helihi · 2 days
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This is a scene from a Nuts and Dolts fanfic where Ruby and Penny switch places, and Penny is a Beacon student with amnesia while Ruby was raised as a supersoldier in Atlas. Check out War Machines on AO3 written by @bravewriting, who commissioned this! You can commission me as well
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helihi · 25 days
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The Olympians I'm the Dungeon Master of a Graeco-roman inspired dnd campaign called Champions of Olympia!
I decided to do artwork for all the gods for my players. For this, I did a ton of research of the Greek mythology with some extra Roman add-ons since the campaign focuses on gladiators and the Coloseum. I also drew inspiration from Stray Gods, Hades, God of War, Hadestown and some YouTube channels who discuss Greek myths.
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helihi · 2 months
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Happy Saint David's to all RWBY fans, we've another picture coming out for another Saint's Day next month, so stay tuned! Commission for @mattanzamfedora
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helihi · 3 months
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This art is based on a sneak peek from For Want of a Nail, an as yet unposted fic by the commissioner, @notoftheskaal.
Yang was vaguely aware of the door creaking open, but couldn’t bring herself to care with the warm weight of Blake on top of her, hands in her hair, lips on hers, tongue—
“Excuse me?! On my bed?! I know Yang’s precarious bunk would probably collapse under both of you, but what’s wrong with defiling your own bed, Blake? Off! Now!”
They broke the kiss at the sound of Weiss’s outraged screech. Yang looked to where Weiss stood pointing at them, face flushed almost tomato red and eyes narrowed. She looked rather ridiculous, and even more so seen upside down through Yang’s eyes, still flat on her back under Blake. Ruby stood behind Weiss, her eyes covered with a hand.
Yang blinked as Weiss’s words sunk in. About them being on her bed. But they weren’t? “Your—? But—” Yang looked around and her words stumbled to a halt. Books didn’t support the bunk overhead. Ropes did.
Oh. This wasn’t Blake’s bed. Come to think of it, they’d both been a bit distracted when Blake backed her towards the bunks, liplocked.
Weiss swatted them with her schoolwork binder. “Get off!”
They scrambled up.
“Sorry.” Yang rubbed at the back of her neck. It felt as hot as her own face. “Uh, if it helps, we didn’t defile it.”
“That’s a matter of opinion!” Weiss’s words hissed between clenched teeth.
“Clothes stayed on! We just kissed, nothing more.” Yang didn’t dare look at Blake. She was afraid she’d burst out laughing if she met Blake’s eyes, and that might be fatal even when Weiss didn’t have Myrtenaster to hand.
“With. Tongue!” Weiss jabbed Yang with an accusatory finger with each word. “That was no innocent kiss!”
“Not listening,” Ruby muttered, covering her ears. “Not listening. Nope. Not hearing anything mentally scarring.”
“Think of the children! Ruby had to see that too!”
“Uh, I’m not a child, and I clapped a hand over my eyes before I saw that.”
“Shut up, you said you weren’t listening!” Weiss elbowed Ruby.
“Ow, Yang’s right, you sharpen those!”
“Do not tell me your sister’s right about anything when she’s been an indecent trespasser!”
“It was an honest mistake, and we’re very sorry, it won’t happen again,” Blake said, voice smooth as her skin.
Weiss levelled her accusing finger at Blake. “You were smirking when you saw me, Blake Belladonna!”
“I was smiling. Anyone would smile after a kiss like that.”
“Smiling? That was no innocent smile. You looked like—” Weiss cut herself off, eyes flicking upwards, to the level of Blake’s uncovered cat ears. Weiss abruptly looked rather uncomfortable, as if she’d been about to say something she thought inappropriate to use for a cat faunus.
‘Like the cat that got the cream, huh? Or something like it.’ Yang risked a glance at Blake. There was no smirk on her face now, just her usual inscrutable mask. At least until she met Yang’s eyes and smiled at her.
Yang’s blush deepened and her heart skipped a beat. ‘You’ve got it bad, Xiao Long. Doomed, that’s what you are.’
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helihi · 5 months
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What are you afraid of?
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helihi · 5 months
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helihi · 5 months
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take a look at that wizard
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helihi · 5 months
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oh, baby, you were made to break hearts...
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helihi · 5 months
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Say cheese
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helihi · 6 months
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Trans masc Blake commission
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helihi · 6 months
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I forgot to post this old meme
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helihi · 6 months
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A changeling with murder in their mind
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helihi · 6 months
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Blake was back in the forest, surrounded by burnt trees, trunks still smouldering. Beowolves howled in the distance. Something creaked. Not a branch in the wind. Then Blake saw it: a drawn bow with an arrow nocked, in the hands of a man with a grim smile.
In front of him knelt Yang, shoulders slumped, arrows piercing her all over. The archer held the last arrow, his quiver empty.
"Last chance, Branwen. Beg me, and I might spare you."
Yang coughed, biting back a scream when it jolted the arrows in her. "No. You won't. And I'm not a Branwen. I'm Yang Xiao Long, and I won't die begging for my life," she choked the words out, voice raspy. She glared defiantly up at him.
— Hunted on AO3 by @notoftheskaal
You can commission me too
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helihi · 6 months
Hi! I love your art, especially your Yang, and I'll be doing some reblogging on my sideblog, deadbeatbirdmom. I'm very tempted to commission you, I'll have to consider exactly what. Also something I hope might amuse: I looked at your information about commissions and my tired eyes read 'original editable file' as 'original edible file.'
I mean, when technology evolves that far, I'll also send an edible copy of the commission.
Hopefully I can make something you like :)
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helihi · 6 months
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You seem enamored...
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helihi · 8 months
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Commissioned as a promotional piece for his crossover fanfic, Buffy the Princess Consort. Please tell us both what you think of this ship, and the first two chapters so far? https://archiveofourown.org/works/48415918/chapters/122116789
You can also commission me
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helihi · 8 months
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Waiting for the GF
You can commission me
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