#also thorny killed arte in a fight . so um
mtsodie · 4 months
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my beautiful wife and husband
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broken-clover · 5 years
Dust Strikers Story Mode 3/4
Part three of the story mode transcripts for Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (Testament, Jam, Johnny, Venom, Dizzy), Part 4
Testament:...Long time no see. Millia: That's a first. You coming up to me to say hi. Things have changed, haven't they? Testament: You're still caught up in the past and changing the thorny path. Millia:...it's none of your business. Move out of the way, will you? Testament: I don't have a problem, but... Millia:... Testament: You seem hesitant. With such mixed feelings, it may cost you your life. Millia:!!! I must have lost my edge, to be getting advice from you. Potemkin: What he's saying is on the money. Those with swaying motivation never fight to their full potential. Please excuse my eavesdropping. Anji: Just happened to pass by. Millia: Then I guess I'll have to eliminate all doubts before I get to him. I'll need your cooperation for that.
Bridget: Are you Testament? Testament:...you a bounty hunter? Bridget: You got it. Testament: Aren't you a little too young? What is this world coming to? Bridget: Nothing's going to change if you're so pessimistic all the time. Testament: How come you don't realize you are turning yourself into a machine at the price of countless bloodshed. I must teach you a lesson! Ky: Hold it right there! International Police Force is now... Jam: Ayah!!! Yes! This is my lucky day! Testament: Yet another shameless human looking to land a bounty... Jam: That's not what I'm here for. It's not very often you can hire 3 cute waiters in one day! Bridget: Umm, I'm a bounty hunter. Jam: Quick, let's have a match! I win, and you all have to work for me! I don't mind if it's 3 on 1. Cute guys beating you up is cool too! Testament: I can't deal with this. Let me through. Bridget: Fine, then. We'll do it all in one go! Ky: What? Me too?
Zappa: Um, excuse me, I was wondering... Baiken: Yeah what? Why are you so fidgety? Act like a man, will you? Zappa: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm looking for a person, Fa- Baiken: Fa...who? Zappa:...Fricken nasty! Baiken: What's going on here? I'm surrounded by freaks. Testament: How rude of you to say that. I've long given up my human name, but by no means am I a freak. Venom: This is a supernatural phenomenon. Quite interesting. I'd like to see more of your powers. Baiken: Man, this is a real drag. I'll blow you all away! Testament: Lowly humans shall die!
Chipp: Hey! Hold it right there! Testament: What is it, human? Chipp: You're a Gear, aren't you? Testament: What are you going to do about it if I was? You one of those foolish humans who start attacking as soon as they find out someone's a Gear? Chipp: Not me. I've learned from experience that just because someone's a Gear, it doesn't mean they're all evil. Testament: That's a surprise. Thought you'd be the type that would steam through, and only act on emotion. Chipp: Don't screw with me. I'm gonna become president and the strongest in the universe. Just wanna put my skills to the test. Testament: Very well, then. Show me your so-called human powers. Dizzy: In that case, I'd like to help out. Sol: Sure, why not... Chipp: HEY!! Wait a sec! I never said 3 on 1! Testament: What are you talking about? There's only going to be one winner. Chipp: Oh, I get it. Not like I was scared or anything. Let's do it!
I-no: Hi there. Testament: What the hell do you want? I-no: Don't glare at me like that. You're scaring me. Testament: Get the hell outta here if you don't want anything. Unless of course you want to die. I-no: What do I want? Let's see...I'm here to hunt down all the monsters. I'd like all of you to die. Slayer: Ha, calling us all monsters, huh? You do realize I'm a disparate type? Too caught up in your own powers? Let me give you a lesson on manners. Eddie: Some excellent subject material. I shall test you to see if you are adequate for my body. I-no: Who do you think you're talking to? You can all bathe in your own blood! Testament: I'll show you this monster's power. You can repent your losses in hell!
Testament:...Gear. Gig: Grr... Testament: How miserable. Looks like he has no trace of human emotion left and has transformed into an animal. Gig: Grrrgh! Testament: Let me offer my condolences!
Gig: Grr...grr... Testament:...Resent me if you wish. I gravely accept your anger. Gig: Ghhh... Testament: When the time comes, I promise to fight on your behalf against the one responsible for your misfortune. Gig: Grr...
Testament: This forest. It's been a long time. Dizzy:...yes, it has. It brings back memories. Testament: You mean painful memories? Dizzy: Yes, a lot has happened here. But looking back at it now, I can see them as good memories. Testament: That's good. Dizzy: If it weren't for you, I don't think I'd feel this way. Thank you so much. Testament: Not a problem. Your friends will be worried. You should go back. You won't have to return here again. Dizzy: Probably not...I guess I'll go now. Testament: (If we hadn't left the woods then...perhaps Dizzy would have followed the same fate...maybe it's better not to think about it.) Dizzy: Is something wrong? Testament:...No, I'm fine. Don't get lost, now. Dizzy: No, I won't.
Jam: Ayah! Who's this cute guy? Ky: You must be...that chef, Ms. Jam Kuradoberi. Jam: That's right! You remembered me! I'm so happy! Ky: I'm glad to see you're doing well. May: Whats...oops! Oh no! Ky: You must be May, the pirate May: Are you going after Johnny? You'll have to get by me first. Ky: Please, put your guard down. I'm not after pirates right now. Testament: So you're out bounty-hunting then. Probably after me then, aren't you? Jam: Ooh, you're quite the hottie too. Wanna work at my restaurant? Testament: Stop talking nonsense... May: It's two hot guys...but Johnny's way hotter than both of you!
Johnny: Whoa, check out this beautiful lady. How flirty you are. Jam: I'm not into guys like you. Take a hike. Johnny: Playing hard to get, are we? Zappa: Good cook! Good cook! Good cook! Jam: What's that? Zappa: High points as a wife candidate. Ready for engagement. Let me eat you up! Johnny: That's a dangerous pick up line Jam: A ghost? Very unscientific. Eddie: Ha! Your body shall be mine! Jam: You're much more scientific than him. Anyway, you're not my type either. You can all take a hike.
Anji: So you're Dizzy... Dizzy:...That is correct. What can I do for you? There's no bounty on my head anymore. Anji: Nope, nothing vicious like that. Jam: By the way, I'm the one who got the bounty. Thanks to the money, I've been able to open up my own restaurant Bridget: Hey, I wanted that bounty too. First come first serve, I guess. Life isn't always fair. Anji: I wanted to know where 'That Man' is. Do you know something? Dizzy: I'm sorry, I don't know much. Anji: All right, then. I guess I'll try somewhere else. Bridget: Is there a bounty on his head? Then I wanna know, too! Jam: I wanna know, too! Good chance to expand my restaurant! Anji: Hey, you guys are missing the point.
Sol:...Whew... Jam: How rude. What's your problem? Faust: Is there something wrong? Sol: A doctor and a chef? This is a big joke. Quit following me wherever I go. Go back to your real jobs, man! Faust: This is what it takes to master the tricks of the trade. It's necessary to learn to see things from the patient's perspective. Jame: The art of cooking is also a quest. You're not gonna find anything new just by sitting around. Venom: Then I should get to know a wider variety of opponents. Let's roll! Sol: Move it. Just go to bed!
Potemkin: I heard from the president. I've been looking forward to this day to finally exchange shots with you. Slayer: One of the disciples, I gather. You think you can take me? You should beat him before coming to me. You'll pay a high price for this! Chipp: HEY! Hold it right there! You're the dude who founded the guild, aren't you? Slayer: That was quite a long time ago...I no longer have any involvement...but it is true that I am the founder. Chipp: That simplifies matters. I'm gonna destroy you! Jam: Looks like I've gotten myself into a hostile environment. Better get outta here... Slayer: Hmm, looks like you're a ki wielder. I'm interested in your combat style. Would you mind showing me some of it? Jam: I'm no cheap street performer. If you give me some of that spice, I'll think about it. Slayer: I should be able to accommodate you. Jam: That's a promise! Chipp: Quit ignoring me, both of you! You're going down!
Jam: What is this? Gig: Grr... Jam: Nobody told me about this! Gig: Grrrgh! Jam: You're after these spices? Well you can't have them!
Gig: Grr...grr... Jam: You didn't exactly measure up to your bulky figure. My hands...they're still shaking... Gig: Grr... Jam: It's over...
Jam: Okay everyone, knock yourself out! Lots of spices in these dishes! Flavors you can only enjoy here! So busy! Pretty soon I'll surely be the number one chef in the world!
Slayer: Interesting... Bridget: What is it? Excuse me, you don't happen to have a bounty on your head by any chance? Slayer: Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not worth much of anything. But if your skills measure up to me, I might be worth your time. Johnny: Even though he's an old guy, I'm impressed that she wants to take on a guy. It just fascinates me. Anji: You think? I'm interested in guys too. Johnny: What did you say? Anji: Don't get any wrong ideas, now. I'm interested in their powers. Slayer: I agree with that way of thinking. That simplifies matters. Johnny: Wait, I'm not really... Anji: Now you're talking! I'm pumped!
Johnny: Oh man, I wasted so much time...there you are! Eddie: I'm impressed. Didn't think you would detect me. Johnny: I have the power to see truth. You can't fool me with magic tricks. Venom:...Found you! You beasts who degrade Master Zato. Finally you can rot in hell! Eddie: You humanoids are good with words. But that kind of talent is needed to be adequate for my body. Chipp: Freeze! Don't you move! You're all guild members, aren't you! I hold all of you responsible for killing my master! Venom: At a time like this? I'm not letting anyone lay a hand on Master Zato's body. Johnny: Well, I'm kinda... Chipp: Shut up! Guilds, pirates, no difference! Today you face death. Eddie: Ha! Foolish humans once again, being hostile against one's own kind. I shall erase you altogether!
I-no: You're late. You shouldn't make ladies wait like that. Sol: shut up. What are you wandering around for? Johnny: Hey, what a coincidence. Didn't expect to run into you here....guess you're busy with a woman. Sol: You stay out of it. I-no: Ooh, another cute guy. Ky: All of you! Freeze right there! I-no: and now a cute boy, too. Ky: Sol..! And Johnny the pirate, and you're..! I-no: I'd stay out of it if I were you. Why don't you just go home to mommy? Sol: That's enough chit chatting. Let's let the fists do the talking! Ky: ...Sol! I-no: The violent guy as always. Sure, why not...I'll cut you all up into pieces! Ky: I guess there's no alternative. Holy Knight combat was initially meant for handling multiple enemies. I'll show you what it's all about!
Johnny: Damn, it's not my lucky day today. Maybe we'll wrap things up. Jam: You! Get out of the way! Johnny:...and so the goddess shows up. What kind of terrible thing happened that makes you fall into my arms? I've always got a place in my heart reserved for you, baby... Jam: Hey, let go! Millia: Get out of the way! Baiken: Wait! You running away? Jam: Now it's my turn! Johnny: Battle between beautiful ladies. I can't just sit here and watch. Girls need emotional support and a big hug. I can lend a helping hand!
May: Hey! Johnny! Johnny: May! Dizzy: Johnny! Johnny: Dizzy! What are you doing here? May: Johnny, that's because you always take off on your own. We wanna help out you out too, you know! Dizzy: That's right. Whatever we can do to help out. Johnny: Thanks guys...but up ahead it's dangerous...I can't take you guys. You'll have to head back. Testament: Listen to the chief. You don't have to fight, Dizzy. Dizzy: But, I don't want to just sit here. If there's something I can do to make a difference, I want to try. May: That's right! We're coming with you whether you like it or not
Johnny: Well, I'm finally here. Gig: Grr... Johnny: This guy looks dangerous. Could have saved you if I had made it on time... Gig: Grrrgh! Johnny:...Let me save you from your misery
Gig: Grr...grr... Johnny: I'm sorry, man...if only I was a little earlier...I might've been able to save you. Gig: Ghh... Johnny: The nightmare is over. You can rest in peace now. Gig: Grr... Johnny:...
May: Johnny! You okay? Are you hurt? Johnny: Uh-huh, no problem. I'm just fine and dandy. May: I was so worried about you! If something ever happened to you, I don't know what I'd do! Johnny:... May: What's wrong, Johnny? Johnny: Oh, it's nothing. I'm just a little tired. Long day. (Guess I can't stop yet. Like these guys, as long as there are souls to save!)
Anji: You're using that thing as a weapon? 'Assassins' are something, aren't they. Venom:...You should talk! Your combat style is bizarre too! Anji: I don't mean to be conceited, but my moves are second to none. How about a quick match? It may help me to learn new tactics. I'd like to say yes to your offer, but... Anji: I guess it's not going to be 1 on 1. Chipp: That's right. I'm not a nice enough guy to let go of this great chance at revenge! Testament: Sacred treasures? How effective my sorcery will be....please allow me to test it on you.
Axl: Hey, what's that you're holding? I didn't know you had those toys, even in this day and age. Bridget: This is not a toy! It's a tool of my trade! Axl: Ouch! I'm sorry! What have we here? Playing pool at a place like this? Venom: How dare you insult my combat style. I say you deserve a beating. Axl: Hang on a sec! Something wrong with this era. Every toy's being used as a weapon. So what do people actually play with? Johnny: The best for of entertainment, I'd say is the thrill and romance of playing with fireworks at night. I'm pretty sure that's the consensus. Axl: You know what you're talking about! I'm actually great with fire myself...here we go!
May: I've got the chills. Faust: Perhaps you have a cold. Here, let me take a look. May: Don't come near me! Faust: What's the problem? May: These vibes...I'm positive! You're...you're bald, aren't you! Venom: You must be Faust, the Dark Doctor. Or should I call you doctor- Faust: Stop it. I don't use that name anymore. Venom:...Excuse me for being disrespectful. Doctor, I'd like you to accompany me. Faust: I'm sorry, my job is to save lives. I don't know if I can be of much help to you and your comrades. May: Look at all that hair...I guess it's not as bad as being bald...doesn't it get in the way? Venom: Let's put your limitations into perspective, then. You'll realize there are only so many lives you can save! May: Who, me? Zappa: KILL! KILL! Let me kill! May: What's with all these weirdos? I'm fighting for real, then!
Venom: Hold it right there. Dizzy: Are you talking to me? Venom: Your powers...you'd make a perfect guinea pig to do some tests on. I ask for your cooperation. Dizzy: Umm...I prefer not to engage in meaningless combat. Venom: It does have meaning. My tests can help destroy those outside the human race. Dizzy: SIGYAAAAA! Necro! No! I-no: Hahaha! That is you, precisely! A Gear is a Gear. Accept your identity, why don't you! Baiken: What's all the noise about? I'm a little irritated myself! You freaks keep your mouths' shut! Dizzy: But...why? I though things were different from before...I hate this!
Millia: So...we meet again...Zato. Eddie: So you still haven't gotten over him? Millia: Shut up, you damn beast...I'm talking to him, not you! Eddie: What do you want to talk to ME about? Millia: I'm taking you down. I'm sick and tired of looking at your pathetic, bony remains. Venom: Not so fast...! Master Zato is regarded as the crown-jewel of the guild. You'll have to hand him over to me...! Slayer: I've told you the Guild is no more. No raison d'etre and no purpose. Continued existence will only bring further regret and despair. Venom: Oldtimers can keep their mouth shut. The guild no longer belongs to you. Millia: It has nothing to do with me anymore, I don't care what happens to it. I just want to take care of this guy with my very own hands. Eddie: Do you think it will be that easy? What do "I" think?"...Not so easy, "I" say. Venom: I sense you...Master Zato. I am going to free you, Master, from the evil spell of death! Eddie: Ha ha...this is great! Lowly humans who cannot accept death. That's the right evil spirit to have! Slayer: I'm the one who started all of this. I must atone for my past deeds. Fine, let us put an end to it all.
Venom: I just save Master Zato, and now you. Gig: Grr... Venom: You trying to intervene? Gig: Grrrgh! Venom: Get out of my way!
Gig: Grr...grr... Venom: It's game over. I have acquired invincible powers. You are no match for me. Gig: Grr...
Venom: Master Zato, welcome back. It gives me great pleasure to be greeting you once again... Venom: Please be assured. Forbidden occult shall most certainly bring you back, and you will be revived!
Anji: So you're Dizzy... Dizzy:...That is correct. What can I do for you? There's no bounty on my head anymore. Anji: Nope, nothing vicious like that. Jam: By the way, I'm the one who got the bounty. Thanks to the money, I've been able to open up my own restaurant Bridget: Hey, I wanted that bounty too. First come first serve, I guess. Life isn't always fair. Anji: I wanted to know where 'That Man' is. Do you know something? Dizzy: I'm sorry, I don't know much. Anji: All right, then. I guess I'll try somewhere else. Bridget: Is there a bounty on his head? Then I wanna know, too! Jam: I wanna know, too! Good chance to expand my restaurant! Anji: Hey, you guys are missing the point.
May: Hey, Johnny! Johnny: May! Dizzy: Johnny! Johnny: Dizzy! What are you doing here? May: Johnny, that's because you always take off on your own. We wanna help out you out too, you know! Dizzy: That's right. Whatever we can do to help out. Johnny: Thanks guys...but up ahead it's dangerous...I can't take you guys. You'll have to head back. Testament: Listen to the chief. You don't have to fight, Dizzy. Dizzy: But, I don't want to just sit here. If there's something I can do to make a difference, I want to try. May: That's right! We're coming with you whether you like it or not
Venom: Hold it right there. Dizzy: Are you talking to me? Venom: Your powers...you'd make a perfect guinea pig to do some tests on. I ask for your cooperation. Dizzy: Umm...I prefer not to engage in meaningless combat. Venom: It does have meaning. My tests can help destroy those outside the human race. Dizzy: SIGYAAAAA! Necro! No! I-no: Hahaha! That is you, precisely! A Gear is a Gear. Accept your identity, why don't you! Baiken: What's all the noise about? I'm a little irritated myself! You freaks keep your mouths' shut! Dizzy: But...why? I though things were different from before...I hate this!
Eddie: You are the same as me. Zappa: Yes...I feel the animosity. Eddie: Looks like it's a mind parasite. No good as a host. Dizzy: Are you two...related? Or have you both been exploited badly by humans in the past? Eddie: That's correct. As a weapon. But things will be different from now on. Dizzy: Huh? Eddie: I shall find a more powerful host, and I shall be the one to dominate the human race! Faust: Can't let that pass. I apologize for the selfish acts of humans, but your body can't live without a host. This is where I can help you. Eddie: Silence! You lowly human! I am going to acquire Gear power and take revenge on humans! Dizzy: What? So you're planning to use my powers? Not all humans are bad, you know. If you sit down and talk to them. You can't take my happiness from me!
Dizzy: Umm, thanks for saving me back there in the woods. Sol: Forget about it. Didn't really mean to save you. Just did it for the hell of it. Dizzy: I think I found my place too. Potemkin: Didn't go according to Zepp's plan but the president understands. I'm relieved to see you smile. Dizzy: It's all thanks to you guys Slayer: Sorry to interrupt. Look at you. Looks like you've managed to find your way through. Dizzy: Yes, I think I learned that courage will open the doors to success. Though I still prefer not to fight. Slayer: So what about you? Do you have a verdict yet? Sol: It's none of your business. Potemkin: And what kind of revelations have you had in combat? Perhaps such things are unnecessary for people like yourself. Slayer: Indeed. To me, combat is combat. Nothing more. It may be a means for deciding who wins and loses, but in the end it is merely a method. Potemkin: Then allow me the opportunity to put this method of yours to the test. Slayer: Fine. Let us see what you're made of.
Dizzy: Are you the same as me in the past? Gig: Grr... Dizzy:...! I guess it's too late. Gig: Grrrgh! Dizzy: Okay, then. Let me accompany you until the end.
Gig: Grr...grr... Dizzy:...I'm so sorry. Gig: Ghhh... Dizzy: I was hoping we could become friends. Gig: Grr...
Dizzy: You don't have to suffer anymore. You're not alone from now on. Come on...you and I will always be together...
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