#also very grateful that my prof and manager are very accommodating
poprockspillage · 1 year
fuck around(didn’t bring my cane even though i thought about it) and find out(foot pain when i’m standing and hip pain when i’m laying down)
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kristenbouchard · 2 years
My mum’s been having chemo for the past few months and the effects it can have on your brain are truly wild!!! I commend you for still being able to attend school and actually complete your assignments. I’m not even the one undergoing treatment and I’ve had to take time off because I couldn’t manage both caretaking and school. I hope your profs have been accommodating/supportive and that you’re able to give your mind and body time to rest 💕 Sending you strength and well wishes x
i am fortunate enough to be doing what is probably one of the least intense chemo regimens out there and to have very understanding and flexible profs so while it sucks it doesn't suck NEARLY as much as it could which i am eternally grateful for!! being a caretaker comes with its own totally unique slew of difficulties and stressors which i also know well so i hope that you are also able to give yourself time to disconnect and relax from responsibilities!! i am sending the best vibes to both you and your mom 💗💗
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