#also this isnt shade to any ship btw. and this is coming from someone who loves heavymedic where i feel like often heavy is sidelined-
butchfortress · 5 months
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really haven't had any art to post so here's the insane man's ramblings about heavy tf2
honestly i think heavy is SO underrated as a character by the fandom in general, not just on this site. like?? from what i can infer from these lines in poker night, he's guy who has this innate fear of failing and would of likely been retired or on a different career if not for the fact that he loves his craft. he loves killing and maiming and using his guns to do it. it's so FASCINATING and i wish we dissected that more often.
he cares about his weaponry to just about the same amount as people. he has hobbies, often adjacent to his violence, and will happily seek people with that as a common interest. he thinks of his co-workers highly and most insults he hurls at them here are because he knows they can do better (spy exempt.) and he greatly fears letting his teammates down. so he'll do everything in his power to be the best at what he does. AAUGHH
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helihi · 6 years
The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty: RWBY Vol 6 E 12
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I wish I could’ve enjoyed this, but the fact that this episode could’ve been perfectly merged with last weeks episode for a rightful 23-25 minute episodes makes me angry.
Overall rating: 3/10
A.N.: First we got all buildup, now we got all pay off. Why do they keep doing this?
The Good:
Quick spoilers for the review ahead: most of the contents of this section are about the Bee vs. Adam fight. In fact, the 3/10 rating is earned because of this since I was just bored during the fist half and during the cliffhanger.
A quick shoutout to Ruby for figuring out an alternative way to neutralize Cordovin without yelling it or making it as obvious as Oscar’s plan was. TBH the writers did a poor job trying to execute the first plan by being just as obvious to make it not work.
This week the fight between Blake, Yang and Adam continues, but unlike last week, both girls get to fight by each others side. What’s really interesting about the scenes showcased on this episode is the way both adapt to their current circumstances and still manage to get that sweet Bumbleby combo we’ve experienced in previous volumes.
They are both quick on their feet, always in sync. Blake’s evasive technique and light hits help to destabilize Adam while Yang carries the punch (literally). She distracts him and positions him right where Yang needs him to be. Not only that, but she makes sure Adam cannot absorb any of Yang’s heavy hits, completely conscious of how that can backfire.
Of course, the ribbon combo attack the pair is known for makes a comeback. This time, Yang grabs what’s left of Gambol Shroud to protect Blake and is the one throwing her partner around.
The flying cat Faunus is not strong enough to break Adam’s stance and she’s thrown away, and her aura breaks. Like everyone guessed, Blake’s aura is purple, the same shade Yang’s bandana is ;)
Now is Yang’s turn to hold her ground against Adam while she keeps an eye on Blake, who could easily fall to there death. hOW THE FUCK CAN SHE CLIMB WITH HEELS.
“The moment of truth, Yang. Do you think you’re faster than you were at Beacon?”
Yang trembles.
“Me neither.”
Here’s the second thing I wanted to point out about this fight: Adam still tries to use manipulation to get the upper hand. He knows a part of Blake still fears him, and he knows Yang’s trauma is associated with him.
Again and again he has tried to exploit this, but once more: he fails.
Yang goes for an evasive tactic rather than an offensive one, more proof of her character development.
Adam continues taunting, because he has no other tools or tactics he can use. He desperately tries to clutch to power, even though last episode showed him that Yang and Blake are at their strongest when together.
This is why he wanted to sever that link in volume 3. Even if he didn’t know how good of a team they were, he knew the best way to break Blake was through Yang.
“What does she even see in you!” remarks how out of his element Adam is. He lost the fight before he actually lost it.
Yang’s Semblance makes a return, but TBH the animation was pretty underwhelming considering we’ve waited for its comeback for about 3 years. I think Adam’s Moonslice animation has been maintained. Everything from the color palette shift, to the way the red on his outfit lights up. His presence is there.
Yang’s Semblance doesn’t bust in victorious and glorious. It’s more like a tame flame. I appreciate the fire effects, and the way Yang’s moments are highlighted with 2D yellow effects, but where’e the frame distortion? The glowing red eyes? The final punch was nice, but overall, I’m disappointed.
Finally, the moment we all have been waiting for comes: Adam Taurus’s death. Have some popcorn peeps. There was no other way to end the whole arc, Adam was irredeemable.
If you wanted me to be honest, I thought Adam was going to fall to his death in some fight scenario where he was so consumed by anger and his obsession that he looses it; or Yang was going to be the one ending it.
Having them both kill him, with both halves of Gambol Shroud no less, is so fucking powerful and fitting. Of course, quite traumatic for Blake, who would be the one most affected by it.
I think they nailed the reaction. Aside from the obvs Bumbleby excitement, Blake breaking down, the remainder of the promise and Yang comforting her so delicately is the perfect way to end this arc.
Unfortunately, it isn’t quite as cathartic and beautiful since we’re cut short by the need to establish another cliff hanger.
The Bad:
I see people left and right on RT’s forms, Tumblr and YouTube praising the CRWBY for getting better at pacing or even “nailing” it.
Boi, oh boi, could you not be more wrong.
This episode could and should’ve been part of last episode. There’s no reason why any writer would cut the momentum episode 11 carried for a cheap cliff hanger and have the resolution to the fights be concluded 7 days later.
Do you know what real shows do? They make a two parter. A half an hour special.
I could bring up AtlA, but I’m going to bring up SU.
Do you know what’s going to happen next Monday on CN?
A 45 minute special Steven Universe season finale.
You know why?
Because the best way to finalize the diamond arc is by paying off all the buildup with a huge chunk of content! The decision to have the final 4 episodes group together to deliver some satisfactory pay off will be a blast.
Yes, we don’t know how season is going to end, but I can fucking tell you this special is the best way to end this arc.
SU’s atrocious schedule has made a lot of people drop the show, and I don;’t blame them. CN doesn’t know what its doing, and it’s purposefully killing shows with this (Se also: Adventure Time).
However, if there’s something the Crewniverse know how to do is delivering a story that can fit an episode.
A beginning/set up, a middle and a resolution/ending.
RWBY doesn’t do that. Episodes are: all build up, all buildup + some middle, some middle+tiny resolution.
The only way one can truly enjoy RWBY is by binge watching it, but unfortunately, RT doesn’t release the episodes Netflix style.
Do they change and adapt their writing because of this?
No, they don’t.
The problem wasn’t that the RWBY girls were separated, it’s that the writing team doesn’t know how to properly pace a story for an audience.
Also, is anyone bothered by the fact that no matter how many times Cordovin hit the Atlesian ship, that thing could still work?
Way to kill the momentum.
The Dirty:
I see a lot of people reflagging GIFs of Ruby and Qrow showing how much the girl has grown and how conflicted he might be, and TBH I see what you do.
I know Qrow looks at Ruby and probably thinks of Summer.
Summer is dead; Ruby is not, and Qrow wants to keep it that way. But Ruby is on her way to becoming an adult, she’s the leader on her team, a figure to her friends and the protagonist of the show. She has to show she’s prepared to take a stance.
Awesome scenes guys! You forgot something tho:
Rubys conflict.
Just like the glazed over Oscars big “this is what I stand for” moment of his arc, we never see Ruby at her weakest.
People complained of this during volume 4, but have you not notice she has not broken down or showed a real crisis? This 5 minutes with the apathy is not enough, and though I love her questioning Ozpin, I feel this needed more fuel.
Sometimes it feels like the writers know what a protagonist is supposed to sound like and act like, but don’t quite get how they got there.
Oh yeah, Grimm show up btw. We all knew this so meh.
Overall rating: 3/10
A.N.: Someone should really teach Miles and Kerry the ways episodes are structured. It’s season 6 and still haven’t grasped how to write an episodic series.
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