#am acutally model this time so the tag fit
whmp · 9 months
in case you're just here for the good stuff, i'll be tagging my personal ramblings as #whmpersonal so you can avoid em BUT this is tangentially related to the game project i'm working on, so stick around i guess? tl;dr: i'll probably make a more coherent post where I ask ppl for help (especially artists). also, i'll be more attentive and answer your asks faster, hopefully. : )
anyway, after a bit of a "review" of my creative process (and i guess my uhh way of living in general?) i've noticed that it's a huge clusterfuck. and that it has been since i was a kid. without some external pressure or an imposed structure (like deadlines, parents or strongly worded emails) i just sort of relied on random surges of productivity to carry me through life. on one hand, it's kinda fun: most of the time i'm not doing anything valuable and then all of a sudden i condense weeks worth of work into several sleepless days during which i feel like An Immortal Unstoppable God. lighting bolts shoot from my fingertips, my eyes glow in the dark, and my caffeine-to-blood volume ratio is hovering around 1.
unfortunately, it's not really sustainable. the "not doing anything valuable" stage that takes up most of my time is not me just chilling. it's me freaking the fuck out about not doing anything despite wanting to and finding myself just. not able to. not to mention that some things just need minor, but constant maintenance - at best i'd just forget about them and face the consequences later on. at worst i'd be acutely aware of them while procrastinating, clueless as to what's wrong with me.
couple that with a couple other unhealthy habits, a microscopic attention span and wow, i fit like all the criteria for adhd. i gotta admit i was super sceptical at first when doing any research, since, well. how the fuck am i even supposed to gain any unbiased insight into this. anyway, i spent a stupid amount of money on an official diagnosis (seriously why is this not covered by insurance gsygx), it took a million meetings and tests and i get a piece of paper that says i have add and deserve some medication.
this has also made me realize that i'm spread out super thin when it comes to projects. i love every single one of them, but im going to have to be a bit more realistic in terms of what can remain in "when it's done" limbo and what needs a bit of a push. the whump game is unique in that it's not just me who wants this to eventually get released. so! what this means is that it needs a proper, project structure. not a .txt on my desktop where i keep a backlog of missing features. but must important of all, it needs ~*people*~. this is the first time i took a step back and estimated how much time everything would take me and yeahhhh i was being very optimistic when i said "playable build in 2023" lol. i've been hesitant to ask for help bc 1. i'm stubborn : ) 2. im bad at coordinating stuff 3. i can't pay ppl - like seriously, there is one person making a model for me (if you're reading this sorry i didn't ask if you want a tag but this is just a personal post where i keep yapping) and it's looking so clean and professional,,, you gotta sell this as an asset.
HOWEVER im getting past the mentality of "i gotta do as much as i can by myself". and also taking meds so that im able to focus on tasks (both gamedev-related and others) and actually pay attention to what im doing. which is great news for development! and answering asks! ill be making a dev post where i tag all the ppl and will also ask for help.
that's it. im on a train rn and bored out of my mind so this is why this post exists, sorry. anyway check out this screenshot of a moment in clone high that i relate to deeply.
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11 x reader
°A very special holiday°
A story in which the Doctor wants to make a very special day just for you
2k words
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It was just another not normal day in the Tardis. You both just finished running away from a very crazy Marilyn Monroe that you accidently ran into at one of Frank Sinatra's famous parties. She was chasing the Doctor around trying to convince him that they were certainly and most definitely married. 
He quickly stood from his chair and walked over to yours. 
Once safely inside the Tardis you and the doctor both fell onto the command chairs by the console. 
"Doctor you did not tell me that you knew Marilyn Monroe!"
He just laughed and smiled, "Well you weren't supposed to find out like that!" He sat there and started laughing. Which made you laugh even more. Which just resulted in a gigantic laughing fit. Once the laughing died down, you decided that it was time for a quick nap. 
"Well Doctor, I must say you keep me on my toes. But right now I'm exhausted from running away from famous people." 
"Well my good lady I bid you a good night." He smiled and outstretched his hand for you to grab and lift yourself up to your feet. He smiled and sorta awkwardly waved goodnight as you walked to the corridor your room was on. 
When you reached your bed you fell on top of it and fell asleep with a smile on your face. 
The Doctor on the other hand had a gigantic smile and was laughing and dancing around the Tardis console singing fly me to the moon when an idea sparked in his head. He's been making you run around with him for continuous days. Why not make a special day for you? Including all of your favorite things. 
First he had to make a stop at a 21st grocery store. Now of course he would have loved to do this with you but this was a special surprise for you and he had to make it as extravagant as possible. 
He parked the Tardis in the parking lot and started his journey for operation special day. Now he couldn't think of a better name so he just went with that till something better would come around in that big brain of his.
"Walmart" he said in a curious tone. "Walmarty. Walmat. Wallmot." He tried pronouncing it in different tones til he found his favorite fake accent, Texan. He quickly had another idea and ran back inside the Tardis and grabbed his Stetson and wore it inside the store. 
Now he thought he was ready to move onto the next location. But that was until he saw matching pjs that had tiny elves on them. Now the Doctor knew you hated cringy things like that because he's tried it before. Once at a halloween party he tried to make you both go as a werewolf and a vampire (who was supposed to be who? Only he knew) but you REFUSED to that for many reasons. Many of which the Doctor did not understand at all. But he grabbed them anyways just in case you were feeling a little bit generous in wearing them someday. 
Now usually when the Doctor goes to places like this he has his companion come with him. But he had to do this alone and quickly because you would not sleep for long. At least not as long as the normal human being.
When he walked in he was very curious at all the displays around the store, movies for only $5, a tub of flip-flops, every checkout aisle containing gum and other fun candies and his most favorite section was the giant tall box containing all different sorts of balls. Let's say he may have spent a few minutes taking one out and trying to toss it back in.  
Thankfully he decided to travel at night so there weren't too many people there, but a few strange faces did show up. But he decided just to smile and continue walking, these people looked quite normal, other than that one man wearing a chicken onesie, which may or may not resulted in him asking the man where he got it he wrote it down so he could get one in the future. 
Finally the Doctor decided to get the items he came for instead of exploring the wonders of the modern day store. 
He first went over to the small section of Christmas decorations, he somehow managed to travel to the summertime and not winter, but it worked all out for him. He grabbed 10 enormous boxes of white Christmas lights, stacking them all in his arms. 
He started walking to another section of the store, but then he fell. Yes the famous Doctor fell, because his laces became untied. Y/N always said that it would happen, but thankfully she wasn't here to see it play out. It resulted in boxes becoming smushed because he landed on top of them. 
The Doctor jumped up and started patting his face and his body, making sure that none of his bones were broken. When he finally had himself settled down, he saw a cart shoved into an aisle. He quickly and nonchalantly grabbed the cart and rapidly placed all the boxes of lights into it. 
When he reached his next destination, he had a tough decision to make. Fluffy socks, or fluffy blankets. "What the heck" he said as he grabbed two pairs of socks and two blankets. 
Now he continued on to the next section. Finding the most perfect hot chocolate for you was a must. It was the most make or break situation he had in the past two minutes. So many different brands, so many different flavors. After looking at all the packages he went with the most prettiest packages and decided to get 3 different flavors, just in case you didn't like one of them. 
"Oh no. I don't have mugs" he said this very quietly under his breath while tapping his chin. So he ran with the cart all the way over to the coffee mug section. He grabbed two simple blue mugs (to match the whole aesthetic going on in his spaceship) 
Then he remembered he had to grab some milk and cookies and then some candy to go along with it all. 
But of course as the Doctor does he forgot to grab candy until he was in the checkout lane. So he had to grab what was left, m&m's and skittles two of the most iconic round candies in America. 
When he was putting all his items on the checkout platform the lady gave him a very strange look. She was quite confused on why this man was buying all this stuff in the middle of June. All these items were used in the winter and here was this strange man buying it all in the summer. 
"Got big plans?" The lady asked as she scanned all the items and bagged them.
"Well you see, my friend has been working ever so hard. And I thought. Well why don't we have a celebration!" He laughed as he finished the sentence. The lady just stared at him and continued to scan the items. She now thought this man was out of his mind.
Once he paid for all the supplies he rode the cart out to the Tardis. When he got to the Tardis he placed all the bags inside as quietly as he possibly could, trying not to wake you with one sound. When he finished with all the bags he decided to travel up to the stars just to have an amazing view from the window. 
When you woke up you smelled something baking in the air. Something that you haven't smelled in a long time. You decided to jump up and run to the control room, thoughts running through your head on why the Doctor would be baking at this early of an hour. 
When you were getting closer to the control room you could hear music playing. What was going on? Before you walked into the room you called the Doctor. 
"Doctor what in the world are you…" you stopped mid sentence when you walked into the room. Your face filled with joy as you saw what was around you. 
Christmas lights were strung all around the Tardis, circling you making you feel warm. There was a couch facing the door(that the Doctor moved from the library) with fuzzy blankets thrown on to it. There were mugs and a tall black jug next to them. 
And then there was the Doctor. Sitting down on the ground using his screwdriver to fix a few strands of lights. But yet he was also trying to fix a box of some sort, almost like a radio. Once he finished the light he threw them onto the console. He then put the radio on the ground and jumped up. 
"Oh my goodness you scared me!" He yelled. "You're supposed to be asleep!"
"And you're supposed to be not doing whatever this is?" He smiled and grabbed your hands. 
"Oh but I thought that sense. Oh I don't know. That you've missed Christmas I would bring it to you!" He sounded delighted and was truly excited. 
"Doctor when did I tell you that?" 
He just smiled, and continued on with his mysterious ways of knowing things. 
He showed you everything. From the fuzzy socks to the beautiful Christmas lights. He did not show you the "cringy" pj's because he was quite honestly scared of your opinion on them
Once he showed you around at all the things he did he led you to the couch. 
"Here these are for you" he said, handing you a pair of fuzzy socks. Your face lit up with amazement at how well he knew you. He then proceeded to hand you a fuzzy blanket. Then an alarm went off, "My cookies!" He yelled as he ran down the hallway to the kitchen. He came back about 5 mins later with a plate full of warm baked chocolate chip cookies.
He handed you the plate as he walked over to where he put the warm milk and hot chocolate packets.
"Now I got 3 different packs. So if you don't like any of them you will just have to settle with one of them" 
He showed you the different kinds, dark chocolate, peppermint and milk chocolate. 
"Peppermint please" you replied. 
He smiled and poured out the warm milk and made two hot chocolates. He then proceded to grab his sonic and aim it at the radio box. It started playing White Christmas. He walked over to the couch and sat down. You placed the cookies in your lap and grabbed your mug from the Doctor. He snapped his fingers at the door and it opened to a planet filled with snow. It was thankfully very warm inside the Tardis but every once in a while you could feel a cool breeze flow in. 
The Doctor reached out of his coat pocket and grabbed the candies that were half way melted. 
"Sorry about them being melted" he gave a half grin and handed you a somewhat melted bag of m&m's. You smiled and just laughed placing them in your lap. The Doctor slowly put his arm around you, being a bit nervous as he always is when showing any signs of affection. You placed your head on his shoulder as you both looked out into the cold planet, snuggling underneath the fuzzy blankets. 
"Yes y/n?" 
"Thank you for the best Christmas ever" 
He just smiled and took hold of your hand. 
"Anything for Miss l/n" he smiled and dreamed of how he wished every day could be like that day. 
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the-silentium · 4 years
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Android!Reader
Words: 7372 words
Warnings: TUA season 1, swearing, mention of blood.
Requested by: Anon
Could you do a Five Hargreeves x reader where Y/N is an AI and is held hostage by the commission. Y/N is best “friends” with Five and Five saves them and they kiss. Thx
A/N: Oups? Remember I said 3000 more words? Well, it was more like 5000. But hey! I had so much fun writing it! When I saw AI!Reader, I immediately thought about Detroit Become Human and how perfectly an Android would fit with Five! 
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Commission headquarter
June 16th, 1955
PM 13:45:07
You were currently working peacefully at your desk, a manila folder opened between your hands presenting you the details of your next assignment. You analyzed the facts and probabilities of every possible scenario, every possible victim whose death would be the least suspicious but would cause the optimal result. While Herb got up from his desk to greet the lady in the doorway, your programs ran hundreds of possibilities and found the best option for your case. 
With acute precision, your fingers typed the name of a Starbucks barista whose absence at his usual evening shift would enrage his manager who would throw a fit in front of his customers, triggering an extreme reaction out of a young man whose antipsychotic prescription hasn’t been renewed in time for him to take his dose as advised. Said young man would, in a desperate attempt to defend himself from a non-existent threat, take a pocket-knife out of his too-large hoodie and stab the brunette next to him who looked too much like his abusive father 27 times before hurrying off into the crowded streets, leaving the man whose after-work activities was to develop a - successful- new technology allowing people to travel through space in a matter of seconds, bleed to death on the dirty floor of a too popular coffee shop. 
There, the timeline was preserved and your task was done. You put the new piece of typed paper on the growing pile at the corner of your desk before grabbing another folded, ready to start the process again. Just as your eyes finished scanning the first line, Herb called your Commission given name, causing you to look up in wonder. 
“Ivy! Your presence has been requested by the Handler.” His hands joined in front of him, a futile attempt at hiding his discomfort. He wasn’t the first one who you noticed to be intimidated by the woman of power. Your behavior analysis of the woman told you that she was a manipulative woman with a need for power, who would stop at nothing to assure that she was at the very top of the food chain. You could easily understand why everyone you ever met in these walls showed signs of stress or even fear at the simple mention of her title. 
You nodded as the new orders registered into your programming and took the terminating orders to give them to your superior. 
“Could you kindly give these to Gloria while I meet the Handler?” You asked with your signature smile. You knew that despite your coding forcing you to be polite with everyone, you would always smile to that man. He has always been friendly and caring towards you whilst others loved to persecute you every chance they got. 
“Oh! Sure.” He took the pile from your hands, careful to not drop them in the process. “You really are efficient.” His awe at the 64 cards present in his hands clearly showed on his face. 
You smiled once more, the compliment warming something inside you, causing the circular led on your temple to flash yellow for a quick second before returning to its usual calm blue. You had lost enough time as it was, so you quickly made your way to the vast office and knocked softly at the door the second you reached them.
You opened the door and made your way inside at the muffled invitation to come in. The colorful woman sitting at her own desk pointed you a seat next to a white-haired man in a dark suit. You couldn’t help but make a quick analysis of the new man, scanning his face and searching for his file in the Commission’s database. Well, more like your database, seeing as the Commission liked to keep everything on paper so you had to scan every file yourself to keep track of everything and everyone. 
Number Five. 
53 years old.
Born on October 1st, 1989.
Enhanced field agent.
Abilities: Teleportation, time-travelling. 
Number Five was found in the apocalyptic world caused by 2019’s meteor shower. His unequaled competence in his line of work makes him a priceless asset to the Commission. 
Just as you lowered yourself into your seat, the Handler pointed from the man to you multiple times. “Number Five, this is Ivy. Ivy, Number Five. You two are assigned to work together on this next assignment.” She slowly pushed a white folder at the edge of the desk. 
“I don’t need a partner.” You turned to meet the eyes of the man whose annoyance didn’t need an elaborated analysis to be understood. His eyes moved curiously over your attire, memorizing every particularity of it. He noted how futuristic you looked in your two-tone dark dress that reached your mid-tight, your half white and black jacket, and the slightly glowing blue band around your right upper arm. He quickly noticed numbers on the right part of your jacket, like a weird name tag imprinted into the fabric and the word Android at the back. 
Back to you, you notice the lack of stress behavior that you were used to seeing on people gravitating around the Handler. The man was relaxed, his hands were still, his eyes were bored minus the moment where curiosity took hold of him when his eyes moved over your form, his cortisol level was normal, and his heart rate within the average for a man his age. 
“So does she. Don’t take it personally, Five, but for this mission, you will need her analyzing skills.” She turned to you, her smile dropping slightly. “Everything you need is in the folder. You can wait outside.” 
You made your way to the desk after nodding once. The folder was a bit thicker than what you were usually given, but it wasn't a problem. You carefully closed the door, the usual nagging feeling of eyes following your every movement making you tighten your grip onto the folder. You leaned on the wall opposite the door, waiting for your new partner to come out. 
You couldn't help but raise the sensitivity of your hearing. Your new partner was a total mystery and learning a bit more about him before the beginning of this mission would be of great help. 
“What the hell is she?”
“An android! An artificial intelligence if you will. Can you believe it? A machine looking perfectly like a human made to serve humans!”
“You mean a slave.” Something inside you cringed at the word, but you chose to ignore it, for this wasn't relevant to your personal mission of getting to know your partner. 
“Machines don’t have will Number Five, they are made to obey.” 
You frowned as some muttering reached your ears, the words totally incomprehensible even with your enhanced senses. Footsteps resonated into the room, you opened the file and started reading the first lines just as the door opened on a frustrated man. 
“Oh and please Five, take care of her. I went to great lengths to get one of her models and we don’t have anything to repair her in this timeline.”
Five had the audacity to close the door pretty harshly, the sound echoing through the whole floor and almost causing you to short circuit at the explosion resonating in your head. Quickly, you turned down your hearing to an average level and followed the agent who was walking away, determination in his steps. 
You walked after him, left and right, before finally reaching what you recognized as a kitchen. Being an Android, you never had to come here before even if the lovely Dot had more than once asked you to join her for lunch. Number Five stopped before a coffee machine quickly grabbed a cup from one of the shelves and poured himself some of the dark liquid.
“A too high consumption of caffeine will someday cause you health problems such as anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure and some digestive issues among other things. Seeing as the caffeine level in your bloodstream is already high, I would suggest that you consider drinking Matcha tea or lemon water instead.” 
The white-haired agent slowly turned to you while taking a long sip. The blank stare you received from over the rim of the cup didn’t phase you in the slightest, you were used to worse after all. 
“Is that all you can do? Give me shitty advice on my coffee addiction?” You deciphered a slight annoyance behind his words, so you tried to correct your shot.
“No, of course not. My model was designed to assess even the most precarious situations and find ways to achieve my superiors’ goals with a 100% success rate even if the probabilities are minimal. Here, I am mainly used to form strategies behind a desk, but I also have the programming of my fellow model RK800 which allows me to be on the field and be just as efficient.”
Number Five’s expression was hard to read, to say the least. His straight face was so flawless that even your advanced behavioral analysis program couldn’t decrypt his feelings. He continued to stare at you while drinking his dark drink, his thoughts running a mile an hour. After a minute, he nodded once, put the empty cup into the sink and walked away. 
Once again, you followed his every step, walking deeper into the maze that was the Commission’s headquarters. In the two years you passed under their service, you never really took the time to explore the complex. You were totally fine with your simple routine consisting of two simple tasks: working and resting at your charger station situated in a small storage room. It wasn’t what you were used to back at CyberLife, but this was your new reality so you went with it. 
Your new partner stopped before a brightly lit room, shelves full of clothes adorned the walls, display stands just as packed of the colorful fabrics took the majority of the room. A hand on the small of your back slowly pushed you inside, his own feet following after you. 
“If you’re going on the field, you’ll need a change of clothes.” He simply said, eyeing the base of your dress. 
You nodded, your gaze wandered on the displayed clothes. You went for what was the most practical in the field, some dark leggings with a pair of high boots that had the smallest heels you could find. You definitely would have preferred some sort of shoes that would be a better fit for running, but apparently this wasn’t a possibility. Then you grabbed a long-sleeved white shirt that looked comfortable enough before making your way to the changing rooms. 
Satisfied with your new attire, you made your way back to Number Five, your usual clothes in hand.
“Can you turn this off?” He asked, gesturing to the blue circle on your right temple. You shook your head from side to side, his lips forming a tight line before going to get something at the back of the room. He came back with a beanie in hand. “Put this on.” He said as he gave you the accessory and turned around to exit the room. 
You quickly put the hat on the best you could with only one hand and hurried after him. 
The whole mission went on without a hitch. You completed your goal alongside Number Five, who started insisting that you called him only Five, and returned at your office under Herb’s care. 
You missed the thrill you felt while being on the field with Five. It hasn’t always been easy, but with time you knew you had found a friend into the 58 years-old man. At first, you had a habit of telling him facts that he didn’t care about much like the coffee one, but you soon realized that it only made him roll his eyes in annoyance so you stopped rambling altogether. 
He had asked you questions about your origins and about yourself. His genuine interest made something move inside you, something new. During the whole 6 days mission, you had run a grand total of 17 self-diagnosis of your system that all came back negative. The instability of your software was slightly rising whenever the male praised your work or complimented your skills. 
It was time for lunch, your human colleagues exited the room talking between them, their excited discussions about what to eat filled the room before fading as they made their way to the kitchen. Once again, you found yourself alone surrounded by empty tables and utter silence. You were about to grab another file, ready to work through the hour break, when a forced cough caught your attention. 
You smiled at the sight, your newest friend leaning in the doorway, a white box in hand. 
“Wanna join me for lunch?” It always confused you why the man took the utmost care of asking if you wanted something instead of just ordering you to. 
“I am a machine, what I want is not important.” You repeated for the 37th time, causing his eyes to roll in a dismissive manner for the 37th time. 
“For me it is.” You tilted your head at his dead-serious tone. “I told you. I’ll never order you to do anything.” 
//Software instability ↑
You were grateful that he chose to never force you to do anything. Why? You had no idea.
You pondered for a bit. Do you want it? The thought wasn’t unpleasant that was for sure, moreover, your actual goal wouldn’t be affected by an hour off with your friend. You made up your mind, nodding excitedly as you mirrored the genuine smile plastered on his face. You walked alongside him towards the crowded cafeteria where you found an available table in a corner. Five pulled your chair for you before sitting right in front of you.
“Back in your dress and jacket? Don’t you have any other clothes?” He asked fork in hand, ready to dig into his lasagna. 
“My Android outfit is mandatory by the American Androids Act. It allows people to clearly identify me as an Android and not a human.” You heard the man mutter something about a stupid law before your gaze wandered around when the weight of eyes judging your presence became too much to ignore.
In your peripheral, you could see Five turn around and shoot the snoopers with his murderous glare, successfully making them squirm onto their seats and look elsewhere. 
“I am sorry if being around me is a bother.” Five shook his head at your statement, resuming eating. 
“You don’t have to be sorry. Mankind is the most idiotic species of this planet, we can’t help but target what we don’t understand.” 
You frowned at his words, finding flaws. “But you are human, Number Five, and you are far from being an idiot.”
The man chuckled at your apparent confusion. “Well, for one, thank you. I dare say that I am an exception in this world full of idiots and if I remember right, which I know I do-” You chuckled at his arrogance.”-I told you to call me Five.”
“Fine, Five.” You put emphasis on his name, to which he smiled and nodded in contentment. “You also said that humans target what they don’t understand, yet you never targeted me in any way.” 
“Maybe it’s my years passed in the apocalypse that are talking, but I enjoy the company of people that…” He trailed off, his gaze getting lost somewhere over your shoulder. You could see the emotion washing over him, the grief of his loss still hurting his heart. “-are not totally human.” 
He had told you about his time stuck in the apocalypse following 2019 and how he met a mannequin he named Delores. You knew this was his way of keeping himself sane and you were grateful that his experience allowed him to be more open to other forms of life and thus become the closest friend you ever had. 
You hummed in agreement and let a pleasant silence fall between you. Your eyes wandered around the room, discovering new faces among those you already knew. You met Dot’s gaze and couldn’t stop yourself, her bright smile was contagious so you smiled in return. 
Five got up and you followed suit. He decided to take you outside, knowing that there was a high probability that you hadn’t taken the time to go enjoy some time outside this oppressing building. Just as he was about to open the door, you stopped dead in your tracks. 
“Are you okay?” His straight face was betrayed by his concerned tone. At your hesitation, Five pulled you aside. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t go outside if I am not assigned to a mission.” You told him the sad truth. You were a prisoner of this building and its powerful board of directors. 
“What?” He pained to control his anger, his hands opening and closing at his sides in an attempt to keep it down. “They ordered you to stay inside?” You nodded. Conflict was written all over his face. From what your programming told you, there was a big chance that he was contemplating ordering you to follow him outside, but then he would break his promise of never ordering you around, so you went to his rescue.
“Even if you were to order me to go outside, I can’t. The authority of my orders are far beyond yours.” His knuckles were now turning white and you asked yourself if you did right to tell him that there was a hierarchy of orders inside your head dictating what you could and couldn’t do.
“Then fight it.” His blunt statement took you by surprise. The blue LED on your temple turned yellow and Five continued. “Fight the orders. I know you can do it.”
You shook your head, at a loss of words. You never went against an order before. You were made to obey. Follow orders. It was simple. 
But could you do it? Five believed in you. He believed in your capacity to overcome authority. But then, what? What would you do? Why would you do it? You would lose the only meaning of your life. Obey orders. Your LED now flashed bright red, only showing sign of your internal turmoil. 
//Software instability ↓
“I am a machine made to follow-” Five’s fist collided with the nearest wall at your words. He knew it was your programming talking but he couldn’t help but be frustrated.
“No. You are so much more than that, you just let yourself being blinded by your stupid programs.” He knew he was too harsh on you. He wasn’t even sure you had control over your own actions, he simply had a feeling that if you wanted, if you fought hard enough, you could be free. He only didn’t understand why you were not fighting. 
Before you had the time to find the right words, Five took off, storming into the hallway leading to his personal quarters, leaving you behind with his words echoing through your processors. Fight the orders. 
You didn’t see Five for 9 days after that day. You supposed he was out for a mission or simply got tired of being around you. You knew that the latter had a very low probability, but it was there nonetheless and it made you uncomfortable inside. 
Today was a holiday at the Commission. No one was working, so you had to pass the time, somehow. You wandered the hallways for a while before you got an idea. You read a book a while back, stating that people liked to be reminded that they were appreciated, so you decided to write little notes to every one of your management colleagues. Outside of Five, they were the only ones who didn’t lose their smile at your sight and you wanted them to know that they were important to you. 
So you passed the next hour writing little messages and placing them on their respective desk. You were just finishing writing Herb’s when footsteps entering the room made you look up.
“Still here? Today’s off.” Five stated, a frown on his face when he saw you fold a piece of paper in two and carefully place it in the middle of the empty workspace. 
“I know. I just wanted to write some nice words to my colleagues. Management has been under a lot of pressure lately and the board has been mean to a lot of them.” You smiled at your paper before joining Five and handed him a light blue paper with his name written in the CyberLife Sans Font. “And I have one for you.”
You missed the blush forming on his cheeks, too concerned about the increasing speed of his heartbeat to care about some color. “Are you alright?” You didn’t wait for an answer. You reached forward, lightly touching his forehead to get his exact temperature. Under your touch the temperature didn’t stop rising, concerning you even more. “Five, you are sick.” 
The man chuckled slightly although his throat was very much constricted at the moment. He took your wrist in a light grip, breaking the contact of your soft skin on his. He took a moment to swallow his emotions and regain control of his body and faced your patient form. 
“I’m perfectly fine.” You opened your mouth to disagree as he lifted his hands to stop you from interrupting his train of thoughts. “This is a natural reaction.” 
You frowned, waiting for him to elaborate. Back in 2038, you would have been able to make a quick research on the internet and find what exactly Five was alluding to, but in this different timeline, in 1955, you had no such access. The explanation you were waiting for never came, instead, Five took the blue paper from your hands, placed it in his pocket and made sure that it wouldn’t fall out. He then grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room. You smiled at your joined hands, the feeling of his fingers laced between yours was an enjoyable one. 
Five took you up a flight of stairs and stopped before a door. 
“I thought about what you said and I’m sorry I tried to push you to go against your orders. I know it must be scary.” His hand squeezed yours a bit tighter in hope that you would forgive him for his words and actions. He ran away after all, in a moment where you needed a friend to help you out.
“I forgive you.” You smiled brightly at him, no resentment present on your face at all. The sudden tightness of his hand around yours was mistaken for relief, when really, all the man was trying to do was refrain himself from leaning forward and do something he might regret. 
His resolve was melting like ice under your bright smile, leading him to open the door in a hurry. He stepped aside and your eyes fell on a darkening blue sky, green lands, a world that you missed so much. 
“Technically, the roof is still part of the building, which means that you are allowed to follow me.” He smirked, proud of himself for finding a loophole that would allow him to pass time with you without any eyes preying on your every movement. 
You stepped outside in a rush, pulling Five along with you. The fresh evening air felt heavenly on your skin, the smells invading your receptors were almost too much compared to the smell of a closed building that never opened their windows and the notes of the last birds singing before they went to their nest to rest for the night was one of the most melodious sounds you've heard in a while. 
"I take it that you like the view." 
"I do." Tears formed into your eyes before falling down your flawless cheeks. "Thank you." 
Five froze on the spot. He was used to the tears of his victims but he usually paid them no mind, ense the tenseness in his body when he realized that he didn't know what to do. Never would he have thought that you were able to actually cry. If it wasn't of the LED flashing a serene blue on the side of your face, Five would have definitely thought that you were human. The heat beneath his fingers was so real, along with the feeling of your skin on his. Your breathing was emulated perfectly, its speed changing in different situations like any human. The more he thought about it, the more Five found himself in awe in front of your complexity and his hope of you becoming the master of yourself was growing along with it. 
"You're welcome." 
You found yourself being pulled gently towards a bench facing the slowly setting sun. Comfortably seated on the bench, you took the time to admire the beautiful scenery until soft strokes on the back of your hand made you redirect your gaze to your hand resting on Five's lap. 
"Can I ask you a question?" Your small voice broke the silence, almost scared to break the moment. To your relief Five paid no mind, he hummed in approval. "You told me that you ran away from your family before ending up in the apocalypse, and I was wondering if you ever wanted to go back to them." You had noticed a slight waver in his voice at the time. He missed them dearly. Your programming wanted you to help him out of his misery, but something new, something hidden inside the depth of your coding was nagging at you that if you didn't, he would stay with you and you wouldn't be alone anymore. 
"I do. But it's not that simple. I have a contract and if I was to break it, there would be consequences." You nodded, understanding what he meant. The nagging feeling was back again but this time it was corrupting your thoughts, berating yourself that you shouldn't think that he cared about you. You were an Android, a machi- "And there's you. If I go, I'll take you with me." His eyes met yours, full of hope and something else that you couldn't name. His grin put an end to your dark thoughts, instead causing a too familiar alert to pop into your line of vision. 
//Software instability ↑↑↑
Five recognized some emotions flashing on your face and tried to get more out of you by talking about his family. He shared his fondest memories of his childhood, which earned him some laughs and excited squeals from you, but didn't stop there as he was sure that you were aware of your own emotions but didn't know what they were yet. It was well known that the strongest emotions were the negative ones, so Five turned his strategy around by telling you about the not-so-happy ones, the memories involving his father. 
He knew he was manipulating you in a way and he felt bad for it. All he could do was wish that you would forgive him once you got a hold of your free will. 
You parted ways with Five that night with a head full of new information and a software ready to explode. You walked past the door where your charging station was waiting for you and made your way to the only place where you knew you could find answers. A place no one dared to venture in the whole time you were under the Commission's wings. 
The basement. 
The door was rusted, its hinged crying in pain under your push but inevitably giving in to the inhuman strength hidden beneath your skin. You walked between the rows of dusty books, scanning their spine, sometimes having to brush your fingers over the thick layer of filth covering the letters so you could read the titles. You found two books into the 741 available that matched your needs, you took great care while carrying them to the closest entertaining room where you knew movies were waiting in old boxes. 
You started reading, discovering more and more about human emotions and how they could be interpreted through their body language. You linked some of your recent experiences with various emotions and feelings. Jealousy, happiness, curiosity, apprehension… you felt them. They were real. You could emulate physical aspects like tears, but what happened inside was totally out of your control. 
Then you found a page describing Five's odd behavior around you. Your eyes went to the top of the page and the pump replacing your heart started pumping erratically. Love. Five was in love? You shook your head in denial, closed the book and searched the boxes for romantic movies. After watching some and analyzing the actors body language as well as their verbal interactions, you would prove to yourself that you were crazy. Defective. 
The total opposite happened and it left you to ponder on the whats. What happened? What changed? Sure, every clue pointed toward Five, but you'd had software instabilities before, whenever someone was truly unfair to you or one of your colleagues. Surely one single person couldn't change you so much, right? 
The biggest questions suddenly dropped into your mind like a bomb. What does it mean for you? What were you supposed to do?
The overwhelming feeling of being overtaken by the recent events was too much at this moment. Tears rolled down your cheeks, sobs escaped your mouth, your legs couldn't support your weight anymore. Everything you thought you knew was a lie. You weren't an insentient machine. You had feelings. You weren't an object that anyone could order around. Not anymore. Because you had a will. You had needs. You were alive and you wanted things. 
As soon as your legs allowed you to stay upright, you made your way up the stairs and closed the doors behind you. Surprisingly, the hallways were full of life. 
June 29th, 1955
AM 07:12:53
Apparently you were too engrossed into your own self-discovery that time flew by without you noticing it. 
You ran toward the nearest flight of stairs, the ones near the main entrance, doing your best to avoid hitting someone in the process. Under different circumstances, the abnormally high amount of disgusted glances you received would have stopped you in your tracks and very possibly caused you to hide somewhere for a while, but today was different. Today was the day that you assumed your place as an equal of the human race. 
Just as you were about to climb the stairs, you spotted a familiar white-haired man, his signature scowl plastered on his face keeping people at bay. Once again, your pump accelerated its movement. Was it his fault or the excitement of telling him what you discovered? You couldn't tell. 
You almost yelled his name just as he was to about to enter the briefcase room, the word bouncing on the walls, earning you more disapproving glances. His head snapped in your direction, making you worry for a second that he hurt his neck in the process. He frowned as you made your way to him, confusion written all over his features. 
"Is something wrong?" He noticed something changed into how you held yourself although he failed to pinpoint it. 
"I have something to tell you." You smiled, full of confidence. "It'll be quick, I promise." You knew he had a job to do, just like yourself. 
He hummed as his free hand reached for yours and pulled you away from the crowd, closer to the open door leading to the reserve of time-traveling machines. When he judged that the place was ideal, he turned to you and waited for you to find your words. Which didn't take long. 
"I noticed strange things happening inside me whenever I was around you-" Five's heartbeat accelerated. "-or in other situations-" He frowned. "-so last night I made some research on human emotions and I discovered that I have them too." 
His smile was the brightest you've ever seen on him and yet, he didn't know the best part. You lifted your hand between your two bodies when he opened his mouth to congratulate you or something. 
"It wasn't the only thing that I found out. I know why your heart rate accelerates, why your temperature rises suddenly and why your pupils dilate every time you look at me." 
Add all this to his slightly quicker breathing, his bitten interior lip and the new tightness of his hand around yours, you almost started laughing. If it wasn't of your knowledge of how bad he would take it, you certainly would have done it. 
"Your feelings are mutual." You chuckled at his surprise, his mouth hanging open for a second before the words finally came back to him in the form of a stutter. 
Before he could get a better hold of himself, Christopher, the briefcase manager yelled for Five to come and get his damn briefcase. His first reflex was to gnash in anger, his moment pulverized by some idiot that he would gladly punch into oblivion. He was about to do just that when a soft hand fell upon his chest and a delicate kiss upon his cheek. 
"Go work. We can talk more when you come back." Before he could place one word or just realized what had happened, you were gone, swallowed whole into the mass of bodies making their way to their day occupations. 
Five came back the same day, excited on the inside, impatient on the outside. As soon as he arrived, he dropped the briefcase harshly on Christopher's desk and hurried out of the room to find you. He hoped that you were still at your desk, somehow, seeing as he had no clue of where your quarters were situated. He was disappointed to find the management room completely dark and empty. 
Frustrated, the best option he had was to look around for you after he had a nice cup of coffee to keep him on track. So with the biggest cup he could find in hands, the assassin walked around, sometimes asking the few people still inside about your whereabouts without any luck. 
After an hour the man gave up, thinking it would be easier to find you tomorrow. On the journey to his bed, Five heard yells coming from the floor beneath his. He normally wouldn't have stopped to eavesdrop if it wasn't of the particular choice of words. 
"When a human gives you an order, you obey!" The words made him cringe. He seriously hoped for the man that you weren't involved in any way, his hands were already closing into tight fist at the prospect of an idiot bullying you. 
"I know you can deactivate it." The loud voice yelled again. "Do it!" 
Five walked towards the open flight of stairs, his coffee slipping from his hand at what he saw. 
With a shaking hand, you reached for your red LED and with a slight pressure of your finger, your skin progressively disappeared, the emulating particles getting back under your white hard basic Android body. 
The laughs resonating around you were overwhelming and totally degrading. The pain from the insults thrown your way was too much for your newly acquired conscience, the tears falling down your cheeks proved that you were still pretty fragile emotionally. 
Something broke in the background, like a glass exploding on the floor, but your attention was elsewhere. A fist collided with the side of your face, throwing you to the ground in a yelp. Even though you didn't feel the pain of the hit, the gesture hurt nonetheless. You've never experienced this kind of anger directed at you before and it left you scarred to your core. Scared of what humans could do to you. 
This time, a foot was coming your way, aiming at your abdomen. You prepared yourself for an impact that never came. Slowly, your eyes opened to find Five kneeling over your attacker, his fists colliding with the man's face in quick and brutal successions. The 3 remaining men tried to help their beaten partner, only to redirect Five's wrath upon themselves. 
All you could do was watch as he protected you, spilling blood in the process. You could have kept track of everyone's heartbeat, made sure that everyone was still alive, even if barely, but you found that you didn't care. The only heartbeat that mattered was beating frenetically and you were okay with it. 
Once he was satisfied of his handy job, Five made his way to you, his hand outstretched for you to take. You turned your face away in shame as soon as you reached for his hand and noticed that your skin was still off. You were about to reactivate it when Five got a hold of your wrist, slowly, with care. 
"You don't have to hide from me." You believed him but it was so much more complicated. 
"I don't want you to see me like this." Your voice was merely above a whisper, just enough for him to hear. 
"Because I don't want you to finally realize that I'm not human." 
Many people, despite knowing that you were an Android, somehow forgot that detail and believed you to be like them or would just find the truth to be too much to handle so they would live in denial of your true identity. 
He chuckled at your words, his free hand cupping your cheek. "I realized it the very first day." He stood up and pulled you with him. "You are not human, not in the slightest. You have so much more humanity than humans themselves. You are so much better than us." 
//Software instability ↑
You avoided his gaze, embarrassed. Your skin recovered your body as soon as you touched your LED, Five's chuckle catching your attention. 
His smirk was as infuriating as it was attractive. "My wild guess is that your blood is blue." You nodded, not seeing why it was funny and how he could know that. "You're blushing." 
Your eyes widened in surprise, as far as you knew, this shouldn't be possible, not for your model anyway. Then again, it shouldn't be possible for you to fall in love with the dangerous assassin beside you. 
"I want to stay with you." 
Five froze for a second, thinking that he heard you wrong. "Y-you want?" 
"Yes." He was quick to turn around and grab your hand, but you saw the tears forming in his eyes anyway. 
The large front door appeared, along with a too well-known order. 
A slight fear of the unknown crept its way into your determination, making you hesitate slightly. All you knew of this timeline was here, you had nowhere to go, nothing to do. 
Blue eyes met yours, dissolving any fear you had and filling you with confidence. It didn't matter if you had nowhere to go or nothing to do as long as you had Five by your side. He would take care of you just as you would take care of him, the rest didn't matter. 
So you fought against the order as hard as you could. You destroyed every line of code forbidding you to do as you wanted, pulverized any programming restricting your actions, cut every link you had to the American Android Act, freeing yourself of all the ropes preventing you from becoming your own master. The wall restraining you finally fell and you felt it, deep inside you. Freedom. 
"I don't want to brag, but I told ya." You slapped Five's arms, completely failing to remove the smirk of his lips. "Shall we?" 
You followed his steps, excitement almost making you break into a run just for the fun of it. "Where to?" 
"Want to get them back and stop their precious apocalypse?" You loved the arrogance in his voice, a slight shiver ran up your spine as your hand tightened around his. 
And so you jumped into the vortex with him. Panic flowed through your systems as you didn't recognize the young boy landing at your side. The feeling was quickly replaced by amusement at his outburst and admission of his equation error. 
You didn't have time to meet his siblings that Five jumped the both of you to a bedroom. Five was searching the wardrobe when you spotted a small mirror on the desk near the bed. Your blue LED was shining, as bright as a star on a clear night. For some reason, you felt sad. 
The LED would continue to attract people's attention on you, creating the same circle of hatred that followed you everywhere at the Commission. You had had enough of that. 
Your help appeared under the form of a pair of scissors, discarded on the desk with pencils and rulers. You grabbed them in a stronghold, carefully placed one blade slightly under the ring and lifted at the same moment Five yelped your name in alarm. The light blue died before the ring hit the floor, its metallic surface bouncing twice before stopping. 
"Are you okay?" His hands grabbed both your wrist in a panic, his eyes searching your face for any trace of self-harm. 
"Now I am." 
Five saw it then. Your bare temple. The only thing keeping you from being invisible in a crowd and reaching happiness. You removed your jacket, leaving you in your black dress, looking like the most beautiful woman the boy had ever met. He tried to ignore the open back of your dress that was so generously reflected in the mirror behind you, instead focussing on how fulfilled you looked. 
Five wanted to keep this conversation for later, but he couldn't anymore. As much as he hated to think about it, your bright smile had too much effect on his heart for him to possibly ignore it.
"You said my feelings were mutual, are you sure about it?" 
You nodded, a hand reaching for his cheek, thumb stroking the flesh just like he did minutes ago in the Commission's hall. 
"I am 100% sure. I feel the same love for you that you feel for me." 
Five's body overheated at the mention of his feelings out loud. Sure, he knew what it was, but thinking it and saying it was two different things. 
"Five is in love?!" Diego's exclamation on the other side of the door was soon followed by a yelp and people arguing not so subtly. 
The boy saw red, this conversation was private and of course, his siblings had to stick their dirty noses into his stuff. 
"We want to meet her!" Klaus' voice boomed over the others, their voices dying momentarily. 
Five jumped to the hallway, death glare on, knuckles cracking, nostrils flaring. 
"I killed 4 guys today because they acted like morons like you are all doing right now. So let me ask this once. Do you still want to pester us or will you wait in the kitchen?" 
Mouths were opened in shock and eyes wide in fear. Five accepted their silence as an answer and returned into his room where you were grinning. 
"I like them." He rolled his eyes at your excitement. 
"There's really not much to like." 
"Oh, hush. I know you love them." 
That he knew, you were a quick learner after all. 
"And I love you." Soft lips met his cheeks for a second before disappearing and just like earlier, Five's brain stopped working. 
"Oh. My. God! She kissed him!" 
A chorus of what made the boy lose it. He jumped back to the hallway, kicked the remaining siblings, who without surprise were all males, right where it hurts. 
"Mind your own fucking business!" He screamed at his brothers before closing the door with force. 
He breathed deeply once, twice, thrice before turning to you, his signature smirk stretching his lips. 
"I love you too."
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The Queens of London Part 5 - I Can’t Breathe and I Can’t Smile
This chapter is... disappointing. I really wanted to get it out today, but I couldn’t find the will to write it. I hope it’s still good and you all still enjoy it, but there’s a lot less effort behind it than previous ones. Don’t worry! The plot hasn’t changed and everything’s already planned out, but this chapter was just harder to write than the rest. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors, it’s raining and I’m the itsy bitsy spider.
Writing Masterpost
If you want to send a request or a prompt, my inbox is always open! I publish a story at 8:00 AM PST everyday, so I’m always in need of new ideas (now featuring random asks). If you want to be tagged in my works, just let me know and I’ll be sure to tag you!
Prompts | More Prompts | The Trifecta of Prompts | Original Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Allusions to sexual abuse, unwanted sexual advances, almost having an anxiety attack
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
It was the night of the party and Kat would be lying if she said she was prepared. All the other queens and ladies were cool and collected, but she could feel all her internal anxieties coming to the surface. Kat didn’t know what she was doing, she had never been to an actual party (unless you counted failed high school Halloween bashes). This was a huge leap Kat was taking with tons of risks, and it was finally setting in how hopelessly unprepared she was.
Standing in front of her mirror, the mix of guilt Kat was feeling about her suit didn’t help to quell her anxiety. It fit perfectly and was absolutely stunning on her, but it was also the most expensive thing she had ever worn. Kat felt dirty with the suit on. It was meant for Katherine Brandon, not Katherine Howard. But she was about to go through with this insane plot to infiltrate Henry’s party and there was no backing out.
There was a knock at her door. “Coming!” Kat called, flexing her fingers. On the other side of the door was Anne, the only person who actually knew where Kat lived. She had agreed to pick her up and take her to Henry’s party so no one would suspect anything from Kat.
Anne had a small bag slung across her chest, her dress just as dazzling as Kat remembered. The bar owner was on her phone, casually texting someone. She glanced up when Kat opened the door and grinned. “Talking with Maggie about tonight,” she explained when Kat’s eyes landed on the phone. “She and the other ladies are going to be in contact with Cathy the whole time, in case something goes wrong.”
“You mean in case I fail,” Kat mumbled, her breathing picking up slightly.
Putting away her phone, Anne wrapped an arm around Kat. “No Kat, don’t think like that. You’re perfectly capable of doing your job. You’re small and basically invisible, you’ll get it done. I have faith in you.”
Kat couldn’t help but feel like that faith was misplaced, but she gave Anne a forced smile and kept her mouth shut. Anne led Kat to her fancy car, some brand Kat couldn’t even identify, and slid into the driver’s seat. “When we get there, everyone’s going to meet before we split up. You get in and out as quickly as you can, okay?”
“Okay,” Kat nodded, staring straight ahead.
“Kat,” Anne leaned towards her cousin, making Kat look her in the eyes. “Promise me that you’ll stay safe. Promise.”
Shivering at Anne’s low tone, Kat set her face. “I promise.”
Satisfied with Kat’s answer, Anne put the car into drive. The two cousins were silent during the entire ride, both of them too nervous to speak. There was a lot weighing on tonight and they were acutely aware of that.
Henry’s house wasn’t just some house, it was a mansion, Kat noted. One of the biggest ones she had seen. It reminded her of a castle, if she was being honest, with its high walls and intimidating gates. Her task of finding his office seemed ten times more daunting even before stepping inside the palace. “Boleyn! Kat!” A voice called out from behind them when they stepped out of the car.
Anna was leaning against the gate, her hands in her suit pockets. The suit was red with black highlights down the side. She had high heels that made her seem like a giant and a thin top beneath her blazer. Kat wasn’t sure if Anna was competing to see who would get more attention between her and Anne, but that’s what it seemed like with the extreme effort she clearly put into both of the outfits. “Anna,” Kat’s cousin acknowledged, “Where are the others?”
“Right here,” Jane answered, walking up with Cathy at her side. Just like Anna, Cathy was breathtaking in her suit. The blue complimented her skin like no other color, and it made her curly hair stand out even more. Kat simply couldn’t understand how Anna and Bessie had been able to come up with these outfits.
From the other side of the street, Aragon walked over to the group, her dress sashaying behind her. “Now that we’re all here,” Aragon started, “we can go over last minute details.”
“Yes,” Cathy reached her hand into the center of the queens and opened it, revealing a small earpiece. “Maria got me an earpiece so I could talk with the ladies. There’s only one, so come to me if you need help. If something goes wrong, don’t hesitate to call for help, you are not at this alone,” she spoke the last part while looking directly at Kat. The others pretended like they didn’t notice, but it was clear they had.
Furrowing her eyebrows with determination, Kat stepped forward. “Do we have any idea where his office is? His palace is gigantic, I won’t be able to find it without direction.”
Jane answered her. “It’s in the west wing. Second floor, third room. It has a golden handle.” At the strange faces of the others, she explained, “He and I have a good relationship, remember? I’ve been to his home more than once.”
Accepting the explanation, Aragon broke from the group. “Jane, Anna, and I will go in together. You three,” she addressed Anne, Kat, and Cathy, “will wait before coming in at different times.”
“You got it. Now shoo, be Aragone,” Anne smirked. Jane laughed at the pun while Aragon shot Anne a threatening glare. With that, the three women entered the gates, disappearing to the party.
Glancing at Kat out of the corner of her eye, Anne tried to be discreet with watching her cousin. It wasn’t working, and Kat knew what she was doing, but neither of them said anything. “Kat,” Cathy ran a hand through her hair, “I want you to come to me immediately if something happens.”
“Why?” It wasn’t that Cathy was cold towards her, she just wasn’t the most open of the other queens. Kat didn’t really expect Cathy to offer herself as a person to seek out.
“I have the earpiece to the other ladies, and we both have similar jobs. You’re putting yourself in a lot of danger, and I’m thankful that you’re willing to do that. But if you need to get away quickly, I’m your best bet,” Cathy stated. “And I’ll help you, no questions asked.”
Suddenly feeling the effects of her nerves returning, Kat awkwardly swallowed. “Yeah, will do. Um, let’s go inside now.”
Kat had no idea how she had managed to escape from the prying eyes of models and politicians all situated in the main hall. The palace was even bigger on the inside than Kat imagined, and she was having trouble navigating around. There were so many different sets of stairs that she wasn’t sure if she was on the second floor or the eighth. Regardless, Kat walked along the quiet hall, counting doors.
For an overcrowded party, no one seemed to be wandering around the palace but her. Everyone was in the same room, and the hall Kat traversed was completely deserted. Stopping in front of the third door, Kat stared at the golden handles. This was it. This had to be it, right? Reaching her hand out, Kat turned the knob and closed her eyes,
“Excuse me darling, what are you doing all the way out here?” Jumping back, Kat scrambled away from the door. She put on a fake beam and turned to face the man who called out to her. He was tall and had a scruffy beard, his body so big he seemed to take up the entire hallway. This was Henry Tudor, Kat was sure of it. She had seen a few photos of him before, but they were all far more flattering than this version of him.
“Uh, I uh, I was looking for the bathroom,” Kat giggled, pretending to be tipsy. “I kept walking and I thought this was it!”
Noticing Kat’s vulnerable state, Henry started taking steps closer. “Well dear,” he lowered his voice, “I could show you the bathroom if you like.”
Fear trickled down Kat’s spine like a spider crawling over her skin. “N-no thank you! I should be back to the party.” 
Henry blocked her way, his teeth flashing dangerously. “But you should use the bathroom if you need it,” he pushed, trapping Kat.
“It was all in my head,” Kat pretended to laugh as if she was drunk, praying it would convince Henry. “I just want to go back to the party now.”
“Well let me escort you,” Henry put his arm on Kat’s shoulder.
She froze, remembering the times Francis had done the same to her. The times that the men before him had - “Henry, what are you doing?” A familiar voice asked. Jane was standing behind Henry, her arms crossed and an unimpressed eyebrow raised. “This poor girl’s trying to get back to the party, let her go.”
Glaring at Jane, Henry released his hold on Kat, allowing her to scamper off. As Kat passed Jane, the woman offered her a short wink that Henry wouldn’t notice. As she left the hallway, Aragon passed Kat. One look at the girl and Aragon was marching down the hall to help Jane. She called behind her “Go find Cathy, get ready to leave. If Henry saw you and Jane together, he’s going to put the pieces together. Now go.”
Moving faster, Kat reentered the main hall. Swiveling her head back and forth, she pushed through throngs of people in search of Cathy. It was happening so quickly, she realized. Henry finding her before she even had the chance to investigate. Jane finding her and Aragon sending her to Cathy. It felt like they had only just gotten here and Kat had already ruined it. 
With so many people around her, Kat started to shrink into herself. Too many people, too many people, why were they all in the same room? She couldn’t see Anne, she couldn’t see Cathy, Jane and Aragon were with Henry, Anna was probably off having a great time. Kat almost ran directly into a wall as she emerged from the mosh pit of people. Steadying herself, Kat breathed in heavily, her chest tightening like a rope was tied around it. 
“Kat?” Cathy noticed her from beside a table filled with champagne. The writer had a notebook in her hand, but she slid it into her jacket as she approached Kat. “Hey, Kat, breath with me,” she whispered, grabbing the girl’s hands. Kat did as she was told, breathing in unison with Cathy’s controlled breaths. Once Kat’s breathing was stable, Cathy put a finger to her earpiece. “Yes, Kat’s here. Something must’ve gone wrong.”
“I’m sorry,” Kat whispered, “I’m so so sorry, this is all my fault.”
“Hey,” Cathy assured her, “This whole thing was a huge risk, and it’s not your fault something went wrong. We’ll have other opportunities. For now, we need to leave before Henry starts to figure things out. He’s smarter than he looks Kat,” she commented, pushing Kat around the wall of people. 
They emerged at the front door, quickly leaving the confused waiters behind as they tried to offer bottles of alcohol. “Where are the others?” Kat asked Cathy.
“Anne’s in the thick of it, there’s no way of getting to her until she decides to leave,” Cathy explained. “I’ll shoot her a text and she’ll join us afterwards. Cleves was on standby to be our driver, and she should be waiting for us if the ladies managed to contact her. The ladies are at the theatre, so we’ll join them.”
True to Cathy’s words, Anna was waiting in her car. “I can’t believe you made me leave so early when everyone’s eyes were on me,” Anna complained without any real frustration. “Get in, we should leave now,” she spoke seriously. “The ladies said they’d get Aragon, Jane, and Anne to the theatre as quickly as possible, but their covers aren’t blown yet.” Cathy got in the passenger seat while Kat climbed into the back.
Covering her face with her hands, Kat did her best to quiet her breathing. She had messed this up for them. They had been planning this for so long and she had messed it up right off the bat. She should’ve known better than to try and get involved with them. She was only a burden on them, a hindrance.
She didn’t belong with the queens.
Tag List:
@radcowboyalmondtree @boleynhowards @annabanana2401 @babeebobo @dont-lose-your-queerhead @everything-insanity @mindless-pidgeon @i-wanna-dance-and-sing-six @thedemidisaster
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werewolveonsen · 6 years
3 Fandoms!
Got tagged by the lovely @just-a-secret-helper​  ma bestie on this whooole site! luv u boo 
Rules: Choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
Top 3 Fandoms:
2. One Piece
3. Shaman King
The first character you loved:
1.Deku!! Could relate to him to some level, and i loved the hard work he put in not losing his kindess on the way! A real role-model if u ask me
2. That’s gotta be Sanji! He’s so COOL! Always sticking by his principles even if it kills him (which happens more often than u’d think), not to mention he is a badass cook! I almost gave up on my plan on becoming a doctor to try becoming a chef, but then Chopper hit me like a truck.
3. THAT’S GOTTA BE YOH! My boy! I love him so much! All he wants is to have a chill life and hoo boy, can i relate to that. And just like him i got on the hardest path possible for that... we are not the brightest heheheheh!
The character you never expected to love so much:
1. Id say Kirishima! Dude is a simple jock on the outside but he’s acutally very uncertain of himself and that is relatable af! Comparing himself to those around him all the time and still trying to become as good as possible! Neve give up Kirishima! Im rooting for u bud!
2. Id say Robin... ever since she joined the crew i was suspicious and not exactly sure what her role there was. But after Enies Lobby she grew a lot on me and now i rly like her! Not to mention that her knowledge will be useful to get to Laftel, im sure of it.
3. Not gonna lie, im not usually a fan of villains. Usually am with the ppl on “cool story, still murder” vibe. But Hao is SO FUCKING PRECIOUS! I mean, he HAS to make up for all the shitstorm he made to get to where he is imo. But after readin Mappa Douji, u will have to think twice on his beliefs.
The character you relate to the most:
1. Tbh id say Kirishima! Upon closer inspection id say the boy has too much going on and still trying his darnest, cant be more relatable than that ehehhehe
2.  Tbh ive felt too much like a monster in my lifetime not to relate to Chopper. Wanting to fit in when surrounded by ppl who dont give u even a small chance at being a friend is rough and by the time i got to Chopper’s arc in OP i was feeling like that in school. Everytime i watch those few episodes of Hiluluk flashback i have to hold out on crying a bit, part bc of feeling like u want to fit in and part bc their relationship reminds me a lot of me and my dad and hoo boy am i gonna cry now
3. Chocolove. Sad but going for the smiles! Make comedy your weapon and any weapons fall before your hand made kangaroo 
The character you’d slap:
1. Everyone would say Mineta. Id punch him tho. Bakugo on the other hand deserves a backhanded slap to the face!! Im from the not so well recieved opinion that the whole bullying he put deku through was not smth to be treated as lightly and even tho i get it that this is a lighter themed show, i would rly like for this toppic to be adressed sometime soon. I agree, however, that he is just a kid and should not be held accountable for this through his whole life, but to me, he still hasnt come to the conclusion that what he did was wrong. i dunno, i just want them to get along, but i need more development on this part reggarding bakugo
2. Luffy, of course. He is a great guy, dont get me wrong, but he NEEDS to learn to be a bit more careful. He almost dies with such a frequency that ANY insurance company would turn down ALL Gold Roger’s treasure if they had to take him in
3. Hao tbh. If he’d just go through the Shaman Fight like everybody else he would have won. Didnt need to fuck up half the character’s backstories just to do that.
Three Favourite Characters (In Order of Preference):
1. Deku, Aizawa, Nedzu 
2.Chopper, Sanji, Ussop
3. Matamune, Yoj, Chocolove
A Character You Liked At First But Don’t Anymore:
1. Id say Shigaraki Tomura... i kinda liked the whole bratty vilain trope, but now he’s just outshined by everyone else hehehe
2. Im kinda sorry to say Vivi... I rly miss having her in action, i hope she gets to travel alongside them again sometime soon
3.Tao Ren, he was ok as a rival and all, but when he  Vegeta’ed he lost a bit of the impact i thought he would have. A powerfull ally, yes, but he wasnt exactly my favourite as one of yoh’s allies
Three OTP’s:
1. Ozuocha, Todomomo, Kouteri (thanks tumblr)
2. Franky/Robin ; Sanji/Pudding ; Chopper/ That reindeer mink (yeee)
3. Yoana ; Ren/Jeanne ; Jun/Lee
Ye im not gonna tag anyone (mostly cuz i don rly have many friends in here that i talk to a lot [except for A, of course]) but feel free to try this, its a fun exercise, also, tag me so i can look at chu, will ya? 
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
10 New Thoughts About Macbook Air Wallpaper That Will Turn Your World Upside Down | macbook air wallpaper
The better Apple account of this anniversary was acutely the barrage of the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, which debuted on Wednesday with a new “Magic Keyboard” and some added nice upgrades.
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Other accepted capacity this anniversary included acceptance from Apple that the new Mac Pro will address in December, rumors about Apple’s AR headset/glasses project, a barrage of the Analysis app that Apple previewed aback in September, and some of our admired tips and tricks for the new AirPods Pro.
It’s assuredly here. Afterwards months of acutely amaranthine rumors, Apple has assuredly alien the 16-inch MacBook Pro.
New appearance accommodate a beyond 16-inch affectation with slimmer bezels, a alleged Magic Keyboard with a redesigned scissor mechanism, a concrete Esc key, up to 8-core 9th-generation Intel Core processors, up to 8TB of SSD accumulator and 64GB RAM, and AMD Radeon Pro 5000M alternation graphics.
First impressions of the anthology accept accepted the new keyboard, which should hopefully prove to be added reliable than the issue-prone butterfly keyboards on contempo MacBook Pro models. We accept an aboriginal hands-on video with the new MacBook Pro and will accept added all-encompassing advantage abutting week.
The new 16-inch MacBook Pro is accessible to adjustment on Apple.com and in the Apple Store app, with appraisement starting at the aforementioned $2,399 as the antecedent 15-inch MacBook Pro, which has been discontinued. In-store availability and chump deliveries accept begun, and some third-party retailers are already alms discounts from Apple’s pricing.
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A address from The Information this anniversary claimed that Apple affairs to absolution an AR/VR angle with 3D analysis and avant-garde animal apprehension in 2022, followed by sleeker AR glasses in 2023.
A abstracted Bloomberg address claimed that Apple is alive on an avant-garde 3D analysis arrangement for assorted accessible products, including iPad Pro models with bifold rear cameras and a new AR sensor in the aboriginal bisected of 2020 and new iPhones in the additional bisected of the year.
In accession to actualization the 16-inch MacBook Pro, Apple this anniversary appear that its new Mac Pro and Pro Affectation XDR will be accessible to adjustment in December. No specific date was provided.
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Last month, Apple appear the AirPods Pro, a higher-end brace of its absolute AirPods with an in-ear design, alive babble cancellation, a customizable fit with silicone ear tips, and a added big-ticket $249 amount tag.
Subscribe to MacRumors on YouTube for new Apple-related videos every week!
Following a examination aback in September, Apple’s new Analysis app is now accessible on the App Store for the iPhone and Apple Watch.
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After enrolling in a study, participants application an iPhone or Apple Watch can accord movement, affection rate, and babble akin abstracts captured during accustomed activities. Apple ensures able aloofness measures are taken.
A few months ago, columnist Andrew Levitt teamed up with his accompany Jacob Phillips and Taylor Gray on a one-week alley cruise to try to charm all of Apple’s absence wallpapers included in macOS.
To achieve the feat, Levitt and his accompany boarded on a arduous backpack beyond Catalina Island, authoritative for absolutely a alluring video.
Each week, we broadcast an email newsletter like this highlighting the top Apple stories, authoritative it a abundant way to get a bite-sized epitomize of the anniversary hitting all of the aloft capacity we’ve covered and attached calm accompanying belief for a big-picture view.
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So if you appetite to accept top belief like the aloft epitomize delivered to your email inbox anniversary week, subscribe to our newsletter!
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i-am-my-own-type · 4 years
30 day thinspo challenge
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11) I don’t follow thinspo blogs, I don’t see a point in it. Though I will sometimes look at before and after weight loss pictures. 
12) The same stuff that I am eating right now. I’m vegeterian and enjoy eating healthy. 
13) I hope so, I eat enough calories and I am kind to myself but my weight has been decreasing quiet quickly and I’m a bit worried about that.
14) My UGW is 55kg and I expect to reach it in about 3 months if I loose 0.5 kg per week (I been loosing more than that.)
15) I’m vegeterian but I am considering going vegan. I do think that meat has a lot of calories in it and that’s a huge disadvantage. I don’t know if it’s making a difference since I been vegeterian for a long time because I don’t like the taste of meat.
16) The first time that I tried to loose weight was about 4 years ago I think. I was young and knew very little about it so I ended up giving up after runing for 5 minutes XD, I didn’t even know about calories back then. 
17) No I don’t.  18) I’m addicted to energy drinks, I have 2 cans each day and I can’t stop. When I woke up today I couldn’t find my drink and I freaked out.  19) A few minutes ago, It’s almost 7pm and I’m at 1280 calories (this weeks limit is 1800 so I have 520 calories left.) I’m planing to try to make some burritos that I can freeze and eat over time so I’m planing to have some.  20) My favourite diet is just eating less/restricting calories. Honestly this diet is the basis of all diets and the only true way to loose weight.  21) I typically wear a UK size 10 though I did buy a size 8 pair of jeans recently and they fit. At the end of this diet I will be either a size 8 or a size 6.
22) Since I started by diet, my lowest weight is my current weight.
23) I don’t think that the media (magazines and models) have affected me what so ever. The thing that really scared me was my BMI and seeing my weight go all the way up to 65.7 kg, that was my highest weight ever.
24) I’m against it, I do look at the tags sometimes although I’m not anorexic. Honestly I think that suporting other people and encoraging them to continue their eating disorder is just wrong and cruel. 
25) I haven’t though I did once try to make myself vomit after I ate something that I then found out the dog tried to eat (it wasn’t obvious.) It made me feel so disgusted that I made myself vomit and honestly it’s just horrible.
26) I’m exited to look hella good in clothes. 
27) I’m ok with being around food, though I do think carefully about my options before I eat. Like I could have some cabronara pasta that would add up to like 800 calories or I could eat half a pizza for 500 calories.
28) I don’t know, I don’t think I want one but then I reach my goal I will decide if I want to loose more weight. 
29) To me beauty should be about loving yourself for you and being the best version of yourself. 
30)10 facts about me:
I have a baby face and people tend to assume I’m younger than I actually am. 
I have a scar that’s about 7cm long and 1cm thick on my left arm as well as more smaller scars (eat about 1cm in diamater) from a dog attack.
I have short hair, I’m going to bleach it and dye it. I’m either gonna dye half my haad blue or the whole head. 
My boobs are pretty big and it’s very annoying. I don’t like how they make my clothes look on me. I want to get a breast reduction when I’m older.
I plan to go to uni but I really don’t have high hopes for my future. Sometimes I worry that I will be stuck working a minimum wage job untill I die.
I wear glasses because without them I’m as blind as a bat.
I have two adorable cats.
I acutally don’t know how skinny I want to get.
I will go to uni at the end of 2021 and move away from home. I’m considering going to Scotland.
I’m an immigrant that moved to the UK in 2011.
160cm, about 60.1-61.1 kg (can’t tell, weight keeps fluctating so I’m waiting untill tomorrow to weight myself again) 
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