#also we realized there’s a LOT of aunts in this podcast actualky
rough sketch but, proudly presenting…
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AASIMARS AND AUNTIES!! aka @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls and me desperately clinging to dndads with our trembling hands and offering this season 3 pitch/au/thing! uhh we haven’t figured out what this is exactly lol BUT!!! i am actually losing my mind over this <3
BASICALLY! aasimars & aunties (edit: which i believe @koymoa came up with! please lmk if you don’t want me using your idea!!) takes place in HEAVEN after willy fucked it up and now these aunts have to FIX IT!!!
starring: casey wilson, ellory, birdie oak (who’s just there for fun she’s not dead. glares at anthony), erin o’niel because i said so, and mark likely!!!
ok i did the thing can the brainrot PLEASE let me sleep /j
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