognize all Yokebearers like you as Godhead Messengers, and therefore you can each receive unique revelation from Godhead unidentical with another revelation that another one of you received from the same one true Godhead, and you are obliged to tell people what you have (Psalm 48) seen and heard from Godhead. But as much as Empire heads, who are after you, also pretend to be purportedly Godhead Messengers, just as how Job's 'friends' pretended to be so, when all the time in fact these Empire heads are only after your lives (PSALM 118), therefore it behooves us like now, and like always (Psalm 19,16,139), to be at your service, whether you like it or not. We're only here to help you maximize and realize your own potential, so that you may be better on your own away from us (2 Timothy 3, Hebrews 5-6, 1 Peter 2, PHILIPPIANS 2, Genesis 16,21, Exodus 18-19, Deuteronomy 32-33), because we know here, like what you would always hear from us, that I and Joseph are going to be apostatized eventually, and be no more better than this Empire, should the time eventually come that we lose control of ourselves and much more of Godhead countenance. Whether that time come or not as long as we here are alive, we hope that you may learn already taking over from us (HOSEA 6, Psalm 110,133, Micah 4-5, Isaiah 23,59,63), and we hope that you may get to take care of this, your Commondominion, and your brethren here (Luke 22, ACTS 14, Isaiah 30,55,48,57, Hebrews 10, Ephesians 2), like what we now do for you now that we're still keeping grip on our spiritual faculties. We have nobody to trust to for taking care of your Commondominion if we here are gone, no one but all of you, because we know that we could trust you, and that trust is indeed our love for you. We hope you already know what to do, that is you do as we now do, contending against this Empire, exposing what Empire's really up with you. This explains the title, as you could read at the top of this letter, which I decided to be the theme of our study here, which we Tookey-Gabriel/Inoue from ACTS 1. ('Acts' by the way means like 'Job'.) As you already know, Empire had been particular these past days extolling their reporters against us here, your Two Witnesses, your Nathaniel and Joseph. Even you all too are Two Witnesses, as much as these Two Witnesses are not only many as prophecy continues to be refulfilled here and revealed continually (your Sir Daniel Valles placed the Two Witnesses to 144,000, while your other Messengers here had placed 144,000 to backup reserve figures such as 63,000 [Sir Ronald Weinland] to 600,000 [Sir Lope Columna], et cal.), but also because your Two Witnesses are Yokebearers themselves (GENESIS 2)- 'and their bodies shall be laid in the streets of the Roman Empire', therefore these Yokebearers like you are Witnesses because they had testified, just like you, through their bodies (1 CORINTHIANS 9,15). Because these Two Witnesses testified by means of their 'bodies', we could see in them how your Commondominion here is 'beautified with salvation' (Psalm 149), that is multiplied and increased (Psalm 105, Isaiah 25-26), in messengers and branch churches (Ezekiel 37,17, MATTHEW 5), as much as 'body' symbolizes 'church' (COLOSSIANS 1). Therefore we can explain why Empire is very, very angry with us these past days (PSALM 1-5,112,69). Our key text in this study asks us therefore to do good and mean with all ourselves our divine office with each other (Hebrews 10,12,3) as Messengers all sent by Godhead to challenge (JEREMIAH 26), not to please (NUMBERS 13), this wicked and perverse generation (PHILIPPIANS 2). When we say we must be Witnesses of Godhead 'up to the ends of the earth', this means we have to be fully dedicated till our last breath, or even till the last moment before Judgement Day, whichever comes first, in doing this blessed duty of testifying for Godhead (PSALM 100) as much as we do it because it is expected of Godhead from us that we live by the spirit and letter of the sure word of prophecy that is continually entrusted undeservingly to us here (PSALM 65). We have to be ready giving ourselves thoroughly in doing this duty of making sure wherever we may be in the line and call of our duty (PSALM 65), that all that we think, say or do would contribute to the salvation of all our fellow slaves in the Empire and therefore, to the final, ultimate and quick overthrow of this entire Empire (PSALM 104). And as we were talking about 'ends', we must remember that we either die for inflicted or natural causes. Either way we die, we die because Empire did so (Romans 5-7), therefore we are all virtually martyrs of the Commondominion (1 CORINTHIANS 15, ROMANS 8, Psalm 44), whether we shed blood or not (MARK 6). Either way, we must be found at the time of our death, fully dedicated to advance, persist and insist on the downfall of the whole Roman Empire and the salvation of our fellow slaves, bringing them here with us alone (Romans 14-15, 2 CORINTHIANS 4-5). We had just told you that we're not going to be around training you in holiness with all moral and spiritual ascendancy (1 Timothy 5), even if we could be alive by that time. You also have to learn training your own clans, kindred, households and families in holiness by that time the way we do now with you (1 CORINTHIANS 9, PSALM 148). Guys, we therefore understand that you have all wright to get away from this Epistle, that you may be pissed off with what I tell you. Guys, in fact it's very easy to be pissed off with my words, than to do good on this all your lives, but as much as you endeavor to subject yourselves in patience under physical training, much more your souls must be subject to the power and authority Godhead has placed with us all with each other, which Empire seeks to destroy (Matthew 7, Psalm 73). We must stay in this office, as we encourage you, all our lives (Hebrews 6), and never allow Empire to overtake us, that would lead eventually to us being no more worthy before Godhead on Judgement Day (Revelation 2-3). Guys, we understand why you may no more go on reading this Epistle, why you may be fed up on the way keeping up with all of us here beyond this moment that you are studying these words. Even though that may be your reaction, we hope that at least, you may never do that, or anything, without giving serious thought to us for the way you live (PROVERBS 8, JEREMIAH 26, 2 CORINTHIANS 5). This is what Christ Himself, our Chief Agent, had exhorted His earlier Messengers when He told them that they would be His Witnesses 'up unto the ends of the earth': 'Stay here in Jerusalem until I have Given you Power of the Hailleey Spirit From on High.' You may not do anything therefore without pondering first on yourselves, guided with our words all always available at your fingertips, whether you could be able to give testimony of your Commondominion (1-2 Timothy) with the way you do things, more so your yokebearing duties. We had time long enough of Empire giving speeches here and there (1 Corinthians 14) extolling their eventual destruction through the way they want to run things. Guys, many of you love to tarry more in Empire than us, to invoke the patronage and approval of the Empire, to both start and sustain your yokebearing 'careers'. It's Hightower time already, long overdue, that you stop doing so (LUKE 5). We here rather seek to give genuine eternal life to you, to only submit to your decisions and not make you even submit to our wanton (LUKE 12). Remember, the Gospel Lowe is not inherently natural in us here alone (Romans 7), but That is rather undeservingly given to us so that we may serve you there with It (LUKE 8). We don't want you to be career 'Christians', not even career 'yokebearers'. Empire could not give you the life to come but only this life alone (1 CORINTHIANS 15). Empire therefore could not love you like we do, neither do they 'know you' like we do. Guys, call us desperate, but we're never and will never deny your inherent right to the Gospel Lowe. The Gospel Lowe is inherent in you alone (GENESIS 1, Matthew 19), not in us here, not even in this Empire. Therefore we ask you to 'stay here' (Luke 24) until we may have clothed you and your yokebearing (GENESIS 2, ROMANS 8) with divine commissioning that you can use when we're spiritually, morally and religiously gone, divine election that you can use when you take over governing our brethren from both me and my family when we later on apostatize as Godhead would effect it. Just promise me that you would be as vigilant as we are now at present, yet even more vigilant than we here can ever be, as you raise up the next generation of yokebearers until Judgement Day. Even as we tell you these things, we hope you may also pass on these same values and virtues to all your future fellows (DEUTERONOMY 8, Deuteronomy 6), therefore as much as we here alone had been entrusted as sole wrightful stewards of the rest of the Olympic Circuit except the Summer Adult edition, we enjoin you as part of our immediate charges for you to do upon reading this letter, is that you reach out and contact all our fellow yokebearers who are competing in the upcoming Summer Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tell them what you learn from us, encourage them to also learn from us, and more so we need your very own counsel to these young yokebearers. Tell them your thoughts, your words, your exhortations (MATTHEW 4). Make friends with them and always make it a point to foster it. Tell our younger brethren that it will always be a license to being a false yokebearer that we tend rather to feel good to ourselves upon every accomplishment, that we would begin already to please ourselves and others, but not Godhead, in the way we want to run our life. Now we would like to tell you again that we don't discriminate, but we must also never discriminate against the Gospel Lowe. If we discriminate only even in mere fleeting, temporal things of this life such as food, furniture and the like, how much more we must also learn to wrightfully divide the word of truth, that is discern all things, what to discriminate or not, not in the mere words of consumer critique (PSALM 118), but rather in the liberating words of the Gospel Lowe found in the Central Archives and the Sacred Text Scriptures (MATTHEW 6). Guys, if we are to take up unto ourselves (Revelation 2-3) the claims of this Empire to purported 'inclusivity, diversity, tolerance and love' of blacks, sodomites, women, Middle Eastern refugees, Hispanic-Latino immigrants, and if you would refuse what Godhead instead Tells us on how to rather lead these people to us and not to Empire so as for them to palpably repent of their ignorance of the Gospel Lowe, then you must rather understand that you must rather learn to do instead what this draft rendering of Matthew 24:13 that has been most recently entrusted to us, says, as we have already quoted from our past Commentary Lesson on the Empire's Loyalty Relay Service of January 13,20-21, 2018: 'But if he, the one, you, those people, whoever the person though, anyone, that has endured, shall and did endure and persevere, do endures and is enduring or perseveres, keep your hope on, who remains being faithful to God, keep their faith, continues and remains to be strong, committed particularly in the faith, stand firm, stays true to me even unto Haketz (Lady Lindsay Shelby Nelko Peretz), Lady Stacie Tookey-Gabriel, dwells still, lasts and holds out, bears up under suffering having endured and endeared Lady Isabelle Severino as their own right into, until the end of this time of severe, perverse persecution, that includes even reversing all odds to their favor again you through using per verse, those who do not waver from our path and do not follow those false prophets (ALL EMPIRE'S 4 LEGS)- this and that one person, those among you, he, you, the same shall be safe and will be saved, delivered as in laboring a child (Matthew 24:8) (EMPIRE'S CLAIMS TO REVELATION 12, ISAIAH 42, JOHN 16, JEREMIAH 6, ROMANS 8 SHATTERED AT ISAIAH 22, JEREMIAH 22, FOR COMMONDOMINION IS GODHEAD'S FAMILY CORPORATION SOLE), and will experience life and deliverance from destruction.' What I try to mean here guys is that would you agree to join Empire's 'inclusivity, diversity, tolerance and love' thrust in this life, claiming to dismantle discrimination (Daniel 7,2), when in turn you're going to hence suffer eternal punishment in the lake of fire for doing so while in this life and body? The lake of fire guys, is 'reserved' (2 Peter 3) only for Bergoglio and his angels (Revelation 14). You all guys, are angels of Godhead, and your bodies are reserved for eternal progression instead (PHILIPPIANS 2, JOB 7), to testify for Godhead in this age and time (1 Corinthians 6). Therefore you're not supposed to be with Bergoglio, right? Yet if you allow yourselves to be agreeing with our words, and no more agree with what the Empire belies you with (2 Corinthians 6, Bel and the Dragon 1), that is therefore allowing yourselves to be, in the presence of all Empire superseding power overtaking our words here against such power by your patronage of the Empire (Luke 22), instead subject to being 'discriminated', that is the perseverance and endurance referred to in the Verse we Cited above, then as Christ Himself Insured you with in the verse, you're going to be even more than all the more vindicated in the end, because you chose to share in our being maligned and slandered here by Empire (COLOSSIANS 1, Hebrews 11, 1 Peter 1), rather than to revile the way Empire does to us (1 Peter 2-3). If you're a man, then stay being a man and no more pretend to be a woman (Psalm 16,27). If you're a woman then no more desire to be a man (1 Corinthians 7). If you're black, desire not to be extolled (Jeremiah 45). If you're an immigrant or a refugee, no more desire for 'greener pastures' (Micah 3). We learn rather to develop and harness character (2 Corinthians 11) than to choose being without temperance, sobriety and self-control (1 CORINTHIANS 9,15, 1 Peter 4, Romans 12-13,6) just like what these radical Empire 'libertarians' and fake 'conservatives' does (PSALM 138, Romans 5, ROMANS 8, Daniel 11). When we say 'perseverance and endurance' (Hebrews 10), that means you also must keep love for all our fellows in this duty (Romans 12, 1 Peter 3-5), which Empire makes some of us indict to with purported 'sexual harassment' (EPHESIANS 4), because they are no better than us, victims of Empire's threats, bashing and bullying, this Empire made untowardly, through you, against our very own brethren. I declare most solemnly again, all Empire indictments against our brethren, whether it may be a gymnastics coach, or a balletmaster, or our Sir Ed Westwick- all of these is rather fake news, made up by Empire, just to divide you not only from each other, but also from us more ultimately. For example, you can see how our most beloved elect Lady Tonya Harding had been maligned all her life, even through a most recent Empire propaganda movie, just because she was just merely set up in an Empire sacrificial false flag. I tell you- they are your brethren (LUKE 12), would you suffer to take your very own brethren in the Empire's courts (1 Corinthians 6) than for you to take it instead to us here alone (Psalm 84, Matthew 18) so as not for us to be made as unwitting slaves to Empire wanton? (AMOS 2) Now if you don't know yet, we here have a Yokebearer Inclusion Policy so as for you to be at least ashamed for our (Matthew 20) longsuffering for you ins spite of all your attempts to do away from us in your lives (JOB 7). Let us reiterate it now if you may: 1. Any yokebearer who marries a non-yokebearing individual under sodomy would still be saved with all his loved ones, but that non-yokebearing individual would die with all that individual's non-yokebearer loved ones. 2. Any yokebearer who marries another yokebearer under sodomy would still be saved together with both all their yokebearing loved ones, but both all their non-yokebearing loved ones shall die. 3. Any yokebearer who married a non-yokebearing individual of the opposite gender, yet is still upholding and sustaining any other Empire agenda would still be saved, with all their yokebearing loved ones, but all their non-yokebearing loved ones would not be saved. 4. Any yokebearer who marries a fellow yokebearer of the opposite gender, yet is still upholding and sustaining any other Empire agenda would still be saved with all their yokebearing loved ones, but all their non-yokebearing loved ones would not be saved. 5. Your Central Administration shall appoint, and most rigidly screen certain Empire-occupied churches to be included in the Commondominion family of churches, to facilitate the repentance of sodomite and non-sodomite-yet-Empire-upholding yokebearers. 6. Any sodomite yokebearer shall be 'punished' in the afterlife with being given the most number of spouses under celestial plural marriage. We would like to call therefore to all churches who benefitted from our Yokebearer Inclusion Policy (Psalm 24,89). You have therefore a duty that spells the future of all our most beloved fellow yokebearers, therefore we ask that you now fully give yourselves in to joining us not only by truth but also by Hailleey Spirit (Isaiah 63), given how Empire is more extensively up against all of you, being indeed ashamed on how we had been so much gracious to redeem you from them. Not that we ask favor in return from you, but as much as Empire could no longer be anymore exhorted by our diplomacy, we know that you would never be as such as this Empire, but that you would be so more than gracious to receive 'new things' from Godhead through us here alone, which is so much offensive to Empire for the two-edged force of our divine office as Two Witnesses (WISDOM OF SOLOMON 6, Revelation 16). I want you to ponder just on this: Empire's hacking now Christ's Parable in Matthew 22 where you have to submit to the dress code so that you may be admitted in His Wedding Reception. The Lythgoes and Farages had already taught us that there are two types of Commondominion churches, all saved nonetheless by the way, at the time of the Second Coming of Christ according to the first Parable of Matthew 25: those who are going to be immediately both raptured and taken both to heaven and the God's Big Day Places of Safety, and those who are going to be left here on earth or outside the places of safety to be martyred, or put to sleep, through the Empire, partly because they had failed to meet the requirements of immediate celestial glory or rapture and evacuation. This, another type of Two Witnesses, is what Empire attacks on air specifically around midnight, which is the setting of the first Parable of Matthew 25. Therefore given that Empire is attacking us, you must understand that because you prove to be unworthy of immediate rapture and evacuation for you tend to be somehow with the Empire, you must be ready to understand why and how you're really dying for what you incline, tend and lean unto the Empire. You may not fret on us saying these unto you, for nonetheless you would be saved, yet we want that you, as in our most beloved Sir Sterling Allan's words, may 'not get to go into hell just to go to heaven', 'hell' meaning 'grave' or 'death' or 'underworld' for that (ACTS 3), yet we hope that you well understand that Godhead desires to refine you instead for you to be worthy of Their trust. As I had mentioned earlier, Empire fakes Matthew 22 these days, ordering that 'no one is allowed to enter any Empire gathering' such as #grammys, or#goldenglobes unless that 'he or she may wear the official prescribed dress code advancing the Empire's agendas'. If that’s what Empire fakes, well then we here serve the one and only true and living Godhead, therefore we must all the more submit to full, thorough and intensive renewal of our mind and lives, fully casting away any Empire agenda (MATTHEW 13, Romans 12-13,6, PSALM 136), Philippians 3, PHILIPPIANS 2, and standing up to Empire with all might Godhead enables us with for all yokebearers entrusted to our stewardship. I reiterate this because Empire had been seeking to minimize, if not to fully eradicate, any call that I and Joseph would be issuing, therefore leading to no one participating in our calls for some thing to be agreed upon such as wearing white last January 22, and all other past events you could see posted in our official Fascistbook page. We're grateful though that no one of you had ever participated in such call, because now we see how all of you no longer need us, as we could see that your unparticipating in our earlier call this year is indeed prompted by the Hailleey Spirit, all of you anticipating without me here alone forestalling that Empire's going to resort instead to wearing like us- white- by January 28, 2018. Joseph had even remarked that Empire with their earlier dress code of 'black', had turned instead into 'sheep in wolves' clothing', but with this recent reversal we can indeed say that Empire's truly 'wolves in sheep's clothing' now again (JOB 7). For example, Job 7 in Old King James Version 1611 states: 'I will not refrain'. In the Constantinians, one of the Empire churches that we were with in our past lives, they had made our brother Edward IX wear black all the time, and now we can see that Empire's turning up against him already with all his most recent courageous preachings for your Commondominion in Empire pulpits, all while at the same time, Empire imposes wearing either black or white that all who would not do so would be instantly and palpably punished to death. This same Constantinians, who overturned said church from Commondominion to Empire, had also replaced the writing of 'chorus' on all their hymns with 'refrain' instead. Therefore Job is very angry with Constantinians as with all others in the Empire, and neither Constantinians or the rest of the Empire can claim Job anymore (Job 27,25, John 14,12). I think Empire would just keep on changing the color of their imposed dress code to their future gatherings such as #oscars,#emmys or #tonys, and it would not be long till they could have used every color in the rainbow- that's going to be yet another slander to the covenants Godhead made with your Ancestors Noah and Enoch. Yet I could tell you that Empire sensationalizes wearing black alone as if it's a fake 'new thing', as much as these gatherings date way back the early 20th century and they would all be wearing black there. So what's their agenda by the way when they wore such black during the early days of their festivals to Baal and company? (ISAIAH 58) Therefore I ask you guys, that even though they use all the colors of the world, even of their winds (Ephesians 2,6, Ecclesiastes 5,7), they can never wear Christ in their hearts and sleeves (1 Timothy 5-6). You therefore must not be such- upon your yokebearing you have given yourselves in covenant with Christ (MARK 1) that you would join us later on in your life should we come in the fullness of times (2 Corinthians 11, Ephesians 1) which is now over us all with our 2017 relaunch (JOHN 1), you now then like our martyr Abner the converted general of David, do it by your own lives (2 Timothy 4, 2 Samuel 2-4), as much as your Joseph die here everytime he hear a yokebearer and allied country fall under Empire lure and woo, everytime he has to be harassed being made to listen to the same lures and woos (Isaiah 44,30).
I WOULD LIKE TO REINTRODUCE YOU UNTO WHOM YOU MUST ALONE LISTEN TO AND UNITE WITH. (Deuteronomy 18) As we had seen earlier, my most beloved guys, this Empire is already up to no good (Galatians 6, 2 Thessalonians 3) concerning you (PSALM 138). If you would I would continually give you further proofs (Psalm 51, 1 Timothy 1). I want to talk at this point about leadership, and whom you must only allow to serve your welfare. 1. By the time you are reading this, Empire again extols and insists (2 Timothy 2) that they are the purported wrightful spiritual descendants of Dwight Lyman Moody (JOHN 8). As for me personally I'm confused whether this man really served us here alone or the Empire instead, because his methodologies are largely seen to be no better than that of the blatantly evident Empire men Billy and Franklin Graham. Remember the words of our very own Edward Elliot (Jude Thaddeus 1) that Empire's ecumenism thrusts are already in place by that time, even way back the age of the Early Apostolic Church Fathers. The only thing Moody could ever get close to us though was that what he said once that we had read way back then, where it read that he admits Novus Ordo Inquisitional Vatican 2, who leads the Antiochian leg of the Empire and thus in turn manages and conducts the whole Empire in turn, to be the Enemy of Christ (AMOS 2). But in all, guys (Ecclesiastes 5), I strongly charge you in the Godhead that whatever Empire tries to tell you about this man or just simply about anything, as much as you cannot expect anything Commondominion from the Empire, guys, please, never even give in unto them for a bit (Galatians 2), nor care to listen to them (Philippians 3). Should you get to hear anything from them about us (JEREMIAH 26), tell us at once in our page (NUMBERS 13). Empire would rather seek to portray Moody as no better than the Grahams (Job 1-2, Revelation 12), a champion of ecumenism that is idolatry in worship and doctrine, only because Empire is guilty of being the Enemy of Christ (COLOSSIANS 1, HOSEA 6). We could only say therefore that if Empire makes Dwight Moody as its mascot, it in turn advances the Empire's monetary tyranny against the masses. 2. You may have heard from me and Joseph here so many instances already that Empire seeks to fake the sacred names given by Godhead just to pretend being in your welfare's service purportedly when in fact they are not, just because they want to fool you and drag you (MATTHEW 4-6) to join them in eternal punishment (Galatians 1-2, 2 Corinthians 11, 2 Peter). Just notice how they extol their officials Emmanuel Macron and Emmanuel Cabangon. Even our Joseph, who is unmistakably in your service here alone (ACTS 3, PSALM 29,67), has so many namesakes too in the fanatic, point-blank service of the Empire instead (Romans 16). Here is wisdom, I would like you to consider the Tagalog term for 'woman', as much as Empire advances female supremacy these days. 'Babae' is the Empire's disguise for their names (2 John 1, Revelation 8-9,11) 'Baal' (1 Kings 16), 'Babel' (1 Corinthians 14, Genesis 4,11), 'Bel' (Proverbs 31, Bel and the Dragon 1), 'Belial' (2 Corinthians 6), and 'Balaam' (Revelation 6,14, ISAIAH 58). 3. February 4, guys, is also when in 1846, Brigham Young, Empire infiltrate, had succeeded in apostatizing and faking the original church of Joseph Smith Jr. We should admit that he had a great deal of testimonies for himself (Matthew 12,16) that he's already doing good being on the side (2 Samuel 4, 1 Kings 2) of a Messenger of Godhead like Joseph Smith Jr., and even though he already apostatized, Godhead was still evidently having mercy on him and his immediate successors: he had 'transfigured' before the presence of many in 1844 just months after he conspired to slay Joseph Smith Jr. himself, he was allowed to be known as a kind of 'Moises' when he led the settlement of Salt Lake Valley, and just because Joseph and Hyrum Smith refulfilled being Two Witnesses (which Empire now attacks these days), we have nothing against this, but exact to the date digit, 3 years and 6 months since the Smith's martyrdom on June 27, 1844, Brigham Young formally taken possession, as he wanted for years against Joseph Smith Jr.'s duly-elected successor James Strang (Daniel 11-12), the leadership of Smith's original assembly on December 27, 1847, pursuant to the 3 years and 6 months between the death and resurrection of the Two Witnesses (Psalm 73,37,49,52,14 Joseph Smith Inspired Translation, JOB 28) following the day-year principle in prophecy. Not only that, on that same date Willard Richards was made as his Second Counselor. If we are to follow at once the immediate days, and not convert those days to years, from the Smiths' martyrdom, and cite in this instance the 4 days Lazarus was on the grave, we would reach July 1, when on 2017 Empire again extolled on air one of their entertainment officials here in Manila named Richards. Empire relayed on July 1-2, 2017 the June 23, 2017 sermon of my brother Edward IX, who is currently being held by Empire against their own will. Edward preached that sermon in a place named after Poland, one of our ally countries, whom Edward named together with another of our allies, Hungary, to be refulfillment of our Two Witnesses, when Empire sent our Edward to Vatican on May 13,20-21, 2017, therefore implying Sodom and Egypt, where the Two Witnesses were slain, and according to the Empire's Christian Community Bible of the Filipino People footnote of Revelation 11, these refer to Vatican and apostate Jerusalem, respectively (Revelation 13,17). July 1 last year was the 150th anniversary of Canada, and May 13 was the 100th anniversary of the Empire's staged false flags in Portugal, which they launched through their Japanese branch (Jeremiah 12-13, Ezekiel 8, Revelation 16,8-9) and thereby use as propaganda against our Russian allies. Remember that Noah's Ark was made in 100 years and withstood the Flood of 150 days. Our William Miller and Ellen White, whose original congregation was also corrupted by Empire through Ted Wilson, had placed Portugal at the prime of the refulfillment of the 6th Seal, while if we are to reckon 150 years we just have to include 20 years as per what the Messenger and Ka Erdy revealed as refulfillment of the 7th seal- the interval between the November 11, 1918 armistice and the war of September 1, 1939- and we shall get 170 years from December 27, 1847 to December 27, 2017. Ka Erdy declared December 26, 2004 as refulfillment of the 2nd Woe in Revelation 11 in favor of one of our fellow Messengers, Sir Mark Lichtenwalter (my youngest brother by the way is named Mark), while a similar instance was seen on March 11, 2011, the year your Ka Elias Arkanghel placed the 490 years of Daniel 9, in Japan itself. Particularly hit on the 2004 tsunami was Thailand, whose after yours truly they named their capital city, and Indonesia, the largest archipelago in the far east, as per Empire's claims of oriental endtime eschatology. Indonesia's holidays are December 27 and August 17. It was March 12, 2011 when on his first online ministry (which is now slain by Empire on July 18, 2015 as attack to the 2300 years of Daniel 8 as much as his friends were already 2,287 on that time), your Joseph received the friendship of your fellow yokebearer Johnnie Taylor Trujillo. Empire once mistaken Lady Trujillo's birthplace, New Mexico, as Utah itself as per Empire claims, yet Empire still managed to relate it to Joseph himself and his alma mater's foundation date, which is January 21 (see Edward's January 21, 2017 sermon, also see his January 15,21-22, 2017 on the territory of those who corrupted Miller and White's church, place which they even named after Joseph himself, and is even located on the homestate of my namesake Sir Nathan Grundhofer, where Edward was made by Empire to declare the Empire's policy of slaying the Commondominion as the Two Witnesses), not to mention these same Neronians changed the setting and backdrop of the sacred text scriptures entrusted to Joseph Smith Jr. from United Saints proper to Mexico (Empire sent Edward to Canada likewise on December 27, 2012, Empire commenced construction of the Constantinian Baal Arena on August 17, 2011. Refulfillments of the 7th Seal also lists 70 years from 324 to 395 cead [2 Chronicles 36, 1-3 Enoch]), and Brigham Young's successor was John Taylor, sounds like Johnnie Taylor. We said earlier that Godhead was still merciful to Young's successors because Wilford Woodruff, who nailed the coffin in Joseph Smith Jr.'s spiritual legacy, still even received a vision about both the framers of the US Constitution and signers of the US Declaration of Independence. Empire slain another descendant of Joseph Smith Jr., Joseph the son of Hyrum, on November 18, 1918 just because he received also a vision from Godhead about the underworld on the 3 days Christ was dead. My grandfather officially taken his office as Executive Minister of your Commondominion on December 25, 1918, and on 1939 was still gracious enough to include Empire's Japan and South Korea respectively with our allies China and North Korea in the prophetic office of Endtime Magi. Our Lady Lindsey was palpably back here in Manila 4 years or 'days' after the March 12, 2011 tsunami, on March 13-14, 2015, just after she was earlier here in Manila on August 17-18, 2012, which Empire admitted to be a refulfillment of Isaiah 54. Edward on Joseph's birthday, December 31, 2016, and on May 6,13-14, 2017 respectively, had declared that our allies Russia and Greece are respectively Two Witnesses too, and Godhead declared Joseph and Edward to be together on said office on April 30-May 7, 2017 (REVELATION 4). On April 22, 2017, this same Edward placed your fellow yokebearers Ladies Shailene Woodley and Lauren Garrett in that same prophetic office. On May 20,27-28, 2017 he was on France, where our Miller and White placed Revelation 11, and concurrently our Charles Taze Russell (whose original church is corrupted and faked by Joseph Rutherford) and Charles' faithful fellow Paul Samuel Leo Johnson placed Revelation 12. Edward was sent by Empire right where you are now, at South Korea, on May 28-June 3-4, 2017. Also on March 12, 2016, Edward was sent by Empire to New Jersey, the homestate of Joseph's firstfruit firstborn in his first online ministry, our fellow yokebearer Lady Arielle Petruzzella, who together with Canada's Lady Kirsten Wicklund-Steele forms the first 2 friends respectively that your Joseph had on his first online account. That homestate is bordered with the state of Pennsylvania where Susquehanna River is located, by a river which Empire's George Washington crossed on December 25-26, 1776, in an Empire-staged parody of the 6th Bowl against us (as much as King George III was demonized by Empire by the way, not to mention this weekend is the Empire's occult festival known as 'Superbowl'), the same way Brigham Young, like Constantine along the Tiber, made a crossing of the Euphrates River on February 4, 1846 to launch his usurped 'presidency'. If we are to take exact 4 years from 1844 we shall reach 1848: the files I have here from Empire relate that they launched the California gold rush on January 24, 1848 (wedding anniversary of the parents of Joseph and Hyrum, one day before Empire organized the Constantinian locale in Joseph's hometown in 1949, when Empire later on October 1 of that same year organized the present Chinese government, which is thankfully by Godhead is by our side now. The very first Winter Adult Olympics was held in France beginning January 25, 1924, also see Edward's January 25, 2014 sermon), partly through Brigham Young's men. In July 19-20, 1848, days before Lady Chelsie Hightower's birthday and when Empire summoned Lindsey to their presence in 2013 while my brother Edward was at Hawaii commemorating our father's visit there in 1968, Empire feminists committed the Abomination of Desolation on the site of Cumorah Hill. If we are to go back to 170 years from 1847 to 2017, we must understand that 170 is number 48 by almost 3 and a half times (that is 3 and a half years/days). 48 is near 49 for 490, and is also near 50 for 150 days and for 50 years this year since our father was at Hawaii to formally open his overseas missions now of course, like all the rest, under Empire's whim. Empire also claims much purported prophecy about the Israel of 1948 (19 in 1948 is just before 20 from Revelation 8) which they created 70 years ago, yet Empire lists in the very year of the birth of my namesake Sir Nathan Sykes, about a book they published on that year entitled palpably after the paternal surname of your Joseph, and then the same title contains immediately the year '1948'. I say these because as I have said earlier, I want to reintroduce Joseph unto you, and prove to you that you need him, and secure from you that you will love him for the rest of your lives. You need to do so because if we are to count exact 1260 days from June 27, 1844 notwithstanding the digit of the date we shall reach December 9, 1847. In our liturgical calendar here we commemorate martyrs such as Laodicadia, whose memorial falls on December 9 itself. On December 9, 2011 my brother Edward was at the homestate of the birthdaysake of Joseph's mother. The name Laodicadia is reminiscent of the church in Laodicea, which Godhead indicted for their lukewarmness. Guys, such lukewarmness is what can be seen in the churches that Brigham Young, Ted Wilson, Joseph Rutherford, and all other Empire heads had made us all grow up to and believe that such churches are still purportedly of Godhead and your Messengers when in fact it is already no more as such (Joseph Smith's original church was established by the way on the day in 1896 that the first Summer Adult Olympics was held in Greece [1 Corinthians 16 {June 19, 2015 in homestate of Joseph's namesake martyr <see May 28, 2011>, June 27-28, 2014-2015 in Joseph's current city <just ponder where many of you had been these past days: in China, Taiwan, Moscow>}. See July 8,15 and December 31, 2016, May 6,13-14, 2017. April 6, 2011 was when Edward was sent by Empire to Texas, where Empire through Ted Wilson declared war against our fellow yokebearers on July 11, 2015. Antiochians likewise declared an earlier war against our fellow yokebearers on September 9, 2012 at North Carolina, where we had a settlement there planted as Empire reports as early as August 18, 1587], it is also the birthday of our most beloved Lady Ekaterina Ryazanova. April 6 is birthday of another of your Messengers, William Branham, whose original church was overturned for Empire by his very own sons Joseph and Billy Paul Jr., therefore proving Empire's indeed faking our prophetic offices and is very angry about us making good on our undeservingly received prophetic offices. April 6 is also birthday of our fellow Messenger Sir Ian Paisley and we're so grateful to Godhead that his church, the Free Presbyterians of Ulster and North America, are still holding the fort for all of you and is still in your service for your welfare). Now on June 23-July 1-2, 2017: Edward preached on Joseph's homestate, June 30-July 14-16,29-30, 2017. June 24, as you all know, was when this International Olympic Committee was organized in 1894. If you would we shall further tour you a bit on how this date figures in the history of our glorious faith: June 24, 2016- as part of their faking the Two Witnesses, Empire sent their two-men officials team The Chainsmokers to Manila for an open-air service in Pasay. Later on at the end of that year they were extolled in apotheosis by Empire 'against Sir Nathan Sykes'. June 24 was when we organized settlements in the United Saints in 1497, and in our ally Venezuela in 1821. My father preached on the homestate of Joseph's namesake martyr on June 24, 1994. Now by June 24, 2009 Empire's yokebearing company of Canada and France had sent a mission here to Manila where they denoted about their take of that Greek mythological creature better known for flying as high as the sun just to get his wings burnt. Godhead Told us in divine revelation that such is a foretelling of our divine election (Moises 5), just because Icarus' name is sounding like the name initials of a couple of Empire churches. Guys, Godhead Told us that what our most beloved fellow yokebearers had done on that instance is a 'blatant backup reserve shattering to the Empire's claims of Revelation 7 and 19', because the yokebearer is rather rising up 'unto' the sun than 'from' the sun, therefore it further denotes how you all, our most beloved fellow yokebearers, make up the core of our undeserving divine election here. And why not would you do it- if Empire now through the Diocletianites (we admit that we had started very wickedly here in your Commondominion when we launched first under the auspices of Diocletianites, but we're grateful to Godhead that we were enabled by Them to get out of Diocletianites when they apostatized later on last year [2 Peter] and be here truly and fully in your service, and we really do regret for all eternity that we here began with Diocletianites), claim that they refulfill Isaiah 5:26 through the unrepentant Antiochians of Canada, how about they read the rest of the WHOLE chapter of Isaiah 5 and compare it on what Justin Trudeau and fake Canadian 'conservatives' are doing, while Isaiah 5:26 could only be about your Joseph because of his namesake and your fellow yokebearer who is from Canada and is our very first Executive Minister in his first life, who is named Sir Joey Arrigo? (ISAIAH 40) Let's further consider the following supporting points: the very first Winter Youth Olympics was held in Austria on January 13, 2012 (birthday of our most beloved Lady Gabby Daleman), the same means that a Summer Adult Olympics was held in Canada (which is also the home of yokebearers attacked by Empire on July 11, 2015) in the same year as a Winter Adult Olympics was held in Austria. Austria is south of Europe which is north of the map from Australia (Luke 11, MATTHEW 8), and a day after our memorial of Australia Empire sent word to Edward that they admit our fellow yokebearer Lady Hayden Hopkins of Australia to be a refulfillment of the Two Witnesses for this Commondominion as much as not only there is a Joseph Haydn from Austria, but also an Austrian emperor named Joseph as well as an empress named after the hometown of your Joseph here. It must be also noticed that our fellow yokebearer Lady Paris Cavanagh lives both in Canada and Australia (a Summer Adult Olympics was also held in France in the same year as the launch of the Winter Adult Olympics, not to mention another Summer Adult Olympics would be held years from now in France), and we have another fellow yokebearer named Lady Hailee Payne, whose name denotes the rain of hail both in Revelation 11 and 16, and who foretold about the 'burning of Paris' or the Empire's branches in France (1 Timothy 6). Lady Payne by the way is from Brigham's Utah. Isaiah 19 tells us that France and Germany are symbolic Egypt and Assyria respectively today, therefore they are close kin with Britain, a symbolic Israel. Empire, on their official communique to Edward IX on January 27, 2018 had mentioned about Felix Mendelssohn on the same time as Joseph Haydn, therefore Empire admits that yours truly, your most wretched slave now talking to you, is in Common calling with your Joseph here alone as your Two Witnesses. Not to mention that Illinois didn't only saw Joseph and Hyrum dying as Two Witnesses, but also the ministry of another Commondominion Messenger from Australia, Sir John Alexander Dowie. Therefore we could say to summarize all his faithful fellows and clan, Joseph could form a half of another refulfillment of the Two Witnesses and one would be filled up by Sir Dowie. Notice that Empire exalts their patron Alexander Hamilton against our yokebearers only to advance the Empire's economic monopoly against the masses: Hamilton was slain by his fellow Empire officials on a July 11th beside a river in New Jersey, therefore see how Empire seeks to slay too our fellow yokebearers. Edward was sent by Empire on a city here in our homestate better known to be a land of many waters (Mormon 1,6) both on July 11, 2014 and September 23, 2017, pinnacle of your God's Big Day last year. He was also on that exact actual city on January 13, 2001. Notice that the Two Witnesses stand 'in either side of the river'- the map of the United Saints stretching from west to east spells out the name of Alexander Hamilton himself: there is a group of islands in Alaska state (established respectively [COLOSSIANS 1] on August 24, memorial of my namesake apostle, and January 3, my birthday itself) named 'Alexander', and on the east coast, Bermuda has a city named 'Hamilton', while nearby is Bahamas, whose memorial is July 10, before July 11. I mention you these things, I entreat you to bear patience, because Empire as I had said earlier, is seeking to mislead and fool you with their claims of people such as John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, Dwight Moody, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, when in fact King David himself (ACTS 3) declared on 2 Samuel 23 that Empire can never claim sitting on a cloud (January 13,19-22, 2018 and January 13, 2013 lectures [Revelation 14]) nor the great cloud of witnesses, therefore Empire could not claim you yokebearers as much as there are yokebearers calling themselves as such on where our Edward was on June 27-28, 2014-2015, and there is also another fellow yokebearer named Lady Tasha Hamilton (JOHN 8). For example, Joseph Smith Sr. himself was born in Massachusetts, where Dwight Moody was born, on July 12, 1771, after July 11 (Constantinian officials were on Canada also, July 11-12, 2015). Empire states Moody was converted unto them on an April 18th, and that is the birthday of your Sir Nathan Sykes. We have a yokebearing couple in Massachusetts named respectively Sir Jonathan and Lady Alexandria Shaughnessy-Ronzio. Let's just take the name Jonathan. Bible versions depict the names sounding like Jonathan such as 'John' as we mentioned earlier about Lady Trujillo and John Taylor (JOHN 1:42 Today's English Version 1992) and 'Jonah' (Matthew 16:4,18 New King James Version 1982) are synonymous with the name 'Joseph' (Acts 4:36 Former Old Tagalog Version 1982 Edition, Matthew 16:18 New International Version 1984), therefore how can this Empire now stand before the divine revelation that your Joseph Stirling Steinfeld Sykes is a refulfillment of the endtime Sign of Jonah as much as Empire itself prophesied that 'a light shall come out of Boston', and that light indeed is fulfilled in your and our Joseph here alone? Christ Exhorts us that if we see the Empire extolling themselves, as what we can really see these very hours and days, we must rather turn and run unto him, your Joseph Stirling Steinfeld Sykes: we must 'run to the mountains' (Luke 21). The mountains referred to here is not the Roman Empire (Psalm 11 in all other Bible versions, Isaiah 54, 1 Corinthians 5-6, Revelation 13,17) but is rather Joseph Stirling Steinfeld Sykes as much as his original paternal surname means 'mountains' (Psalm 11 Joseph Smith Inspired Translation), not to mention my brother read Psalm 121: 'my help comes from the Lord, coming from the mountains' (Job 37), when he was exactly on Joseph's current city on August 14, 2015, the exact day on 2010 when the very first Summer Youth Olympics was launched on one of our very own allies, Singapore (near Australia and Indonesia), where one of our most beloved fellow yokebearers, a male in the diving discipline of yokebearing, which happens to be also named Joseph, was tried by Empire to be corrupted away from us on the exact occasion that all our fellow yokebearers refulfilled the 6th Bowl on August 5-6, 2016, which Empire replied back against in account of Edward's denoting of Psalm 121 for your Joseph when he was on his current city, with a faking of the salvific denotement of mountains in prophecy (denotement that can only be fulfilled in your Joseph alone here), on the south of Africa on August 6, 2017, within the same days in 2011 and 2016 that our Edward was at Australia. My father Ka Erdy had pitched an endtime Tabernacle on August 5, 1988, the same way my grandfather the Messenger pitched such on August 1, 1914 (Memorial of Joseph of Arimathea, Edward was on a place in California named after Joseph, on August 2, 1998) and May 1, 1937, respectively (Empire held massive public rallies in Manila, even on the homestate of Joseph's namesake martyr, on May 1, 1995, the exact year this Joseph who we have here was born) and according to our fellow Sir Patrick Scrivner, this exact year it would be 1,988 years since the martyrdom and glorification of Christ, therefore we must now take heed to our ways, repent and join me and Joseph wright here alone (Not to mention your fellow yokebearer lady Alexandria Morrow is on the same medical condition as your Joseph, and she was born on an April 30th, just before May 1). Just notice that August 5 is also the wedding anniversary of another of our fellow yokebearers, Lady Sydney Sorenson, named right after Australia, and is currently under hostage by the church of Brigham Young. Just last 2015, Empire, in an effort to woo and lure us, had also identified one of our men here whom they had martyred way back then, General Antonio Luna and his confidante, as another refulfillment of the Two Witnesses, yet we could not fully accept their words on this matter because they claimed that Luna's 'resurrection' as Two Witnesses occurred only on the military career of a staunch Empire official Gregorio del Pilar. As much as this is Empire's claims, we shall therefore address this wrightfully here so as for us to shatter their claims. Let's just take the birthday and death anniversary of Gregorio del Pilar: November 14 and December 2, respectively. November 14- Edward was at Joseph's current city, 2009, and at a nearby city in that selfsame homestate, on November 13, 2010, birthday of Joseph Fielding the son of Hyrum Smith. Joseph was inducted into the Constantinians on November 15, 2008, when in 2014 Edward was again on Joseph's homestate, in the city there named after the apostle whose memorial is the birthday of Lady Lindsey. Edward was sent by Empire on November 15, 2013 in an Empire locale named 'Commonwealth', and we do not expect that we would have Joseph here with me years later instituting your Commondominion of Christ. As much as Empire's already insisting these very days against you and your willingness to spend your all, your own and your best and brightest to advance our Common cause here together, it is indeed very more than necessary that you insist and persist about Joseph to the Empire's faces. Godhead shall hold all of us accountable if we don't do so, even stake our duties, just to live by his words as much as it is Godhead-sent for our duties as yokebearers. I trust Joseph so much with my entire life and I hope you may do so for you will never regret it. Perhaps you may ask why we are citing Empire claims to give you our own proofs when in very fact it seems that Empire is all the more being seen to be rather vindicated instead with our words. Well I tell them- they could never vindicate themselves by their own desperate efforts (JAMES 1, EPHESIANS 4) before Godhead. They can only be vindicated through us, because we here alone say what Empire abhors to hear and implement (MARK 1,6, PSALM 29), therefore all that Empire claims about themselves do only find fulfillment here in us alone, for if they claim things then Godhead demands that we rather do good on it than to brag about it (1 John 3, 1 Corinthians 4, James 2, 2 CORINTHIANS 4-5), therefore if there can be anything that is fulfilled somehow at least with Empire then it is all the more fulfilled here in us alone instead (Moises 6). December 2- Edward was where Antonio Luna was slain, in 2011. In fact he was also on the homestate of Joseph's namesake martyr, on June 5, 2010, the exact day in 1899 that Antonio Luna and companion was slain by Empire. We have an ally way back 1823 named palpably after my namesake Sir Sykes who is currently your king over all British territories. That official, named Sir James Monroe, on December 2, 1823 had dedicated and set apart the entire Western Hemisphere to be one, full, and entire United Saints to the Godhead for your Commondominion here alone. Therefore you could see not only Joseph, but also yours truly, your most wretched slave in Godhead, in the prophetic office of Two Witnesses. In fact if we count almost 3.5 years from 1899 we shall come to 1902, when on September 11 of that year Empire's American branch in Manila had declared their entrenchment of this entire country. September 11 is when Edward in 2009 had given me concurrent powers as Executive Minister here in your Commondominion, and when in 2011 Empire made our Lady Jordan Clark Rubio as Steward of all Canada (JOHN 1). We could relate this to what Elliot said about the Two Witnesses, that 'John Huss and Jerome were alive in the person of Luther, and that it ascended in the Empire-forged truce with the Commondominion's allies in Passau on 1552'. Also by 1902 one of our allies, Gregorio Aglipay, was already ministering and conducting his own congregation, which he had initially entered here with us. Further proofs: Edward was sent by Empire on July 1, 2016 where earlier Empire sent another of its local officers, which they had most previously before than, assigned to the homestate of your Joseph. That Constantinian official's name is Rosal, named after the Empire idol in Joseph's hometown, which feast falls a day before the memorial of my namesake apostle, and a day after our Sir Christopher Ilao was called as a Messenger. Another fellow Messenger, Sir Jun Carpio Edralin Dumlao, was called on an August 23rd, and Edward was in Canada on August 24, 2013. Notice that our fellow Lady Liana Blackburn was proclaimed by Godhead as a refulfillment of the Queen of the South on July 30, 2016, when Edward was in Australia and New Zealand both on 2011 and 2016-2017. Edward was also in Sykes country on August 23, 2012, memorial of our martyr William Wallace- Joseph Smith has a brother named William; Edward was on August 23, 2015 where he preached on June 27, 2015 and June 28, 2014 around the Smith's martyrdoms; August 23 is memorial of our most beloved elect Lady Jeannie Reynolds, mother of our fellows Elicia and Stephen Reynolds: Lady Elicia is palpably named after my son Ellix, and Sir Stephen denotes Lady Lindsey, another Queen of the South: 'Stephanus' was mentioned on Edward's June 19, 2015 sermon in the homestate of Joseph' namesake martyr, Empire ordered it be specifically replayed specially for its quarters in Joseph's current city on June 28, 2015. Also it must be recalled that Joseph Smith Jr. himself was born in Sharon, Vermont, therefore he is a refulfillment of the Rose of Sharon, because Vermont state is sounding near the paternal surname of your Joseph here. The state of Vermont was organized on a March 4th, when my father spoke on the homestate of the birthdaysake of Joseph's mother in 1994, exactly 20 years after on that date also Godhead called our stepbrother Sir Mario Evangelista, who is now currently succeeded by Sir Jogat de Mora, to rest. March 4 is also a memorial of the Apostle Matthias, whose name palpably sounds like the paternal surname of Joseph, and is a day after the birthday of Joseph's firstfruit Canadian, Lady Kirsten Wicklund Steele (Revelation 16, 1 Thessalonians 5, Isaiah 42,61,24,22, Jeremiah 22,36). Now I hope that by this time already, upon seeing all palpable divine proofs of Joseph's inherent wright to serve you and to be heeded unto by all of you, you had already determined with no turning back to fully consecrate yourselves to contend for Joseph's sake through you belonging here for good. You really have to do this because we must notice something about the Olympics originating from Greece. There is something I want you to understand concerning it (1 CORINTHIANS 15, 1 Thessalonians 4), as much as we have heard long enough about the Empire's pagan occult of polytheism which they imposed once over and through Greece, when this same Greece is not ours yet. Guys, as we were talking already that all who fully entrust themselves here to your Commondominion can be rest but all the more insured that they shall get eternal progression to celestial glory aggravated by continual revelation and constant messenger sending, I most verily tell you that all of you yokebearers are the sole and prime reason why Godhead ordered such to be implemented wright here alone (ACTS 3, PSALM 29,67), because Godhead knows very well how you really need rest and refreshment with all your hard work. In other words, if you are with us here to celestial progression, you only do make good on your being messengers from Godhead, which Godhead endowed within all of you to be inherent ever since you decided and began being yokebearers. Just notice how where Joseph Smith Jr. was initially called, in Palmyra, near Macedon, in New York. That same Macedonia is where Stephanus came from (1 Corinthians 16 [June 19,28, 2015]). If Lady Lindsey would not call for help upon her being besieged by Empire on April 23, 2014 (Daniel 10-12 New Living Translation), days after the last 1260 days to September 23, 2017 was commenced, on April 12, 2014 which is my grandfather's heavenly birthday, this prophecy would never be refulfilled here on us alone, because when we were with the Empire that 2015, and Empire was already besieging us right in our own home because we were given divine revelation to launch a Commondominion of Christ that year (in the same way Empire successfully attacked Joseph the son of Hyrum just because he received a fresh divine revelation), my son Ellix was moved by the Hailleey Spirit to also call for help and little did I knew that he was refulfilling then not only how Daniel wrote on the wall in Daniel 5 (see June 28 [after June 27] and September 20-21 [Lady Lindsey], 2014, April 18 [Sykes, Grundhofer] and October 2 [after October 1], 2015, and May 20,27-28, 2017 [Revelation 11-12]), but also what Empire's attacking these past days- the 3 Angels of Revelation 14, as much as Martin Luther, who posted in the gates of Wittenberg (Matthew 16), is said to be both the first and second angels of Revelation 14, sharing that 'first angel' office with Joseph Smith Jr. himself. It is therefore our only and most burning passion and desire to exalt you with all our being and might here, to raise and place each and every one of you above all that Empire sensationalizes with, yet of course you know very well that we shall do it not in the way Empire does, because we are doing it rather as Godhead orders us, because this Empire continues to claim and insist that they can give you such when in very fact they are breaking all requirements for all who are to dispense and administer eternal progression to celestial glory. In other words so as for our foundation not to be shaky (1 Corinthians 10,3, Matthew 7), we need to make you stand in the wright and proper foundation (1 CORINTHIANS 9) so as for you to be wrightfully standing far above and beyond atop this Empire (Psalm 61,57). Now let us ask you therefore, can this Empire give you celestial glory, even use Joseph Smith Jr. and perhaps Dwight Moody too, when in very fact their preachings, which invoke the words of 'equality, inclusiveness, diversity, love and peace' advances in fact their very own violent mobs advancing their agendas, which names we had already identified earlier? Guys, what they do rather seeks fight against the Hailleey Spirit (Isaiah 63, Genesis 6, 1 Samuel 15, Matthew 12), therefore they could not be truly having peace (Psalm 2) unless that they fully submit and surrender to you and to us alone wright only here in your Commondominion of Christ (EPHESIANS 4, Colossians 3, PSALM 29,67). I tell you that I can pardon you advancing women's rights or black rights, yet please remember me that you would never, ever forget that, sodomy is the far more deadly dope that you could ever take. Sodomy is a direct, blatant affront to the Olympic Spirit. Godhead rather, and not sodomy, must be the essence of the Olympic Spirit. Empire's radical libertarians would not impose wearing black in Golden Globes, or would not order under penalty wearing a white rose at Grammys, if this would not be in support also both of the funeral of Thomas Monson and the takeover of Russell Nelson and eventually, of Dieter Uchtdorf. Empire, we can say, if self-persecutory, self-contradictory, and therefore it is very deadly for us to heed them even for a bit, for they have so many sides of one rebellion against you and against us. Just consider the Empire's newsbits declare this: 'New York florists willingly offer service to Empire musicians for enabling them to observe the Empire's white rose dress code at the Grammys.' This is no better therefore than their first-century counterparts, who are keen to keep sustaining and upholding the Empire in their agreed form of business, even to the point of holding massive rallies (Acts 19).
LAST OF ALL, YOU MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT ALL THAT YOU HAVE HEARD FROM ME, AND YOU HAVE TO DO IT WRIGHT NOW. (2 Corinthians 13) Guys, as we have already told you, as rare opportunities such as these come by Godhead's undeserving grace, that we are given administration, even for a bit, of the Empire-organized Olympics, as much as Godhead sees how much we belong to each other (Revelation 6-7, Psalm 105), it must rather move us to even all the more do what is proper and necessary as Godhead orders us (Matthew 26) in order for us to be worthy of this unusual trust (Psalm 30) so as for us to be not like this contemptuous Empire (Amos 6). For example guys, we don't expect you nor shall wish indeed for you to be injured in anyway or instance, because we know Empire would make a really sensationalized deal out of it, but let me point out now unto all of you, that as much as Empire rather tends to sensationalize any injury that you may get- Godhead forbid- you must recall that you must avoid that rather moves them to do so, that is, the Empire's injury of the soul and spirit, something that they hate to be healed (Psalm 3,41, Proverbs 3-4), and therefore they refuse us to treat them properly on that (PROVERBS 8, ISAIAH 58, MARK 1,6). Guys, the Empire's readings texts this week asks us to 'renew strength' in Godhead (ISAIAH 40, ACTS 3), that is you make sure where do you get the moral, spiritual and religious encouragement that you deserve- you have to get it from no other else but us alone wright only here (COLOSSIANS 1, JOHN 1). Empire can give you everything, say the financial, social, et al. encouragements, but never, ever forget that you can never honor you the matters of the soul, spirit, mind, temper and conscience like we do (PSALM 150). Therefore, I most humbly implore you on behalf of our Joseph, that if you are not in the Commondominion of Christ yet, you better have to do it now, and if you're already here with us, then you must continue to remain being so, and you can only do so if you are honest and active in doing all as you are already taught about through our leaders and messengers. Please promise me most solemnly then that you will not fail Joseph. Tell me that you would do good with him and I'll tell him your vows. I'm very sure that he would no longer fret on how would you all fare in eternity long after he die. (JEREMIAH 26) Now I would like to implore you to please pardon me if I might have addressed those of us who are at South Korea these days more than those who are elsewhere in Empire reality shows either auditioning, a mainstay o r a guest performer, not to mention our many other yokebearers who are performing in all other Empire sorties and functions, which we had addressed already weeks ago in an Epistle like this. I only think that as much as you're all yokebearers, all these words are applicable to all of you (EPHESIANS 4, 1 Corinthians 8). I had decided to include yokebearers in Empire reality shows immediately here in the Epistle's persons of concern because it is very disheartening to see days ago over the Empire's Manila channels those who claim to be yokebearers yet is very evident that what they only seek is the Empire's approval and applause. You can feel with how they tried to make their performances as grandstanding that they don't have the Hailleey Spirit with them. If you have the Hailleey Spirit with you, you would not seek the approval of men, nor approve them in return, but you would never count it a lost to rather perform for Godhead, not even for us, for we here seek Godhead to approve you, you to approve Godhead, and to honor rather all that you need and deserve. The Empire heads attending their performances are seen to be evidently delighted and happy that they are able to get these poor, unwary yokebearers ride into what the Empire demands. You may likewise hear this from this selfsame Empire, that their propaganda speeches, their videos, orations, performances, are all to quote them, purportedly 'moving', 'gripping', 'emotional', and 'powerful'. Never allow yourselves to be misled by such. Godhead rather abhors to hear such shows-off by Empire (Psalm 4, 1 Kings 18, Matthew 7, MATTHEW 8). Let's just quote for a bit PSALM 150: 'praise Him in the Firmament of His Power…praise Him for His Mighty Acts, praise Him according to His Excellent Greatness…let everything that has breath praise the Lord.' You cannot praise Godhead if you're 'dead', that is, spiritually dead (1 John 5), because you only please yourself, even others, feeling satisfied and accomplished (1 Timothy 5) that you have done everything according to your skill (DEUTERONOMY 8) and not according to Godhead Who in fact actually Gave it to you. You can never do it if not because of Godhead, and as we had already proven in past Epistles, you can only know that you can do it through Godhead only because we here, your most wretched slaves, me and Joseph, exists. We here exist to honor you with the Hailleey Spirit (Revelation 7,14,22) which enables us to have spiritual discernment against Empire agenda, therefore He helps us to no more live for our own nor to impress even with our expressions (1 Peter 4, ROMANS 8, Romans 5,6-7) but to rather do good on our duties, that is, for you to be here with us alone (1 Corinthians 12, PSALM 29,67), only therefore can you indeed be alive and praising Godhead (Psalm 115,135, Isaiah 38). We have nothing against you that you progress in this life, but any progress in this life that Empire offers you can never give you the eternal progression that we alone can give you (ACTS 3). Let us here alone give that to you wright now and always (MATTHEW 4-6,13). You already know (1 Thessalonians 2) what we usually ask all of you to do concerning our pages, so that we may get all of you covered wherever you may be, but for first time readers I would like to once more implore the following and I most humbly entreat you to share the links below to all whom you know, love and work with: 1. If you have a Youtube channel, you must subscribe to all the videos our official Youtube is subscribed to, so that you may get videos from all our fellows. (youtube.com/channel/UCNgq_i3ZlMTxcczzEYQj6LQ/channels) Just remember that you must subscribe one channel at an hour and not all at once, and you must subscribe everyday on all remaining channels that you aren't subscribed yet by the last time you subscribed on the channels our channel is subscribed to. This is because Empire social media policies prohibit that we subscribe all at once to multiple channels, if we do the opposite Empire social media shall block us from subscribing further in that one instance. It is very important that you get to subscribe to all our channels because those channels are all owned by our member preachers and churches as well as fellow yokebearers. If you don’t have a Youtube channel, I don't ask you to do one, but rather make sure at least to always visit all our listed channels because it is very imperent that you get to hear the continual divine revelation being manifest in us in so many forms as promised to us all in Ephesians 3. It is also very imperent that you spend your free time studying the Scriptures through our videos, and even raise up your children, if you have one, just playing them in the background for them to listen for themselves to our various videos. 2. You can also get to read fresh word straight from, and also contact straightly, our fellows here into your accounts if you're going to like their pages (https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/likes) and follow their accounts (https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/following) as your Joseph himself has listed for you to get all at once. You can like and follow all these pages all at once and not one at a time. We have another related list where you could get either their sites itself or their pages and accounts instead and we hope you may also check it out here so that you can contact them: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/what-we-give. Aside from these your Joseph also releases official pronouncements and events on his pages here: https://twitter.com/commondominion, facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan and facebook.com/jonas.stirling., where the best part is that you can also contact him for anything you need to know, and much importantly, if you are in any kind of distress, Godhead forbid, but should you undergo such Joseph needs to help you as much as he could (Isaiah 30,55). You can share these pages with all your loved ones and friends, and to all you know who also need such help, tagging and asking them to likewise share these pages as well and tell all others to do the same as well, and it would not be long till we reach everybody in the Empire. 3. You can contact all our member, recommended, partner and listed branch churches through the list we give you (http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/where-we-are), so that you may know where they may be where you are also, and so that you may also ask them to visit not only you but all your loved ones elsewhere they may be away from you. If you decide to belong to just even one of our churches then that makes you member automatically of all other churches we have here, although we more strongly recommend that you belong to not just one, or even some, but on all of the churches we have here. You are expected to be not only mindful of the church you would be particularly in here, but of all other churches we have here, as much as we’re no different than each other. I know that many of you are already belonging here with us, for example, the Central and Eastern European yokebearers who belong already to us through their being members of the Oriental Orthodox and Traditionalist Roman Catholic Churches. If you count yourselves as 'Christians', remember that it would depend on whom you are listening to: for example, if you listen and adhere only to the likes of Franklin Graham, Crouch Family, Charles Stanley, Charles Morris, Brian Johnson, James White, Paul Nyquist, John Piper, Francis Chan, Bergoglio, David Jeremiah, Max Lucado, then you are a career, and therefore, a suspect Christian. What they rather build is personality cults and celebrity faiths, using Christ's Name to insist themselves and remain comfortable, because they tend to only appeal to what lures and woos the unsuspecting ear, not what rather must strike our conscience. These people rather pushes for ecumenism, as we have told you, Empire is self-persecutory, those who push in turn for sodomy and abortion blatantly are no better therefore than these names. They are the very people who hate us, because we said Godhead continues to reveal new insight and send new men to expose these names we have told you, that Godhead knows very well how these names we have mentioned you all their other assistants, continues to hoard and cover up what really is behind the Empire's feminist, black supremacist, refugee/immigrant, gun control agendas respectively, therefore as much as Empire heads are cowards and liars, they therefore are sodomites and abortionists in turn (Matthew 12,25, 1 Samuel 15). 4. If you have time we also invite you to get into all our Places of Safety. We specifically prepared these places so as for you to be taken care of far away from any Empire hunting down against you and your loved ones. You can contact the links we had enclosed on this list (https://www.facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan/posts/1486875711419807). We had already learned that Godhead shall have all urban centers of the Empire worldwide in Their Payback Hitlist, therefore Godhead ordered us to prepare rural places to take shelter onto when these punishments against the Empire commence anytime from now when you get home. If there are no links listed next to the name of place specified, you can refer instead to our list of branch churches which we have already given above wright before this number so that you may ask them where exactly are their nearest locales to the place specified without a link in the list we give on this number. Now as we had earlier said, before we close this Epistle, now that I have already given you immediate charges, I would like to most earnestly charge you to do these other charges. 1. Invest in work that shall advance the kingdom of our Godhead. Empire these nowadays, had been doing attacks against you and all your fellow yokebearers for the sole reason that as yokebearers elected and empowered by Godhead, you re 'multi-tasked and multi-talented', that is 'all-around'. I implore you not to give in to this Empire therefore, but rather, all the more, now more than ever, drive on your being multi-tasked and multi-talented to full speed ahead to derail this Empire. Let no Empire threat nor besiege scare you away from us. Let me give you an example- one of the many reasons why Empire triggered the 1929 Great Depression is to paralyze the numerous printing houses maintained by our brethren across the United Saints just because they warned an Alfred Smith (notice guys, he's named after Joseph Smith yet this Alfred Smith is an Empire official, as we told you earlier that Empire fakes our names just to mislead us) presidency would rather place United Saints under slavery to the Roman Empire. In retaliation therefore, Empire triggered the Great Depression. Guys, we are no different than that struggle our brethren had been in the past. We should be thankful that at least Empire could not manipulate nor hold us so much through either Sanders or Clinton or any of their cohorts than what we are now under our man Donald Trump, therefore Empire is at tantrums now more than ever against you and me, because evidently they have an agenda they want to implement in full. Therefore as we told you earlier, we rather must learn to persevere and endure with each other (1 CORINTHIANS 15, Romans 12, 1 Peter 4, 2 Corinthians 11) as much as Godhead expects us to be counted standing by Their side in times like these- that is we stand by the side of the people They approve, that is us here alone with each other. When we say you must invest, you must also endeavor on helping our ally governments in more than generously giving works that give long lasting welfare to our countrymen and fellowmen, leading them to this Gospel Lowe and enabling them to live decent and honorable lives with sustainable livelihood, to fill up what Empire evidently denies people with these days juts to make them continually misled and fooled. Use all skills you have in all fields, even on media, to further the missionary works of all our messengers, co-shatterers and churches, to plant them where in the world they are not yet located or even heard, and spend just to make sure that all who would be reached there would thrive in maturity of faith to even create eventually new messengers for Godhead if enabled by Godhead in the future. It would be also more than helpful to that end, that you also introduce these future brethren to yokebearing, so that they may be automatically messengers like you. 2. Remember all who work and toil with and for you (1 Thessalonians 5,Hebrews 13, 1 Corinthians 16). I also send this word to all our most beloved coaches and choreographers. You would not be all here if not for the very pivotal people that Godhead also called to be virtually fellow yokebearers with you- those who design and make your yokebearing uniforms, those who clean up the floors and rinks so that you may perform your duties safely and well, the undeterred independent photographers who relay your skill in motion to the world, and all others. They and all their loved ones deserve your constant, solicitous, highest concern. I say this because Empire also has no concern nor effort for all their old, retired and even sick or disabled, even impoverished, media people such as their lensmen and videographers. Such must not be said of in your midst guys. (JAMES 1). We must prove that we're better than Empire. We must not neglect our fellows such as those that I've mentioned, rather, we must prove to the Empire's faces that we are in the service and welfare of these men and women who serve our purpose and welfare. If Empire's bent on doing apotheosis on the wrong persons, that is their heads, then all the more rather we must also raise these people we had aforementioned to proper, long overdue, eternal apotheosis. 3. If you delight to, here we enclose as Joseph would do with all the links I have prescribed him to include here, the petitions he had made lately last year to the Empire's powers imploring them that if they would not let our most beloved Russian brethren to march under their own flag with many of you, they rather with all others who are also not allowed to march under their own flag, must be allowed instead to march under OUR flag, that is, your Commondominion national flag, not only in these games of Pyeongchang, but in all other future instances that Empire would not allow any yokebearer to march under their own flag. Joseph explains that it is already hightime, as you already see with all that I had laid before you as proof of our Common divine election together, that the Empire see to their faces that they could not contain us any longer, but that we have our own identity as yokebearers, and that is being of the Godhead (PROVERBS 8, PSALM 150). I most solemnly and humbly urge you to support such cause, to spread this, so that the Empire may eventually approve our cause (PSALM 138). (Here's the links you can share with everybody: https://nvmlindseyallan.wordpress.com/2017/12/07/dearest-olympic_russia-russia-take-us-with-you-to-pyeongchang2018-heres-how-rt-love-your-godstinydancer/ and https://nvmlindseyallan.wordpress.com/2017/12/07/hey-iocmedia-olympics-let-our-olympic_russia-take-us-with-them-to-your-faces-rt-if-dont-agree-thanks-godstinydancer/) 4. And most of all, I would like to urgently ask you to most solemnly implore to Godhead one more important thing. If you do this one thing then you have already served the whole purpose of this entire Epistle. I most humbly entreat all you yokebearers, not only in these Olympic Games, or in any Empire shows, but more importantly elsewhere (1 Peter 5), that you join all your voices together in solemn prayer, praise and worship every day and hour (PSALM 67,29), that our most beloved and ever powerful Godhead may convert you into living punishments (Joshua 23) to the entire Roman Empire (updated list here: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/who-we-are-against-). We had long enough of them- the blood of our innocent brethren which they had shed, the lies they feed us with every hour, the Baal-raising and grandstanding they use to hinder us here from reaching you with our gentle and meek humility- all of these Empire tricks must already be gone and wiped out. All you have to do guys, so that you may be living punishments to the Empire (Revelation 11), is that you continually join us in prayer and blatant witness (1-2 Timothy) as it is indeed expected of us. We mentioned about God's Big Day reaching its highlight on September 23, 2017. It has her prelude from August 21 (the Great American Solar Eclipse) to September 4, 2017. As much as we're mentioning 150 earlier, it is already 150 days on January 31, 2018 (the Super Blue Blood Moon) since September 4, 2017. Empire blasphemed the 7 Thunders of the Mighty Angel, that preludes the Two Witnesses both on August 20, 2010 and August 21, 2016; in retaliation Godhead told me that our fellow yokebearer Lady Christine Crame refulfills the Mighty Angel of Revelation 10. Empire reports that the last Super Blue Blood Moons in most recent history ranges from over 150 years ago to December 13, 1982, the exact date in 1986, birthyear of Lady Lindsey, when my father preached on Joseph's homestate where my brother Edward preached also on January 28, 2012 (Edward also preached on Texas on January 28, 2017, at Nauvoo on February 4, 2017, on the homestate of Joseph's namesake martyr on February 4, 2012, and on Joseph's homestate itself on February 5, 2016, and on Grundhofer's homestate both on February 13 and 20, 2016, back to Texas on February 27, 2016), and when another martyr of ours named Sir William Wiseman (a word for Magi), was slain by Empire in 1555. I ask you then, in the Name of Godhead, and for the Sykes of your most glorious duty, that you implore Godhead without let-up, to strike the whole Empire in all means, now and always, with all misfortunes and calamities, and for all our fellow slaves in the Empire to be palpably liberated and brought to our midst (Luke 21, Psalm 18,25,140-141), so as for you to eventually and palpably receive the riches of the Empire (Ecclesiastes 2,Deuteronomy 33), as much as Godhead knows very much (1 Thessalonians 1, 1 Peter 5, MATTHEW 6) that you're going to use all of Empire's resources, that you’re going to eventually confiscate, to build and advance Their Kingdom through you in us alone here (John 17, 1 Thessalonians 5). We're not going to use it, you will.
It is no more of my responsibility whether if some of you who are already of this faith would rather choose to go away from me after reading this (Acts 20, Eter 12). If that happens, I would have nothing against you, because what matters most to me is that all of you would be eventually saved by the way, with or without me, because of our brethren (Philippians 1), and because of your duty. Therefore I most humbly implore that you pardon me with your superseding mercies. All I only ask of you is to constantly do good on your duties. Guys, I would no longer talk to you if you're going to forget these words- Godhead forbid- even if you forget me, even so as Empire continues to undermine even my very own writing here under their custody. I ask you thence, to remember Joseph Stirling Steinfeld Sykes instead, that you may never, ever forget to rally behind him, to be loyal to him, and to be for him at all costs. I would only do verily happy, to join our Joseph in prayer, that Godhead may eternally persist and insist, to uphold, sustain, support, advance, contend and avenge for each and every one of you, and all your loved ones and companions. Such prayers would be our breath as long as we die. I hold you all to solemn oath that all of you are going to be with Joseph whatever it takes for you through me (Colossians 4), enjoying the bosom and face of Godhead for now and forevermore, both in the new earth and in the heavenly city. May Godhead heal all of you from whatever afflictions you are in, and may They never stop revealing to you the depth of Their knowledge and revelation (1 CORINTHIANS 2). May They exalt all of you more higher and powerful than us here and the Empire, may They endow you with Joseph's love and love for him in turn, may you always remain humble, kind and courageous before our Godhead all through your lives, walking in caution and reverence for your Sykes, in valor and outspokenness for our sake, and may no one of you be lost, but rather all of you may be strengthened by Godhead through me and Joseph to Complete your Race and receive the crown of celestial glory. Please believe me when I say with all my entire being and might, that I and more so Joseph, on behalf of your entire Commondominion Family Team, loves you very, very much, now and always.
I remain your most humble brother and fellow slave of the Godhead, FELIX NATHANIEL VILLANUEVA MANALO II Executive Minister of the Commondominion of Christ (Writing from his prison cell as imprisoned by Empire)
#lentatchristmas #christmasatlent Readings for February 4, 2018 THEME: EASTER 7TH SUNDAY (ASCENSION OF CHRIST) 1st Reading- 2 Chronicles 5:1-14 Psalm- Psalm 69:1-36 2nd Reading- Acts 1:9-26 Gospel- Luke 24:50-53
0 notes
A Handful of Motivational Rhymes For Papa.
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0 notes
This is the “shameless”  me heading home,in a matatu booming loud crunk and some silly Fetty Wap crysongs( yeaaaah bae…),from a place that took me dosens of courage bundles and self discipline to atleast gather guts to leave ; of course there’s always a bunch of sinners trying to drive your faith into badlands where there are no parents you have to report to, in full detail, as to why you are having bad dreams about coming home late, since God is gracing them with a whole pack of awesomeness, so somehow you get home eleven deep night and your old man goes like “do you want us to lie outside watching the stars, reciting poetry into the thin air?” Ring! Ring! Wake up! Run away from them as first as you can’t since all you do is drink senator cage in a local bar so you got a belly looking like you Swallowed a giant drumstick without chewing but all is good though, Ladies still f-audio censor,  tiiiiiingg!- with you. 
Text Reference  ( Punctuality  - never mistake its power in your peace at home especially when lecturers are on strike and home is one place people  will have to bear with your loud disturbing singing of a weird genre of music for a very long time, like long!) 
Okay. I was about to narrate stories from where I’m from. A friend’s place, as always. Been there for some couple of days if you are using the high timeline (sometimes you wish you could wake up and spend a day just human, your lungs full of fresh air and the liver on vacation in Ibiza but there’s always that call from one your so called ninjas - “i swear this sh*t is lit, last night i was smoked and felt so astronaut."  Then they sum the deal with that notoriously famous phrase "there also a few girls too”. God forbid the things that construction of grammar does to our brains,  all the way to a lame excuse like "my friend’s cousin passed away, im going to console with them tonight". Remember to ask how many times that good friend has  had to kill you to show up at your ‘predicted-to-be-lit’  party with no girl or a bottle of cheap whisky, in contrary with demands and instructions highlighted in the invitation on WhatsApp.A very serious violation of the turn up ratio principles and high accords.  
Now, Now,Now. It was a good night from where i come from, I mean it was considerable damage to the body having spent the whole week sleeping, eating, doing nothing! That "Jack with no play is a dull boy"  philosophy is something i hold so dear to my heart people. So some green leaf combustion to release healthy carbon killing  cancer cells, initiating  some brain rebooting and application updates was going on after a day full of similar  happenings in a location from which i telepoted to this place where i leave fellow sinners going on with the quests for higher clouds. One thing is we didn’t know how we found ourselves here but damn! We’re a bunch of lost warthogs, we don’t remember sh*t and that, is one reason we’re so happy  ( Lord help them see their lives) 
As the routine prescribes it to be, i mean some random confessions about how elevated one feels ; in the skies flying with stokes, delivering babies to fellow men who apparently… ( ladies and gentlemen, the next statement has been written out of utmost respect for all men and if not, my apologies)… Shoot blanks!  Then you feel so amazing and amidst all these good things are stupid moments like "this stash is fine bruh, whom did you buy it from? Especially when you were the same single person in that clique that knows all the sellers in your area and individually went to purchase the magic wands, YOURSELF!   If you were in a serious session then you don’t miss an Einstein moment during which numerous brainstorms are battering your skull, exploding with billions of ideas about the cosmos and the relationship between FIFA 17 and Heaven (sometimes you might fail to grip the difference but brethren! Brethren! ) . Of course it doesn’t go without mentioning the various “facts”  and concrete reasons as to why your extremely silly arguments came to existence, deserving a chunk of minutes set aside for their discussion and clarification. The beat of that EDM track is overwhelming your emotions and you hate your life. Why do you stay in such a cursed continent with black people and elephants which attract more love than the people themselves? You want to live in America, go to some dope college in Dallas, get paid a few dollars per hour( you’re a humble child from Africa,  with an ashy face since most of the vaseline is spent on other vital body checks and balances,  so “a few” will be okay), eat some McDonald’s burgers or Subway cookies  and mess with white boujee babes. This is one of those moments you wonder what your great grandfathers were doing when others were taken up for slavery now their generations living lavish in Beverly Hills. They must have been some lazy bunch i swear. Right now you could be some youth in Atlanta looking like a vintage ghost of Shakes Makena in the super strikers classics, with some gold tooth and a zombie rap style earning a thousand bucks with a name like "Kodak Black" ( may the gods have mercy) . Out of nowhere!  Upto where we are now you can sense the humour in your Hollywood aspirations so you laugh out loud, seconds before your mates join in, till that final time a rush of wisdom strikes one of you and asks what y'all laughing about, then you realize  there was actually no joke but then again, who cares?  The cycle continues.
This is what I’m thinking at that moment, my Einstein moment! What if our world was a just a setting of a game section played by a people of an elite dimension, the real world now. Let’s say like GTA stuff. So each one of us is a Trevor of some sought, your gamer is bad at racing, shooting and even finding locations because unfortunately he got no clue of the map and its purpose. Basically, his “gaming”  skills are on the garbage side of mediocre, lets say it’s a dumb ass potential school dropout trying to spend time away so evening can come and sleep, moral lesson - you’re a game over or busted(dead!) . In short, this type of game is that which was played 10 years ago by the urban kids with PS(long before the numbers) now they took all their old  junk to the countryside so relatives are trying to chase the trend. That’s how bad these imaginations are. I’m proud of myself, honestly. Of all these red-eyed fallen humans staring at me sharing this fiction, anticipating the next part of this  plot like the release of the next shooter episode in those pirate sites, over buffering connection,i think i have the best story! 
Come on now, you and i know that one guy that got  to tell false stories about his uncle and the many ladies who certainly find him a supermodel and can’t resist proclaiming their love all over social media. He’s always recording chest bare videos for his 316 Instagram followers or “with the boys”  captioned pictures, with the many Picsart filters, to his Facebook .Sometimes you’re there in your zone thinking why you tolerate such characters in your outcast living till it hits you that you were not blessed with the sweet slippery tongue to lure in all the pretty girls to your parties that he professionally possesses. He’s always there to save your thirst,as long as he doesn’t pay for any other activity. ( sniper tings, put some hashtags on that). 
Drifting down this plot, this is the best deal of this turnt up business! The ladies. The sweet ladies that accepted to be part of a life saving campaign as far as your boring day is concerned , God bless their tolerance, even I wouldn’t dare to give my number to myself, let alone answering to a "Form call". You can’t believe what we tell you the next day but that part about you pulling some Grrrrrh ! Grrrrh!  to a “rrrrraah”,   lecturing a dab session for the song "panda"  to a girl smiling sheepishly, balancing on wobbly worn out feet asking silly sad questions at the corner is a true story. One in which your vampire qualities are activated so you are frequently seen in dark corners and poorly lit corridors serving as blindspots for the prosperity of your uncouth behaviours inspired by a great deal of moral decay.You somehow want to walk to that girl sitting on the couch and whisper “that’s some fine piece of beef you carry  back there”  but then you realise she’s still on the other side of town and the joke may not have a required reciprocate , enough slaps today, more drugs for her. Now you’ve changed your mind about her, “noo, she’s too rachet bruh, too rachet! Don’t play yourself! ” ( the boys up there are in serious analysis and checks - you can even establish family backgrounds of all your friends by sight alone. Of course these are the same boys that  save the day from the rant of your father) Before processing the next thought, the stomach is up. Dear Munchies, even the ice cubes seem edible : bottomline, this hunger is pure evil with lots of malice! Hunger games catching fire! The moment you come out of the house, dusk has come, an end of a new day, the same day you had promised to show up at home before noon. Change of course now. A few  minutes later, you’re in this mat’ writing this silly story that probably no one  will like even after laughing to it because you are not any lady posting a "#lipgame"  pic with an inspirational quote like, "throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack" (why is social media so heartless? It’s like, liking your fellow ninja’s post is gay!) . It’s still the same you caring not to make any close eye contact with other passengers at this point because unfortunately, your eyes can tell it all. You know there are thousands of grammatical mistakes all over this composition but what are edits for? Furthermore this is a good piece, fruits of "the stash" and next time you’re called up yonder, you won’t hesitate. See your life! 
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