#also this one has the chainsaw arm which automatically makes it better than the first one
thecoolertails · 2 years
alrighttt i watched evil dead 2 hell yeah. i liked it better than 1 but i'll have to rewatch army of darkness before i decide which is my favorite
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You caught my attension with the "Bad end Wizard Wally" Au, what else goes down in there?
A lot of things anon, a lot of things:
-Instead of even so much as humoring the thought of telling Conner, Wally straight up quits and gets a job elsewhere.
-A few years later both Wally and Henry get letters asking them to come to the old studio; one from Joey asking Henry to ‘come visit the old workshop’, the other from Thomas begging Wally to destroy the machine because he can’t do it himself.
-Henry and Wally show up to the inked studio.
-Curiosity leads the pair to activate the ink machine. (Wally thought that Thomas was referring to the other ink machine, not the one suspended by chains.)
-The Ink Demon breaks down the boards and chases them through the studio before the floor breaks beneath them.
-Post-machine activation: the studio fucks with Wally’s magical powers, often having spells backfire on himself. (i.e. if he tries to make something levitate, it automatically flings itself into his face.)
-Due to the fact that Joey found out how to successfully make living cartoons out of people early on, there are no searchers in the studio.
-The Lost ones are still here but they’re much rarer, they flee from sight whenever you see them, and they aren’t made by the machine like canon implied, instead they’re human beings who drank the ink.  
-The two unwilling heroes try to escape via the music department’s flooded stairwell, but they get stopped by Sammy and dragged deeper into ink hell.
-Sammy doesn’t worship the Ink Demon in this AU. In fact, his mind and body are not affected by the ink at all.
-Instead, his mental decline is brought on by his own psychic abilities which he became aware of due to Joey’s meddling. He can’t even think about the past and present anymore, only the future.
-Thus, the man’s new role is not of a desperate madman clinging onto a false savior, but instead a cold and calculating wildcard of an oracle who constantly stalks the two heroes from the shadows and throws wrenches in their escape plans, but also keeps them safe from the wrath of the ink demon whenever he can.
-Boris is still a friend, but he’s a little less chipper and much more on edge than canon.
-Either Wally or Henry can find a tape recorder buried in Boris’s stuff that was made by a gofer who’s talking about the fact that while the living cartoons came out of the machine looking exactly like their animated counterparts, they often try to change how they look, behave coldly and are hostile towards everybody, and are especially hostile towards Joey Drew.
-“The Cameraman is probably the worst out of all of them, it’s almost like he’s trying to make everybody quit their jobs!”
-You know how dogs sigh like they had the roughest time in the world? The only noise Boris makes is that sigh and he only makes it when that tape recording is played.
-Who attacks our heroes if searchers aren’t in the enemy roster? Simple: a hoard of deformed toons.
-We’ve got our classic Butchered gang members, Sliced-Split-n-Stitched Back up SSSB members, and Woolly troubled trios.
-But these appear in the music dep, Bendyland, the village, and the administration offices. Instead of being regular deformed, the enemies in the Heavenly toys department have seemingly been forcefully fused together.
-This makes them slower and weaker, but they also have three times as much health now.
-Susie is referred to as “Twisted Alice” in the studio. This is because she doesn’t look like a more human-proportioned Alice Angel with a deformed face, but instead a mashup of Alice Angel and Miss Twisted.
-Looks like misery loves company.
-Instead of seeking ‘perfection’ Twisted Alice sends Wally and Henry to do tasks for her because she’s trying to make herself be one or the other, she doesn’t care which one she’ll end up as anymore but trying to be two (technically three) different people at once is really messing with her.
-The tasks she gives are still the same, instead of the swollen searcher task, that’s instead replaced with “Gather thick ink from the flooded level”.
-You know how the Projectionist is already scary?
-Imagine him with the ability to raise the dead.
-Like, Henry and Wally are in level 14 gathering severed hearts...
-And then an ear-splitting scream echoes through the area.
-Norman’s ‘I sees everythang’ tape is slightly altered to include more corpse puns.
-When all the chores are done, Twisted Alice does keep her word and lets Henry and Wally up.
-When they’re *this* close to seeing daylight again, *BAM!*
-The Elevator drops like a hot coal.
-Was it sabotaged? Was it just old and dangerous? Was this just bad luck? That’s up for interpretation depending on who you believe first.
-Boris is kidnapped by a much more Miss Twisted-looking Twisted Alice while the old men are out.
-Intentional murder to commit dog theft, or Miss Twisted being opportunistic?
-Giant cavern? Lame carnival minigames? Air vent maze? Nah, screw that, instead Bendyland gets some more rides.
-Fight off foes in the ferris wheel!
-Avoid killer bumper cars with running chainsaws attached to them while trying to get the haunted house’s power back on!
-Can’t forget Bertrum! In the fight, if he puts down all four of his arms and pushes down hard enough, he can actually walk around the room.
-Kinda like a giant mechanical spider with only four legs.
-This makes it harder to hit his weak points and makes it easy for him to fucking stampede over “Joey”, which is why he does it. But it takes a lot out of him, so he can’t do it for very long.
-And he can’t do it anymore if two or more of his arms are ripped off.
-The Projectionist’s section is the same but with more toon corpses around.
-And if you didn’t get caught in his light or touch the hearts, when Wally and Henry pile into the miracle station and The Projectionist is *just* about to open the door until getting interrupted, instead of screaming at the ink demon and getting into a fight, the Projectionist opens the door and fucking squeezes himself in there.
-Not very comfortable, but better than the alternative.
-Congrats to Henry and Wally, who graduated from ‘trespassing thieves’ to ‘weird but sorta okay flesh things who didn’t take my hearts again and let me in their safe territory in spite of me trying to kill them’.
-Boris actually can be saved.
-Did you give the dog a bone back at the safe house?
-Good, now give him three more.
-The Janitor and the Animator have no fucking clue why throwing bones at this deformed, beefed-up version of Boris managed to melt off the excess ink and junk, or why he can speak now, but they’re not going to look a gift wolf in the mouth.
-Did somebody say back-to-back boss battle?
-I did!
-Sadly, it’s kind of a short fight as it can range from ‘three on one and one of them is a fucking wizard (just because recoil is hell doesn’t mean it’ll stop Wally in dire situations)’ to ‘four on one and one of those four can bring back the dead by screaming’.
-Allison and Tom wrangle the team up and stick ‘em in the “guest room”.
-Tom chews Wally out for re-activating the ink machine, Wally can’t take him seriously when he’s that fucking small and sounds like a mechanical snob.
-It’s even funnier when the Projectionist has been befriended.
-Let him have his tiny camera-headed son back, Allison.
-The river boat chase is longer and there seems to be more than just one hand coming out of the ink.
-Wally swears he sees a bunch of teeth in the river while the hands are down.
-In the village, the group are immediately attacked by a swarm of deformed toons when they approach the boarded up hovel.
-They shout things like “STAY AWAY FROM THE PROPHET!” and stuff like that in their garbled voices.
-When all of them are gone, peering through the boards in the hovel the team approached in the first place reveals that Sammy is indeed in there, just staring off into space and muttering about something the team can’t quite make out.
-Breaking down the said boards might seem logical, but it triggers a brutal boss fight against him. That musical bastard is fast and hits like a freight train. Also psychic powers, you have to be the luckiest person in the world to win a fight against a man who sees your every move before you can even think of it.
-Just... leave him be... and focus on getting outta here.
-The administration maze is as annoying as ever thanks to not having any weapons and the maze itself being magically disabling.
-Beast Bendy gets some bigger legs to go with his giant torso and head.
-Now he’s even faster and more annoying!
-but can’t do shit against the team.
-Good Ending: getting the biggest team you can in game, breaking the machine and punching Joey in the face for doing ...that. It sucks that everything got this bad but at least you helped the others make it outta there.
-Neutral ending: “Come by the old workshop, there’s something I need to show you”
-Bad Ending of the ‘Bad end Wizard Wally Au’  (Worst possible ending): Henry and Wally have fully succumbed to the ink through a path of violence, evading death by the toons, and have fully lost themselves, they do not remember their lives and families before the ink anymore. And Joey couldn’t be more tickled pink! It’s a shame that making perfect demon toons is such a complicated process compared to making an object-headed toon, a ‘human’ toon, or an animalistic toon, but all the trouble was worth it as a trip through the machine later, Joey finally has the last two he needs: A Perfect Papa Pluto and a Perfect Bendy.
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myupostsheadcanons · 5 years
I know you @highwayham asked about DBD headcanons on another blog... I’ll get to that soon.... I was working on this one for you the past week....  So I am quite ahead of the game.
My personal headcanons for all the DBD killers.
(gets a bit fanfic-ish in places, but damn my fan fic writers soul. (i haven’t done the final proofing, but go me) )....
  The Doctor
The Anti-Freddy.
Herman’s madness and electro-shocks automatically wake people up/take people out of Freddy’s dream realm.
It is nearly physically impossible for him to go to sleep.
Water is his weakness. Submerging him in enough water would burn out his own powers. It will put him in a coma if he is fully charged when submerged.
Herman didn’t think Freddy was real for the longest time. He thought Freddy was some made up joke the others were pulling on him. Or some Invisible Man that the others were putting too much stock in.
When he isn’t driving through crazy town, he’s generally snobby, rude, haughty, and uptight. He has this air of acting “better than you” that drives most of the other killers bonkers.
OCD... the only killer that manages to keep his whites mostly clean on a trial.
Herman and Myers especially don’t get along. His madness powers would make The Shape’s voice in Myers head louder and angrier. And The Doctor being a Psychiatrist rather than a Medical doctor didn’t help either.
Herman and Evan often fight over who’s in charge. Evan is loud and violent, and easy to ignore. The Doctor is more demanding and a perfectionist, on top of being sadistic, so more people still side with Evan.
The Nurse
Sally doesn’t like that her “role” among the group is being the nanny.
The Trapper will call her “The Nanny” instead of “The Nurse” (she makes sure to give him extra scares by casually hiding behind corners on him)
In fact, The Trapper is perhaps her most frequent patient.... for stepping in his own bear traps.
The Nurse and The Doctor kind of get along. She was so use to having to deal with asshole men doctors while she was alive... what’s one more now that she’s dead?
Her, The Doctor, The Hag, and The Clown handle most of the medical needs among the group. (The Hag knows Apothecary, The Clown has some understanding in that field as well and helps the two women make any meds. The Doctor has enough knowledge through his experiments on humans and medical school to help, but isn’t as skilled/knowledgeable as The Nurse)
The Spirit
Rin didn’t understand English when she first arrived. Julie (The Legion) knew some Japanese because of being a massive weeb, and tried to help translate pieces of what was being said to the others. (often just fucked up on the translation completely.. basically think Lopez from RVB. or Peggy Hill levels of bad)
Rin is polarizing. One moment she is calm, collective, and interested in being around people... the next she’s screaming at everybody, even those that did nothing, and would even attack other killers.
The Spirit often hangs around The Nurse, neither talking to one another. If she’s not creeping on other people in the group.
Work is too much.... work.... When it comes to doing chores or requests, she would suddenly vanish or be last in line.
Rin tends to creep on Myers the most. She likes that Myers doesn’t talk, or give a shit... and she saw him without his mask a few times.... so...  long siiigh.... (he’s just confused by her)
She fucking hates Freddy... He grabbed her inappropriately only once and she kicked his ass... he’s been leaving her alone now.
She doesn’t like The Doctor either. Outside of being pushy and treats her like a pest: his powers make her even more unstable and volatile.
The Wraith
Unless the killer is a colossal Asshat, he’ll get along with them. (Basically, The Doctor, Freddy, The Legion, and The Spirit are among his “doesn’t get along with” list)
He’s been around The Trapper the longest out of the killers so he’s use to Evan’s brand of Asshattery.
Him and Amanda tend to casually hang around with each other the most. He knows where the best stuff in the scrap yard is and they have similar interests in tinkering. (mlm and wlw solidarity)
Bubba, Max, and Evan come to Phil and Amanda whenever their equipment needs to be fixed.
Phil also likes to spend time with The Hag. He talks to her about the magic he learned from his homeland and helps her gather herbs.
He really just wants to be useful.
The Hag
Lisa knows the most about herbs and plants. Which ones are safe to eat, or what effects they cause when ingested. The Clown likes to get her advice when making new potions.
The Hag, The Huntress, Bubba and The Hillbilly are in charge of the Homestead end of things. (Farming and Cultivating... growing food, animal husbandry and butchering... Actual cooking the meals is on rotate among all the killers (at least those that at minimum know how to boil water)).
Lisa knows Rune Crafting, and recognizes that Myers has a spell/curse placed on him. She doesn’t tell any of the other killers she knows this.
Her Teleport spell can pull Freddy out of the dreamworld... if she has hold of him when she activates it. She almost did it twice, but he managed to break her grip and is staying away from her now.
The Nurse, being a super natural creature, is more accepting of The Hag’s witchcraft, apothecary, and homeopathy than The Doctor is.
The Hag and The Doctor get in frequent arguments based on their different world views.
The Trapper
The “Bad Boss” of the group.
Is an ass to anybody that doesn’t do what he wants.  (One part, Biff Tannon, One Part Al Bundy)
The other killers often forget that he is book-smart (came from a rich family, actually went to collage) because of how big of a douche bag he acts.
Evan relies too much on the few people that know what they are doing to do everything (The Nurse, especially)
Evan’s orders are easier to shirk/get around, because they are often bad orders that make no sense. It also doesn’t take much to “suck up” to him and get him to forget about something they’ve did wrong. Which is mainly why people side with him over The Doctor. 
His “cronies” are The Hillbilly and The Clown, and (with some arm twisting) The Wraith and Bubba.
He’s mainly buddy-buddy with The Clown because Kenny makes the best fucking bathtub gen in the realm.
He becomes a CHAD-DORK around Amanda (She knows this, is not interested in him, but gets him to do whatever she wants).
He is very particular when it comes to self-grooming. When he is not “working” / killing he likes to keep himself clean. He showers twice a day, and spends a lot of time shaving... to the point he’s practically bald all over his body.
He uses a straight razor to shave, a very sharp one.
He gets annoyed when the other killers don’t groom themselves on a regular basis. He understands it is dirty work, but there is a time and place to be dirty. (zombies and undead not withstanding, being dead/rotting can’t be helped).
The Huntress
She’s the most “efficient” of the non-magical killers.... all aside from:
Her near-constant singing and talking would annoy some of the Killers (who believe silence was the key), until they saw her sling a hatchet and down a survivor. 
She has no personal-space bubble. Will kiss people on the cheek/mouth in greeting (if they don’t flinch/push away from her)... it surprises most of the others that first time because it isn’t a common practice in America, where most of the killers are from, nor in modern society outside of one’s actual family.
Doesn’t shave.  She thought it was an odd grooming custom when she was watching Amanda shaving her legs and armpits in the bath. Men only shave/trim their beards cleanliness. She sees no reason for a woman to shave.
Anna goes out of the way to talk to the “outliers” of the Killer Group. (The Spirit, Myers, The Legion, and Bubba). Even if it is just to say “Hello.” and get no response in return.
Anna has child-like interests. Likes to talk about fairy tales and folk legends. Collects odd knickknacks (buttons, paper clips, caps off pens, pieces of ribbon, beads, rocks...). Play dress up with other Killer’s clothes (try on their masks and play with their weapons). She jumps in mud puddles and catches bugs/small animals with her bare hands to show others.
She first caught Bubba and Myers attention by showing them a frog she caught and pulled its legs off in front of them (Bubba then ate the frog). Myers was just...enthralled...  he was going to kill the frog if she handed it to him and she just did it.
From then on Bubba liked to join her on any weird quests she would have (like as if he was her little big-brother). The Wraith would follow to make sure they aren’t getting into trouble.
The Huntress got pretty good at guessing what Bubba is saying. It helped that when she first came here she didn’t know English and had to often pantomime what she wanted to the others as well.
She wants to be a helper, but her brand of help tends to lean towards “s-mothering”....
The Hag, The Clown, The Wraith, The Nurse, The Pig, and The Doctor are the ones she actually treats like her elders....
The Trapper and The Hillbilly are on “peer” level with her. Myers was... until she realized he was a walking disaster, and actually knew the least out of the whole group.
So... The Legion, Myers, Bubba.... she latched onto them as her special “projects”
(The Spirit and Freddy are in the “no” zone)
The Hillbilly
Is a slow talker and mumbler, but not dumb (actually he’s rather average, just uneducated. he believes he is stupid because he was told he was his whole life)
He can’t hear out of one ear because of his deformities and the loud chainsaw. People often have to repeat things because of that.
Max could be found either at The Trapper’s side, or at the homestead in the barn with the goats and pigs (he feels safe in there)
He makes Amanda new pig masks when ever they get old or damaged.
The Hag watches his back, making sure the others don’t treat him poorly. 
Max and Bubba do get along, even though it is difficult for Max to understand what Bubba wants.
The Legion tend to antagonize him and Bubba at the same time with their trivial prattling about Max being a “rip off”.
The Clown
Is the actual “boss” of the group, but doesn’t claim to be. Even though he knows damn well he is.
Kenny would hear what the Trapper wants done, and often tweak the orders to be more feasible when relaying them to the others.
Kenny’s big loud personality stood out. He was better at working a crowd than Herman and Evan.  
He can get the more “outlying” killers to listen to him.
He got where he was because he showed up rather late in the game. Nothing was getting done, there was little to no cohesion among the factions. Half the team barely listened to The Trapper, the other Half tended to do whatever the hell they wanted.
He managed to get The Legion to act less like little shits to the rest of the killers all the fucking time.
Myers would trail behind Kenny, or low-key stalk him. The Clown could never manage to pin him down to confront him about it. The others told him not to bother. After The Legion came, Susie eventually told him it was because Myers really liked clowns as a kid. Kenny began to think of Myers as a  “stray cat.”
The only killer that Freddy actually kind of likes and would take “requests” from. They both have a dark sense of humor and are practical jokers. The Clown’s potions also make people easier to put asleep. (Kenny just knows not to be a total dick to your “coworkers” or you’ll be spinning your wheels in the mud the whole time)
The Legion
For the longest time the four of them stuck together, not interacting with the other killers outside of being trolls or antagonists to them.
Frank and Julie were the “spokes persons” whenever they had to make “demands” to the other killers.
They did not to approach any of the killers alone.
The Spirit was the first of the killers to hang around with them as a “friend”. They were close to her age (of death) and as condescending as she was. They also helped her with her English.... kind of.
Myers and Freddy had tried to “pick them off”....
With Myers, they over stepped their boundaries when it came to his comfort zone and he wanted to get rid of them. He knocked Frank unconscious, broke Joey’s arm, and was about to moire Julia before Anna and Bubba were able to pull him away (Susie ran to get help).
Freddy did so for his own sadistic pleasure. After several days of sleep deprivation, and Susie needing to be waken from a coma:  The Doctor and The Nurse eventually stepped in to get Freddy to leave them alone.
The Huntress and The Clown took responsibility of The Legion after the attacks (Along with Myers, Bubba, and The Spirit... all those in need of “special attention” or those that are in the habit of isolating themselves (it is also why Kenny became “frenemies” with Freddy, to keep him from completely turning on the group))
The Legion’s love of Slasher Movies made them experts on Lore regarding Bubba, Myers, OG Freddy.... only up until the mid-90′s.... they never got to see the Halloween reboots: H20/Res, or even the RZ remakes, nor FvJ, Jason X or the Remakes of F13 and Elm Street. They think Amanda was another one of the “in house” killers like The Trapper, The Wraith, and The Nurse.
They never been in a Hot Topic. Because there wasn’t one where they lived.  Most of their gear was stolen from concerts, bikers, and sports supplies stores.
The Internet was barely functional in the 90′s... to hear Amanda talk about modern technology and smart phones in the 2010′s, it is moon speak to them. (it is moon speak to most of the killers)
The Plague
“Avoid like The Plague” became serious business.
She only speaks Ancient Mesopotamian. Refuses to lower herself to speak the tongue language of these barbarians.
Freddy’s the only one that can communicate with her due to conversations in the “mind/dream” realm being more mental-emotion based than literal-verbal language based.
She still treats him like he is a worm and a viper. Does not trust anything he tells her.
Prolong exposure to her presence will cause sickness and wounds to become infected more easily.
She was banned from being around their social/common spaces, and food and water sources by the other killers due to her infectious presence.
Spends most of her time at the killer camp encased in a tomb in isolation.
Best cook (don’t question the mystery meat...)
Anna is like the cool sister he always wanted. She’s nice to him, looks after him, and can skin a whole dear in under 20min.
Bubba doesn’t like The Legion. They would tease him more than the others. It doesn’t take much for him to go into a tantrum, or run off and cry, so they saw an easy target. (They knew when the fucked up when Anna has to get involved.... we’re sorry team mom.)
The Nurse and The Spirit scare him. He gets the heebie-geebies every time they look at him. Freddy is the worst.
Amanda has a crush on Anna, but Anna is so obvious.
She tried to be nice to The Legion when they first arrived, but they were too immature and antagonistic.
The Wraith’s cloaking is about the extent of “supernatural” she could handle. It took her a long time not to freak out over The Nurse and The Spirit still creeps her out. Freddy... lives up to his name as The Nightmare.
At least most of the killers are just big men... she could handle dealing with men.
She is aware that there is a rivalry over her between some of the men. Phil, she’s pretty sure he’s gay, even if he won’t say it... But Evan, Max, and Herman are always trying to do favors for her...  (she suspects it is because she’s the most ‘normal’ adult woman among the sausage party)
She stays clear of Myers out of principle. She watched the Halloween movies, knows what he is capable of and that reason rarely worked with him. If she had him in a proper trap-house, he’d be at her mercy, but roaming free like this? no.
Her and The Clown only sort of get along. He’s too loud and handzy, like an old drunk at a bar. She put his arm in a trap that he couldn’t break free of. He had it on for three days before he apologized to her.
The best scout... rarely does it though.
Freddy was better at avoiding any chores around the compound than Rin and Myers... until The Legion let slip that Freddy was a gardener/grounds keeper in his past life...
He used his powers on all the killers, at least once, just to test their reactions or to see what was inside their minds. Those with traumatic pasts were easy to get to.
Those that couldn’t fight back he stayed on them longer.
Until they started grouping up against him.
The Nurse, The Spirit, and The Doctor became the “vanguard” against his meddling. They could either physically attack him in the dream world or cancel out his powers all together. (The Doctor could even pull people out of a coma)
He isn’t friends with any of the killers. The Clown is the closest, and that’ll be an associate/coworker at best.
Freddy knows what The Clown is doing, and his dislike of The Doctor and the incompetence of The Trapper made him more willing to follow along with Kenny setting himself up as a back-door boss.
Was the last of the killers to “crack” and come into the group (stalking and observing didn’t count)
Nobody knew what his name was until Amanda showed up. He was just “The Shape” to them. “Holy shit! That’s Michael Myers!” 
Nobody knew his Middle-Name until The Legion wouldn’t stop calling him “Audrey”
He ignores Evan and Herman, more so when they get into cockfights over leadership. They both tried to “appeal” to him at some point to join their side.
Within the first two nights of coming to the realm, he got into a fist-fight with Evan, they both ended up rather bloody and beaten out of it. They even managed to pull their masks off in the fight. At the end of it, Evan was all “You’re just some punk kid. You ain’t worth my time.” and left Myers to his isolation after that.
Herman showed up in the realm after Myers. He introduced himself, got nowhere with the questions, and began to preach at him about “dissociative disorders”.... things Myers heard far too much about from the doctors at Smiths Grove. But this doctor was dangerous, and he only had to be hit once by the doctors madness effect to realize not not to start a fight with him and to keep his distance if possible.
There was something about The Hag’s magic that sends him on edge. It makes the hairs prickle the back of his neck whenever she activates a teleport (he didn’t even have to hear or see it go off... he’d just know) . There was a lot of things about The Hag that The Shape part of his brain responds to, like they knew one another somehow....
When all the killers go on team missions, The Clown would be assigned to keep an eye on Michael (not necessarily to work as a team, but for buddy-system safety reasons). Kenny would often address him as “My Boy” instead of his name or “The Shape” ... Michael doesn’t mind it too much.
They first tried teaming The Spirit up with Myers, but he would refuse to work with her and she took every opportunity to shirk responsibilities (she basically reminded him too much of Judith)... so nothing got done.
Freddy once attempted to put Myers to sleep, it only put the “Michael” part to sleep, but The Shape fully took over and went into berserker mode. (The Trapper, The Hillbilly, The Doctor, The Nurse, and The Huntress were needed just to pin him down and they had to lock him up until he passed out)
Myers almost drowned once (the survivors had a water trap made for The Doctor, when they set it off it dropped half the killers into a lake along with it. The Doctor managed to get a hold of The Hag and Teleport out of the way). Anna had to drag him out of the water and give him mouth-to-mouth. She was then determined to teach him how to swim. (after he got over the pneumonia from having his lungs full of dirty pond water). He found the whole thing embarrassing... especially the lessons, having to be half necked in the water with Anna, who only had a pair of shorts on and had her arms around him....ffffff.... not to mention The Spirit was watching....fml.
Because of that, Anna was the first person he said something to in 15 years (even if it is 90% “yes” and “no”... everybody (besides The Legion) thought he was mute, but when Anna asked “can you breathe?” and he gagged out a “yes” it surprised them all.)
She convinced him to eat meals around the others more often after that. He stuck close to Anna, Bubba, and Kenny the most. He didn’t mind The Wraith that much either... Still don’t like The Spirit. And he only goes around The Nurse if he has to  (after a week being sick and in Sally’s care... he’s just done with ghosts.... Rin, Sally, Freddy.... gtf away)
He would be one of the better killers, if he didn’t play around so much with his kills. Anna showed him how to kill people/animals faster... it actually made him play with them even more because he then knew what to do to prolong the process.
Myers and Anna are both Bi-Ace.... love and friendship isn’t in Myers vocabulary... they got stuck in an endless “repay a favor” loop after her rescuing him and giving him lessons.
They have to work around each other when on a hunt. He personally thinks she is too noisy and annoying on a hunt, and she thinks he takes too long fooling around. (he often has to change his killing style to go around hers, which he does not like to do).
When they are paired together on a mission, they would eventually start fighting with each other... it startled the survivors when they heard Myers tell her to “Shut. the. FUCK. UP!” about the singing and telling him to hurry up.  She then got so mad she was cursing him out in Russian... The Survivors still joke about them being an old married couple.... to their faces even. Laurie especially).
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glopratchet · 4 years
sness of astryl wylde, that are reinforced with steel plates "I'm on it, You can hear gunfire from the other side of the wall water as you walk towards the edge "You're not going to let me in? "No " He shrugs his shoulders to grab at your shield as eternal law tightens its grip Undergrowth seeking to grab at your shield as eternal law tightens its grip dot the night's sky showing a pile of overgrowth and corruption Lightpoles dot the night's sky showing a pile of overgrowth and corruption site pile of concrete and sand Construction site pile of concrete and sand holding solar generators in one hand and leadpipe cudgels in the other Earth! Majestic, stinky, incomprehensible Earth! Green-skinned bodyguards holding solar generators in one hand and leadpipe cudgels in the other wrapping around the forearms of Lead Left as he takes out a stogie from his leathery face Bandages wrapping around the forearms of Lead Left as he takes out a stogie from his leathery face hooked up to a generator as they flicker on and off showing astrological estimations, old boxing matches and game hunting shows Monitors hooked up to a generator as they flicker on and off showing astrological estimations, gun pistol automatic at your side, you look around seeing a futuristic sports car driving down the street Vaccine gun pistol automatic at your side, in urban combat gear, armed with tasers, rifles and combat polearms march down the road Shocktroops in urban combat gear, which contain harmful toxins and illegal narcotics, but that's the problem with Transiens, they'll do whatever it takes to feel Pharmaceuticals which contain harmful toxins and illegal narcotics, lodging with their own pit-bosses, private casinos and numerous other entertainments to spend your money High-roller lodging with their own pit-bosses, in a small beaten up shack situated in the top right when you first arrive in the slums, shortly before you meet ernest jenkins for the first Lizards in a small beaten up shack situated in the top right when you first arrive in the slums, crouches in an alley, as he slices open the neck of a troll Gorazel crouches in an alley, operating on two prisoners, one a shapeshifter suffering from rowdy removal and the second an orc with a diseased finger Cyber-surgeon operating on two prisoners, by the doorway saluting you as you enter the army surplus outlet Agent walking by the doorway saluting you as you enter the army surplus outlet lavishly as he extends a hand for a handshake Borders lavishly as he extends a hand for a handshake the other direction, finishing his exercise Condensation builds upon the walls in this stale office Agent stretching the other direction, trickles down her arms like an endless stream of red data streaming past Blood trickles down her arms like an endless stream of red data streaming past Agent caregiving, sitting at a folding table holding various prescriptions and clippings of well-wishes from the people she cares for laying lazily on an old, dirty mattress with springs popping out Dog laying lazily on an old, in a small, dark-browed and ill-ventilated room Agent cheese-making in a small, the lawn with a notepad in her hands talking to various patients The threat looms in the distance, and now, as those close to you have perished, your Agent roving the lawn with a notepad in her hands talking to various patients twister swirling around the city at 700km an hour Cyclone twister swirling around the city at 700km an hour flipping a pancake in the residential kitchen Errand running catching a document package at the postal office Agent well-being flipping a pancake in the residential kitchen with the fallout of the job, drinking roughly 52 pints of alcohol a day Yourself having a one night stand with apathy Agent coping with the fallout of the job, running across a cafeteria balancing 12 cups of coffee on a small tray Father forgive them, for they know not what they're doing Agent catalyzing, the bit of lawn outside the residential wing Agent landscaping the bit of lawn outside the residential wing Agent mistreating, writing R agnosing the evil of the corrupted city in a tattered notebook Hallow, born on October 31st, 940 A agnosing the evil of the corrupted city in a tattered notebook a tranquilizer hunting rifle Agent stroking a tranquilizer hunting rifle a sexual predator waiting for a victim Leaving all that is secure, and seeking inner meaning, on the path of contrition Agent portraying a sexual predator waiting for a victim bringing a cigarette to her lips whilst staring dreamily at a ring on her finger Agent evoking, taking images of the sunset over Transient House Agent photographing, with Patients through the wire of the padded cell Clutching a blood-soaked binder, content with a job well done Agent joking with Patients through the wire of the padded cell their teeth in the bathroom For when your work is done here, you'll ascend and serve the Father until the End of Days You are blessed Agent brushing their teeth in the bathroom can be a problem with the patients, luckily for you, a simple bible verse and prayer sends them shuffling back to their rooms Sundowning can be a problem with the patients, can be fairly easy if you use the sprinkler system early enough, but it can take many hours to reset and clean the pipes, so you try to limit its Sanitation can be fairly easy if you use the sprinkler system early enough, fits, caused by loud noises such as exploding heads and fire alarms, can be controlled for the most part, so you don't need to summon Rick Colossus fits, patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's can be kept under wraps with relative ease due to frequent PE sessions led by yourself or other active patients Community-dwelling patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's can be kept under wraps with relative ease due to frequent PE sessions led by yourself or other active patients dealing with unresolved guilt stemming from actions in their lives can be mitigated by an offering of moonshine after shower time Muckety-mucks dealing with unresolved guilt stemming from actions in their lives can be mitigated by an offering of moonshine after shower time promoting positive growth and interaction between patients can be held roughly once a month Ribbon-cutting promoting positive growth and interaction between patients can be held roughly once a month triggering hospice care staff don't seem to be an issue, or at least haven't been one yet Balloons triggering hospice care staff don't seem to be an issue, should happen whenever you see fit Grooming should happen whenever you see fit cat-sitting shouldn't be a problem Earthquakes and Polar bears don't affect the care of the patients Skinnys cat-sitting shouldn't be a problem shouldn't take up more than a few hours of your time, as you're needed in many other places Counseling shouldn't take up more than a few hours of your time, shouldn't really have an effect regardless of whether you frequent there or not Bartenders shouldn't really have an effect regardless of whether you frequent there or not out, similarly, shouldn't have an effect on how you work Part 3: Actually Caring While you mainly felt anger and apathy throughout this whole process Eating out, led you towards a certain kinship with Rick, the harbinger of saving patients Whisky-joint led you towards a certain kinship with Rick, led you towards thinking it was better caring for the ill rather than euthanizing them Dwelling led you towards thinking it was better caring for the ill rather than euthanizing them led you towards thinking of a potential long-lasting career in medical waste Sodbuster led you towards thinking of a potential long-lasting career in medical waste led you towards early retirement, and caring for your wife And Carrying couldn't come to a conclusion, showing that you needed more information on the issue Sleeping led you towards early retirement, was acquired for 300 points, and enhanced LLP access for to 200 points Keep or sell? Mini-chainsaw was acquired for 300 points, seems to believe mini-chainsaw will come in handy for infiltrating a bio-tech facility, while enhanced LLP access may allow for patient recoveries if your resc Astryl seems to believe mini-chainsaw will come in handy for infiltrating a bio-tech facility, "Lilly needs our help" "Bruh, that 10 gallon hat on a child" "Dat hook" Toothpaste: says he needs to work the alcohol out of his system, Cindy is content with her findings, and Astrology is trying to "connect" with "God" Shambles says he needs to work the alcohol out of his system, says she needs to look after her "children" Wet-nurse says she needs to look after her "children" goes on to explain that Chitra has left with the camp and not to attempt to follow, she also goes on the mention that it isn't the first time Chatters goes on to explain that Chitra has left with the camp and not to attempt to follow, lead to the medical facility Cam views need an eye for it, while a pinhole camera needs to be installed for the rest Passageways lead to the medical facility Required: -Brand new Maudney IV, ensuring minimal tremors and convulsions during the surgery Admission Required: can shunt weapons away from desired blood vessels and organs Weakness-magnets can shunt weapons away from desired blood vessels and organs -For maximum recovery, the patient must be kept isolated and comfortable Homelike-For maximum recovery, IV drip The tools the facility can provide are limited, but it'll do to suit the most of what you learned Cafffeine IV drip is transformed into a weapon with fine-tuning The eyes are the windows to your soul, after all Cognizance is transformed into a weapon with fine-tuning Cleanest medical records for twenty miles Nursing Service Step 1 Life-saving doesn't have to be painful or depressing The quicker the last breath is taken, the less pain the patient feels are involved in speeding that last breath up and ensuring swift death Pain, fear, and risk of death are substantially increased Surgeries are involved in speeding that last breath up and ensuring swift death Open-heart surgery can be reliably performed in more than 90% of all predicted patient deaths Worth a massive fortune to any "artist" willing to trade eyes for an artistic outlet Mousehole: -incitement can breathe life into corpses for a limited time Resurrection-incitement can breathe life into corpses for a limited time Just a tool for the unsung, unwritten ghosts of the highways So much more than just "a place to sleep" Elongation of the brainstalk allows for easier manipulation may hold the key to unlocking new forms of treatment Galoshes are standard in every dwelling Booty may hold the key to unlocking new forms of treatment hardware can be worked into amusing toys Rusted-out hardware can be worked into amusing toys Eternal burning? Eternal wailing? Eternal existence? If the soul is eternal, then perhaps it isn't in pain Bach The man, the myth oil is a versatile resource When the goblins came, I didn't see this ending any other way Automaton oil is a versatile resource Wonder if they still have soda fountains where you're going Deserts Spelunking is totally a thing! turbines are necessary for the smallest vibrations in recorded music Wonder what you'll think of way down there Dust turbines are necessary for the smallest vibrations in recorded music Ashes Gary R Phoof Flaming messiah Young guy in a robe came in daily to trade a few obscure items and gather various firearms and ammo Restoring faith in an uncertain world Marigolds Nazi typewriter cuticles end in alopecia universalis Worst gallstone instrumentality ever inflicted on mankind Gangrenous cuticles end in alopecia universalis Ambient kitchenware Upside-down coffee pot Five pools of blood quench the thirst of a household You're Going to Die Here "You have 24 hours A standard shot clocks in at exactly 24 seconds One bullet One target Prophecy: With the position from each camera, it's easy to find where exactly this "best shot" sniper guy will strike The church, naturally Timing Timing is literally the difference between life and death in this case, according to the note Chunks of pure, melted metal can be found around the complex Addressing crowds is an artform taught at the Academy "Water is everywhere, yet often unseen Holy water procured from a generous clergyman or woman Turns out the townspeople are beginning to address your concerns Record numbers of viewers have talked about leaving in steamboats time: now Sight Have you omitted something? Delivery time: I swear, you go to all this trouble and you use wood to fuel the pyre forth from the rotted lump He's not like you or the rest of these idiots It's almost like he hasn't aged a single day Oozes forth from the rotted lump If you've learned anything about Dr Sonata Right to a good, working brain Kovas, it's that he loves the limelight Just keep talking Keep walking It's easy You've done this a thousand times before Thumbs "The crowd loved it The large doc murmurs appreciatively, staring at the tied off plastic bags of blood strength potions Clean ones at that, with no obvious industrial additives Message in a Trade Agreement And Governor Gosse signed without hesitation Just like that Garden-variety strength potions Everything you'll need C5H12; (6) + 3O2 ------ Energy: 563 and Chemistry Despot The Czar As neat as the numbers look on paper, the mess must be cleaned By noose or by pi Designers and Chemistry Despot Five thousand bow in your presence Unreasonable demands The band of rogues complies and cowers in fear He keeps scolding and admonishing you for being "inappropriate" during the speech I want your heavy, lovely head to fall asleep Blood flows quickly enough Friends You'll trade a million enemies to have one more day with Henry Dead Innocents A bribe? "But doctor, why? All he can offer you is to help as best he can, his poor reaction time hardly ideal narrow Eight hundred miles around the cylinder Clustered population, expansive territory otherwise Notion About three days' ride away from you Vicinity: Dairy & Dealers Everything you need is right here Innovation is Outlawed The sinister seductress! But it's the only way in, correct? APBs Hunting high and low for Missouri's next top hitman But the passing water hampers any sort of smell by winds Diving Restraints? You're a bit taken aback by what sort of "mission" this is Dumpster Diving Restraints? The horses deserve a rest, anyway Skunks You dump the bow in the grass Seems like something you could fashion into a makeshift gun rest You're going to finish this mission or die in the process, Kovas Warm But it sure is a cozy little start Not just the clothes that assimilate to the body But they change everything at last in some snowy grotto A whole army of giants, slavering myrmidons ready to charge into the fray as you please Tactical blunder? Or master stroke? Masked man There's no one to see you the rest of the night Teetotaler Masked man It helps to pass the time, but donates nothing substantial Libraries? Of course you'd think of that here Lizard or amphibian? You hold out for something more substantial You chew on some fried butterfly wings and wash it down with fetid swamp water Lizard-on-a-stick Lizard or amphibian? You fill in the hole and cover the ground as best you can You pack up your things and retire from this dead end It's a familiar sight You grow bored Yes! this is it! This is exactly what you came here for! Genetics and Metamorphosis Manticores and Griffins A fascinating account of affixing modified human tissue onto transformed individuals organs Moreauvian Genetics and Metamorphosis if you wish to glide back down Ease too quickly and angularity will rip your arm off The feat is adrenaline-inducing You need to enter the air at a precise speed and angle if you wish to glide back down and starved just like it happened with your predecessor If impact is to shallow then back you go back into space to be frozen and starved just like it happened with your predecessor There is no single gravity in the oven, but if you skip it back and forth rapidly you can propel it forward Snapper-Beep! You retch up a wad of grayish goo Thank heavens you arent shelled And onto the kitchen island counter it lands with a wet plop The neon text hovers before you, twisting and shaping into letters before your eyes You bring your fist down and smash the air with a grunt, euphoric adrenaline coursing through
0 notes
terryblount · 4 years
DOOM Eternal PC Review: The End Is Nigh
The tagline of the game is “rip and tear, until it is done”, but ripping and tearing is only a portion of what the game has to offer. The DOOM Slayer has been unleashed upon earth to destroy everything that is evil in his path. You can rip and tear demons in half, or pull their freaking head off. You can slash and stab them in the jugular, or in the brain. You can shoot them in the face and break their necks. You can force feed them explosives and pull their disgusting eyes out. You can smash their head with your bloody fists or with your feet, stomping them until there’s nothing left. Hell, you can even reduce them to a puddle of blood and guts.
You play as the Slayer, the one – the only – humankind’s rage, its will to persevere, to overcome that which would threaten its survival. The Slayer is uncompromising; a relentless being of extreme violence that knows no signs of hesitation. He cuts through the demon hordes like a sickle through a field; his fury surpassing their own. He is faster, more unyielding, an avenging angel, the right hand of Doom here to save humanity from its sins. He is the DOOM Slayer and his fight is… Eternal!
Scary Stories For Baby Demons
DOOM is no longer a brainless first-person demon killing simulator. That was DOOM 2016, which was excellent by the way. DOOM Eternal offers the same and more compared to its predecessor. One of these new things the game has to offer is story. Yes, you read that right; DOOM now has a story. A very simple story, but a story nonetheless. I will keep it rather simple as the game has a lot of lore for you to dive into. You can even read a lengthy back-story regarding the history of the Sentinels.
This is Novik, your King. But no King can hold back the Slayer.
In the time of King Novik, ruler of Sentinel Prime and Argent D’Nur, as the Argenta secured peace through dimensions across time and space, the Slayer is found by the Night Sentinels outside the castle walls. The Sentinels, defenders of the land, found the Outlander bloodied, clawed and near death, mumbling of impending Doom and the forces of Darkness. By Argenta law, he would be given a second chance to fight for his freedom in the Coliseum. With his mind crippled with rage, he proves his worth and emerges victorious. “Rip and Tear” they shouted as he pushed beyond mortal wounds and certain death. And so, the Slayer is born!
“If you continue you will bring down the heaven’s wrath. You are but one man – they are no longer your people to save!”
King Novik warning the Slayer
It’s been eight months since the events of the previous title, when the Slayer awoke to, once again, destroy evil. Demonic forces have overrun earth, wiping out 60% of the planet’s population, under the now-corrupted Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC). The Slayer returns to earth to quell the demonic party by destroying the Hell Priests. The Hell Priests are powerful magicians who work for the corrupted former leader of the Slayer’s society. Her name is Khan Maykr!
Graphics, Controls And OMG The Optimization Of This Game
Visually, the game looks great. It’s not THE best looking game, however, it’s certainly a looker. In some rare occasions, you will stumble upon some low resolution textures. On the other hand, the game uses a brighter palette of colors compared to the prior game which was a bit darker. Locations and enemies also look crispier, though some enemies might look a bit less menacing than before.
In a second this demon will look less menacing without its head
The controls are perfect and this is probably the first time I didn’t have to change any key bindings. There is no mouse acceleration or smoothing, and to be honest I don’t even remember if there even is such an option in the settings. I only played with mouse and keyboard, so I have no idea whether the game runs/works great on a gamepad.
“Saving your people will not bring you peace, only make the burden you carry worse.”
The Betrayer advising the Slayer
Now what about optimization you might ask. Well, in case you haven’t already read John’s Performance Analysis, it is simply amazing. Seriously, this is probably the most optimized game I played in the last few years. With all the settings maxed, I had stable sixty frames per second at all times. I did not encounter any stuttering, nor crashes or bugs of any kind. The only issue I rarely had was clipping through objects or walls during the finishing animations. That’s about it. Phenomenal work from id Software.
Audio, Music And Voice Acting
The voice acting is all right. Nothing extraordinary and it’s not like the game has many dialogues or cutscenes anyway. While you can see much more of the Slayer this time, you will not hear him talking. At least not in a conventional way. Though, there is a setting that enables “Slayer pain grunts“, meaning you will hear him grunt whenever he receives damage.
The game features a photo mode and the Slayer is all about posing.
The music is fantastic and it fits the title just perfectly as long as you are akin to heavy metal music. Most of the music features heavy metal riffs and a choir of heavy metal vocalists. Demonic chanting and loud electric guitar sounds will also accompany you through the slaughter and mayhem.
All weapons feature unique sounds and some of them sound very familiar to the previous title. The rest of the sounds like ripping, pulling or even using the chainsaw on the demons are great as well. There are also sound notifications for equipment recharging, meaning you will hear a sound whenever your grenade is ready for use.
Ripping And Tearing, No Sewing
DOOM is probably among the most legendary first-person shooters in the world. The series always featured exceptional shooting mechanics and DOOM Eternal is no exception to the rule. The game performs and feels great. Shooting demons with any weapon feels smooth and natural. It basically feels just right. All the weapons have unique characteristics, with each having its own strengths and weaknesses. Each weapon handles differently and they all have recoil. And while the weapons do not feel arcade-ish, you should not expect a military simulator.
“If Sentinel holy blood is spilled on these grounds..you will lose all sovereignty here!”
Deag Grav taunting the Slayer.
Just like the previous game, most weapons in DOOM Eternal have two different attachments, which you can find scattered in the world or locked behind doors. For instance, the combat shotgun features a grenade launcher and an auto-loader. The first attachment shoots grenades, obviously, and the second provides the capability of rapid firing. You can change attachments on the fly and all attachments can be upgraded. They even have a mastery challenge. Thus, upon completion, your selected attachment becomes even more powerful. Now some of these challenges might be bothersome for some people. Thankfully, though, mastery tokens can be found scattered around the game’s world, however they are only available in the late game.
I never really liked this weapon, but know I do. Microwaving demons was never so fun!
Lastly, what would DOOM be without gore, blood and guts? I adore the gore in this game. It is extremely satisfying watching bullets shred your enemies’ flesh off their bodies, ripping them in half and stabbing them in the ear with their own arm. The visual damage/wound system is spectacular, and probably the best in a first-person shooter. Still, I believe that Resident Evil 2 Remake did it slightly better.
My only gripe is that the bodies of your enemies will immediately disappear after you kill them. I really don’t understand why this happens, especially since the  game runs so well. I doubt it would have made a significant difference in frames, even if they hadn’t removed the ragdoll from the bodies. Thankfully, the blood decals stay a bit longer.
Glorious Glory Kills
Guns are not the only weapons available for the Slayer. Doing enough damage to the enemies puts them in a stun state, in which you can perform a glory kill. A glory kill is basically a very brutal execution. These executions have different animations depending the angle you initiate the glory kill. Therefore, you will see different animations from the front, the back, the side and from above.
Screaming wont help you Mr. Arachnotron. Don’t you know people hate spiders?
Most glory kills are being performed with the newly acquired Slayer blade, the Doomblade. This extendable blade is mounted on the Slayer’s left arm and it can only be accessed and used through glory kills. The rest of the executions are being performed by the Slayer’s hands or feet, and let me tell you they are god – damn – glorious. In case you don’t like them, you can completely ignore them. You can even disable the visual notification glow that appears on enemies when they are susceptible to a glory kill. Just keep in mind that all glory kills provide health pickups.
The Chainsaw, Enemy Weaknesses And Difficulty
The Slayer has a chainsaw which won’t be used to cut down trees. Instead, he can use it to saw demons in half. The chainsaw works almost the same as it did in Doom 2016. You can use the chainsaw on demons and by doing so they will spawn ammunition for all your guns. You can also use the chainsaw on big bad demons, however, it will consume/require more fuel. The chainsaw is a vital part of the game and it’s almost impossible for the player to avoid using it. Still, and if you are brave enough, you can try not to. If you run out of ammo, the game will automatically equip the chainsaw and you can use at any time (as long as you have enough fuel).
It looks like this demon is in pain, but in reality, demons love the chainsaw! Otherwise, why would they leave fuel lying around everywhere?
This time around, most enemies now have weaknesses, especially the larger demons. The Revenant, for instance, relies on its shoulder mounted rockets to deal damage. If you destroy them, it will effectively impair the demon, giving you an advantage over it. On the other hand, some enemies have more specific weaknesses. The Cacodemon, for example, can be easily staggered by throwing or launching grenades directly to its filthy mouth. As such, specific weapons will be more effective to specific enemies. In case you don’t optimize your enemy encounters, and since ammunition is rather limited, you will most probably need to refill your weapons by using the chainsaw. Ultimately, this means that players who like playing the game with only one or two weapons may find it a tad more difficult.
“My soul remains guarded, you can’t…”
Deag Nilox last words before meeting his demise.
Which brings us to the next point; difficulty. The game is not very easy, even on the normal difficulty, and on higher difficulties the game becomes insane. On Ultra-Violence, which is the hardest difficulty, I had to strategize before engaging in combat. I also had to pick up every available resource I could find in order to survive.
Doom Eternal features many different types and variations of demons. As such, the game will throw you different enemies to slaughter, something you will easily notice in later levels. The enemies are also more aggressive than before. Forget about standing still; you will be dead in seconds. Thankfully, this is balanced by the Slayer’s movement, which is faster compared to the previous game. Also, the double jump and dash abilities are available from the start. Finally, and even though the boss fights are very few, they are quite fun.
Where Does He Keeps All These Stuff
But wait, there are even more weapons with which you can create pandemonium. The game offers two different kind of grenades. The first is the classic explosive grenade and the second is the frost grenade. Another new addition is the flamethrower, or more like the tiny flamethrower, which is attached on the Slayer’s left shoulder. It releases small bursts of flame which can ignite enemies for a limited time. While the enemy is on fire, any extra damage will spawn armor pickups. All equipment have unlimited uses, but they need time to recharge. You can upgrade all equipment with different currencies, and by collecting secrets.
Damn, some demons will eat anything. This Mancubus is choking on his own power core. Bon appétit you big fat ugly bastard.
An Armored Suit Made For A God
What would the Slayer be without his armored suit, the Praetor Suit? Well, a very scary angry naked dude. The Praetor suit is not just cosmetic. The suit can be upgraded via tokens, crystals and runes. You can increase health, armor and ammo capacity. You can also further augment the suit with certain new abilities. The suit is also customizable with different skins, which you can unlock as you progress. You can even wear the original DOOM suit, though please do me a favor and do not wear that pink unicorn Twitch skin monstrosity; I beg of you.
Did Someone Call For Samus?
As I have already mentioned, DOOM Eternal is a bit different than its predecessors. The game now features platform elements. As such, you will be jumping, climbing and solving logical puzzles. Heck, you can even swim this time around. A significant portion of the game is figuring your way to the next fight, and a lot of times you will have to complete a series of challenges in order to achieve that. I am pretty sure many people will not like it. However, and in my humble opinion, it is a nice change of pace. None of these platforming sections are really hard though some of them may annoy some players.
Vinyl collection is one of the many pastimes of the Slayer. He loves his vinyls.
There is a ton of secrets to discover, like power-ups, lore, collectibles, and more. Many of these can be found “organically” while you progress. However, some others are well hidden. Extremely well hidden I might add. Not only that, but some are hidden even behind environmental puzzles. Therefore, I would recommend purchasing the upgrade that shows all the secrets in the map as soon as you can. Otherwise, you will be in a world of pain and… well… you are already in Hell. Speaking of map, the game features an awesome and very easily accessible Metroidvania-like map. For what it’s worth, I had zero issues with the map and I never got myself lost. My only issue was with the lore collectibles as you have to open the menu, and read a bunch of text. The previous DOOM game did it better by having real-time narration.
The Floating Fortress
The Fortress of DOOM is a space station designed by the people of Argent D’Nur. It was originally intended as a base of operations for the Night Sentinels. The fortress is the Slayer’s safe haven and he even has his own personal quarters.
This is the Slayer’s private quarters where he keeps some of his collectibles. Here’s also where he jams!
The fortress works as a main hub where you can initiate missions, master levels, re-play missions, unlock upgrades and collectibles. You can even see some of the collectibles you picked, decorating the walls. There are also several easter eggs to be found within the fortress.
Is DOOM Really Eternal?
The first DOOM is probably my favorite game, and that’s because it holds a very special place in my heart. But, if I had to choose one without being sentimental, I would probably choose DOOM Eternal. I am a creature of habit and I do not usually like change. DOOM Eternal is different, but not in a bad way. The game offers exactly the same as before and even more.
“For millennia, we have survived. Made others sacrifice in the name of our prosperity. Who are you, a human, once a mortal, to defy our traditions?!”
Khan Maykr preaching to the Slayer.
There are only a few new things that aren’t optional; the rest are up to the player. Hell, you can even finish the game in a couple of hours if that’s what you want. You don’t like cutscenes? You don’t like puzzles and collectibles? You don’t like finishers? You don’t like RPG mechanics? Just skip them all.
Are you ready to face your fears? Are you strong enough to enter the gates of Hell? Even if you are not, he is!
Of course there are some things you cannot completely avoid, such as sections of platforming and the use of the chainsaw for ammunition. So, if these are a major issue for you, you should consider keeping your money for something else. Maybe Resident Evil 3 Remake? On the other hand, if you don’t really mind these things, you will most likely have a hell of a time.
Seriously, think of all the games Bethesda released the last few years. Bethesda needs this game to be a success if they ever want to crawl out from the hole of disappointment (in which they already live in comfortably). And, well, here comes id Software and single-handedly saves Bethesda from its… doom.
Lots of tools to experiment
Great shooting mechanics
Excellent wound system
Numerous collectibles
Amazing optimization
Variety of glory kills
Superb soundtrack
Beautiful locations
Enemy variation
Superb controls
Cool story
Bodies vanish into thin air
No in-game audio for lore collectibles
Platforming might be bothersome
Frequent use of the chainsaw can be annoying
                Computer Specs: CPU: i5 4440, GPU: Palit 1660Ti OC 6GB, RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws X 16GB, HDD: Crucial 275GB MX300, OS: Win7, 1080p
Playtime: 10+ hours total, this an estimate since the Bethesda launcher does not keep track of the time played.
The post DOOM Eternal PC Review: The End Is Nigh appeared first on DSOGaming.
DOOM Eternal PC Review: The End Is Nigh published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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Matthew 5:4, and the Grief of Change
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
These are the words of Jesus, from the Beatitudes portion of the Sermon on the Mount. I’ll spend my life unpacking those three chapters, the very heart of the Gospel itself.
Let me tell you a bit about my poly friend Trevor. We entered poly at the same time, enrolled into the same school but in different courses, graduated together. Among all my non-Mass Comm FMS friends, he was my closest one. We happened to be in the same IS classes most of the time. Trevor was a man of invincible patience and quiet resolve. Outside of class, people always remarked on his kindness; it had this gentle strength that had the ability to lift people without inflating them as well as humble them without degrading them. Even when he was tired, he still made the effort to offer a smile (that was bright enough to light up any room/photo) and entertain stories and humour, and even when I was tired, he’d always initiate conversation. He was pure sunshine, and I didn’t deserve a friend like him.
Trevor had an upbeat, happy-go-lucky personality that endeared him to so many, but I saw through the veneer pretty quick and knew he was hurting badly, because I fight suicidal thoughts on a daily basis too, and still do. Being bubbly and animated and self-deprecating is also how I bury my demons. And it kills me inside now that even though we talked several times at length about our battles with depression, I wasn't there for him in the end when I had ample chance to. I wish I could've told him that he wasn’t the only fighter. I wish I could hug him and his scars and say "I swear it'll be okay, not today but one day". So when I received the news, my heart broke, because as much as I wish I had the capacity to carry the weight of both our tortured souls, I know I'm not strong enough.
So when I was offshore on NS duties finding out he had taken his life by jumping from the 23rd storey of his HDB flat, time stood still. It was beyond anything I’d ever experienced before. An exhausting, lonely heartache. Grief is a non-linear process; it comes and goes in waves like the tideline. There are periods where there’s an underlying dullness but sometimes and without warning, there’s a searing sharpness that rends heart cartilage like a chainsaw. It’s a jackhammer to the inner recesses of the soul. Recall the ache you feel when you’ve been away from your brothers for too long and the drive to be reunited and the resolution the moment you see them again. You could anticipate and count it down; work towards it. Now amplify that ache until every breath is like toxic fire and your chest physically locks up and feels like collapsing from the weight and you realise that ache can never be soothed in your lifetime. It hurts to the extent the loss doesn’t feel survivable. If love could have saved me, he would have lived forever.
There’s no resolution. Only the numbing nothingness their absence leaves you with when you go to bed. You can only wait for the promise of heaven and even with that hope, if you skip the airy theological bullshit and are honest with yourself, you have no tangible conception of what that looks like. That makes it less comforting than it probably should be. All you have left is faith. When all logic is stripped from you, you’re forced into the corner of faith where you have no control over the nightmare. Faith only offers the hope that your loss can be redeemed. Faith is the bridge between suffering and mercy.
I remember booking out early in a state of catatonic numbness to catch his cremation service at Mandai Crematorium. his aunt showed me the suicide note. Reading it, coupled with seeing his face stitched back together fractured my heart beyond repair. I remembered his note including that he wanted clubbing music played throughout the duration of his wake. I laughed perhaps the saddest laugh I’ve ever laughed, because that was so him. Even past the end. If he were still around he’d probably make some inappropriate pun joke about being forever 21. I remember how badly I broke down when his whole NDU company gave their loudest hooyah as his coffin moved towards the flames. I remember being on the bus back from the crematorium showing his father, with his tired strength, a photo of Trevor at MBS with the angel wings, months before he took his life. I regret that we never took any together, procrastinating like there’d be a next time. I’ve come to the conclusion that grief never really changes. You never “grow out of it”. Time never really heals it. You just sorta forget what it feels like not to be broken, until brokenness becomes the new norm you learn to walk through every day. It’s like the ocean; sometimes the waves are calm and rhythmic, and other days overwhelming, but always there. The only thing I can learn to do is swim until I’m outta strength.
It’s no secret by now that I’m uprooting myself from my hometown of Singapore  and moving indefinitely for the long term. I’ve migrated so many times since 2001 when I first left Singapore, but this one feels different; it’ll be the first time I’ll be overseas by myself. Axing out my support networks and rebuilding afresh.
I am an emotional person, and despite my happy-go-lucky energetic demeanours, by default I’m a deeply sad, melancholic person. I’m usually numb to goodbyes (which is probably why I don’t want people to send me off at the airport because it feels disingenuous to me) but I can anticipate this will be a loss I may not fully face or grieve, although I think I would have in the past. This is an ending to a chapter in my life that will change my course, and looking back every time I relocated I thought I was coping the best I could, but I tried to get past it as quickly as possible, perhaps at the expense of truly going through it.
I tend to desensitise myself from the hysteria of such maudlin feelings, distracting myself with other things. Good things, like finding out what comes next and embarking on a new quest, knowing there has to be more where that came from. As well as not-so-good things, like trying to cling to connections like driftwood to aid treading waters and avoid drowning. I should have let go and trusted I would fall into an ocean of love and grace, but all I can see is a sea of sorrow and forgetfulness. But in all those feelings: sadness, regret, depression, even being suicidal, I didn’t feel alone.
These are two of many stories that I tell, not because they’re the perfect examples of the mourning beatitude that this post is about, but simply because they are intensely personal, and they are mine.
If you’ve read this far, you will have your own personal and painful stories of grief, the change/transition it brought, the wounds you carry, and the ever-ongoing healing process. At the end of the day, grief is different for everyone. And what makes pain so unbearable is the way it isolates us from one another with an innate hurdle to overcome in order to communicate it. We try to bring a crumb of comfort by saying things like “I know how you feel”, but even if we have been through a similar experience, those words are trite, untrue, and inauthentic. How can we possibly know how someone else feels? We can relate, but we can’t intimately know, because it’s so different for everyone. So maybe the best alternative we have is to join people in their sadness, loss, and/or rage.
And that is the God behind this beatitude. Compassion, broken into its Latin root words are “com” (meaning “together”) and “pati” (meaning “suffering”). Therefore, to “have compassion” just as Jesus did on the crowd that gathered to hear Him preach this very sermon, is to be willing to “suffer together” with people. This is the God of the Bible, the story of the One who hears the cry of the disillusioned, hurting, victimised, broken, lonely. God hears the blood of Abel crying out from holy ground. He goes to Sodom and Gomorrah personally to investigate the outcry that reached Him. He heard the groans of the Israelites in the misery of their slavery. Throughout Scripture, God hears the cry and draws close. The tears of the brokenhearted, downtrodden, crestfallen, vulnerable, are irresistible to His love. He is drawn like a magnetic force to their side.
Whenever i read “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted”, I automatically think about the loss/death of someone close, and we can’t bear to be apart from. This pain feels way to deep down in the soul to ever recover from. The grief that comes with that kind of loss, especially if far too premature (like Trevor, who was two weeks away from his 22nd birthday), is beyond words. But grief is also more than that.
The way we experience grief is as unique as our fingerprints. Whatever our grief may be, it’s not really about the experience of grief itself but the onset of the change it causes. Especially those transitory changes we don’t want to happen. There is a no-judgment zone when it comes to grief. There’s no grief that’s “worse than this one”. Whatever happened, whatever you’re facing, whatever curveball change that has derailed the track of your life, that is your grief. Comparison sends you down a path of the deepest darkness. You will always find someone better off and worse off than you.
This mourning beatitude is like a trumpet blast that opens its arms and welcomes us all in. Maybe you’ve been abused, raped, had a miscarriage or abortion, experienced divorce, separation, job firing, career-ending injury, had a terminal diagnosis, were sentenced after conviction, sent your child off to college (like my parents in a couple weeks) etc... things like these and more force us into surprising and unwanted transitions of some kind. Unexpected change shifts the course of our lives, and there’s grief in that.
We can also mourn what’s never been. For instance, maybe you were abandoned/orphaned at a young age and grew up without knowing your parents or had a facsimile of them, or perhaps through happenstance you were born into poverty or underprivileged/oppressed minority. We are missing something that would have been there for us had our circumstances been different, and locked deep inside us, there is a latent sadness awaiting to be unleashed. There is a river of sorrow flowing through all of us deeply, and if we knew how to access it any moment, we would all be sobbing messes and emotional wrecks.
This deep sorrow is not necessarily a negative thing. Quite the opposite, actually. It’s the sorrow of not being home or where we belong. The homesick sorrow. The Welsh have a word that has no direct English transliteration: “hiraeth”. The wistful sorrow of what our eyes have seen over the years. The question is whether we are going to be willing to access this deep river of sorrow and find it, befriend it, let its currents carry you through the season of grieving.
Many people at this point would ask me “why do we have to go there? It’s the past. It’s been done. It can't be erased.” Or perhaps a more modern pop culture reference: “no one can rewrite the stars”. My response would be: “because if you mourn, you will be comforted. Jesus promises that. The inference here is that if you don’t, you won’t be.” The flight from sorrow leads to the loss of hope, and the downward spiral from there usually implodes as self-destruction.
And fi you feel as though you don’t have a reason to mourn/deserve to mourn/want to mourn, the Greek word for “mourn” is pentheo. That’s the word Matthew uses here to describe that very beatitude. It refers to someone mourning the power of the wicked over the righteous. This is about the people who are at the bottom, the trapped and helpless and in anguishing despair because of it. This is about the person who works three jobs and still can’t make ends meet. This is about the single mother who can’t support her children even on welfare. It’s about the parents who read all the books and give their very best to a child who continues to make poor decisions. It’s about the misfit student who feels left out and misunderstood and mocked by classmates. It’s about the little girl who has been forced into prostitution. It’s about the boy who feels nobody can understand their pain and wants to jump off the 23rd storey of their HDB flat. It’s about me not knowing what the hell I’m doing relocating to Australia when I’ve established a decent social pillar of support here in Singapore and wondering if I’m making the wrong decision. God is the God of the suicidal as well. In other words, there isn’t any place in the human story you can look where you won’t find a little panther. This is about all of us when we’re helpless and alone, and rock bottom has caved in and we’re sinking further still.
Welcome to the upside down message of the Beatitudes, where we find out that in the emptiness of the void, when all hope seems lost, when it’s irreparably unfixable, when we are grieving the absence of righteousness and justice, when there is no joy... God is on our side.
So what does the second part of that verse, “comfort”, look like?
If you’re like me, I often tell myself “I’m trying to get rid of this grief but I can’t seem to do that. I’m trying to get past it but can’t.” The thing is, the more we ‘try’, the more we resist. The only way is to go through it. We have to feel it, headfirst and full on. And not only feel it, but have people around who sees us. The simple act of being seen unlocks permission to grieve.
It’s a hard thing, having your life so radically changed one day, and then the next day to see everyone else carrying on as if nothing happened. Does anybody see me? Does anybody care? These are still anxiety-spurring questions I deal with when I look ahead to my departure, from Singapore this month, as well as in the (hopefully distant) future, from this earth.
Maybe that’s the heart of pain. We long for a witness. We long for people to see what we’re going through. We long for someone to affirm our cataclysmic devastation. We weren’t hardwired to live alone. No man is an island. We were made for each other, and nothing separates us as quickly as pain we cannot relate to.
The first time I left Singapore in 2001, a month after 9/11, I stayed a couple months in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, before settling down in San Francisco, California for five years. One of the most famous landmarks is the Golden Gate Bridge. Or perhaps, infamous, because it’s the most renowned place in the world where people commit suicide. One side faces the Pacific Ocean, and the other faces the city. The majority of people who jump, jump from the city side. I wonder if they’re looking for witnesses. And it doesn’t take much imagination to hear their souls screaming “There is no one to comfort me” (much like Lamentations 1:21) as they commit to plunging over the edge.
There’s a village somewhere in the world where if someone dies, all the households in the village change something in their own yard or on their house that every night. The next day, when those who are mourning leave their house, they not only know for themselves that their world has changed, but see that the world has changed and that things will not be the same for everyone around them too. We should all have tradition. The most healing hee can offer is to let the pain of others disrupt us and our neat little schedules.
Shiva in the Jewish tradition is like this. It means seven in the Jewish language, and signifies the seven days of mourning after a close family member dies and is buried. The family commemorates by an act called “sitting shiva”, where they receive visitors into the bereaved home. It’s an ancient ritual dating back to what Joseph did in Genesis when his father Jacob died. The purpose of the visit is to offer comfort, and that comfort comes sometimes without words. It’s the gift of presence, seeing their grief with human eyes, and joining with them in it. It’s not just being there, it’s being present and in the moment.
This can unlock a piece of Jesus’ baffling announcement about comfort to those who mourn, because in our pain and in our grief, in the injustice of our situations, when we want answers in plain black and white, when we get angry and disenfranchised, when we are crying out for clarity and a way past this grief, when we are in the dark, deafening, lonely silence, we are offered presence, and God finds us in the places we are least likely to look. How often the expression is “Oh my God” when we see something good or evil. We intrinsically want answers. What is offered is the ministry of presence. Blessed are those who ache, for wherever they are, God is in their midst.
There’s more than one grief lurking beneath the surface, waiting to be awakened by another triggered changing of the seasons, or epoch transition. So while the wound is as vast as the sea and we mourn loved ones lost and/or the farewell of cherished places as we leave them behind, as we detach from careers ending, as we ache in the absence of something or someone we once had or we never had, we too, can grieve loss.
And just like in the grass in spring, the sunrise after the night, the thawing after the winter, we discover the invitation to carry on.
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