#also u know that post going around recently like 'media where it all couldve been avoided if one person had gay sex'
grunklefidds · 2 years
rereading frankenstein and both completely forgot abt clerval and apparently did not get any Vibes from the sequence of his arrival in ingolstadt & caring for victor when i read it in high school (am reading the same copy i had then and am thoroughly annoyed by my old notes) but NOW...... the way victor talks abt the creature/how haunted he is/how Immediately Relieved he is to see clerval feel v similar to the bits of journal 3 when fiddleford first arrived & the time between him leaving and stan arriving
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into-control · 4 years
im so fucking pissed and worried rn, my mom and sister are on vacation. and on my moms phone i downloaded instagram and logged into most of my accounts i own or co-own, around 4 to 5, all of them. so u know when you have multiple accounts insta just lets u save the info so u dont have to type in your password everytime right? i did that on my moms phone because nobody ever uses her phone except for me apart from her, she also doesnt use insta. So i have all my notifs on for all my accounts [1]
and while i was talking to my friends i found out that my aunt requested to follow me on my spam account. my aunt is also on vacation with them. i am NOT out to anybody but my closest friends. nobody knows i have a spam account except for my friends that im out to. i was so fucking confused as to how she found my spam account. my aunt doesnt follow people unless she knows them personally. so i went to check how she found me and apparently i was following her on my spam, which i dont ever [2]
remember doing. i dont follow any of my relatives or family on my spam account. My spam account is filled with all my personal and private stuff, me ranting about my problems, sexuality and shit. i went to check when i followed since i dont recall doing so. so i sorted my follows from latest and her account was the first, which means i followed her recently, right below her account was a page i followed just about 2 days ago, so if i followed her, i would have remember doing that. [4]
and then it clicked in my head that my sister could have been using my moms phone to use my instagram. although she HAS instagram??? i was worried she might have seen all my spam posts and read thru all of them but then i shrugged it off and just logged out from every device from my spam acc and another account i use more often. so just now while i was scrolling thru insta i was looking at stories, i saw MY OTHER rarely active account POSTING A STORY?? i was so fucking confused. [5]
and when i clicked on the story it was just a hotel room. i've seen the hotel that my mom and sister were gonna live in but when i saw that i was absolutely losing my shit and didnt look into too clearly. I instantly logged into that acc and logged out from EVERY DEVICE. its so fucking frustrating. i literally dont understand my sister rn and im so fucking pissed at her. why the FUCK would she do that?? shes not younger than me or anything. shes older than me by FIVE YEARS. [7?]
she should KNOW better as an older sister. im so angry at her for invading my privacy and following whoever she likes, looking through my shit, posting on stories like its HER account. i dont care if she knows im gay or not, i know she probably has suspicions but she just crossed the fucking line. how dare she fucking log into all my accounts and do whatever the fuck she likes? i cant even have one bit of privacy anymore. the internet is one and possibly my only safe space and now [8]
she just invaded my privacy. she couldve read through all my shit and confirmed her suspicions, but im not ready to come out. not to anyone from my family. i dont care how supportive she is, this is just so fucking rude. i cant believe she would do something like that. i trusted her, i never read thru her shit, scrolled through her phone and did whatever she told me not to do. and now shes simply logging into my accounts as she wishes and posting whatever the fuck she wants?? [9]
i dont know what other social media apps are on my mothers phone and currently logged in. and im so scared that she'll just go in and do whatever the fuck she wants,im so pissed that my last resort of a safe place,a place where i can be myself for once, where i can have privacy was just completely destroyed by her. im so fucking upset. i literally have nowhere to be myself anymore. all my stuff just for friends who know me better than family, she probs read them all. i can never get a break,[9?]
anyway, thats my ranting, i hope u have a nice weekend. mine just ended the worst way possible. [10?, i lost count]
i’m so sorry anon, nobody deserves this :/ keep us updated if anything happens
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