#also this prolly is like the crappiest writting i've ever done so if you enjoy i will be shooketh to the max
Very random 11th Doctor thing
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You always straightening his bowtie when in the tardis
Then the tardis will “accidentally” move knocking both of you over
Causing you to fall on top of the doctor 
The doctor would get very nervous very fast and he wouldn’t know what to do
He would just nervously laugh while you are dying laughing because he doesn't know what to do 
You would have to be the first one to get up 
He would just sit up after you get off of him and just take a sigh of relief 
You would extend your hand out to help him up
He would take it
But once up he would quickly let go and start wiping off his suit and pants
You would laugh as you see that his bowtie is more crooked than it was before
So you would walk up to him and try to fix it again
He would just laugh again 
After you fix it, there is an awkward moment where neither of you know what to do next
So it would result in the doctor giving you that smile, and walking out of the Tardis to see where you’ve landed 
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You walk into the tardis control room and see the doctor trying on different pairs of glasses, looking at his reflection on the screen when he puts them on. You see him trying on thick black frames, and then thin brown ones. He notices you from the side of the room and stops admiring himself on the screen. "Which ones do you think looks better?" He asked as you approached him near the controls. He showed you the options by modeling them both off for you. He tried on the black ones and did a spin and at the end winked at you. He then turned his back to you and put on the other pair of glasses he spun around and smiled at you while you were laughing at his incredible goofiness. "The black ones" you said smiling. His face lit up and he put the black ones back on. "Thank you" he replied and he continued on with pressing buttons on the Tardis console. "Doctor, if you don't mind me asking. Why do you need glasses?" He spun around and replied, "Because my dear y/n. Glasses are cool." 
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11 x reader
°A very special holiday°
A story in which the Doctor wants to make a very special day just for you
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It was just another not normal day in the Tardis. You both just finished running away from a very crazy Marilyn Monroe that you accidently ran into at one of Frank Sinatra's famous parties. She was chasing the Doctor around trying to convince him that they were certainly and most definitely married. 
He quickly stood from his chair and walked over to yours. 
Once safely inside the Tardis you and the doctor both fell onto the command chairs by the console. 
"Doctor you did not tell me that you knew Marilyn Monroe!"
He just laughed and smiled, "Well you weren't supposed to find out like that!" He sat there and started laughing. Which made you laugh even more. Which just resulted in a gigantic laughing fit. Once the laughing died down, you decided that it was time for a quick nap. 
"Well Doctor, I must say you keep me on my toes. But right now I'm exhausted from running away from famous people." 
"Well my good lady I bid you a good night." He smiled and outstretched his hand for you to grab and lift yourself up to your feet. He smiled and sorta awkwardly waved goodnight as you walked to the corridor your room was on. 
When you reached your bed you fell on top of it and fell asleep with a smile on your face. 
The Doctor on the other hand had a gigantic smile and was laughing and dancing around the Tardis console singing fly me to the moon when an idea sparked in his head. He's been making you run around with him for continuous days. Why not make a special day for you? Including all of your favorite things. 
First he had to make a stop at a 21st grocery store. Now of course he would have loved to do this with you but this was a special surprise for you and he had to make it as extravagant as possible. 
He parked the Tardis in the parking lot and started his journey for operation special day. Now he couldn't think of a better name so he just went with that till something better would come around in that big brain of his.
"Walmart" he said in a curious tone. "Walmarty. Walmat. Wallmot." He tried pronouncing it in different tones til he found his favorite fake accent, Texan. He quickly had another idea and ran back inside the Tardis and grabbed his Stetson and wore it inside the store. 
Now he thought he was ready to move onto the next location. But that was until he saw matching pjs that had tiny elves on them. Now the Doctor knew you hated cringy things like that because he's tried it before. Once at a halloween party he tried to make you both go as a werewolf and a vampire (who was supposed to be who? Only he knew) but you REFUSED to that for many reasons. Many of which the Doctor did not understand at all. But he grabbed them anyways just in case you were feeling a little bit generous in wearing them someday. 
Now usually when the Doctor goes to places like this he has his companion come with him. But he had to do this alone and quickly because you would not sleep for long. At least not as long as the normal human being.
When he walked in he was very curious at all the displays around the store, movies for only $5, a tub of flip-flops, every checkout aisle containing gum and other fun candies and his most favorite section was the giant tall box containing all different sorts of balls. Let's say he may have spent a few minutes taking one out and trying to toss it back in.  
Thankfully he decided to travel at night so there weren't too many people there, but a few strange faces did show up. But he decided just to smile and continue walking, these people looked quite normal, other than that one man wearing a chicken onesie, which may or may not resulted in him asking the man where he got it he wrote it down so he could get one in the future. 
Finally the Doctor decided to get the items he came for instead of exploring the wonders of the modern day store. 
He first went over to the small section of Christmas decorations, he somehow managed to travel to the summertime and not winter, but it worked all out for him. He grabbed 10 enormous boxes of white Christmas lights, stacking them all in his arms. 
He started walking to another section of the store, but then he fell. Yes the famous Doctor fell, because his laces became untied. Y/N always said that it would happen, but thankfully she wasn't here to see it play out. It resulted in boxes becoming smushed because he landed on top of them. 
The Doctor jumped up and started patting his face and his body, making sure that none of his bones were broken. When he finally had himself settled down, he saw a cart shoved into an aisle. He quickly and nonchalantly grabbed the cart and rapidly placed all the boxes of lights into it. 
When he reached his next destination, he had a tough decision to make. Fluffy socks, or fluffy blankets. "What the heck" he said as he grabbed two pairs of socks and two blankets. 
Now he continued on to the next section. Finding the most perfect hot chocolate for you was a must. It was the most make or break situation he had in the past two minutes. So many different brands, so many different flavors. After looking at all the packages he went with the most prettiest packages and decided to get 3 different flavors, just in case you didn't like one of them. 
"Oh no. I don't have mugs" he said this very quietly under his breath while tapping his chin. So he ran with the cart all the way over to the coffee mug section. He grabbed two simple blue mugs (to match the whole aesthetic going on in his spaceship) 
Then he remembered he had to grab some milk and cookies and then some candy to go along with it all. 
But of course as the Doctor does he forgot to grab candy until he was in the checkout lane. So he had to grab what was left, m&m's and skittles two of the most iconic round candies in America. 
When he was putting all his items on the checkout platform the lady gave him a very strange look. She was quite confused on why this man was buying all this stuff in the middle of June. All these items were used in the winter and here was this strange man buying it all in the summer. 
"Got big plans?" The lady asked as she scanned all the items and bagged them.
"Well you see, my friend has been working ever so hard. And I thought. Well why don't we have a celebration!" He laughed as he finished the sentence. The lady just stared at him and continued to scan the items. She now thought this man was out of his mind.
Once he paid for all the supplies he rode the cart out to the Tardis. When he got to the Tardis he placed all the bags inside as quietly as he possibly could, trying not to wake you with one sound. When he finished with all the bags he decided to travel up to the stars just to have an amazing view from the window. 
When you woke up you smelled something baking in the air. Something that you haven't smelled in a long time. You decided to jump up and run to the control room, thoughts running through your head on why the Doctor would be baking at this early of an hour. 
When you were getting closer to the control room you could hear music playing. What was going on? Before you walked into the room you called the Doctor. 
"Doctor what in the world are you…" you stopped mid sentence when you walked into the room. Your face filled with joy as you saw what was around you. 
Christmas lights were strung all around the Tardis, circling you making you feel warm. There was a couch facing the door(that the Doctor moved from the library) with fuzzy blankets thrown on to it. There were mugs and a tall black jug next to them. 
And then there was the Doctor. Sitting down on the ground using his screwdriver to fix a few strands of lights. But yet he was also trying to fix a box of some sort, almost like a radio. Once he finished the light he threw them onto the console. He then put the radio on the ground and jumped up. 
"Oh my goodness you scared me!" He yelled. "You're supposed to be asleep!"
"And you're supposed to be not doing whatever this is?" He smiled and grabbed your hands. 
"Oh but I thought that sense. Oh I don't know. That you've missed Christmas I would bring it to you!" He sounded delighted and was truly excited. 
"Doctor when did I tell you that?" 
He just smiled, and continued on with his mysterious ways of knowing things. 
He showed you everything. From the fuzzy socks to the beautiful Christmas lights. He did not show you the "cringy" pj's because he was quite honestly scared of your opinion on them
Once he showed you around at all the things he did he led you to the couch. 
"Here these are for you" he said, handing you a pair of fuzzy socks. Your face lit up with amazement at how well he knew you. He then proceeded to hand you a fuzzy blanket. Then an alarm went off, "My cookies!" He yelled as he ran down the hallway to the kitchen. He came back about 5 mins later with a plate full of warm baked chocolate chip cookies.
He handed you the plate as he walked over to where he put the warm milk and hot chocolate packets.
"Now I got 3 different packs. So if you don't like any of them you will just have to settle with one of them" 
He showed you the different kinds, dark chocolate, peppermint and milk chocolate. 
"Peppermint please" you replied. 
He smiled and poured out the warm milk and made two hot chocolates. He then proceded to grab his sonic and aim it at the radio box. It started playing White Christmas. He walked over to the couch and sat down. You placed the cookies in your lap and grabbed your mug from the Doctor. He snapped his fingers at the door and it opened to a planet filled with snow. It was thankfully very warm inside the Tardis but every once in a while you could feel a cool breeze flow in. 
The Doctor reached out of his coat pocket and grabbed the candies that were half way melted. 
"Sorry about them being melted" he gave a half grin and handed you a somewhat melted bag of m&m's. You smiled and just laughed placing them in your lap. The Doctor slowly put his arm around you, being a bit nervous as he always is when showing any signs of affection. You placed your head on his shoulder as you both looked out into the cold planet, snuggling underneath the fuzzy blankets. 
"Yes y/n?" 
"Thank you for the best Christmas ever" 
He just smiled and took hold of your hand. 
"Anything for Miss l/n" he smiled and dreamed of how he wished every day could be like that day. 
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