#also tryna figure out what color i should do my nails
moonflower-31 · 4 years
I Won’t Forget You - Spencer Reid x Reader
Part 24 
Warnings: Brief mention of self harm, Panic attacks, etc.  
Also (F/C/T) is: Your favorite cookie type 
Tags: @dra-reid, @eevee0722, @ceeellewrites, @anotherr-fine-mess, @ssahoodrathotchner, @egg-boy03, @helena-way07, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @serendipity-imagines, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @thatsonezesty13, 
Never to suffer would never to have been blessed. - Edgar Allan Poe 
You bite your lip anxiously as you slowly pull away from Spencer’s now much more soaked cardigan. You sigh and attempt to wipe the spot down with your hand. "I'm sorry…" you said in a small voice. Spencer gently took your hands in his own and made you look into his eyes. 
"How can you be sorry for something you couldn't control? It's alright by me, (Y/N). Do you need someone to go in with you?" Spencer asked, his hands wanting desperately to hold you and to keep you ever so close to his chest so that you never had to fear for your safety. Because in his arms he could protect you. He could be the safe haven you needed to get back on your feet. And he would happily do so.  
You sniffled and pushed a strand on your hair that had fallen in your face behind your ear. You shook your head, gulping nervously before attempting to speak again. 
"N-no… Hotch wanted me to meet him in his office. I-I should be okay. Hotch… he wouldn't hurt me." You assure, although your voice betrayed your real feelings. You were nervous you were going to lose your probationary agent status and be downgraded to a desk-work agent. You were so close to the team now. You had already been working on fine-tuning your resume to turn in when Peter attacked you. 
Spencer sighed and squeezed your hand. "Okay. But just know I'll be here when you come out. I only have a few more reports to do. And each of them only require about a normal printer paper's worth of documentation to complete. Suffice to say you don't need to worry." 
You gave Spencer the best smile you could muster, which ended up only being a weak small one, before you turned your attention towards the small set of stairs. You then walked up to Hotch's office, the pounding of your heart and the rushing blood roaring in your ears. 
The carpet muffled the slight clop of your heels, quieting the pounding in your head just a smidge. You could see him in his office. He was business as usual, as always. You could feel your lungs collapse and refill as you took in each breath. You almost felt trapped inside your body. All around you you could only see blurry pictures of what was real. And you then began to see clearly what wasn't.  Piercing, evil green eyes began to appear on the walls, all staring at you. 
Whatever you had carried in your hands was now on the floor, your chest feeling ever so heavy. One by one your senses and functions were turning themselves off. It started with your hearing, and then your sight began to darken around the edges of your vision. By then you could see the partial outline of Spencer’s figure, trying to say something. But you couldn't hear him. The only thing you could hear was the pounding and the roaring of blood and your heart in your ears. It was deafening. 
Then you lost your ability to breathe, clutching at your chest as you coughed and wheezed, trying to suck in as much air as you could as your throat closed and swelled. Spencer gripped your arms, and it seemed like Hotch soon after joined him in trying to help you. Then you lost the ability to stand. And you fell face first into Spencer’s arms where he thankfully caught you. But it wasn't long after this that you began to lose consciousness from the lack of air in your lungs and the increasing pounding of your heart. 
The last thing you knew you would remember was the semi clearing view of Spencer’s eyes looking into yours, trying to urge you to stay awake. 
You reawaken to Spencer's apartment ceiling, confused as to how you had gotten there. More concerned as to who was there with you. You attempt to move, to make someone aware that you were awake.  
"Hey, so Sleeping Beauty actually awakens." 
You groan at the sudden realization of who was in the room with you. You sit up slowly, turning your head to see a familiar pair of whiskey colored eyes staring at you from the corner of the room. 
Gabriel nods and chuckles to himself, advancing closer to you and taking a seat next to you. "Yep. What, were you expecting a stringbean? Prince charming? Cause he's in the other room with Chocolate Thunder." 
You widen your eyes for a moment and start to laugh softly from knowing Gabriel knew Garcia's nickname for Morgan. "You know about that?" 
Gabriel gives you a raised eyebrow. "What don't I know about you and your new work friends at this point?" 
You nod a few times. Fair enough. 
"What I also know… is that you are so undeniably in love with that pipe cleaner with eyes in there it ain't funny.  And he likes ya back. You know how many times I had to bribe him with my copy of the Hebrew version of the bible to leave you alone in here? He refused to let you go. Like seriously. Confess already. It's kinda sickening." Gabriel teases, nudging your shoulder. You look down at the floor, sniffling and laughing partly. 
Gabriel's teasing facade fell and he narrowed his eyebrows. "Kid… seriously. Are you okay? You passed out at work. That's not normal. Not even for me. And that's saying something." Gabriel's eyes widen and he holds up two hands as if saying he was innocent. 
You snicker gently, crossing your arms comfortably. "I… I guess? My uh… my Mom stopped by to beat me to a pulp today." 
Gabriel's face immediately shifted and redness increased in his face. "Are you serious? That bitch tried something? After what she did to you?! Selling you to fucking Peter?!" Gabriel hissed, his hands tightening at his sides. You flinch at his louder tone, sniffling and wiping your quickly tearing up eyes. 
"She's a narcissist, Gabe. S-she only cares about herself and th-the business. T-that she already got money for selling me to him. And it's non-refundable apparently." The dark cloud that had been around your head before your attack quickly was returning. And here you thought you'd finally be able to see sunlight. 
Gabriel sighed, his hand flexing against his jeans. "(Y/N)... I'm sorry kid. You don't deserve her. Deserve anything that's happened to you. Once we get her in jail alongside Pe-" 
You flinch at the beginning mention of Peter’s name, causing Gabriel to pause his statement and rephrase it. Gabriel sighed and began to speak again. "Once we get them both in jail, you'll be able to focus on yourself. Getting better. I'll even pay for your therapy if you want. It comes with candy I hear." Gabriel smirked, his tone growing playful to try and get a smile out of you. 
You do end up smiling gently, nodding wordlessly to your oldest friend. He wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer to him, letting you hug his torso. "Come 'ere. Let's just calm down for now, eh? Don't want you fainting on me again." Gabriel encouraged, gaining a brief chuckle from you. 
You snuggle closer, glad Gabriel understood you enough to know this was what you needed. You rest your head against his chest and listen to his heart's strong pumping. 
A few moments of resting later, a pair of footsteps exit the kitchen and make their way towards the living room. You feel a slight twinge of fear build up in your chest, but you quickly feel it exit when you hear his voice enter the room as well. 
"How is she?" Spencer asks Gabriel, probably assuming you were still asleep or adjusted while they were in the kitchen. 
"Fine, considering what she's been through. Thanks for calling me though, Spencer. I've been tryna get clearance to see her for a few weeks and only just got it. The life of a field agent." Gabriel expressed, getting what you guessed to be a nod and a grunt from Morgan. 
"It ain't all fun and games, I can tell you that." He answers, a sigh soon after leaving his lips. You open your eyes slowly and see Morgan clutching his lower thigh where he'd been shot by Peter. You resist your urge to bite your lip, wanting to enjoy a few minutes of just listening before having to interact.  
"What happened? Seriously? She didn't go into detail, and I respect that. But how did she end up fainting on her way to the boss's office?" Gabriel questioned, his hand rubbing up and down your arm. He knew you were still awake. It was like he already knew what was going through your head. 
"Her…" Spencer sighed, biting his nails for a moment as his eyes traveled over towards your supposedly sleeping form on his couch. "Her mother came in and attacked her. She stood up for herself but in the process I think she showed Hotch how unready she was for work. That's what he said anyway. That Derek and I should stay with her for a few weeks. We'll alternate cases once he goes back so she has someone at home." Spencer began to explain. You were glad you were awake now. Otherwise you doubted you would get as clear and concise of an explanation of what was going to happen if they knew you were awake. 
Gabriel gritted his teeth and looked off to the side in annoyance. "Yeah. I know about that. Which pisses me off honestly. How did she even get in? Don't you gotta have an ID to get in? An appointment or something?" He asks, his voice harsher than you'd ever usually heard it. 
"Hey, man we ain't in charge of that. That's the front desk. But yeah. Usually you gotta have an ID and or you gotta have an appointment or a meeting with an agent. She probably said she had a meeting with (Y/N) and they let her in." Derek explained, holding his hands up cautiously. 
Gabriel let out a sigh and groaned. "Fine fine. But still. It shouldn't be that easy. She should be as safe at that office as she is at home." 
Spencer nodded, his eyes closing slowly and staying closed as he sighed heavily. Something was weighing on him. You knew it. Was it you? It wasn't his fault. But then again, did he know that? 
You finally gained enough strength to finally face the two of your closest friends and began to open your eyes again, gently moving yourself away from Gabriel's chest. 
Spencer was the first to notice, his face immediately lighting up when he saw your open eyes. "(Y/N/N)..." he breathed, a smile pulling onto his face. Gabriel stifled a chuckle, rubbing your arm before giving you a reassuring look. You nodded to him, and he then stood up. He nudged at Morgan’s shoulder and winked at him. 
"Let's give 'em a few minutes, Brown Sugar. See? I can do nicknames too." He teases before he gestures for Morgan to follow him into the other room. Morgan laughed and winked back at him, following him into the kitchen. 
You look up at Spencer, gesturing to the seat beside you. He takes the spot as soon as you assure him that he was welcome. He was so cautious, wanting to make you as comfortable as you could be. You couldn't think of anyone else so attentive. 
You snicker softly, hearing a laugh echo from Spencer. For the first time in what felt like years you felt the foreign feeling of your heart skipping a beat. His laughter was like a blessing for you. And you were glad to have it. 
"You first." Spencer spoke up again after a moment. You sighed and rubbed your neck. 
"Spencer… I'm sorry. I… I didn't know I was going to faint or-or have a panic attack-" the increasing need to explain yourself filled up your chest. You didn't look him in the eyes, ashamed of not having been able to control how you acted.
But then he gently took your hands in his. Well, your wrists mostly. He was still wary of germs. "(Y/N/N)... Have I been known to lie to you?"  
You took a few deep breaths as you blinked at his question. "N-no… no you've always told the truth. That I know of." 
Spencer nodded. "Then should you determine that what I said to you when you apologized for wetting my cardigan, a lie?" 
You swallow nervously and sigh, shaking your head as you picked at your nails. You felt guilty. But that didn't mean what Spencer was saying didn't help. 
Spencer sighed. "You should not have to apologize for things you cannot control. It would be like asking me to apologize for having the IQ I do." Or for loving you, which would be a crime to apologize for. Spencer thought silently. 
Spencer’s hand raised up to your shoulder and rested there, pulling you closer to him. You both stayed quiet for a few moments, just listening to the other breathe. 
"You were awake when I talked with Gabriel, weren't you?" He asked after a few moments of silence. You bit your lip and exhaled tiredly. Your upper eyelids began to fall, proving your exhaustion. It was an exhaustion you hadn't felt since you were rescued from the clutches of your captor that shouldn't be named. 
"Y-yeah… I was just… I wasn't ready to really be awake yet." You explained. "I'm so-" 
Spencer shook his head. "Please, don't apologize for taking the time you needed." You didn't finish your statement, just letting yourself rest against him this time. 
"Okay…" you whispered, unsure of what else to say. Your tongue felt baren of words, unable to comprehend a combination that would effectively continue the conversation that you didn't second guess yourself on. 
"It's okay to have listened, (Y/N). I was just making sure you knew what Hotch said about you going back to work. You and Morgan have some time off that Hotch has given you both. He wants you to take the time to recover. If I'm totally honest, I do too." Spencer expressed, gently rubbing your arm as you laid against his chest. 
"But… I don't know what to even do with my time, Spencer. I'd bore myself." You look down at your fingers, groaning at the idea of being alone and unable to distract yourself from your self-destructive thoughts. You were glad you wouldn't be alone. Then maybe you'd be able to stave off of going back to self harm. 
"That's why Morgan will be here. For a little while. Then when he's able to go back in the field we'll alternate cases. So that you won't have to be alone, (Y/N)." Spencer assured you. "I'm sure I can help occupy your day with books." "O-or whatever you want to do." Spencer quickly adds, blushing softly. 
You smiled softly at his attempt to make you feel better. "Promise you'll read me Edgar Allen Poe and we have a deal." You attempt to tease. Spencer smiles at you and nods, hugging you closer. Seeing you cheering up was the best thing to happen to him in that entire half of the day since lunch break. You were safe in his arms. You were warm, protected, and that was all he could ask for. 
"Quoth the raven." Spencer answered, causing you to snicker. You curl up next to him, letting yourself ease breaths in and out. He was warm, and his heartbeat rhythmic. Forget any sort of music playlist. You could fall asleep listening just to his heartbeat and be off to dreamland in a matter of minutes. The warmth alone was comforting. Like a gigantic comforter that wrapped around you securely. 
"Spence… I…" you began, feeling an urgency full your chest. Were you really going to tell him? Tell him now how you felt? Would he feel the same? Gabriel could be wrong. Yet again, he was wrong about a lot of things. But were they ever this serious? 
Spencer adjusted his position so you could look him in the eyes. "Hm?" He answered, giving you the most adorable look you'd ever seen. Yeah. You were. While you still had this bit of confidence and urgency in your chest. Butterflies burst into your stomach, making you worry for a stutter. You wait a few moments to collect your bearings, before attempting what would be impossible with your normal level of confidence.
"I… I lo-" 
"Heya you two! Butterscotch and I just made cookies in here. You want one? They're your favorite, (Y/N)." Gabriel called from the kitchen. You jumped at the sudden additional voice, before sighing mournfully. 
"Are you okay?" Spencer asks. 
You exhale half annoyedly and nod. "Yeah… he just scared me." 
Spencer nodded and rubbed your back for a moment. "So… what were you going to say?" He asked, begging and hoping his cheeks weren't as red as they were warm. 
You look up into Spencer’s warm hazel eyes, but feel that last trickle of confidence slip away. You sigh and shake your head. "I… I uh… I wanted to ask if you'd want to have a movie marathon tonight. Just… as a distraction." 
Spencer blinked a few times before he nodded. "Yeah, totally. As long as Star Trek is in there somewhere." 
You giggle softly and chuckle. "Sure, fanboy." 
You stand up gently before beginning to head to the kitchen. Curse Gabriel and his want to share. You would already be kissing Spencer’s face off at this very moment if he'd waited a few more minutes before announcing he'd made cookies. But then again, (F/C/T) cookies sounded pretty good too. 
Back to the drawing board, with a few extra post-it notes of anxieties and PTSD. You'd get there. Somehow. 
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hungergames-fanfic · 5 years
Half human, half squirrel
Cause Arielle lives so far away instead of letting her walk from our house to hers, daddy takes her home every day. Usually she stays over for lunch but today daddy said no. He told Arielle that I have to do my chores and she can’t stay unless she wanna help. Of course she said she wanted to but daddy took her home.
When we got back, I cleaned my room, the living room and fed the chickens in the coop. Daddy also wanted me to milk the cows but momma Bilmin told him that was enough for me to do in one day. So he wouldn’t make me do anything else I spent all afternoon with momma Bilmin.
On the living room sofa, laying next t her, I read her an entire chapter from a book about nature. We learned about corals and how they’re living creatures even though they look like pretty colorful rocks. Momma Bilmin really liked the jellyfish in one of the pictures and I told her how they’re so pretty but sting to the touch.
“They don’t even have brains, momma!”, I shout excitedly.
“Sound like ya grandma Ester”, she snorts, “don’t you tell her I said that”, she points in my face. This makes me laugh and I tell her that her secret is safe with me. She smiles and tickles me for a minute until laughing starts to hurt. Then she tells me it’s time for bed, hugs and kisses me before she stands up.
She helps me take a bath cause she says I be doing a horrible job at it. While I scrub my toes, she scrubs my back. Jokingly she pinches my nipple. Says they’re starting to grow, laughs, and then goes to scrub my neck and wash my head. When I get out, she covers me in a towel and walks me to my room. Passing by momma and daddy’s room, I see daddy sitting at the edge of the bed rubbing his face. Momma wipes her cheeks and walks away. I think she’s crying.
“What’s wrong daddy?”, I ask but he waves me off, stands up and closes the door.
“That’s disrespectful, Polomir!”, momma Bilmin yells at him.
“Not now, momma!”, daddy yells back.
In my room, she helps me put on a big red shirt and pink shorts. I ask about momma but she says everything is alright, they’re just tired. She kisses my forehead, tucks me and closes the door. The silent darkness is scary. Momma Bilmin never closes my door. Scared, I quietly creep up to my door and twist the knob. Slowly, I open it and peak out.
Momma Bilmin knocks softly on their door and daddy opens it and steps out a second later. “What happened?”, momma Bilmin asks but daddy doesn’t say none, he just squeezes the bridge of his nose, exhales and walks down the hall waving his arms in the air. I close my door quietly just in time. I hear them walk past.
For a minute I listen in but can’t hear anything I can understand. Quietly, I open the door and crawl out. In all fours, I head towards momma and listen for her but she’s just sniffing a lot. In the kitchen I hear momma Bilmin yell at daddy.
“You said 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 to her? You should be happy, Polomir”, she snaps tryna whisper but fails.
“Momma”, daddy snaps back, “she’s always workin’ and when she’s home she’s on that goddamn phone talkin’ to that cretin”, daddy says. He says the last word through his teeth. Is daddy mad at momma cause she works a lot? “We haven’t had a chance in months and she’s tellin’ me she’s..”, a loud noise interrupts. It sounds like someone hit the table really hard.
“I ain’t find out bout you until I was bout six months, Polomir”, momma Bilmin says.
Because none of it makes sense I try to open the door but it’s locked, when I knock, nobody answers. Maybe I ain’t knock loud enough. I ain’t tryna get caught out of bed though, daddy’s mad already. I go back to my room. Maybe momma Bilmin is right, momma must be real tired if she locked the door for some sleep.
I lay in bed for a very long time staring at the moonlight shinning into my room. I think about what momma Bilmin said, “six months before she found out about daddy?”, it just confuses me more. What does cretin mean anyway?
Just as I’m falling asleep a tapping at my window scares me wide awake. I look at the floor where the moonlight still shines except a shadow waves as it taps. Scared out of my mind, feeling my heart in my throat, I look at the window and see a more terrifying figure. It’s Arielle and her hair looks scarier at night.
“How?”, I whisper at her wanting to scream. I’m mad cause she scared me. When I open the window, she giggles and climbs inside. She hugs me breathing really hard in my ear. She’s sweaty too. It’s hard to stay mad when you wanna ask a lot of questions.
“I wanted to see you”, she says. I shush her and put my hand over her mouth listening for any noise other than her breathing, hoping no one heard. She wanted to see me? Why? She lives so far away, though.
“Did you walk here?”, I ask the first question I can latch on.
“I ran”, she smiles wide and bites her lip. She looks goofy missing her two front teeth and it makes me wanna smile back but I don’t. Daddy would be mad at her, so I pretend to be mad and put my hands on my hips.
“Why?”, I ask tryna look like I’m not impressed.
“Grandma was bein’ mean to me. She said no one likes me and I’m annoyin’, I told her you like me, that’s why you’re my friend so I ran away and came here”, she says waving her hands in the air. She smiles and turns around to close my window. I’ve never called her my friend before. I thought I had to like the person.
“Arielle, you can’t stay here”, I say. I ain’t tryna get in trouble cause she’s wild.
“Oh. I guess I’ll go home then”, her smile goes away really fast. She looks at the floor, scratches her head and slowly turns around.
“Wait”, I grab her arm just as she does. I’ve never seen her look so sad before. She’s always so happy. Her smile comes back and she hugs me really tight.
“I knew you wasn’t gon let me go back home”, she giggles and runs to my bed, “you care bout me”.
“You want some water?”, I ask. She’s sweaty and when people are sweaty, momma Bilmin says you need to give them water. She nods and smiles. I put my index finger on my lips and tell her to stay here.
“Dora, why you up?”, momma Bilmin asks. She’s sitting at the table thinking so hard she’s chewing on her thumb nail. She always scolds me when I bite my nails. I don’t say anything about it.
“I’m thirsty”, I answer. She just nods and points at the sink. I wonder what she’s thinking about. I don’t ask though, I don’t want her to follow me to my room and find Arielle. I ain’t tryna get in trouble.
Back, Arielle has already made herself at home. She’s taken off her shoes and her clothes are on the floor. She’s under the covers and kicks her feet and giggles.
“My bed ain’t this comfy”, she says.
“Are you naked?”, I ask feeling nervous.
“What?”, she asks a little too loud. I shush her. She giggles. “No, silly, I’m wearin’ one of your shirts. It’s smells nice, just like you”, she says and hides under the covers.
“Here’s some water”, I say drinking some. She thanks me and drinks almost all of it, when she’s done, she gives it back and gives me another hug.
“You hug a lot”, I complain.
“I know, but what’s wrong with huggin’?”, she asks. I shake my head. There’s nothing wrong with it. No one’s ever hugged me this much though.
My bed is small, this means that if we are going to sleep together, we’re gonna have to touch. At first, I lay on my side and try to go back to sleep but Arielle puts her arm around me. I ask her why and she says that’s how her daddy used to sleep with her momma when she was little. This makes me smile, that’s how daddy sleeps with momma too.
“You ever seen a dead frog?”, she asks me just as I’m falling asleep again. I turn around and look at her. Why won’t she go to sleep?
“You gonna sleep any time soon?”, I ask. She giggles and hops out of bed, walks around to my side and looks through her pant pockets. In her hand, she pulls out a crumpled up leaf. Except, it’s not a leaf and when she turns on the lamp by my bedside, I see it’s a dead frog.
“Why are you like this?”, I ask her. I’ve never met anyone as weird as her. Not even Efrain is this weird and he’s a boy.
She giggles with a snort, puts it back in her pocket and gets in bed. Crawling over me, pulling the covers off and back on, she gets so close her leg is on top of mines. Laying on my back, I’m stuck frozen in place not knowing if I should push her away or if I should just ignore her and try to go back to sleep.
“I wish I was you”, she says hugging my whole arm. I don’t say none, I’m confused, why would she wanna be me? No one even likes me. “You got a lot of folk that love you”, she says.
“Huh?”, no one likes me. She nods and smiles but it looks sad not happy.
She tells me that her daddy used to hit her and her momma a lot when she was little but then he lost his legs in a meat factory accident. Now he just yells from the bedroom. Says her momma always crying, too and daddy being crippled is the only thing that makes her grandma laugh. “She’s crazy”, she chuckles, “always bein’ mean to everyone”.
Says that her grandma is always making fun of the way she looks cause she looks just like her momma. No one else in ten has bright orange hair like them. She also tells me that her family used to have money, never rich but enough to have food on the table but grandpa stole it and disappeared. “Momma got too old for tessera so she had to start working at the meat factory, that’s where she met daddy”.
She tells me about how much she hates school and everyone in her class, too. That they call her a freak and sometimes Kenneth draws her like a scary monster with angry red eyes, spiky hair and sharp teeth. One time a girl pulled her hair and started hitting her when the teacher left the class.
I hug her. “I ain’t ever gonna hurt you Arielle, I promise”. She smiles and hugs me back even tighter. The kids at school make fun of me too, but no one hits me. Cassidy poked me with a sharp pencil once but I told on her and she got sent home with a note. This makes Arielle mad and she tells me she’ll hit Cassidy when she sees her, I tell her it’s ok. I don’t want her to get in trouble.
I’m falling asleep again when I feel her poke my cheek. “I think that was very brave, Dora”, she says.
“You jumpin’ in for Efrain when he was gettin’ beat up. That was brave”, she says hugging me, putting her head on my shoulder. Daddy is very brave and I wanna be just like him. Arielle calling me that makes me feel tingly and happy. I don’t say anything back though. This time I make sure she falls asleep before I do.
I dream about navigating my own boat, I’m at sea and Efrain is my first mate. He and I fish and look at corals and jellyfish until we find a mermaid. It’s Arielle and she looks crazy. She has a dead crab in her hands and keeps asking Efrain to eat it. He’s so stupid he does and lies about it being delicious.
I feel someone poke me awake. When I notice it’s momma Bilmin I immediately think about Arielle, who‘s supposed to be at my side. I jump up and touch the empty space next to me. I look all over the room but she ain’t anywhere to be found. Sitting up, I look under the bed and then at momma Bilmin who’s holding her chest.
“Amos, I’m here baby, I’m here”, momma Bilmin says tryna grab me by my shoulders. She grabs my face and hugs giving me lots of kisses.
“I’m alright momma”, I say pushing her away. I don’t want any kisses, I wanna know where my friend is.
“You ok?”, momma Bilmin asks still tryna hug me. I shake my head. I don’t say anything. She looks worried and like she wants to cry but doesn’t. Instead she puts her hand on her forehead and stands up. “What..”, she clears her throat and closes her eyes, “..you want for breakfast?”. I think for a moment and bite my lip. Where did that silly girl go?
“Waffles?” I say. It’s the first thing that pops in my mind. Momma Bilmin clears her throat again and walks out my room but not before staring back at me for a long second. I stare at her back and scratch my head.
“What are waffles?”, Arielle asks popping out of my closet. I look at her surprised and wide eyed. For a moment I thought last night was just a dream. She giggles and runs up on the bed to hug me. Now in her underwear, she hides under my bed, makes a lot of noise, which I refuse to check on, and comes back out with her hands in the air. “Ta-da!”, she says with her shirt on backwards, dressed back in her fitting clothes.
At the table in the kitchen, i think about Arielle. She just put her clothes back on and jumped out my window. Ain’t say bye or anything, she just left. Why is she so weird? How can she be that weird too? Could she really be half squirrel? All of this thinking is making my head so itchy.
“What’s goin’ on?”, momma Bilmin asks putting a plate in front of me. I cross my arms and shake my head. There’s a knock at the front door. Momma Bilmin leaves to go open it. I stare at the perfect waffle on my plate, wondering how someone can be so strange.
“Dora, guess who came to visit?”, momma Bilmin says in the hallway. Those giggles I recognize so well run up into the kitchen and she hugs me. Arielle sits in the chair next to mine and doesn’t stop giggling. Maybe she’s laughing at my face. I’m pretty sure there’s a stupid look there.
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sapphirewolf100 · 7 years
A-Z Thing
got this from @milo--murphy bc I’m bored & I wanted to do the thing before I decide to go to bed (at like 5 AM jfc) Also I ain’t gonna tag anybody so whoever wants to do it is welcome to do so.
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, then tag up to 10 people plus the person who tagged you.
a- age: 18
b - biggest fear: Being abandoned/having no one else to turn to when I need it most.
c - current time: 5:12 AM (I need to sleep lmao)
d - drink you last had: Tea my dudes
e - every day starts with: Me contemplating whether I should get up or not then scroll thru my social media notifications before I finally get up about an hour later omggg
f - favorite song: jfc idek I have so many damn faves but rn I think my fav song atm is between “Du Riechst So Gut” or “Biest” (a demo) by Rammstein.
g - ghosts, are they real: I mean, why not? Totally not like I’ve communicated w/ entities before.
h - hometown: Louisville, KY.
i - in love with: Rammstein of course;;;;;
j - jealous of: not a lot of things tbh, I rarely ever get jealous. You could shove the newest thing in my face or something I really love & I’d like to have & I’d say “Aight. I’d really wish to have the thing but I don’t become resentful of you because of it”
k - killed someone: Nah
l - last time you cried: Probably an hour ago bc I’m an emotional mess.
m - middle name: Alison
n - number of siblings: Technically 3 (they’re half siblings tho, & due to the complications with that side of the family I’d rather like to call myself an only child.)
o - one wish: I wish that I get to meet/see Rammstein 
p - person you last called/texted: My mom lol I text her a pic of an umbrella the fuckin neighbors left at the bottom of the stairs that I fuckin tripped over tryna get laundy done tonight. It was pitch black so, ofc I couldn’t see it.
q - questions you’re always asked: “What’s up/What’s wrong?”
r - reasons to smile: My friends that actually care about me
s - song last sang: Damn I’m p sure it was “Seemann” by Rammstein. (I’m p sure y’all have figured out I’m practically obsessed w/ this band)
t - time you woke up: Fucking like idk maybe 1:00 PM?
u - underwear color: None of yo damn business
v - vacation destination: Anywhere away from here for a while I guess lol
w - worst habit: Mmmm damn it’s usually between biting my nails (which I haven’t in over a month so I’m v proud of myself) or becoming too damn depressed to do anything so I can take care of myself/well-being.
x - x-rays you’ve had: I’ve had chest x-rays, stomach x-rays, & teeth x-rays I’m p sure.)
y - your favorite food: I love me some good pork roasts.
z - zodiac sign: Virgo
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