#also like every major character in this story is gay i dont make the rules
vampiringg · 2 years
read ur pinned post
i want the hour long rant about ur ocs-
Okay but remember u asked for this <3 /j
There is a (long) story behind them, as I will summarise under the cut.
So we start off with our "hero" (they're kind of a dick) nyx. I also think that that's ur name and pronouns (they/them) which is a cool coincidence I guess. Nyx was orphaned when they were very young and taken in my this guy Asher. Nyx might be a dick, but Asher is the biggest dick of all and so Nyx wasn't too happy growing up. Like, not at all. However, Nyx wasnt the only one dealing with this bullshit because Asher basically owns some other kids. Nyx and these other kids are all trained to become thieves, which Nyx excels at.
As previously mentioned, Nyx isn't happy with this life because it's just a really toxic environment in which you have to be the best in order to get any kind of respect. So Nyx runs off. Did I mention this is all backstory? It is. They're about 9 at this point btw. Whilst on the run from Asher, they run into this family which has a boy nyx's age. Hes called joey. They have a mildly rocky relationship at first because, again, nyx can be a bit of the dick, but by the time they're 12/ 13, they're besties and Nyx has basically become a part of the family.
So one night theres this parade going on and Joey's parents wont let them go for the completely valid reason of they can't go and aren't letting 12 year olds go to a place where there will definitely be drunk people and violence. But Nyx is rebellious and convinces Joey to sneak out. And this goes HORRIBLY. Basically Joey's parents were right and there was violence. A lot of it. Joey's leg gets seriously injured and he has to get it amputated and Nyx gets a big scar over their left cheek.
Nyx manages to drag Joey home but they feel really bad. Mostly because, you know, their friends leg has to get amputated but also because they feel like they failed. So, without even saying goodbye, they leave. Dick move.
The thing is, without the protection if a house, nyx is quickly found by Asher and taken back, specifically by a girl 2 years older called Finch.
If the plot seems mangled already, oh oh boy, it gets worse. Now, onto the actual story.
Nyx is 17 and has recently been commissioned (read: told by Asher) to steal the Crown of Suns. I didn't mention that this does not take place in this universe, which I probably should have.
So this story takes place in the fictional island of Helion. It's basically a medevial Europe inspired country but it has a lot of greek names because I just steal stuff from greek mythology. There's no magic, though, because I can't be bothered to figure out a magic system. That's just about it you need to know but there is more detail to it than a name.
So, nyx takes the job. After some wacky shenanigans, they eventually get to the palace, which is where the crown is. They manage to break in, but meet some problems when confronted by the princess, Anastasia. You see, Anastasia has always been kept inside the palace for her own protection, first by her late father, Ragnar, and now by her brother King Julius II (no, not the lemur from Madagascar, that's Julien. I almost had a heart attack when I thought I had accidentally named my oc after a fictional lemur).
Anyways, Anastasia just really wants to explore the world, and wants Nyx to be her guide. I could say Nyx felt sorry for the princess and let her come but that would be a lie. Nyx just liked how they could probably hold her hostage in order to keep the crown in the face of confrontation. Because nyx is a dick. So, they let Anastasia come along and they take the Crown of Suns with them.
Only thing is, nyx got injured (I should probably mention things when they happen lol) and needs to lay low for a while. Asher is to far away and the only person Nyx could trust around here is - you guessed it - joey.
So the just show up announced at his door and joey is just like. "What. What the actual fuck. I hear nothing from you for years and then you just walk up with a princess and helion's most prized crown????" And Nyx is basically just like "yeah now lemme in I think my ankles broken". So he does because, unlike nyx, he is nice.
So while nyxs ankle heals, they're left in the house of their former best friend whose disability they kinda caused. So basically its awkward. Despite all this, Joey's still excited to see them because Nyx was kinda his only friend and when they left he was alone. Nyx is secretly happy to see joey but doesnt want to admit it or even to talk to him due to the overwhelming guilt of having caused literally all of his problems. Joey eventually thinks Nyx hates him (an easy impression to get when someone wont even look you in the eye) and becomes more snarky and rude to Nyx, tho he's still nice to Anastasia because she never did anything wrong. I'm also gonna start calling her Sadie now because that was a nickname she got when she was young.
O K A Y. The rest of the story is basically just our trio (because joey wanted to come) getting into a lot of shit whilst trying to find Asher to give the crown to him whilst avoiding authorities so Nyx will get paid. They need to get paid because Nyx and the gang will be able to cross the border into some other country with the money, and escape their old lives. Nyx finally gets some character development (thank god) and possibly starts dating Joey??? Idk I might leave that out because I'm actually writing this shit down and idk how to write romance. It does eventually work out and they all live happily/ traumatised every after. The end. Also Finch and Julius is a much bigger characters than just getting name dropped like once.
Ok, so I know this sounds insane, but there is an actual story hidden in there somewhere. Thanks for reading if you got this far I guess???
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mavspeed · 3 years
got tagged by @hellfre and im sorta bored so 
20 questions, writer’s edition!
How many works do you have on AO3? 31... whoa
What’s your total AO3 word count? 527217 which is strange all my fics r so hideously long i thought i would have hit one mil by now
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? X-Men, IT 2 but there’s only one fic for that lol, kingsman and netflix bodyguard, and one fic for WW 2017 which... depressingly remains the fic with the highest number of fics in my profile
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
the labour of our love (again, its depressing that this is still getting hits. please stop reading this. please)
and we can be pirates
east end lights (please stop reading this one too Please)
in the valley of kings
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? for multichapter fics yes cos i love catching readers up on whats happening or whats about to come next but for oneshots not really, i love love love comments but sometime i never have the energy to reply lmfjgjgjk
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? oh god it is definitely tequila on a beach, this one was fucked Up and i was in a shitty place mental wise when i wrote it. i think i’ve written quite a few major character death fics already but none are as depressing and tragic as that one in particular, i really pulled all the stops out for that one lmfjgjkjgk
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? my oneshots have pretty happy endings i think... both if we’re talking about happiest it Has to be my old man is a bad man. nothing happier than killing your abusive husband and getting your sexy detective boy on the side helping you to get away with it
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? was gonna say one but i’ve written TWO !! kingsman/bodyguard was a crossover ship i thought up way before rocketman released with two of my besties and while i dont write for it anymore i sure hope people Are still writing for it (also i take full credit for publishing the first story in the eggvid tag and getting the ball rolling. thank me.) and xmen/lucifer. my second part in the charlifer series is still in the works maybe ill be able to finish it at some point
Have you ever received hate on a fic? on ao3 no, but when i was a kid i used to write on ff.net and while i got a shitton of comments (im talking like in the Hundreds) more than 50% of them were not good. i think i deserved it cos my writing was shitty but also ff.net is a dark, dark place
Do you write smut? If so what kind? sometimes if it fits into the storyline of the fic i guess? i actually absolutely detest writing smut i wrote smut for the mummy au not bc i like writing it but bc i felt bad for putting charles through so much shit in that fic i was like he deserves to get good dick for once. and then i promptly ruined it in the next few chapters so
Have you ever had a fic stolen? YEA LMGFHFJ it was my apoc charles au where charles is one of the horsemen, there was a fic that was VERY similar, like IDENTICAL, and the similarities were just too much for it to be coincidental. i never did call them out on it tho bc their fic was good too. probably bc it was stolen FROM ME 
Have you ever had a fic translated? nope :(
Have you ever co-written a fic before? also no. i think i’d be annoying as someone to co-write with lol the one time i discussed an au with syd i ended up killing charles off halfway even if it was happy and he almost killed Me
What’s your all time favorite ship? cherik my beloveds
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? its the castlevania au and not because i don’t have ideas for it but because every single time i start to think about how i’d continue it i always end up with killing charles off. its like no matter what i want, charles always dies in the end in that fic, but i dont Want him to die so uh. its never getting finished unless someone can give me an idea on how to make the gay boy live
What are your writing strengths? i honestly have no idea. making shit depressing i suppose
What are your writing weaknesses? coming up w a good plot is a massive weakness for me
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? honestly it can get lost in translation and the few times i’ve ever used german in a fic i always get told in comments that thats not actually the way it works so. but hey if ur a native speaker then go for it
What was the first fandom you wrote for? harry potter.... it was a dark time
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? i am so proud of my cherik man from uncle au not just bc i think the cherik dynamic i wrote is fantastic in there (humble i know) but also because i loved writing raven in it. i think its like the Only fic where i didn’t just focus on cherik and it actually led me to realise i love writing sapphics- also it gave me an opportunity to fix charles-raven in my own little way and turn them from siblings to best friends and partners in crime which was really fun. anyway i love that fic and i love my gay little spies
tagging: leaving this open but if u wanna do it, feel free to say u were tagged by me !!
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thedemonstherapist · 3 years
Hi, I just found your account through someone reblogging you answering the question about your oc so 1 dont mind me just, casually reading all of your fanfics etc, sorry for the like spam you might get and 2 PLEASE TELL US MORE ABOUT CYNTHIA!! I just read the ask you did after that, and the story and her character sound so interesting! Are Cynthia and Artemis the same person in your story? Are they like 2 different 'sides' of the same person? Or is it like a 'Goddess reborn as ...' situation? Also, what about other greek gods? Does Cynthia have a twin brother? Whats her personality like?
Sorry for all the questions haha, but I find it really cool, cus Ive only seen people make the mc a demigod, related to a Greek deity, or act like them or something like that.
I’m still marking this as Spoilers for who hasn’t read the original fic, even if the “secret” is as good as out now. Thank you so much for your questions and interest, it made me so happy to see this in my inbox 🥺 
Be warned, this is long.
So, yes, they’re the same person! The lore is a bit complicated and not completely worked out but bear with me: Basically, every god of every major religion existed and gouverned over those who believed in them. The Celestial Realm and the Devildom have subsections for each religion and Gods who decide / rule over their subjects based off their scripture. But with time, belief will obviously fade, which is what happened to the Greek Pantheon, which causes the Gods to lose in power and influence, making them simply extremely powerful mages / sorcerers / witches ect. 
Taking Artemis as an example, because she is so connected to the earth, the forests ect. she fulfills her duty as guardian as well as she can, and would build pacts with demons and guardianships with angels to maintain the power she needs to stay faithful to her cause. If, one day, nobody was to remember or believe in them anymore, they would resign from their duties and kind of vanish, they don’t become souls or spirits or die straight out. If anyone has seen Coco, it’s the same thing that happens to forgotten souls: They need the belief and memory to keep them alive and able to continue what they were made to do - Even a single person could sustain their influence, but it will grow the more people believe in them, which is why Cynthia is less powerful than the demons, considering what mythology they’re from. Additionally, they are reincarnated into a new form every few thousand years (variable), to keep a cycle going, so Cynthia is not the original Artemis per se, but she also is, because she has all her memories, powers, ect., like, she is Artemis, Cynthia is just an alias and a different body than her original form. Make sense? Their “roman counterparts”, for example, would just be them under different names. 
All the other gods still exist the same way she does, bound by their duty. I was going to write a fic about how Hades reincarnates himself into each new Demon Prince / Ruler, making Diavolo a form of him, additionally to being a demon, and how Persephone always comes to find him in each new lifetime, inspired by the song Pomegranate Seeds by Julia Moon. Yes, the concepts clash a bit, it wasn’t fully fleshed out. 
Cynthia indeed has her Apollo! I hadn’t really thought about him yet, and considering how many different titles and epithets the twins have, I don’t have a name for him off the top of my head. Cynthia is named Cynthia because the twins were supposedly born at mount Cynthus in the island of Delos, so those  names are derived at that. Apollos Version is Cynthius, so I’d probably pick a different alias. 
True to mythology, Artemis / Cynthia is fierce, defensive, impulsive, passionate but reclusive and caring towards her close ones and protegees. She has learned temperance over the years, forcefully, after her original powers faded, so she can hold herself back a bit better and has begrudgingly learned to tolerate disresepct, though she will not forgive it lightly or even at all, and lacks mercy for men in particular. Her friends and those who she must protect she will defend to her last breath, against all she can. It, her duty, is the driving force of the plot in her fic and her in general. She is also a virgin goddess, which basically translates to her not being interested in men and not sleeping with them = she’s gay. She seems like she would not be shy, quite the opposite, she’s intimidating, but she gets shy in vulnerable situations between her and her close ones.
Oh god this is long. Thank you for asking!!
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Game questions or smthn
Tagged by @mimabeann
Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
First game you ever played: Okay not counting my educational games on the V-Smile.. Pokemon red! the original! 
Favorite game:hhhhhhhh Fallout New Vegas really solidified my dream of becoming a game dev. God I love that game SO MUCH. Also Journey...and Destiny. but FNV is the #1
Game you’ve played through multiple times: I replay a lot of games (mostly my favorites) multiple times so there's too many to list. However, I do play Fallout: New Vegas every year because its my favorite video game of all time and I CANNOT shut up abt it. I also really enjoy playing Pokémon soul silver. I’m currently in the process of replaying the entire DA trilogy, and Pokémon white.
Game you hated at first but now love: Apex! God I did not enjoy apex when I first started playing it bc yknow battle royals were new and do have a bit of a learning curve to ‘em. I fucking love Apex now though
Game you used to love but now hate: I may joke abt hating games but I rlly don't have any I used to love but hate now. wait I lied. I remember really liking DA2 but now I'm dragging my feet along replaying it. I don't HATE it, but its certainly not one of my favorites.
Your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): Journey. hands down. That game captures it’s atmosphere absolutely perfectly. I do want to give special shoutout to these games for this question ;Never Alone, Abzu, what remains of edith finch, Oxenfree
Game with the best group/companion(s): Dragon age: Origins had the best cast of companions hands down. They all had incredibly interesting motives and created such interesting group dynamics. DAO remaster when
A game with your favorite ending: Subnautica. GOD. SUBNAUTICA. CHEFS FUCKING KISS. I haven’t gotten emotional over a new game in a fucking WHILE. 
A game with the WORST ending: HMMMM. Hm. hmmm. Fallout 4 hands down lmao. I won’t get INTO it but man I did not like that game’s story. 
Best character customization?: The newest monster hunter game. I dont even own it but I’ve watched its cc. puts my hand against the glass wall.
Hero and Companions
Your favorite playable character: HMMM protagonists. oh protagonists. I’m gonna go with Arthur Morgan from RDR2 on this one. ALSO. Clem (TWD2/4) Javier (TWD3) Lee (TWD) The Inquisitor (DAI) Delsin (Infamous: SS) Shepard (ME tril) The Commander (GW2) The courier (FNV)
Your favorite companion(s): CRACKS KNUCKLES. Dorian Pavus, love of my life, (DAI) Theron Shan, Lana beniko, Tau Idair, Blizz, Mako (SWTOR), Alistair, Wynne, Zevran, Leliana, Shale, Sten (DAO) Anders, Sigrun (DA:A) Cole, Varric (DAI) Varric (DA2) Wrex, Liara, Tali, Grunt, Garrus, (ME tril) Vetra, Jaal, Liam, Drak (ME:A) Veronica, Arcade, Rex, Lily, (F:NV) Mccready, Preston, Cait, Piper(F:4)
Favorite game friendship(s) (im excluding pc/char just to make it shorter): Alistair/Wynne. yknow what? Wynne and anyone, she adopted the whole group. Charles/Arthur (RDR2) Freya and Kratos (rip) (GOW) Mirage/wraith(Apex)  Theron/lana, Tau/Braga, (SWTOR) Varric/Merril, Isabela/Merril (DA2) Varric/Cassandra, Cole/Varric, Leliana/Josie, Bull/krem (DAI)
 Favorite game relationship(s): The inquisitor/Dorian bc im very very gay. anyway.... Achilles/Patroclus, Zagreus/Thanatos, Orpheus/Eurydice (Hades) Theron Shan/pc Lana beniko/pc, UHHH I cant think of more rn
Favorite companion banter: Wynne/Alistair, Sten/Shale, Leliana/Wynne, Alistair/Zevran (DA:O) Varric and anyone (DA2) Cassandra/Varric, Varric/Cole, Dorian/Sera, Bull/Solas, Dorian/Varric (DAI) When I think abt companion banter I think out in the world walking/talking so not a lot comes to mind.
A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: 
A character you wish you COULD romance: RATTLES MY HANDS AGAINST THE BARS. Varric. Do you think a Straight Man would walk around with his tiddes out in the open like that? NO. if he was romanceble in da2 it would’ve made the game significantly better. ALSO GARRUS FOR M!SHEP??? HELLO???? ALISTAIR FOR M!WARDEN...ALSO HELLO? I’ll stop now but a lot of these is just God I Wish MLM Got More Options In Video Games
Shoutout to a random NPC: BLIZZ I FUCKING LOVE U. 
A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: I dont like watching playthroughs unless (next question)
Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: I legit only watch a Single lets players and he does horror vr. its increadibly funny and the only way I can play/watch any type of horror shit
Why do you play video games?: For a lot of reasons! I play them to have fun, I play them to be competitive, I play them to relax, I play them to challenge myself. I play them to learn a story. As someone who is majoring in game design and has made games before, Video games are like a stained glass window. They provide unique glimpses into various worlds, they allow us to live our wildest dreams, and give us the platform to spread awareness of social issues to the masses. They Allow us to have fun and connect with other people.  I play video games because I love them.
Tagging: @sentinelapologist @kornyo @remnantofahero @axperjan
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thetimelordbatgirl · 5 years
Random scattered thoughts about D3 under the cut
*The fact that everyone has basically abandoned Audrey though......where goodness doesn't get better? More like 'we'll abandon you once your dumped by our king and also rub it in your face that you couldn't hold a prince like your mother could'- also Audrey knows about the love spell and WHY Mal did it, but if that's the, case then everyone knows and still doesn't care that Mal did that- like the one person with brain cells is Audrey and shes the villain of this movie.
*Queen of Mean is a bop though- its one of the only valid songs in this movie, but also with the evil laughter almost that could be heard BEFORE Audrey puts on the crown, it makes me wonder if they planned to have Audrey be possessed after all.
*One Kiss is literally just gay panic the song, no I don't take arguments its literally Evie in gay panic mode and its Disney having to do that one heterosexual song to remind us that no, only heterosexual couples are valid in this universe- also despite dating for three years, Evie struggles to tell Doug she loves him and even doesn't believe her true loves kiss wont work???? WOW- can we say, clearly goals to have a relationship where bae stalks you originally and you struggle to tell him you love him after three years of dating and after sharing a cottage with him?
*Night Falls is a cool song, but I love how as soon as Uma tries to lead, Mal gets bitchy and acts like she can lead a sword fight better then a pirate captain could- like, mal chill, your not queen yet.
*Mal as Hades daughter.......lemme just uh, stress that's the worst twist in history, literally over-powers Mal once more with now god blood- and Do What You Gotta Do is literally daddy issues the song, and despite having the same parenting as Maleficent with how he neglected Mal basically, Hades is somehow the better parent?? HOW?! Also its never showed how Mal learnt this information.....did Disney forget to write that in or- and of course, Mal must be the only VK of the core four with a good parent- cause of course, Mal must have everything as always.
*Audrey singing Happy Birthday while cursing the party and singing 'dear jane' while smiling evilly......can we just uh say, she at least got down with the aesthetic of being a villain?
*Oh yeah, speaking of villains- despite being promoted as villains, Hades does nothing basically besides drain Mal of her magic and all 'evil' scenes from trailer is just him doing random shit or good shit, while Uma is more of a anti-hero while Celia is kinda just there doing scamming and such- Audrey was the only accurate villain to promotion and even then she only got one trailer.
*My Once Upon A Time is literally Pity Me the song and Mal even sings at the end about reaching greatness and such- Jay, Evie, Carlos and Ben got stonned for this shit.
*Also yes, they literally stonned Ben, Carlos, Jay and Evie cause only Mal can take part in final fight.
*ALSO- MAL LIED- like, girl literally lied to her friends about the isle barrier and didn't tell them she was going to seal it up, and when confronted about it, she acts like she had no choice when she MADE the decision on her own and then after friends get stonned, she goes into pity song mode and doesn't suffer much consequences for the lie afterwards.
*Audrey saying to Mal though about the love spell and how its a touching story for the grandkids.......grandkids in the future felt that burn.
*Mal is cursed into a old hag and Ben into a beast......except Mals curse wears off under the barrier while Bens is soon enough fixed by Jane blasting enchanted lake at him- just......cant have true love fix curses like they do in the movies, nah, that means our couple being true love.
*Audrey nearly fucking dies- thanks plot for nearly killing the WOC princess.
*"Mal came through"- yeah, after planning to seal up the barrier and abandon every kid on the isle basically- but its okay they didn't know so its okay, TIME TO CELEBRATE MAL AGAIN-
*Lady Tremaine's character is fucking weird- in descendants 2 they say shes not a good grandma, but here she is?! Can Disney make up their mind on how the characters are written?!
*Celia and her relationship with her father though is precious, y'all can fight me on it.
*Mal literally saying she has to be queen of the isle as well- one, excuse you that's Uma's title and two, the isle IS apart of Auradon and is a PRISON, then again, descendants 2 forgot this detail when trying to act like being from a place where VKs are abused by their parents is something you cant ignore so why am I not surprised Descendants 3 is continuing that trend.
*Mal is drained of her magic but this isn't even explored cause she gets it back when Hades gives her the ember- so guess we cant even see Mal be forced to fight a battle without magic.
*Also Hades gives Mal the ember at the end for good- BUT WHAT WILL SHE DO WITH IT?! Its probably gonna go in the museum lol- so he basically lost his weapon as well.
*The Smee twins are also precious, and the fact that Smee cares about them is adorable- plus Smee is kinda accurate in design so.
*Jay being a big brother to all....precious- but also hes clearly gay for Gil sorry don't make the rules.
*Carlos and Jane must be protected from the plot.
*Evie's plot is good as well, but her whole 'struggling to say I love you to doug' is still bullshit plot.
*Doug is as boring as ever- next.
*Uma is a queen as always- her boys were so happy to see her again and she looked so happy to see them as well, let alone seeing the sun finally when the barrier fell at the end.
*Which brings me to uh, the ending.....THEY TORE DOWN THE BARRIER- like, the entire Isle is free now, not just the VKs but also villains- VILLAINS WHO IN FIRST MOVIE WANTED REVENGE- villains who will likely hurt their kids in Auradon still and villains who will likely not want to play peaceful and happy families- I thought Mal knew how villains worked, but she thinks villains will wanna play good guys? What happened to 'your parents cant reach you here' in film 1? NOW THEY CAN- Jasmine already fucking calling bullshit if Jafar thinks he can roam free.
*Hades at the end.......uggghhhh- Mal as his kid still makes no sense and never will and we get it, protective dad joke- WE GET IT- god, those jokes tire me sometimes.
*Disney really better not be acting like they deserve an award for that Hades and Mal twist- everyone saw it coming, you gave it away with Mal's hair and the teaser trailer- which is also never explained in D3 so lol.
*Disney: *doesn't have Lonnie being mentioned at all* Lonnie: "Am I a joke to you?"
*Chads weak as always- again, next.
*Audrey does get a apology finally but um, it took THREE YEARS to do so! Y'all asked for her revenge! Like, I love Ben but who the fuck says to a pissed off person that's about to curse you and your trying to talk them out of it, "I'll forgive you" like- DUDE NO-
*VK Day is still bullshit and that's just facts- also I love how they like I wish we could take you all- WHY. CANT. YOU?! You have power to take them all of it! But you DONT! In fact, Mal later decides to seal up the barrier at one point meaning she had to abandon the VKs there and even prevent Celia from seeing her dad again! So guess she forgot the VKs and was like 'yeah seal that fucker up cause Hades stole my magic'.
*Mal needing cheering in final fight......yayyy- I didn't need anymore reminders this was a Mal movie.
*Remember when HSM3 at least felt connected to the prior movies? D3 doesn't even FEEL connected- your expected to read books that may not stand a chance at getting mentioned- also had a entire different thing with Mal's dad but Disney erased that despite connecting the books each time they said to read a book before seeing the film- and in D3, a lot of shit just feels separate to the previous two- let alone the major time skip making it harder to connect- with Young Justice, while timeskips happen you still get hints at what happened inbetween those timeskips- but with D3? None is mentioned- so your left with this as the last movie and yeah, its just messy really.
*Well at least Huma won- we got one good ship in this movie at least- too bad its surrounded by a mess.
*Thank fuck there's no more descendants movies after this- sure, its sad and descendants still has a place with me- well with the aspects I like/the characters I like- but at the same time, a fourth descendants would be disrespectful to Cameron Boyce, the only Carlos really and of course, considering how messy D3 was and how Mal centred it became, a fourth movie really is not in the future- its sad I know, but at the same time, at least descendants can live on in fandom.
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ladycyrusorion · 5 years
Klance Fanfiction Eclipse - Preview
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Title: Eclipse
Pairing: Klance (Keith/Lance)
Ongoing Fanfiction at Eclipse (50706 words) by dear_daydreaming_deer Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Minor hunk and shay, past shiro and adam Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Adam (Voltron) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Magic, klance, Inspired by Romeo and Juliet, War, Government Secrets, Altean Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Forbidden Love, elemental powers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, No one is good, Plague, Pining Keith (Voltron), Awkward Flirting, Betrayal, Multiple powers, magical abilites, keith sneaking out, Insecure Lance (Voltron), they are both royals but think that the other is a peasant, Prince Lance (Voltron), Shadam, Minor Adam/Shiro (Voltron), leakira - Freeform, Cyberpunk, magical fantasy realm, a war between aesthetics I guess, THESE FUCKING DORKS, dramatic irony is painful af so here, suffer, jk i love you all, btw earth is dead ;-;, i cri every tyme, water. earth. fire. air. fuck i wanna make a lot of airbender references, Space boys, i dont sleep so i wrote this instead, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, so sorry for the super descriptive aesthetic stuff, Minor Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, Because yes, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, bad boy keith, a bit tsundere because why not, lance has freckles which is very important imo, so much gay, i didn't mean to but now lotor is sadistic af, Pain, Langst, emo keith, i swear that these boys are going to kill me, this fanfic is painful to write, why do i make the characters suffer, but also fluff, lots of fluff, And teasing, and some lenny face worthy stuff, so hopefully its worth the angst, Witches, Keith is also part Draconian, Draconians are dragon people, Lance (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, I guess everyone is a furry in this technically, pidge is a dryad centaur, Lance (Voltron) is a Dork, Nonbinary Pidge | Katie Holt, lance is in denial constantly, slow slow slow slow slow burn, this is gonna be such a long fanfic, get ready, A lot of worldbuilding, shiro needs help, hothead keith, keith and lance go by fake names, lance is basically altean but they are called solelves in this, lance is chimeran so he is part solelf and part feline (has tail and ears), like shiro is an angel werewolf, allura is an avian solelf, hunk is basically a balmeran turtle, and coran has hair that is literally on fire and he is part centaur, Everyone has magic, galrans are different in this, So be warned, Minor Character Death, both keith and lance have synesthesia, the synesthesia is tied to magic, lance is engaged to allura because of arranged marriages, Sadly, adam is dead too sadly, adam and shiro basically raised keith, but keith's real parents suck, long hair keith, Assassin Keith (Voltron), Garrison trio, Lance's dad sucks, Lance loves his family though, he also has a lot of siblings because I took some liberties
A summary of the story can be found on AO3 but a longer and more in-depth introduction is posted below, as well as the opening poem of the story. Tags for the story on AO3 that tell more about the story are the tags for this tumblr post. 
"The Eclipse is coming. It is coming for you."
Keith is a Lunaean, a child of night. When he runs away from his Empire to escape his execution, he crashes in Solera, an empire that has been warring with Lunae for centuries. Despite the fact that he should burn up instantly when he steps foot on the land, Keith survives.
Lance is a Soleran, a child of day. He is to inherit the throne to the Soleran Empire but he doesn’t want to, and neither do his people. He has far more interest in the forbidden stars and moons of Lunae and breaking the rules than leading. 
Disguised as Soleran peasants, the two meet by accident in the Kingdom of Corazon. They quickly learn that they are the only two that seem to remember an otherwise forgotten lullaby- one about the rising of wicked witches and an Eclipse that is coming.
Together, the two must work together to stop the Eclipse, or otherwise, the witches will worsen the war and take over both empires. 
There are five major problems though:
1.) Lance is an arrogant not-so-charming Prince who is very distracting and easily distracted. He’s loud and competitive and flirtatious and makes terrible jokes. Although he desperately wants to be the hero his people need, he is constantly drawn to what he is fighting against. Meanwhile, Keith is a mysterious, impulsive, cynical, blunt, and hotheaded rebel who is irritatingly talented enough to stop the Eclipse but seems to only be fighting for himself. He’s terrible with people and can’t seem to escape the past he ran away from. Keith and Lance should be the last people chosen to save the world. 
2.) They instantly and deeply hate each other. 
3.) Lance doesn’t know that Keith is a Lunaean. Nor does he know about his past life as an assassin and the other secrets he’s been hiding.
4.) Neither of them have mageia, the most common form of magic in the world and the form that everyone should have access to by the age of 18 in the Soleran Empire. If Lance doesn’t discover any powers of his own before his 18th birthday, he will be executed. 
5.) The Eclipse may not be what they originally thought and neither may their feelings for each other. 
☀ - P a r t   O n e - ☽
~ Stultorum ~
It begins with a Fool and ends with the World.
With the Wheel of Fortune as the centerpiece of it all,
Where Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo fly together around the Sphinx
And the angels sing to Judgement Mountain on Judgement Day.
Eighteen moons and Nineteen sunrays kiss in the end,
But before the Eclipse came the Stars.
And before then, came a Hierophant,
The Empress and the Emperor.
The Chariot and Strength,
Death and Justice.
The High Priestess in the Tower,
The King of Cups and the Knight of Wands.
The Hermit and us Lovers.
Five, nine of wands and swords.
Seven and eight all over.
Our two cups and the ten swords I gave you.
Then we, the knights
And the Devil in me
You can read more at Eclipse (50706 words) by dear_daydreaming_deer
Since I re-wrote this fanfiction, the old and unfinished version is chapters 1-7 while everything current is chapter eight and beyond. Skip to chapter eight to start there (if you are reading this after October 1st, then just go to chapter one because the old chapters will be deleted on October 1st). Updates will come out every one to two weeks!
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devilgem-archive · 5 years
heya!! do you mind if i ask a bit abt ur kyokoswap au?? if u dont wanna thats fine but any info/hcs u have abt it wld be cool bc the au seems rlly neat!! tho again if u dont wanna def no pressure ^^; have a wonderful day!! :D
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VIBRATES EXCITEDLY i’ve been waiting 50 years for someone to ask about this!!!!!kyoko magica is one my oldest and most developed aus, i’m more than happy to answer this!
aside from minor adjustments to better fit each character’s arc, the story itself follows canon’s exactly! starts with kyoko having a dream about mami, ends with mami tearing apart kyokami in a new world. ofc a lot of the girls’ original traits remain in tact. kyoko is more like her pre-tds self, kind but ditzy and reckless, mami retains her ladylike grace, homura her overprotectiveness and so on…i always prefer leaving aspects that makes characters…themselves in swap aus if u get me? or maybe that’s just me
swaps with madoka. madokyoko or kyokami, as i like to call her!
a simple christian girl with a plain, ordinary life. kyoko had everything she could ever ask for: a loving family, supportive friends, amazing teachers- just everything! all of that changed when she meets a mysterious blonde girl in a post-apocalyptic setting in a dream…and that very same girl appears in her life the very next day!
while she has a kind heart, she is known to be fiery and unreasonable at times. this temper was usually displayed in heated confrontations with mami
the sakuras used to be rather poor. their financial status improved when the akemis stepped in to assist them, and the two families had forged a close bond ever since
eating is practically her hobby. still hates wasting food and will call out anyone who does so
is a d@ddy’s girl through and through. her father is wise and caring, so she often seeks him out for advice
her wish varies from time to time. in the first timeline she wished to save a cat she named Amy, while others had to do with wishing one or all of her friends back or to be able to defeat walpurgisnacht etc. her final wish was to erase all witches from the past,present and future with her own hands, which caused her to ascend to godhood and leave no trace of her existence in the new world.
kyokami felt lonely when she first realized she had no way to get in touch with her loved ones on earth. it felt even strange to be god herself…she’d always been a girl of faith yknow? she eventually embraced her fate as the composer of the universe, and is perfectly happy in bring salvation to magical girls all over the globe.
ophelia is the witch of abandonment. unlike gretchen, who desires to save the world, ophelia wants to destroy it. kyoko’s faith in humanity died the second ophelia was born…and the all-powerful wudan witch stops at nothing until this cold and cruel world is nothing more than barren wasteland
switches with homura! her nickname is homumami, but she’s usually mamicifer to me
i like to call her moemami (or moemi???) in her ‘moe’ phase
was orphaned at the age of 6 when a fatal car crash killed her parents and left her paralyzed from waist down. the hospital had practically been her home since, until she was officially discharged yeaaaaars later
used to wear her hair in drilled pigtails, complete with colorful flower clips that surprisingly correspond to her future friends’ colors. in later timelines she would let her hair down and replace the childish clips with her signature bronze ones.
used to be wheelchair bound before contracting. learned to utilize her healing powers so she could walk again; she used crutches and ribbons to assist her during the early timelines. in later timelines, she fully healed her injured spine the same time she changed her personality
she had a big crush on sayaka in the past…something she’d rather forget. it still flusters her
her wish ofc was to redo her meeting with kyoko sakura
her birthday falls on may 1st. more abt it here
mami has a major sweet tooth.
candeloro is a miserable witch, literally shackled with chains of despair, forever alone in this nightmarish prison- her eternal pity party. although she comes off as aloof at first, her true nature warm and inviting, almost needy even.
she has her own set of ‘clara dolls,’ known as delightful dolls. there’s four of them, each resembling the girls of the quartet but represent the hostess’/mami’s worst aspects: vexation (kyoko), disgust (madoka), cruelty (sayaka) and love (homura)– the youngest doll is the least favorite and looks suspiciously a lot like the good-for-nothing’s dolls (see sayamura for the answer)
switches with sayaka. i lovingly dub her sayamura
was kyoko’s friend from childhood. they attended the same catholic elementary school together before mitakihara middle school.
sported her ‘moe’ appearance pre-contract. after making her wish, she ditched the braids and glasses in order to look ‘cooler’ (@ which kyoko wld say she always looked cool in her eyes
kyoko had been her knight in shining armor for as long as she could remember, and homura really wants to repay that by protecting her as well! she is also hella gay for her bff 
her wish was to have the strength to protect others
her shield is very similar to the one seen in the original madoka manga, though it lacks the hammerspace storage. her firearms are formed via magic
her desire for kyoko, self loathing and jealousy are big big factors to her inevitable demise.
homulilly here is a mix of her nutcracker and mortal world forms. each and every one of the clara dolls still exist along with lotte, luiselotte, liese and lillia.
love is in fact, one of homura’s dolls; because homura and mami cherish the same person deeply, their feelings intertwined and therefore ‘share’ ai. post-rebellion, ai continues to pose as one of the delightful dolls and attempts to revive homura’s memories behind mamicifer’s back
switches with mami. her nickname is mamisayaka here!
ghost and lonely are big inspos,esp for oktavia
came from a rather well off family, so she never really needed to worry about provisions when she was left on her own. still, all the money in the world could never fill the gaping hole in her lonely heart
knows how to play the violin
her parents and kyousuke and hitomi all perished when a theater collapsed on itself. old wounds reopened when madoka left her to live life her own way
is the ideal big sis! cheerful, sporty and has good grades…For A Sayaka. beneath the facade she’s a depressed slob who doesnt take care of herself as much as she should. its oke as long as she hides it all with a smile :)
oktavia von seckendorff is very highkey based off lewis msa; deadbeat-esque familiars, an abandoned mansion/concert hall labyrinth and a disembodied glass heart, which sits at the very bottom of her lagoon- that kind stuff. those she falls in love with, whether romantically or platonically, are never to leave her- she wont be alone, never again. one condition must be fulfilled in order to kill her successfully: stay. if she’s truly feels content, she will accept death without fail.
swaps with kyoko. kyodoka has a nice ring, doesnt it?
used to be exactly like the sweet and well-meaning canon!madoka in the past, a key difference was she would resort to stealing and breaking other rules to keep herself and her parents and little brother alive.
her mother was a businesswoman who wanted to take a more innovative approach to her work. alas, this would cost junko her entire career and the kaname family became penniless
madoka wished for her mother’s dream project to become reality. just as ur familiar with canon!kyoko’s story, it backfired horribly. disowned from her family, her mother became an alcoholic, dad gets pushed around and baby tatsuya doesnt understand whats going on. days later…press f for the kanames and madoka’s broken heart.
is vile, absolutely vile. can be sweet in one moment then violent and emotionally manipulative in the next like the two-faced bitch she is
rarely uses honorifics to address people anymore, unless she’s playing sweet to get something out of someone. uses ‘-chan/kun/san’ for those she sincerely cares for; she didn’t call homura ‘-chan’ before she began sympathizing with the latter
has a minor problem with booze and tobacco, namely the latter.
she loves loves loves melons!
knowing the value of being frugal, madoka hates wasting things that could be put to better use. she can be kind of a cheapskate in some sense, though she's sane enough to avoid resorting to ridiculous extremities.
kriemhild gretchen is exact the opposite of canon!ophelia. this towering witch continues oh so obsessively reaching for what she cannot; that one faraway glimmer of hope sitting at the endless skies of her labyrinth she calls paradise. shes stubborn as all hell, and will not let herself be destroyed UNLESS one convinces her the world is already a happy place in no need of saving
nagisa is nagisa.
the same charlotte that ate mamisayaka’s head is now a bapy that lives with her post-rebellion
her wish remains the same: to have one last cheesecake with her mother
not much to say here
thats all i can remember from the top of my head! if you want me to elaborate further, pls ask me @mahoutrauma!! 
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teashadephoenix · 5 years
11 Questions
I got tagged by @pomegranate-belle <3 I'm sorry this took for fucking ever?!!??
I’ll tag @lioness--hart @fox-in-the-library and @whitegodiva if you guys want to do it? And anybody else, obvi <3
1. How long have you been writing?
Actually sitting down to type stories out? Eight years old. I've been making shit up since I could talk. I have it on good authority I am entertaining to listen to.
2. What are the major themes of your current wip(s)? LONG ANSWER
omg I really dont know. I spent several hours over several days banging on this question in my head both in front of the computer and away from it only to come to the horrified realisation that I Don't Know. *gay panic*
I know the things I like to write about. I like to write about free exchange of culture, of mutual respect and fraternity with your fellow humans (which leads to themes of unity, unconditional love not only of people but of the world, and the gray area of what it means to protect those things without giving in to hate, indifference and intolerance. THE GRAY AREA IS WHERE I THRIVE.)
I like to write about intergenerational relationships (which leads to themes of obsolescence, changing of the guard, and how people, in general, not individuals, never really change. Like, there's For a Good Time graffiti on the walls at Pompeii. That is HILARIOUS.)
I write a lot about family, both born and found. (Everybody has a place and everybody is loved.) I write about mental illness and being queer (which all by itself leads to themes of not knowing your place in the world even if you have one. Frequently comes up against the previously mentioned theme)
So yeah. I don't know. My big WIP, the Aalee Rise series, is about a young woman on the cusp of adulthood going out into the world for the first time. It's her idealism vs reality. The other main characters in that cast are all foils re: various facets of societal structure and ideologies. One challenges her idea of government, another her idea of religion. She falls in love, her loyalties to her brother and parents are tested, she makes mistakes, she fights monsters and saves the world. A lot.
tldr; It's my sandbox and I just wanted to build castles in it. I don't really know if the castles will mean anything when I'm done. I hope they do.
3. What do you want people to take away from your story once they’ve read it?
My greatest ambition is that I could ever write a hero as beloved as the heroes I read about growing up, figures that reminds not to give up hope, to get back up when we're down, that the dark times ahead of us will come to pass.
At best, if I've done that, I'll be ecstatic and satisfied.
At worst, as long as you had a good time, if you didn't throw the book across the room in disgust, I'll take it.
4. Would you be excited if people write fanfiction about your wip(s)?
YAAAAS. I would literally never read it because Im terrified of accidentally absorbing someone's ideas and making them my own bc Christ alive that's a legal nightmare, but yes that would make my life.
And you can have my firstborn if you send me fanart.
5. What’s your go-to writing beverage?
Tea. Really strong and sweet. I make a fresh quart each morning and usually go through it by the end of day.
6. Who is your favorite oc? Tell me about them!
Aalee Dering is the eighteen-year-old protagonist of my Aalee Rise series.  When we meet her in volume one (Worldwalk) she and her twin brother are setting off on their coming-of-age journey around the country. Her people, the Noruahai, have defended humanity for generations from unearthly creatures called asmic, and if she wants to become a licensed Marshal like her famous mother (and wow, she really, really does) she'll have to prove herself on her Worldwalk.
Aalee thinks with her heart first and always. She loves beautiful things, and all things are beautiful to her. She's quick to cry and struggles with anger, as well as distraction; she has trouble keeping focus. Good for getting into trouble. Not so good when it comes to being a responsible adult.
It would probably be easier if she wasn't of two minds on every single decision she has to make. She empathises with everyone, which can be paralysing-- how can she fight someone whose point of view she gets?
7. Do you feel that mistakes are important learning tools in the writing journey?
Mistakes are learning tools of life, darling. In writing they generally aren't the types that will destroy friendships, health, financial status, etc, which means they're generally easier to bounce back from. Unless you commit career suicide in some way...
8. Rank your ocs by their capability in a footchase (either running after or from smth, your choice)
1. Fall from the Aalee Rise series. He's a complicated human. Without getting into the context of the world he's from, he's hard to explain; but the short version is he's half-ghost so he can basically turn himself into the wind.
2. Rosie Frey from Color of the Stars but only when she's a lion. In her human form she's pretty normal.
3. Lynn Blythe (or any of the other vampires) from Echoes of Eden, because they're cheating cheaterfaces who use mystical vampy powers to be stronger and faster than humans
4. Sendmarshal Henley from the Aalee Rise series. Probably the fastest regular human. Imagine the most beautiful, tall, leggy black woman you can, all lean muscle and elegant grace, and now imagine her scooping you up and zipping out of danger with an easy smile on her face... *fans self* I stan.
5. When running headlong into danger to save someone? Aalee Dering. When running away? Frustratingly, satirically slow. She's one of those idiot heroes who stops to make sure everyone got away okay so Fall's always running back to grab her ("MOVE, IDIOT" "But that little old lady--" "FIRE-BREATHING MONSTERS. MOVE.")
9. Does your wip have romance? tell me about it!! if not tell me about a friendship/important relationship in your wip!! MORE LENGTHY BLAH
Relationships are the driving force of my writing. How one loves or is loved by other people, how they relate and engage with others, is how one grows, in real life and in fiction. There are a number of relationships in all my series that I'm fond of for various reasons. (For instance, even though she cannot STAND him, I'm eager af to write Eden and Lynn's relationship in Echoes of Eden because of how complicated it is.)
And as a rule all of my characters are queer or questioning unless otherwise stated, and I ship everybody with basically everybody else, and almost everybody has a love story in their history. (at least, their parents certainly do because I am a gross vile romantic and these fuckers came from somewhere.)
That having been said, for the sake of brevity I'll stick with Aalee Rise and limit myself to the Big Three: Aalee and her brother Elles, Aalee and her best friend Norah, and Aalee and Fall.
FAMILY: Aalee and Elles are twins. Born together and never separated, which stands out in a world where families are broken up by chaotic circumstances and random death on a regular basis. Aalee is easily distracted and has difficulty communicating her thoughts, so she tends to act on impulse; Elles is forever the cool head and the hand grabbing her by the back of the shirt to stop her from walking into danger. And after eighteen years of this... he's tired of it. He loves his sister, but he longs to see the world on his own terms, walk his own path. And Aalee doesn't share that sentiment. Not only doesn't share it, but is blown away when it comes into play. Her partner in crime wants to break away, and she does not take it very well. The first volume (Worldwalk) explores how their relationship suffers, grows, and changes due to this break.
FRIEND: Aalee's best friend of ten years is Norah. They met as little girls in a monster-ravaged town; Norah was entertaining the youngest orphans with a story and Aalee joined in. The pair of them spent a long night keeping civilians from panicking while Marshals battled asmic beyond the walls of the bunker. They exchanged addresses and became penpals over the next few years, since both of their parents travelled and they were rarely in the same place at the same time. That changed suddenly when Norah lost her father. Since then, Norah's family and Aalee's have lived in the same town. Norah is her warm hand in the dark, her shoulder to cry on, the first person she tells any good news. for Norah, Aalee is the only person (at the beginning of the story, anyway) with whom she can be her real whole self. They love each other no matter what.
ROMANCE: And then there's Fall. Aalee meets Fall when she rescues him from being murdered in a back alley-- except, oops, turns out it was a sting operation to catch the killer because he's not actually the helpless filthy vagabond she assumed he was; he's actually a powerful Marshal who was on assignment. Stuck together for various reasons, he becomes a mentor to her on her worldwalk, while she blatantly digs into the mystery of who he is, which turns out to complicate their lives, the lives of their friends and families, randos they happens across, their enemies, and also God's. To say they fall in love with each other is an understatement of cosmic proportions. They choose each other.
10. Do you believe in the advice kill your darlings?
Yeah but I take the advice as intended; which is not, as most assume, kill your fave characters, but to get rid of that which does not work, even if you love it. That pearlescent line of dialogue, or that golden bit of allegory? Doesn't matter how much you love it and how proud of it you are, if it does. not. work. it HAS. TO. GO. (save it in a new file to reread when you feel down and scrap that shit from the main file.)
that said re: killing characters, in my youth I was very much of the George RedRum Martin camp of "KILL THEM ALL" but as Ive gotten older my main focal point has been "What purpose does their death serve?" Death is not the only sacrifice worth writing. So while I am not afraid to kill my characters, I do take the nature of their deaths in the writing very seriously. There has to be a point.
11. Do you prefer plotting or worldbuilding? Why?
WORLDBUILDING MANYEXCLAMATIONPOINTSGOHERE! Plotting is like the maths of writing. It's measurement, it's brickwork, it's demolition when the wall you put up last week is three feet too long and now you have to scrap it and start over. Vital. But not my favorite part.
Worldbuilding is the art. It's the music your OCs hum and the stories that they treasure and the faith that holds them up when the crap you throw at them might tear them down. It's the story behind the jacket they wear and it's the reason they nod to the altar when they enter a place of worship and it's the meaning of their names. It's the magic. How the world works, the little details that make it real to the reader because it's real for your characters, is my favorite part of writing.
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kindestegg · 6 years
ok heres what i was talking about when i made that “discord deserved so much better” post
theres some spoilers below but heres the non spoiler, shorter version: discord is strongly hinted to be a gay man at this point but his treatment in the series has been very poor, specially considering how one of his bigger plot roles revolved around him being abused by a man he might have been interested in. mlp did a bad job with this and i’m hoping they fix it by at least giving discord a boyfriend before g4 ends definitely.
ok, let me just start off by saying, discord is now confirmed to be a gay man, BUT not in the right way, as in mlp crew better step up their game, and im gonna analyze exactly why n how i came to this conclusion.
first of all, the ep that made me pick up the dots was the recently leaked "the breakup breakdown". it depicts big mac doing a hearts and hooves day surprise for sugar belle with the aid of spike, who, by shouting something to do with pony dnd, gets discord to come help as well. however, discord isn't very amused by hearts and hooves day. he spends most of the episode talking about how its a commercialized holiday and how love is not real. which is interesting, considering friendship is another form of love, and discord does highly value friendship. so what happened to make him feel theyre separate? even when spike brings up fluttershy, discord acts nonchalantly about it, preferring to dismiss it as him just enjoying tea.
but we may have even more confirmation that it cant be fluttershy thats behind any romantic love in discord because as we have seen, he separates love and friendship despite them being two of a kind. so discord has no reason to see fluttershy as a potential partner, shes already his friend and thats enough, and she cant be the reason he thinks love is fake either, because he certainly doesnt act like she broke his heart. no, rather, this behavior is often commonly found in abuse victims, victims who have been manipulated by someone they may have had feelings for in the past.
so, who could have toyed with discord's heart, making him so bitter towards the concept of love but more accepting of friendship? ill give you a hint, it's NOT CELESTIA! i know its a common ship/headcanon but it cant be celestia, because a: we have NO confirmation that all of those headcanons and fanfics and fancomics about how discord ooooooh so tragically was in love with the beautiful celestia who thought he was an ugly beast blah blah blahhh are canon b: even if something did happen between them, he clearly has it in the past, considering he n celestia seem to be on very good terms, n still friends. n hoensstly, i dont think celestia is the toxic or abusive type.
no, rather, its tirek. really, let's take a look back at discord's arc in twilight's kingdom parts 1 + 2. no, even further. the whole of season 4, the season immediately after his one-ep reformation. he is still very clearly feeling out of place, trying his best to get in touch with ponies but making it more complicated and awkwatd than it has to be. evenwhen he's called to help and thinks he's finally going to be important and accepted, he has a hard time with fluttershy's friends. so here comes tirek, offering not only power, but even more: someone that accepts him. tirek knows him, or at least of him, he speaks of discord and how he used to be with great importance. discord wants nothing more than that: someone who would accept and like him no matter how much chaos he can bring. and thinking how shaky these first tries have been for him, nothing is stopping him on at least giving it a try, he even has a failsafe, not telling tirek about twilight until the last minute, to make sure tirek really cares about him. really, this isnt the behavior of someone who is just looking for a work partner.
so, tireks got discord right where he wants him, following him around like a lovesick puppy. he puts on a show every time they steal magic together, makes decorative art of them and even celebrates getting the medallion as a gift. i mean, tirek literally tells him to go out n be free, discord chuckles ominously n... the only scene we see of him again is him arranging windows. literally, discord isnt even trying to get away n be free by now, he wants to be with tirek. sure, the guy is starting to get a little weird n angrily pushy now that hes got more power but thats nothing to worry about!! n thats what brings my point around, because then we move to tireks betrayal of discord. hes manipulated discord into giving away every last drop of magic equestria can offer and as a thanks, he sucks out every last drop of magic out of HIM. its painful and you can just see in discords face hes not enjoying it. discord is defeated, humiliated and left ruined, by someone who he thought would love and accept him for who he was, by someone who he was already imagining spending eternity ruling side by side. that whole bright future, its gone, its broken, it will never come back, and on top of that, his friends hate him too.
now, lets fast forward a little bit, ok? what is it that discord says when he hands over the medallion to twilight, as a thanks for showing him mercy?
"tirek convinced he could give me something greater than friendship, but now i see there is no such thing"
... or something like that, i dont have the script pulled up, but i get the picture. now, what was it that discord was saying in this s8 episode? "love is fake". although friendship isnt right? ladies and gentlemen, we just found our culprit. discord believes hes learned his lesson as friendship being good and love being a lie, specially after being abused so terribly, so its obvious hes shocked seeing all the ponies celebrating love, dont they know any better? this is what makes his whole revolving around the episode so important. he sees there might be a way, but, he also is still a bit skeptical.
anyway, all this to say, discord can now be considered canonically gay... for a trauma reason.
yeah, mlp? this isnt good. this whole subtext of discord falling for a guy, being abused by him and then discrediting love? thats not good gay representation. if you wanna have one of your secondary next-to-major cast be gay i applaud you, but please, for the love of god, HURRY THE FUCK UP AND GIVE DISCORD A BOYFRIEND. a real one, not one that will treat him like tirek did and just leave him for dead. and not some androgynous looking character we see with him for 0.5 secs. i want MEAT. i want substance. we had full fledged scenes with sounds n a story arc dedicated to discords abuse. to a GAY MANS abuse. i wanna see yall fucking have the guts to take all that energy n do SOMETHING GOOD. GIVE DISCORD A BOYFRIEND, A GOOD BOYFRIEND. let a gay man character be happy for once in television and be represented in a way that doesnt involve his suffering. thats all (drops mic)
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patchworktail · 7 years
ITS 4:30 AM AND I DONT FEEL LIKE SLEEPING so I’m gonna do this meme that i got tagged for twiCE and totally forgot to do til now!!!! (i had 2 dig through your blogs to find them omg)
ANYWAY i was tagged by both @mooitstimdrake​ and @cynessie​ (I MISS U BOTH BTW ❤)
RULES: Share 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions provided by the tagger, tag 11 awesome people and leave 11 questions for them to answer!
(I’m gonna skip tagging people/asking 11 questions - 1) because I’m lazy 2) because a lot of people who I would tag either have already been tagged or woN’T DO IT and 3) I have to answer two sets of 11 questions anyway so I’ll let one of those sets take the place of my 11 questions!!)
11 Facts
I was supposed to leave to move into my college 3 days ago but since my college is in Savannah they pushed off move-in/orientation for a weEK BECAUSE OF HURRICANE IRMA AND I’M STILL UPSET/DISAPPOINTED
That being said I’m about to start as a college freshman at art school, planning on majoring in animation! :D
I binged all of Buzzfeed Unsolved in like 2 days and I fuckin LOVE IT
Also BNHA is like my current main obsession???? I fell in love w that anime and uhhhh I’d Die For My Kids
I almost never use skype anymore - I’m always on Discord now (mutuals may add me just message me if you want my tag :3c)
I loooove creating OCs and my main OC is a forest elf named Rally and he’s precious and I LOVE HIM AND COULD TALK ABOUT HIM FOR HOURS (also my best friend @/harpxer and I have a huge ongoing rp with him and her mountain elf oc, Kahl!! they’re really gay)
Hmmm fun fact I guess I’ve been involved with internet communities since I was 10 years old and I made my very first internet friend when I was 10 and we’re still great friends and talk p much every day to this day (hi @/fiishr)
I want a tattoo super bad but idk what I’d geT
I worked at a jewelry engraving stand at an amusement park this summer and one night I accidentally gave myself a 1st degree burn on my finger from the hot glue gun and it hurt So Bad
I had my graduation party this July and it was really fun but the best part was when 14 of us played this giant game of spoons and it got really intense, made worse by people randomly screaming during it, and then we collectively decided to blast hardcore rap music from the speakers and Let Me Tell You i have not been involved in a more stressful card game in my LIFE
I’ll always always always fall for the hero/happy character/protagonist basically....idk what it is about me but I’m so Predictable...I love cute optimistic brave characters who just wanna do Right.....I don’t cARE IF PEOPLE THINK THEY’RE BORING I THINK THEY’RE PERFECT AND AMAZIGN AND I LOVE THEM
@mooitstimdrake​‘s Questions:
If you were to make a new blog dedicated to one single thing (fandom, hobby/activity, etc) what would it be? Honestly, right at the moment probably BNHA!!!! it’s legit my most recent big obsession and I love it?? so much???
If you could have any kind of animal as a pet, what would you have? A RACCOON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM SOSOSOSOSOS MUCH and some people actually do have them as pets! They can be difficult though but WORTH IT
Who was your favorite teacher and why were they your favorite? OH BOY......I’m gonna say it’s a tie between my AP studio art teacher and my AP US government teacher from this past year, my senior year! My AP art teacher because our class was super tiny, 12 kids, and it really felt like a family?? She was a-okay with letting us all goof around and say weird shit, she was really chill and funny and like. part teacher, part friend, which was always nice. As for my AP gov teacher, he was SO. FUCKING. FUNNY. OH MAN. NOT EVEN ON PURPOSE he just like? put up with SO MUCH? we had some real character kids in that class and my teacher’s reactions were HILARIOUS. he had a sarcastic streak too so his responses were equally as funny when someone did something weird. He would say the funniest stuff just ask @/harpxer I would tell her so many stories from that class sohboshrb. Aside from the humor that class was really interesting, and he’s a really good, invested teacher - he wanted us to learn, he’s super passionate about government and history, and he always started off each class with 2 current events which was really nice and helped me learn more about things happening in the world too!!! overall that was like my fav non-art class I’ve ever taken!!!!
What’s your guilty pleasure (and I’m challenging you not to say some kind of food)? HMMMMM. Honestly I’m gonna go ahead and say really cheesy or lame movies/shows (like, Disney channel movies, dumb shows - like the one summer I watched all of Glee LOL, stuff like that). Like yeah I know 90% of it is terRIBLE but it’s still amusing/lighthearted stuff that makes me happy KLSDJVLSDHB
Favorite pizza topping? EXTRA CHEESE IF THAT COUNTS, if not then pepperoni!!
What’s the last thing you bought (that wasn’t food)? I’ve actually been buying a lot the past few weeks in prep for college/spending a little money for ONCE since I worked all summer. I got a bunch of boring stuff but the things I’m most excited about are: two posters I got for my dorm (The Office is one and one is Lord Huron), a giant wall tapestry (it’s Up themed!!!), tWO BNHA/POKEMON CHARMS THAT CAME TODAY AND EVERY TIME I LOOK AT THEM I START CRYING BC THEYRE SO CUTE, and oh my GOD I BOUGHT THIS GIANT PILLOW FROM TARGET AND IT IS THE SINGLE SOFTEST THING I’VE EVER FELT AND IT’S HUGE AND IT IMMEDIATELY BECAME MY #1 COMFORT OBJECT AND TOP FIVE FAV THINGS IVE EVER BOUGHT!!!!!! I guess MOST recently though I just bought Clip Studio Paint online today (art program) since it’s on sale for 50% off and I’ve heard great things about it!
What upcoming movies/tv shows are you looking forward to? UHHHHH as for movies... justice league part 1, the incredibles 2, kingsman 2, the neW POKEMON MOVIE I CHOOSE YOU, probably a lot more I can’t remember rn. AS FOR SHOWS HMMM I’m...excited for the next season of the good place and izombie, and oh I’m excited for the punisher netflix show!! and the next season of voltron of COURSE!!! and next season of stranger things!! probably more I’m forgetting too tbh
Any recommendations (this could be anything just throw your best pitch at me)? JFISDJKLBJ I DON’T KNOW OMG tbh rachel you watch a lot of the same things I do already LMAOOO
What’s your favorite thing to wear that you own? OH FUCK I DUNNO HMMM I really like wearing my various leggings and scarves, but as like a Single Item....I like wearing....uhhhh I have this giANT sweater like it’s WAY too big for me but it’s so COMFY and I love it. I also love wearing my Star Labs sweatshirt bc it’s soft and comfortable
What was your first pet? my cat!!! we took her in as a stray kitten living in our backyard when I was like. 2 or 3 and so we’ve basically had her my whole life!!
If you could learn any language, what would it be? UHHHHHH honestly probably spanish - I took it 4 straight years and was okay at it in class but one year went by with me not taking it and I forgot everything LOOOL I’m...bad....at languages....
@cynessie‘s Questions:
Where is the coolest place you’ve ever been? I haven’t been many cool places :( I guess the coolest isssss I dunno it depends? Lake George is where I go on vacation every year, I LOVE NYC, I love Savannah too and it’s where I’m gonna be for college so?? ?? ?  ? I’VE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND I’M SAD BUT I’M POOR AND CAN’T AFFORD IT
What was the first thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up? veterinarian!! 
Look to your right. What do you see? a dirty plate on my desk, my bed just past that, and my CHARMS THAT CAME TODAY THAT ARE SO CUTE I CRY EVERY TIME I SEE THEM
What are you procrastinating on? ajkldjboidj lik e 4 art commissions,,,, and 7 MAP parts,,,, and my pre-work for 2 of my classes,,,,,,,and cleaning my room,,,, and sending thank-you notes to relatives,,, SOMEONE KICK MY ASS AND MAKE ME DO SHIT
Which family member are you closest too and what is their name? UHHHH.... I guess my younger brother Luke? or maybe my mom? I’m not on bad terms with anyone though, I love both my older brothers too and we all have a good sibling relationship I just talk more with my younger bro I think - second closest would be with my second older brother Connor!
What’s the last song you listened to? I’m listening to Ultralife by Oh Wonder right now :3c I’ve been on a huUUGE Oh Wonder kick lately!!
What do you generally carry in your bag/pockets when you go out? my wallet (w my license and money and debit card and all), travel size lotion, phone, and chap stick!!
Do you believe in ghosts? I’m gonna hesitantly say YES but I’m not 100% convinced I don’t think
What is a skill you want to learn? MAYBE THIS IS WEIRD but I think learning how to act would be kinda neat. On a more realistic note I wish I could learn to exercise without dying
Tell me a joke. I’M BAD AT JOKES DON’T DO THIS TO ME NESSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO YEAH THAT’S ALL FOLKS it’s 5am now...Nice..... :’) I love my ability to stay up obscenely late while also getting Nothing Done JLSDNVDHAGHVDLAK
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