#also this is tagged as fall out boy because it's a pete wentz reference
Aro who? Totally back in love
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27-royal-teas · 1 year
look ive seen a lot of weird takes about the we didn’t start the fire cover because apparently (?) some people are mad (??) because ‘anyone can put together words that rhyme, they should have put the events in chronological order’ (????) and I’ve decided that look, it doesn’t matter if it’s chronological, because this is it. It’s events that matter to this generation, and it SHOULDNT sound exactly like billy joel’s version. they’re not going to be billy joel. NO ONE is going to be billy joel. the point of a cover is to make it your own and by making the events out of order it seems more frenzied and crazy, which, to be honest, the events it covers ARE. it IS crazy. and to end with ‘world trade, second plane’? that is INSANE. I got chills. that is a moment that the people who were alive during the event will remember FOREVER. it literally changed the entire course of history and started a spiral of events not only politically but musically as well, starting in an idea and ending in we’ll carry on. It makes perfect sense to end a song about the chaos of the modern and recent world on an event so defining in people’s- relatively recent- lives. and I saw this pointed out too (I believe by @thekintsugikid) and I wanted to mention it. fall out boy says, ‘we’re trying to fight it.’ In Billy’s version, he said ‘we tried to fight it.’ and look. we are trying. The world is going to shit. We’re all going to die someday, probably in some gruesome way. but we’re trying. we’re trying to fight it. we have hope, this younger generation. we won’t give up. we will survive. persistence, I think, is the biggest part of glory. and so, it just means something to me. it doesn’t have to be in chronological order. it doesn’t have to be perfect. the boys had fun, and that’s what matters, but I really think that the cover does reflect us overall
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crashingmanicwave · 5 years
hey so u know a lot about Ryden, right?? im v v new to the panic! fandom so it would be lovely if u gave me a quick run down on what the fuck happened. you dont have to, im just confused and curious
Of course, anon! I’m flattered that you seem to think I know a lot! Really, I just have spent far too much time delving deep into bandom history and reading many, many fanfics.
But anyway! This ended up being more of a mini-essay, though I tried to skim over too many complicated details to make it more palatable for reading.  I combed through the tag in my blog and other sources to provide relevant links :)
Now, let’s get down to it.
I’m not sure how much you do know or don’t know, but as with anything, it’s best to start at the beginning.
A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out (2005)
Panic! of the Disco was signed by Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy in 2004 with members Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, Brendon Urie, and Brent Wilson. They were signed literally right out of highschool - one of the agreements was that they had to graduate first!  Ryan Ross wrote the entirety of their first album, A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out, released in 2005 to massive popularity.
(And when I say they were children, I really mean children.)
Brent Wilson ended up getting replaced as bassist by Jon Walker, who’d been playing with The Academy Is up until that point.  And the rest is history, boom, bam, the boys are together!
Now, this time period is what we all refer to as ‘Fever era’ and we were blessed with SO much.
Aesthetically it was just an awesome era! Ryan Ross and his makeup! The dancers! THE STAGE GAY.
One of the most important pieces of ryden lore during this era was Myrtle Beach.
Some of my favorite Fever era ryden content: 
♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥   ♥  ♥  ♥  
(I want you to know that I really had to restrain myself with how many links I put here.)
** Now, there’s an era technically in between AFYCSO and PO which we refer to as the ‘cabin era’ during which the boys locked themselves up in a cabin for months and wrote the now scrapped album Cricket & Clover. Most of this album is impossible to find, but here’s a song performed live from it to give you a taste as to what it might have sounded like. **
Pretty. Odd. (2008)
After the scrapped album came Pretty. Odd.!  It’s basically their Beatles album; has a very similar sound and aesthetic to 60′s rock.
We got many, many gems from this era, and MANY important pieces of lore.
Now, this next topic is deserving of its own subcategory purely because of how vital it is to we ryden conspiracy theorists with our tinfoil hats:
Northern Downpour
This song is absolutely VITAL to ryden lore.  Vital. 
It’s popularly believed that the lyrics were written by Ryan Ross after the infamous Seattle incident, a staple of ryden lore (and my personal favorite).
Shortly after the split, Brendon had difficulty performing this song on stage and would frequently get too choked up to sing, having to stop and apologize to the audience.
Hey moon, please forget to fall down is one of the most popular lyrics from it, and has been interpreted to mean both ‘please don’t let this night end’ and also delving into the sun & moon symbolic dichotomy widely accepted by most ryden theorists. (Ryan is the moon ☾, Brendon is the sun. ☼)
(Cape Town is another popular piece of ryden lore from this time, with The Young Veins even having a song titled as such.  Cape Town being the location of their final performance before the split makes this compelling.)
Some of my favorite Pretty Odd era ryden content:
♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥
The Split (2009)
Not much of an era, but it marked a lot of change for the band as a whole.  Jon Walker and Ryan Ross left the band due to creative differences, claiming they wanted to continue on with the 60′s rock sound of Pretty Odd whereas Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith did not.
However, based on numerous accounts what we do know is that the split didn’t happen solely because of creative differences.  Tensions were high between everyone, and everyone was fighting and not getting along.
This is more than likely what led to the eventual split and parting of ways.
The Young Veins (2010) / Vices & Virtues (2011)
Ryan Ross and Jon Walker formed The Young Veins, releasing Take A Vacation! in 2010.  Unfortunately, the album was something of a failure and the Young Veins went on a seemingly permanent hiatus not very long after.
Panic! at the Disco, at this point consisting only of Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith, released their official third studio album, Vices & Virtues.  
During this era, frontman Brendon Urie was known to have been going through a deeply depressive slump, his state of mind reflected in the bonus tracks on this album.  In interviews he stated that the split left him depressed and upset.
As far as we know, Ryan and Brendon still spoke to one another at this point, at least through Twitter interactions.
Ryan Ross & The Catfishing Incident (2013)
This is something of a low point on this timeline.  To give you the quick and dirty version, an obsessive Brendon fan obtained Ryan’s phone number and texted him while pretending to be Brendon.
It worked. Ryan believed her.
They spoke for a while, the catfisher uploading screenshots of their messages. 
Ryan was interested in rekindling his friendship with Brendon.
However, as most things don’t stay secret forever, it came out that the person Ryan was texting was not, in fact, his former best friend and was completely horrified.
As such, the next time he and Brendon saw one another, with Brendon interested in rekindling their relationship - Ryan ended up never responding.
Present Day
At this point, as far as we know, Ryan and Brendon don’t speak to one another.  We could write until the cows come home about how they’ve vagued one another in each of their respective song lyrics.  There’s a lot of mystery as to the true reason of the band’s split, and why no one seems to speak to one another.  Why there’s still lingering bad blood.
What we ryden conpiracy theorists believe is this -
Essentially, a relationship was had at one point between Ryan and Brendon.  How deep this relationship went or how far it went is the part up for contention.  I personally believe that it was a short-lived but passionate affair - since Ryan had a girlfriend during most of his career with Panic!.
But you can take a look at the evidence for yourself, decide what you believe!
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ao3feed-frerard · 6 years
Bagel Boys (With Cream Cheese)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SN1lxF
by Computercat1008
Tyler really didn't think about this. Hopefully he doesn't get caught. Hopefully.
 (Basically, "Slowburn Joshler text chat with magic + Thomas Sanders n friends")
Words: 3000, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Bagel Boys Books
Fandoms: Bandom, Panic! at the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun, Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes, Ryan Ross, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Mikey Way, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, Joan Stokes, Talyn, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF), Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Deceit Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders
Relationships: Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Additional Tags: Demon Brendon Urie, Supernatural Elements, Magic, Bisexual Tyler, Bisexual Josh Dun, Gay, Fluff and Angst, Christianity, Texting, chatfic, Brendon gets high, Tyler can morph n shit, inspired by depression and Morph from trench, tyler centric, I'm trash for top tbh, idk how to use Andy and Joe but they are there, I wanted the sides n shit in here too bc they aren't anywhere with the bandom, SO, yeah - Freeform, joshler - Freeform, Peterick, also sorry if u searched up good Sanders Sides fics cuz they won't be around that much, haha it's a text fic, you thought you were gonna get the good shit, nah, I'm a fucking nightmare, um they go to science camp, I get a lot of these jokes from my friends, tags to be updated but probably not, comment "Tyler and Josh are oblivious again" if u got this far, Josh has issues, Everyone Has Issues, but top has a lot more because it's Tyler centric, oh yeah Josh can turn invisible, Dallon can heal shit, Ryan can read minds, Tyler's song book is here, lol that chapter with the chlorine reference, I want Mikey to be something cool so I'mma make him and gee witches, everyone's gonna have magic sometime in this fic, Brendon is actually satan, Frerard is also here btw, haha yeet
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SN1lxF
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shark-myths · 7 years
3. Hold Me Tight Or Don’t
part 3 of shark-myth’s mania meta series
(See other posts about the singles from Mania here and here, and here and here)
Following the idea that the singles are time-stamped for certain eras of FOB, I think that sonically and based on other cues Hold Me Tight Or Don’t fits squarely in the modern era. More detail on why and lots of crunchy lyrics meta below the cut!
I never really feel a thing I'm just kinda too frozen You were the only one That even kinda came close I just pinch myself No longer comatose I woke up, no luck I woke up, no luck
Pinching himself, waking up—dreams are all over this album, dreams have been an important metaphor for the whole history of this band, I need to do some serious and intentional digging into this theme!
The verse links itself to Y&M, waking up on the wrong side of reality, and to Centuries, with the reference to being/feeling frozen. ‘I never really feel a thing’ has an obvious link to the themes in the song Novocaine, which was originally written for SRAR. It holds the iconic lines ‘this is our culture’ and ‘in the truly gruesome do we trust, I will always land on you like a sucker punch’ which both inspired merch for the AB/AP tour cycle. We know Pete liked this song enough to try to fit it on another album after it was cut from SRAR; we can guess it is a song that is important to him. Novocaine reflects the angrier half of the emotions expressed in Hold Me Tight—it’s the punch, it’s the result of all that distance sharpening Pete like a knife. This is a softer and more interactive, conversational expression of that theme: it’s saying, meet me in the middle. Hold me tight or don’t. (But if you don’t, I won’t be your favorite what-if—I will be your worst nightmare.)
And when your stitch comes loose I wanna sleep on every piece of fuzz And stuffing that comes out of you, you
I took too many hits off this memory
I need to come down
Okay, is this evoking MAD Winnie the Pooh vibes for anyone else? No? Just me? Okay then.
This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about stitches coming loose: Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers, The Music or the Misery’s ‘I got my stitches stitched, I got my fixes fixed,’ The After Life of the Party’s ‘I’m a stitch away from making it, a scar away from falling apart.’ This is an image he’s been playing with for a long time. Do you think, here, it indicates waiting for someone else’s resolve to break? Pete’s written about himself falling apart for years, but now he’s eagerly waiting for someone else to crumble, unravel, spill out. Someone like PATRICK MAYBE???
 The other really significant thing here is the drug use metaphor. As I detailed excessively in my Peterick Primer powerpoint¸ Pete has a history of characterizing his own feelings for Patrick with the desperation of drug use. So in this song, ‘I got high again’ and ‘I took too many hits off this memory’ to me references trysting—when the two of them would have illicit sexual interludes, #trysttheory #forlife, and also his recursive, self-consuming obsession with rehashing those memories and not letting them go. This pulls up Boycott Love (detox just to retox) so strongly. It also pings on content like ‘a bad trip I couldn’t get off,’ ‘when I said I’d return to you I meant more like a relapse,’ ‘I want it so bad, I’d shoot the sunshine into my veins,’ ‘doing lines of dust and sweat off of last night’s stage just to feel like you,’ ‘I’ll be your favorite drug, I will get you high’ and my all-time favorite, that sweet sweet overlap between the drug metaphor and the Novocaine metaphor: ‘I just need enough to you to dull the pain.’
Hold Me Tightly or Don’t fits squarely in the drug use/love metaphor Pete’s so fond of.
 Another day goes by
So hold me tight
Hold me tight, or don’t
Oh no, this isn’t how our story ends
So hold me tight
Or don’t
 Just a brief note that Pete wrote ‘this isn’t how our story ends’ on his Gucci hoodie in fucking sharpie because he is the prince of trash and I love him. I got too high again Realized I can't not be with you Or be just your friend I love you to death But I just can't, I just can't pretend We weren't lovers first
Confidants but never friends
Were we ever friends?
The most immediate reaction I have to this verse is its contrast with Bang The Doldrums, which imo is a song about the Summer of Like with Mikey Way. Here, it seems clear he’s singing to a different person, just because he’s asking questions that he already answered about the other person in, like, 2007. ‘We weren’t lovers first; confidants but never friends; were we ever friends?’ He is plagued by the same definitonal/territorial issues he always has, in relationships. Pete Wentz is a liminal creature and he craves more than anything classification—but when he gets things hard, fast, labeled, he almost always loses them. He almost always lets them slip through the cracks.
 Also worth noting: when he’s too high on Patrick he realizes it’s absolutely insane to try to act like he can just be Patrick’s friend and not want all of him, not always be at least a little heartbroken that he can’t have it. I RELATE TO THIS SO HARD.
 Finally, the word pretend. See the Black Cards song End of Pretend for extra suffering, and of course Alone Together—‘let’s go back and play pretend’—and Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)—‘I miss the day when I pretend with you.’ SOBBING
'Cause I'm past the limits
The distance between us
It sharpens me like a knife Past the limits The distance between us It sharpens me like a knife The distance reminds me so much of the content in The Last of the Real Ones. This is it, this is the Real True stuff here. If anyone has that Mr. Crocker reaction image on hand you can toss it at me now, because that’s me, that’s my life, tryst theory tryst theory tryst theory.
  I could go on about the song forever and maybe I’ll have more to say after I’ve heard it a few more times! I’ll leave you with some parting thoughts on the video:
can we just talk about how much FUN everyone is having? And Patrick. Why. Why does he look like that. Why is he so fucking beautiful. I’m sweating.
Seriously, Patrick, S T O P
Did the grey washed-out doom skull turn to a gold skull through the course of the video? Because if that’s not a metaphor of Pete’s experience of loving Patrick what is
Did the skeleton’s suit remind anyone else of DOB-era Brendon Urie
boy I hope they worked with some actual people from mexico on this and it’s not the uncomfortable video equivalent of a white girl’s sugar skull halloween costume
 Check out my lyrics meta tag for more screaming! See you guys with new material soon.
part 0
part 1
part 2
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ao3feed-joshler · 6 years
Bagel Boys (With Cream Cheese)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SN1lxF
by Computercat1008
Tyler really didn't think about this. Hopefully he doesn't get caught. Hopefully.
 (Basically, "Slowburn Joshler text chat with magic + Thomas Sanders n friends")
Words: 3000, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Bagel Boys Books
Fandoms: Bandom, Panic! at the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun, Brendon Urie, Dallon Weekes, Ryan Ross, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Mikey Way, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, Joan Stokes, Talyn, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF), Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Deceit Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders
Relationships: Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph, Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie/Dallon Weekes, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Additional Tags: Demon Brendon Urie, Supernatural Elements, Magic, Bisexual Tyler, Bisexual Josh Dun, Gay, Fluff and Angst, Christianity, Texting, chatfic, Brendon gets high, Tyler can morph n shit, inspired by depression and Morph from trench, tyler centric, I'm trash for top tbh, idk how to use Andy and Joe but they are there, I wanted the sides n shit in here too bc they aren't anywhere with the bandom, SO, yeah - Freeform, joshler - Freeform, Peterick, also sorry if u searched up good Sanders Sides fics cuz they won't be around that much, haha it's a text fic, you thought you were gonna get the good shit, nah, I'm a fucking nightmare, um they go to science camp, I get a lot of these jokes from my friends, tags to be updated but probably not, comment "Tyler and Josh are oblivious again" if u got this far, Josh has issues, Everyone Has Issues, but top has a lot more because it's Tyler centric, oh yeah Josh can turn invisible, Dallon can heal shit, Ryan can read minds, Tyler's song book is here, lol that chapter with the chlorine reference, I want Mikey to be something cool so I'mma make him and gee witches, everyone's gonna have magic sometime in this fic, Brendon is actually satan, Frerard is also here btw, haha yeet
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SN1lxF
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