#also they all have individual geographic locations. lakes/shore -> woods/forest -> city/desert -> desert/mountains
aturnoftheearth · 7 months
also y’know how some artists’ albums are like. a season. y’know oh this album is so autumn feeling or summer etc. well i don’t think lord huron has that obviously they have songs that fit that BUT i think they have albums for the times of day absolutely locked down:
lonesome dreams IS a morning album with its nature theme and its blue and tan colors and the feeling of setting out on the beginning of an adventure with songs like “ends of the earth” and “she lit a fire” and “i will be back one day” and i think “the ghost on the shore” is such an early sunrise song especially when paired with she lit a fire 🌅
strange trails is absolutely an afternoon album. TO ME. i think it stretches the bounds more than the other albums bc some songs are sooo night time themed BUT overall? “la belle fleur sauvage” and “meet me in the woods” and "cursed" and "fool for love" etc feel like wandering through the woods in the afternoon (maybe it’s autumn and the leaves are crunching or maybe it’s spring and everything is still dead except the new wildflowers or maybe it’s summer and everything is sooo green who knows) searching for SOMETHING. and also i think "way out there" and "louisa" both lead into late afternoon early evening really well 🏞️
vide noir is so obviously the night time album with the black and neon green colors and the range between lower waltzy sounding songs like “wait by the river” or “when the night is over” and the full blown speakers songs like “ancient names part 1&2” and “never ever” is so indicative of the way a night can start off really loud and rowdy but eventually settle into a quiet thing and the emerald star and the moon being so prominent…. in contrast to strange trails, vide noir is so firmly entrenched in night time it’s insane 🌃
long lost is such an evening album with the desert sunset vibe and the blue and orange color scheme and the theme of change and endings going with the last bits of sunlight signifying the end of the day and the uncertainty of tomorrow and time’s blur just being this beautiful amalgamation of sounds with the prominence of twenty long years' nostalgic twang oughhhhh my beautiful sunset album 🏜️
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