#also this was apparently the night of the photo where tab is staring at tony while he's talking to those girls
tswiftandtsn · 6 years
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Anthony Perkins at the premiere of Giant on October 17th,1956
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LEGACY: A Tony Stark Daughter Story
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Word Count: 2,120ish
Summary: Bailey tries to reach out to Peter.
Four months later…
Bucky and I were still going strong. Everyone was extremely supportive of our relationship and Bucky and I actively worked to gather to help each other cope with our pasts. Morgan was the most supportive about our relationship, at least vocally. Her and Bucky were constantly up to no good. Steve and I’s friendship still wasn’t where either of us wanted it to be, but we kept trying. I had basically given up on trying to get Peter to open up to me, believing that he’d come to me in time.
The new Avengers Facility had finished construction about a month ago, though the world didn’t know that yet. We wanted to do a dedication ceremony. I insisted that we wait until we had formed a team before we did so. Bucky and I were the first residents of the facility, sharing a bedroom. We immersed ourselves in the Initiative, first on putting the world back together and then recruiting. I also immersed myself in Stark Industries. I was so busy that I barely had time to check in with anyone. 
One day, while I was busy working on paperwork, I received a call from May Parker. She asked me to support her fundraiser and told me that Peter would be there as Spider-Man to boost moral. She told me that it was later that night and that she’d love to see me there, hanging up before I could respond. I leaned forward, nervously biting my thumb nail and bouncing my leg. Footsteps were heard coming from behind me, but I didn’t care. Strong hands came in contact with my shoulders and began massaging them.
“Why all the nervous energy?” Bucky wondered. 
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I leaned back into the man as he continued to massage. “May Parker just called.”
“And I’m a disappointment to my father… I haven’t been keeping tabs on the kid like I should be.”
“You’ve had a lot on your plate. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“He’s basically my brother, Buck. Dad was the closest thing he’s had to a father in a long time. He’s been mourning his death too, and I haven’t been there for him.”
“What does this have to do exactly with May calling?”
“There’s a fundraiser tonight for those who’ve been displaced because of the blip. She asked if Stark Industries would donate and I attend. Peter’s going to be there as Spider-Man.”
“You should go.”
I looked up at him. “You think so?”
“I do.” He bent down and pecked my lips. “And, May apparently called Pepper first, who then called me to help get you there.”
“Those little she-devils,” I grumbled.
Bucky chuckled as he pecked my hairline. “I have an outfit laid out for you on our bed and a car waiting for you out front.”
I stood up, turning around and dropping my arms over his neck. “What would I do without you?”
“Never actually make a decision.”
“You’re probably right.” I shrugged.
He pecked my lips again. “Go get changed and see the kid. I’ll be waiting for you when you get home.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” He turned me around and gave my butt a little smack. “Now go.”
I laughed as I walked away. My favorite outfit was waiting for me me, laid out on my bed as promised. I slowly got changed and ready, nervous the whole time. I just hoped that Peter didn’t hate me. In taking care of myself, Pepper, and Morgan, I had completely forgotten about my brother. There was a driver waiting for me in the car but I told him that I wanted to drive myself. I hopped in the driver’s seat, rolled down all the windows, and sped out of there. I took the long way into the city, trying to clear my head. I ended up being there thirty minutes late. I took a deep breath before exiting the car. I was looking down, putting the keys in my bag when I bumped into someone.
“Opps, sorry,” the man apologized.
I quickly looked up. There stood Happy, holding a giant check with Pepper’s signature on it. “Happy? What are you doing here?”
“Pepper couldn’t make it and asked me to deliver this.” He held the check up.
“She knew I was coming. Why didn’t she just ask me?”
“Uhh… Well… you see… She didn’t--“
“Oh,” I nodded in realization. “I get it, Happy.” I patted his shoulder, giving him a knowing smirk. “You’re here to see May.”
“I don’t know wha—“
“Don’t worry.” I winked as I began to walk inside backwards. “I’ll keep your little secret.” I turned around.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Bailey!”
“You can’t hide anything from me, Hap!  I’m a mind reader, remember?”
I entered the ballroom just in time to see Spider-Man awkwardly giving the audience a thumbs-up. They were all clapping and cheering for him. 
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“Thank you Spider-Man,” May said as she went up to the mic. “He’ll be right back out to take photos and videos, thank you!”
The two headed backstage. I wandered over to the stage and found my to the back. By the time I got there, Happy was already making awkward small-talk with May and Peter was very confused while watching the interaction. 
“Anyway, the reason I’m late is because this was misplaced,” Happy stated. It was a stupid excuse and I didn’t have to read his mind to tell it wasn’t true. “Can you believe it? Because it’s enormous. Not the amount, the size. The amount and the size.”
“Oh,” May laughed.
“The very generous Pepper Potts, said—“
“Thank you.”
“—she’s sorry she couldn’t be here.”
“But she did send me in her place,” I interrupted. The three of them quickly turned to look at me. “I hope that’s okay.”
“Bailey,” May came up and engulfed me in a hug. “It’s so good to see you.”
“You too May.” She pulled away and I faced Peter. “Hey Pete.”
“Hey B,” he quietly responded.
“I think I’m going to go change the stereo under the vegan lasagna,” May stated as she took the check from Happy and turned to Peter. “Spider-Man, go shake hands.”
“Will do,” Peter responded as May left. He nervously hugged me. I inhaled his scent as he did the same with me. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too.” We pulled away but my hands found his shoulders. “I’m sorry for failing to be there for you.”
“I’m fine.” I raised a questioning brow at him. “Really, B. I’m fine.”
“Okay.” I was unconvinced.
“Heads up,” Happy cut in. “Nick Fury is calling you.” 
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“Nick Fury’s going to call me?” Peter questioned.
“Why?” Peter and I asked at the same time.
“Why? Because he probably has some hero stuff for you to do. You’re a superhero. He calls superheroes.”
“Well, I mean if it was really that important, he’d probably call someone else. Like Bailey. Not me.” Peter’s phone began ringing.
“Apparently not.” Happy said as Peter pulled his phone out from the bag. The three of us looked down at the phone. “No caller ID. That’s him.”
“I don’t really want to talk to Nick Fury.”
“Answer the phone,” Happy demanded.
“Because if you don’t talk to him, then I have to talk, and I don’t want to talk to him.” 
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“Why don’t you want to talk to him?”
“Because he’s scared,” I answered.
“Just answer the phone,” Happy said as he glared at me. Peter held up his phone and declined the call. 
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“You sent Nick Fury to voicemail?” 
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“You don’t send Nick Fury to voicemail!”
“Did you hear that? They’re calling me. I got to go.” Peter started to back away. “I got to go.” 
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“You got to talk to him.”
“I’m going to call him. I promise you. I’m going to call him. I will.”
“You do not ghost Nick Fury!” 
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“I promise you, I’ll call him.” And then Peter was gone.
I sighed, very confused. “Why would Fury call you and Peter but not me?” I wondered. “It doesn’t make sense.”
“I don’t understand the way that man thinks,” Happy replied.
I made my way out to see how things were going with Peter. He was standing just off the stage, surrounded by people bombarding him with questions.
“What is it like to take over for Tony Stark,” a heard someone ask. I froze and could feel Peter’s anxiety grow. “Those are some big shoes to fill.”
“I’m, uh…” Peter was at a loss for words. “I’m gonna go. Thanks so much everyone, for coming.” 
He quickly left out an open window. I rushed out of the building after him. I couldn’t find him from where I was standing. I sulked back to my car, trying to think of anything in there that I could use to find him. Ever since Tony died, I’d stopped wearing the nanotech suit. I hadn’t put it on since that day. I had even made myself a new one, but never had the nerve to try it out. I threw my head back when I sat down in the drivers seat. I went to start the car when I noticed a post-it note on the glove box. It simply said, ‘open it’. I opened it to find another post-it note on top of my new bracelet.
I read the note out loud to myself, “I thought you might need this. You got this. Love, Bucky.” I chuckled. “You just think of everything don’t you?” 
I slipped on the bracelet as I exited the car. I got out my phone and quickly texted one of my in city assistants to pick up my car. After slipping my phone into my pocket, I pressed the button and activated my suit.
“Good evening, Miss Stark,” FRIDAY greeted.
“Good evening, FRI. Locate Peter for me will you?”
“He’s a few buildings down, on the roof.”
“Let’s go talk to him then.”
I flew up and FRIDAY took me to him. I silently came up behind him. He was crouched down, mask off, staring at the Iron Man mural on the building over.
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 I landed, making my suit disappear. I could feel the sadness rolling of off him. He wasn’t okay, and I became determined that he wouldn’t have to go through these feelings alone anymore. 
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“I only heard the last question,” I spoke up, “and I’m sorry. They shouldn’t have asked that.” No response. “The responsibility of being the next Iron Man does not fall on you. It doesn’t need to fall upon anyone. We both know that there’s only one Iron Man.”
Peter stood up and turned around. His eyes were red and puffy. My heart broke a bit at the sight. Peter was the reason Tony choose to fight to bring everyone back. I couldn’t let Peter know that but I needed to be better at doing what my father would want.
“Oh, Peter,” I took some steps forward. “I’m so sorry that I haven’t been there for you. I’ve only been concerned about myself that I forgot that Morgan and I weren’t his only kids.”
“It’s fine. I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me,” he rushed out his lie. “You have a lot on your plate.”
“And you should be one of those things. So from now on, I’m going to be better. How about you come stay a few days at the Facility once summer starts? Bucky and I would love to have you.”
“I would lov—“ He quickly shook his head when he fully took in what I had said. “Wait a minute— Did you say you and Bucky? As in like Bucky Barnes? The Winter Soldier?”
“Yes… um… yeah, him and I are kind of dating.” I could feel a tinge of hurt from him. He was sad that I had time for a new relationship but not for him. “Peter, I—“ I reached out for him.
“Thanks for the offer, Bailey. But I’m going on a school trip to Europe this summer.” He slipped on his mask. “I’ve got to go.” A web shot out and he swung away.
My head fell back as an unsteady sigh left my lips. I knew that going after him right now wouldn’t fix anything so I formed my suit around me and flew home. When I landed outside the facility, I could feel that Bucky was in our bedroom. I didn’t want to talk about Peter just yet, so I went straight to the lab and began working on fixing my suit.
next >
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