#also this is in no way concrete ive changed the plot like 4 times since i came up with it
vampiringg · 2 years
read ur pinned post
i want the hour long rant about ur ocs-
Okay but remember u asked for this <3 /j
There is a (long) story behind them, as I will summarise under the cut.
So we start off with our "hero" (they're kind of a dick) nyx. I also think that that's ur name and pronouns (they/them) which is a cool coincidence I guess. Nyx was orphaned when they were very young and taken in my this guy Asher. Nyx might be a dick, but Asher is the biggest dick of all and so Nyx wasn't too happy growing up. Like, not at all. However, Nyx wasnt the only one dealing with this bullshit because Asher basically owns some other kids. Nyx and these other kids are all trained to become thieves, which Nyx excels at.
As previously mentioned, Nyx isn't happy with this life because it's just a really toxic environment in which you have to be the best in order to get any kind of respect. So Nyx runs off. Did I mention this is all backstory? It is. They're about 9 at this point btw. Whilst on the run from Asher, they run into this family which has a boy nyx's age. Hes called joey. They have a mildly rocky relationship at first because, again, nyx can be a bit of the dick, but by the time they're 12/ 13, they're besties and Nyx has basically become a part of the family.
So one night theres this parade going on and Joey's parents wont let them go for the completely valid reason of they can't go and aren't letting 12 year olds go to a place where there will definitely be drunk people and violence. But Nyx is rebellious and convinces Joey to sneak out. And this goes HORRIBLY. Basically Joey's parents were right and there was violence. A lot of it. Joey's leg gets seriously injured and he has to get it amputated and Nyx gets a big scar over their left cheek.
Nyx manages to drag Joey home but they feel really bad. Mostly because, you know, their friends leg has to get amputated but also because they feel like they failed. So, without even saying goodbye, they leave. Dick move.
The thing is, without the protection if a house, nyx is quickly found by Asher and taken back, specifically by a girl 2 years older called Finch.
If the plot seems mangled already, oh oh boy, it gets worse. Now, onto the actual story.
Nyx is 17 and has recently been commissioned (read: told by Asher) to steal the Crown of Suns. I didn't mention that this does not take place in this universe, which I probably should have.
So this story takes place in the fictional island of Helion. It's basically a medevial Europe inspired country but it has a lot of greek names because I just steal stuff from greek mythology. There's no magic, though, because I can't be bothered to figure out a magic system. That's just about it you need to know but there is more detail to it than a name.
So, nyx takes the job. After some wacky shenanigans, they eventually get to the palace, which is where the crown is. They manage to break in, but meet some problems when confronted by the princess, Anastasia. You see, Anastasia has always been kept inside the palace for her own protection, first by her late father, Ragnar, and now by her brother King Julius II (no, not the lemur from Madagascar, that's Julien. I almost had a heart attack when I thought I had accidentally named my oc after a fictional lemur).
Anyways, Anastasia just really wants to explore the world, and wants Nyx to be her guide. I could say Nyx felt sorry for the princess and let her come but that would be a lie. Nyx just liked how they could probably hold her hostage in order to keep the crown in the face of confrontation. Because nyx is a dick. So, they let Anastasia come along and they take the Crown of Suns with them.
Only thing is, nyx got injured (I should probably mention things when they happen lol) and needs to lay low for a while. Asher is to far away and the only person Nyx could trust around here is - you guessed it - joey.
So the just show up announced at his door and joey is just like. "What. What the actual fuck. I hear nothing from you for years and then you just walk up with a princess and helion's most prized crown????" And Nyx is basically just like "yeah now lemme in I think my ankles broken". So he does because, unlike nyx, he is nice.
So while nyxs ankle heals, they're left in the house of their former best friend whose disability they kinda caused. So basically its awkward. Despite all this, Joey's still excited to see them because Nyx was kinda his only friend and when they left he was alone. Nyx is secretly happy to see joey but doesnt want to admit it or even to talk to him due to the overwhelming guilt of having caused literally all of his problems. Joey eventually thinks Nyx hates him (an easy impression to get when someone wont even look you in the eye) and becomes more snarky and rude to Nyx, tho he's still nice to Anastasia because she never did anything wrong. I'm also gonna start calling her Sadie now because that was a nickname she got when she was young.
O K A Y. The rest of the story is basically just our trio (because joey wanted to come) getting into a lot of shit whilst trying to find Asher to give the crown to him whilst avoiding authorities so Nyx will get paid. They need to get paid because Nyx and the gang will be able to cross the border into some other country with the money, and escape their old lives. Nyx finally gets some character development (thank god) and possibly starts dating Joey??? Idk I might leave that out because I'm actually writing this shit down and idk how to write romance. It does eventually work out and they all live happily/ traumatised every after. The end. Also Finch and Julius is a much bigger characters than just getting name dropped like once.
Ok, so I know this sounds insane, but there is an actual story hidden in there somewhere. Thanks for reading if you got this far I guess???
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teaandgames · 5 years
The Tea Times - November 2019
Ah, November. For you folks in the United States, this signals a day full of turkey, relatives and drunken conversations. For us over in Blighty, it signals the last warning before that other day full of turkey, relatives and drunken conversations. The wallet’s looking bare, the temperatures dropping, it can mean only one thing - Christmas is coming. Before we begin the panic though, let's look back at the previous month.
At a glance:
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Death Stranding, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy and Planet Zoo released.
Everwild, Age of Empires IV, Half-Life: Alyx, Knights of Light, Arise: A Simple Story, Nine Witches: Family Disruption announced.
Google Stadia announces its launch line up.
Someone’s making Silent Hill in first person
New Saints Row to be announced next year
Project C becomes Life Beyond
The Releases
I’ve never followed Star Wars too closely, being more into classic fantasy than sci-fi, but the thrill of lightsaber battling is not lost on me. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order seems to have captured that pretty well, with lots of lightsaber waggling and force powers that come together to make a pretty exciting action game. It’s been awhile since a good single player Star Wars game has been on the market and this one seems to fit the bill. It came out on November 15th.
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Death Stranding, the premier package delivery game (if the internet is to be believed) came out on November 8th. It being a Kojima game, it’s pretty confusing from an outsiders perspective (and not necessarily straightforward for an insider) but what is clear is that it’s a polarising game. It seems to be about ninety percent walking simulator, which is a divisive genre full stop. Add Kojima into the mix? Then God only knows.
Pokemon Sword and Shield is the release this month that I’m most excited for. Despite being twenty-six, I was transported back to my youth as I added it to the top of my Christmas list. It’s been getting mixed reviews from the community, largely centered around the lack of the National Pokedex. Makes sense. Less pokemon can hardly be a good thing. Either way, it seems to hold the same, good, clean fun that the series is known for. The pair came out on November 15th.
Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy wins the award for longest game title I’ve ever typed out. The next in the disarmingly charming puzzle series came to the Switch on November 8th. I mark it here solely because I didn’t realise it had come out on 3DS two years ago. Still, I hope the series finds a welcome home on the Switch.
Planet Zoo, labelled the ultimate zoo simulator, came out on the 5th November. Made by the people who made Planet Coaster and Zoo Tycoon, there’s a good chance that it’ll be a good follow up. After all, they seem to know what they’re doing. Going by the screenshots alone, it looks like it’s pretty in depth too. One for the hardcore simulators, perhaps.
The Announcements
Everwild is a new project from Rare, the Banjo-Kazooie lads, and it looks absolutely gorgeous. That’s about as much as we know, to be honest, other than it’s likely going to be Xbox exclusive. The trailer shows a group of humans timidly interacting with a number of animals. Some, like the deer, seem friendly. Others… less so. I don’t have any more details on it, at the moment, but it’s worth keeping your peepers on.
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Age of Empires IV has been long anticipated since Age of Empires III failed the light the spark in the hearts of die hard fans. I rather liked it but the guns and cannonballs didn’t go down too well. You might be relieved to learn that they’ve been thrown out the window for IV. It’s back to swords, arrows and big chunks of masonry. Hopefully, Age of Empires has gone back to its roots now. No concrete release date yet.
In a fairly shocking move, Valve has revealed the next entry in the Half-Life series. There are two things to note with that. Firstly, it’s a prequel featuring Alyx. That’s not so bad as she was a rather good character. The bigger, second thing of note is that it’s a VR game. Therefore cutting off most of the market. Still, Valve is one of the biggest champions of VR, so it perhaps shouldn’t be so surprising. Half-life: Alyx is coming March 2020.
Knights of Light is a game inspired by Mount and Blade and its trailer and screenshots contain much the same sort of feeling. Horseback combat that looks as exciting as it is terrifying and lots of hitting people with swords. The plot centers around Iraq and the battle of Al-Qadisiyyah, which I absolutely didn’t copy and paste in. I know nothing about that battle but that almost makes it better. It’s a chance to learn while hitting people. Looks like it’ll be hitting early access first, but I’m not sure when yet.
Arise: A Simple Story is a game with an awful title that caught my eye simply because of how pretty it is. The trailer opens with an elderly chap’s funeral pyre, only for him to wake in a snow covered world. As he explores, he seems to enter a forest-like area. I probably won’t be able to tell you much more, as it looks to be a PlayStation 4 title, but it’s coming out on December 3rd.
Nine Witches: Family Disruption is a quirky looking adventure game about an alternate history involving Nazis and supernatural forces. It’s done in a retro pixel art style and seems to be trying to emulate the older school of adventure games. The humour in the trailer seems very hit or miss (mostly miss), but if it’s your cup of tea, check it out in Quarter 2 2020.
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Google Lines ‘Em Up
Google has revealed its line up for its launch, which will take place on the 19th November. The list is this:
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Destiny 2: The Collection
Just Dance 2020
Mortal Kombat 11
Red Dead Redemption 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Samurai Shodown
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
A rather odd choice to include three Tomb Raider games on launch, but it’s a fairly impressive line up. I rather like Thumper being in there. They’ve also promised to add the following before the end of the year:
Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle
Borderlands 3
Darksiders: Genesis
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Farming Simulator 19
Final Fantasy XV
Football Manager 2020
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Metro: Exodus
NBA 2K20
Rage 2
Trials Rising
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
A mixed bag of games there but, for all of its faults, Stadia is at least coming out swinging in its first year. Whether it’ll be enough, however, remains to be seen.
The Hills Have (New) Eyes
A quick part here to point towards an interesting development. Someone is remaking the original Silent Hill in first person. It’s only a concept at the moment, but check it out. It looks great. I can, however, hear the terrible siren noise that can only mean the arrival of a cease & desist. Still, Konami may have chucked Silent Hill aside in favour of a pachinko machine but it’s nice to see that people are still carrying the torch.
Even outside of that context, this video looks pretty damn creepy. If nothing else, this might prove that there’s more to the original Silent Hill than awkward controls. It proves that it’s scary full stop.
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The Prez is Back!
Didn’t want to stick this one in the announcements because it feels more like a pinky promise than an actual announcement. Still, the current big bosses that own the Saint’s Row franchise, Koch Media, have said that they’ve got a new game in the making. They don’t want to release too many details now and start colouring people’s expectations but more details are going to coming next year.
Saint’s Row IV came out about six years ago and was nothing but crazy, ridiculous fun. It’ll be interesting to see where the series can go from here, to be honest. Once you’ve reached the point of being an actual overpowered superhero, is there anywhere up? I guess we’ll find out next year.
C To (L)B
Project C, a pretty looking social MMO, has gone through a name change, to reflect its core idea. It’s been changed to Life Beyond. To be frank, I had never heard of it, mostly because MMO’s aren’t really my bag. Still, I do like the idea of social MMOs. The idea of trying to bring people together to build communities and make friends is great. It doesn’t always work, mind you, due to the caustic nature of internet communities.
When it does though, it’s great. I’m reminded of that sprawling Minecraft villages where everyone builds their fantasy architecture together. Not sure if I’ll get it myself, but it’s bright colourful graphics make it one to watch. That’s all for November, see you in December!
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aerxndight-blog · 6 years
Credit The following graphics are credited to the following tumblr users. Taking and altering their work for any purpose is unacceptable and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Icon: @chainedaccursed Essentials I. This tumblr serves as an independent roleplaying blog for Grøh of the SoulCalibur series. I do not own or claim to be the character. I also do not hold any rights to the game or the overall franchise. All rights to the character and the series belong to Hiroaki Yotoriyama, Yoshinori Takahashi, as well as the rest of the staff who work for Project Soul and Bandai Namco. II. This tumblr also serves to be a private and selective blog. Meaning that if you follow me, it does not guarantee I will follow you back (as it will be explained in the next section). III. Traits of the muse that involve personality, ideologies, and other behaviors do not directly reflect of the mun’s. IF YOU’RE ONE OF THE FEW THAT BELIEVE THAT ROLEPLAY IS SYNONYMOUS WITH REAL LIFE, THEN PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW. Following/Unfollowing I. I will only follow back based on my comfort and interest. If you have followed me and I haven’t followed you back within three days, then you can assume I have decided not to follow you back for any given reason. Whatever the reason is, I assure you that it’s nothing personal. However, I want to be able to immerse myself in an environment where I can always feel at ease. If this bothers you, please free to unfollow me. I promise there will be no hard feelings on my end. Of course, trying to convince me to follow you in any way will result me in blocking you instantly. Do not try to follow me, then unfollow me to refollow me again to get my attention which also result in a block. In addition, don’t send me anonymous messages to tell me that I am not following you in an attempt to guilt trip. If I don’t follow you, I don’t follow you. II. I can unfollow people for various reasons. Whatever the case may be, in the event that I do decide to unfollow you, you are not permitted to ask me as to why. I have my reasons and I will block you for continuous harassment. In the event that you decide to unfollow/block me, then I’ll just simply leave it be and move on. Again, no hard feelings, just don’t give me a hard time about it and go on about your way. III. You certainly can earn an instant unfollow, as well as a block, if I catch you causing drama or perpetuating unnecessary type of hate (whether it be public or anon), towards others or myself on my dashboard. I usually log in after a long day, I don’t need to see BS being spewed publicly. I honestly don’t care who did what, the he said/she said, etc. If the issue can be resolved privately, in which it usually can, then resolve it privately. Don’t bring matters into the public when this place serves as a means of escape for most of us. I certainly will not hesitate to hard block you if you involve me in a matter that has nothing to do with me at all. IV. Though since we are on that subject of conflict, I should stress that none of us are indeed perfect. At the end of the day, as human beings, we do make mistakes. There are those in the RPC that have shown ownership to their mistakes and willing to make the honest effort to change themselves. If I ever hurted you or made you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know instead of being quiet about it. I’ll definitely apologize and always be willing to rectify my wrongs going forward. Writing I. I identify myself as a multi-paragraph roleplayer, anywhere ranging between 2-4+ paragraphs. Of course, novella (4-10+) is welcome. But do keep in mind, that I prefer shorter posts over longer posts for convenience's sake. In addition, I allow single paragraph and even one-liner. My only requirement is that when we are writing a thread, that both of us put in the effort. Granted, I am not asking you to write length for length, but if you’re sincerely not putting in the work, then I will drop our thread without notice. II. writing will only be done with mutuals, both threads and asks. If we’re writing a thread, I would strongly prefer that if we discuss the storyline before the actual writing. Of course, I don’t mind winging the plot. But I would rather have something concrete established ahead of time. III. Literacy is a must. However, I understand that English is not the primary language for some of us, as it is not mine either. Therefore, if such is the case or if you have a legitimate learning disability, then please notify me at your earliest convenience. I am more than happy to make any necessary accommodations to best suit your needs. I am very flexible just as long as you let me know beforehand. IV. What will not be tolerated in when writing a thread are godmodding, autohitting, metagaming, and outside control of my character. I know how to control my muse and I will portray him as I see fit. If you are caught doing such actions, I will drop our thread without warning, followed by an immediate unfollow. V. Please keep in mind that I do not respond to all of my owes in a timely fashion as much as I would like to due to real life obligations. If I haven’t responded within an ample time period (two weeks at most), then kindly notify me. But DO NOT pester me on an everyday basis about owing you a reply. Doing so will only motivate me to drop your thread and most likely unfollow you. Shipping/NSFW/Triggers I. Everyone has their preferences when it comes to shipping. For me, shipping works only when chemistry is present and when the muses (and sometimes muns) have significantly interacted with each other. As of the present moment, my muse is CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING any romantic ships. These are for reasons that shall not be disclosed, but I ask that you respect this particular rule. II. Keep in mind that when it actually does come to shipping, it doesn’t always have to be confined in the romantic sense. In fact, I encourage platonic shipping with our muses, even hateships depending on who my muse interacts. III. My writing content is adult-oriented, my works may including NSFW (Not Safe For Work). I don’t mean NSFW within the confines of just nudity and sexual themes. But mainly themes that pertain to cursing, drug & alcohol use, blood & gore, and etc. For this very reason, I will only write with those who are 18 and older. In the event should I be lied to about your age, then I definitely will block you. IV. As far as triggers are concerned, I will tag them specifically when appropriate. If there are specific triggers that you need me to post if we’re writing together, please let me know beforehand. Mun I. You may refer to me as Kaoru, he/him, 27, GMT-4 (Eastern United States). I currently work full-time, 50-60+ hours a week, while providing for a family. In addition, I do have other real life commitments that take precedence. Despite my busy and hectic schedule, I always set aside time here to write as it will always be a passionate hobby of mine. For faster communication, mutuals can always inquire for my Discord at any time. These guidelines are subjected to be added or changed any time, please be sure to check back on a regular basis. Thank you for taking the time to read.
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