#also why did i search up the right spelling for bandanna like 3 times-
wheres-my-pencil · 4 years
what if ranboo headcanon go brr (plus backstory since i got carried away)
- ranboo used to be an enderman forever (endermen are immortal in the timespan sense) - he longed to have friends his whole life when he was full enderman, but could never look at anyone without accidentally hurting them (developed a fear of hurting people), and other endermen didnt seem to talk much, or at all. he never had a friend growing up - he traveled the world looking for a cure from of enderman instincts (forced to kill by eye contact), but mostly he just felt less alone when he was always exploring (eventually discovered that as long as he had a helmet the rain wouldnt hurt him) - BACKSTORY STARTS HERE: ranboo went to a nether ruin once and almost died. he was actually supposed to die but a spirit told him that he would be brought back to life because ranboo was kind and didnt steal anythin from the ruin. ranboo begged to be brought back with the ability to see others without killing them out of his control. the spirit agreed, but under a few conditions. - they said something along the lines of "in this world of nature, the laws of equivalent exchange are everywhere. its the reason everything in nature happens to be balanced. it would be impossible for you to go your whole life without taking another life if you didn't have this power, and unfortunately the opposite of the ability to give mercy is to kill. if i give you this power and you kill no one for the rest of your life, it would set nature out of balance. i will give you a month to kill one creature out of your own will, without the curse of your eyes. after this month you will be granted your wish. if you fail you will not only gain a lifespan, but you will be forced to kill the one closest to you to make up for the future lives that you have the ability to spare." ranboo was nervous, but agreed since he hated the idea of being forced to kill for the rest of his life. - for the first week ranboo kept travelling, trying to build up the will to kill creatures he came across, but couldnt bring himself to do it. he eventually gave up, accepting the fate of being forced to kill. he thought that one more time of killing without free will would make up for the live he would save in the future, and he was used to accidentally taking lives even if it hurt him. - timeskip to a few days passing, he meets a blind fox in a spruce forest. it wasnt just blind though, it was hurt. it's eyes were scratched out and it was bleeding under the shadow of a tree. ranboo carried it to a temorary campsite he made in a small cave and tended to its wounds. the fox still didnt have eyes, but ranboo stopped the bleeding and eventually a scab grew overnight. in hopes that it would hurt less, ranboo ripped a peice of cloth from his leather shirt that a villager traded with him long ago, (warily though, endermen were known to be very hostile,) and wrapped it gently around the fox's head, just so the whiskers were still out but the scab was safe. he was happy he got to help a creature before the inevitability he had to face, so he felt a little better about the future. he packed his few things and set off to keep travelling, but something rubbed at his ankle. the foxes ears perked up at his footsteps and ran towards the sound, nuzzling ranboo's pant leg as if begging to come with him. - "bud, you gotta stay in the forest, its not safe where i'm going," ranboo explained in a pitiful yet sincere voice, trying to say it in a tone that the fox would hopefully understand. the fox persisted, facing the source of ranboo's voice and tilting its head. he had a hard time rejecting the fox, especially since this was the first creature who wasn't immediately scared of him. the first creature who... cared about him. ranboo folded, "alright, but if you're coming along you bet im keeping you safe. ill call you... bandanna! you cool with that?" the fox stood up abruptly wagging his tail after ranboo finished talking in his cheerful tone. -  for the next week or so, ranboo and bandanna traveled across mountains and valleys, oceans and plains, pretty much wherever the world led them. from time to time, ranboo made sure to wash the cloth and and wrap it back around bandanna's head to keep him safe. bandanna was stealthy and affectionate, and ranboo was resourceful and curious. as long as they had each other, they were safe. ranboo would always protect bandanna. - in the last week of the month he had before the curse, ranboo realized he was fully content living beside the first creature he could call a friend. they settled down for a while in the desert, with only the occasional rabbit passing by their newly built hut. bandanna often sat on ranboo's lap when he was making maps of their journey routes, and ranboo often watched bandanna chase rabbits for food. (well, almost, ranboo actually couldnt stand the sight, but was still happy he didnt have to kill anything when bandanna did it himself.) it was quiet, but a peaceful one. at this point he didn't care about the future, in fact he had completely forgotten that he was looking for a "cure" in the first place. that was his first mistake. - ranboo had promised to keep bandanna safe, and he always made sure of it. the last day of the month rolled around. ranboo woke up one evening at dawn outside the house, nearby the crops he planted earlier. it was strange, that ranboo could have sworn he washed the beet juice off of his hands, but there it was. - almost stained in the logs surrounding him in the crop area. almost stained. ranboo found this peculiar, as he fell asleep hours ago. one would think if he was working with beet juice, it would have dried by now. he stood up, no longer looking under him, he saw the trail of... beet juice that followed his spot... coming from the hut. the door was open. he never left the door open. - alarmed, he stood up quickly. well, he tried. a massive headache washed over him as he collapsed back to the floor. his left arm, why was it fading to pure white? not only was it his arm, but the color seemed to climb up his shoulder and neck. the realization hit him like a freezing arrow. "the curse," he whispered to himself. his breath grew shaky and cold. "no. no way. no, no, no, NO-" ranboo ran, tripping through the dim desert and back on the damp, crimson trail towards the hut. "it can't be." but it was. the red was much clearer on the hardwood. - he dropped to his knees. the tears mixed with the blood pooling from a battered friend. the blood was almost dry now. ranboo promised. he said he would always keep bandanna safe, yet there he was, life drained into the floors. unable to comprehend what had happened, ranboo cradled bandanna's fragile body in his arms. "...bud? i- i just planted some beets! i think you'd like them. please, stay with me. we havent even seen the rest of the world yet- i... havent finished the maps." bandanna didnt keep him warm. his tail didn't flinch in the slightest. - timeskip to sitting by bandanna's grave. it was raining, but it didnt hurt him. ranboo wished he could take it all back. he didn't even care about the curse anymore. he just wanted to see his friend again. he only ever wanted a friend that he didnt just scare away or hurt. he came to the conclusion that the curse just was him, and that no matter what he did, he ended up hurting everyone around him. - he may have been able to look into others eyes now, but the only thing that mattered about ranboo's eyes were that they got to see bandanna chasing animals, or playing with string. or asking to follow him across the world again. AAAAND RIGHT BACK TO HEADCANON NOTES: - ranboo ended up never killing anyone willingly in his life, but still caused the losses of lives when he was an enderman - introverted, scared of scaring others away, he was impressionable bc he never really got the chance to talk to anyone so he sort of bended to peer pressure and felt he had no choice but to listen to what others told him - rain doesnt actually hurt him anymore, he was just so used to wearing a helmet when it rained that it felt more comfortable to always wear one - also why he stays neutral is bc he doesnt want anyone to scare anyone away, he's kind to everyone because friendship is insanely valuable to him after being alone for so long - irl ranboo quote (along the lines of it at least idk); techno: "whats your favorite word, ranboo" ranboo: "friendship" - he also tries to help others to make up for all he's done, even though he's never willfully hurt anyone
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