#ok but this is my first crush in 7 years maybe 8
Aro who? Totally back in love
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an-au-blog · 9 months
Ok so- what about a Royalty + Magic Shuggy AU? (+ Fem Buggy 'cause I love her)
In this AU, Shanks is a prince in the human world, while Buggy is a princesse in the magic world. They meet during their childhood while Buggy "accidentaly" (she just wanted to have a little adventure) goes to the human world, and the red head is enchanted by her uncommon blue hair and red nose. The two start to see each other regularly, but, they never tell each other they're royalty.
Shuggy were 7-8 when this happen, and their friendshipp ends up turning into a secret unofficial relatonship when they're 17. Everything is fine, until Shanks is named the King at the age of 18 and they fight (probably 'cause the richs initiated to intent to arrrange a marriage between Shanks and their daughters, and him kind of "don't do anything", while he does but don't have much/none result. Or Shanks ends up thinking she only wants money, because Buggy never accept shows up in front of the kingdom), leading to a break up.
Buggy is upset, really upset. She thinks about going back and telling the truth about her not being from his world, but then she see Shanks in a "date" with a girl (a daughter from some rich man), and thinks that actually he never loved her and just wanted the "emotion" from having a big secret. That now he is with someone he really loves (he isn't, he is regretting leting she go).
+10 years later, both were 29-30 and they never talk or even see each other again. Shanks only tells about Buggy to Benn and Mihawk (both don't believe it totally), while Buggy only tells her childhood best friends from the magic world, Alvida and Crocodile. She and Crocodile marry forced by their parents (but they don't mind. Yes, their marriage won't be with romantic love but at least they will be with someone they trusth).
Shanks, Benn and Mihawk, while going to a reunion in another kingdom, accidentaly go to the magic world after a accident in their ship. They are send to the king and queen, to be decided what do with them. Can think how much Shanks is surprised seeing the love of his life married?
Buggy decide to let them heal the injure before going back to the human world, and in the castle. She's confused, after more than 10 fucking years she's seeing her past lover?! And he's wanting to talk suddendly?!
Crocodile knows she never really moved on about Shanks, so even if this will make some fights with theirs parents, he's ready to divorce to her if she wants to marry Shanks (Crocodile may be serious but is a good friend).
Well, hope you enjoy the AU! I am a new anon and you can gave me any nickname you want ^^
I've never had an anon ask for a nickname themselves, so I will give you the very human name of: " J i m ", you are now human Jim, congrats!!! :))
Ok you covered a long timeline! I can tell you've thought about it for a bit.
Some of my thoughts if you don't mind...↓
I'd like to think that kid Buggy would escape to the human world as a break. A break from her duties and all the pampering. Yes, she lives being treated like a princess, but for a kid especially, it can be tiring. So maybe she travels with her own powers, or maybe a magic item. Though my favorite is if it's a type of tunnel or hole that she found, like in Alice in Wonderland or like in Coraline. The first time she crawled through with her big pompous dress and got it all dirty so she got scolded. From then on she learned to take a second pair of clothes before she crossed to the other world.
Shanks on the other hand, in my opinion, would be a very wild child. A bit like Luffy. So him stumbling onto the place where Buggy crosses from world to world seems very probable hahaha.
I think for Shanks it was love at first sight. He couldn't stop staring at her, he would think she was the most beautiful girl in the land. And the more he got to know her the deeper he fell in love with her. For Buggy it probably took at least a few months for her to develop a crush on him. After all, he's nice to her, he's fun and funny, he treats her like an equal and seems to like her too.
Shanks being with another girl is the ultimate betrayal. For Buggy, the one who has so many insecurities. Being replaced by the boy she gave her first kiss to? The one she wanted to get old with? Her best friend - the only one she thought could understand her, the only one she could trust?
When she marries Crocodile, she keeps complaining about Shanks. Always. Shanks this, Shanks that, even on their first wedding night - she flops onto the bed grumpily and starts talking about how she told explicitly that she didn't want that shade of red roses because they made her think of Shanks and the maids still put those exact ones. All Crocodile did was refrain from arguing and just thought about how good this marriage would be for the economy of both their kingdoms. With time they become good friends.
One day, Crocodile - in his study, hears the door slamming behind him to find his wife out of breath and red-faced. Before he could ask what was going on she told him "I- I just realized something... I..." she was ashamed and hesitant to say it "I think I still love him..."
Crocodile did his best not to roll his eyes.
She bites her lip and mutters another sentence that would make Crocodile's head spin "He uh... also he kinda followed me here... into our world..."
"He what!?" Crocodile dropped his inked-feather and almost fell off his chair.
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An Incomplete List: Things I need to be in the RWRB movie
(Including things we already know will be in it because god I’m so excited)
Basically this will just be me listing all my favorite parts of the book so I apologize in advance for how long this will be I’m brainrotting HARD rn)
1. The callback between Henry asking June (maybe Nora tho now) to waltz and then later telling Alex he hates waltzing at the V&A idk why but this is important to me
2. PLEASE a flashback of baby Alex seeing the picture of baby Henry in the J14 magazine I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT
3. Henry’s (and Alex’s) insomnia (because I am also an insomniac and it’s an important part of their characters I feel)
5. Star Wars including the Leia and Han references/mural and Henry’s favorite movie being Return of the Jedi because THATS MINE TOO❤️❤️ and also “bit short for a stormtrooper”
6. CORNBREAD AND STUFFING CORNBREAD KNOWS MY SINS HENRY buy a summer home in Majorca with the turkey Mr Wobbles and David picture from Henry and their cute little “we’ve obviously got crushes but we’re ignoring it” phone goodbye
8. Nora’s extrapolated data about Alex’s obvious crush lmao
10. “Fucking eyelashes” and also “good to know. I am very, very gay.”
11. The stupid titles they use in their emails like His Royal Horniness and Alex First Son of Off-Brand England
12. BABY and LOVE and SWEETHEART I normally hate pet names (minus love I adore that one always) but I am a SUCKER for Firstprince pet names specifically
13. I’d love to see a flashback to young Henry coming out to Bea even for just a second
14. I NEEDNEEDNEED a shot like this in the movie
Tumblr media
(Art by vkellyeart) but yes give me a shot like this where they’re on opposite ends of the world “two parentheses enclosing 3700 miles”
15. “Say good morning to your strumpet, Henry.”
16. So I know we won’t get the Hoe Dameron and Prince Buttercup kimonos anymore (sadness) but LET NICHOLAS GALITZINE BELT HIS HEART OUT TO QUEEN I BEG
17. Since we don’t get Cash wearing one SLAP A BRIGHT PINK FEATHER BOA ON AMY PLZ
18. Bea’s lime green drop-waist Wimbledon dress with gold honeybee Gucci sunglasses fight me Ellie Bamber would rock that look
19. So I know we know they don’t dance to Your Song in the V&A but I hope Henry still plays it on the piano or at least it plays somewhere in the movie cuz i love that song also JUST HENRY PLAYING PIANO IN GENERAL PLZ AND LET ALEX LOOK AT HIM WITH SEVERE HEART EYES and then Henry falling asleep on Alex and Alex just laying awake like Well Shit
20. “Most things are awful most of the time, but you’re good.”
21. Alex’s vocabulary apparently only being expletives when Zahra busts in on him and Henry lmao and “yes we can unpack the ironic symbolism later GO” and also “I thought you were getting into international relations or something” “I mean technically—“ “if you finish that sentence I’m gonna spend tonight in jail” 😂😂
22. THE POWERPOINTS HAHAHAH and “You need to figure out if you feel forever about him”
23. “Should I tell you that when we’re apart, you body comes back to me in dreams?” Speech and also the story about the prince with his heart outside his body that met the most dashingly gorgeous peasant boy who said absolutley ghastly things to him that made him feel alive for the first time in years
24. “Sometimes you just jump and hope it’s not a cliff” and “But the thing is, jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing. That’s the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that. On purpose. I love him on purpose.”
25. Dear Thisbe, I wish there weren’t a wall. Love, Pyramus
26. Obtuse fucking asshole and “I fucking love you, okay?” And “when have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you?” And “I want you— then fucking have me— but I don’t want this” and ok basically you get it their whole goddamn rain-drenched love confession scene
27. The morning after, when Henry says that all the royal shit of “fine” isn’t good enough for him and tells Alex he wants him to help him try to be happy and the chance of a life? That’s one of my favorite scenes if not my absolute favorite and I don’t even know what I need out of it but I know I need it to be PERFECT, including Henry sayings he’s been in love with Alex since they met❤️❤️
28. Prince Consort Road picture plzzzz and everything that happens in the V&A but ESPECIALLY them dancing and “taking a picture of a national gay landmark and a statue”
29. “I want you to know, I’m sure. A thousand percent.” And “I completely fucking love you”
31. “You and me and history, remember? Because you’re it, okay? I’m never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you.”
32. I want Ellen’s reaction to Alex being outed, and Zahra’s as well, with both of them being so supportive. But especially “do you feel forever about him?” “Yeah, I do.”
33. “I won’t lie. Not about this. Not about you.”
34. The crowd outside the palace and the crowds around the world supporting Henry and Alex oh my god i just know imma cry there
35. “You are the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had” Alex’s speech “America: he is my choice.”
36. The suitor pictures
37. Henry’s yellow rose of Texas tie
38. Alex taking Henry to his childhood home is a very small wish but I’d still love to see that
39. Finally, I REALLY hope the movie gives us some kind of epilouge like I don’t even care what kind I just want a future thing where we see them happy in the future at a wedding or literally just sitting together I don’t even care I just want one❤️❤️
I am SO sorry this turned out a lot longer than I expected but goddamn I love this book and I’m so excited for the movie my brain needed something to do lmao
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ulircursed · 22 days
TOA Aniversary Munday
From Neffi!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: eri
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): 9/30
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Taiwan! GMT+8, currently 12 hours ahead of TOAST. Good news: the apocalypse hasn't hit the future yet!
How long is your roleplay experience? Probably around 10+ years at this point, unless running around as Pokemon on the playground counts, in which case more like 20 years ahaha
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? I'm reasonably certain Fire Emblem was my first foray into tumblr RP, and Emmeryn was my first muse! There was a little indie community that I joined back then, though I haven't kept in contact with them
How were you introduced to TOA? I don't really remember, but all I know is that I lurked around the masterlist around the time of L&K but didn't pluck up the courage to join until nearly a year later when I saw there was a Reyson (shoutout to birdie!)
Do you have any pets? Nope! Moved around too much as a kid and current living situation doesn't support having one. Closest I got was sharing an apartment with my roommate's floofy cat for two years in college; his name's Chester and he was super adorable. I'd like to have a dog someday though!
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) WINTERRRR I am a human furnace and summer is suffering. Every spring I start counting down the days to the next winter ahaha
What is your IRL occupation? I work at the counseling department in a junior college!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Learning languages, singing, obscure fun facts and watching Youtube video essays
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Used to be a big Pokemon person but I stopped playing the mainline games by Gen VII (not for lack of interest! RL circumstances changed around that time and I just never got back into the habit of buying those games); nowadays I play a few mobile games daily but that's about it
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Water; too many, but if I had to name just one I will probably say Rufflet
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! The first fun fact is that the moment I get asked questions like this I immediately go Brain Empty and this is why I rarely fill out toa monthly feedback forms dakfjslfj uhhhh my favorite color is blue! I joined an archery club in grad school (two years ago) to understand what shooting a bow feels like. I love swimming but haven't been to a pool for maybe like 9 years now. I really like going to zoos.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My older brother introduced my younger brother and me to Japanese FE4 when we were kids, when we knew absolutely no Japanese and just messed around the first map and never beat it. I properly started playing when I was in high school, with FE7 being the first game I beat! I normally count my official FE gaming journey as starting with 7 in high school :'D
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All the mainline ones except 1-3 and Echoes (I'm...... working on it)
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: FE7; FE3H
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! You can't do this to me man. UHHH ok Lucius is my very most favorite FE character. Andrei needs to be here. I lump the Heron sibs as one unit for questions like this. Tibarn. Sylvain. There are probably a dozen more but
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! HONESTLY Andrei thanks to the Oosawa manga. His arc changed my brain chemistry permanently
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 I don't think I've really crushed on fictional characters before ahaha
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom I think; uhhhh Lon'qu or Cherche?? - Fates: Silas I think???; I'm currently partway through a Birthright playthrough and I seem geared to S support with Jakob so him - Three Houses: Dimitri; started my first and only Myleth run a few months back and I'll probably go with Miss Thea :flushed: - Engage: None; man I don't know
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Bishop
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I think I could be a War Cleric wielding a giant hammer. If you don't go to bed on time I will forcibly join your army and make you
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions I guess!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Axe boon, Reason bane, Riding budding talent
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? Brodia
How do you pronounce TOA? TOE-uh
Current TOA muses: Just me and my bow man for the moment
Past TOA muses? Leanne, Lucius, Altena, Nino
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Leanne was my first! Honestly she always lives in a cozy little corner of my head, so she can be back at any moment if RL permits
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? Nice Girls (gender neutral) who have no quarrel with 99% of the world. As you may be able to see, Andrei does not fit this mold.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Flirts. They're so much fun to read but I don't think I could flirt my way out of a paper bag irl so I would never know what to write
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I honestly love fluffy cozy fun friendshippy situations!!! Again, Andrei is not conducive to this. I mean I do also like painful scenes but--
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? that Yngvi AU where Brigid never disappeared because things will still go to shit but the circumstances would be so different. Honestly Brigid doesn't even need to explicitly be there for this to work so if any Gen I Jugdrals ever want to do this then I grip you
Favorite TOA-related memories? So many, but the West Faerghus Croc lives rent free in my brain forever.
Present or past tense? I started off with past tense, but now default to present. When the stars align and I notice my partner using past tense, sometimes I will also switch, but not always.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? Small text, though I am happy to switch for my partner's preference if needed!
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Waves goodbye to my faceless Glenn delusions honestly thank u new anniversary ruling for saving me from those eternal brainworms
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wittyno · 1 year
Im feelings nostalgic tonight so here are some tips for those of you thinking about going to law school
1. do not go to an unaccredited law school. I know they are cheaper. They may even provide a semi decent education. Yes law school loans suck I have them too and the amount school costs is a crime. But as someone who knows about legal hiring don’t do it. People will not hire you.
2. depending on the school you go to the school May encourage competing for example by posting your class rank / grade. Do not give into that. Do not view your fellow students as the enemy. They are your comrades in arms. Trust me, you will need them and they will need you.
3. it will suck. Especially 1L year because you are learning a whole new way of looking at the world. It is a lot and it’s going to be crushing at times. That’s ok. You will get through this.
4. there is this weird idea that if you didn’t get into the big fancy schools / can’t afford them, don’t have perfect grades, on law review, clerk, and that other fun stuff you’ll never get a job. That’s bullshit. You might not get the biglaw job but do you really want to sell your soul only to work 80 hours a week? Nothing against people who do it. We all got loans to pay but… it’s not biglaw or bust.
5. figure out your learning style, if you haven’t already. It will save you time and crying. There are guides online. Then design your learning around that. I used to record my outlines and listen back to them because I’m an auditory learner. But do what works for you.
6. social media / influencer lawyers are almost all big law lawyers at least the ones I’ve seen. Don’t base your goals on them. Again see point 4. they’re fine but again you are seeing a curated snapshot of their lives, not all of it.
7. do not give legal advice to anyone. The second you start law school you’ll start being asked for legal advice. Do not do it. It’s against the law and can get you barred from becoming a lawyer. I know it’s exciting because what if someone you know just had their fiancé walk out on them and they want the ring back and you just read a case on that in property. Don’t do it. Don’t fuck up your future.
8. do Social stuff. One of the things that I was most looking forward to in law school was to make new friends. COVID took that from me, which sucks. But you have a chance. Go out have fun.
9. some subjects will be hard for you and easy for others and vice versa. I hated property. If I could get into a ring with any legal concept it would be the rule against perpetuities. Though they might stop teaching that soon, because I think the bar is dropping it which is good. Or maybe Erie‘s got you down. That’s fine. Some shit is just hard. It’s ok to acknowledge that.
10. chances are you will get your shit rocked by your grades. Chances are you’re pretty good at school. You may have even tied your self worth to your academic performance. Law school is a whole other league. I don’t say this to scare you. I say this to prepare you for getting your shit rocked. The grading is different. The material harder, you have to take in way more quickly. if your first semester grades turn out lower than what you’re expecting. that’s ok. Know that what you’re doing is hard but you can do hard things. untie your self worth from your academic success as fast as you can. No one cares if you fuck up a cold call. They are too worried about themselves.
11. most important. There will always be more to do. More learning more reading. This was one of the biggest adjustments I had to make because up until that point in my academic career there was always an end to my to do list. There were natural end points. These do not exist in law school. There is always someone studying more than you. Remember study smart not hard. I mean it will still be hard, but at some point you hit a point of diminishing returns. If you’re staying up past midnight every night to study ask yourself how much are you actually learning. Take breaks, sleep, rest, keep work life balance at all costs.
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moonrver · 4 months
Ok I'm finally getting round to doing this!! Thanks for tagging me @tomsturbotwinks !!
1. Do you make your bed?
most days unless I'm in a huge rush
2. Favourite number?
Always had an affinity to the number 4 for some reason
3. What's your job?
My main job is kinda hard to explain but I work for like? A social housing company/community organisation? And do research into their historic buildings? And also do some marketing for them?
But I work from home and I hateeee working from home so I also work Sundays at my old job in a shoe shop which I actually really love bc I've got so many friends there and also something about it scratches an autism itch in my brain. I love using the till...
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
My dream life involves being able to travel round the world and attend classes in different universities on different aspects of the Humanities but without having to do any exams or work to deadlines. So yes I'd love to but I don't wanna do a PhD.....too much independent research, not enough funding.
5. Can you parallel park?
Not if I can help it
6. Do you think aliens are real?
Probably? It's not something I have strong opinions on but i think the universe is infinitely vast so there are probably others out there somewhere....
7. Can you drive a manual car?
That's what I learnt and did my test in but I haven't driven in 5 years and want an automatic when I do buy a car....too much leg cramps using the clutch
8. Guilty pleasure?
Well I was raised catholic and have had anxiety for as long as I can remember so I very rarely feel pleasure without some level of guilt.
But maybe trashy reality TV like love island, maybe a bit of eurotrash music, maybe the lengths I would go to for a dairy milk daim
9. Tattoos?
None! Don't really want them
10. Favourite colour?
Maybe sage green, maybe powder blue, maybe pale pink...
11. Favourite type of music?
Lmao I'm such a stereotype of myself, it's not dad rock it's more like... Ye Da's favourite bands from the 80s and 90s. British indie, new wave, Britpop. Stone Roses, Lightning Seeds, Pulp, Kate Bush, Alison Moyet, that sort of thing.
12. do you like puzzles?
I love quizzes and crosswords and stuff if that counts? And I love Only Connect which is a sort of puzzle?
13. Favourite childhood sport?
Omg when I tell you I prided myself on being the fastest runner in my year as a kid. And I always chose who to have a crush on based on who was the fastest boy. The Merseyside primary schools' athletics championship was my favourite day of the year
14. Do you talk to yourself?
Under my breath a lot yeah
15. Tea or coffee?
I probably prefer coffee but in the house I drink like, 10 cups of tea a day
16. First thing you wanted to be when you were growing up?
Lmao a ballerina? Which is so funny given I am so uncoordinated and ungraceful? After than an author bc I was a nerd
17. what movies do you adore?
PADDINGTON also Pride, Bridget Jones' Diary, Rocketman, About Time, recently Challengers, and bizarrely Us (the horror with Lupita Nyongo, strangely a comfort film that also still scares me to death)
I'm tagging @babynflames @sallycinnamons @pickleballhater @karlmarxverstappen @kellehim @thelatenightvibes @oceanmonsters @follivora (if you want to) and anyone else who I've probably forgotten who wants to!!
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rainbowmess823 · 2 years
Part 3
Jonathan: So how'd your really get those?
Robin: Band camp, got dared to juggle these knives from the cafeteria, totally did it but when this drunk senior said he could do it better. BAM. Late hospital trip.
Jonathan: And the tattoo?
Robin: Interned at a tattoo parlor the summer before scoops, this is my farewell gift.
Jonathan: Truth?
Robin: Truth.
Jonathan: You're telling me this and not Steve, why?
Robin: Bcos I think this is the start of a very good friendship, Byers. I can give you a tattoo on your shoulder and we can mess with everyone.
Jonathan: *grins*....deal!
Jonathan: What?
Jonathan: What? I've always had this.
Steve: A--is that a fox skull tattoo?!
Jonathan: I've always had this, what are you talking about?
Robin: Yeah, Dingus! How self-involved are you?
Steve: Wha--?!
Dustin: Whoa, woah! Jonathan is that a fox skull? On your NECK?
Will: Fox skull?
Lucas: Neck?
Max: No way!
Max: No way!
El: You also have a tattoo?
Will: *confused little brother noises*
Jonathan: Well yeah, this thing is old and yes, El, I have a tattoo too! We're tattoo buds!
El: *happy but slightly confused noises*
Lucas: When did you even get that tattoo?
Will: How have I not even noticed that tattoo?
Steve: *is visibly distressed*
Eddie: Stevie, you alright there?
Nancy: Yeah, you look like someone told you Santa doesn't exist.
Steve: Did you guys know about Jon's tattoo?
Nancy: What? He doesn't have a tattoo.
Eddie: Ok walk us through this hon, waaaalk us through this.
Steve: Jon came into Family Video to rent a movie and Rob was talking about Lost Boys when I saw it! RIGHT THERE ON HIS NECK!
Nancy: A tattoo?
Steve: A TATTOO! But not any tattoo noooo no noooo, a fox skull tattoo!
Eddie: A new tattoo, maybe?
Dustin: *walks in with the rest of the kids* Nancy, when the hell were you gonna tell us Jonathan had a tattoo for years?! Didn't you guys date? Was this a couple's thing???
Eddie: Maybe not.
Nancy: In my defense, this is the first time I'm hearing about this. I never saw a tattoo.
Max: It was this wicked fox skull!
Steve: SEE!
Robin: I bet Dustin is just hounding Nancy about your new "old tattoo".
Jonathan: For sure, he and Steve are probably hounding her about it. You did a great job on it, Robin.
Robin: You knoooow, we should get piercings to match.
Jonathan: You're gonna need something stronger than Lost Boys to get me willingly stabbed through for some metal to be attached to my face.
Robin: How about I take Will and El for the rest of the week so you can finally go on uninterrupted date nights, plural, with Argyle at the quarry? *holds her hand out with a grin*
Jonathan: Add a cover-for-me card that applies to my mom, Hop, and the kids and consider telling Nancy you have a crush on her.
Robin: Hard bargain, Byers. Well played...You got a deal.
Jonathan: *shakes her hand* Glad doing business with you, Buckley. *grins*
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
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purplesurveys · 2 months
20 random people... Don't look at the questions beforehand! :D
Ok, here we go...
How did you meet #4?: College org. I was an applicant at the time, they were already a member, and they seemed very friendly to all the newbies so I stuck around them. In time we became close and even got in the same friend group, which we're both still part of today.
How much does #9 mean to you?: She's a co-worker so while I wouldn't, like, die for her per se or can say that she's 'everything' to me, I'd look out for her nonetheless.
Describe #14 in 2 words.: Extremely intelligent.
What is your best memory with #5?: I loved when she came over to watch YTC Busan live with us! That was also such a random mix of friends to end up happening, so I was anxious they'd all be opposites – but it got really fun.
Do you know all of #2's secrets?: I know none of them seeing as we're only workmates and I like my boundaries.
When is the next time you're going to see #7?: In an hour or two, I'm guessing. She went out for a bit for errands.
When's the last time you saw #17?: 2 AM, Friday – dropped him off at the airport. From there, I won't be seeing him again until November.
How do you think #13 feels about you?: After trying to teach me one of her party card games last Sunday, I bet she now thinks I can get ditzy as all hell hahaha. But apart from that I don't know what else she thinks of me! We rarely see each other and are always shy when we do, lol.
Are #11 and #12 anything like each other?: Quite the contrary; they're a good example of how two people cannot be any more different.
Describe the relationship between #14 and #19.: They have a nonexistent relationship, but if we're gonna be extremely loose about degrees of separation – Hans went to the same school as Andi (#14); they both also were schoolmates with Gab, who used to date Sam (#19).
Is #10 single?: No. Has been engaged for a while now, too.
If you could tell #8 one thing right now, what would it be?: Let's go out soon and maybe we can try a new hobby together, too.
What is the funniest thing you've ever seen #16 do?: I haven't had many funny encounters with her tbh as she's kind of shy and doesn't really want to put herself out there – that, and we've always worked from home.
Can I name coolest instead? There was a time when my teammates and I each needed to make 10-slider decks about any topic (meant to be an exercise on public speaking); and she had what I thought was the most unique and personally relatable presentation – she covered her favorite lesbian media. Music, movies...and there's a bunch in there that I was able to relate to...just cause of my past, I guess. Haha. It felt pretty bittersweet, and I gave her some of my recs too.
How did you meet #15?: School. I can't remember when we got close, though. Maybe in high school if I had to guess – we stay friends these days, too, as she's with Andi.
What would you do if #4 died?: I'd be shocked to say the least. I'm imagining that'd bring the college friend group back together again.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen #3 do?: He had a brief stint as a camp...something (guide? counselor? idk terms) in the US a few years ago, so when he came back the first thing he did to me was share a bunch of camp songs he picked up from his time there. After he taught me, he proceeded to sing them all to entire time hahaha.
Are you friends with any of #19's friends?: Not with most of them. We only have a few mutual friends, all linked to Angela/Hans.
Who is #7 to you?: My mom.
What is one thing #13 is really good at?: I'm gonna go with biology and chemistry as she's literally a licensed pharmacist.
What would happen if #1 and #3 hated each other?: That would crush me, tbh. Hans is family at this point, and it'd be sad if he and my sister actively disliked one another.
Is #11 anything like #18?: I guess. Very surface-level similarities, but yeah. They're both leaders, their personalities are both pretty nonchalant...that's what I can think of now.
How much trust do you have in #12?: Lots, in the grand scheme of things. Jo is reliable and trustworthy.
If you fell off a bridge, who would you trust to catch you, #4 or #6? Why?: Angela, 100%. We're exponentially so much closer.
Who do you like the most?: It's a tie between my dad and Angela.
Who do you hate the most?: I didn't put in anyone I dislike.
How did you meet #1?: I would guess she was introduced as my little sister when I was 2.
What would you do if you never met #14?: I probably never would've gotten back into wrestling.
Would you date #20?: Hypothetically, in another universe – sure, why not? She's pretty and so so so SO ridiculously kind and has just such a warm personality.
Have you ever seen #8 cry?: Just once. We cried together at the time, but they were happy tears.
Would #5 and #13 make a good couple?: I've never thought of that. But I don't think so.
Describe #9.: I don't know her much outside of work, but from what I've seen she's hardworking; has a sensitive side in that she doesn't really like getting scolded; and she's a million times friendlier than I am – she gets along with everyone which makes her such an important part of the team. You gotta have an extrovert in PR, and she's that.
Do you like #16?: Yes.
Do you think #4 is attractive?: Personally not my type.
When's the last time you talked to #19?: Around two weeks ago.
Would you date #10?: Hard pass, that's my cousin.
What's the best thing about #15?: She has this innocent and pure aura around her that I adore very much. Like she can never get mad at anything and anyone.
Best thing about #7?: She's very resilient.
Have you ever kissed #11?: Nope.
Have you ever slapped #18?: I've never slapped any one person on the list.
When's the next time you're going to see #12?: I have no idea, our group rarely makes plans to see each other anymore. The last time I saw her was mid-2023 and we didn't even get to meet up after to talk about our Yoongi concert experiences like we planned.
Is #16 pretty?: Yes!
What was your first impression of #4?: Kind, approachable, helpful, reliable, older than me.
Is #13 your BFF?: No.
Have you seen #15 in the last month?: I haven't seen her in years actually lol. Andi and I hang out all the time and I always check in if Leigh will be tagging along...and she just doesn't.
Have you been to #20's house?: I have not. We're not that close.
Last time you saw #14?: April! We watched a wrestling gig. I'll be seeing them again later this month for trivia night – they added me to their team because two of the topics will be Friends and BTS, haha.
Next time you'll see #10?: Tomorrow, I'm guessing! We'll be coming over tomorrow and I think he'll by home.
Are you really close to #1?: Not heart-to-heart talk levels because we're a dysfunctional family and can't bear baring our souls to one another LOL – but it's a close-friend type of close for sure.
Would you give #20 a hug?: Sure. I'm sure I hugged her a few times when we saw each other 2 weeks ago at our surprise engagement party for Angela and Hans.
Tell me a secret about #5.: I don't know her enough to know her secrets.
Describe the relationship between #14 and #3: They were schoolmates in grade school until Andi moved.
What's your relationship with #5?: She's one of the school friendships I've been able to retain all these years. We're not best friends but we check in on one another from time to time.
Have you ever danced with #18?: I have not.
How do you know #13?: She's my closest cousin on my dad's side.
Does #2 have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I don't think so. She had a dating phase early in the year, but I haven't heard much updates from her since.
Have you ever wanted to punch #6 in the face?: Maybe just once, heh.
Has #11 ever met your mother?: Nope.
Have you traveled anywhere with #12?: Nah. We could've, for Yoongi's tour! But I ended up in Thailand, she in Singapore.
If you gave #7 $100, what would they spend it on?: Probably on groceries.
Best memory of #2?: One of our events where we both ended up fairly tipsy.
What is one thing you most want #14 to know?: That I always feel bad for being the occasional terrible replier, but I hope they know that I always love it when they message and send me the most random questions or rants.
What's the last thing you did with #15?: I honestly have no clue. She's the one I've seen the least often.
When did you meet #8?: We first met around six years ago, when Angela brought us together for some drinks. We never talked again until 2021 when it was Angela (again) who put the three of us in the same chat since we all liked BTS. We got super close from there.
What do you wish for #17?: Good health is #1. It's something I find myself thinking about more often now; and for him not to feel lonely and sad when he's away.
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10 characters/10 fandoms
Thanks for tagging me @dirtbag-linecook-kyloren! Let’s get into it 🦆
We’re gonna go chronologically just like the post I was tagged in because it’s late and I have no original thoughts!!
1. Kirishima Eijirou / Boku No Hero Academia
So sweet. My boy. And so criminally underrated. I feel like I really connected with this character back when I was in the fandom, because for those who don’t know his origin story was that he was super boring and bland in the (Japanese equivalent of) middle school, and when he got to high school he had completely changed his personality and flourished. I wanted to be him in a way, strong and brave. (Was this where issues with gender began? Maybe.)
2. Pitch Black / Rise of the Guardians
HOOOOH BOY. So many people identify Jack Frost as their first animated crush, but goddamn it if I didn’t immediately start being totally obsessed with Pitch. Now, as the years have passed, it’s become difficult for me to tell if I wanted to be with him or /be him/, but I always thought that he deserved much better than he got.
3. Sokka / Avatar the Last Airbender
Sensing a pattern? Yep it’s another unappreciated side character used for relief that I identified with and stuck to like a cactus. I actually really liked his character when I first watched the show, and now am an avid Zukka fan! Will I ever write a fic for that? Maybe. But don’t worry, Kylux will forever and always be my main source of inspo. Those blorbos were made for each other.
4. Runaan / The Dragon Prince
Listen. LISTEN. I started watching this show years ago and it is SUCH A COMFORT. I adore it. As I watched the show, of course I immediately connected with Soren, but something about Runaan’s character and the fact that he was so powerful and cut off but also a father and a lover and he NEVER GOT JUSTICE,,, it impacted me. I’ve read every SCRAP of fic I can about his life pre-TDP. Love him to death. Save my boy next season please!!
5. Saiki / The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Something about a generfluid aromatic main character just hit home for me. The fact that it was so normal that Saiki was born a girl and just changed his gender and no one cares is such a tiny moment in the show but it introduced the idea of “this is ok” to me. I hold that show in a special place in my heart. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also hilarious.
6. Muriel / Good Omens Season 2
We come to the present! Or, well, a few months ago present. Loved the kiss scene. Cried at the ending. Something about Muriel made me want to protect them. They’re so,,, blorbo. Kinda reminds me of Mitaka, now that I think about it 🧐
7. Jim / Our Flag Means Death
Oh boy. OHHHHHH BOY. Him. I love him. I want to be him. Just,,,, JIM. His origin story, his love interest, his bloodthirsty personality, that one scene with Spanish Jackie… just a chef’s kiss all around.
8. Armitage Hux / Star Wars - Sequel Trilogy
SAY IT WITH ME: “HE WAS DONE DIRTY!!” He had so much potential and they just SQUANDERED IT. He could have been the next Thrawn! He had the brains for it, and the wit. I don’t know why Ylasmirs aren’t used more in Star Wars cannon. Did I mention that Hux was a GENIUS?! He built a better, more powerful Death Star and was killed by A CHARACTER THE FANDOM HAD JUST MET. Also, he was the spy??? REALLY?? …I’m so normal about him.
9. Clyde / Logan Lucky
Recently watched this movie with my family and adored it. It’s up there in my list of Perfect Heist Movies! I feel like Clyde’s character was really well executed, and at no point was he made lesser for being an amputee, which I really enjoyed. Also, with the Ferrari movie coming out, maybe another heist is set to happen 👀
10. Stensland / Crashpad
Listen. This movie. This fucking movie. It was SO BAD. And kinda misogynistic? But… I really enjoyed Domhall’s acting. Stensland was lovable and dumb and my heart ached for him when he got rejected. Does that excuse the movie’s weird ending? No. But I still like the character.
Honorable Mention: Captain Phasma / Star Wars - Sequel Trilogy
I love Gwendolyn Christie. I love a woman who can beat the shit out of me. I love a woman in armor. Need I say more? Also, that character’s death was very anticlimactic and I feel like she should have been in TROS.
No-pressure tags! @fridayincarnate @dragonflies-draw-flame @ironsoulmaker
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leefi · 1 year
TFTBN Read-through | Part 3: Chapters 22-34
Part 1: 1-14 | Part 2: 14-22 | Part 3: 22-34 | Part 4: 34-64 | Part 5: 64-80 | Part 6: 81-90 | Part 7: 90-100 | Part 8: 100-127 (caught up here)
I was flipping through the pages, looking for interesting parts, when a sheet of parchment suddenly came loose from another section much deeper into the book. Unlike the rest, the material looked new, probably only replicated in the last year or two.
Curious, I lifted it up, and folded it open. To my surprise, the text was dark red, and said--
actually I wonder if Theodoros chan’s gonna get murdered actually. Son of a high-ranking member, asked Su to go to his room last night in front of everyone, was walking around alone with Su and Bardiya and milf mentor. Su would be the prime suspect with only Ran to vouch for her.
He was a young man, though not resembling of the others in our class. He had ear length, light brown hair, a light-bronze complexion, and quite delicate-looking features... Yet they somehow didn't come across as immature. In fact, he was surprisingly good looking, to the point that there was something reminiscent of a statue in his appearance. ⬇️ LUKA???????? Oh my god this guy acts exactly like Luka too Su said he was looking at her funny...does he recognize her, but she doesn't recognize him? I know a luka when i SEE ONE. THAT BOY KNOWS WHAT'S GOING ON. HE IS A LOOPER LIKE SU!!!
or maybe he's just silly idk!!! hehe
but why does he seem to remember/recognize her and she doesn't? does it have something to do with her request in the first chapter??? did she REQUEST TO FORGET??? how could u leave ur looping bestie like that wtf su that's so mean did he leave the note for her? he wasn't at the dinner!! maybe he slipped it into the book and knew she would read it then! hmmm but the note could have also been placed there long before they met and that wouldn't really explain the timestamp on when it was written...what was it 1-2 years ago? i guess not. omgggg iim so excited to see more of him i hope he doesnt die in five minutes ill be so sad forever
Falafel, pita bread with various stuffings, steak and egg porridge, cheese salad; high quality Ysaran food, all well prepared by Yantho, SWANA CUISINE SWEEPING THE NATION I still remember the shakshuka and lahmebajeen from ran and su’s lunch
I feel like kam has a crush on su and has no idea how to contextualize it beyond an academic rivalry — su is hopelessly in love with ran and completely unaware of the fact that she is — ran holds a dislike for su for some reason, but still cares for her. her feelings seem extremely complicated.
The ransu(? no names given but assuming) childhood scene on the beach omg…that was cute oh noooo 😭 ok they did get my ass with that one.
hmm idk if that was ransu because the other girl's personality was very different from ran's. but also this could have been long enough ago that ran's personality has drastically changed since then
Big brother is very good at his role! Sekhmet said. Unfortunately, he is also extremely stupid. He can only really think about the things he has been told to do. I have seen him try to think about other things, and it is slow and bad and embarrassing for everyone. ⬇️ Kindest younger sibling interaction
Ok here’s my death prediction list 1. Utsu (botched - she’s meant to be killed but someone dies in her place) 2. milf mentor 3. Theo 4. Another inner circle member/staff (probably a combination with 1+2) Regrettably I think kam is going to live forever
I’ve disagreed with kam on literally everything so far but especially this aversion she has towards solving a problem she won’t get to benefit from (“let us be the last”). She’s so…childish? It’s a very childish point of view.
this adherence to gender a lot of characters hold really surprises me...i figure this far out in the future everyone would be a lot more fluid!!! what's with this obsession with antiquity (@ the characters/setting not lurina)
What I also don’t understand is why humanity didn’t just clone from the original 10k then continue having children biologically (or like test tubeically. ykwim). Are 10k humans enough to avoid a genetic bottleneck? whats the minimum viable population size for humans I’m not a biologist
Ok according to one article the number is 98. That is too low. who said that. lets kill him Another says 14,000 ok if you average those two guys out you get 7k 🙄 they’re fine. assuming good genetic diversity from the source group you probably wouldn’t even need to monitor for inbreeding. Why are they doing this complicated shit and causing mental prolapse.
Hmmm. Actually I wonder if Su’s grandpa had a similar idea. Considering the weird identity thing she has going on. Nothing to explicitly suggest this yet i think? just somethign to keep in mind considering he was voted off the polycule
I also wonder if that was related to the conversation regarding the Phoenix and the Dragon. maybe transfer of consciousness leads to loss of memory? But that wouldn’t make sense if the tech was perfect, everything would move over, leaving the old body a blank slate…what would that do to a brain, psychologically, seeing one’s former body in a dead state? also what would it do to an empty brain to suddenly be inhabited by foreign electrical synapses harboring thousands of memories preferences likes/dislikes etc. would it fight back/resist?
Im thinking back to those scratches on the wall in the kitchen. Obviously super freaky shit like 10 chapters ago but we had no context to it (we still don’t) so it was like whoops! There’s that. lol. Couple things: - did someone bake the missing chef into 🤔 a roast? - those tally marks may have been the missing chef’s and she was trapped in that room for years (thousands of marks, I think they said. Denoting days, maybe?) and then she died - But that doesn’t explain the distinct lack of skeleton in the room. Or in the roast - who would have it out for the chef - why - Hmmmm - You guys ever read that short story in high school english about the lady with the rack of lamb and the officers
Anyways that chef is definitely deads. In the kitchen? Probably not. In their tummies? Noooo (<- secretly hoping yes). Floating in the abandoned plane ocean? Yassss
Lurina is AMAZING at dropping really disturbing nuggets in the middle of a passage then distracting the characters/keeping things going. I just wish I was more engaged with the pacing :(
Good heavens," Kam exclaimed. "Are these guns?" They were, and in no small number. I could see at least fifteen rifles and ten pistols, and they weren't antiques. They looked like refractor weapons, the bronze still carrying the vivid sheen of recent production ⬇️ If this story turns into a COD lobby in the next 5 minutes im reading it forever
Ok I have to put a bookmark on where I am in the story so far. Chapter 33! I will continue to read through it slowly but am done with the reactions for now :) bye byeeeeee
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nymeriaaa · 2 years
tag game: get to know me!
thank you so much for the tag @svintsandghosts ! ♥
1. Birthday? 22nd oct
2. Favorite color? green or purple, depends on the shade
3. How tall are you? about 5’3
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? id say about 12 but i only wear like 3 pairs lol
5. Favorite song? currently it's regular by nct 127 buuuut don't ask me my all time fave coz like... i couldn't choose. it would probably be an mcr or green day song lol (or treasure by ateez)
6. Favorite movie? um well i love edward scissorhands and the lotr trilogy. oh and the harry potter movies too! school of rock... horror would probably be the descent part 1 only... ahh don't make me choose seriously i could list so many 😩
7. Who would be your ideal partner? idk... just someone who loves me for me and is kind, loyal... accepts the fact that i have many kpop boyfriends who will always own my heart 🙄
8. Do you want children? not really but i'd definitely compromise if i met the right guy and he wanted one
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law? nope
10. What color socks are you wearing? none
11. Favorite type of music? pop punk/post hardcore/"emo", and kpop lol
12. How many pillows do you sleep with? ok so 2 for my head, 2 on the other side of the bed, my boomerang pillow and a big square/european one as well... so 6 lol
13. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my side but when im just chilling in bed i can lay on back too for a bit
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping not having the fan on, i don't care what temperature it is. my fan stays on. (im keeping this answer cause same 100%)
15. Have you tried archery? nope
16. Favorite fruit? watermelon, blueberries and mango
17. Are you a good liar? no unless it's at work and i have to come up with an excuse to get out of going to another store or to not send one of my staff to another store... then im a brilliant liar. oh im also really good at lying about why i can't hang out or go somewhere if im not feeling up to it (which is most of the time lol)
18. What’s your personality type? istp. im very shy and the biggest introvert unless im comfortable around you, and awkward as fuck lol
19. Innie or outie? innie
20. Left or right handed? left
21. Favorite food? sushi. japanese good in general is just 🤌 delish
22. Favorite foreign food? oh well i just answered that in the question above? japanese. chinese, thai, korean and vetnamese are amazing too!
23. Are you clean or messy? both but trying to fix bad habits and keep my room clean and organised but it's hard when your mental health sucks sometimes
24. Most used phrase?
probably what the fuck and the word cunt in general. oh if you ask sandra my 2ic it would also be i don't care 😅
25. How long does it take you to get ready depends but if its for work about 30/40ish mins
26. Do you talk to yourself? of course
27. Do you sing to yourself? yes lol
28. Are you a good singer? hell no
29. Biggest fear? this is stupid and lame but spiders/insects/bugs/creepy crawlies... just all of that 😬
30. Are you a gossip? not really, maybe a little at work but it's more just complaining and bitching about our shitty area managers lol
31. Long or short hair? for me? long hair. but i like both on other people
32. Favorite school subject? um... none? lol like i didn't have any one subject i was really good at compared to others i was just kinda average in everything but really really bad at maths and science
33. Extrovert or introvert? introvert
34. What makes you nervous? yeah people, public speaking... there's more but ill leave it at that
35. Who was your first crush? his name was matthew it was in year 3. i found out he passed away a few years ago and he had a wife and kid so that was sad
36. How many piercings do you have? just my ears (which have kinda closed up lol) i used to have my lip done too many years ago
37. How many tattoos do you have? one but wanting more!
38. How fast can you run? no ❤️ (lol same)
39. What color is your hair? purple atm but it's faded so i need to redo it
40. What color are your eyes? hazel
41. What makes you angry? so many fucking things. work makes me angry (not my team in store but mostly everyone else) i could rant about my workplace for a whole fucking month i swear. when i see people talking shit about people/artists i love. people who play games and toy with other people's emotions and use them... im gonna stop but i could list a lot
42. Do you like your name? yeah
43. Do you want a boy or girl as a child? none but if i were to have one... i guess a boy... idk
44. What are your strengths? um im friendly and welcoming, kind. i think overall im a good person and that's a good thing... lol
45. What are your weaknesses? shy, ignore red flags and forgive people too easily. scared of confrontation due to being shy so i don't speak up as much as i should especially when it comes to my beliefs and i guess in that sense i can be a bit of a pushover... but only in certain scenarios. i definitely need more confidence
46. What’s the color of your bedspread? black and white atm
47. What’s the color of your room? black, grey and white wall paper on one wall then just a neutral, off white colour the rest
Tagging but no obligation; @alphadisaster @septicrebel @jin-neck-shaft @hyuckilstan @saynofakke
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therk900 · 1 year
🧛🏻‍♀️October TC Challenge (Day 1-31)🧛🏻‍♀️
1: How long have you known your tc for? B for nearly 2 years and S for nearly 3 years
2: What sets your tc apart from everyone else? They are both cute
3: If you were able to sing a song to your tc, what would it be and why? Well, If I could even sing in the first place, for B, maybe “Here with me” and for S, maybe “Enchanted”
4: What fictional character does your tc ressemble? B kind of reminds me of Barley from Onward for some reason. i can't think of one for S yet sadly. I know this is an actor, but A reminds me of Alex Wolff
5: If your tc called your beautiful, how would you react of respond? I would get super shy and start blushing like crazy
6: What landmark in the world best describes your TC?  The Eiffel Tower most likely for both of them
7: Do you think you’ll stay in contact with your TC after you leave? If you’ve already left, have you? Hopefully I can keep in contact with them when I leave!!
8: Can you think of any advice for somebody currently crushing on their teacher? Don’t tell lots of people and try not to make it obvious! People can tell them or even make rumours about it! 
9: Have you ever gone somewhere with you TC non-school related? we have all talk about non-school related things!
10: Has your TC ever complimented you? Either appearance or personality? This isn’t really about my personality or looks, but B said that my cooking was good recently since I got to make him lunch!
11: Do you have a favourite outfit for your TC? YES! For B, anything that includes his blue jumper and for S, anything formal!
12: Have you ever cried in front of your TC? How did they react? Well, I saw S when I had just finished crying and he asked if everything was ok! I kind of cried in front of B once and he was comforting me!
13: If your TC named their child after you, how would you feel? Honoured, really! My actual name is common anyway, so if they didn't tell me, i wouldn't know
14: What has been your best moment with you TC? With S, maybe when he gave me life advice and for B, anytime I chat with him
15: Has your TC ever flirted with you, be it playfully or seriously? I have no clue! I’m bad at identifying when people are flirting with me!!
16: How does he/she act around other teachers? S and B are both pretty chill around other teachers. Especially when i'm around them, i find out things about them!
17: Describe your TC in three words B: handsome, kind, humble S: cute, tall, kind
18: Do you have any nicknames for each other? I have nicknames for B and S! They don't for me though
19: Have either of your parents met your TC? If so what did they think of him/her? Both of them have! My parents liked them
20: Are you or have you crushed on another teacher before? What happened? I currently have a couple other smaller teacher crushes that I don’t talk on here! i just get exited when I’m around them!
21: Have you ever met your TC’s partner/wife/husband? What was it like? No I haven’t. i dont even know if they have one. I have met one of my other tc’s children though! 
22: Imagine your school is asking students to write an article on student teacher relationships and you’ve been asked to help. What sort of thing would you want to put in the article? Everything I know about it! I could talk about teacher crushes as well, maybe!
23: How do you imagine your TC’s body to be like? Maybe for S, skinny. For B, average male body, I guess?
24: What would you do if you found your TC blog which was devoted to you? I would be a bit honoured in a sense
25: Has anybody in your school (students or teachers) noticed any inappropriate or unusual behavior between the two of you? Nope
26: Has your TC ever said something to you to make you think they may like you? B looking after me more than other students in school assemblies. I've also noticed when i'm with A, he kind of blushes a bit
27: If teacher-student relationships were legalized, would you tell them how you felt? Maybe. It depends on lots of things, really. 
28: What do you imagine your TC doing right now? Chilling since it’s a Saturday or maybe grading work
29: Do you ever see yourself dating somebody your own age? Why or why not? Maybe because there are some people that are similar to my age who are cute
30: If your TC told you they were leaving, what would you do? I would tell them goodbye! If I could, I would give them some sort of gift
31: Describe your perfect date with your TC?  S: dinner at a restaurant B: On the beach with a sunset
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menyria · 1 year
100 Questions to get to know me - I was bored ok
1. Are you a morning or night person? Morning. 2. Are you afraid of the dark? Nah, depends on the situation. 3. Are you an extrovert or introvert? Mostly extrovert. 4. Are you double jointed? Nope. 5. Are you left or right handed? Right! 6. Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? A little of both! More messy I believe! 7. Are you on time or always late? I was always late to school, but now I’m tend to be in time mostly! 8. Are you ticklish? On some part of my body :l 9. Can you curl your tongue? Yaaaaas 10. Can you ice skate? A little, was better when I was younger! 11. Can you wiggle your ears? Yeah ;D 12. Coffee or tea? Both! 13. Cookies, cake or donuts? Cookies!!! 14. Did you ever participate in a talent show? I believe so, like once? 15. Did you go to prom? Yes, it was kinda boring though. 16. Did you like school? I loved High school due to my amazing class! 17. Do you believe in ghosts? Sometimes. 18. Do you bite your nails? Nope. 19. Do you consider yourself a good cook? Yeah sure haha 20. Do you enjoy dancing? Love dancing ;u; 21. Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? Yeah, but I do not craft things that often! 22. Do you forgive easily? Hum, depends on the situation. 23. Do you have a nickname? Aye! Moon moon, moon, Tea and Menyria! 24. Do you have any allergies? A little towards wasps! 25. Do you have any phobias? Hights :O 26. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Earings and a yin and yang tattoo! 27. Do you have children? Nope! 28. Do you have pets? Two cats named Link and Zelda! 29. Do you have siblings? Little and bigger brother! 30. Do you prefer dogs or cats? Both are nice! 31. Do you prefer Mac or PC? PC! 32. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Mountains. 33. Do you prefer to bath or shower? Bath!!! 34. Do you sing in the shower? Yes ofc! 35. Do you smoke? Nope! 36. Do you speak any different languages? Eh, only Swedish and English. 37. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? I have 3 left. 38. Do you still watch cartoons? Ofc I do :o 39. Do you/have you played any sports? Yeh, Kung Fu, circus and dance. 40. Does your name have a special meaning? Altea means “The healer” 41. Have you ever been hospitalized? Nope! 42. Have you ever been on a diet? Not specificly, but I have been eating less sugar at some points. 43. Have you ever been to a concert? Yeah my first one was this year 3023 lmao! 51. If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? Trip to Hobbiton :o 52. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Still in Sweden I think XD 53. Were you ever a scout or a brownie? Noo 54. What city were you born in? Västerås! 55. What did you last eat? A left over hamburger 56. What did you want to be when you were younger? A vet 57. What do you do on a typical Friday night? Meet friends, watch some show, game, write, play dnd I guess. 58. What is one food that you refuse to eat? Olives. 59. What is one item on your bucket list? Be a naked modell at some point huh 60. What is one item you can’t live without? Phone 61. What is your shoe size? 39 EU 62. What movie have you watched repeatedly? How to train your dragon 1 63. What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? Android 64. What should you be doing right now? Maybe the dishes... 65. What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? Get into the school I wana go to! 66. What’s one of your pet peeves? WHen Something I’m looking forward to gets cancelled the last second. 67. What’s the last song you’ve listened to? K/DA - popstars 68. What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? My ish-renessance dress. 69. What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? Phone. 70. What’s your best physical feature? Eyes and butt UwU 71. What’s your Chinese sign? RAT!!! IIIAHH 72. What’s your current obsession? My crush idgghhhjjjjkk I need to stop, cringeeeeeeeeee 73. What’s your dream car? Like a pickup with a lot of space and four wheel driven.  74. What’s your favourite animal? WOOOOOLF YAO 75. What’s your favourite book? Eragon or Acotar 76. What’s your favourite colour? Purple 77. What’s your favourite dessert? Vanilla hearts 78. What’s your favourite drink? Chai latte 79. What’s your favourite food? Something with cheese 80. What’s your favourite foreign food? Idk bro 81. What’s your favourite gadget? My penguin D20 dice 82. What’s your favourite hobby? Drawing 83. What’s your favourite movie? Narnia 84. What’s your favourite restaurant? Idk brooo 85. What’s your favourite sandwich? Something with cheese 86. What’s your favourite season? FALL!!!!! 87. What’s your favourite series? Avatar the last airbender. 88. What’s your favourite snack? Chocolate 89. What’s your favourite sport to watch? I do not have one lmao 90. What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? Pancakes ;3
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bijou-dame · 2 years
Alr I'ma be honest I have been slacking bc the only thing I get on Tumblr to do is... scroll soooo
Here is a UT au that has been on my mind for a while, it's my own btw
Ok so let's start with the basics, in this au (I'm not all to sure what I'm calling it) most everyone is combined like for example Frisk and Chara into one making a completely new character I call them Faira they were the first human to fall and are 7-9 years old and have a bit of a combo outfit they wear a heart locket and a eco flower and heart pin in their hair, they go by they/them pronouns
I'm also going to say that most people that combine with those of opposite genders will sometimes be mixed like asgore and toriel being both mother and father, king and queen, it just depends on who you ask. also her name is Ashin
Now in this au Asriel is not dead (he did not leave) he is instead the mildly royal guard obsessed Prince as he is fused with M.K. his name is M.D. he uses he/him pronouns and is about 6-8 years old (will be a year younger than Faira) he has 4 horns and a tail like mk
Another thing that's changed is Alphys and Undyn (?) She is a scientist (not the lead) and the captain of the royal guard and an axolotl she wears glasses but because of a scar on one eye... she just cover's it up with her hair, idk bout the name man (I will take suggestions please) also she's a lesbian crushing on a pop idol, loves anime
Now on to the bestie sans and papyrus are combined he is the head of the royal scientist's and a loyal member of the royal guard him and alphine (?) Are science buds, coworkers, besties, and work out bros and he actually created the mtt of this world. now he does have a name but he prefers eclipse (only alphine knows his real name) likes to watch anime with the bestie, also pan man can I get a yes sir
And speaking of Mtt I introduce MMt (placeholder) the hybrid combo of Mtt and mad mew mew, all she wants to do is be the most popular pop idol in the underground and eclipse helped her achieve that also genderswap bc she/her pronouns also cat girl. this is the person who's alphines crush is on but the thing she doesn't know is it's reciprocated.
That's all the characters I know for sure (for now) and the storyline is pretty simple (lies) the underground is split into two the "light" and the "dark" there has been rising conflict between the two side they're basically split into two different undergrounds with how bad it is, like 'light' separate movies and channels basically it's discrimination. However royal official's aren't on either sides instead wearing symbols for both, this however doesn't do much they're still judged by which side they were born on wether that be discoveries, if you're right or not, or coworkers. Friendships between sides is almost unheard of however with eclipse from the 'dark' and alphine from the 'light' it isn't impossible. I should also say the the 'dark' gets discriminated against much more. That is until,Faira falls.
Anyways that's all I got so far I can still probably think of more to add and all that I'll also maybe draw them but I can't really draw monsters so some may or may not get the 'human' treatment hopefully you guys don't mind or anything (please) might make a comic too if I remember so, yeah you guys like it so I can make more.
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ahwak · 1 year
doing the mid year book freak out thing bc this is the first year ive read enough books to do it :)
1. Best book you’ve read so far
pedro paramo ^_^
2. Best sequel you've read so far 
havent read any yet but im predicting it will be the obelisk gate (if i get round to reading it 🤞)
3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to. 
the bandit queens
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year. 
dont really pay attention to new releases idek whats coming out lets research
ok silver nitrate looks good 👍
5. Biggest disappointment. 
read a few naguib mahfouz books and they were all boring it was heartbreaking... maybe i shouldve read his more popular stuff first but i really thought i would love him so i started chronologically </3 my bad
6. Biggest surprise. 
العالق في ي��م أحد by عبدالله ناصر
i dont even remember where i saw this first its this like collection of really short surrealist “stories” i loved it so bad
7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you) 
i wouldnt say favourite because ive only read one book from her but really want to read more carmen boullosa 
8. Newest fictional crush. 
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9. Newest favourite character. 
none really.. maybe keifon from the healers’ road
10. Book that made you cry. 
crying in h mart☹️ and the angel of history
11. Book that made you happy. 
the healers’ road 🤍 i love slice of life-esque fantasy so bad
12. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received) 
only bought 5 books but my fave cover was sea of poppies
13. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
other than the books im reading rn ill say assassins apprentice & beloved & game of thrones (sorry) & season of migration to the north & a few sequels i keep putting off
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ladyaj-13 · 2 years
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2022 Writing Evaluation
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 30 - see my 2022 fics post!
2. Word count posted for the year: 190,426
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction, Endeavour, Kingsman, Eagle of the Ninth
4. Pairings: Harry/Louis, OT5, Liam/Zayn, Liam/Louis, Niall/Louis, Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, Niall/Greg James, Louis/Greg James, Gen fic, Morse/Jakes, Morse/Max, Harry/Eggsy, Marcus/Esca
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Follow Your Arrow
Bookmarks: ditto
Comments: double ditto
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
It would be easy to pick FYA as the longest thing and my first big bang, but I think I’m actually going to go Bit by Bit and All at Once. I had a lot of fun writing this one, and it’s very Liam focused, but I liked finding ways to fold each of the other boys in, and try to make the development natural. I think (I hope!) I succeeded.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
Check the Body. By week five of Wordplay I was a bit burnt out, lol. I’ve read it back and it’s not as bad as I thought at the time, it’s even kind of sweet, but I posted it not liking it and almost didn’t make a fic post. I did in the end, but I don’t like that much either!
8. Share or describe a favourite review you received:
I can’t pick one! I love and appreciate every review. A special mention to @lalalaartje though, for reading I think every single 1D fic of mine and commenting as they went. That was a good week or two 😀
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Right now? And the last week or two of Wordplay. Any time I’m feeling uninspired but trying to force myself to write (or just want to write but what comes out is… hmm).
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
All my Kingsman fics, because I’ve tried to write Kingsman many times, particularly in 2016/2017, and never got anywhere. So when I finished a Kingsman fic I was pretty taken aback. And then I wrote three more.
11. A favourite excerpt of your writing:
From Blind Date - I had such fun writing the dialogue in this fic. Niall is the host of the TV show Blind Date, an ex-pro golfer. Louis is the eligible bachelor contestant who has a crush on Niall:
“I catch the odd game,” Louis says, hedging for the middle and hoping they call them games, not matches. He fast-forwards to Niall’s shots and interviews and ignores everything else. “Don’t test my knowledge, it’ll be embarrassing for both of us.”
“Nah,” Niall says with an easy grin and a clap to Louis’ shoulder. “Mainly embarrassing for you, I reckon,” he teases.
“Well, that's probably true.”
“So - excited to meet your dream man?”
“Who’s to say I haven’t already?”
Niall looks confused. “You - really? You’re meant to be single. I mean, it’s only a silly show, but if you’ve got a boyfriend then why-”
So much for a bit of light flirting to test the waters. “No, I - I’m single. No boyfriends to be seen. Need an ITV dating show to get me laid, that’s me.”
Niall laughs. It sort of takes the air out of the room, seeing it in person, and Louis is going to have a hard time concentrating on whatever contestants they’ve dredged up with Niall standing right there in front of him. Even if he is uninterested.
“I don’t believe that for a second, not with a face like yours.”
Ok, maybe not so uninterested. Just clueless. He can work with that.
“No, I can see it now. The panel draws back, and contestant number two, the keeper and holder of my heart, takes one look and runs. Probably into the arms of contestant number three.”
“What happened to contestant number one?”
“Secretly straight,” Louis whispers, taking the opportunity to lean in close to Niall’s ear. “Only here because he’s trying to become an influencer and score an advertising deal for hand sanitizer.” He nudges Niall with an elbow as they start walking over to the set. “You’ll have to do the gallant thing and take me out for drinks instead.”
“Or maybe you’ll find the love of your life, and score a joint advertising deal for hand sanitizer.”
“Please, I’m worth yoghurt at least.” Niall laughs again, and Louis grins. It seems easy to make Niall laugh, and he loves that. No question, they could be great together. “I very much doubt you’re right, but just in case you are - I guess then I’ll owe you a beer for finding me true love.”
“Are you always like this?”
“Like what?”
Niall shakes his head and they step out into the glare of bright studio lights. He seems to be considering his next sentence carefully. “Funny,” he says finally.
Louis shrugs. “I like to think I’m pretty hilarious,” he admits, then lets his tone become serious. “But I’m not always joking.” 
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I’ve made further steps into smut, adding sprinklings of it here and there. I don’t think it’s ever going to be my go-to, it’s just not my main interest, but I’m becoming more comfortable with my ability to write it.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I’d love to write longer fics. I feel like I hit my stride this year with four fics over 20k, and I’d like to extend on that. I have so many ideas that need that space (or more!) to breathe, and I feel like I’m ready now and trust in myself enough to write those ideas and stick with it.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer:
I’ve got to mention @larrieblr and @laynefaire as beta and artist respectively for making my first big bang experience so wonderful. Also big thanks to @allwaswell16 for championing rare pair fics and writers, both through her podcast which I look forward to every month, and running the Louis Rare Pair fest.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Little throwaway things - in Follow Your Arrow, Louis has a hoodie that I also own. On a deeper level, emotionally there’s a fair bit of me in Moths and Butterflies.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Just go where the muse takes you, because writing something you’re not interested in is basically impossible and also this is meant to be fun. But also recognise when you need to push through with a project, because you’ve come too far to let it beat you now.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
My 2023 Big Bang! Also I have a white knight!Louis famous/non famous fic which has been 80% written for far too long, and a couple of shorter one shots I would love to post (a Zouis beauty pageant one; a magical cat!Louis one, an omegaverse Larry, etc. etc.) not to mention several extra instalments in my sleepy Nouis series.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
I'm so late to this I don't know who hasn't done it! If you haven't, you're tagged :)
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