#also they only gave me one H! I wanted one that also said Leatherface but I already used the H for Chop Top so. rip
trashmuis · 11 months
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Made some Sawyer brother bracelets bc why not 💀
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scarofthewind · 5 years
Bubble Bath || Slashers x Reader (SFW)
A/N: I literally just took a bubble bath and want to write about my boys (Bubba, Brahms, Jason, Michael, Chucky *Human form*, and Thomas Hewitt) with their girl in the bath. That being said, everything of mine will be Female!Reader unless requested otherwise. Hope you enjoy! If someone wants, I can make this in a NSFW version too ;) Warnings: Fluff 
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Leatherface (Bubba Sawyer): His house didn’t have everything. But it did have a pretty big bathtub. The hot water rippled as you stepped inside, watching the bubbles part when you submerged yourself. Humming in approval, you sunk down, letting the warmth relax your muscles. A soft creak of the floorboards sounded from behind you and you tilted your head back to see your lover. 
Bubba looked down at you and watched your face light up with joy. You held an arm out and he took your hand in his. “There’s plenty of room for two.” You said softly, letting the light peek in through the window cast a beautiful shadow on the floor. You didn’t have to tell this man twice. He discarded his clothing, making sure he put them in the dirty clothes bin before stepping into the bath on the other side. Pulling your knees to your chest you waited until he was comfortable before moving to lay against him. Bubba wrapped his arms around you and held you close, kissing the top of your head as you two enjoyed the moment. 
Jason Voorhees: Jason was a many of few words, but you knew him like the back of your hand. So when it came to bath time, he disliked them. But he loved bubbles. You played with the white soap suds that nearly fell over the sides of the tub while Jason stayed perfectly still on the other side of the tub, watching you. “What?” You asked, blowing some of the bubbles at him. A small smile graced his lips and he grinned. 
You watched as the man scooped a large amount of bubbles into his hands and gently placed them on your head. He groaned out broken words as you blew some out of your face. “If anything, you’d be the one who needs a hair style...of hair in general.” You mocked his actions and put a glob on his head, watching as he let them slide down his face. A few more moments passed and you let Jason pull you forward to kiss you. He hated baths. But he loved them with you. 
Michael Myers: “What the fuck?” A gruff voice echoed from behind you. Turning your head, you looked at Michael and smiled. The bathtub was full of bubbles and there were candles lit all around the bathroom: them being the only light in the room itself. The shadows they casted on the walls as well as the glow they wrapped you in made the man fall more in love with you. He wouldn’t ever say that though. 
“Wanna join me? I’m sure we can find a spot for your legs.” Your smile made his heart jump as he sighed, stripping and climbing into the bath. 
“It’s hot.” He hissed as he sank down into the tub, watching you move around until finally you were between his legs, facing him. He knew that you knew that he only took bathes or showers when the water was hotter than Satan's piss. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, “You did this for me.”
“Guilty.” You shrugged, running your hands through his hair and letting the bubbles collect against his chest. “You’ve been stressed lately.” Michael hummed in agreement, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you deeply. He didn’t know what he would do without you. 
Brahms Heelshire: Surprisingly, it was his idea to take a bubble bath. Unfortunately for you, you had to get everything ready. Brahms is very picky about how hot or cold the water he cleans himself with is. He’s also picky when it comes to what he wants you to smell like. Taking a soft fragrance soap and watching it bubble up in the water made him happy, therefor, he always did that part. 
“Are you getting in or are you going to stand there all night?” The tall man asked, watching you from inside the tub, arms resting on the sides. 
“Sorry, I was thinking.” You shook your head and undressed, ignoring the heated stares the male was giving you. Carefully, you climbed into the tub and immediately let the water relax you. Brahms watched you hum in approval and take a minute to absorb the calming energy before reaching across the tub and yanking you to him. “H-Hey!” You frowned, placing your hands on his chest and making a mental note to trim the large, thick patch of hair growing all over his front. “You agreed to no funny business tonight.” Brahms groaned and rested his forehead against yours, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. 
You ran your fingers through his hair, pushing back the messy bed of curls and leaning up to kiss the scarred side of his face. “Have I ever told you how much I love you, Brahms?” The male smiled, kissing your cheek and nodding. 
“You don’t have to though. I already know.” 
Charles Lee Ray (Chucky): “I’m not cleaning this up later.” The grumpy male said as he sat in the warm water across from you. 
“I never asked you to.” You rolled your eyes, sipping on the glass of wine you had poured for yourself. Charles glared at you and gripped your calf roughly under the water. 
“Don’t get smart with me, (Y/N).” His grip loosened when you moved closer to him, leaning between his legs and getting face to face with the man. 
“This is supposed to be a relaxing, romantic time. Please stop running your mouth; you are ruining it.” The stare you gave him made Charles want to lean you over the side of the tub and do explicit things to you. For a moment, you thought he’d actually blow a fuse with how you just spoke to him. However, when a large grin stretched across his face and his arms wrapped around your body, you knew you were in the clear. 
“Fuck, I love you woman.” Charles planted a chaste kiss to your lips and listened to what you said.
Leatherface (Thomas Hewitt): “Tommy, where are you taking me?” You asked from behind the large hands of your lover. 
“Bathroom.” He replied and you raised an eyebrow, lifting your feet carefully and balancing yourself using his arms to hold on to. The hands covering your eyes smelt like the bath supplies you occasionally use and you could feel your heart smell in your chest. Thomas stopped abruptly and led you into the bathroom, closing the door behind you both with his foot. “Okay.” He let out a breath and uncovered your eyes, letting you take in the scene in front of you.
The bathroom was dimly lit with over twenty candles, there was soft music playing and the bathtub was filled with bubbles. Next to the tub was a tray with snacks and beverages on it and there was a light amount of steam coming from the water in the bath. “Do you like it?” Thomas asked, scratching his chin. You turned around to face him and gave him a hug. 
“I love it.” You smiled up at him and watched him smile back. He leaned down to kiss you and when you broke away, you undressed and climbed in. “I can’t believe you did this for me, Thomas.” You watched the male discard his clothing and climb in next to you, running a hand through his hair. 
“I love you. It’s my job to make you happy.” You hummed, leaning over and kissing his cheek. 
“You’re too sweet.” You replied, letting him pull you into his lap and run his hands up and down your back. “I love you too.” You whispered, watching him blush before kissing him again. 
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Just poppin in to say that Chop Top story was 👌 and I’d love to hear a continuation. He’s gotten himself and the reader into quite a mess considering how Drayton reacted to Bubba and Stretch, and now you’ve got me all curious about how they’re gonna get out of it.
((You are very correct. Meeting the family on the first date? Lord knows what he was thinking. AND GUESS WHAT! I saved this bad boy so it’s my 69th post. *smacks lips and looks at the camera* Noice. It’s what Chop would have wanted. Also, I am trying my best to stick to the canon story-line like I did in the first part but like…the canon story-line as is does not allow much wiggle room. I’ve cranked the forced 70’s slang up to 11 so I hope the context clues work. ;P Also, it’s pretty much canon that Chop only listens to shitty “experimental” prog-rock.  In any-case, thanks so much to all of y’all who’ve encouraged me to write the sequel as well as write in general. Your support means a lot to me. TW For Drayton being…the way that he is. Most of his dialogue is straight from the script but if that’s upsetting feel free to skip this one. Tagging: @i-cant-get-with-it
From outside, the abandoned theme park was just an empty husk of long-forgotten family trips and worn plastic over a warped metal skeleton. Inside however, the old Texas Battle Land had found a second life as home to some of the most wanted people in Texas. When the youngest members of the Sawyer clan arrived home, it was just as they had left it. Fluorescent lights casting a dull glow over the filthy environment, made even more unpleasant by the ever-present smell of decayed flesh and dried blood.
As they carried the bodies they’d gotten earlier inside, the older of the two stopped his brother before they entered the threshold. “H-Hey Bubba, I, uh, I’m just gonna take this one alright?” he asked, gesturing to the body whose head wasn’t a gross mess of blood and pulp. The younger, Bubba, looked at his brother curiously, and while it was impossible to tell from beneath the mask, his eyes conveyed that he definitely was raising an eyebrow at this behavior. Chop-Top fidgeted under his gaze, “I-I g-got a, er, project I wanna do with it.” Bubba just shook his head and shrugged the limp body off his shoulders, into his brothers arms. He grinned up at Bubba and turned to walk away before quickly whipping back. “W-Wait!” he held onto Bubba’s arm, “Don’t-Don’t tell Drayton about this one, ya dig? He’s joanin’ on us enough already.” Bubba nodded solemnly and he and Chop parted ways down into the labyrinthine tunnels.
When you finally woke up, you had no clue where you were. Your first instinct was t scream but you held it back as you tried to analyze your situation. The room was dark and looked like the inside of the Devil’s Shaggin’ Wagon. The walls were lined in colorful, yet dingy carpets and miscellaneous oddities, ranging from bones, to old and blurry Polaroids, to worn and torn band posters, and age-bleached centerfolds of woman and men, naked as they day they were born. After quickly taking in your surroundings, you groggily moved to stand up, but were cut short as you finally took notice of the rope tying you arms and legs to the chair you sat in. You instantly wanted to panic, memories of what happened suddenly flooding back. But you knew that, whoever these people were, you were at their mercy, and it was in your own best interest to just try and play along. Just thinking like that was frying you, but you had to keep it together, or you didn’t have a chance
.After what felt like ages of waiting for a bomb to go off, the door directly across from you opened up to reveal the pale face of the man from the radio station. His glasses and wig were gone revealing an exposed metal plate embedded into his skull, the edges where it met skin were raw and torn, indicating they had not been allowed to heal. He turned to you, and when his eyes met yours his face lit up. “Y-You’re awake! I-uh, well, groovy!” he said, scrambling over to you. He sat beside you, and started messing with your still-trapped hand, picking at the skin and bringing it to his face. If you remembered right, this man mostly responded nicely to you, so he was probably your best option.
  “Um, hey man, not-not that I can’t dig it but-either I’m tripping or you’ve got some ‘splaining to do Lucy.”
  The man laughed at that and moved away, crossing the room to a shoddy looking record player. “You-You like At-t-tomic Rooster?” the man asked, though the record was in place before you could answer. Distorted keyboarding and some bitchin’ guitar riffs blared through the tinny speakers as the man bared his teeth in a manic grin. “Th-this one’s called Ger-Gershazer,” at that word, he started giggling to himself. Disappointed, you tried again.
  “So is this your pad?”
“Damn straight!” the man yelled before more quietly adding, “Well, I-I don’t live alone…But-But I paid for this place!” He pointed at the metal plate, “What I got for this chrome-dome ‘Nam gave me?”“You…you were in Vietnam?”
The man’s eyes got a weird glint to them and his head whipped back in a loud cackle, “NAAAPALM! FIRE IN THE HOLE! The ole’ AGENT O!” He gripped your shoulders tightly, “It’s the dream baby, Nam Land!” You just stared at him in a mix of shock and horror. Before you could respond, from somewhere outside the door, you could make out the sound of a someone yelling. The man’s eyes narrowed and whipped towards the door. “Just-Just w-wait here. Don’t bug out on me now,” he said before bolting out the door. You didn’t bother to mention that you couldn’t even if you wanted to, well, of course you wanted to, it’s just…it doesn’t matter. There’s certainly nothing you can do right now. Worry about your apparent susceptibility to Stockholm Syndrome later.
  When the trippy hippie finally returned, he wasn’t alone. “Hey sunshine, he crooned, seemingly having gotten over whatever caused him to freak-out last time, “I got someone I want you to meet…” He gestured to the other person revealing a gnarled old corpse wearing a camo army jacket, and you bit back a scream. The thing was on the rough side of decomposition and looked like a prop from the guy who did Dead of Night. The man broke into a near falsetto and reached the corpses hand out as if it were a puppet, “H-Hi my name’s Nubbins! You’re-You’re a r-r-real f-fox.” Despite the horror of the whole situation, you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. The man swatted at the corpse and turned to you, with a noticeable pink to his cheeks that wasn’t there before, “J-Just ignore m-my brother. He’s a j-jelly brain. 
You decided not to address the obvious taxidermied elephant in the room, “So you two are brothers?”
“Yeah. We’re twins! But I got the good looks.” the man argued. Given the state of the other one, you’d have to agree. “Ya see those pictures on the wall?” You nodded. “Nubbins is the one who took them. He always liked artsy stuff…” he drifted off, lost in thought or perhaps memories, of a happier time you couldn’t picture. You were about to offer some comfort when the door slammed open, revealing the giant from before. “DON’T YOU EVER KNOCK!” the smaller man shrieked, leaping up to try and block the other from you. You heard the masked man mumble indignantly. “SO WHAT IF I DON’T USUALLY CARE!” Despite the hippie’s best efforts the large man pushed past him and was struck dumb when he saw you. He turned to the other and yanked him off to a somewhat separate part of the room. While you couldn’t tell what all they were saying, you could tell it was a heated argument.  Before they could return to you, the yelling voice from earlier called for them both and you were left alone again.
Drayton was on one again, this time, he was convinced that there was some intruder in the house and had been yelling at the two of them to FIND THEM DAMN IT. Finally Chop-Top and Drayton caught up to where Bubba had some girl cornered at the end of a tunnel. It wasn’t surprising to find a cave-in or a dead-end and end up lost for hours. “What the hell’s going on here?” Drayton looked from Bubba to the young woman, confused and angry, “Bubba, you nap-haired idiot. Get out of here. Who’s this? I get it. Are you the saboteur that’s fucking up our house? Tryin’ to put me out of business? Thousands of dollars lost. You got that kind of money?” “No!” the woman finally responded, and Chop-Top finally recognized that voice.
“It’s the DJ. My faaaaave.”
“That dirty thing?” Drayton sneered, “Told me you boys got her!”
“Well, yeah,” Chop butted in, “Leatherface killed her once already tonight. But look, she’s red-faced. Bubba’s been playing with her. Bubba likes her!” With a exaggerated gasp, he broke into an obnoxious chant, “Bubba’s got a girlfriend. Bubba’s got a girlfriend! Bubba’s got a girlfriend! Bubba’s got a girlfriend!Bubba’s got a girlfriend! Bubba’s got a girl-BLEAH” he jumped and erupted into cackles again.
  “Is that what this is, Bubba?” Drayton asked, “The old cock-and-cunt swindle, huh? S-C-E-X. Sex. And you had to find out about it, didn’t you? You just couldn’t leave it alone. If you wanted to know about it so bad, why didn’t you ask me? You wanna know about it? Ask me. Ask me! It’s a swindle, that’s all. So don’t get mixed up in it…”
Bubba grunted angrily and pointed to Chop-Top, who had lost his playful expression. “What are you going on about?” Bubba communicated in his own way what he had seen in Chop and Nubbin’s room. “Cheese-eating fink…” Chop-Top mumbled under his breath. Drayton threw his arms in the air, “Are both of you falling for it! What would Grandpa say!” Bubba hung his head sadly and Chop just rolled his eyes.  Drayton sighed, “Alright, Chop-Top, take this one away,” he thumbed towards the DJ and glared at the his second-youngest brother, “Then we’re going to see this little cock-monger of yours!”
After a more than awkward first meeting with the eldest of the Sawyer clan in which he called you every name under the sun, you were brought to a large dining table and were sat across from Vanita. She briefly stopped screaming when she saw you and sobbed, realizing the fate she had doomed you and L.G. to. You tried to comfort her but there was only so much you could say over Drayton raggin’ and monologuing his totally square life story. “There’s Grandpa now!” he crowed as the two other Sawyers brought in what appeared to be a decrepit corpse in on a throne like dining chair. As Drayton began rambling again about the man “Grandpa” used to be, you noticed that the thing in the chair wasn’t a corpse at all! “Refracto…” you muttered as you watched the ancient man move, albeit slowly. The man who had captured you, “Chop-Top” you had heard the others call him, kept scrambling around, alternating between taunting Stretch and nuzzling against you. “Get the hammer!” the cook squawked and the hippie scampered off. Drayton ordered them around, yelling to “Just get on with it!” and soon they had a small tub set down in front of the old man.
  “Wait, uh,” Chop spoke up, “Maybe we ain’t g-gotta kill ‘em.” He looked nervously back to you, “I mean, at least n-not both of ‘em. Mine ain’t gonna be an-any trouble. A-And I’m the one bankrollin’ this place! I should decide!”Drayton sneered, “I can’t believe both you shit-heads are gonna pussy-out on me at the last minute. You know the country’s in the shitter when a man can’t even rely on his own family! The plight of the American businessman! Quick fucking around and bring them down!”  The two younger brothers looked at each other, neither moving. Slowly, the larger one, Bubba, hung his head and starting walking towards Stretch who started screaming again, pleading for him to let her go. You were too scared to scream and could only watch as Vanita was dragged from her chair and made to bear her head over the bucket at Grandpa’s feet. Chop muttered something into your ear about “Not tripping” and “Just letting him handle it.” But something told you it was gonna take a miracle to get you out of here alive.
  That miracle came in the form of a disembodied voice singing “Bringing in the Sheaves.” From your position at the table you couldn’t really make out what was happening, but you could hear Drayton talking to someone, apparently some competition in the catering biz? You heard Stretch pitifully say “Lefty…” Wait, wasn’t Lefty the name of the guy you two were waiting at the station for? Before you could even call out to him, everything exploded into chaos. All you could hear was chainsaws revving and the screams and yelling from the whole family. You saw Stretch run past you into the tunnels, Chop-Top hot on her heels. Bubba was chainsaw-dueling with a guy who looked like a love-child of  Sheriff Buford T. Justice and Major Kong. Drayton was nowhere to be seen. 
In all the excitement, they seemed to have forgotten about you. You seized your chance to escape, wiggling out of the ropes Chop-Top seemed to have purposely tied a little loose.
  You made your way through the seemingly endless tunnels, finally making your way outside. As you finally reached the surface, you realized night had turned to day. Exhausted on all levels, you collapsed inside the metal tunnels leading to the main body of the park. You heard the sound of explosions, chainsaws and screaming in the distance, but they barely seemed to break through the daze you were in. You had no idea how long you sat there, but you were suddenly broken out of your stupor by a gangling shadow looming over you. 
You looked up, only to see the grinning mug of that crazy Head you just couldn’t seem to lose. He looked more than worse for wear, blood dripping from his neck and a gaping hole in his abdomen. Despite everything he had put you through, you found yourself still feeling pity for him. “Hey, rock b-bunny,” he crowed weakly, “Figured you’d blown this p-pop-stand.” You couldn’t bring yourself to respond, instead leaning in to look over his wound. He brushed you off, “Don’tcha’ know?” He grinned, “Sawyers are like cockroaches, it’ll take more than a lil’ rough stuff and and a wayward Smokey to take us down. Now c’mon.” He held out a hand to help you up, then started off back towards the park, “Let’s go round up the rest of ‘em.” You took one last glance behind you towards the horizon, your freedom, the rest of the life you had always believed you wanted…then turned back and followed your new life into the caverns. Into his, and now your, hell, or perhaps…heaven.
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clown-bait · 5 years
A Very Monster Christmas (Monster Roommate AU) PT5
H-Hey everybody? This took me 5000 years to write. I have no excuse so I'm just gonna release both of the final chapters at once and then the first for part 3 so everyone is happy.
CH22 Babies Were a Mistake
“Don’t touch it!”
“Junior quit being a baby and hold still”
“No! Get away from me!” Hissed a very upset monster clown with a knife in his eye. His uncle threw up his hands in defeat returning to his chair. The giant seated next to him fidgeted  nervously knowing that his landlord could get very violent when wounded. A soft hand landed on Bubba’s arm and the giant cannibal looked over to leech’s mom smiling sweetly at him. “Sweetheart will you hold him for me?”
The masked killer blinked clearly scared of the monster clown howling in pain on the floor. “Its ok big fella I’m going to make him stop.” the witch said calmly reaching into her bag. “You need to hold him for me though can you do that?”
“BABIES WERE A MISTAKE!” Penny roared and screamed still clutching his face.
“I am so glad to be awake to see this.” the elder Pennywise sighed happily resting his head on his hand with a toothy grin as he watched the younger clown sob in pain. Leatherface stood and cautiously approached the shrieking eldritch who’s other eye tore open solid red and black with anger. “DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!” he snarled and snapped his enormous fangs wildly like a wounded animal. Leech’s mom slowly approached him from the front and held out a small bag of herbs which she poured into a small ashtray and set it on fire. “Shhh inhale the smoke.”
“Sally doll, sit down and let em’ cry it out like the baby he is.” the elder clown suggested starting to grow worried for his date’s safety. His worry was quickly gone when Sally Smith snatched the roaring monster harshly by the ear and pulled hard motioning for Leatherface to grab his arms as the creature whined in pain.
“Inhale.” the woman said sternly and shoved the smoking embers to his red nose. Pennywise had no choice but to breathe in the smoke deep into his lungs exhaling it with a couple coughs as his body relaxed. The witch quickly removed the small knife from his eye earning a pained roar from the restrained eldritch who was released and immediately skittered into a corner slumped over in pain. Tiff who had been watching stared at the substance in the bowl with wonder. “What was that you gave him some sort of magic herbs?”
“Oh no sweetie just simple cannabis!”
The doll blinked a few times as the elder pennywise began to howl with laughter from his chair “Yeah you're Fangs’ mom alright.”
A howl filled the air as a group of hunters made their way down the snowy streets of the town of Derry. The sound rattled the doll and put the vampires into a state of extreme alert their fourth companion simply groaned. Three figures appeared in front of them and two from behind. The hunter’s own arrogance had shifted their position to the role of prey. “Pen’s gonna kill me” Leech groaned as the bones in her hands snapped and reformed.
“Get in the middle of us apprentice. He will kill us before you if we return you with so much as a scratch.”
“I appreciate the gentlemanly gesture Dracula but I can handle myself. Besides you Fred's got no power here and Chucky has a bread knife. You boys really think you'd be more effective against fucking werewolves than a juiced up vampire?”
“Ouch Fangs.”
“If you want to fight fido alone be my guest Chuck.”
“She has a point, I really don't want to deal with going through another resurrection on the holidays. Phil gets weird during this time of year.”
“Holy shit I’ll say did you see him last week he freakin headbutted a nativity display and started eating the manger! Could have just been hungry though….could have also just been a regular goat.”
“Who the fuck else in this town has a giant ass black goat with a leggings fetish?”
“I don't know Fred goats are really popular right now they're all over Instagram!”
Dracula let out a long sigh and stepped backwards “Myers.” he tried to say over the arguing friends.
“What? What does Mikey have to do with goat yoga?” Freddy asked before suddenly being torn from his standing position and chucked into a wall.
The masked killer casually kicked a shrieking  Chucky into a trash can and both vampires found their necks being squeezed in the vice like grip of The Shape himself as a pack of women surrounded them from behind.
“Hello blood suckers!” Sandy the werewolf said cheerfully behind the tall slasher.
“You're dating Myers?” Leech wheezed and tried to claw her way out of the grip on her throat.
“I am! Thank you for finally asking!”
Dracula cursed loudly in Romanian as winds picking up strongly through the alleyway.
“Sandy have them put down, we need to have a little talk.” Laurie nudged her sisters arm who motioned for her boyfriend to release them.
“You!” Leech hissed “Couldn't settle for my familiar could you bitch!”
“Jim and I broke up vampire!” the she wolf snarled with obvious pain in her voice. Dracula took notice of the tear in her eye.
“Yeah it was very sad be nicer!” one of the other sisters chimed in and Leech slashed forward in warning holding up her injured hand.
“Your leader tried to kill me and cut off my fucking finger! I think we're past being nice!”
“Its just a finger bloodsucker.”
“She tortured me!”
“And you turned her into Hamburger Helper!”
“I think I had the right to!”
“Stop taking credit for that Fangs that was your damn demon spawn!” Freddy interrupted deciding to join the argument.
“I helped make them Fred I can claim credit!”
“You’re pregnant?” Laurie said in shock as Dracula continued to awkwardly stare.
“See me,” he whispered “See me now.” Laurie glanced over at him and gave an uncomfortable wave.
“Oh great now everyone knows.” Leech rolled her soulless eyes and retracted her fangs.
“How?” Sandy asked and then grimaced in disgust when she remembered what manner of beast the vampire was dating “On second thought maybe don't share that.”
“It was actually a pretty normal process surprisingly, what isnt normal is the eldritch horror morning sickness” Leech casually sheathed her claws and fixed her coat.
“Oh well um congratulations then?” Sandy said almost confused.
“Yeah uh thanks... I’m still kinda processing it all myself.” Leech laughed nervously.
“Well this is hella awkward. I’m not gonna fight a pregnant woman.” one of the girls said.
“Yeah you know we were gonna come and get our revenge and what not but to be honest it's just kinda weird now.” Laurie said side eyeing a still wide eyed Dracula.
“You guys uh….. you guys know where we can get something to eat?” the younger vampire asked. “Kids need some food you know.”
“Y-yeah there's a frat party down the street from us you can grab someone there.”
“Cool……...um so is this like a truce or….”
“Its christmas man just forget about it.” Sandy took her tall silent boyfriend by the arm signaling to leave.
“Yeah alright. Cool. See you at work then.”
“The fuck is going on?” Chucky shouted from the trash can.
“Weird ass women shit Chuck.” Freddy said as he tipped the can over.
Pennywise squatted in the corner of the decaying kitchen lapping at a bowl of eggnog like an extremely dangerous kitten. His good eye darted around defensively as he lapped the obnoxiously sweet drink. He didn't even notice the front door bursting open or the loud thud in the living room of his mate returning with a large meal.
Leech draped the muscled youth over the coffee table like a hunter proudly showing their family the prized turkey they caught for dinner. She even began placing her boot on his rear to show off even further.
“He's still passed out drac and I have been keeping him drained and Fred’s been keeping him scared in dreamland. It only took two of my special mix to get him falling on his ass not bad for a pregnant lady I'll say!” Leech beamed wide and knocked on the young man's skull. “Hey Fred you good in there?” the limp body jerked his arm up in a thumbs up position.
“Not bad?! All you did was flash the guy a little cleavage and hand him a couple shots. Where's the finesse?” Chucky complained carrying a large stolen pizza box with what looked like a bloody hand print on the sides. “You shoulda seen what I did to the pizza guy now that was art!”
“I'm not going for art I'm going for easy. My family was hungry and I provided.”
“Yeah yeah you're a strong woman Fangs, we're all very impressed now go clean up your idiot for us.” the elder clown called out to her casually sipping the sweet spiked eggnog that sat perched in his gloves. Leech groaned and put her hand to her face.
“Jesus the fuck did he do this time?”
Chucky looked up and snarled finally noticing the lack of twins in the room. “I said it once and I'll say it again blood sucker, I aint paying for therapy.”
The kitchen was much quieter than out there with all the noise and chatter and merryment. Pennywise wrinkled his nose in disgust and snarled still cradling his wound and purring in an attempt to heal himself. Babies were a mistake. Who was he kidding he was the eater of worlds and children. He hated children and here he was on his way to becoming a father. Oh the irony. The clown groaned and held his head tighter shutting his good eye to try to escape further.
“Mr. Pennywise?”
His eye flew back open.
“Mr. Pennywise I-Im sorry about Glenda. She takes after dad I think. Much better at the family business than I am.”
Pennywise’s breathing grew harder and his pained purring became an alarming growl as Chucky’s son bravely got closer.
“Mum says you’ll try to eat me if I came to talk to you but I don’t think you’re so bad.”
“You are quite the fool then boy.” He finally said giggling to himself a bit before wincing in pain. Glen stopped for a moment then continued forward.
“I-I just want to tell you that I thought your tricks were real neat that's all.”
The clown's growling softened and his molten yellow eye soothed. Maybe it won't be all bad, this one at least could appreciate perfection when he saw it.
“Um they have dinner out there if you want any.”
From a hole in the ceiling Leech watched her mate unfold himself and take his glove from his eye which was already beginning to heal. The boy bravely took the hand of his natural predator and led him out. He definitely had a long way to go but this was progress. She smiled to herself and felt the tug of exhaustion once again. “We'll get there together eventually.” she sighed and slipped away stepping back from the others and into the comfort the shadows.
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