#also wanted to get a pencil sharpener bc i want to use my coloring book but these old pencils i took from my mom arent sharpened lol
maschotch · 2 years
No one asked for my opinion but on the questions you asked about hotch:
I feel like he's mostly a pen guy and doesn't use pencils a whole lot unless he's worried about making mistakes, in which case he'll use pencil. I think he has one of those electric pencil sharpeners but avoids using them at all costs bc they're loud and he's got PTSD³
Definitely a pen guy but will not use mechanical pencils unless he absolutely has to. Definitely a fan of those fancy ballpoint pens and I feel like Rossi has definitely given him a really fancy set of gold and black fountain pens. Garcia has Definitely given him those fuzzy pens with the pom poms on the end that he keeps in his drawer and doesn't really use but likes to look at.
I feel like he probably uses whatever the bureau provides him lol but I could definitely see him at staples just looking over the stationary. 100% just gets wooden pencils, pens, and a stapler that he'd probably never use but just wants to be on the safe side. I doubt he'd get anything fun or something he wasn't decently sure he would use.
As for the gifts... hotch in Canon keeps his birthday a secret so people kind of ignore it but for holidays they Def get him a variety of weird office supplies and ties (and a world's best dad mug for secret Santa no I will not elaborate)
Honestly think he got those books in his office to fill up space odjjssj I really doubt he reads them. I mean he's reading one in demonology but I think that's more for personal curiosity that anything, especially since the internet is now a widespread thing. Definetly could've gotten them in law school and just doesn't have the heart to throw them out now.
His inbox is definitely clean. Checks it constantly and sometimes will get emails from the team in the bullpen just because they don't want to walk up (or just Rossi being a little shit). I also think he keeps pics and videos of Jack on there and some team photos from bars and karaoke and stuff for whenever he's feeling low
Unpopular opinion maybe but I hc that he ends up preferring going digital and ends up kind of disliking handwriting for a couple of reasons. First, we see him scrolling through things on the tablet on the jet a lot, so I feel like he's comfortable using it. I also think he tries to be more tech-y because of Jack? He's also left handed and I know lefties have the curse of smudging everything they write, especially bc I firmly believe he uses pen as much as he can. On a more sad note I think it's a lot harder for him to hand write because I hc that his hands hurt a lot and bother him after he beats foyet
i agree about using pens more than pencils.. it just feels more Professional and it's fucking annoying when he tries to go back to read old writings written in pencil and it's faded or worn down. probably exclusively uses black pens, but he has a hoard of multi-colored glitter gel pens from penelope that he uses one at a time to write personal notes for himself like on sticky notes for little reminders or something. (i like to think he has his own version of morgan's "secret fun zone"--it's just a drawer with all the gifts he's gotten from the team that are too flashy for the vibes of his office but he still wants to look at now and then to cheer himself up.) that being said, i think he likes the classic feel of a wood pencil on paper. that's how i think he feels about technology in the office as well: the efficiency and practicality of technology/pens are nice and he's proficient enough to be adept at using both without much error, but he also likes the traditional/old-school feel of pencils, paperback books, "rickety projectors," etc.
i think when he's buying stuff for himself/the office, he shops economically. if it's something he needs, if it works, if it's on sale, and if it's in bulk, he's likely to buy it: it's how he is with everything, from office supplies to t shirts. he's not stingy: he buys a suit because it fits well, not because it's cheap. every once and a while he'll get something nice for himself if something catches his eye, but i doubt there's much that inspires him to make any extravagant purchases. i know gucci tie hotch is real aljkhsg but i really think those are gifts from rossi... the watches... whew that would be next level sugar daddy rossi so maybe he bought those for himself kasjhfgl
that being said, i don't think he ever puts a price limit on gifts for others, but will maintain dedication to practicality: it has to be something they'll love (flowers for penelope) or something they'll use a lot (headphones for morgan). he's not exactly the kinda guy to go all out for every gift giving holiday and get something perfect for every one every time, but every once and a while there may be a little anonymous present on their desk. it's always something that suits them or makes them smile, even on their worst days, and they all pretend they don't know it's from hotch. but when they have to get him gifts... for some reason it's so awkward for them. like. what do you get the guy who's ur boss but also kinda ur dad but also kinda ur friend but also kinda scary but also a loser??? their gifts tend to (unintentionally) reflect their own state of mind since it's kinda hard to think of stuff he would actually like. hotch appreciates the gesture regardless and never throws a single thing away. including the wrapping paper
i think it'd be cute if it was old books from law school. he's not necessarily a hoarder, but we know he's pretty sentimental, and those things are NOT cheap akjshdlg so he just kept them. ik theyre in the fBi so a lotta people he deals with tend to be bureaucrats or politicians... i bet they all notice that his office kinda looks more like a lawyer's office than anything else. unrelated but i'd like to yet again call attention to the bike rack
i agree that his inbox is probably extremely well organized. i don't think it's something he's anal about or anything? he just... has always been on top of his emails. he's never gone longer than 24hrs without clearing out his inbox, so it's never really had the chance to stack up and overwhelm him. it's not something he enjoys, it's not something he despises, it's just a part of his routine. something that needs to be done in a day. like brushing his teeth.
i love the emo hotch headcanon. tbh i think a lot of shit got fucked up after that. he was able to go back to work and be physically fit and whatever, but nothing was quite the same. between his injuries and not bothering to take care of himself as much as he should, he probably gets a lotta chronic conditions that set in earlier than they normally would. so he slowly accumulates things that make his life a little easier: painkillers in the bottom drawer of his desk, setting an alarm reminding him to take his meds, handwarmers in the desk and a heating pad tucked away close to the sofa when things get really bad, etc. the switch to technology makes "paperwork" go a little easier (he still gets stiff typing after a while and needs to do some hand exercises) but he's kinda used to the comfortable press of a pen in his hand, so he still uses pen and paper for certain things. i'm a 1000% sure penelope has gotten him one of those little aromatherapy pouches (likely handmade) which he smells from time to time. he's uncertain of the science behind it, but it still helps him feel better. he's not sure if it's actually working, if it's a placebo effect, or if just the reminder of penelope is what's doing the trick, but he's absolutely not going to ask reid and risk ruining it.
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manymanythoughts · 4 years
Introduction to The Desk
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This is where I’ve been doing all of my journal stuff~
It started out pretty sparse, but when I re-organized a bunch of stuff in my room i realized they’d be better organized here, it filled up pretty fast! I like it, though. I don’t like sparse, minimalism is my enemy, etc.
I was really sad when one of my past roommates moved away, but he left behind this desk for me as it didn’t fit in his new apartment. I got really into setting this up, and its been nice.
Under the cut is an overview of what’s where. I’m probably gonna make another post for my supplies.
From left to right:
The farthest left is a little shelving thingie that came with the desk. on the top is two boxes of markers and my lil bi prid flag, a post-it note with a list of horror movies i wanna watch someday lol. the middle shelf has more markers, a couple highlighters, the glue dot applicator thing, scratch art squares, a sculpting tool I’ve been using with the squares, staples and stapler, and post its. The bottom has a couple of half-feet rulers, superglue, a hole punch, even more markers, colored pencils, and art sketch pencils.
Next is my two lil compartment things- the first with erasers, black and blue pens, various colored pens, and sharpeners, the second with pencils both wooden and mechanical, highlighters, and a couple fun lil stamp wheels.
Next is a vintage display case (I’ve actually got all three of a set- this one, a larger middle one, and another one that mirrors it on the other end). It’s full of rocks that I won’t bother to name rn. Most notably, I have 8 palm and worry stones. I’ve also got antacids in a cute lil jar, bc why not put them in a cute lil jar?
I have some books next to that and, well, I put them there in hopes that it’d subconsciously convince me to read them. That didn’t happen. I’ve got Kindred by Octavia Butler, Dracula by Bram Stoker, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack, William Shakespeare’s sonnets, Solutions and other Problems by Allie Brosh, and a collection of stories by Ray Bradbury, and I haven’t touched any of them.
In the middle is my laptop, which is holding up surprisingly good. It’s a 2015 MacBook Pro. The only problem with it, and whenever I get a new laptop I’ll probably splurge for this, is storage- I’ve got some dead space from software deletions that I can’t seem to recover.
The lil raised thing is connected to the desk in the back. idk what that was for, but whatever, it’s a place for my lil kitschy shit. A neuron plushie, crochet Oddish,  gay pride fan, lil puzzle boy that folds up into a box, a Brian Andreas framed print, a vintage star trek pin, a lil crochet turtle, ceramic snail, Xerneas figurine, pentagram pin, and larimar sphere. Under the raised things is electronics I want there but don’t really want to see- headphones, usb mouse,  external charger, some different cords, a bunch of stuff.
Next is some stim toys- a pebble friend my partner made me years ago that mostly works to keep my phone cord in place lol, a fidget spinner, fidget cube, lil magnet balls, and a lil rosewood rattle.
Finally, there are the decorative tapes- 60 on the nine tape dispensers, three large ones, five tapes on its own dispenser, and 12 in the lil compartment thingie at the end for 80 total. The compartment thingie also holds a bunch of stickers- 19 sets, and 22 sheets above it.
And as you can see, half the wall is covered in prints and postcards and the occasional sticker. It’s fun.
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rosebudcosplays · 4 years
Tools pt1
alright starting with scissors
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the pile of scissors on the left I ONLY use for fabric. The silver ones are my favorite bc they stay sharp the longest, but they're also super expensive so don't go buy them because you think you HAVE to have them. The orange ones are what I looked for when I did costuming and had to replace the scissors. They're cheap, easy to find (walmart, fabric aisle), they work very well, and they were distinct so I could put a sign up saying "orange scissors are for fabric only!" and the actors would leave them alone. 10/10 would recommend the orange scissors.
The pile of scissors on the right are my genral every day scissors. I don't use these on fabric bc they're duller and don't cut as well.
The weird black thing at the top is a scissor sharpener! I have no idea where my grandma got it but I love it. The reason why you want scissors specific for fabric is because every time you cut something the scissors dull. To cut fabric, especially some of the weirder stretch fabric, you need the sharpest scissors you can get. Fabric scissors tend to stay sharper for longer. I know that grocery and craft stores do knife/scissor sharpenings occasionally, just keep an eye out for those. It's usually a few bucks, but if you have a good pair (cough like the orange ones) you wont need to sharpen them often.
The last set at the bottom are actually pinking sheers. When you're working with fabric that shreads easily those are the scissors you use because it'll help prevent the fabric from falling apart.
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they basically give the fabric some room to shread without falling apart.
next needles
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The first one is a sack needle. I have no use for it but it comes in the weird needles packs so I have accumulated some.
The next ones are my sharp needles. These come in a bunch of sizes but generally any of them but the thick one will work for you.
The middle ones are dull needles. I have no idea why I have so many but I don't use these if I can help it.
The second from the right are my leather needles. I honestly use these the most. The tips are triangular shaped. I have cut myself just brushing across the side of the tip... But if you're working with tough fabric like leather or vinyl or sewing patches onto a jacket these are your best bet.
The last ones are "carpet" needles. (Thats what the pack called them.) I really only use these for book binding.
Yes! You will prick your finger! Just keep bandaids nearby.
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These are my thimbles. THEY DO NOT PROTECT YOUR FINGERS FROM THE NEEDLE. The point of a thimble is to give your finger a little extra padding to help push the needle through. I usually have a couple on my fingers at a time bc I switch between my thumb and my fingers. The metal ones and the brown one with a coin in it are my favorites.
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ngl i hate needle threaders because I snap them so easily. The silver ones usually come with needle packs and in handfuls because they just snap so easily. You push the wire through the needle, thread the thread through, and pull.
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These are both your best friend and worse enemy. They're seam rippers and they'll undo the stiches... but that usually means I messed up (bc I was rushing!!! bc I'm impatient!!!) and so I have to take out the whole line and start over.
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various marking tools. Honestly chalk or a B/2B pencil works best for me. Markers I use on leather/ vinyl. My gran only used fabric markers (the four little stubs on the left) It's just personal preference, just make sure it'll wash out if you need it to.
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this stuff is magic. It stops fabric from fraying. It's cheap. You can find it at walmart. Your ribbons will never fray apart again. It does leave the edge feeling rough compared to the rest of the fabric. Test it on a scrap of fabric first bc it can change the color of the fabric.
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leo-desk · 7 years
Tips on spending less money on school and its supplies
Don’t throw away used pens, markers or highlighters: if you are the kind of person who uses the same brand over and over again this will be very helpful since if you lose the cap of your marker, pen or whatnot, you can replace it by an old one. Same goes if say the pen itself cracks and you are left with an ink cartridge, you can use it as a refill for an older pen. And if you don’t throw away your old pens you can just go ahead and buy only refills for them, even if the brand doesn’t offer one. You can buy standard refills and cut them to the size of your pen, or if they are instead ink deposit ones, buy an ink bottle to refill them(I might do a post on the whole refilling thing later). You can even customize your old school supplies like putting a red refill on a normal black pen or gel pen ink in a ballpoint one or soaking old markers in the blue or black ink you use for your pens.
Don’t buy very low quality products: You understand why in the long run. Poor quality lasts less and can really be a pain. Instead opt for low price products that are a good imitation of the real thing by generic brands. I may not be of much help on this bc the availability of different brands in different country but an example of this is choosing the cheaper turkish 8B pencil against the 3 times pricier german one.
Don’t buy doubles: Don’t buy a pair of everything, most of the time you won’t need them. Plus you can buy spares as you go and you actually need them. Or if you want to be safe buy big packs of the basic products and split them with your sibling(the price too) or cousin or even parent because they too need pens and pencils. Also don’t get similar products. Don’t get a pack of colorful ballpoint pens and another one of gel pens. Don’t buy a hand-held sharpener and another one with a deposit. Instead choose the more suitable to your pencil case or other needs products.
DIY smartly: What I mean by this is that there are some DIYs out there which not only can cost up to 5 times the price of the manufactured product but you also have big chances of failing if they aren’t your thing. Instead take the time to calculate the total cost of the DIY and compare it to shop alternatives. Then see if you can afford to mess it up and then decide. Also if the cost of the DIY is cheap bc it requires just a little of x product remember that you will have to buy the whole product just for that one particular piece. A good DIY should also spend less of your time bc the most important thing is writing in itslef not the utensil you use for it.
Don’t throw away any blank pages on notebooks even if there are only two left: Instead tear them out and make flashcards or notepads out of them. As for hardbound journal pages which are very hard to tear well don’t. Use them for sketches, drawing ideas, essay planning, homework layout ideas etc.
Use coupons and buy in big stores: well we all know why coupons make stuff cheaper but why shall we but supplies in big stores? Well bc they generally have better sales and different 3 in 1 or whatever options. Even though nowadays online stores and small shops have the same offers. Another tip is to use a youtuber’s or studyblr’s discount code or for college students the student card also lifts some weight. Don’t buy all of your textbooks if it is allowed. You can find pdf copies of them online(sth you should do before the beginning of the new academic year) or lend them at libraries or borrow a friend’s and take a photo/photocopy of some particular pages like those with schemes or diagrams which you may also not be able to reproduce that well by hand and for the rest part take organized notes. You can also buy used ones or take your older siblings/ cousins/ maybe even neighbors if you are close to them. 
 Pick a theme: If you pick a certain color scheme or theme(for ex:figure skating) it is going to help you not to be tempted by the endless cute things the market has to offer which for example are sushi-themed. Pick a theme that’s broad and preferably somewhat popular and that you like so you can actually find all the things you need with what you want and be content with it. A good theme are galaxies/space in my opinion bc there are lots of supplies featuring it. But your theme may also be something like Japan, basketball, succulents, flowers or symbols filled stuff(like notebook with chinese symbol script on top or a fandom symbol). Another option are color schemes and they are probably the best in that you can be versatile as long as it is one of the three(more colors would sort of lose the notion of a them) colors you chose. The options are endless and personal and maybe you don’t like the rigidity of a theme in which case please don’t try to have one. The whole idea is meant to keep you in check with your finances but content with your choices.
 Use libraries all the time. While there is a plethora of wonderful free apps&websites to help you study, most excellent apps&websites offer only a lite version for free which is understandable. To make up for the gap that the crazy prices of extra exercise books, textbooks for self-study and some online methods have but for the sensible prices as well gain use your school’s and area’s library combined together. You don’t have to spend all that time there just lend the books and go study them where you wish. Most of the time you will find all that you need.
Borrow from your siblings or other close people all that stuff you know you will only need once. This is sort of truly personal but if you will only use sth once than try borrowing it and lend stuff to people yourself, too. One thing that I only use twice the whole year are those rulers which are like a half circle and measure angles, whose names in english I don’t know.
Digitalize all you can: Downloading a free digital planner is of course cheaper than buying an actual one and all the stickers you will need to decorate it, of course if you have the electronic device to do so. When I say all you can I mean trying to digitalize all the stuff that your own preferences allow you to. If it hurts your eyes reading digital notes than don’t make digital notes, your eyes are more important.
Hope this turns out useful
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squishysvt · 8 years
Kindergarten Teacher!Seventeen
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Request: seventeen as kindergarten teacher?
Apologies for taking so long! My exams wrapped up today so I’m finally free :^) Enjoy this cute memey bullet pointed request! -Admin Madi
Would feel as though he is the real father of all the children AKA loves them all dearly and would literally do anything for them
Teaches the kids important life lessons & to be very respectful so they grow up nicely! But also teaches them to have fun & enjoy everything they do!!
Tells them really bad dad jokes that make them really giggly and hyper but also makes them question their own dads bc “why can’t you be as funny as Mr.Choi?”
Is really keen on making sure they all eat enough and are dressed warm in winter bc his children must not get sick!!
The type of teacher to pat their heads as they leave the classroom and tell everyone about all the cute moments that happened that day
Tries really hard to be liked by all the kids and whines to his friends when they don’t show him enough affection
Is really nonchalant when they ask him mundane questions,, “Is it true that Santa isn’t real?” “Mhm.” lmfao he wouldn’t sugar coat anything bc he doesn’t want them to be hurt when they find things out later on in life
He’d also be that one teacher you can depend on like can’t get that juice box open? Mr.Yoon will open it for you dw he’s reliable my man
Has a super close bond with his students,,when they can tell he’s quieter than normal or having a bad day they’ll make him drawings that he hangs on his fridge and keeps till he’s 80
Loves to compliment the kids on e v e r y t h i n g like you colored inside the lines? They’re showered with praise and genuine admiration
Incorporates all of the kids favorite things into his lessons ex) gives them gummy bears when they answer a question right,,makes math problems about cartoon characters and covers the walls in colorful posters
Is the #1 kindergarten teacher when it comes to crying/upset children,, Literally so comforting y’all he’ll crouch down and wipe their tears away and cheer them up with some lame motivational speech that the kids think is legendary
Is super clumsy like he literally hits his legs off the desks and trips on the tiny chairs, but is somehow incredibly gentle with his actions and words
Is super supportive of everything the children do and what ideas they come up with,,You want to be an astronaut? He’ll offer to help build a rocketship for you
Is that one teacher that is oblivious to almost everything that is going on yet continues to be everyone's favorite bc he lets them do whatever they want
Ok I feel like kindergarten teacher Jun would take his job hella seriously like this guy literally walks in on the first day with a suit and glasses, hair gelled up and crayons ready to be dispersed
But his cool image lowkey intimidates the kids and so they ask him to stop with the theatrics and he ends up wearing black jeans and striped shirts the whole year bc relatable
He’s one of the advocators for the quiet kids and probably favors that one little shy kid who never speaks but is the sweetest thing on earth
Everyday is show n tell like if you want to show the class a rock you found outside 10 minutes ago be my guest
Is overly dramatic 100% of the time, his pencil broke *cue the deep sigh*, he spilt spaghetti on his slacks? *has 911 on speed dial* and lets the kids out early for recess
Brings so much high energy and fun to the class that the kids literally never want to leave and won’t pry themselves off when their parents come for them
Wants to accommodate everyone's learning needs and spends most of his nights thinking of little things he can implement to ensure they’re working to their full potential
Pulls a chair up next to the children at those hella low tables during snack break and whips out his own lunchbox that he packed himself (it’s loaded with gummies)
Promises that they’ll watch a movie or have playtime if they do well on their work but doesn’t care if they fail bc he wants to see the care bears just as badly as them
Creates a class cheer or some catchphrase that they all shout when grouped together like the squad they truly are
Okay so being a kindergarten teacher was never in his agenda but he has this soft spot for kids and seeing that look of happiness that spreads across their faces when they understand/learn something!! It’s precious ok
Is super duper awkward at first bc yo, how do you handle kids? He was so stiff and monotone that the kids literally thought their teacher was a robot and spread a rumor which got to the parents and Mr.Jeon got a very concerned phone call from a handful of mothers.
Is a really organized teacher and loves sitting down with each child individually and helping them with their reading!! It’s so cute he keeps a little notebook to the side to document their progress and personally chooses which books each child would like :)
The children still think that he’s super mysterious and are genuinely curious about what he does outside of school. The fact that they even care that much for him makes his heart melt and he always tells them little facts about himself if they’re being good that day.
He basically goes from this really quiet reserved guy to the world's dorkiest teacher who gushes to his class about his favorite cereal flavors and helps them operate the microwave on the daily
An amazing teacher. Literally goes ham with teaching the class how to add/subtract and raises an army of tiny geniuses. He’s always so lowkey proud that whenever anyone praises him or his class he gets all red and flustered bc yes, he did that.
He’s one of those teachers that wants you to succeed in life and do well but honestly, his class is so cute and he loves giving them breaks where they just all sit in a circle and talk about toys and tv shows and eat cookies.
He’s a sort of closed off guy, but he never hesitates to get to know the kids better and what they like. He’s so genuinely interested that he spends most nights trying to keep up with the hip shows and terms the kids are using
Will never fail to bring in homemade cupcakes on everyone's birthday with their favorite color of icing and a card signed by the whole class for them! They all gather around with little party hats and have a wholesome time!!
Will never admit to it but cries when his class moves on to the next grade and he’s left with all those cute ass memories,, how is he ever going to get over them?? Send him a new batch pronto
Literally fits in with the kids like can he be classified as a teacher? Instead of taking breaks to drink coffee and adult he plays with toy cars and dolls with the kids on the floor at break time.
He never stops smiling, it’s actually so contagious his smile cures everything. The kids are so positive and content when he’s around that there’s hardly ever a problem with behaviour in his classroom
One of those teachers to have those periods where he gets each child to say a compliment about each other and it’s so cute!! The things they come up with are so pure that he wants to just adopt them all tbh
Probably strays from teaching half the time and gets them to do a lot of arts and crafts projects to give to their parents :”) but he adds in little life lessons along the way and why you need to be nice to everyone lmao no bitterness in this class allowed
Always struggles to open the milk cartons properly but doesn’t want to appear incapable so he pre-opens all of them to make life easier on everyone. Also always drops food on the floor, literally mark it down; every wednesday he will without a doubt sacrifice his slice of pepperoni to the flood gods
I know there’s this running joke that Mingyu is nasty but honestly he’d be that teacher who makes you use hand sanitizer 24/7. The kids hate it bc it smells horrible and tastes awful but Mr.Kim isn’t taking any of that crap from the kids but opts to buy a scented sanitizer to compromise.
The kids come up to him constantly and tell him useless information but just love seeing how he’ll react to the news. Mingyu is so expressive and endearing that a kid could literally say they sharpened a pencil and he’d be like :OO
Listen, all of the mothers have a lowkey crush on Mingyu and everyone knows it- except Mingyu. The children drop hints all the time and he just laughs and shakes his head and hits them with the “Aha, cute kid.”
He’d help zip and button up all of the children’s coats before they go outside and tie all their shoelaces and watch them very carefully to make sure that they don’t get hurt!
Also always has band-aids on hand, whether they’re stuffed in his pockets or in his bag, he always has them in case of emergencies! He has a great variety too, hit him up if you ever want a Hello Kitty band-aid :)
The kindergarten teacher with great balance. He’s playful and bright with the kids, but knows how to properly discipline them when needed. He’s that one teacher who looks like a sweetheart but will not hesitate to snap and go off on you
Tries really hard to make everything really easy to understand but ends up confusing himself and talks in circles. Doesn’t know whether to correct his mistakes or just roll with it bc they’re impressionable children and won’t know the difference.
The type to put class photos all over the walls and door. He’s like a proud dad and wants to display his family for all to see. He really cares for the kiddies & everyone needs to know that he has the best kindergarten class on the block or else he’ll be really bitter.
Fumbles a lot with organizing lessons and getting things together, but mostly pulls thru by sheer luck and the help of the kids healing smiles and multiple coffee breaks.
Is really soft spoken and kind when it comes to the kids and jokes with them all the time. He’s the teacher with inside jokes over mistakes he’s made or things he’s said that has made the class laugh in the past.
Literally the #1 promoter, supporter, fan, you name it; Boo Seungkwan is it. Is literally head over heels for his kiddos and wants to shout out just how fond he is of them. Dressed up as a cheerleader on Halloween and did a cheer for the class which they adored.
Brings in different snacks every day for the kids to try and says it’s bc he wants to “expand their food horizons�� but it’s really an excuse to extend snack period. No one is complaining.
Makes up those cute little catchy songs and rhymes to get things to stick in their heads. He subconsciously finds himself singing during his lessons but never corrects this habit, as it makes everyone listen more intently and happier.
Incredibly defensive when it comes to his children. Brings out every roast in the book if someone ridicules his way of teaching or scores his students got on a test. Insulting one of his kids is like murdering his parents, and Seungkwan is having none of that.
Literally bursts into tears when he sees them walk across the stage with their tiny little kindergarten diplomas and paper hats. Is so incredibly proud of their accomplishments that he ends up giving a 20 minute speech on how endearing the class was when eating their cookies with milk.
Still doesn’t know how he got the job or why he applied. He never wanted to be a teacher and yet here he was, responsible for 20+ kids and their future. Great decision on whoever’s part.
The kind of teacher who says “Umm” and “Uhh” constantly. Buys books online with pre-made lessons that he poorly executes. Shrugs most of the time and nods at everything he reads, as if literally anything suggested at this point would be better than whatever shit is in those pre-school agendas.
Is trying his best to not seem like he’s half assing his job. Makes Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the class and even cuts off the crust for the little monsters. Nearly ends up killing the kid with a severe peanut allergy. Learned that asking about allergies beforehand is a life saver.
Shows up to work in jeans and a t-shirt for a good 4 months before he was mistaken for the older sibling of one of the kids. His professionalism levels sky rocketed after that. Doesn’t come to school if he isn’t in slacks and a button up.
Believes that maybe acting like an older brother to the kids would be a more effective way of teaching them. Holds kindergarten council meetings once a week to lay down the law on where everyone is at on the terms of nap time. Crucial info circulates.
Hardcore kindergarten teacher who lets his kids take 5 minute stretch breaks in between sessions. He interacts and joins in on the fun most days as they do wild activities like finger painting without smocks and cheating in hopscotch.
Chases the kids around during play time and pretends to be a dinosaur or monster to scare them,,Although he can be very mannerly when invited to a tea party.
Is the fun teacher who lets you have a prize from the treasure chest for answering a simple question right. Practically lives at the Dollar Store since he gives so many small goodies out in the run of a day.
Probably has a secret handshake with every single child in his class. Thinks that he’s hip with the kids for once, but is still a kid himself. Stays up super later correcting spelling tests he forgot at the bottom of his bag and loves using pen.
Shortened Math class in order to have time to dance everyday & has a playlist created for everyday of the week. He becomes the Ellen Degeneres of his classroom as he dances through the children and desks everyday at the same time.
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