#also this was written in a rush so yeah lmao sry for any mistakes
yellowloid · 2 years
The more time passes, the more I am convinced that TLSPs will never come back or perhaps in the very distant future. The Car is an album very similar to the sounds of the duo and I find it difficult that they can come back with a third album with the genre of the previous one. I feel like Alex has sort of found his genre and things to draw inspiration from and Miles currently does a completely different genre than what AM does. Alex has clear ideas and I believe that at the moment he is thinking about himself, he is determined to continue with this style, I have no doubt that in the future he will be able to change again but it is very difficult that he returns as in 2016
(ugh i'm so late this was sent like. MONTHS ago but life has been hectic)
anyways, i think as fans we really have no way of knowing whether tlsp will ever actually come back with a third album. of course we can all hope for it to happen, but in the end the only people who have a say on it are - you guessed it - miles and alex themselves. and although i agree on the fact that their latest albums were different from one another, that doesn't necessarily mean they'll *always* stick to those styles. they're always evolving as musicians and that's what makes their music good, and yeah you could certainly say the latest albums (tbhc+the car / coup de grace+change the show) are much more mature and elaborate than their earlier stuff (which is normal because they've grown as artists and people), that still doesn't mean they've "arrived" as artists. they'll keep changing and maturing and evolving in their style, and who knows what they'll release next with their solo projects.
(also, although i partly agree on the fact that their current styles are different, i wouldn't say they're so inherently opposite from each other??? although the "jazz" vibes in change the show are very much absent from the car, i can't help but think of songs such as 'coming of age' and 'constantly' which are very close in sound to songs they've written together or that alex has been recommending over the years. and although right now he doesn't make that kind of music himself, it doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate it/wouldn't consider ever making something like that. vice versa, the same applies to miles) (we also have to take into consideration the fact that those two have influenced each other so much over the years, both with their solo stuff and tlsp - see the strings, which are a crucial part of the car and which are an obvious and natural evolution of the iconic tlsp strings)
plus, the fact that their solo styles are different rn doesn't mean they wouldn't mix well! those two work magic when they're together. they're so talented and they bring the best out of each other, they could literally make a masterpiece out of mixing those two styles or even creating a new one that is shared between the two of them. there are points in common they could easily play on - for instance, the very strong bond vibes they've been hinting at ever since eycte. when it comes to them, the possibilities are quite literally endless - they don't have to stick to anything (not to their solo styles, and not to their 2008 or 2016 ones either) because the point of tlsp is and always has been pure freedom of creation. the art they make together doesn't have to appeal to a pre-written rule. tlsp is the safe space where they can be completely free to do whatever they want, together, and that's exactly what makes this project so beautiful.
now to be practical... i sincerely doubt they'll be back in 2024, unless they've already been working on tlsp3 secretly - which i don't think is the case. they don't really have much time before 2024 comes, and with alex touring for the car for the better part of 2023 and miles being busy with (pre-)recording of mk5 (or at least already working on it), throwing tlsp3 into the mix would be quite difficult to deal with.
that being said, i can't even begin to express how much i'd love for them to be back as soon as possible. but aside from that, i'm willing to wait as much as i'll have to, no matter how long it takes - as long as they come back in the end, and i'm 100% convinced they will. we just have to give them the time they need. and remember, anon: hope is the last to die!
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